VOL.XI-MMXIV NO 11 EVERETT, WASHINGTON November 2014 Official Publication of Normanna Lodge No. 3 normannaeverett.org *Scandinavian Festival (bazaar) November 14 and 15 * 10 to 4 both days, luncheon served 11 to 2, and on Saturday is a special torsk (cod) and meatball dinner, served 4 to 6. ********************************************************** The Bake Sale can use all the donations we can get!!! We need your baked goodies....cookies, cakes, candy, breads, muffins, whatever your specialty for Normanna’s bake sale at the bazaar. Pease bring your donations to the hall Thursday, November 13th, during set-up, if possible. (If not, Friday morning is fine). And thank you for contributing! Our bazaar is the biggest fund-raiser of the year, and the bake sale needs your support!!!! We will roll lefse for the Bazaar 29 Oct. – 9 AM 4 Nov. – 6 PM 5 Nov. – 9 AM We need your help: Lefse sales contribute significantly to the bottom line of our annual festival and we would like that to continue in future years. We need new “talent”, so the evening session is open to ALL. If you want to pick up some pointers, if you just want to watch the operation, if you can help us make lefse, and particularly if you work and cannot attend the other sessions, please attend one of the sessions. We need your help now and in the future. Join us at our Centennial Julebord celebration Sunday, December 7th, our annual dinner/dance. From 3 to 5 dance with Harold, and dance around the tree...then the traditional Scandinavian Julebord (three course dinner with all the trimmings.) Cost will be $25 for adults - $10 kids 7 through 12 - kids 6 and under free. There is a limited number of tickets, so get yours early – no sales at the door, and final day to purchase is December 1 – unless sold out earlier. We will reserve seats for parties of 6 or more ****Normanna Kids Christmas Party**** Sunday—Dec 14th , 3:00pm—5:00pm Santa will be bringing gifts for all the boys and girls Please RSVP to Don Anderson 425-334-5606 with information on the kids that will be joining us Santa’s elves want to get age appropriate boy or girl gifts. Monthly Lodge Events: Norwegian Hold-Em Tournaments—Saturdays 4pm Meat Draw Raffle—Fridays starts 5:45pm King of Clubs Raffle—Thursdays starts at 4pm Birthday Potluck Dinner—First Friday of each mo. Pancake Breakfast—Second Saturday of the mo. Normanna Board Meeting -2nd Tues. of each mo.7pm Park Board Meeting—2nd Wednesday of each mo. 7pm Normanna Lodge Meeting—3rd Tues of each mo. 7pm Bowling league—1st Sunday of each mon. 12:30pm Newsworthy Notes: Kevin Hegge headed up our very successful lutefisk dinner. Over 300 were served! A busload of 50 from Bremerton lodge attended! We heard only positive comments. Tusen takk, Kevin – good job! And thanks to all the volunteers who set up, cooked, served, cleaned up, and handled the many necessary tasks! Mange takk. Trustee Report: 1. Once again parking in our lot is only while at Normanna Hall functions. If you park without a pass and or park and go to an event somewhere else you risk being towed at your expense. 2. The king of clubs jackpot has risen to $1800. 3. The meat raffle is going very good on Friday nights, come on in and try to win some meat to stock up for the holidays. The first round begins at 6 p.m. on Fridays see you there. 4. With football season in full swing, the bar will be open on Sundays at 1 p.m. when we have the Seahawks playing a 1 o'clock game. There will be drink and food specials during all Seahawk games in the bar. 5. The membership pot has reached $599 so make sure you sign in when you come to the hall for your chance to win the 599. 6. Have you been thinking about helping out at Normanna? We are looking for some new volunteers that would like to help as a trustee or any other capacities on the board. Please look up someone on the board or trustees and let them know of your interests. 7. With the holidays approaching there are many, many events going on at Normanna please look at the calendar and plan ahead so you don't miss any of the fun things. 8. it’s time to start planning your New Year's Eve event. Tickets for New Year’s Eve at Normanna I will go on sale soon. 9. Just a reminder that we do have dartboards now in the bar area. We also are considering some changes to bar food as to what we want to serve so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. NORMANNA NEWS Published monthly under the auspices of Normanna Lodge No. 3 Sons of Norway. 