UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY GRANTS PROGRAM Campus Sustainability Grant Application – Cover Sheet PROPOSAL INFORMATION Project Title: Terrell Hall Renovation PRINCIPAL STUDENT INVESTIGATOR (PROPOSER) INFORMATION Name: Davidson Goldsmith Email: [email protected] Phone: 229-338-6590 Degree Program / Graduation Date: History and Political Science / 2015 FACULTY / STAFF SPONSOR INFORMATION Name: Wade LaFontaine Email: [email protected] Phone: 706-254 3221 Title / Department: Sr. Assistant Director – Special Events & Communications / Office of Undergraduate Admissions ADDITIONAL PROPOSAL INFORMATION The proposal includes the following fields (check all that apply): __x__ ____ ____ __x__ Education Research Service / Social Entrepreneurship Campus Operations Summary of Budget: Personnel Funding ………………………………..……. $0 Equipment………………………………………………… $0 Supplies / General Expenses..…….………..………….. $5000 TOTAL…………………………………………………….. $5000 Campus Sustainability Grant Application Form (2013-2014), REV 08.27.13 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY GRANTS PROGRAM Campus Sustainability Grant Application – Compliance Form Please answer all of the following questions, and explain in full where required. Will this project require compliance review in any of the following areas? Please place an “X” on the appropriate line to indicate “Yes” or “No” for all three compliance areas. 1. Animal Use ____ Yes __x__ No If “Yes,” please reference the section and page number in the proposal describing animal use: For more information contact: Animal Care and Use, 706-542-5933 2. Biohazardous Materials ____ Yes __x__ No If “Yes,” please reference the section and page number in the proposal describing biohazardous material use: For more information contact: Office of Biosafety, 706-542-9876 3. Human Subjects ____ Yes __x__ No If “Yes,” please reference the section and page number in the proposal describing human subject use: For more information contact: Human Subjects, 706-542-5318 Name: Davidson Goldmsith Title: Georgia Recruitment Team President Date: 11/5/2013 __x__ By placing an “X” on this line, I certify I will fulfill all requirements pertaining to compliance if this grant is approved. Campus Sustainability Grant Application Form (2013-2014), REV 08.27.13 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY GRANTS PROGRAM Campus Sustainability Grant Application – Budget Sheet Complete all sections. I. Personnel *,** Number Contractors 4 Amount/Person Total Amount ~250* waiting on further inspection quotes $~1000* UGA Staff UGA Student $ Other $ Total Amount: $ II. Equipment** Type of Equipment Length of Use Cost 1. $ 2. $ 3. $ Total Cost: $ III. Supplies/General Expenses** Type of Supplies Comment 1.Water Fountain/filling station* 2.Hand Dryers Cost $2500 Two *estimate $1200* 3.Paint Supplies,placards,cases $300 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ 7. $ Total Cost: $5000 *Acceptable personnel funding include: 1) hiring outside consultants or contractors to perform required project tasks, 2) UGA Facilities Management Division staff labor charges for project implementation, 3) UGA student workers managed by participating UGA department to perform required project tasks. **If more space is needed, please attach a separate document listing specific items and their costs. Campus Sustainability Grant Application Form (2013-2014), REV 08.27.13 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA OFFICE OF SUSTAINABILITY CAMPUS SUSTAINABILITY GRANTS PROGRAM Note: All Campus Sustainability Grant funds must be expended before June 30th. Campus Sustainability Grants Program - Application Form 2013-2014 Attach the following additional proposal components to this application: Project Overview (Attach; 2-page limit) Implementation Plan (Attach; 4-page limit) Communications Plan (Attach; 1-page limit) Faculty / Staff Sponsor Letter of Support (Attach; 1-page limit) Additional Supporting Documents &/or Recommendations for Future Support (Attach; optional) List of Anticipated Grant Project Metrics (Attach; 1-page limit; see Campus Sustainability Grants Program – Reporting Guidelines for reference) Thank you for applying for a Campus Sustainability Grant. We look forward to reviewing your application! Campus Sustainability Grant Application Form (2013-2014), REV 08.27.13 Additional Documents and metrics Proposal Overview: Sustainability Grant Proposal for Georgia Recruitment Team Brief project description / problem statement: The Georgia Recruitment Team, in partnership with the Office of Admissions, would like to undertake a sustainably-minded renovation of the 2nd floor of Terrell Hall. We would like to add a water bottle-filling/water fountain station ($2500) along with some sustainability data and advertising placards (100$). We would also like to replace the paper towel dispenser in each bathroom (2) with an air, hand dryer ($600-1200 each depending on model - with strong preference to the more advanced model) and a sanitary door opener($100 for the pair). Terrell Hall (home to the