Shire of Victoria Plains Community News November 2014 NEWS FROM THE CHAMBERS Yerecoin Street Lighting Council at the October meeting approved the out of budget expenditure of $6,000 to allow 3 new street lights to be installed at the end of Milner Street Yerecoin where 3 new houses have been built in recent years. The new lights will be required to be of a type that does not allow any stray light into the sky as per the agreement with Mr Fuji for his observatory adjacent to town on Golf Course Road. Bindi Road so the shire is negotiating with CBH to allow access to Bin Road from Calingiri New Norcia Road to enable approval for this road from Great Northern Highway to Bin Road. Renewal of Leases in Piawaning Two leases of state owned land adjacent to the Piawaning town site are due for renewal on the 31st December 2014 and Council resolved to advise the Department of Land that it had no comments or objection to the renewal of those leases to the current lessees Heavy Vehicle Access on Shire Roads Council approved, subject to Main Roads for the same purposes. WA assessment, the use of Toodyay Bindi Bindi Road from the northern boundary to Second Flag Pole for War Memorial Calingiri and Wongan Hills Waddington Following a presentation by the War Road for RAV category seven 36.5mtr road Memorial warden Council unanimously trains for grain cartage subject to an 80kph agreed to install a second flag pole at the speed limit and no concessional axle mass memorial in Calingiri so that our ANZAC loading being allowed. An independent partners New Zealand could have their flag engineers report was requested and that flown at future services including the stated without the concessional axle mass centenary service next year. Work is loading the larger trucks will not damage continuing on the upgrade to the gardens shire roads any more than current trucks. and surrounds to the memorial in The approval was also extended to take in preparation for next years service. some minor roads to provide access from the farm gate to these roads. The Calingiri New Norcia Road was disallowed by Main Roads WA due to the stacking distance between the railway crossing and Toodyay Bindi Council Meetings Admin Staff Meetings The following are dates of Ordinary Meetings of Council for 2014. All meetings commence at 2pm unless otherwise advertised. 19th November, 10th December (subject to change). Please remember that the Administration office of the shire will not open until 9.30am on the dates below. If your phone call goes unanswered on the 20th November, 11th December 2014 please try again soon after 9.30am. Shire of Victoria Plains 2 Ward and Representation Review Council was asked to do away with the ward system and join many other rural local governments in moving to a no ward system of representation. The recommendation was defeated on the casting vote of the President after votes were locked at 4/4. Staff will now have to review the ward boundaries and take 14 electors out of the central ward into the other wards to even up the representation before the next election due in October 2015. Unfortunately with the small number of voters on the electoral roll for the shire it only takes a few people to leave or move into the shire to trigger another ward and representation review which has now happened after each of the last 4 elections. ADVANCE NOTICE THE SHIRE OF VICTORIA PLAINS WISHES TO ADVISE THAT THE SHIRE ADMINISTRATION CENTRE, WORKS DEPOT AND LIBRARIES WILL CLOSE AT 2.00PM ON WEDNESDAY 24TH DECEMBER 2014 FOR THE CHRISTMAS / NEW YEAR PERIOD. THE ADMINISTRATION CENTRE WILL RE-OPEN ON MONDAY 5TH JANUARY 2015. EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR PUBLIC INFOMRATION IN THE DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Australia Day Breakfast 26th January 2015 Progress Park Yulgering Road Calingiri Commencing at 8.30am Everyone is very welcome to join us. Put your name down at Calingiri Traders by the 23rd of January 2015 3 Shire of Victoria Plains Please note that all R A V permits issued by the Shire of Victoria Plains for local road use will expire on the 12th November 2014. It is a condition of the MRWA permit process that RAV operators are responsible for renewing their permits every 12 months. If you have not renewed yours, please contact the shire and arrange your renewal today. Phone: 96287004 Fax: 96287008 E-mail: [email protected] National Youth Awards Nomination are now open for the 2015 National Youth Awards. Awards are open to all young Australian’s aged 12 – 25. A young person can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. Nominations close 27th November 2014. For more information please visit MICRO CHIPPING/ STERILIZATION LOCAL PHONE DIRECTORIES NOW AVAILABLE AT If you are