2725 Oakes Avenue, Everett, WA. 98201. Meets 3rd Tues. of each month at Normanna Hall Tel.: 425-252-0291. Newsletter Deadline: Information must be received by the 15th of the month, leave items at the Hall or Email: [email protected] Officers 2014 President - Janis Ahern Phone: 425-334-4620 Vice Pres. - Joe Richards Phone: 425-319-7592 Counselors - JoAnn Mulver Phone: 425-244-0654 Soc. Dir’s. - Mary Custer Phone: 360-653-2244 Secretary - Glenna Zuanich Phone: 425-327-4951 Fin/Mem Sec. - Marlene Ringen Phone—425-259-2643 Asst, Fin/Mem Sec: Lee Brevik Phone: 360-568-7840 Treasurer - Jean Camp Phone: 425.353.6459 Marshall - Leona Olson Phone 425-415-6824 Asst.Marshall - Mary Beck Phone: Inner Greeter - Edith Carlquist Phone: 425.355.1043 Outer Greeter - Myrt Lane Phone: 425-513-8016 Foundation Dir-Kay Saatvedt Phone: 425.252.9666 Sports Dir. - Sid Green Phone: 206-774-8390 Editor – Sandy Kish Phone: 425-530-2338 Cultural Dir -Charlotte Maris Phone: 360-653-0211 Historian - Weldon Sorgen Phone: 425-339-1558 Photographer - VACENT Publicity Dir. - JoAnn Molver Phone: - 425-244-0654 Youth Director— Sheri Holscher Phone: 425-350-7774 Boutique: - Lori Shadoff Phone: 425-210-8863 - Sidra Egge Phone: 360-653-3279 Ins. Field Rep-Joe Wenzel Phone: 800-210-0240 425-293-5234 Field Rep- Jerry Label Office: 425-640-9830 Cell: 206-660-2367 Trustees: Steve Landro: Gery Lane Neil Ringen Phil Escandon Ken Wick Krieg Jamieson Corey Marion 425-220-2515 425-513-8016 425-359-0633 425-776-0022 425-252-5401 Lake Riley News November 2014 Hilsen fra Presidentin President’s Message November 2014 The kick off to the “Holiday Season” was our lutefisk dinner which was a great success. The lutefisk and all the trimmings were deilig (lutefisk is an acquired taste), the Everett Norwegian Male chorus sang several times, and we were happy to have many people from the Oslo Lodge in Bremerton to join the festivities. We give a special thanks to Kevin Hegge and his crew of lutefisk cookers and all the other volunteers who served, and cleaned up and generally kept the process going. These events would not happen without the help of committed volunteers. The Boutique was also open with the many Scandinavian and Christmas items. There are two more pancake breakfasts, and the Scandinavian Festival (previously the Bazaar) held on November 14th and 15th when the Boutique will be open and offering many new items for your Christmas shopping. A big thank you to Lori Schadoff, Sidra Egge and crew who are doing a wonderful job with the boutique. The Scandinavian Festival will not only include shopping but the big draw - food!! The luncheon will be held both days and a codfish and meatball dinner on Saturday afternoon only. This was a big hit last year. More “snow birds” will have gone south for the winter so all volunteers are welcome and needed. Another big event will be the Julebord on December 7thso be sure and put it on your calendar. This is a great time to taste many Scandinavian delicacies. On a business note, the nominating committee will soon be asking lodge members to volunteer to be officers who will be voted on at the November meeting. Please say “yes” and help lead the organization into the next year. Finally I want to wish you all a “Happy Thanksgiving”! Fraternally, Janis Ahern Letter to the Editor: O LUTEFISK, O LUTEFISK!! A big thanks to all of you that helped at our annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner on October 19th. It was great to see so many of our members and friends come out to enjoy our yearly tradition. Thank you for your support. Mark your calendars, Normanna celebrates with Lutefisk every year on the third Sunday of October. Mange Takk, Kevin Hegge Chris Berg is looking for people to work on committees for the Firewise program, and a Forest Stewardship program. These are very important for the park. We are a certified community and have to continue to maintain our certification by logging hours worked on our lots, with Chris. 360-435-6910 Normanna Park is a wonderful place to share with our canine companions. Please be a courteous dog owner. Keep your dogs on a leash, control their barking, and please clean up after your pets. These are posted rules. There have been some complaints about dogs this summer. Fall and Winter months are a good time to check out activities at the Everett Lodge. There are many volunteer opportunities. The pancake breakfast is a good way to get together with friends and family. The newsletter provides monthly lodge activities. Remember that if you did not attend the Fall work party, you are required to pay a $25 non participation fee, or work on a project at the park on your own time. You can check in with Chris Berg for a task. Thanks to all who have already paid or worked. The grill in the cookhouse needs a good steam cleaning, not just the top, but the insides too! We use