AGENDA COUNTY OF OXFORD COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBER, OXFORD COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, WOODSTOCK MEETING #20 1. CALL TO ORDER Time ______ 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING November 12 2014 5. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE 9. REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS HUMAN SERVICES HS-2014-05 Re: Investment in Affordable Housing Extension 2014/2015 Recommendation 1. That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Services to execute an agreement between the Province of Ontario and the County of Oxford for the extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing program. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 2 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 26, 2014 PUBLIC WORKS PW 2014-63 Re: Mill Street, Woodstock, Class Environmental Assessment Recommendations 1. That County Council approve the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) north of the 401 in Woodstock; 2. And further, that County Council authorize staff to post the Notice of Completion for the required public review period. CORPORATE SERVICES CS 2014-35 Re: Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based Funding Contribution Agreement Recommendation 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services be hereby authorized to execute a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based Program. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Pending Items 11. MOTIONS 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS 14. CLOSED SESSION (Room 129) Resolution Time ______ That Council rise and go into a Closed session for the purpose of considering Report No. HR(CS) 2014-08 regarding matters that have not been made public concerning labour relations or employee negotiations. Resolution Time ______ That Council and reconvene in Open session. County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda PAGE 3 COUNCIL AGENDA NOVEMBER 26, 2014 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION HUMAN RESOURCES HR (CS) 2014-08 16. BY-LAWS BY-LAW NO. 5634-2014 Being a By-law to amend By-law No. 3741-98 by establishing an allway stop at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich. BY-LAW NO. 5635-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for an Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) to enable participation in an Ontario program for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. BY-LAW NO. 5636-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. PRESENTATIONS TO: Retiring Members of Council Deputy Warden Lupton Faith McKay Warden McKay 17. ADJOURNMENT County of Oxford ~ eAgenda Application Version 0.3.0 Time ______ Agenda Version 1, ► Addition to Agenda MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE COUNTY OF OXFORD County Council Chamber Woodstock November 12, 2014 MEETING #19 Oxford County Council meets in regular session this twelfth day of November 2014, in the Council Chamber, County Administration Building, Woodstock. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 9:30 a.m., with Warden McKay in the chair. All members of Council present except Councillor Tait. Staff Present: P. M. Crockett, Chief Administrative Officer P. D. Beaton, Director of Human Services L. S. Buchner, Director of Corporate Services C. Fransen, Director of Woodingford Lodge P. Heywood, Acting Director of Public Health and Emergency Services / Manager of Health Protection G. K. Hough, Director of Community and Strategic Planning A. Smith, Director of Human Resources R. G. Walton, Director of Public Works B. J. Tabor, Clerk Warden McKay mentions yesterday, November 11th, as being Remembrance Day with several services taking place throughout the County. He feels it is only appropriate and asks that Council join in the singing of O Canada led by Councillor Comiskey. Warden McKay allows an opportunity for Council members to provide good news updates. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: RESOLUTION NO. 1: Moved by: Patrick Sobeski Seconded by: David Mayberry That the Agenda be approved. DISPOSITION: 3. NIL Motion Carried DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF: Page 2 November 12, 2014 4. ADOPTION OF COUNCIL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: Council Minutes of October 22, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 2: Moved by: Sandra Talbot Seconded by: David Mayberry That the Council Minutes of October 22, 2014 be adopted. DISPOSITION: 5. Motion Carried PUBLIC MEETINGS: NIL 6. DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: 1. Presentation – Oxford Stewardship Award Warden McKay explains that at this time a presentation will be made regarding the 2014 Oxford Stewardship Award. He proceeds to the podium and provides background information on the award. Warden McKay asks Gord Hough, Director of Community and Strategic Planning, and Cher Sprague, a member of the Stewardship Oxford Board and a judge for the award, to come forward. He mentions Cathy Dibble from the Oxford Soil and Crop Improvement Association, who is not present today, as also being a judge for the award. By use of a PowerPoint presentation, Warden McKay explains the process for selecting a winner. He mentions the short-listed candidates for the award being Gerrit and Margriet Wensink, Hoenhorst Farms, of the Township of East Zorra-Tavistock, Ryan and Jayne Green of the Township of Zorra, and Dawn Dennison of the Township of Zorra. He comments on the environmental stewardship practices of each candidate. Warden McKay announces that Dawn Dennison is the winner of the 2014 Oxford Stewardship Award. He asks Peter Crockett, CAO, to come forward to take part in the presentation of the award of a gift basket and gift certificate. The Warden explains that the gift certificate is towards an artistic work by local artist Rhonda Franks who he asks to come forward to participate in the presentation. At the request of Warden McKay, Dawn Dennison joins those gathered at the front of the Chamber and receives the 2014 Oxford County Stewardship Award. Dawn Dennison expresses her appreciation for the nomination, judging, and receipt of the Stewardship Award. She thanks those who were involved in different aspects of the project and the County for sponsoring the award. 