Church Information Rectory Hours- Monday – Thursday 10:00am- 3:00 pm - phone 570-462-0809 Closed holidays Baptisms: Please contact the rectory a week or more in advance. Confessions: By appointment, before Divine Liturgy or check your bulletin schedule. Marriages: Those planning marriages must be active members of the parish, and must contact the pastor at least 6 months in advance. Marriage preparation for couples is required Emergencies & Pastoral Care: Please call the pastor if a parishioner is hospitalized or home bound and is in need of the Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick. New Parishioners are urged to register in the rectory office. Moving? Change of address? Please notify the rectory. Letters of Recommendation: for Sponsors of the sacraments will be issued only to active members of the parish who are registered with the parish, receiving sacraments and supporting the parish. Mass Cards, Sanctuary Lights, and Other Candles etc.: Contact the rectory during office hours for information. Questions: Please contact the rectory, or see Msgr. Myron. Weekly Contributions Parishes Weekly Income: St. Michael: Contribution- $ 852.60 Thank You! St. Nicholas: Contribution- $495.00 Thank You! Sanctuary Light: St. Nicholas- God’s Blessing’s on the 65 Wedding Anniversary of Andrew & Anna Skrincosky. Sanctuary Light: St. Michael- In Memory of Nicholas Bereschak Sr by Daughters Mary & Helen Seven Branch Candlestick- God’s Blessings for & in Memory of the Blaschak & Wolfe Families 4 Lamps of the Iconostas – For Blessings Received by a Parishioner Lamps of the Crucifix Lights of the Tetrapod- In Memory of the Deceased Members of the +Szczyglak Family by Andrew Szczglak Lights of the TabernacleGod bless you for your love and devotion to your parish! Prayer Requests: Please remember our shut-ins and all those who have requested our Prayers: Our Military Friends Serving Our Country, St. Michael Sonya Elchishak Eva Koch Pat Sittnick Martha Hysock Mary Mazur Olga Hatchel Anne Prete St. Nicholas Helen Salak Helen Seamon Mary Mistishen Joseph Luckenbill Robert O’Connor Both Churches Rev Deacon Charles Schultz Olga Kurilla Helen Beddall Irene Flaherty Irene Yaroma Dolores Kozie Edward Sion Sandy Bankes* Andrea Pytak Susan Enders Dolores O’Connell Leahy Roseanne Nause Susan Chernesky Kelly Jones Maya Usewicz Helen Sims Bill McAndrew* Christine Lenhart* & Rosemary (Mother) Marie Sion Tom Prete Keilbasa Family* Breznik Family * Peter Kadingo Jeanette Stock Mary Kadingo Mary Rady Laura Seasock Anna Skrincosky Catherine Washuta Elizabeth Gulas Joseph Salak Elmer Gulas Walter Mistishen Andrew Skrincosky SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 114 South Chestnut Street, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 17976 SAINT NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH North Morris Street, Saint Clair, Pennsylvania 17970 Rectory (570) 462-0809 Fax (570) 462-0517 St. Michael’s Oak St. Hall (570) 462-2424 St. Michael’s Pierogie Hotline (570) 462-2424 Email- [email protected] Website- Like us on Facebook@St Michael’s Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Follow us on twitter @ stmichaelukr Msgr. Myron Grabowsky – Parish Priest Sunday, November 23rd SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL WEEKLY SERVICES SCHEDULE Saturday, November 22nd Sunday, November 23rd Tuesday, November 25th SAINT NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER WEEKLY SERVICES SCHEDULE Saturday, November 22nd Sunday, November 23rd Monday, November 24th Thursday, November 27th Saturday, November 29th Sunday, November 30th Items in this bulletin are from Fr. Daniel & St Josephat’s Bulletin , Archbishop Chancery, Vatican Website , Father Fields & Mustard Seeds by M. Kelly 8:00am Reparation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 5:30am +Louis & +Anna Zucal by Bernadette Bremer & Family 8:30am +John Yaroshak by John Halupa 8:00am +Steve Talpash by Theresa Panchison 8:00am 65th Anniversary Wishes for Andrew and Anna Skrincosky 8:00am Reparation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 5:30am 1st Anniversary +Olga Kulka by Husband & Children 8:30am +Victor Toth Jr by Joan & George Rennick St. Michael’s Lector Schedule: nd Father Ruslan Romanyk 3:30pm +Helen Butchko Gaydos by Cousins Helen & Mary 10:30am God’s Blessings on His People 9:00am +Drake/Drahuschak Family by Lorraine & Allen German No Bible Study Thanksgiving Wednesday, November 26th 8:00am +George Horas by a Friend 6:00pm +Michael & Ruth Howard by Sharron & George Niel & Family No Prayer Group Friday, November 28th 8:00am Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Saturday, November 29th 3:30pm God’s Blessings on His People Sunday, November 30th 10:30am +Stephen Rusin by Daughter, Dolores & Len Kozlosky Saturday, November 22 rd Sunday, November 23 th Saturday, November 29 th Sunday, November 30 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 4:1-6 Eph 4:1-6 Nancy Sawka Charles Calise Winifred Mohutsky Alice Breznik Eph 2:14-22 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 4:1-6 Eph 4:1-6 Bernadette Bremer LeeAnn Smulligan Andrew Skrincosky Susan Miller St. Nicholas Lector Schedule: nd Msgr Peter Waslo 2014 ~ 24th Sunday After Pentecost Saturday, November 22 rd Sunday, November 23 th Saturday, November 29 th Sunday, November 30 Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! Christmas Confession Schedule : By receiving this sacrament you prepare the manger of your heart for the birth of Our Lord. Thank You to our Volunteers. Those who work on fundraisers, our catechism teachers, our pierogie .Times 6:00pm to 7:00pm at all parishes workers and those who help in so many unmentioned ways . Your contributions to our parish do not go unnoticed and we are truly grateful for you one and all. Monday, December 1 Assumption, Centralia---Fr. Fesniak Ss. Peter and Paul, Mt. Carmel---Msgr. Melnic and Fr. Ivanov Nativity BVM, Middleport---Msgr. Grabowsky Transfiguration, Shamokin---Fr. Pitula, Fr. Hutsko St. Michael: Sick calls will be Wednesday, November 26th. Bread Sale – We are selling rolls for the holidays. We have nut, poppy, poppy raisin & apricot. They are $12.00 a piece and are 13-14” long. They