Office of Admissions, GRT meeting center, classrooms, and professor offices) has seen over 5,000 visitors, not to mention a multitude of students, faculty, and staff daily, in the 2013 year alone. As it stands now, Terrell Hall is a poor representation of the sustainability efforts on which the University of Georgia prides itself, and has promised to further engage in as part of it’s 2020 Strategic Plan. We would like to change this. We are asking for the full 5,000 to fund our renovation efforts. Intended outcome or the sustainability-related research question you propose to answer toward achievement of Strategic Direction VII in the UGA 2020 Strategic Plan: Our renovation plan is in complete compliance with UGA goal of “Improving Stewardship of Natural Resources and Advancing Campus Sustainability,” specifically sub-section G “Strategic Priority: Demonstrate a commitment to sustainability through reduced potable water usage, decreased waste, and increased use of sustainable and locally grown foods.” Our plans would reduce plastic waste through a reduction of disposable water bottle use and paper towel use Contribution of this project to enhance existing sustainability practices, initiatives, and awareness at UGA and beyond: This project has a clear contribution of enhancing “existing sustainability practices, [and] initiatives, by further increasing already existing efforts to decrease waste especially in paper towel and disposable water bottle use. Also, the project would create awareness through placards dedicated to sustainability information and campus sustainability efforts, and through the water-bottle saving counter located on the fountain. The water fountain area is the first thing visitors see when they get off the elevator to reach the second floor of Terrell Hall (the location of the Admissions Office). Thus, with our project, sustainability efforts would be one of the first things visitors (potential students and their parents) see during their visit to the University of Georgia. List of partner organizations and/or departments: 1. Georgia Recruitment Team 2. Office of Admissions Additional Documents and metrics Implementation Plan The Georgia Recruitment Team, in partnership with the Office of Admissions, would like to undertake a sustainably minded renovation of the 2nd floor Terrell Hall. Prospective students and their parents frequently ask questions about campus sustainability and it is important that efforts are shown throughout the entire campus. Unfortunately, these efforts are of poor representation in Terrell Hall, which is why we would like to add water bottle-filling/water fountain stations, air hand dryers, and sanitary door openers. Terrell Hall is one of the most visited buildings on campus, so by making these renovations, it will be one of the first things seen by prospective students, parents, current students, faculty, and staff. This initiative will be increasing access to chilled, filtered tap water throughout the building, making it easy for anyone on the University of Georgia’s campus to choose sustainable tap as his or her drinking water. This initiative will increase the saving of paper resources, as well as, promote good hygiene through the prevention of cross contamination. Lastly, this initiative will show our commitment to protect and preserve the historically significant ecosystem. In addition, we will add placards to display sustainability information to show the knowledge we have on the topic and why sustainability is essential. The Specific Aims for this project are: • • • • To demonstrate a commitment to sustainability through reduced water usage and decrease waste To reduce plastic waste through a reduction of disposable water bottle use and paper towel use To encourage investment to preserve local water resources To create awareness of campus sustainability efforts Feasibility and Merit of Project The Sustainability grant will greatly benefit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions because with the reward all of the proposed projects would be possible to complete. Over the last few years the Office of Admissions has made progress towards being more sustainable, even on a limited budget. These projects have included recycling bins and low flow toilets and sinks. The grant would allow the Office of Admissions to strengthen its dedication towards a sustainable university and showcase this dedication to the potential students and family members. The placement of the purposed renovations would have abundant visibility to the building’s patrons. Every visitor will see the water fountain at least twice because families have to see it when exiting the elevator, the busiest part of the building and when signing in for the information sessions. The renovations in the bathroom would serve to significantly decrease paper towel usage to dry hands and to open bathroom doors. Additional Documents and metrics Based off the Elkay Ezh20 water bottle filling station’s website, this is a quick, clean and green way to make an impact on the environment. As more