interested in getting your cat or dog micro chipped or sterilized please contact Shire of Victoria Plains on 96287004 THE SHIRE OFFICE $2.20 EACH before 30th November 2014 DOG AND CAT REGISTRATIONS NOW DUE A reminder that dog and cat registrations fall due on 1st November each year. Renewal forms have been forwarded to all registered owners. If you have a new cat or dog to be registered they must be micro-chipped. Forms can be obtained from the Shire Office or on the Shire website SMS Registration - Harvest and Movement Bans There is now provision on the shire website for people to register or withdraw their SMS details in regards to Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban messages. It’s an easy way to register or withdraw from the service (we will also still accept written forms of advice). 4 Shire of Victoria Plains 1. Seniors Week Luncheon - Wednesday 12th November, Tree's Café Bolgart . We have reached our capacity and unfortunately are no longer able to guarantee any further bookings. If you hadn't reserved you place, we still encourage you to call the Shire and we will notify you if we receive any cancellations. We have also received enough requests for transport to justify the hiring of a bus. There are still seats available on the bus for any attendees living outside of Bolgart who may have previously indicated they would find their own transport. A bus schedule will be worked out this week and all passengers will be contacted. 2. Hire of Tables & Chairs from the Calingiri Progress Association Calingiri Progress Association wishes to advise that it no longer has tables and chairs available for hire for private functions, nor is it responsible for the tables and chairs at the Calingiri Recreation Hall. Any inquiries regarding the use of the Calingiri Hall Furniture should be directed to the Shire of Victoria Plains. FOR SALE DRUM MUSTER SHIRE OF Next day is Wednesday 12th November VICTORIA PLAINS between 2-00 pm and 4-00 pm. BOUNDRY/AREA MAPS Please phone the Shire Depot to book an appointment $35.00 Two weekly intervals on Wednesdays (Shows roads, locations, names, contours) 2-00 to 4-00 pm Phone 96287004 or call in and view 12th November, 26th November, 10th December HELP WANTED FOR COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER This is a Community Newsletter We are looking for interesting community news and information so please send in anything you may have to spread the word through the monthly Shire and Community News Sporting Clubs, Social Clubs, Businesses Schools, Play Groups, Special Events Anyone with news of interest please send your news to the Shire of Victoria Plains BEFORE 12 NOON ON THE LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH Fax: 96287008 Email: [email protected] Shire of Victoria Plains 5 ARE YOU BUSHFIRE READY? With summer nearly upon us and predicted hotter drier weather, the Shire of Victoria Plains would like to remind residents to be bushfire ready. Victoria Plains volunteer fire fighters are the saviours when it comes to bushfires, putting their safety on the line, and if the community can take a few simple precautions before the season kicks in it will go a long way to preserving the safety of fire fighters and landholders. Community Emergency Services Manager, Vicki Booth, says the volunteer firefighters have been training and getting ready for the fire season and reminds landholders to do the same. “Our volunteer fire fighters have been preparing for this coming fire season undergoing training, so how prepared are you?” she asks. Bushfires happen every summer; they can start suddenly and without warning. People have been killed or seriously injured and homes destroyed and we want to avoid this happening in our area. “If you live in bush or near scrub, you should prepare your property and have a bushfire survival plan and emergency kit ready,” said Vicki. There are simple steps you can take to help protect your home. Create a Building Protection Zone (BPZ): An area extending 20 metres around a building where there is reduced flammable material. This means there is less material that can ignite, improving the chances that your home may survive a bushfire. Make a safety zone: Create and maintain a Building Protection Zone and a minimum two metre gap between your house and tree branches. Fill the gaps: Houses usually catch fire when embers get into the roof space, a wall cavity, on to ledges or under the house. Prevent sparks from entering your house by blocking all the gaps. Fix the traps: Do not pile wood against or near a house. Remove any timber, rubbish and old junk lying around. Have an independent water supply: The Water Corporation reminds residents that it cannot guarantee water pressure or water supply will be maintained in