are baked by a local church.. and they are wonderful. Place your order in the back of the Church , or by calling the rectory. Pick up Saturday December 20th at 12:00 noon. Pierogie Sale- December’s pierogie sale is sold out- But we would appreciate your help on December 8th, for this last fundraiser of 2014. We also need help the days prior to the sale to do prep work .. if you are available to help please contact Winnie or the rectory. Sanctuary Lamp – Light a candle in memory or for intentions of the ones you love. The sign-up sheet for the 2015 Sanctuary Lamp is now in the back of the Church. Please submit your donation at the time of your request. Also available are the Iconostas lamps at $12 a week, the Crucifix lamps at $6 a week, and the Tabernacle lamps at $30 a week. Please contact the rectory to reserve these candles. Condolences – Our Parish extends sincere sympathy to the family and friends of +George Horas and +Stella Stockunas who fell asleep in the Lord.. We pray Almighty God grant them a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +George and +Stella be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! Tuesday, December 2 St. John, Maizeville---Fr. Hutsko Protection, Marion Heights---Fr. Pitula St. Nicholas, Minersville---Msgr. Melnic, Msgr. Grabowsky St. Michael, Shenandoah---Fr. Fesniak, Fr. Ivanov Wednesday, December 3 St. Michael, Hazelton---Fr. Hutsko Protection, McAdoo---Msgr. Grabowsky, Fr.Pitula St. Michael, Frackville---Fr. Fesniak, Fr. Ivanov St. Nicholas, St. Clair---Msgr. Melnic In this Season of Advent, St. Philip’s Fast, we are in a time of fasting and abstinence as we prepare spiritually for the season of Christmas and the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. St. Nicholas: Condolences to Ms. Colleen Garrity. Colleen’s father +Patrick Garrity fell asleep in the Lord, Wednesday November 12th We pray Almighty God grant them a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +Patrick be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! Condolences – Our Parish extends sincere sympathy to the family and friends of +Rita Renhert who fell asleep in the Lord. . We pray Almighty God grant her a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +Rita be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! The Annual St. Nicholas banquet will be celebrated on Sunday December 7, 2014 beginning at 11:45. The TNT Caterers will provide a delicious meal as follows…. Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, and Bread with Butter. The dinner will cost $10.00 per person, Children (11 yrs and under) are free. St. Nicholas will visit the hall after the dinner meal. For Tickets call Janet Buchinsky (570) 622-4463 Poinsettias will also be purchased to beautify our church during this season of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Donations will also be accepted in memory of or in honor of a loved one and will help defray the cost of the flowers. Both Churches: Spiritual Bouquet- In Memory of / In Honor of (living) Please pray for a young boy we have been made aware of – Christopher Vega who is going for his 3rd heart surgery. Christopher is currently at Nemours Hospital. If you have a moment please send him an ecard - Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page - on the bottom right hand corner you’ll see send an ecard. -click on that- choose the Wilmington DE location- pick a card design and fill in the information. His Rm # is 2108 - then hit continue- review the card and hit send now. It only takes a few minutes and it will brighten his day, he loves these cards and knowing that people are praying for him. Divine Liturgies- Requests for 2015 Divine Liturgies are now being taken. Please contact the rectory during normal business hours, or submit your requests in writing. We will make every effort to accommodate your requests. Please include your stipend with your request. Food Donations are being taken at the back of the Church, please remember those in need this holiday season. Nonperishable items with unexpired dates are appreciated Our Church has spiritual bouquets available and may be purchased in the memory of or in honor of a loved one. They will be remembered in the Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day. Christmas Flowers- In Memory of / In Honor of (living) From Please print your requests, and circle in Memory of or in Honor of . Feel free to use additional paper if more nd room is needed. Please submit by December 22 You may place your envelope in the collection basket, or contact the rectory. Thank you. Christmas is coming! Bright lights and festivities surround us and lift our spirits. You and I share a responsibility to brightly shine with our light of baptism. “Pylypivka’ summons you and me to pause. We are reminded to meditate on our journey of faith with Jesus. Be still, calm yourself and hear the voice of Jesus in your life. Surrender more time for prayer and thoughtful meditation. Search for Jesus with more frequent participation in worship in your parish. Then let Jesus be the source of your energy and that which you value in your daily life. You will enjoy peace and joy which cannot be bought or garnered in the busyness of the world around us. Both Churches: 3rd Annual Murphy Jewelers Bingo Sunday, December 7th St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose Doors open 11:00 AM; bingo starts 1:00 PM Admission $25. 