Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 Available at November 20, 2014 High Precision Computation of Morlet Wavelet Transform for Multi-period Analysis of Climate Data ⋆ Hua Yi ∗, Zhiquan Chen ∗, Yanhua Cao ∗ School of Mathematics and Physics, Jinggangshan University, Ji’an 343009, China Abstract The algorithms of continuous wavelet transform based on Morlet wavelets are analyzed. The algorithm analysis, advantage and disadvantage, and remedial method of FFT-based method are given. And then the algorithm proposed in this paper is free of shortcomings of FFT-based method and its precision is the best among existing linear-convolution-based methods. Thirdly, two different normalizations for the computation of continuous wavelet transform are proposed in order to obtain high-precision characterization of data. Finally, we stress the importance of suitable algorithms by analyzing the multi-period structure of climate data. Keywords: Morlet Wavelet; Continuous Wavelet Transform; Entropy; FFT; Convolution; Matlab 1 Introduction The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) is widely used as a common tool for analyzing localized variations of power within a time series, and therefore the program realization of CWT for signal analysis is becoming increasing interest. This article focuses on the computation of CWT with Morlet wavelets based on Matlab (matrix laboratory) for two reasons. Firstly, Matlab is a high-level language and interactive environment and widely used in academic and research institutions. In addition, the algorithms of CWT were developed by many researchers and the source codes about CWT, written in Matlab language, are freely available in internet besides cwt function in wavelet toolbox of Matlab. For instance, a Matlab freeware for data analysis, called JLAB, witten by Lilly, is available at Torrence and Compo (1998) have given a practical step-by-step guide to wavelet analysis, with examples taken from time series of the El Ni˜ no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and developed a code at the URL for computing the continuous wavelet transform of ⋆ Supported jointly by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11347210), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (No. 20132BAB201014), and the Doctoral Starting up Foundation of Jinggangshan University (No. JZB1304). ∗ Corresponding author. Email addresses: [email protected] (Hua Yi), [email protected] (Zhiquan Chen), [email protected] (Yanhua Cao). 1548–7741 / Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press DOI: 10.12733/jics20104715 6370 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 time series [11]. Another freeware, which contains the source program of CWT, known as WaveLab, can be retrieved at:∼wavelab, and so on. Secondly, the complex Morlet wavelets, with the property of optimal localization in time and frequency domains, have been widely used for modeling multiscale nonstationary processes in space and time. In 1993, Meyers studied the dispersion of Yanai waves with Morlet wavelets [8]. The wavelet transform with Morlet wavelets has also been used to identify periodic oscillations of real-life signals [2]-[4], [13]-[15]. There are several different ways to implement a continuous wavelet transform. The simplest method is numerical integration for the transform using classical quadrature (such as a trapezoidal rule). The drawback of this technique is that it is time consuming. Unser proposed a fast noniterative algorithm in which the input signal and the analyzing wavelet are both represented by polynomial splines for the evaluation of continuous wavelet transforms. However, this method can only deal with integer scales [12]. To fully exploit the advantages of continuous wavelet transform, FFT-based algorithms, which allow us to use arbitrary values for the scale variable, are widespreadly employed in aforementioned Matlab freeware toolboxes, such as JLAB, WaveLab, and Torrence’s codes etc. However, the method will produce an artificial periodicity in the wavelet coefficients if signal is not periodic since this method assumes that data is cyclic. Therefore, a data processing method is proposed to overcome this problem after the principle of FFT-based method is analyzed and the issues will be addressed in Section 3.2. At the same time, the function cwt in wavelet toolbox of Matlab, will not suffer this pseudo periodic problem because the algorithm involves linear convolution instead of circular convolution. Yet the precision for analyzing data is less than FFT-based method. And the