7. CONSIDERATION OF DELEGATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: Not Required. 8. CONSIDERATION OF CORRESPONDENCE: Ontario’s South Coast Airshow Committee October 22, 2014 Re: Expressing thanks for Support of Airshows 1. Page 3 November 12, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 3: Moved by: Patrick Sobeski Seconded by: David Mayberry That the correspondence from the Ontario’s South Coast Airshow Committee, dated October 22, 2014, expressing thanks for the County of Oxford’s support of the June 2014 Snowbirds Airshow and the August 2014 OSCA Airshow, be received. DISPOSITION : 9. Motion Carried REPORTS FROM DEPARTMENTS: CORPORATE SERVICES CS Re: 2014-32 Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter RESOLUTION NO. 4: Moved by: Marion Wearn Seconded by: Donald Doan That the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2014-32, titled “Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CS 2014-32: 1. That Report No. CS 2014-32 entitled “Business Plan and Budget Review – 3rd Quarter” be received for information. CS Re: 2014-34 Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 5: Moved by: Ted Comiskey Seconded by: David Beres That the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2014-34, titled “Court Security and Prisoner Transportation (CSPT) Program Agreement”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CS 2014-34: 1. That By-law No. 5631-2014, being a by-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services to execute a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, under the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. CS Re: 2014-33 Fees and Charges By-law Update Page 4 November 12, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 6: Moved by: Donald Doan Seconded by: Marion Wearn That the recommendation contained in Report No. CS 2014-33, titled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”, be adopted. DISPOSITION : Motion Carried Recommendation Contained in Report No. CS 2014-33: 1. That Schedule “A” to By-law No. 4889-2007, being a by-law to impose fees and charges for services that the County of Oxford provides that are not covered through direct taxation, be amended as set out in Report No. CS 2014-33 entitled “Fees and Charges By-law Update”. PUBLIC WORKS PW Re: 2014-62 Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement RESOLUTION NO. 7: Moved by: David Beres Seconded by: Margaret Lupton That the recommendations contained in Report No. PW 2014-62, titled “Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network - (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Recommendations Contained in Report No. PW 2014-62: 1. That Public Works Report PW 2014-62 entitled Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement be adopted; 2. And further, that a by-law be raised authorizing the CAO to execute the Agreement with OnWARN for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. PW Re: 2014-61 All-Way Stop at Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 RESOLUTION NO. 8: Moved by: Margaret Lupton Seconded by: David Beres That the recommendations contained in Report No. PW 2014-61, titled “All-Way Stop at Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13”, be adopted. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried Page 5 November 12, 2014 Recommendations Contained in Report No. PW 2014-61: 1. That County Council approve the installation of All-Way Stop signs at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich; 2. And further, that the appropriate by-law to amend Oxford County By-law No. 3741-98 be presented to County Council; 3. And further, that the Ontario Provincial Police and the Township of Norwich be advised of the All-Way Stop condition. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Pending Items No discussion takes place regarding the Pending Items list. 11. MOTIONS: NIL 12. NOTICE OF MOTIONS: NIL 13. NEW BUSINESS/ENQUIRIES/COMMENTS: Councillor Comiskey requests that the CAO comment on the Movember campaign as is evidenced by the growing of facial hair. P. Crockett, CAO, Councillor Comiskey, and Warden McKay all speak regarding awareness and prevention as it relates to men’s health issues. 14. CLOSED SESSION: NIL 15. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS ARISING FROM THE CLOSED SESSION: Not Required. 16. BY-LAWS: BY-LAW NO. 5631-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, for funding under the Court Security and Transportation Program, be presented to Council for enactment. BY-LAW NO. 5632-2014 Being a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute all documents necessary to effect the purchase of lands required for the County Road 8 reconstruction project. BY-LAW NO. 5633-2014 Being a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. Page 6 November 12, 2014 RESOLUTION NO. 9: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Sandra Talbot That the following By-laws be now read a first and second time: No. 5631-2014, No. 5632-2014 and No. 5633-2014. DISPOSITION: Motion Carried RESOLUTION NO. 10: Moved by: David Mayberry Seconded by: Sandra Talbot That the following By-laws be now given third and final reading: No. 5631-2014, No. 5632-2014 and No. 5633-2014. DISPOSITION: 17. Motion Carried ADJOURNMENT: Council adjourns its proceedings until the next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. 10:32 a.m. Minutes adopted on by Resolution No. WARDEN CLERK Report No: HS 2014-05 HUMAN SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director, Human Services Investment in Affordable Housing Extension 2014/2015 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Human Services to execute an agreement between the Province of Ontario and the County of Oxford for the extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing program. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS The administration agreement will allow staff to move forward with the issuance of a Request for Proposals for the development of new affordable housing projects. Financial Impact The extension of the Investment in Affordable Housing (“IAH”) program is specific to 2014 / 2015. Year 1 of the extension provides for provincial funding in the amount of $483,900. These funds must be committed prior to January 31, 2015. Subsequent funding allocations are expected for Years 2 through 6. However, these amounts will not be known until late December. The expenditure of the Year 1 funds is anticipated in the Human Services 2015 budget proposal. The actual expenditure recommendation will be the subject of a future report prior to the January 31st deadline. In the event that an eligible project under the IAH program is not committed to by the deadline, the funds will be returned to the province. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact. Risks/Implications There is no associated risk with the signing of the administration agreement. Page 1 of 3 Report No: HS 2014-05 HUMAN SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Direction: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure Ensuring a range of housing options Implementing a healthy community strategy Adapting programs, services and facilities to reflect evolving community needs Working with community partners and organizations to maintain / strengthen public safety DISCUSSION Background Safe and affordable shelter is the foundation for personal success and quality of life. Through the IAH program, the County of Oxford has facilitated the development of many affordable housing projects. There remains a keen interest in the Not for Profit sector and Private sector to develop a range of housing options. It is through monies made available in the form of grant that these projects attain a level of financial viability. In the absence of grants there has been, and in all likelihood will be, very little development of housing that is affordable to those of modest income. Comments The reality is that the shortage of affordable housing in the region is forcing many families to choose which essentials that they can afford. In the region of Oxford, Middlesex, Perth and Elgin there are over 4,600 families on the waiting list for social housing. This often means that health, education, earning potential and community involvement will suffer. A safe, comfortable, and affordable place to live is key to breaking the cycle of poverty and giving families the opportunity to flourish in our community. The development of affordable housing does not occur overnight and is not always in keeping with provincial mandates for special priority groups. Many projects are years in the making and often expose the development community to financial risk in terms of cost incurred prior to development. It is often the case that proposals far exceed the available funds. This is an issue that is inherent to a program that lacks a long term financial commitment from the Federal and Provincial governments. Page 2 of 3 Report No: HS 2014-05 HUMAN SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 Conclusions The signing of the agreement will allow staff to move forward with the development community in terms of finalizing proposals. There is a certainty that there will be a number of proposals and that the available funds will not satisfy the demand. The announcement of Years 2 through 6 funding will at least provide some funding certainty for the foreseeable future. A subsequent report to County Council in January 2015 will provide further evidence of the willingness of the development community to construct and operate affordable housing. SIGNATURE Departmental Approval: [Original signed by] Paul Beaton Director Approved for submission: [Original signed by] Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer Page 3 of 3 Report No: PW 2014-63 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 26, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Public Works Mill Street, Woodstock, Class Environmental Assessment RECOMMENDATIONS 1. That County Council approve the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) north of the 401 in Woodstock; 2. And further, that County Council authorize staff to post the Notice of Completion for the required public review period. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS To obtain County Council approval of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Class EA) for Oxford Road 12 (Mill St.) north of the 401 in the City of Woodstock and to seek Council authorization to post the Municipal Class Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the required public review period. With the holiday season approaching, the public review period will be extended from the minimum 30 days to 45 days (excluding holidays) Construction is anticipated to start in 2015 with the first of several phases. Implementation Points After the public review period, and subject to comments received and budget approvals, the County will proceed with the implementations of the recommended road improvements in phases beginning in 2015. There are eight phases planned for the completion of the overall improvements within the corridor, with implementation planned over the next 5 to 10 years. Implementation of the recommended road improvements will provide intersection improvements, cycling lanes, provide additional sidewalk and improve vehicular traffic flow. Removal of on-street parking on Mill Street is proposed to allow the other improvements to proceed. Financial Impact The estimated cost for the recommended road improvements (surface works) is $3,305,000. The recommended road improvements are grouped into eight areas of work. The estimated costs for property acquisitions, utility relocations and underground work are not included in the above cost but will be considered as budgets are finalized for each phase over the next 5 to 10 years. The utility relocation and underground water and wastewater work are not anticipated to be large compared to the scope of the road projects. There are two complete residential Page 1 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-63 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 26, 2014 property acquisitions anticipated and two daylight triangles required for the entire project. The area required is 335 square meters. The cost for the recommended road improvements will be financed through taxation, gas tax, development charges and reserves. Associated water/wastewater improvements will be financed through rates, development charges and reserves as appropriate. An expenditure of $1,200,000 (design, land acquisition and construction costs) has been requested in the 2015 Budget for the first phase of this project. The Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information. Risks/Implications An extended public review period is planned in light of the approaching holiday season. During the public review period, an individual and/or group may raise concerns on the Environmental Assessment (EA) study to the study team. If the individual and/or group is/are not satisfied with the solutions provided, the individual or group can write to the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change (MOEECC) and ask the Minister to elevate the study to an Individual EA. This request may delay the implementations of the recommended road improvements based on the Minister’s decision. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all of our citizens by: - Maintaining and strengthening core infrastructure 2. i. A County that is Well Connected – Improve travel options beyond the personal vehicle by: - Creating, enhancing and promoting the use of an integrated trail and bike path system Promoting active transportation 3. ii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future – Implement development policies and community planning guidelines that: - Actively promote the responsible use of land and natural resources 3. iii. A County that Thinks Ahead and Wisely Shapes the Future - Apply social, financial and environmental sustainability lenses to significant decisions by assessing options in regard to: - Life cycle costs and benefit/costs, including debt, tax and reserve levels and implications Responsible environmental stewardship 4. i. A County that Informs and Engages - Better harness the power of the community through conversation and dialogue by: - Fostering greater involvement in County and community events and/or program/project implementation Understanding and addressing public aspirations for a more livable community 4. ii. A County that Informs and Engages - Better inform the public about County programs, services and activities through planned communication by: - Improving County-municipality information exchange Page 2 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-63 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 26, 2014 DISCUSSION Background Oxford County Public Works Department initiated a Class Environmental Assessment in January 2014 to determine the preferred alternative to improve or reconstruct Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) in the City of Woodstock. Through a competitive RFP process, Parsons (formerly Delcan), was retained to conduct the Class Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA was undertaken using Schedule C of the Municipal Engineer’s Association Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Municipal Class EA), dated October 2000, as amended in 2007 and 2011. The Municipal Class EA is an approved EA planning process that meets the requirements of the Ontario EA Act for municipal projects. A Project Team, consisting of the Consultant (Parsons), Oxford County and City of Woodstock staff, was set up to provide input throughout the EA period. Public Notices were placed in the Oxford Review and on the Oxford County website to advise the public of Public Consultation Centres (PCCs). Notices were also mailed out to Agencies, Stakeholders, First Nation Communities and property owners adjacent to the study area. The first PCC was held on March 6, 2014 to present the Study objectives and asked for comments and input. The second PCC was held on October 2, 2014 to present the design alternatives and the preliminary preferred alternative. Comments At the completion of the Environmental Assessment, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) was prepared by Parsons. The Executive Summary of the ESR is attached as Attachment 1. The recommended plan proposed includes the elimination of the existing on-street parking on Mill Street in order to provide the physical space to safely accommodate bike lanes. These bike lanes are recommended in the City of Woodstock Cycling Master Plan. The parking study conducted as part of the project clearly indicated that there is minimal usage of the existing parking and that all properties have their own on site parking. On-street parking is a sensitive issue and could cause concern with adjacent residents. Directly affected property owners and City of Woodstock staff have been engaged through the EA planning process. A copy of the draft Notice of Completion is attached as Attachment 2. Following County Council approval of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for Oxford Road 12 (Mill St.) north of Highway 401 in Woodstock, staff will advertise the Notice of Completion in the Oxford Review and on the Oxford County website. A copy of the Notice of Completion will be mailed to the Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC), all stakeholders indicating an interest previously and all adjacent property owners. With the holiday season approaching, the public review period will be extended beyond the minimum 30 day review period to ensure ample time for the public to review and comment on the ESR. Page 3 of 4 Report No: PW 2014-63 PUBLIC WORKS Council Date: November 26, 2014 Conclusions Following County Council approval of the Municipal Class EA, copies of the Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be made available to the Public for an extended review period at the County and City administration offices. Upon completion of the public review period, and subject to comments received and budget approval, implementation of the recommended road improvements are planned to begin in 2015 to coincide with development work anticipated in the Mill Street/Simcoe Street area. Several phases over the next 5 to 10 years are anticipated to complete the improvements, all of which will be subject to Council approval of the necessary capital budget. SIGNATURE Report Author: Original signed by Dadean Assam, P.Eng. Manager of Construction Departmental Approval: Original signed by Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 Executive Summary – Environmental Study Report, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill St.), Woodstock. Attachment 2 Draft Notice of Completion. Page 4 of 4 Attachment 1 to PW 2014-63 November 26, 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) Woodstock, November 