00 includes 16 regular games & 4 specials Advance ticket holders eligible for a Murphy Jewelry Gift Card drawing! Tickets and/or more information call 570-544-5767 or 570544-4581 All proceeds benefit St. Nicholas School. Tree of Light- Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 7:00pm at First United Church of Christ 110 Route 61S, Schuylkill Haven. Indoor reception immediately following Tree Lighting. For more information call 570-6282290 or You and I are called to rekindle our light of faith to call others to Jesus. Choose to be a thankful person, rejoicing in your love for God. Choose to be a person of hope, offering encouragement and assistance to others struggling in daily life. You will be a source of light and renewal for others, even unknowingly at times. The Lord’s presence and peace will descend upon others and surround them with his joy and peace. You truly will then be preparing for the joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth. The following are six YouTube links to the six presentations on each of the aspects of Vibrant parishes during our October Archieparchial Sobor: Thanksgiving Day provides opportunity for families and friends to gather and enjoy their common bond and love for one another. When proclaiming Thanksgiving Day in 1789, President Washington cited the importance of our unity in rendering thanks to God, and in offering prayers and supplications for the pardon of our transgressions. Celebrating forgiveness and seeking God’s forgiveness in the Holy Mystery or Sacrament of Confession is a life-giving way to humble ourselves before God and invite Him into our daily life. Choose to go to confession more often so as to come nearer to God in daily life. 3. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Service to our Neighbor - Dr. Henry Fesniak. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. George Washington also called for us “to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue”. We do this as we pray and support the many throughout the world who suffer persecution because of their faith. Particularly we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who face persecution and the onset of war and terrorism. We also pray for our suffering Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and various parts of Africa, some of whom need to flee their homelands because of persecution and war. You and I are called to raise our voices through our democratically elected leaders to express our outrage as to the loss of life and devastation which is occurring in various parts of the world. Let us be thankful for the peace we enjoy in our nation with prayers and actions in defense of others who do not enjoy the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue. May your ‘Pylypivka’ journey be especially blessed with many opportunities for spiritual renewal and may you enjoy a joyful Thanksgiving! 1. Encountering the Light of Christ through: The Word of God and Catechesis - Rev. Archpriest John M. Fields. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014 2. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Liturgy and Prayer - Mr. Ted Veresink. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 4. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Leadership/Stewardship - Mr. Roman Dubenko. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 5. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Communion/Unity - Mr. Orest Kucyna. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 6. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Missionary Spirit - Very Rev. Andriy Rabiy. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. THANKSGIVING GREETINGS This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day: Someone once said that he feels sorry for atheists on Thanksgiving Day because they have no one to thank. The pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 knew they had Someone to thank, since one of their motives in coming to the new world was their desire for religious freedom. Like the chosen people of the Bible they came to a land full of promise and they soon recognized their debt to God by beginning our custom of Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day among us is traditionally a family day, a time for homecomings and the sharing of a sumptuous dinner. We will celebrate a Liturgy of Thanksgiving on Wednesday Night at 6:00pm for St Michael’s and Thursday Morning at 8:00am for St. Nicholas this year so that as a parish family we can gather together to give thanks then to return to our homes to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. This year, let us begin this Thanksgiving Day properly by coming together as God’s children in His Home - our Church. +Stefan Soroka (author)-Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians, +Richard Seminack- Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago, +Paul Chomnycky, OSBM -Eparch of Stamford, + Bohdan Danylo Eparch of St. Josaphat in Parma, +John Bura -Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia We should gather there to express thanks to God for all His many favors. As Americans, we should express our gratitude for the blessings of living as we do in a free and prosperous land. As Christians we should gather to express our gratitude for our faith, a faith that gives us the joy of knowing that God is our Loving Father. THANKSGIVING DAY PRAYER This coming Thanksgiving day reminds us that we, both as Catholic Christians and as Americans, have indeed much to be thankful for. Above all, it reminds us that we have Someone to thank. As a “Parish family” let us gather in our “Family House of Worship” at the beginning of this Thanksgiving Day to express our sincere gratitude to God, Our Father! God our Father, the produce of the land is both Thy gift and the fruit of man’s work. May our harvests bring us bodily nourishment, spiritual growth, and peace in our homes and in our land. May we use our gifts for the good of everyone. Grant this O Lord. Amen. POPE FRANCIS MORNING MEDITATION IN THE CHAPEL OF THE DOMUS SANCTAE MARTHAE Don’t be lazy ~Tuesday, 11 November 2014 (by L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly ed. in English, n. 46, 14 November 2014) How should our faith be? This is the Apostles’ question and ours as well. The answer is: “a faith that is set within the framework of service” to God and to our neighbour. A humble, freely given and generous service which is always “complete”. Only in this way is it possible to truly open oneself to the hope of the final encounter with Jesus. This was the Holy Father’s reflection during Tuesday morning’s Mass at Santa Marta. Discussing the day’s reading from the Gospel according to Luke (17:7-10), the Pope referred back to a passage from the previous day, in which the disciples request: “Lord increase our faith”, to which Jesus responds: “If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this sycamine tree, ‘Be rooted up, and be planted in the sea’, and it would obey