errors caused by differential coefficient was analyzed [17]; the algorithm was modified by Zhao [17]. The algorithm is further studied in this paper so that the precision for analyzing data is enhanced, which is another goal of this paper and will be addressed in Section 3.1. The third goal, the focus of Section 2, is to propose two normalizations of mother wavelet and time-frequency atoms ψa,b (t) when conducting continuous wavelet transform so that the characteristics of signal are accurately depicted with wavelet coefficients. In Section 4, a physical signal—temperature data is analyzed in order to illustrate the importance of suitable continuous wavelet transform method, which is the fourth goal of this paper. 2 2.1 Morlet Wavelets and Continuous Wavelet Transform Morlet Continuous Wavelet Transform (MWT) The Morlet wavelet is a plane wave modulated by a Gaussian function, and is defined as −t2 ψ(t) = C · e 2σ2 eiηt , (1) where η is the center frequency, σ 2 is the shape parameter to control time and frequency resolution, and C is a constant which should take different values according to different definition of continuous wavelet transform. The Morlet Wavelet Transform (MWT) of signal f (t) at time b H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 6371 and scale a is calculated [6]: ∫ Wf (a, b) = +∞ −∞ (t − b) 1 f (t) √ ψ ∗ dt, a a where ∗ denotes complex conjugation. Then the constant C should be (2) 1 1 (σ 2 π) 4 and the mother wavelet takes the form [6] ψ(t) = 1 −t2 1 (σ 2 π) 4 · e 2σ2 eiηt (3) so that ∥ψa,b (t)∥2 = ∥ψ(t)∥2 = 1, where ψa,b (t) are the family of time-frequency atoms obtained by scaling ψ by a and translating it by b, that is 1 (t − b) ψa,b (t) = √ ψ . a a (4) . 2.2 Modified Morlet Continuous Wavelet Transform (MMWT) Different normalization may be found in the literature [1, 16]. If we define the family ψa,b as ψa,b 1 (t − b) = ψ , a a (5) we can get ∥ψa,b ∥1 = ∥ψ(t)∥1 [1, 15]. Furthermore, if we change the constant C so that the mother wavelet is defined as √ −t2 2 iηt 2σ 2 · e ψ(t) = · e , (6) πσ 2 we have ∥ψa,b ∥1 = ∥ψ(t)∥1 = 2 [15]. In that case, we can define the Modified Morlet Wavelet Transform (MMWT) as ∫ +∞ 1 (t − b) dt. (7) Wf (a, b) = ⟨f, ψa,b ⟩ = f (t) ψ ∗ a a −∞ It should be mentioned that the complex Morlet wavelet function known as cmor, is defined in 2 wavelet toolbox as cmor(t) = (π · F b)−0.5 e2iπ·F c·t e−t /F b , where F b is a bandwidth parameter, and F c is a wavelet center frequency. In order to ensure that ∥cmor(t)∥1 = 2, we modify the cmor in this paper so that 2 cmor(t) = 2 · (π · F b)−0.5 e2iπ·F c·t e−t /F b . (8) For more information on the comparison between MWT and MMWT, we refer the reader to [15]. The algorithms for MWT and MMWT are almost the same except for the constant C of mother wavelet and the normalizations of time-frequency atoms ψa,b (t). On the other hand, MMWT maintains the same amplitude between the original frequency component and the wavelet coefficients, which qualify itself as a superior tool for analyzing data [15, 16]. Therefore, algorithms for MMWT will be exclusively addressed in the following part of this article. 6372 3 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 Algorithms for MMWT 3.1 Time-domain-based Algorithms The algorithm of cwt in wavelet toolbox, Zhao’s codes, and the algorithm proposed in this article are all based on the convolution of signal and wavelets in time domain. The proposed algorithm is first introduced, and then the other two are given. 3.1.1 The Proposed Algorithm Assume the support of the mother wavelet ψ(t) is [−T, T ]. If define 1 (t) ψa (t) = ψ a a (9) 1 ∗ ( −t ) ∗ e , ψa (t + a · T ) = ψ a (t) = ψa (−t) = ψ a a (10) and the support of ψea (t) = a1 ψ ∗ ( a·Ta−t ) is [0, 2a·T ]. Then the samples of ψea (t) is the impulse response of a causal system. The wavelet transform, which is basically a linear filter whose response function is given by the wavelet function, can be rewritten as a convolution: ∫ Wf (a, b) = +∞ −∞ 1 (t − b) f (t) ψ ∗ dt = f ∗ ψ a (b) = f ∗ ψea (b + a · T ). a a (11) Denote the sampled signal by {fd (i), i = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1}, with sample frequency 1. As for the samples of wavelet ψ a (t), we make use of the analytic expression of ψ(t) defined in (6) or cmor defined in (8) and sample ψ a (t) in [−aT, aT ] with sample frequency 1 . And so we obtain { } ψ a (ti ) : ti = −aT + i, i = 0, 1, · · · , 2a · T , (12) the discrete version of ψ a (t)1 . Then we have the following result corresponding to the discrete version of (11). Proposition 1: Let ha (i) = ψ a (ti − aT ) = ψea (ti ), i = 0, · · · , 2a · T. (13) Wf (a, i) = fd ∗ ha (i + aT ), i = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1, (14) Then where ∗ denotes the linear convolution operator. 