the event of a bushfire. The Water Corporation will do all it can to maintain supply, however fire damaged infrastructure or a power failure could result in a total loss of water. People staying to defend their property need to have their own independent water supply and pumping capability and not rely on public water supply. For more information visit the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) website: 6 Shire of Victoria Plains DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION WHEATBELT EDUCATION REGION YERECOIN PRIMARY SCHOOL GARDENER – HANDYPERSON 00008674 LEVEL 2, $857.40 - $873.50 PER (GS (Misc.) GA 2013) WORK TYPE: Permanent – Part Time FTE: 0.6 (= 24 hours per week) POSITION COMMENCING TERM 4 2014 APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE 3.00PM ON THURSDAY, 6 TH NOVEMBER 2014 Applications must be submitted online Proforma, faxed, hand delivered, posted, emailed and late applications will not be accepted. For further job related information please contact: Joeley Howard, Principal by phoning 08 96546 035 or email [email protected] Calingiri Progress will be displaying the photos from the Community Calendar Competition in the library at the Shire office from Tuesday 4th Nov onwards. Anyone who entered their photos by paper means is welcome to collect them from the Shire, or we can return them via post. Thank you again to all who entered. Happy Birthday George Westlake is turning 99! on November 19th 2014. Every best wish to George from his family, friends and the Calingiri Community. Well done. HOUSE FOR SALE 30 EDMONDS STREET CALINGIRI ALL ENQUIRES TO DON 9628 7011 or 0427287022 Shire of Victoria Plains 7 St John Ambulance Victoria Plains Sub-Centre The Volunteers of the Victoria Plains Sub-Centre of St John Ambulance are extremely grateful for the very generous donations we have received from the local community towards the purchase of two new defib machines. The machines have been ordered, once received the volunteers will be trained on their use prior to installation in each ambulance. Thank you. Many thanks to those who have paid their Benefit Fund fees - due on the 31st October 2014. Reminder: Ambulance Benefit Fund Charges Family Membership $81.00 per year Single Membership $49.00 per year It is strongly recommended you maintain your St John’s Ambulance Membership every year. If you have Private Health Cover, please check that you are covered for Ambulance transport, mostly you will only be covered for URGENT transport, (Lights & Sirens). Dependents require a ‘Singles’ membership once they turn 18. St John’s advocate your membership is with your local sub-centre. Support your local volunteers by becoming a member of the Victoria Plains Sub-Centre. Please direct any membership enquiries to Tracey Glass – 96275166, or PO Box 57, Calingiri WA 6569. RURAL PROPERTY PROFESSIONALS Residential Lease by Tender 3 Joffre Street, Calingiri WA Property: Three bedroom timber fibro home, consists of kitchen/dining, lounge, bathroom, laundry, wc, Front porch, carport & rear shed. Home freshly painted. Lease Period – 6 months (plus a further 6 months) Tenders to be submitted on the tender documents provided and reaching Rural Property Professionals PO Box 19 Bolgart WA 6568 No later than 1pm Friday 28th November 2014 Tenders to be opened Friday 28th November 2014 Successful Tenderer’s Notified Monday 1st December 2014 (No Late Tenders Accepted) A deposit cheque of 10% to be made payable to “Waveney Jones” and to be included with your tender submission. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For information and property inspection please contact the conducting agent, Merle Manuel - Mobile: 0407 933 379 Rural Property Professionals - Office: (08) 9627 5150 Shire of Victoria Plains 8 RADAR IRON – YERECOIN - UPDATE I am happy to provide Victoria Plains residents an update on the progress of Radar’s activities. In recent months, the main focus of the Company has been directed towards raising sufficient working capital to progress the studies and enable development for the Yerecoin Project in 2016. It is a reality of the times that the process for exploration companies to raise funds is probably as difficult as it has been for several decades. This is because of a world wide slow down in a number of key economies, the reduction in the iron ore price and a general risk aversion among many investors. Hence, Radar was delighted to announce recently that it had secured a new potential shareholder (Victory Mining) willing to invest up to $5.5M in Radar. The investment process is expected to be completed by mid December this year and will provide sufficient working capital for the planned project studies in 2015. Victory Mining is a private Australian investment