you”. Francis explained that the Lord speaks of “a powerful faith”, one strong enough “to work great wonders”, but on one condition: that this be set “within the framework of service”. It calls for complete service, such as that of the “servant who worked all day” and when he gets home “he must serve the Lord”, prepare dinner for him, “and then relax”. It seems, the Pontiff remarked, “somewhat demanding, a bit hard”: one might advise “this servant to go to the union to seek some counsel” on how to deal “with a master like this”. But what’s asked for is “complete” service because it is the same that Jesus practised: “He led the way with this conduct of service; He is the servant; He presents himself as the servant, the one who came to serve and not to be served”. When set on the “path of service”, faith “will work miracles”. On the contrary, however, “a Christian who receives the gift of faith in Baptism, but then does not take it forth on the path of service, becomes a Christian without strength, unfruitful, a Christian for himself, to serve himself, to benefit himself. Although this Christian may go to heaven, the Pope said, “what a sad life!”. It happens, then, that “so many of the Lord’s great things” are “wasted” because, as “the Lord clearly stated: service is exclusive”, and one cannot serve two masters: God and wealth. In this regard the Pontiff recalled “at the time of the Prophet Elijah, the Israelites”, who wanted to follow both Yaweh and Baal. Elijah said to them: “you are limping on both legs! Things cannot go on like this!”. Because, Francis emphasized, “we need one Lord”. Pope Francis then went into the details of everyday life and the difficulties that a Christian has in putting the word of the Gospel into practice. “We can distance ourselves from this conduct of service”, he said, mostly out of “laziness”: we become “comfortable, as did those five inattentive maidens who were waiting for their bridegroom but without having enough oil in their lamps”. Laziness renders “the heart lukewarm”. Thus, out of convenience we are led to seek justifications: “If this one comes, or if that one knocks at the door, tell them I’m not home, because they’re coming to ask a favour, and no, I don’t want...”. In other words, laziness “distances us from service and leads to convenience, to selfishness”. And, the Pope commented, “so many Christians” are like this: “they are good, they go to Mass”, but go “only so far” with regard to service. Yet, he underscored, “when I say service, I mean everything: service to God in adoration, in prayer, in praise”, service “to our neighbour” and “service to the end”. Jesus “is strong” about this and advises: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants’”. It is important that service be “freely given, without asking anything” in return. The Pope continued to speak about another manner of moving away “from the conduct of service”, which is that of “taking control of situations”. This is what happened to the Apostles too, who moved the people away “so as not to disturb Jesus”, but in reality it was also for their own comfort: that is, “they took control of the Lord’s time, they took control of the Lord’s power: they wanted it for their little group”. Actually, “they took control of this conduct of service, turning it into a framework of power”. This is explained, said Francis, “when among themselves, they discussed who was the greatest”; and “it is understood when the mother of James and John went to ask the Lord that one of her sons be prime minister and the other the minister of the economy, with all the power in hand”. The same thing happens to Christians who “rather than servants” become “masters: masters of the faith, masters of the kingdom, masters of salvation. This happens, it is a temptation for all Christians”. The Lord, however, speaks to us of serving “in humility”, as did “He who, being God, humbled himself, lowered himself, debased himself: to serve. It is service in hope, and this is the joy of Christian service”, which lives, as St Paul writes to Titus: “awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ”. The Lord will “knock at the door” and “will come to find us” in that moment, the Pope said, hoping: “Please, let Him find us in this conduct of service”. Certainly, in life “we must really struggle against the temptations that seek to distance us” from this disposition, such as that of laziness, which “leads to convenience” and drives us to provide “incomplete service”; and the temptation to “take control of the situation”, which “leads to arrogance, to pride, to mis-treating people, to feeling important ‘because I’m a Christian, I have salvation’”. The Lord, the Pontiff concluded, “gives us these two great graces: humility in service, in order that we’re able to say: ‘we are unworthy servants’”, and “the hope in awaiting the appearing” of the Lord who “will come to find us”. Praise be Jesus Christ! On November 14th, we began observing ‘Pylypivka’ or St. Philip’s Fast in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of the Birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Society around is now entering a period of aggressively attempting to increase and enhance our appetite for goods, gifts, and items deemed necessary for the celebration of Christmas. It is difficult for most of us to withdraw from our earthly appetites as we attempt to make more time for prayer and meditation. From whom can we get some direction? The Blessed and Holy Martyrs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church inspire us to surrender more of ourselves. Their sacrifice of life in the face of persecution and for God’s kingdom minimizes any excuses you and I may offer in neglecting making sacrifices for our faith in our daily life. We are quickly becoming a generation of people feeling entitled to daily privileges and rights, and even in our journey of faith. This attitude of feeling entitled deprives us of choosing that which has deeper and more significant meaning in our life. We even begin to presume Our Lord by not choosing to be excitedly motivated to meet him in celebrating his holy feast in his holy Church. POPE FRANCIS MORNING MEDITATION IN THE CHAPEL OF THE DOMUS