November / December 2014 Soke Receiving Bronze Relief in His Image from Hanshi Charles Scott at The 50th Anniversary All Star Tournament A BIG THANK YOU FROM SOKE KUBOTA Soke Kubota would like to personally thank all that supported the 50th Anniversary All Star Tournament and all the weekend events celebrating his 75th year of martial arts training and his 80th birthday. We were honored to have participation from India, Italy, Australia, Canada, Virgin Islands, Poland, Venezuela, Alaska, Colorado and of course dojos from all over California. The banquet on the Friday before the tournament was very well attended and showcased an hour long video chronicling Soke’s karate and Hollywood career. The video contained clips from some of Soke best movies and commercials and were really entertaining to watch. Thank you to Hanshi Val Mijailovic who compiled the video. We were also honored to have Soke Dai James Caan ( AKA “Sonny Corleone” from the Godfather movie) in attendance to honor Soke. The seminars the day before the tournament had a record 65 people in the IKA Headquarters dojo for training. This is the largest class we have ever packed into the dojo. It was an unbelievable feat but Soke was able to teach such a large group in a relatively small space. Seminars in kata, waza, and selfdefense were enjoyed by all that attended. The tournament went extremely smooth even though we had more competitors. This is due to the great number of volunteers, and judges that came out to the tournament to participate in the memorable event. One of the highlights of the day was the presentation of the Bronze Relief in Soke’s image. It was a gift from Soke’s students all over the world and was created by reknown artist, Preston Jackson. We thank Hanshi Charles Scott for making this gift possible. This gift now proudly hangs in the IKA headquarters dojo and will immortalize Soke for all eternity. Soke thanks everyone for the gift and to all the volunteers for all the help. Special thanks to Sensei Victor Chico and the Occidental Karate club for securing and setting up the Occidental college facility. The tournament closed with the traditional post tournament party, this year at Acapulco’s Mexican Restaurant. November / December 2014 Black Belt Training – 50th Anniversary All Star Tournament Weekend DAN TESTING AND PROMOTION Giorgio Bortolin – Italy Hank Hamilton – USA Paul McCaul – USA Val Mijailovic – USA Dan testing for top IKA instructors is an event that does not happen very often. In some cases it had been decades since some of the instructors last tested. Over the tournament weekend, several top level instructors tested for high dan ranks and were also awarded titles from Soke Kubota. Testing has been going on at IKA headquarters for the past couple months. Here are the results of the recent tests from these tests as well as some recent results from last year: 7th Dan and Kyoshi Title Antonio Antonetti – USA Bhagwan Choudhary – India Bob Martin – USA, Washington State Edgardo Karam – Venezuela Frederico Lanta – Venezuela George Sinani – USA Lloyd Norford – Virgin Islands Michael Berger – USA, Utah Rod Kuratomi – USA Tatsuo Hirano – USA Ted Bratakos - USA 8th Dan and Hanshi Title: Hiroshi Yoshida - Japan Allesandro Pajello - Italy Boban Petkovic – USA Charles Scott – USA, Alaska Fred Simonitis – Canada Please address all email regarding Affiliation, Membership, Tournaments, Seminars, Karate and Police Training to: [email protected] Page 2 November / December 2014 6th Dan and Kyoshi Title IKA CALENDAR Eric Adams – USA, Colorado/Alaska James Penor – USA, Washington State Kent Lindquist – USA, Colorado/Alaska Seminar with Soke Kubota Warsaw, Poland - November 14-16, 2014 Host: Shihans Jacek and Krzysiek Chalupka 5th Dan IKA Holiday Party Saturday, December 6, 2014 – 6:00 pm Demetrio Munoz – USA – title of Shihan Fred Anderson – USA Jacek Chalupka – Poland – title of Shihan Jeff Hall – USA, Washington State Jorge Donoso – Venezuela Judith Marx – USA, Carmel Valley - title of Shihan Krzysiek Chalupka – Poland – title of Shihan Marcial Soto – USA Monia Atti – Italy Richard Higbee – USA, Washington State Kubotan Seminar with Soke Kubota Mexico – March 14, 2015 Host: Tomas Miledi Black Belt Tournament Torino, Italy – May 2015 Host: Hanshi Giorgio Bortolin Nikkei Games Tournament and Seminar Long Beach, California August 9, 2015 Note: To maintain title of Shihan, one must be an instructor that is teaching regularly. MASTERS FORUM The Masters Forum is dedicated to increasing the knowledge base of the IKA Family. Each month we will try to cover a new topic on a multitude of facets of the art, dealing with all levels of expertise. This month, Kyoshi Rod Kuratomi writes on how kata training can be used to develop “Mushin” UPCOMING MASTERS TO TEST The following instructors will be Dan testing in the near future: Anatoliy Lozovoy – Ukraine Andrei Vedernikov – Belarus Bozidar Puric – Serbia Daniel Kahan – USA Pierre Piponian - USA Sami Asmar – USA Stuart Richman – USA Victor Chico - USA Kata As A Tool To Develop Mushin Mushin or “No Mind” is the highest level of skill in martial training. It is where all movement is freed from conscious thought and the body moves reflexively. The mind frees itself from ego, fear and anger. This can be done not only during combat but during kata training and in everyday life as well. Think of when you drive a car. Most of us have spent so much time behind the wheel, we can drive without thinking about it. Someone pulls out in front of you and you