company. Earlier in the year, it was Radar’s expectation that funding would be available sooner and Radar had tentatively planned a number of programmes and studies (eg a flora/fauna survey over parts of the deposit) in 2014. These programmes are now re-scheduled for 2015. Radar has continued to assess all the data from the project and review mining and transport options. Radar remains convinced the project is viable, even at lower iron ore prices, and the funding commitment by Victory Mining strongly validates this belief. Updates on these studies can be found on our web site – Project development studies continue with an aim of commencing small scale production in 2016, and scaling up in subsequent years. Radar realises that any development of this type will require a social license and hence we are keen to work with the local communities to ensure any local issues are understood and addressed. To that end the process of community consultation will increase significantly in 2015. In the meantime, any queries on the company’s plans or for further information can be directed to the Managing Director – Jonathan Lea at [email protected]. More information can also be found on the company’s web page Background Radar Iron Ltd is a Perth based iron ore exploration and development company – its ASX Code is RAD. Radar recently acquired the Yerecoin Magnetite Project located between Calingiri and Yerecoin. The Yerecoin magnetite deposit was found in 2007 and has changed hands a number of times since then. So far, around 400Mt of iron ore resource has been identified and a number of studies completed by the previous owners to assess the potential benefits of development. Magnetite concentrate is more expensive to produce (as opposed to most ores in the Pilbara for example) because the ore only contains about 30% iron and the material needs to be finely ground to enable the enrichment of the ore (called concentration) to a saleable grade (typically >60% iron). The cost of building the plant to grind the ore can be very high and operating costs also substantial. Large scale development of magnetite deposits typically takes years and the cost can be measured in the billions of dollars. For these reasons, coupled with the uncertainty over the longer term price of iron ore, no firm development commitments for Yerecoin were made by past owners. Radar intends an alternate approach to develop the deposit. Using a recent engineering design we believe a small scale plant can be built to profitably produce around 250,000tpa of concentrate. Once we have established the optimum processing method and transport network, we can then look at progressively increasing the output up to between 1.5 and 2Mtpa. Any development will be through open pit mining, concentration on site and then preferably railing the product (on the Miling Line) south to Kwinana, part of the Port of Fremantle. Issues such as local workforce participation and accommodation options are expected to be addressed in conjunction with the local community to maximise the outcomes for all stakeholders. Jonathan Lea Managing Director Shire of Victoria Plains 9 The year 6/7 students from Calingiri and Bolgart would like to thank the Shire of Victoria Plains for hiring the Wongan Ballidu community bus for the day. We had a great time watching the latest TMNT movie and playing laser tag at Dark Light Joondalup and it is all because of you. We had lots of fun and are very grateful that you hired the bus for us. Thank you very much. Regards Isaac and Tobe Shire of Victoria Plains 10 Shire of Victoria Plains LOG BOOK SERVICING FROM $165 incl gst 11 Shire of Victoria Plains 12 2003 VY Holden Commodore Executive Auto V6 3.8 Litre Sedan.Good Kms for its age. Has been fully workshop tested and then pit inspected by the licensing department and licensed for 3 months. This is a great looking car that drives fantastic and looks great with its sporty body kit and alloys . Would make a great first car with all the safety features of most modern cars. A great classic Australian car.1ELN 541 Price $4990 ono. 2006 BF Falcon 4.0 Litre Auto with Aluminium Tray back. 1EOW176. In immaculate condition. Has been fully workshop tested and pit inspected. Licensed for 6 months. $6490 ono 2000 AU Falcon Series 2 Utility. 1ELN 488. A great looking utility that has been fully workshop tested. 