k High Q*rality Pip* & Sh*sts Xnsxrlnftsxn f. I THE PRODUCT TECHNICAL DATA APPLICATION RECOMMENDANAN STANDARD SHEET SIZE STANDARD TUBE SIZE PIPE INSULATION INSULATING FITTINGS DUCTING INSULATION I C H EM ICAL R ES 10 ISTAN C E DATA dR Description: lnsolflex is a flexible and light weight elastomeric nitrite rubber material designed for thermal insulation. Insolflex insulation is black in colour, available in tubing and sheet form. The extruded flexible tubings are specially designed to fit the standard diameters of steel and copper pipings. Sheets are available in standard precut sizes or in rolls. Uses,' Insoflex expanded closed cell structure provides the ideal and most efficient vapour barrier for the prevention of condensation or frost formation on cooling systems, chilled water and refrigerant lines. Insoflex also retards heat loss for o hot water plumbing and heating, dual temperature piping and solar systems. lt protects pipes by acting as a vibration damper and giving protection against corrosion by atmospheric and industrial environment. Insoflex inherent flexibility makes it ideally suited for the insulation of large surface area such as tanks, irregular shaped vessels, air-ducts and large diameter pipes. ry AVERAGE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Density " 0.08,=, 0.,1 . Thermal Gonductivity at 20"C mean temp. Temperature Limits'C TEST METHODS RATING ( 5,- 2',gm/Cnfl I lb/cuft,) ASTM D 1667 , :: 0 0374:W1mK "fl .: ASTM C 177 (0.26BTU.in/nr.ff .40"C to +105'C Water Absorption ( % by weight ) ASTM D 1056 Water Vapour Permeability Perm - in. Max ASTM E 96 0.2 Ozone Resistance Excellent .:,' Thermal Stability 7 days 4.5 ASTM C 548 (%shrinkage) 200'F 7 days ?20"F Average Spread of Flame Average time of burning Average extend of buming Flexibility Weather and Ultraviolet Rays Resistance Chemical Resistance Odour Mildew Resistance u.u ,, ,CLASS,1 ," BS 476 PART 7 ,,, LesS than S,seconds ., ,,,,,.tr,5,*m' ,.' . Excell6llt:"' ,,,, Good ASTMD635-91 :: ,, ,: ::: :, Qq[6[ ; ,.,Negligible, No FUngal Growth The above average physical properties are values obtained in accordance with accepted test methods. At-35", insoflex Closed Cell lnsulation becomes hard and as iemperature drops below - 40' will be increasingly brittle; however this hardening characteristic does not affect thermal or water vapour permeability. The Fire Rating standard method of tests conducted under controlled laboratory conditions is a measure of a material to spread flame when compared to a known standard and is not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material under actual fire conditions. t" Thickness Recommendations for lnsulation of Ducting, Tanks and Equipment of cooling systems METAL SURFACE TEMPERATURE DESIGN CONDITIONS 26.7:C {80"F) 50% RH 29.4"C (85'F) 70% RH 32,29C (90"F) 80o/o RH 32.2"C (90"F) 85% RH ls'c6g"H 12"C (53.6'n 7"C(fr.6"H 2.5"C 86.5"F) 9mm 9mm 13mm 19mm '25mm 13mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 31mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 3lmm 50mm 25mm 25mm 31mm 38mm 50mm INSOFLEX -1g"cfi.H closed cell rubins & Sheets lnsulation. Thickness Recommendations to condensation in Pipe lnsulation of Cooling Lines PIPELINE TEMPERATURE DESIGN CONDITIONS 14.4'C 70c 2.5"C -18'C (58"F) (u.6"F) p6"n (0"fl MILD,CONDITION 10mm lD to 76mm IPS 9mm, 9mm 9mm l9mm 26.7"C (80"F) Above 76mm IPS to 127mm IPS 9mm lgmm 13mm 25mm 50% RH Above 127mm IPS to 254mm IPS 13mm 13mm 13mm 25mm NORMALCONDITION 10mm lD to 76mm IPS 9mm 13mm 13mm 25mm Above 76mm IPS to 127mm IPS 13mm 13mm 13mm 31mm l3mm 'l9mm 31mm 29.4"C (85'F) '' PIPE