hit the brake instinctively. IKA HOLIDAY “SAKE TO ME” PARTY Mark your calendar for the IKA Holiday party to be held at the dojo in Glendale on Saturday, December 6th at 6pm. As usual, the party is a pot luck so bring your favorite dish and drink to share. Don’t miss this party as the food is always ethnic and always fantastic! Everyone is invited so bring your friends and family. The more the merrier! Here is a translation from a quote from Zen master Takuan Soho: The mind must always be in the state of 'flowing,' for when it stops anywhere that means the flow is interrupted and it is this interruption that is injurious to the well-being of the mind. In the Please address all email regarding Affiliation, Membership, Tournaments, Seminars, Karate and Police Training to: [email protected] Page 3 November / December 2014 you are able to do this well doing kata then try entering this state of mind when you do kumite. You can consciously empty your mind. Don’t think……feel…….you will move reflexively and your karate will improve exponentially. The first time I was able to do this in a tournament it was also the first time I won the gold medal in black belt kumite. I distinctively remembering being able to feel what my opponent was going to do, even before my opponent moved. There is no physical movement that can move faster than a thought. Ahh, perhaps this is a level even higher than mushin….. case of the swordsman, it means death. When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemy's sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, forgetful of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the subconscious. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the man's subconscious that strikes. Remember the first time you learned a kata? You had to consciously think of every move you were doing as well as thinking about the next move you had to do. After a year of training the kata you could then start thinking about the next set of moves. After years of training the same kata, conscious thought can be removed from the process. Western science often refers to this as “muscle memory” with the mind as being “in the zone”. You hear professional athletes talking about this frequently. This is a demonstration of mushin. If we can train kata enough so that we can perform the kata in a state of mushin, this means that the offensive and defensive movements and sets of the kata can be done without conscious thought. This means that your karate can be done without conscious thought. Karate movement without conscious thought takes a lot of practice. With enough practice kumite can done in a state of mushin. Often times a student observes an advanced level instructor and comments how fast the instructor is. In reality, the instructor is probably slower than the younger faster student but the instructor is not constrained by conscious thought, therefore reactions seem to happen instantaneously and give the perception of fast movement when in reality it is fast reaction. There are no conscious thoughts processing the movements to slow the instructor down. If you have to think, “here comes a punch, I am going to block it with an up block and counter with a punch”, it is too late. The fighter that has reached the level of mushin just reacts without thought. A karateka that can command mushin at will is a formidable opponent. QUOTES OF THE MONTH: “Once a kata has been learned, it must be practiced repeatedly until it can be applied in an emergency, for knowledge of just the sequence of a form in Karate is useless.” – Gichin Funakoshi (Father of Shotokan) DOJO MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL There are many dojos that still have not paid their annual membership renewal fee. Please note that if your fees are not paid you should not be using the IKA name, the IKA trademark, nor Soke Kubota’s name. If you have financial problems, please contact Soke Kubota directly to work out special financial arrangements. It is not about money, it is about respect. Please observe proper Reigi (protocol) as the overhead of running the IKA is very expensive. Send Soke an e-mail if you have questions as to the different methods of payment, especially for dojos outside of the United States. RANK REGISTRATION It has recently come to our attention that there are many IKA black belts that have black belt certificates issued by their instructors in their respective dojos but they wish to have their rank registered with IKA Headquarters and have a certificate issued by Soke Kubota with his signature on it. There are even some counterfeit certificates out there with a forged signature of Soke on it. If your instructor is recognized by Soke Kubota as an instructor that meets his standards, then Soke will register your rank and will issue a certificate by mail for the cost of $125. Sent a copy of your existing certificate for consideration. Kata is an excellent tool to practice developing mushin. Next time you do kata, pick a kata that you know very well. Try and do it as fast and as hard as you can without thinking about the movements you are doing. It is not easy at first but becomes easier with practice. This is one of the keys to doing well in kata competition in tournament. The competitor has done the kata so many times in this manner that the karateka and the kata become one. This is the unity of body and mind. You don’t observe thought and action, only reflexive, instinctive movement. Once Please address all email regarding