4.0 litre Automatic. Mag Wheels and Sportsbar. $3490 ono Shire of Victoria Plains Jenni will be available for Appointments 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday at the Shire of Victoria Plains . Please phone to make an appointment 13 Shire of Victoria Plains 14 PLANNING FOR ANZAC DAY 2015 The Calingiri Progress Association is continuing with its plans for the ANZAC Day Service in 2015, but to date feedback from residents in our shire has been almost negligible. Once again we request anyone who has ideas on how to make the service especially significant in 2015, is asked, please, to make contact with one of the below mentioned ladies. It would be really terrific if shire residents from areas outside Calingiri could feel as though their input helped to mark this important occasion in our country’s history. So far our planning has seen:An application sent to the Dept. of Defence, requesting a fly past by the RAAF; also a catafalque party of soldiers to man the memorial during the service; A lady from Yerecoin offer her services to lead the choir; Approaches to be made to the three schools in the shire for their input into the day. Creating a display or displays of handmade red poppies. Perhaps each town within the shire could design their own tribute to the ANZACs made of poppies to lay at the war memorial on ANZAC Day This month, you will find in the shire newsletter, patterns for both knitted and crocheted poppies, so get your needles and hooks out and get your ideas flowing! A suggestion has very recently been made to maybe use horses in some way at the service, as many horses bred in the Victoria Plains shire were sent to WW1. If you are a horsey person, your feedback would really be appreciated. Please contact either Barbara Kelly on 96287141, 0429900667, [email protected], or Dot Jones on 96287046, 0418627046, or [email protected], Many thanks. Shire of Victoria Plains 15 Shire of Victoria Plains 16 Shire of Victoria Plains 17 Shire of Victoria Plains 18 19 Shire of Victoria Plains Disaster in the wings Perth’s population of the Endangered Carnaby’s BlackCockatoo is in collapse, with numbers falling by 15 per cent each year, according to Birdlife Australia’s latest Great Cocky Count, and the outlook is bleak, as vital habitat continues to be destroyed. “If this disastrous rate of decline continues, the number of Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos on the Swan Coastal Plain will be halved in only five years,” said Dr Jessica Lee, spokesperson for Birdlife Australia “and by 2029 — that’s only 15 years away — the population will have collapsed to the brink of extinction.” “The Cockatoo is already listed as Endangered, so it is recognised as being at high risk of extinction” said Dr Lee. “However the data collected from the last five annual Counts has only recently been analysed”, she continued. “For the first time we now have strong and robust evidence that Carnaby’s Cockatoos are still declining at an alarming rate and that the window of opportunity to save them is rapidly closing”. A record number of volunteers turned out for this year’s Great Cocky Count making it one of the largest citizen science surveys of its kind in Australia. The report was released at Underwood Avenue in Floreat this morning in an event with the local Friends of Underwood Avenue Bushland group. The Cockatoo habitat at the site, which supported at least 150 Carnaby’s during this years count, is under threat pending final approval for housing development. The Underwood Avenue site is one of the ten largest roost sites (which cumulatively account for over half of the Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoos counted between 2010-2014 on the Perth-Peel Coastal Plain). Five of these sites are within the Gnangara pine plantation, which is currently being cleared at around 1000 ha per year. More than 10,000 hectares of native vegetation was cleared from the Perth Metropolitan Region between 2002-2009. Similar amounts of potential Carnaby’s habitat within the Perth and Peel regions is already zoned urban, urban deferred or industrial, or flagged for re-zoning, and therefore at risk of clearing. “The cockies’ decline is avoidable, but it needs the government to take the lead. Without real government action, the Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo will be condemned to extinction.” Postage Paid Shire Of Victoria Plains PO Box 21 Calingiri WA 6569 TO THE HOUSEHOLDER Ph: 9628 7004 Fax: 9628 7008 Email: [email protected] Community Calendar 1st November: Dog & Cat Registration due 13th November VP Business Builders Sundowner 27th November: Youth Awards nomination closes 28th November: Nominations close for Citizenship Awards NEWSLETTER SUBMISSIONS DUE BY MIDDAY ON SHIRE OFFICE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY GENERAL BUSINESS LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH Phone: 9628 7004 Fax: 9628 7008 Email: [email protected] FULL PAGE—$33.00 1/2 PAGE—$16.50 8.30am-4.30pm FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS 8.30am-4.00pm BENDIGO BANK and TRANSPORT LICENSING 9.00 am-4.00pm
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