1 Without loss of generality, assume the sampling rates of data to be analyzed and the wavelet are equal to 1 and a · T is an integer for the convenience of analysis. H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 6373 Proof: For i = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1, discretizing (11) yields Wf (a, i) = fd ∗ ψ a (ti ) = N −1 ∑ fd (k)ψ a (ti−k ) k=0 = = N −1 ∑ k=0 N −1 ∑ fd (k)ψea (aT + ti−k ) = N −1 ∑ fd (k)ψea (−aT + aT + i − k) k=0 fd (k)ψea (taT +i−k ) = fd ∗ ψea (taT +i ) = fd ∗ ha (i + aT ) (15) k=0 In brief, {fd ∗ ha (i), i = 0, 1, · · · , N + 2aT − 1} can be implemented with linear convolution, for example, the conv function in Matlab. Then {Wf (a, i), i = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1} are just the {fd ∗ ha (i), i = aT, aT + 1, · · · , aT + N − 1}. The computational complexity for the convolution-based algorithm depends on how the linear convolution operation is implemented. In real applications, one would like to use the convolution theorem together with the FFT in order to perform linear convolutions in the frequency-domain −1 2aT with reduced complexity [9]. For the data {fd (i)}N i=0 and the filter {ha (i)}i=0 . The classical frequency-domain approach requires to pad both signals with enough zeros to at least a size of N + 2aT . The complexity can be expressed as a function of N + 2aT . Then, we have that three FFTs are needed to transform the signals to the frequency-domain and back to the time-domain. log2 (N + 2aT ) complex For each of these, the FFT (or IFFT) requires approximately N +2aT 2 multiplications. The point-wise multiplication of the spectra requires N + 2aT multiplications. ) Hence, the total number of multiplications performed is N +2aT + 3(N +2aT log2 (N +2aT ) for each 2 scale a. For more information on some other method to perform the linear convolution adapting to the feature of the data, we refer the reader to [7, 10]. The main source program of this method is given in Appendix A2. 3.1.2 The Algorithm of cwt in the Toolbox of Matlab According to (7), Wf (a, b) = ∑∫ k k+1 k 1 (t − b) dt. f (t) ψ ∗ a a If f (t) = f (k), for t ∈ [k, k + 1], then ∫ k ∫ ( ) ) ( ∫ k+1 ( t − b ) 1∑ ∗ t−b ∗ Wf (a, b) = dt − ψ dt = f ∗ ∆ ψ a (b). f (k) ψ a k a a −∞ −∞ (16) (17) According to (17), the convolution in algorithm of cwt in the toolbox of Matlab involves a filter by first integrating, and then calculating the difference for the filter defined in (10). There is no error introduced until now because theoretically the composition of integration and differential will be an identity transform. However, practically the redundant operation will bring in some error. Zhao et al. proposed to discard directly these redundant operation [17]. The precision of Zhao’s codes is better than cwt’s. 6374 3.1.3 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 The Algorithm of Zhao In [17], three steps were used to obtain the filter defined in (13). Firstly, by using wavef un function of Matlab toolbox, the samples of the mother wavelet ψ(t) in [−T, T ] is computed as { }N 2T ψ(tj ), tj = −T + (j − 1) . (18) N −1 j=1 N , controlled by a precision parameter, may be 210 or 215 or others. In other words, N also depends on the sampling interval dw = 2T N −1 (19) of the mother wavelet. In this case, except for round-off error, there is no other error introduced for the samples because these samples are computed with the analytic expression of the Morlet wavelet. Secondly, in order to obtain { }i=2aT +1 1 t′i ′ ′ ψa (ti ) = ψ( ), ti = −aT + (i − 1) , a a i=1 (20) the discrete version of ψa (t), Zhao et al. adopted the same method with that of cwt function in Matlab. That is, the discrete samples of ψa (t) are the dilation and translation version of the samples of ψ(t). For a fixed i of (20), search j of (18) so that 1 ( t′ ) 1 ψa (t′i ) = ψ i ≈ ψ(tj ). (21) a a a Insert the expressions of t′i and tj into (21), we have 1 ( i − 1) 1 ψ −T + ≈ ψ(−T + dw (j − 1)). a a a Then j= ⌊i−1⌋ a · dw +1 suffices an approximation for (22)2 . From (23), it is easy to deduce that ′ ti − t j < dw . a (22) (23) (24) By controlling the size of dw , any wanted precision can be obtained for (21) because the Morlet wavelet function is continuous. 