User Manual Admin Pages - AquaLog Digital Logging User manual AquaLog Aqualog Digital Log-keeping Tool for fish farms and equipment Index Logg deg på Aqualog 2 Oversiktsbilde ved innlogging ”Velkommen til Aqualog” 2 2 Oversiktsbilde ved innlogging ”Velkommen til Aqualog” Meny 3 Topp menyen 3 Sjekklister 3 Lokaliteter 4 Dokumenter 5 Rapporter 6 Søk 6 Avvik 7 2 2 Hvordan redigere anlegg og komponenter 8 Legg til komponenter 9 Endrer eller legger til komponent data 11 Endrer eller legger til komponent dokumenter Legge til en sjekkliste til komponent 12 Legge til et avvik rett i komponenten 12 Komponent Log 12 Flytt komponenter til lager 13 Sjekklister og registering av Avvik Brukernavn og personlig data Support 11 14 16 17 1. Log on to Aqualog Admin Pages 1. Go to 2. Log in with username and password 1.1 When logged in to AquaLog ”Welcome to Aqualog” When logging in to AquaLog, as a default, When you log in with will get listed your tasks that have fallen due this week and for some time to come. You can always come back to this page by pressing the checklists that you can find in the menu on the left next to your user name. 1.2 Top Menu We have two menu bars in Aqualog user setup. The top menu in the upper right of the window, and under the left menu.Topp menyen 1.2.1 Checklists Checklists provides an overview of activities in the form of checklists to be performed.Sjekkliste meny i venstre marg You can: See >> deviation of mine facilities: This menu takes you to the Dev menu which is described in a separate section. My Facilities: List of facility you are connected to, and you can easily go to a facility by clicking on the name. You will be taken to the service index with information about the location and access to locality-specific documents and outstanding discrepancies. Create a new Activity. (Just for the Admin user) 1.2.2 Location Here's a list of sites that are in the system, with contact information.1.2.3 Documents Here you have access to all the documents that have been uploaded in the system. You can also add new, delete, and edit the directories / folders, and upload documents to the folder. By first upload them on this page you can later attach documents to the components and devices such as. , Mooring components, fleet and nets. You can: Document >> List. Takes you back to the document Search documents: Allows you to search by key words in the document list to the required document. Select a folder and press edit text to rename the folder. Select a folder and press Delete to delete a folder Select either the "Documents" folder or a subfolder to add a new folder under the selected folder. 1.2.4 Report Under Reports you can print including exception reports. Select the type of report, service, Under Reports you can print including exception reports. Select the type of report, service, time and pressure generating report. The report can then be printed or saved in PDF format on the PC. 1.2.5 Search One can easily search for specific components or equipment from the facility. It's easy to create lists of such nets with a certain diameter, or a list based on where the nets are. First select the search criterion under Property. Itemtype allows you to search for specific component types such as nets, floating collar and the like by selecting komponentypen under Values. If you want to narrow your search for a type of component to a site tick of the facilities and select the desired service. Furthermore, you can filter on the component name / ID and / or description. If you want to narrow your search for a type of component to a site tick of the facilities and select the desired service. Furthermore, you can filter on the component name / ID and / or description. When you have selected your search criteria and filter press the search. Subscribers will receive the search results in a list form. 1.2.6 Deviance The deviation you get a complete list of deviations detected through Aqualog. You can select the menu bar to the right: New >> Dev. Gives you a list of new discrepancies sign in Aqualog. Closed >> error: Gives you a list of closed 2 How to edit a facility and components Status takes you to the site's main page with information and documents relate to the plant. Edit image: allows you to tag components and draw new equipment. Editing Structure: We can add or move components, edit component data and linking documents to components. Other activities: Provides a search function for activities of the facility. You can search for weeks, months or years, and the status of the activity. Moving components: When components or equipment is due for service or stock can easily move components from the locality in the system. We will be in a separate paragraph to go through how the different functions work. We will now go through how to: ✓ Adds components ✓ Changing or adding component data ✓ Adds or changes the component documents ✓ Moving components to create 2.1 Add a component to your facility To add a component, we choose first locality we want to add the component to. We also choose Edit Structure from the menu on the left: Then navigate Mon in the folder structure until you find the desired location for the new component. In this example, the Cage 1 Then press the Add components to your right of the screen. Enter the name of the component, a description, and select the type of component. Click Add component when you are done. Component puts himself into the folder you selected. 2.1.1 Edit or add component data Navigate to the desired component and press it. To the right, we get the properties of the selected component. We can easily go in and edit it by pressing the Edit Component 2.1.2 Edit or add a document/sertificate to a component Under Properties we find documents. Here we can add documents we have uploaded to Aqualog Documents from the menu described earlier. Press the Add documents. Identify the requested document from the folder to the site, select the files and click Attach Files. 2.1.3 Add an event-based checklist to a component (ex. Diver inspection) Checklists provide a list of all event-based checklists that are associated with the component of the plant. Examples of such checklists are diving inspections or other emerging activities must be documented in Aqualog. 2.1.4 Add or register a deviance directly to a component without using a checklist. Deviations registered on a component will be registered under the component. Here, you can enter manually adding a deviation outside of a checklist. 2.1.5 Component Log provides an overview of all the actions that have been performed on a component. You can add an event in the log manually. 3 How to move a component We will now move a component from one location and we go to the page to the desired site. Here we select Move components in the left menu. Visit to the service component (s) shall be transferred to and squatting on the components to be moved. Then select the folder to which you want to move the component and press 4 Checklists and deviances 4.1 Checklists In the Checklist, we get an overview of the checklists to be performed. Choose checklist to be performed from the proper equipment: Ok if no deviation. By Dev select Failures By irrelevant status select Irrel. Here you can enter a comment about the component and task performed. It is also possible to upload a document or image to each item on the checklist In the performed box there will be a digital signature that contains the color code to the status of the task, OK Failure Irrel. We now have a checklist. Perform checklist and log into the system: 4.2 registering a deviance in the checklist Any deviation brings up a deviation form to fill out. Start by selecting the appropriate component. In the this example there is only one hanefot with Id. One located inside. Enter the name and description of the deviation, before choosing the degree of the deviation. If the deviation is severe or 4.3 Kommentarer og notat knyttet til selve sjekklisten You can also add a comment to the whole list before exiting to highlight lists that done. Note: Pressing the MARKER TO COMPLETE, all tasks not performed / OK be marked as Irrelevant. If you do not have an iPad you can carry around the plant can print the checklist. One can also easily mark all as OK after you have performed the checklist. If the checklist is no longer relevant, you can delete this. 5 Editing pictures and tagging components and equipment 6 Username and profile data By clicking on your user name, you can change your personal data and / or password. (>> See my permissions and >> See my messages are not yet fully developed.) Support Torgeir Solberg 93414555 [email protected] 27 Harald Tronstad 97026969 [email protected]
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