2014 Executive Summary PARSONS, formerly DELCAN, was retained by Oxford County to conduct an Environmental Assessment in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment (EA) Act to determine the impacts for Road improvements on Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) in the City of Woodstock. The Environmental Assessment was undertaken in accordance with Schedule “C” of the Municipal Engineers Association “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment” (Municipal Class EA), dated October 2000, as amended in 2007 and 2011. The Municipal Class EA is an approved EA planning process that meets the requirements of the Ontario EA Act for municipal projects. Study Area: The 3.5 km section of part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) in the City of Woodstock, is one of the main access roads from Highway 401 into the city. It connects Highway 401 to Dundas Street, and serves as an access route to many residential, commercial and institutional establishments, including Woodstock General Hospital. The north-half of Mill Street is mostly urban cross-section and the south-half is mostly rural cross-section. There are a number of signalized and unsignalized intersections throughout the corridor. The Mill Street and Athlone Avenue intersection, controlled by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO), was resurfaced in 2011. The section from Athlone Avenue to Highway 401 Ramps, also controlled by MTO, was resurfaced in 2012. A key plan of the study area is provided in Figure ES.1. Figure ES.1 Study Area Public and Agency Consultation: Consultation with the public, agencies, First Nations and other stakeholders was conducted throughout the study in accordance with the requirements of the Schedule “C” of Municipal Class EA process. The public, First Nations, businesses, property owners adjacent to the study area, agencies and stakeholders were invited to participate in the study process. Key features of the consultation program undertaken Figure ES.1 as part of this study included: Study Area Page ES 1 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) Woodstock, November 2014 • Notice of Study Commencement published in local newspapers as well as mailed out to First Nations, property owners adjacent to the study area, businesses, agencies and stakeholders on January 25, 2014. • Public Consultation Centre No. 1 was held on Thursday, March 6, 2014 to provide stakeholders, agencies, businesses, First Nations and interested members of the public with an opportunity to meet the Study Team, review the study scope and discuss issues related to the study including alternative solutions, environmental considerations and evaluation criteria. • A second Public Consultation Centre was held on Thursday October 2, 2014 to provide stakeholders, agencies, property owners, First Nations and interested members of the public with the opportunity to review and comment on the design alternatives and the preliminary preferred alternative, as well as discuss any questions or concerns they may have had. • Notice of Study Completion will be placed in the local newspapers and also mailed out to property owners adjacent to the study area, businesses, First Nations, agencies and stakeholders. • Minimum 30 day public review of the Environmental Study Report. Phase 1 Municipal Class EA Process – Problem/Opportunity Statement: Based on a review of various background documents, transportation analyses, the Terms of Reference, site visits, and consultation with key stakeholders, technical agencies and members of the public, the following Study Problem/Opportunity Statement was developed: There is a need to improve Mill Street in order to effectively address the existing and future travel demands in a manner that benefits all roadway users: vehicular traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. If no roadway improvements are undertaken, it is anticipated that over time, traffic congestion during peak periods will increase resulting in longer travel delays and decreasing levels of service for all roadway users. Phase 2 Municipal Class EA Process - Preferred Solution: Under Phase 2 of the Municipal Class EA process, all reasonable solutions to the problem (i.e. planning alternatives) were identified and described, including the “Do Nothing” alternative. After general inventories of the natural, social and economic environments were prepared and potential environmental impacts were determined for each planning alternative, the net positive and negative effects of each planning alternative were then Page ES 2 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) Woodstock, November 2014 identified and the alternatives were evaluated resulting in a recommended planning solution. The recommended solution was then presented to the public and reviewing agencies to solicit input into the selection of the preferred solution. In order to address the Problem Statement, the following approach was recommended: • Accommodate other modes of travel (e.g., transit, cycling, walking) • • Improve traffic signal timing Provide additional capacity along Mill Street with intersection/ roadway improvements Phase 3 Municipal Class EA Process - Recommended Design Concept for the Preferred Solution: As part of the Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) study, a number of design alternatives were identified, evaluated and presented to the public, stakeholders and technical agencies. The design alternatives were developed as potential methods of implementing the preferred solution and ultimately to address the problem(s) identified in the first phase of the EA. In order to address the Problem Statement, the following design components were recommended: Intersection Improvements to: Dundas Street – Convert one of the westbound through lanes to a left turn lane, channelize northbound right turn lane Simcoe Street - Realign east and west legs of Simcoe Street Pembers Pass - Provide left-turn lanes Juliana Drive - Provide left-turn lanes Road Improvements to Mill Street: Dundas Street to Main Street - Repaint road to 3 lane cross section with two-way left-turn lane and shared use lanes for cars/cyclists Main Street to Parkinson Road- Repaint road to 3 lane cross section with two-way left-turn lane and dedicated bike lanes. This will require