SIZE 70% RH Above 127mm IPS to 254mm IPS SEVERE CONDITION 1Omm lD to 76mm IPS 13mm 'l3mm 19mm 19mm 38mm 25mm 25mm 38mm 32.2"C (90"R Above 76mm IPS to 127mm IPS 13mm 80% RH Above 127mm IPS to 254mm IPS 13mm 25mm 31mm 50mm EXTREMELY SEVERE CONDITION 1Omm lD 76mm IPS 13mm 25mm 25mm 38mm 32.2"C (90"F) Above 76mm IPS to 127mm IPS 19mm 31mm 3'lmm 50mm E5% RH Above 127mm IPS to 254mm IPS 25mm 31mm 38mm 50mm . . . lnsulation for pipes of 1Omm lD to 76mm IPS are available in tubing form with wall thickness of up to 25mm. lnsulation above 76mm IPS are in precut sheets and available up to 38mm thickness. lnsotlex thickness recommended within the specified temperature ranges will control condensation on indoor piping under design conditions defined as follows: MILLD NORMAL SEVERE & EXTREMELY SEVERE Air-Conditioned and arid areas. Maximum severity of most indoor conditions seldom exceed 29.4"C and 70% RH. Conditions of high humidity or poorly ventilated areas where Temperature may be depressed below the ambient. Under conditions of high humidity, additional thickness of insulation STANDARD FLAT SHEETS 1.22 x 0.914 1.22 x 0.914 1.22 x 0.914 1.22 x 0.914 1.22 x 0.914 1.00 x 1.220 1.00 x 1.220 Standard Garfon size ; I 31 Omm x gg0rnm x 320mm (5 1 in x 39in x t 2.5i n) GONTINUOUS ROLLS Nominal Thickness TotalArea Per Foll Siae Per Roll mm ftrch m ft 3 1E 1.?2'x9.'14 4x30 6 114 1.22 x 9.14 4x30 I 3/8 1.22 x 9.14 4x30 13 112 1.22 x,9.'14 15 5/8 19 3/4 25 1 m2 Xe 1 1.15 120 1 1.15 120 11.15 120 4x30 11.1s 120 1.82 x 9.14 4x 30 11.15 120 1.2 x 9,14 4x 30 11.15 120 1.22 x 9.14 4x30 11.15 120 1 31 'ilA 1.00 x 9.14 3.281 x 30 9.14 98.43 38 1k :1.00 x 9.14 3.281 x 30 9.14 98.4i1 ffi {ry €h-ogm"* re., p tlt ur lI(o o tr H IJJ = c\ F (5 t=ll -l J p cco xx€ cc @6 I; EC^ EEN OON oo O(l) xxo EE 83 +$a o o o = o 5 5l_ ou) il ' 0 rl I cy OQ dl> +P aa = o 6 O o 6 E c 6 a 5 l- P Lo N c 1rl E b o o N \ F x x Ep --E,F gE .N (a g NN @NF 5 = l- ll{ g E EE 6 inSOfleX tubing insutation is easy and quick to install. insoflex should only be applied to pipes that are clean, dry and unheated , The slip-on method is used to insulate new pipes before they are installed or connected whereas Make 90" cut with a sharp knife. the leanl should be slightly longer then section to be insulated to avoid stretching when joining the the snap-on method is used when pipes have been installed and connected. insoflextubing is lightly powdered to permit the tubing to be end. slipped easily over the pipe. Seal pipe ends with plugs while installing the tubing insulation to pre- vent powder from entering the refrigeration system. It is important not to compress the tubing mate- rial as the insulation value may be degraded Slip full lenglh ol insoflex tubing over entire when compressed and condensation may occur length of pipe. on the compressed area. Select the right size tubing insulation for the pipe to be insulated. Avoid stretching the material over the pipe. The length of the insulation tubing should cover the section of the pipe to be insulated adequately, to ensure there will be no strain on the surfaces and joints. Seal all seams and butt joints with adhesive. insoflex tubing can be easily slipped over bent tubing of 45" angle , elbow bend or coupling. Slip rnsoflex tubing into position and tightly Brush all joint and seams with even coat o{ againsl the 90" fittings. adhesive. * for(lflex When adhesive is dry but tacky, joint seame by pressing the surfaces together firmly. Cut unslit insoflex tube lengthwise with a sharp knife. Snap the insotlex over the pipe Coat slit seams evenly wiih adhesive. Hold the coated