2aT +1 Thirdly, {ha (i)}i=1 is obtained by flipping left and right, taking conjugation3 , taking trans+1 . lation for {ψa (t′i )}2aT i=1 The code in Matlab, searching j for a fixed i, is j = [1 + f loor([0 : a ∗ 2T ]/(a ∗ dw ))] Conjugation operation had been ignored in [17] because only real Morlet wavelet whose wavelet type is 4 was considered in [17]. The real Morlet wavelet is just the real part of the cmor whose wavelet type is 5 2 3 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 6375 Now, the difference between the proposed method and Zhao’s codes is that the discrete samples of ψea (ti ) are obtained by different means. In Zhao’s code, the discrete samples of the filters are the dilation and translation version of samples of ψ(t), except the samples of ψ(t) are computed by analytic expression of Morlet wavelet. In the proposed method, all samples of response function are from the analytic expression of Morlet wavelet, which is the reason of that accuracy is enhanced. In Zhao’s method, for each scale a, in order to obtain the {ha (i)}, it is necessary to compute j for each i using (23). These operations requires extra 2aT + 1 multiplications. In addition, N + ) 2aT + 3(N +2aT log2 (N + 2aT ) multiplications is needed for the computation of linear convolution. 2 Hence, the total number of multiplications performed for Zhao’s method is N + 4aT + 1 + 3(N +2aT ) log2 (N + 2aT ) for each scale a. 2 3.2 3.2.1 Frequency-domain-based Algorithm Algorithm Analysis The wavelet transform defined in (7) can also be written as a frequency integration by applying the Fourier Parseval formula: ∫ +∞ 1 ˆ ˆ 1 Wf (a, b) = ⟨f , ψa,b ⟩ = fˆ(ω)ψˆ∗ (aω)eibω dω, (25) 2π 2π −∞ where ˆ ψˆa,b (ω) = e−ibω ψ(aω), (26) and ψˆ is the Fourier transform of ψ. In practice, we must deal with the sampled versions of the signal. Denote the sampled signal by {fd (n) = f (nT ), n = 0, · · · , N − 1}, where T is the sampling period. Discretising (25) yields M 1 Wf (a, nT ) = M 2 ∑ k=− M 2 +1 ( 2π ) ( 2π ) 2π fˆ k ψˆ∗ · k · a ei M ·k·n , M M n = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1. (27) In freeware such as Wavelab, M usually takes value N so that the number of {fˆ( 2π k)} which can M be obtained as the discrete Fourier transform of {f (nT )} is just N . As for the computation of ka)}, we can make use of the analytic expression of {ψˆ∗ ( 2π M σ ˆ ψ(ω) = 2 · e− 2 (ω−η)2 2 (28) if ψ(t) is defined as (6). Therefore, the CWT can be computed by first finding the Fourier transforms of the signal and the normalized wavelet. The inverse Fourier transform of the product k)} and the scaled wavelet {ψˆ∗ ( 2π ka)} yields one constant-scale slice of the transform. of {fˆ( 2π M M The main source program of FFT-based algorithm for continuous wavelet transform is given in Appendix A1. 6376 3.2.2 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 The Advantage and Disadvantage of this Method FFT-based method is popularized due to its low computation complexity and its high precision, and so it is widely adopted in aforementioned free softwares. However, the method will produce an artificial periodicity in the wavelet coefficients if signal is not periodic since this method assumes the data is cyclic if we do nothing about the preprocessing of data. This is demonstrated in the examples herein, and the method for dealing with this problem is proposed. For pedagogical reasons, we will concentrate on a Matlab generated data to illustrate this point. As shown in Fig. 1, the data 1 is a synthetic signal of length 1024. The first half contains sinusoidal signal superimposition with three different frequencies, and various amplitude, namely 0.8 sin(30πt) + sin(60πt) + 1.2 sin(120πt); The latter half contains the 60 Hz sinusoidal signal with amplitude 0.6, namely 0.6 sin(120πt). Here the sampling frequency is 400 Hz. MultiSignal 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 −0.5 −1.0 −1.5 −2.0 −2.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Fig. 1: A synthetic signal of length 1024. The first half contains sinusoidal signal superimposition with three different frequencies, namely 0.8 sin(30πt) + sin(60πt) + 1.2 sin(120πt); The latter half contains the 60 Hz sinusoidal signal with amplitude 0.6, namely 0.6 sin(120πt). Here the sampling frequency is 400 Hz ABSOLUTE−COEFS The absolute values of the MMWT coefficients of data 1 are presented in Fig. 2. The three periodic components embedded in the signal are unveiled respectively by their corresponding MMWT real coefficients in Fig. 3. The outward bulging of the coefficients at the end of the signal are shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. The line of wavelet coefficients bends to meet artificial periodic boundary conditions, falsely indicating