FINANCE DIRECTOR POSITION PROFILE CITY OF TERRELL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER THE COMMUNITY The City of Terrell, Texas, with a diverse popula6on of nearly 17,000, and a trade area popula6on of over 250,000, is located 30 miles east of Dallas along Interstate Highway 20, and U. S. Highway 80. Founded in 1873, by surveyor Robert Terrell, and incorporated in 1875, the town was a source of fresh water for travelers and the railroad. Terrell con6nues to serve as a regional hub for trade and transporta6on in Kaufman County, and beyond. With more than 11,000 jobs, the City remains a vital part of the regional economy. Terrell embodies the defini6on of a true community. City and County government meet regularly with the school district, Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Corpora6on, businesses and non-‐profits to share informa6on and work together to formulate joint strategies for success. This dynamic team approach has led Terrell to become the recipient of numerous awards for economic development and community planning. Residents have a variety of op6ons to choose from when it comes to quality of life. The community’s beau6ful parks system offers venues for a variety of ac6vi6es and is home to many youth and adult sports associa6ons. The City’s excellent swimming pool and nine-‐hole municipal golf course provide hours of outdoor fun and relaxa6on for all ages. Terrell’s ideal loca6on provides residents easy access to the ameni6es of the Dallas metroplex, including cultural enrichment, sports, entertainment and shopping, while s6ll enjoying a sense of place in a community with a home town feel. Terrell is a des6na6on for visitors throughout the region. The No. 1 Bri6sh Flying Training School Museum highlights Terrell’s unique role in World War II, while the Terrell Heritage Museum provides educa6onal exhibits that focus on the City’s history. The Terrell Alliance for Educa6on and the Arts sponsors cultural events throughout the year, including the outstanding E! Terrell entertainment series, while the Northeast Texas Fine Arts Alliance provides an outlet for local ar6sts to share their talents and showcase their work. Visitors and residents alike enjoy family-‐friendly annual events including the Flights of Our Father’s Fly-‐In at the Terrell Municipal Airport, and the Terrell Heritage Jubilee. Shoppers flock to Terrell to take advantage of the many offerings at the Tanger Outlet Mall, and in the unique shops located in the historic downtown district. Educa6on is a priority in Terrell. Terrell ISD offers quality educa6on to over 4,000 students, has graduated an Oscar and Grammy winner, several Olympic medalists, and prepares alumni for success at universi6es such as Princeton, MIT, Duke, and Stanford. For those seeking higher educa6on, Terrell is home to Southwestern Chris6an College and the fastest growing campus in the Trinity Valley Community College system. The community’s commitment to educa6on is complimented by the presence of a well-‐supported public library that has been in existence for more than 100 years. CITY OF TERRELL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER GOVERNANCE & ORGANIZATION Terrell is a home rule city opera6ng under the Council-‐Manager form of government. The City Council consists of the Mayor, elected at large, and four Council members, represen6ng single-‐ member districts, all serving two-‐year, staggered terms. The City Council appoints a professional City Manager who is responsible for the day-‐to-‐day opera6ons of the organiza6on. The City has 170 employees and an annual budget of $27 million. The tax rate is $0.68 per $100 of valua6on, and the average home price sold in Terrell increased by 54% since 2011. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The excep6onal stability of the engineering func6on of the City of Terrell dates back to the late 1870s when the first City Engineer of record, H.A. Baker, served as a leader in establishing the City of Terrell. The average tenure of Terrell’s City Engineer is 20+ years. The Engineering Department is responsible for infrastructure and planning for the City with oversight of streets, drainage, water and sewer opera6ons, and capital improvement programming. The Department also administers plat and subdivision records, bidding and contract document prepara6on, construc6on inspec6on, and coordinates with other local, state, and federal agencies on projects benefieng the community. Addi6onally, the Engineering Department conducts traffic safety reviews, serves as the Airport Board/FBO/Staff Liaison, performs airport safety inspec6ons and maintenance, coordinates development review and permieng, and serves as the City’s Floodplain administrator. The annual Engineering Department budget is $375,538. ABOUT THE POSITION The Engineering Project Manager reports directly to the City Engineer and provides technical assistance on a variety of projects. The posi6on exercises technical and func6onal supervision over field and clerical staff. Leading the implementa6on, administra6on, and safety of major public works construc6on projects assigned by the City Engineer are essen6al func6ons of the posi6on. The Engineering Project Manager inspects work performed on public facili6es to ensure compliance with city codes, erosion control, and contract documents. Preparing cost es6mates, managing requests for payment, and scheduling improvements and material tes6ng are primary responsibili6es. Addi6onally, the Engineering Project Manager assists u6lity crews in loca6ng water and sewer lines as needed, and coordinates with franchise u6li6es to ensure the safety of all City directed construc6on ac6vi6es. CITY OF TERRELL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER ABOUT THE POSITION, CONTINUED The Engineering Project Manager prepares construc6on related documents for audit by outside partner agencies and the City’s third-‐party auditor. In addi6on, the posi6on oversees all contract documents from bid to close-‐out of projects including but not limited to bid bonds, insurance, purchase orders, monthly payment applica6ons, change orders, submiials, as-‐built drawings, and daily reports. IDEAL CANDIDATE The Engineering Project Manager will be a key part of the City’s professional team and must be able to communicate effec6vely with ci6zens, City Council, and City Staff. The successful candidate will be able to partner and work coopera6vely with other municipali6es, school districts, coun6es, state, and federal agencies on a variety of engineering projects and ac6vi6es. The selected candidate will have in-‐depth knowledge of methods, techniques, and prac6ces of surveying, computerized drajing, mapping, and other civil engineering technical func6ons and the ability to perform the same. Advanced comprehension of principles and prac6ces of erosion control, soils, floodplain management, hydrology, and modern horizontal construc6on is essen6al. The Engineering Project Manager will need to be familiar with federal, state, and local laws, codes, and ordinances, par6cularly the City’s subdivision regula6ons and North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) Standard Specifica6ons for Public Works Construc6on. EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE The new Engineering Project Manager must have a high school diploma or equivalent and a minimum of five years of responsible engineering technical experience in drajing, design, and/or construc6on surveying and related ac6vi6es. Substan6al training, course work, and cer6fica6ons in building techniques, public and/or civil engineering, and construc6on safety is required along with a minimum of 10 years of varied experience providing oversight to field crews in large-‐scale public works projects or similar construc6on environments. Demonstrated experience u6lizing various modern spreadsheet, database, drajing, mapping, and word procession sojware applica6ons, including AudoCAD is required. CITY OF TERRELL MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the City Council of the City of Terrell, Texas, is to create pride by serving the community in a proac6ve manner and to enhance the quality of life through providing the highest level of services in the most efficient manner. CITY OF TERRELL ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGER COMPENSATION & BENEFITS The City of Terrell offers a compe66ve star6ng salary, depending on qualifica6ons and experience. The City has a generous benefits program including health, dental, and life insurance, and paid vaca6on and sick leave. The City par6cipates in the Texas Municipal Re6rement System (TMRS) at a 7% percent employee deposit rate with a municipal matching ra6o of 2:1. APPLICATION PROCESS To apply for this posi6on visit: www.cityo( The deadline for applica:ons is December 5, 2014. For more informa6on on this posi6on contact: Carol Holland, Human Resource Director City of Terrell, Texas cholland@cityo( 972-‐551-‐6608 The City of Terrell is an Equal Opportunity Employer and values diversity in its workforce. Applicants selected as finalists for this posi6on will be subject to a comprehensive background check. RESOURCES City of Terrell website www.cityo( Terrell Chamber of Commerce Terrell ISD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENT The Engineering Department’s mission is to provide support to the Administra6on and other departments in engineering, planning and technical maiers that lie within the staff’s experience and capabili6es.
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