the removal of existing on-street parking. Parkinson Road to Pember’s Pass - Widen road to 3 lane cross section with two-way leftturn lane and shared use lanes Pember’s Pass to South Limits - Reconstruct road to 2 lane cross section with paved shoulders Page ES 3 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) Woodstock, November 2014 Staging of Implementation of Preferred Design The recommended staging of implementation for the preferred design is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Intersection Improvements at Dundas Street Intersection improvements at Simcoe Street Intersection improvements at Pember’s Pass Intersection improvements at Julianna Drive Road improvements from Dundas Street to Main Street Road improvements from Main Street to Parkinson Road Road improvements from Parkinson Road/Bower Hill Road to Pember’s Pass Road improvements from Pember’s Pass to South limits of study Preliminary Cost Estimates The estimated costs of implementing the improvements are as follows: IMPROVEMENT COST Intersection Improvements at Dundas Street (in 2015) $40,000.00 Intersection Improvements at Simcoe Street (in 2015) $1,000,000.00 Intersection Improvements at Pember’s Pass (in 2015) $45,000.00 Intersection Improvements at Juliana Drive (in 2015) $45,000.00 Road improvements from Dundas Street to Main Street (in 2015) $15,000.00 Road improvements from Main Street to Parkinson Road (in 2015) $55,000.00 Road improvements from Parkinson Road to Pember’s Pass $1,400,000.00 Road improvements from Pember’s Pass to South limits $715,000.00 Total $3,315,000.00 Potential Impacts Associated with the Preferred Design: Based on an assessment of the potential environmental impacts resulting from construction of the preferred design, the proposed improvements to Mill Street is not anticipated to result in any significant environmental impacts providing adequate mitigation measures are employed. Key impacts that have been identified as a result of implementing the preferred design (during and post construction) may include: • Potential disruption to vehicular traffic (travelling public and commercial vehicles). Traffic disruption shall be minimized as much as possible during construction. A Page ES 4 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) Woodstock, November 2014 • • • • • • construction staging and traffic management plan will be developed during the detailed design phase of the project. On-street parking not permitted. Very little use of parking based on Parking Study. Potential access restrictions to adjacent property driveways. Access to adjacent properties may be disrupted by a day or two. Potential impacts on the terrestrial environment (i.e. roadside vegetation and mature trees). Trees requiring removal will be replaced where appropriate via a tree planting plan to be developed during detail design. Relocation of existing utilities to accommodate the preferred design. It is anticipated that a number of utilities will require relocation. Archaeological resource impacts. Should the proposed work extend beyond the current study area then further Stage 1 assessment must be conducted to determine the archaeological potential of the surrounding lands. Cultural Heritage resource impacts. A resource-specific heritage impact assessment should be carried out for two properties prior to construction to evaluate the cultural heritage value of these resources. The feasibility of implementing tree protection zones should also be investigated for all identified cultural heritage resources where tree removal is planned. Phase 4 Municipal Class EA Process – Environmental Study Report: This Environmental Study Report (ESR) documents the entire study process, including technical analysis undertaken and public consultation. Additional Work Required and Monitoring: Additional works to be completed during the detail design phase of the project, prior to construction, include but are not limited to, the following: • • • Develop a construction staging and traffic management plan to maintain access to and from the existing driveways along Mill Street and the existing side streets. The staging plan will also consider the ambulance and fire access routes to ensure minimal impacts. Determine detailed locations of all buried utilities and gas lines and coordinate relocations as required. Secure any approvals that may be required. Mitigation measures identified in this report shall be written into the contract specifications. During construction, the contract administrator will ensure that full-time monitoring/inspection of the project works is undertaken to ensure that all environmental commitments identified in the Environmental Study Report are adhered to by the contract team. After a period of one year following completion of construction (i.e. post construction), a final inspection will be undertaken to ensure the effectiveness of the identified mitigation measures. Page ES 5 Attachment 2 to PW 2014-63 November 26, 2014 NOTICE OF STUDY COMPLETION CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY Oxford County Road 12 (Mill Street) From Dundas Street to North of Highway 401 Oxford County has completed a Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) in accordance with Schedule C of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, amended 2007 & 2011) to consider a wide range of options for transportation corridor improvement for part of Oxford Road 12 (Mill Street) from Dundas Street to North of Highway 401 in the City of Woodstock (see map). An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been completed that documents the Class Environmental Assessment process. The ESR was accepted by County Council on November 26, 2014 and will be available for review starting on December 3, 2014 and ending on January 23, 2015 at the following locations: Oxford County Administration Building, 21 Reeve St., Woodstock ON N4S 7Y3 Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm The City of Woodstock Engineering Building, 944 James St., Woodstock ON N4S 0A7 Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Woodstock Public Library 455 Hunter Street Woodstock ON N4S 4G7 Mon – Fri: 10:00am-8:30pm Saturday: 10:00am-5:00pm Sunday: 1:00pm-5:00pm The ESR is also available for review on the Oxford County website at Written comments on the Environmental Study Report should be provided within 30 days and should be addressed to: Mr. Dadean Assam, P.Eng. Manager of Construction Oxford County, Public Works Department 21 Reeve Street, P.O. Box 1614 Woodstock ON N4S 7Y3 Telephone: 519- 539-9800 Ext. 3117 Fax: 519-421-4711 Email: [email protected] If concerns regarding this project cannot be resolved in discussion with the County, a person may request that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change issue a Part II Order for an individual environmental assessment. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change 135 St. Clair Avenue West, 10th Floor Toronto ON M4V 1P5 Requests for a Part II Order must be received by the Minister at the address above by January 23, 2015. A copy of the request for a Part II Order must also be sent to the County of Oxford. If there is no request for a Part II Order, implementation of the preferred solution for the improvements to Oxford County Road 12 (Mill Street) in Woodstock as presented in the Environmental Study Report will proceed Robert Walton, P.Eng. Director of Public Works This Notice first issued December 1, 2014 Report No: CS 2014-35 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 To: Warden and Members of County Council From: Director of Corporate Services Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based Funding Contribution Agreement RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer and the Director of Corporate Services be hereby authorized to execute a Funding Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, under the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based Program. REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Authorize the endorsement of an Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund – Formula-Based funding contribution agreement for years 2015 to 2017 inclusive. Funding allocations per year - $530,194. Implementation Points Subject to the County entering into a Funding Agreement with the Ministry, the Ministry will provide funding contributions on the basis of a comprehensive formula taking into account the cost of municipal core infrastructure and various financial indicators. Funding contributions will be received in three installments in each of the funding years as follows: Installment % of Total Funding Timing 1 25% January – March 2 50% April – June 3 25% July - September Page 1 of 4 Report No: CS 2014-35 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 Financial Impact The 2015 funding contribution in the amount of $530,000 has been included in the 2015 preliminary budget to offset a portion of $2.25 million in bridge rehabilitation – the remainder of the costs funded by reserves ($1 million) and taxation ($720,000). The Treasurer has prepared this report. Risks/Implications There are no risks or implications that could result by adopting the recommendation contained within this report. Strategic Plan County Council adopted the County of Oxford Strategic Plan at its regular meeting held March 27, 2013. The initiative contained within this report supports the Values and Strategic Directions as set out in the Strategic Plan as it pertains to the following Strategic Directions: 1. ii. A County that Works Together – Enhance the quality of life for all our citizens by working with community partners and organizations to maintain/strengthen public safety. DISCUSSION Background In August 2014, the Province launched two new municipal infrastructure initiatives, targeted to support municipal infrastructure projects through the $100 million per year Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF), which, for the first three years of the program will include both application-based and formula-based components. The application-based component involves a two-stage process – an expression of interest for pre-screening, and if the proposed project passes the screening process there is an opportunity to submit a full application. No application is required to access the funds under the formula-based component, which is the only component covered in the funding agreement that is the subject of this report. Comments Grants are linked to core infrastructure owned by municipalities and to their fiscal circumstances. In a two-tier municipal structure the cost of the area municipalities’ core infrastructure is included in calculating the County’s funding allocation. In assessing the municipality’s fiscal circumstances: weighted assessment; core infrastructure per household; median income per household; and, median infrastructure index are all factors in the funding formula. Eligibility All eligible municipalities are entitled to receive a minimum of $25,000 under the formula-based component of the OCIF. Eligible municipalities with populations of less than 100,000 are Page 2 of 4 Report No: CS 2014-35 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 eligible for this funding program as are a few municipalities whose population exceeds 100,000 who were eligible for funding under the program in 2013 – which is the provision by which the Ministry has deemed the County of Oxford to be eligible. Use of Grant Eligible projects include capital projects and capital maintenance for renewal, rehabilitation and replacement of core infrastructure assets which are defined as: Roads Paved and unpaved roads Street lighting and sidewalks when part of a road project Bridges and culverts Water Water treatment Water distribution/transmission Wastewater Wastewater treatment and disposal Sanitary sewer systems Storm sewer systems – urban and rural In addition to core infrastructure projects, the funding can be used for the development and implementation of asset management plans (i.e. software, training, inspections) for core infrastructure assets. Ineligible Costs The following ineligible costs are not to be paid from the funds provided under this agreement: Growth related expansion projects Land acquisition Leasing land, buildings and other facilities Financing charges Legal fees. Page 3 of 4 Report No: CS 2014-35 CORPORATE SERVICES Council Date: November 26, 2014 Reporting Requirements The funds must be used in the fiscal year in which they are allocated. There are three reporting requirements under this program described as follows: Report deadline 45 days prior to start of construction – no later than March 31 Report Description Proposed project description, estimated cost and proposed start date December 31 Annual project information update – status, variance between project description and actual project completed December 31 Annual report – financial report and duty to consult declaration Conclusions Securing a Funding Agreement for the OCIF Program will allow the County to receive $530,194 in each of the years 2015 – 2017 to assist in funding the County’s Asset Management Plan in the short-term. SIGNATURE Departmental Approval: Original signed by Lynn S. Buchner, CPA, CGA Director of Corporate Services Approved for submission: Original signed by Peter M. Crockett, P.Eng. Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENTS None Page 4 of 4 PENDING ITEMS Council Meeting Date 18-Nov-13 10-Sep-14 10-Sep-14 24-Sep-14 08-Oct-14 Issue 2014 Budget Meeting To Do List - Public Works Capital Project completion success measures - commitment budget vs cashflow budget Report PW 2014-50 - Acceptance of Liquid Waste at Oxford County Wastewater Treatment Facilities Report CAO 2014-12 - University of Ottawa - Woodstock Satellite Campus Proposal Resolution No. 5 - Deferring recommendation contained in Report No. PW 2014-55 - Woodstock Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Extension Project and By-law No. 5622-2014 to impose the cost to ratepayers Resolution No. 12 - procedures around water and sewer hook-up programs - new developed or boundary adjusted areas Pending Action Staff Report Staff to develop policy and report - Res. No. 4, 25-June-14, delegation request to pass resolution to not accept leachate from privately owned or operated landfills for treatment deferred until such time Staff to negotiate partnership agreement and report Gathering and provision of information to Havelock Corners Ratepayers Association delegation and report back to Council Staff Report Lead Dept. CS Time Frame 2014 - Q3 PW Spring 2015 CAO Spring 2015 PW 2014 - Q4 CS 2015 - Q1 COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5634-2014 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 3741-98 by establishing an all-way stop at the intersection of Oxford Road 18 and Oxford Road 13 in the Township of Norwich. WHEREAS, the Table to Section 11 and Section 52 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, prescribe that specified highways are within the jurisdiction of the County of Oxford for all matters relating to those highways, including parking and traffic. AND WHEREAS, Council may exercise any of its powers under Section 137 of the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, to erect stop signs at intersections of highways under its jurisdiction and control. AND WHEREAS, Council has adopted Public Works Report No. PW 2014-61, dated November 12, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That By-law No. 3741-98 is hereby amended, by removing the wording respecting the through highway reference to County Road 18 only, and replacing the wording to read: “County Road 18 – from the east side of The King’s Highway #19 to the west side of County Road 13.” “County Road 18 – from the east side of County Road 13 to the east boundary of the County of Oxford.” READ a first and second time this 26th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5635-2014 BEING a By-law to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to sign a Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for an Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN) to enable participation in an Ontario program for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. WHEREAS, Section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act. AND WHEREAS, the Table to Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, prescribes that the County of Oxford has exclusive jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to water production, treatment, storage and distribution and collection and treatment of sanitary sewage. AND WHEREAS, Section 20 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, provides that a municipality may enter into an agreement with one or more municipalities or local bodies, or a combination of both to jointly provide, for their joint benefit, any matter which all of them have the power to provide within their own boundaries. AND WHEREAS, Council has adopted Public Works Report No. PW 2014-62, dated November 12, 2014. NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That the Chief Administrative Officer is hereby authorized and instructed to sign a Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement for an Ontario Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (OnWARN), attached hereto and forming part of this By-law, to enable participation in an Ontario program for the provision or receipt of assistance during emergency situations. READ a first and second time this 26th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK COUNTY OF OXFORD BY-LAW NO. 5636-2014 BEING a By-law to confirm all actions and proceedings of the Council of the County of Oxford at the meeting at which this By-law is passed. The Council of the County of Oxford enacts as follows: 1. That all decisions made by Council at the meeting at which this By-law is passed, in respect of each report, resolution or other action passed and taken by the Council at this meeting, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed. 2. That the Warden and/or the proper officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the said decisions referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, to obtain approvals where required, and except where otherwise provided, to execute all necessary documents and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to affix the corporate seal where necessary. 3. That nothing in this By-law has the effect of giving to any decision or resolution the status of a By-law where any legal prerequisite to the enactment of a specific By-law has not be satisfied. 4. That all decisions, as referred to in Section 1 of this By-law, supercede any prior decisions of Council to the contrary. READ a first and second time this 26th day of November, 2014. READ a third time and finally passed this 26th day of November, 2014. DONALD E. McKAY, WARDEN BRENDA J. TABOR, CLERK
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