seams apart while the adhe sive dries. o with two layers stagger the When adhesive is dry but facky to touch. press together surface nearest to pipe first and then joint outer edges of the two surface. butt joints. Snap the slit fitting cover in positing over the Apply adhesive on the seams. Press the ioint. seams frrmly longether when adhesive has dried. Brush in between overlap surface with adhesive. -l F 1\ Snap fitting cover in place and apply adhesive to all surlaces to be joined, press tubrng firmly together when adhesive is dry but tacky to louch. w #r*s€}f,#sx Fabrication fitting cover in place and adhesive to all sudace to be joined. apply lnsoflex Sheets and roll insulation are extremely flexible and especially adaptable to insulating duct work. Chillers, tanks, vessels and large pipes. lt is the same high quality, elastomeric closed cell thermal insulation material as lnsolflex tubing. Method Measure the size of sheets required for insulation. Cut the material to the measured size with By using a sharp knife cut ,nsoflex sheet a sharp knife and straight edge. accurately and neatly Ensure that cuts are as accurate as possi- ble and with smooth edges to ensure full contact with mating sheets when bonded together. Do not stretch sheets and always apply with smooth skin surface facing out. be insulated oil free and ion. Place sheet in desired position before adhesive make initial contact as repositioning after contacl is dilficult. Join seams after insulation is in place by separating the cut edges and brushing a thin coal of adhesive on both surfaces. Seams of ducting joints can be insulated with strips of insoflex Half sections oI insoflex tubing can also used to insulate seams in ductings r,O be Chemicals - Acetone Ammonia Water Aniline Gonc% 100 30 100 Benzene Boiling Water 100 Butyl Acetate Butyl Alcohol 100 Caustic Soda Chloric Acid Cotton Seed Oil Ethyl Acetate Ethyl6ne Glycol Formaldehyde Glacial Acetic Acid Temp 50 6 100 100 100 40 100 'R€sistance E room t€mp. room temp. E room temp, room temp. 100 100 1og1 room t€mp. room temp. room temp. room temp. room temp. rooql temp. room temp. room tomp, room temp. Hydrochloric Acid Hydrogen Peroxide Conc% 10 10 P Kerosine Lins€ed Oil 100 100 E MEK 100 n Methyl Alcohol Methylene Chloride 100 100 E N E 0c Chemicals P itrobenzene 100 (: Phosphoric Acid u Steam F Sulfuric Acid t0 E Octane 80 G Toluene G Water 85 ,T Tamp loC) room temp, room temp. toom temp. room temp. room temp. room tomp, rcom temp. room t6mp. room temp. Rosistance E E P G F E P G E 120 0C G room temp. room temp. P room temp. (0-1 000c) E P E Remarks:E = Excellent,G = Good, F = Fair, P = Poor. *insoflex isacotnpoundof speciallynon-polaretastomericmaterht$whichwillbehighlyreststanttothepolarchemicalsuchaswater. moisture vapour, acid and base, But, it is moderate or poor in resistance to non polar chemical such as petrcleum oil, For lurther informationon chemical resistance, please contaut lnsoflexdistrlbutors in your are€. - pepaleum solvent, l{ici:=::"="'' i,,.i,a+_:_:::: €l_-3:.-j - . - rlr""'-:::l ,in1i,=.il::=:-=:ri.:-: :!:*.3i::E::: : :{irlir.a== :,4:.8+4.::.: , .]jl}:i.i{-!i ::,,':.;::::, &:i:::,r-:::i . :*t:.€i:1":r:. : ...: :i-::., .€;1*3;:::',=-:' '!:*:i€::: I It .:: i;:::::' r::r:1i.:t=:i *gfx *nsa,$*fy #tp* & #hssf# Xnssxx*nt$*x* Marketing by b MARIAM TRADING EST. Makkah Riyadh Jeddah 01 4724625 026918666 025384402 012913613 Tel. 02 6978555 Tel. 025361021 Tel. Fax.026393992 Fax.02 5384402 Fax.01 291361I T IrrsS!ffex Made in Saudi Arabia Dammam Tel. 03 8473902 Fax.03 8413897
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