Affiliation, Membership, Tournaments, Seminars, Karate and Police Training to: [email protected] Page 4 November / December 2014 USE OF IKA NAME AND TRADEMARKS It has come to Soke Kubota’s attention that some organizations around the world may be using IKA’s name and trademarks without permission. The name ”International Karate Association, Inc.” (IKA) and its registered trademarks may be used by affiliated organizations only after first receiving Soke’s written permission. In addition, Soke’s hand written signature or the red Japanese signature stamp must not be used without his expressed permission. The red stamp is like a legal signature in Japan and is a symbol of authenticity. It should not be used by anybody except for Soke or for purposes that he authorizes. The “International Karate Association” name must not be used by itself to represent your organization. There is only one International Karate Association, Inc. and it is at Headquarters in Glendale, California, USA. After receiving approval from Soke, you may use the IKA name, but it must be attached with another description to differentiate it from the IKA Headquarters. For example, if you are from the state of Nebraska, you could use the name, “International Karate Association of Nebraska” or something similar. The use of the trademark is contingent on maintaining membership in good standing which includes payment of annual membership fees. DOJO RULES Each seek perfection of character. Develop morals, ethics and distinguishable attributes. Each be faithful. Be loyal and devoted to a person, cause, or idea. Each endeavor Have conscientious or concerted effort toward an end with an earnest attempt. Each respect others To feel or show deferential value, honor, appreciation and regard for another. Each refrain from violent behavior. To hold oneself back from responding with inappropriate anger and physical force. COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL Please note that proper protocol (Reigi) requires that information matters directly relating to IKA Headquarters, IKA tournaments, karate training and seminars must be communicated to Soke Kubota first before contacting other members within the organization. It is improper for Soke to be the last person to be informed of matters that directly involve him and IKA Headquarters such as, for example, your intention to attend his tournament or invitations to tournaments that are addressed directly to a Headquarters student without Soke’s knowledge. It is proper respect in both of these cases to inform Soke first or at the same time that the student is contacted. Thank you for your consideration in these matters. INSURANCE ISSUES Due to increased liability risks, it is necessary that all IKA schools carry some form of liability insurance to protect the school from legal issues that may arise from accidents. The amount of liability insurance will depend on your location. USA schools are suggested to carry one-million dollars of liability insurance. Please contact Soke at Headquarters if you have any questions. Please address all email regarding Affiliation, Membership, Tournaments, Seminars, Karate and Police Training to: [email protected] Page 5 November / December 2014 List of IKA Headquarters Staff and Instructors CURRENT IKA HEADQUARTERS INSTRUCTORS President and Founder Soke Dai Vice-President Chief Advisor Office Manager Senior Technical Advisors Technical Director National Coach and Advisor Secretary Liason, Special Projects Medical Advisor Webmaster Official Photographer The average training time for the Hanshi/Kyoshi/Shihan (Master) level instructor is 30-40+ years of training and teaching and have a minimum required rank. Each instructor not only teaches but trains as well in order to maintain his/her status. Title is not automatically bestowed with rank. Soke also has several other master level instructors in Kubojitsu , Kobudo and IPT (International Police Training). Shihan Dai is a Deputy Master level instructor with an average of 20-30 years of training and teaching. Titles are reserved only for instructors that are ACTIVELY teaching at IKA Headquarters. Dan ranks are retained but titles can be changed as Soke sees fit. Soke Takayuki Kubota James Caan Thea Kubota Leonard Kramer Carmen Kim Val Mijailovic, Boban Petkovic Rod Kuratomi Ted Bratakos Judy Rao Sara Kubota Dr. Ashok Rao, M.D. Brian McEvoy Lee Fisher Soke Takayuki Kubota – 10th dan Boban Petkovic Hank Hamilton Paul McCaul Val Mijailovic Antonio Antonetti George Sinani Rod Kuratomi Tatsuo Hirano Ted Bratakos Mark Grigorian Demetrio Munoz Marcial Soto Norvell Carrere Danny Kahan Sami Asmar Stuart Richman Victor Chico Alfanso Espinosa Anthony Boosalis Fumiko Hamada Judy Rao Patrick Reddy Roy Simmons Martyn Romero Randy Blue 8th dan 8th dan 8th dan 8th dan 7th dan 7th dan 7th dan 7th dan 7th dan 6th dan 5th dan 5th dan 5th dan 4th dan 4th dan 4th dan 4th dan 3rd dan 2nd dan 2nd dan 2nd dan 2nd dan 2nd dan 1st dan 1st dan Hanshi Hanshi Hanshi Hanshi Kyoshi Kyoshi Kyoshi Kyoshi Kyoshi Shihan Shihan Shihan Shihan Shihan Dai Shihan Dai Shihan Dai Shihan Dai Sensei Sensei Sensei Sensei Sensei Sensei Sensei Sensei We welcome any contributions you may have that you wish to have published subject to approval by Soke. Submit the articles to Soke in writing or e-mail them to him at: [email protected] Please address all email regarding Affiliation, Membership, Tournaments, Seminars, Karate and Police Training to: [email protected] Page 6
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