an increase of amplitude at the end of the signal. This demonstrates the generic problem when using FFT-based algorithm on non periodic data— the FFT-based algorithm, in which FFT (fast Fourier transform) is adopted, can induce the 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 200 400 600 Time 800 1000 40 30 20 1200 80 70 60 50 cy/Hz Frequen 10 Fig. 2: The absolute values of the MMWT coefficients of data 1 computed with FFT-based method without data preprocessing, where the shape parameter σ 2 = 1 and the center frequency η = 8 6377 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 2 0 −2 The MMWT coefficients of 60 Hz 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1000 1200 1000 1200 The MMWT coefficients of 30 Hz 2 0 −2 0 200 400 600 800 The MMWT coefficients of 15 Hz 1 0 −1 0 200 400 600 800 Fig. 3: The MMWT real coefficients of the three periodic components of the signal computed with FFT-based method without data preprocessing, where the shape parameter σ 2 = 0.8 and the center frequency η = 10 periodicity into the transform, greatly distorting the information at the end of the signal. This is a critical problem when the initial and final signal characteristics are very different. There are several different data preparation methods and here we propose one that is to pad the end of the time series with zeroes before doing the MMWT and then remove them afterward [11]. In this study, the time series {fd (n) = f (nT ), n = 0, · · · , N − 1} is padded with sufficient zeroes so that { f (nT ), x = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1 f˜d (n) = (29) 0, n = N, N + 1, · · · , M, where M = 2q for some q ∈ Z and M is the smallest number that is greater than n. It is important to note that zero padding does not provide any additional information about the spectrum of the data but results in a “better display” of the Fourier transform of the data [9]. Then n = 0, 1, · · · , N − 1. Wfd (a, nT ) = Wf˜d (a, nT ) , (30) Fig. 4 is computed with this method. Comparing Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, we see this method does not The MMWT coefficients figure of the first period, 60 Hz 2 0 −2 0 200 1000 1200 2 0 −2 0 400 600 800 The MMWT coefficients of the second period, 30 Hz 200 1000 1200 1 0 −1 0 400 600 800 The MMWT coefficients of the third period, 15 Hz 200 1000 1200 400 600 800 Fig. 4: The MMWT real coefficients of the three periodic components of the signal computed with FFTbased method with data preprocessing, where the shape parameter σ 2 = 0.8 and the center frequency η = 10 6378 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 introduce significant distortions of the end regions and eliminates the problem of non periodic data. 3.2.3 The Computational Complexity for the Frequency-domain-based Method For the data with length N , pad the end of the data with zeroes so that the length of the data is M and M ≥ N + 2aT . The FFT of the data requires M2 log2 (M ) multiplications. The spectra of σ 2 ( 2π ka−η)2 M 2 wavelet , {ψˆ∗ ( 2π ka) = 2·e− , k = 0, 1, · · · , M2 , − M2 +1, · · · , −1} can be precomputed and M stored in memory. Furthermore, only M2 + 1 discrete spectra need to be stored because the Morlet wavelet is approximately analytic and therefore ψˆ∗ ( 2π ka) ≈ 0 for k < 0. Therefore the point-wise M M multiplication of the spectra requires 2 + 1 multiplications. Then the IFFT requires M2 log2 (M ) multiplications. Hence, the total number of multiplications performed is M2 + 1 + M log2 (M ) for each scale for FFT-based method. In a word, the asymptotic time complexity is O(M log2 (M )) for all the four methods discussed in this paper. 4 3.3 Comparisons between the Different Algorithms ABSOLUTE−COEFS The advantage of convolution-based method (include three methods involved in this paper) compared with FFT-based method is that it will not result in edge effect without previously processing the data because the algorithm involves linear convolution in time domain instead of FFT, which assumes the data is cyclic. Fig. 5, computed with the proposed method without preprocessing of data, unlike Fig. 2, is free of artificial periodic problem. 