it for fund raising breakfasts, and for camp. If you can help with this, please contact Lisa Maher, 360-805-6909. Winter is approaching, be sure to winterize your cabin. Turn off the water and drain the pipes. Park Board meetings are the second Wednesday of each month. Please have your Normanna Lodge membership card handy, and a sticker on your car when visiting Lake Riley. Remember to honk twice when you enter the park. Call Chris Berg, 360435-6910, for lodge and camping reservations, and let him know when friends and family members are using your lot. There will be a children’s Christmas Party at Lake Riley on Saturday, November 29. Festivities will begin at noon. ha det bra Lisa Maher We are having the silent auction again at our Scandinavian Festival on November 14 & 15. Please bring your new or gently used items to the hall by November 12th. November 2014 SØNDAG MANDAG 27 3 2 TIRSDAG 28 4 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Pinochle 6—9:30pm Bowling Glacier Lanes 12:30 ONSDAGG 29 5 TTORSDAGSDAG LLØRDAGØRDAG 31 Happy Halloween 1 6 7 Birthday Potluck 8 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Male Chorus7PM Sewing Grp 9am Trustees - 6P FREDAGG 30 9:00AM Lefse Rolling Texas Holdem PANCAKE BREAKFAST Meat Draw 5:45pm Ladies Chorus 7pm King of Clubs 4pm 9 10 Board Meeting 7:00pm Pinochle 6—9:30pm 16 Trustees - 6P 18 17 23 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Lodge Meeting 7:00pm Pinochle 6—9:30pm Trustees - 6P 13 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Male Chorus Practice 7PM Sewing Grp 9am 19 Male Chorus Practice 7PM Ladies Chorus 7pm 14 15 Scandinavian Festival King of Clubs 4pm 20 Meat Draw 5:45pm Ladies Chorus 7pm Sewing Grp 9am 22 21 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Texas Holdem King of Clubs 4pm 25 24 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 ______________ 30 12 Park Board Mtg 7pm 11 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Texas Holdem 26 Trustees - 6P 27 28 Pinochle 6—9:30pm 29 Happy Male Chorus Practice 7PM Lake Riley Kids Christmas Party Thanksgiving Sewing Grp 9am December 2014 SØNDAG MANDAG 1 8 7 Julebord Bowling 14 3pm—5pm 21 9 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Board Meeting 7:00pm Pinochle Trustees - 6P 15 Kids Christmas Party TIRSDAG 2 10 Park Board Mtg 7pm 11 12 13 Trustees - 6P Sewing Grp 9am Texas Holdem 20 19 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Meat Draw 5:45pm Ladies Chorus 7pm Texas Holdem King of Clubs 4pm 23 24 Trustees - 6P 25 Male Chorus Practice 7PM 26 27 Merry Christmas Texas Holdem Sewing Grp 9am 30 Pinochle 6—9:30pm PANCAKE BREAKFAST Meat Draw 5:45pm King of Clubs 4pm 18 Pinochle 6—9:30pm Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Ladies Chorus 7pm Male Chorus7PM Sewing Grp 9am Male Chorus Practice 7PM 29 LLØRDAGØRDAG 6 Texas Holdem Lodge Meeting 7:00pm 22 FREDAGG 5 Come Roll Lefsa 9AM BD Potluck Meat Draw 17 16 TTORSDAGSDAG 4 Come Roll Lefsa 6PM Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Bob’s Swing Band 1-3:30 Pinochle 6—9:30pm 28 ONSDAGG 3 31 Trustees - 6P Easy Holiday Shopping…. New Year’s Eve Party Buy your tickets now in the Viking Lounge Check out the great gift items available in the Boutique or you can give the gift of heritage and culture for , Christmas. What better way to introduce friends and relatives to Sons of Norway than by giving them a gift of membership! ** Visa & Master Card Accepted ** 1051219thAveSE,#101 Everett,WA98208 Certi iedPublic Accountants (425)338‐0414 [email protected] www.MarisCPA.com Radio KKNW 1150 Aired on Saturdays From 9 to 10 AM Doug Warne & Friends With Hosts The SCANDINAVIAN HOUR Elfie Simms 7120 61st Pl NE * Marysville * 360-657-1324 We offer many services and take pride in the care we provide. Visitors are always Welcome — Come check us out! Located on a private acre with views of Sound and sunsets yet conveniently close to shopping and amenities. Exceptionally nice and spacious custom home for your retirement living or a nursing home alternative for your elder. 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Everett May Way, Suite D Everett [email protected] 5111 Claremont Way Everett 425-259-7206 Www.evergreenlanes.net Breakfast & Bowl Tues-Wed-Thurs Only $7.00 EVERGREEN (425)252‐5159 3301 Colby Ave. Evere , WA 98201 Solie Funeral Home &Crematory GLACIER LANES 9630 Evergreen General Manager PBA Affiliate (425)353-8292 Larry Miller, Restaurant‐ Lounge Miller’s ProShop 425-388-0678 Full service boatyard & a 75-ton lift to meet all your boat repair needs. NEW COVERED WORKYARD SPACE! Slips now available 20’-143’ 425-259-6001
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