CONTACT... If you are new we’d love you to fill this in so that we can get in touch. If your details have changed or if you would like a visit from someone from the church, please fill this in too! First Garvagh Presbyterian Church ROTAS Today Crèche Sun 30 Nov Amy Arbuthnot Valerie Holmes Beverly Glass Elaine Donald Hilary Hutchinson Alison Henry Beverley Galloway Joy Gordon Joy Gordon Surname ……………...…… Children’s Church Welcome Team Malcolm Campbell Margaret Campbell William Doherty Stella Cooper William Doherty Stella Cooper First Name ……………...… Flowers Stella Cooper Stella Cooper Ida Wade Camera Charlotte Boyd Charlotte Boyd Chris Gordon Laptop Evie Armstrong Evie Armstrong Alice Boyd Address …………………... Sound Desk Mervyn Glass Mervyn Glass Andrew Paul …………………...…………. Tea after ES Jacqui Whann Tanya Magowan Doreen Campbell Roberta Armstrong Mina Woodward MrMrsMiss …... Postcode ………..………… Telephone ………...………. Reader Mobile ………………...…… E-mail …………………...…. ……………...………………. COLLECTORS–November Children’s names & ages (at home) …………………...…………. Mervyn Thompson David Shiels Roland Holmes Ken McLenaghan Al ex r ylo William McClarty Ta Please detach this form and hand in with collection. Thank you or ev Tr Irw in ……………………...………. Tick this box if you are requesting a visit from the minister Sun 7 Dec Weekly News Welcome as we gather today to wait upon God and worship Him. If you are visitor, we hope you’ll feel at home among us and that you will come back again soon. If you have just moved into the area, we’d love to have you join with us on a regular basis. Please make sure you speak to the minister or one of the stewards and give them your name and address. If you haven’t been to church for a while, we hope that you’ll sense today the very real presence of God that will draw you back again to this place. The greatest need in your whole life is the very thing he’s offering you today. Deep down in your heart you know you need him. Seek him, for he is here! We all long to meet with God in a special way today. He is here to do just that for us. Take a moment in silence just now. Tell him about your burdens you’ve carried in with you today—you know, your greatest need today is to see the Lord himself, to hear his voice, to sense his powerful touch upon your life, to feel his strong arms around you, to understand what he wants you to do. If you need any sort of help today, please do not hesitate to wait and speak to the minister afterwards or contact him at home. NOW LET US WORSHIP THE KING OF KINGS! Today 1. We give a warm welcome to Rev Robert Johnston who is leading us in worship today. 2. Evening Service in Main Street Church at 7.00pm. 3. This evening at 7pm Blackhill Golden Star RBPNo71 invite you to a praise service in St Guaire’s Parish Church Hall Aghadowey. The praise will be led by the Riada Accordion Orchestra and soloist’s. A collection will be made for their charity appeal Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and The Bible Society. 4. Mission Hall Service at 8.15pm. Mr Martin Dickey continues with a five Sunday night series of Bible studies in the book of Philippians entitled “Being part of the “IN” crowd. William Doherty VESTIBULE DUTY November William Doherty Alex Irwin Ken McLenaghan Sunday 23 Nov 2014 United Appeal—if you have got your United Appeal Envelope with you today please put it on the offering plate. If you have forgotten it there will still be an opportunity next Sunday. This Week 5. Monday 24 November—Bowling Club meets at 8.00pm 6. Monday 24 November—PW Rally will be held in First Limavady at 8.00pm. Anyone who is interested in attending please meet at the Church at 7.20 pm. 7. 8. 9. Tuesday 25 November—Good News Club : 6.45 to 7.45 pm Tuesday 25 November—The PW Committee will meet in the Choir room at 8.00 pm. Wednesday 26 November—Tots & Co : 10.30 am to 12 noon 10. Wednesday 26 November—Group Bible Study at 7.30pm 11. Thursday 27 November—Bon Accord & Men’s Group only practice at 7.30 pm 12. Friday 28 November—Girls’ Brigade meets 13. Friday 28 November - 8TH Annual Garvagh Craft Fair in Garvagh Community Building from 7 to 9 pm. Admission which includes seasonal refreshments is £3.00 for Adults (children free). The Craft Fair promises to be one of the best fairs around .......come along and see for yourself! Mission Overseas Prayerline MORE INFORMATION Issued on Wednesday 19 November 2014 Please provide me with further information on … BRAZIL - Naomi Keefe is due return to Olinda in north east Brazil on Thursday 20th. Naomi who has been on home assignment in Ireland since the summer, had been unwell for several months. Thankfully she is now feeling much better and her energy levels have improved. Give thanks for Naomi’s recovery from illness and pray for continuing good health. Remember Naomi over the next few weeks as she settles back