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 600 800 1000 1200 80 Time 70 60 50 30 40 Frequency/Hz 10 Fig. 5: Absolute values of MMWT coefficients of data 1 computed with the proposed method without preprocessing of data, where the shape parameter σ 2 = 1 and the center frequency η = 8 Another merit of the proposed method compared with cwt and Zhao’s is that it accurately characterizes the amplitude of the three periodic component embedded in the data 1. For the MMWT real coefficients map of 60 Hz main period shown in Fig. 6, computed with the proposed method with parameter σ 2 = 0.8, η = 10, the maximum amplitude of MMWT real coefficients is 1.2 in the first 512 points, the maximum amplitude 0.6 in the second 512 points, while the corresponding local amplitude of the original signal is respectively 1.2, 0.6. And we can get the relative errors are 0.2675 × 10−4 and 0.0000 × 10−4 respectively. Unlike the 60 Hz signal, lasting in all 1024 samples, the 30 Hz, the 2nd period, and the 15 Hz, the 3rd period, shown in Fig. 6, 4 Note the first element in the wavelet spectra corresponds to k = 0 because the first element in the result of FFT of the data also corresponds to k = 0 6379 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 The MMWT real coefficients of 60 Hz 2 0 −2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1000 1200 1000 1200 The MMWT real coefficients of 30 Hz 2 0 −2 0 200 400 600 800 The MMPS real coefficients of 15 Hz 1 0 −1 0 200 400 600 800 Fig. 6: The real MMWT coefficients of data 1 computed with the proposed method without preprocessing of data, where the shape parameter σ 2 = 0.8 and the center frequency η = 10 only occur in the first 512 samples, the relative errors between the measured values and the true values are 0.2589 × 10−4 and 0.0000 × 10−4 respectively. If computed with FFT-based method with preprocessing of data, the relative errors are the same with the proposed method. When computed with another parameters, the relative errors for different methods are displayed in Table 1. At the same time, it should be mentioned that the errors in column “proposed method” are identical with column “FFT based method” in Table 1, and this is not typographical errors. This phenomenon indicates some equivalences between these two methods. In fact, both of the two methods can supply error-free linear convolution except for round-off error. In addition, the number of multiplications for FFT-based method is less than that of other methods. As another example illustrating the different performance of these methods, we recompute the scalograms and wavelet ridges of two hyperbolic chirps shown in Figure 4.14 of [6], with the four different continuous wavelet transform methods, and the result is shown in Fig. 7. It is obvious that the proposed method and FFT-based method outperform the other two, while the precision of Zhao’s is slightly better than that of cwt method. Table 1: The relative errors between the amplitude of the MMWT real coefficients and the corresponding amplitude of periodic components embedded in the data 1 with different methods σ2 = 1 Proposed method cwt method Zhao’s method FFT-based method relative error1 0.2196 × 10−5 3.254 × 10−2 0.9530 × 10−2 0.2196 × 10−5 relative error2 0.0000 × 10−5 3.652 × 10−2 0.3688 × 10−2 0.0000 × 10−5 relative error3 0.2108 × 10−5 0.3960 × 10−2 1.722 × 10−2 0.2108 × 10−5 relative error4 0.0001 × 10−5 0.6820 × 10−2 2.971 × 10−2 0.0001 × 10−5 Proposed method cwt method Zhao’s method FFT-based method relative error1 0.0042 × 10−6 3.305 × 10−2 0.8670 × 10−2 0.0042 × 10−6 relative error2 0.0000 × 10 −6 −2 3.678 × 10 −2 0.2115 × 10 0.0000 × 10−6 relative error3 0.0041 × 10−6 0.3358 × 10−2 0.8435 × 10−2 0.0041 × 10−6 relative error4 0.7074 × 10−6 0.6217 × 10−2 0.4829 × 10−2 0.7074 × 10−6 η = 10 σ 2 = 1.5 η = 10 6380 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 400 200 Figure based on cwt Frequency Frequency Figure based on cwt 400 200 200 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on the proposed method 400 200 0 Frequency Frequency 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on FFT−based algorithm 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on the algorithm of ZHAO 400 0 Frequency Frequency 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on the proposed method 400 200 0 Frequency Frequency 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on the algorithm of ZHAO 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Figure based on FFT−based algorithm 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Fig. 7: The scalograms and wavelet ridges of two hyperbolic chirps shown in Figure 4.14 of [6] are calculated with four different continuous wavelet transform methods, where the Morlet wavelet with the shape parameter σ 2 = 1 and the center frequency η = 5 is used 4 Application: The Necessity of Suitable Method The different analytical effect of temperature data with different algorithms are presented in this section, which illustrates the necessity