SANCTAE MARTHAE Don’t be lazy ~Tuesday, 11 November 2014 (by L'Osservatore Romano, Weekly ed. in English, n. 46, 14 November 2014) How should our faith be? This is the Apostles’ question and ours as well. The answer is: “a faith that is set within the framework of service” to God and to our neighbour. A humble, freely given and generous service which is always “complete”. Only in this way is it possible to truly open oneself to the hope of the final encounter with Jesus. This was the Holy Father’s reflection during Tuesday morning’s Mass at Santa Marta. Discussing the day’s reading from the Gospel according to Luke (17:7-10), the Pope referred back to a passage from the previous day, in which the disciples request: “Lord increase our faith”, to which Jesus responds: “If you had faith as a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this sycamine tree, ‘Be rooted up, and be planted in the sea’, and it would obey you”. Francis explained that the Lord speaks of “a powerful faith”, one strong enough “to work great wonders”, but on one condition: that this be set “within the framework of service”. It calls for complete service, such as that of the “servant who worked all day” and when he gets home “he must serve the Lord”, prepare dinner for him, “and then relax”. It seems, the Pontiff remarked, “somewhat demanding, a bit hard”: one might advise “this servant to go to the union to seek some counsel” on how to deal “with a master like this”. But what’s asked for is “complete” service because it is the same that Jesus practised: “He led the way with this conduct of service; He is the servant; He presents himself as the servant, the one who came to serve and not to be served”. When set on the “path of service”, faith “will work miracles”. On the contrary, however, “a Christian who receives the gift of faith in Baptism, but then does not take it forth on the path of service, becomes a Christian without strength, unfruitful, a Christian for himself, to serve himself, to benefit himself. Although this Christian may go to heaven, the Pope said, “what a sad life!”. It happens, then, that “so many of the Lord’s great things” are “wasted” because, as “the Lord clearly stated: service is exclusive”, and one cannot serve two masters: God and wealth. In this regard the Pontiff recalled “at the time of the Prophet Elijah, the Israelites”, who wanted to follow both Yaweh and Baal. Elijah said to them: “you are limping on both legs! Things cannot go on like this!”. Because, Francis emphasized, “we need one Lord”. Pope Francis then went into the details of everyday life and the difficulties that a Christian has in putting the word of the Gospel into practice. “We can distance ourselves from this conduct of service”, he said, mostly out of “laziness”: we become “comfortable, as did those five inattentive maidens who were waiting for their bridegroom but without having enough oil in their lamps”. Laziness renders “the heart lukewarm”. Thus, out of convenience we are led to seek justifications: “If this one comes, or if that one knocks at the door, tell them I’m not home, because they’re coming to ask a favour, and no, I don’t want...”. In other words, laziness “distances us from service and leads to convenience, to selfishness”. And, the Pope commented, “so many Christians” are like this: “they are good, they go to Mass”, but go “only so far” with regard to service. Yet, he underscored, “when I say service, I mean everything: service to God in adoration, in prayer, in praise”, service “to our neighbour” and “service to the end”. Jesus “is strong” about this and advises: “So you also, when you have done all that is commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy servants’”. It is important that service be “freely given, without asking anything” in return. The Pope continued to speak about another manner of moving away “from the conduct of service”, which is that of “taking control of situations”. This is what happened to the Apostles too, who moved the people away “so as not to disturb Jesus”, but in reality it was also for their own comfort: that is, “they took control of the Lord’s time, they took control of the Lord’s power: they wanted it for their little group”. Actually, “they took control of this conduct of service, turning it into a framework of power”. This is explained, said Francis, “when among themselves, they discussed who was the greatest”; and “it is understood when the mother of James and John went to ask the Lord that one of her sons be prime minister and the other the minister of the economy, with all the power in hand”. The same thing happens to Christians who “rather than servants” become “masters: masters of the faith, masters of the kingdom, masters of salvation. This happens, it is a temptation for all Christians”. The Lord, however, speaks to us of serving “in humility”, as did “He who, being God, humbled himself, lowered himself, debased himself: to serve. It is service in hope, and this is the joy of Christian service”, which lives, as St Paul writes to Titus: “awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ”. The Lord will “knock at the door” and “will come to find us” in that moment, the Pope said, hoping: “Please, let Him find us in this conduct of service”. Certainly, in life “we must really struggle against the temptations that seek to distance us” from this disposition, such as that of laziness, which “leads to convenience” and drives us to provide “incomplete service”; and the temptation to “take control of the situation”, which “leads to arrogance, to pride, to mis-treating people, to feeling important ‘because I’m a Christian, I have salvation’”. The Lord, the Pontiff concluded, “gives us these two great graces: humility in service, in order that we’re able to say: ‘we are unworthy servants’”, and “the hope in awaiting the appearing” of the Lord who “will come to find us”. Praise be Jesus Christ! On November 14th, we began observing ‘Pylypivka’ or St. Philip’s Fast in preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of the Birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Society around is now entering a period of aggressively attempting to increase and enhance our appetite for