into her home, life and work in Brazil. Finding out more about INDIA - Rev John Faris (Minister of Trinity Cork and Aghada) and Linda Jackson (former PCI missionary in India) are currently on a short visit to India. On Monday, 17th November, they attended the official opening of a renovated library and computer suite at the Gujarat United School of Theology in Ahmedabad. Whilst in India, Linda will also visit Woodstock School, Mussoorie where she served from 1996 to 2009. Give thanks for the renovated library and computer suite at the Gujarat United School of Theology and pray that the many students who will use it in the years ahead will benefit greatly. Pray that John and Linda will each have a safe and trouble-free trip. BIBLE SOCIETIES – The Bible Society in N. Ireland (BSNI)and the National Bible Society in Ireland (NBSI) send the following prayer requests:IRAQ: The Bible Society in Iraq has been working for many years to provide Scripture to Iraq’s Christian community. IS have forced the Christian population to flee their homes and one of the staff team in Iraq has commented, “Never have I seen and experienced the levels of heartbreak that are happening now.” The team is providing aid, such as food, bedding and Scripture for the refugees. Ask for God’s intervention, and for His protection on Christians ministering to the many displaced people. May His Word spread, bringing comfort to people who are destitute! TOGO: At the end of November BSNI staff member, Leah McKibben, is travelling to Togo to attend the dedication of the newly translated Mina Bible. While there she will be seeing ministries to children and young people, prisoners and those attending literacy classes. Thank God that the Mina people are having the opportunity to celebrate God speaking to them in their heart language for the first time. Pray for Leah, for safe travels and for an experience that will help as the Bible Societies seek new ways to work together to bring God’s Word to more people. the Christian faith How to join First Garvagh Freewill Offering Envelopes Christianity / Discipleship Explored Courses Small Groups Children’s / youth programmes Other ……………….....…… I would be interested in getting involved with … Children’s / Youth work Helping with crèche Tots & Co Media Team Music & singing Outreach to the community Helping with tea/coffee after services Other ………………......….. Other Information It is time for the Salvation Army Christmas Family Appeal so once again we are appealing to the generosity of the First Garvagh Congregation. The Captain of the local Salvation Army mentioned that they are always short of toys for babies under 3 years, and perfumes, soaps etc for teenagers, but she emphasised that the Salvation Army is exceedingly grateful for anything provided. Containers will be set out for the next 2 Sundays. Garvagh Community Playgroup—Now Enrolling for 2015. if you know anyone who has a child born between 2 July 2011 and 1 July 2012 they are entitled to a free full time pre-school place in September. Call at the playgroup for a form. Closing date 12 noon Wednesday 14 January 2015. Wednesday 26 November—Coleraine Inst Friends Association are holding a Floral Design Night with Jil Peterson at 7.30pm in the Humphreys Hall at the school. Tickets £10 are available from David Green. Would YWG members please give their Mission Boxes to Betty McKee. If you do not have a Mission Box you may give a donation. Pastoral Care - Hospital Visitation Very often notification that a parishioner has been admitted to hospital can take up to a week to be communicated by post to the Minister from the Hospital Chaplain. In some cases no information is received as sometimes church details are not gathered on admission to hospital in A&E from the patient which are then used to notify the Hospital Chaplain. The Hospital Chaplain only works 1 or 2 days a week and so sometimes patients can be missed if they have been in hospital for only a few days. If you or a family member are admitted to hospital and you would appreciate a visit please inform the Minister as soon as possible. Likewise it would be appreciated that the Minister would be informed of hospital discharge to save a wasted hospital call. Hospital visitation is an important aspect of pastoral care and we don’t want to miss anyone because of the inadequacies of the system of notification. Next Sunday 14. Sunday 30 November—Morning Service at 11.30 am. Evening Service at 7.00 pm. Further Ahead 15. Tuesday 2 December—The PW will meet at 8pm— Members’ Night 16. Wednesday 3 to Sunday 7 December—New Row Presbyterian Church Christmas Tree Festival from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm each day. Closing Service on Sunday at 6.30pm. 17. Sunday 14 December—Annual Carol Service at 7.00 pm.
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