of choosing suitable algorithm. The temperature data are from Jan. 1, 1951 to Dec. 31, 2010, and the experimental site is No. 50978 weather station, Heilongjiang, China. Fig. 8 and Fig.9 are contours of real part of MMWT of summer average temperature data for 50978 station, the two figures are computed with same parameters except for the continuous wavelet transform algorithms, the Fig. 8 with Zhao’s method, the Fig. 9 with proposed method (the corresponding figures computed by cwt method and FFT-based are not shown here for lack of space but are available from the authors upon request). In these figures, the coefficients with negative values, which mean that the temperature is in cold stage, are plotted with dotted, blue line, while the coefficients with positive values, which mean that the temperature is in warm stage, are plotted with dashed, red line. And so the negative and positive oscillation of local time structures of summer temperature are visualized clearly from both figures. However, the contour in Fig. 9 are more distinct than those in Fig. 8, which means that there are less peaks and valleys in Fig. 9 compared with those in Fig. 8. 6381 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 60 Period/year 50 28 17.9594 10.7561 5.3781 2.689 0 1951 1960 1970 1980 Time/year 1990 2000 2010 Fig. 8: The contour of real part of wavelet coefficients of summer average temperature of 50978 station computed with Zhao’s method 60 Period/year 50 28 17.8302 10.9126 5.3781 2.6125 0 1951 1960 1970 1980 Time/year 1990 2000 2010 Fig. 9: The contour of real part of wavelet coefficients of summer average temperature of 50978 station computed with the proposed method The above phenomena, which are perceived by our visual sensors, can also be illustrated from another quantitative way. That is, the proposed method can determine the multi-period of the data more definite than Zhao’s methods. The multi-period, which concentrate the essential dynamic of data, shown in Table 2, are calculated by using wavelet variance [3, 4, 11]. The performance of proposed method superior to that of Zhao’s and FFT-based can be seen from two aspects. Firstly, the number of periods computed by Zhao’s and by FFT-based outnumber that of proposed method. With a few periods, we can give a more accurate characterization of 6382 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 data. Secondly, the period computed by proposed method are almost the same when the center frequency η, the wavelet parameter, changes. On the contrary, the number of period calculated by other methods will change when the wavelet parameter changes, which may lead to confusion when we determine what period exist in the data. Table 2: The multi-period (unit: year) of 60 year summer temperature data differentiated by different continuous wavelet transform methods σ 2 = 1, η = 5 σ 2 = 1, η = 6 Zhao’s 2.1189, 2.2776, 2.4305, 2.5750 2.1497, 2.3956, 2.5381, 2.6697, 2.8081, 2.9324 method 2.6890, 5.3781, 10.7561, 17.9594 5.4170, 11.1515, 17.8302, 44.6060, 51.9091, 57.4307 proposed 2.6125, 5.3781, 10.9126, 17.8302 2.5565, 5.4170, 10.9916, 17.8302 F-based 2.6505, 5.3394, 10.2260, 16.2327 2.5750, 5.3781, 10.0794, 16.2327, 21.0512, 31.7698 The above analysis indicates that the wavelet transform coefficients computed by the proposed method are more sparse than those of all the other methods. On the other hand, sparsity of wavelet coefficients may be measured with the entropy of those wavelet coefficients [5]. The entropy here is termed wavelet entropy. In order to define entropy, we rearrange the {|Wf (ai , bj )|2 }{i,j} computed by (7) as {ck }k=1,...,M , then normalize it to obtain: ck dk = ∑M k=1 ck . (31) The wavelet entropy is calculated as En = − M ∑ dk log dk , (32) k=1 with the convention 0 log 0 = 0 by definition. Next, from the Table 3, we see the wavelet entropy of the proposed method is the smallest of all the others, which singles out the proposed method as the superior method to the others. Table 3: The wavelet entropy corresponding to different wavelet transform methods σ 2 = 1, η = 5 2 σ = 1, η = 6 5 cwt Zhao’s FFT-based Proposed 9.3327 9.1273 9.2079 9.1263 9.3318 9.1300 9.1985 9.1291 Conclusion The wavelet transform is basically a linear filter whose response function is given by the wavelet function. So the algorithms of continuous wavelet transform consist of two methods, frequencydomain calculation and time-domain calculation. FFT-based method, the typical representation of frequency-domain computation, with its low computation complexity and its high precision, is