goods, gifts, and items deemed necessary for the celebration of Christmas. It is difficult for most of us to withdraw from our earthly appetites as we attempt to make more time for prayer and meditation. From whom can we get some direction? The Blessed and Holy Martyrs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church inspire us to surrender more of ourselves. Their sacrifice of life in the face of persecution and for God’s kingdom minimizes any excuses you and I may offer in neglecting making sacrifices for our faith in our daily life. We are quickly becoming a generation of people feeling entitled to daily privileges and rights, and even in our journey of faith. This attitude of feeling entitled deprives us of choosing that which has deeper and more significant meaning in our life. We even begin to presume Our Lord by not choosing to be excitedly motivated to meet him in celebrating his holy feast in his holy Church. Christmas is coming! Bright lights and festivities surround us and lift our spirits. You and I share a responsibility to brightly shine with our light of baptism. “Pylypivka’ summons you and me to pause. We are reminded to meditate on our journey of faith with Jesus. Be still, calm yourself and hear the voice of Jesus in your life. Surrender more time for prayer and thoughtful meditation. Search for Jesus with more frequent participation in worship in your parish. Then let Jesus be the source of your energy and that which you value in your daily life. You will enjoy peace and joy which cannot be bought or garnered in the busyness of the world around us. Both Churches: 3rd Annual Murphy Jewelers Bingo Sunday, December 7th St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose Doors open 11:00 AM; bingo starts 1:00 PM Admission $25. 00 includes 16 regular games & 4 specials Advance ticket holders eligible for a Murphy Jewelry Gift Card drawing! Tickets and/or more information call 570-544-5767 or 570544-4581 All proceeds benefit St. Nicholas School. Tree of Light- Thursday, December 4th, 2014 at 7:00pm at First United Church of Christ 110 Route 61S, Schuylkill Haven. Indoor reception immediately following Tree Lighting. For more information call 570-6282290 or You and I are called to rekindle our light of faith to call others to Jesus. Choose to be a thankful person, rejoicing in your love for God. Choose to be a person of hope, offering encouragement and assistance to others struggling in daily life. You will be a source of light and renewal for others, even unknowingly at times. The Lord’s presence and peace will descend upon others and surround them with his joy and peace. You truly will then be preparing for the joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth. The following are six YouTube links to the six presentations on each of the aspects of Vibrant parishes during our October Archieparchial Sobor: Thanksgiving Day provides opportunity for families and friends to gather and enjoy their common bond and love for one another. When proclaiming Thanksgiving Day in 1789, President Washington cited the importance of our unity in rendering thanks to God, and in offering prayers and supplications for the pardon of our transgressions. Celebrating forgiveness and seeking God’s forgiveness in the Holy Mystery or Sacrament of Confession is a life-giving way to humble ourselves before God and invite Him into our daily life. Choose to go to confession more often so as to come nearer to God in daily life. 3. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Service to our Neighbor - Dr. Henry Fesniak. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. George Washington also called for us “to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue”. We do this as we pray and support the many throughout the world who suffer persecution because of their faith. Particularly we pray for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who face persecution and the onset of war and terrorism. We also pray for our suffering Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, Iraq, Palestine and various parts of Africa, some of whom need to flee their homelands because of persecution and war. You and I are called to raise our voices through our democratically elected leaders to express our outrage as to the loss of life and devastation which is occurring in various parts of the world. Let us be thankful for the peace we enjoy in our nation with prayers and actions in defense of others who do not enjoy the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue. May your ‘Pylypivka’ journey be especially blessed with many opportunities for spiritual renewal and may you enjoy a joyful Thanksgiving! 1. Encountering the Light of Christ through: The Word of God and Catechesis - Rev. Archpriest John M. Fields. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014 2. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Liturgy and Prayer - Mr. Ted Veresink. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 4. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Leadership/Stewardship - Mr. Roman Dubenko. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 5. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Communion/Unity - Mr. Orest Kucyna. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. 6. Encountering the Light of Christ through: Missionary Spirit - Very Rev. Andriy Rabiy. Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sobor. Saturday, October 25, 2014. THANKSGIVING GREETINGS This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day: Someone once said that he feels sorry for atheists on Thanksgiving Day because they have no one to thank. The pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620 knew they had Someone to thank, since one of their motives in coming to the new world was their desire for religious freedom. Like the chosen people of the Bible they came to a land full of promise and they soon recognized their debt to God by beginning our custom of Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Day among us is traditionally a family day, a time for homecomings and the sharing of a sumptuous dinner. We will celebrate a Liturgy of Thanksgiving on Wednesday Night at 6:00pm for St Michael’s and Thursday Morning at 8:00am for St. Nicholas this year so that as a parish family we can gather together to give thanks then to return to our homes to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal. This year, let us begin this Thanksgiving Day properly by coming together as God’s children in His Home - our Church. +Stefan Soroka (author)-Archbishop of Philadelphia for Ukrainians, +Richard Seminack- Eparch of St. Nicholas in Chicago, +Paul Chomnycky, OSBM -Eparch of Stamford, + Bohdan Danylo Eparch of St. Josaphat in Parma, +John Bura -Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia We should gather there to express thanks to God for all His many favors. As Americans, we should express our gratitude for the blessings of living as we do in a free and prosperous land. As Christians we should gather to express our gratitude for our faith, a faith that gives us the joy of knowing that God is our Loving Father. THANKSGIVING DAY PRAYER This coming Thanksgiving day reminds us that we, both as Catholic Christians and as Americans, have indeed much to be thankful for. Above all, it reminds us that we have Someone to thank. As a “Parish family” let us gather in our “Family House of Worship” at the beginning of this Thanksgiving Day to express our sincere gratitude to God, Our Father! God our Father, the produce of the land is both Thy gift and the fruit of man’s work. May our harvests bring us bodily nourishment, spiritual growth, and peace in our homes and in our land. May we use our gifts for the good of everyone. Grant this O Lord. Amen. Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! Christmas Confession Schedule : By receiving this sacrament you prepare the manger of your heart for the birth of Our Lord. Thank You to our Volunteers. Those who work on fundraisers, our catechism teachers, our pierogie .Times 6:00pm to 7:00pm at all parishes workers and those who help in so many unmentioned ways . Your contributions to our parish do not go unnoticed and we are truly grateful for you one and all. Monday, December 1 Assumption, Centralia---Fr. Fesniak Ss. Peter and Paul, Mt. Carmel---Msgr. Melnic and Fr. Ivanov Nativity BVM, Middleport---Msgr. Grabowsky Transfiguration, Shamokin---Fr. Pitula, Fr. Hutsko St. Michael: Sick calls will be Wednesday, November 26th. Bread Sale – We are selling rolls for the holidays. We have nut, poppy, poppy raisin & apricot. They are $12.00 a piece and are 13-14” long. They are baked by a local church.. and they are wonderful. Place your order in the back of the Church , or by calling the rectory. Pick up Saturday December 20th at 12:00 noon. Pierogie Sale- December’s pierogie sale is sold out- But we would appreciate your help on December 8th, for this last fundraiser of 2014. We also need help the days prior to the sale to do prep work .. if you are available to help please contact Winnie or the rectory. Sanctuary Lamp – Light a candle in memory or for intentions of the ones you love. The sign-up sheet for the 2015 Sanctuary Lamp is now in the back of the Church. Please submit your donation at the time of your request. Also available are the Iconostas lamps at $12 a week, the Crucifix lamps at $6 a week, and the Tabernacle lamps at $30 a week. Please contact the rectory to reserve these candles. Condolences – Our Parish extends sincere sympathy to the family and friends of +George Horas and +Stella Stockunas who fell asleep in the Lord.. We pray Almighty God grant them a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +George and +Stella be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! Tuesday, December 2 St. John, Maizeville---Fr. Hutsko Protection, Marion Heights---Fr. Pitula St. Nicholas, Minersville---Msgr. Melnic, Msgr. Grabowsky St. Michael, Shenandoah---Fr. Fesniak, Fr. Ivanov Wednesday, December 3 St. Michael, Hazelton---Fr. Hutsko Protection, McAdoo---Msgr. Grabowsky, Fr.Pitula St. Michael, Frackville---Fr. Fesniak, Fr. Ivanov St. Nicholas, St. Clair---Msgr. Melnic In this Season of Advent, St. Philip’s Fast, we are in a time of fasting and abstinence as we prepare spiritually for the season of Christmas and the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. St. Nicholas: Condolences to Ms. Colleen Garrity. Colleen’s father +Patrick Garrity fell asleep in the Lord, Wednesday November 12th We pray Almighty God grant them a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +Patrick be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! Condolences – Our Parish extends sincere sympathy to the family and friends of +Rita Renhert who fell asleep in the Lord. . We pray Almighty God grant her a place of rest where there is no sorrow or mourning but life everlasting. May the memory of +Rita be eternal. Vichnaya pamyat! The Annual St. Nicholas banquet will be celebrated on Sunday December 7, 2014 beginning at 11:45. The TNT Caterers will provide a delicious meal as follows…. Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes with gravy, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, and Bread with Butter. The dinner will cost $10.00 per person, Children (11 yrs and under) are free. St. Nicholas will visit the hall after the dinner meal. For Tickets call Janet Buchinsky (570) 622-4463 Poinsettias will also be purchased to beautify our church during this season of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Donations will also be accepted in memory of or in honor of a loved one and will help defray the cost of the flowers. Both Churches: Spiritual Bouquet- In Memory of / In Honor of (living) Please pray for a young boy we have been made aware of – Christopher Vega who is going for his 3rd heart surgery. Christopher is currently at Nemours Hospital. If you have a moment please send him an ecard - Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page - on the bottom right hand corner you’ll see send an ecard. -click on that- choose the Wilmington DE location- pick a card design and fill in the information. His Rm # is 2108 - then hit continue- review the card and hit send now. It only takes a few minutes and it will brighten his day, he loves these cards and knowing that people are praying for him. Divine Liturgies- Requests for 2015 Divine