H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 6383 widely adopted in free softwares. But, M in (27) taking value N , the length of data, implicitly assumes the data is cyclic, and so the artificial periodic problem emerges. Meanwhile, different values of M implies different data preprocessing method. The proposed method, a representation of time-domain computation, is free of artificial periodic problem. And the computation precision of the proposed method and FFT-based method is superior to other existing methods because the two methods calculate the response function by the analytic expression of wavelet, the proposed method in time-domain, and the FFT-based method in frequency-domain. The proposed method, with the most sparse coefficients, is the most suitable method to analyzing the multi-period structure of temperature data. The asymptotic time complexity is O(M log2 (M )) for all the four methods discussed in this paper. It should be noted that the proposed method can be adapted to other wavelets having analytic expressions although this paper exclusively discusses Morlet wavelets. And it is not surprising that the precision of the proposed method is superior to that of cwt function in wavelet toolbox of Matlab and Zhao’s considering the fact that cwt and Zhao’s can deal with those wavelets without analytic expressions such as Daubechies wavelets. Appendix A1: The Main Source Program of FFT-based Algorithm for MMWT The main source program of FFT-based algorithm is given as follows: n= l e n g t h ( S i g ) ; % t h e number o f s i g n a l f f t x = f f t ( S i g ( : ) ) ; % F o u r i e r Transform o f s i g n a l S i g L e n S c a l e s=l e n g t h ( S c a l e s ) ; % t h e number o f S c a l e s omega = [ ( 0 : ( n / 2 ) ) ((( −n /2)+1): −1) ] . ∗ ( 2 ∗ p i /n ) ; Coefs = z e r o s ( LenScales , n ) ; f o r k = 1 : L e n S c a l e s % computation o f c o e f f i c i e n t s f o r each s c a l e a= S c a l e s ( k );% a i s t h e s c a l e v a l u e omega = omega ( : ) ; P s i = 2∗ exp(−sigma2 / 2 ∗ ( a . ∗ omega − e t a ) . ˆ 2 ) ; % sigma2 i s th e shape parameter , and e t a i s t h e c e n t e r f r e q u e n c y . P s i = P s i . ∗ ( omega>0);% P s i ( omega )=0 , when omega<0 C o e f s =(k , : ) = i f f t ( f f t x . ∗ P s i ) ; end A2: The Main Source Program of the Proposed Method for MMWT The main source program(in this time, the Morlet wavelet is given as cmor function defined in (8) in stead of (6)) of proposed method is given as follows: [ √ √ √ ] wsupport= 8 √F2 b ; % the effective support of Morlet defined in (8) is − 8 √F2 b , 8 √F2 b 6384 H. Yi et al. / Journal of Information & Computational Science 11:17 (2014) 6369–6385 L e n S c a l e s=l e n g t h ( S c a l e s ) ; % t h e number o f S c a l e s lenSig = length ( Sig ) ; % t h e number o f s i g n a l C o e f s = z e r o s ( L e n S c a l e s , l e n S i g );% t h e c o e f f i c i e n t s matrix f o r k = 1: LenScales % computation o f c o e f f i c i e n t s f o r each s c a l e a = Scales (k ); % a i s t he s c a l e v a l u e t = −round ( a∗ wsupport ) : 1 : round ( a∗ wsupport ) ; % t h e e f f e c t i v e s u p p o r t o f Morlet with s a l c e a i s [−a∗ wsupport , a∗ wsupport ] , and t h e sample f r e q u e n c y o f w a v e l e t i s 1 Hz wvalue= f l i p l r ( 2 ∗ ( p i ∗Fb)ˆ( −1/2)∗ exp ( 1 i ∗2∗ p i ∗Fc . ∗ t /a ) . ∗ exp(− t . ˆ 2 / ( Fb∗a ˆ 2 ) ) ) ; wvalue=c o n j ( wvalue ) ; %computation o f t he w a v e l e t f u n c t i o n with t he a n a l y t i c e x p r e s s i o n . temp = conv ( Sig , wvalue ) / a;% computation o f c o n v o l u t i o n C o e f s ( k , :)= temp ( round ( a∗ wsupport )+1: l e n g t h ( temp)−round ( a∗ wsupport ) ) ; end A3: The Main Source Program of Zhao’s Method for MWT The main source program of Zhao’s method is given as follows: signal = signal ( : ) ’ ; len = length ( signal ) ; nbscales = l e n g t h ( s c a l e s ) ; c o e f s = z e r o s ( n b s c a l e s , l e n ) ; f o r k=1: n b s c a l e s a=s c a l e s ( k ) ; [ p s i , x v a l ] = wavefun (wname ) ; x v a l = xval−x v a l ( 1 ) ; dx = x v a l ( 2 ) ; xmax = x v a l ( end ) ; j =[1+ f l o o r ( [ 0 : a∗xmax ] / ( a∗dx ) ) ] ; i f l e n g t h ( j )==1, j =[1 1 ] ; end f= f l i p l r ( p s i ( j ) ) ; f=c o n j ( f ) ; c o e f s ( k , : ) = wkeep ( conv ( s i g n a l , f ) , l e n ) / s q r t ( a ) ; end References [1] [2] [3] [4] Ren´e Carmona, Wen-liang Hwang, Bruno Torresani, Practical Time-Frequency Analysis: Gabor and Wavelet Transforms, with an Implementation in S, Volume 9, Academic Press, 1998 M. 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