Liturgies are now being taken. Please contact the rectory during normal business hours, or submit your requests in writing. We will make every effort to accommodate your requests. Please include your stipend with your request. Food Donations are being taken at the back of the Church, please remember those in need this holiday season. Nonperishable items with unexpired dates are appreciated Our Church has spiritual bouquets available and may be purchased in the memory of or in honor of a loved one. They will be remembered in the Divine Liturgy on Christmas Day. Christmas Flowers- In Memory of / In Honor of (living) From Please print your requests, and circle in Memory of or in Honor of . Feel free to use additional paper if more nd room is needed. Please submit by December 22 You may place your envelope in the collection basket, or contact the rectory. Thank you. Church Information Rectory Hours- Monday – Thursday 10:00am- 3:00 pm - phone 570-462-0809 Closed holidays Baptisms: Please contact the rectory a week or more in advance. Confessions: By appointment, before Divine Liturgy or check your bulletin schedule. Marriages: Those planning marriages must be active members of the parish, and must contact the pastor at least 6 months in advance. Marriage preparation for couples is required Emergencies & Pastoral Care: Please call the pastor if a parishioner is hospitalized or home bound and is in need of the Eucharist or Anointing of the Sick. New Parishioners are urged to register in the rectory office. Moving? Change of address? Please notify the rectory. Letters of Recommendation: for Sponsors of the sacraments will be issued only to active members of the parish who are registered with the parish, receiving sacraments and supporting the parish. Mass Cards, Sanctuary Lights, and Other Candles etc.: Contact the rectory during office hours for information. Questions: Please contact the rectory, or see Msgr. Myron. Weekly Contributions Parishes Weekly Income: St. Michael: Contribution- $ 852.60 Thank You! St. Nicholas: Contribution- $495.00 Thank You! Sanctuary Light: St. Nicholas- God’s Blessing’s on the 65 Wedding Anniversary of Andrew & Anna Skrincosky. Sanctuary Light: St. Michael- In Memory of Nicholas Bereschak Sr by Daughters Mary & Helen Seven Branch Candlestick- God’s Blessings for & in Memory of the Blaschak & Wolfe Families 4 Lamps of the Iconostas – For Blessings Received by a Parishioner Lamps of the Crucifix Lights of the Tetrapod- In Memory of the Deceased Members of the +Szczyglak Family by Andrew Szczglak Lights of the TabernacleGod bless you for your love and devotion to your parish! Prayer Requests: Please remember our shut-ins and all those who have requested our Prayers: Our Military Friends Serving Our Country, St. Michael Sonya Elchishak Eva Koch Pat Sittnick Martha Hysock Mary Mazur Olga Hatchel Anne Prete St. Nicholas Helen Salak Helen Seamon Mary Mistishen Joseph Luckenbill Robert O’Connor Both Churches Rev Deacon Charles Schultz Olga Kurilla Helen Beddall Irene Flaherty Irene Yaroma Dolores Kozie Edward Sion Sandy Bankes* Andrea Pytak Susan Enders Dolores O’Connell Leahy Roseanne Nause Susan Chernesky Kelly Jones Maya Usewicz Helen Sims Bill McAndrew* Christine Lenhart* & Rosemary (Mother) Marie Sion Tom Prete Keilbasa Family* Breznik Family * Peter Kadingo Jeanette Stock Mary Kadingo Mary Rady Laura Seasock Anna Skrincosky Catherine Washuta Elizabeth Gulas Joseph Salak Elmer Gulas Walter Mistishen Andrew Skrincosky SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH 114 South Chestnut Street, Shenandoah, Pennsylvania 17976 SAINT NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER UKRAINIAN GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH North Morris Street, Saint Clair, Pennsylvania 17970 Rectory (570) 462-0809 Fax (570) 462-0517 St. Michael’s Oak St. Hall (570) 462-2424 St. Michael’s Pierogie Hotline (570) 462-2424 Email- [email protected] Website- Like us on Facebook@St Michael’s Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Follow us on twitter @ stmichaelukr Msgr. Myron Grabowsky – Parish Priest Sunday, November 23rd SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL WEEKLY SERVICES SCHEDULE Saturday, November 22nd Sunday, November 23rd Tuesday, November 25th SAINT NICHOLAS THE WONDERWORKER WEEKLY SERVICES SCHEDULE Saturday, November 22nd Sunday, November 23rd Monday, November 24th Thursday, November 27th Saturday, November 29th Sunday, November 30th Items in this bulletin are from Fr. Daniel & St Josephat’s Bulletin , Archbishop Chancery, Vatican Website , Father Fields & Mustard Seeds by M. Kelly 8:00am Reparation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 5:30am +Louis & +Anna Zucal by Bernadette Bremer & Family 8:30am +John Yaroshak by John Halupa 8:00am +Steve Talpash by Theresa Panchison 8:00am 65th Anniversary Wishes for Andrew and Anna Skrincosky 8:00am Reparation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary 5:30am 1st Anniversary +Olga Kulka by Husband & Children 8:30am +Victor Toth Jr by Joan & George Rennick St. Michael’s Lector Schedule: nd Father Ruslan Romanyk 3:30pm +Helen Butchko Gaydos by Cousins Helen & Mary 10:30am God’s Blessings on His People 9:00am +Drake/Drahuschak Family by Lorraine & Allen German No Bible Study Thanksgiving Wednesday, November 26th 8:00am +George Horas by a Friend 6:00pm +Michael & Ruth Howard by Sharron & George Niel & Family No Prayer Group Friday, November 28th 8:00am Reparation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Saturday, November 29th 3:30pm God’s Blessings on His People Sunday, November 30th 10:30am +Stephen Rusin by Daughter, Dolores & Len Kozlosky Saturday, November 22 rd Sunday, November 23 th Saturday, November 29 th Sunday, November 30 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 4:1-6 Eph 4:1-6 Nancy Sawka Charles Calise Winifred Mohutsky Alice Breznik Eph 2:14-22 Eph 2:14-22 Eph 4:1-6 Eph 4:1-6 Bernadette Bremer LeeAnn Smulligan Andrew Skrincosky Susan Miller St. Nicholas Lector Schedule: nd Msgr Peter Waslo 2014 ~ 24th Sunday After Pentecost Saturday, November 22 rd Sunday, November 23 th Saturday, November 29 th Sunday, November 30
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