individuals use the water bottle filling station the ticker will announce how many bottles have been saved. This is especially important for the visitors that will be able to see the number increase as they help keep our campus sustainable. After consulting University of Georgia professionals in both the Office of Sustainability and the Facilities Management Office, the project can be feasibly done in the following time frame December 4, 2013 Within 2 weeks (By December 18, 2013) By January 20, 2013 By February 10, 2014 By February 31, 2014 Within two-three weeks of designing advertising As soon as possible after product arrives Time frame for completion: 1-2.5 weeks (estimated completion date: April 15, 2014) As soon as possible after product arrives Time frame for completion: 1-2 days (estimated completion date: April 17, 2014) 2 week after installation is complete June 30, 2014 **Awarded Grant Money** Inspect wall where water filling station will be installed and bathrooms where hand dryers and door openers will be installed. Consult with contractors to determine what type of product will best fit the structure Order water filling station, hand dryers, and door openers Consult with communications department in Terrell Hall to design and produce advertising Add advertising to wall where water filling station is located Add advertising to elevator lobby Add advertising to bathrooms Install water filling station Install hand dryers and door openers Add any addition advertising once installation is completed **Project Completion** Additional Documents and metrics Communication Plan Our organization, Georgia Recruitment Team, in partnership with the Office of Admissions and support from the Department of Communications Studies, will engage in a variety of tactics to promote our renovations to Terrell Hall. First we will target social media. We will make posts on the GRT Facebook page, as well as the UGA Office of Admissions Facebook page (which we have received permission to use). We will also send email notification of the renovations to the Department of Communication Studies, which utilizes the classrooms and professor offices in the building, and the Office of Admissions, which occupies the rest of the office space. Finally we will be placing placards and/or painted advertisement of sustainability efforts on campus (especially those we hope will be located in Terrell Hall) We will create these placards in compliance with advice given by a professor of Communication Studies we consulted about the task. We have already consulted this professor for some advice and she told us “as a general rule, fewer words and one clear type font are a good idea. Bullet points can be effective...just make it easy to read.” She has the expertise to make sure the message is clear and delivered in the best way to the visitors of Terrell Hall. Additional Documents and metrics This is the water fountain that directly faces the visitors and students as they get off of the elevator. This water fountain is hopefully to be replaced by a water bottle refill station. Where you see the Pride and Prejudice poster is also where we hope to put a portion of our communication plan. Additional Documents and metrics This is the elevator that guests, students and visitors get off of on the second floor. The bare walls (pictured below) will have paintings or posters as a part of our communication plan as well. These paintings will ideally be used to inform visitors in a colorful way about how life a more sustainable lifestyle, these paintings and/or posters will be completed by a student in the Lamar Dodd School of Art. This allows students to get involved with spreading the University’s mission of creating an sustainable campus. Bare walls Additional Documents and metrics Current recycling efforts around the building. Additional Documents and metrics Metrics QUICK, CLEAN + GREEN · The EZH2O bottle filling station fill rate* is 1.1-1.5 gpm; 3 times faster than a traditional drinking fountain·Innovative Green TickerTM counts the quantity of bottles saved from land fills Here are some numbers of how many gallons of water per person are used from the research done by University of Nebraska – Lincoln when they decided to install 16 water refilling stations across their campus last year. “Total water bottle sales hit 9.1 billion gallons in 2011, which is about 29.2 gallons per person, according to Beverage Marketing Corp. And that is in the U.S. alone” Number of people who visited the Office of admissions recently MONTH WALK-INS TOTAL INFO Jun-12 289 541 Jul-12 313 847 Aug-12 480 428 Sep-12 191 305 Oct-12 232 540 Nov-12 150 322 Dec-12 ?? ?? Jan-13 311 219 Feb-13 208 353 Mar-13 347 783 Apr-13 524 841 May-13 296 276 June 2013 410 541 July 2013 553 1022 August 2013 614 445 Sept 2013 427 538 Terrell Hall Athens, Georgia 30602-1633 Telephone (706) 542-2112 Office of Admissions Fax (706) 542-1466 [email protected] To the Office of Sustainability Grant Review Committee; As the Office of Undergraduate Admissions staff advisor to the Georgia Recruitment Team (GRT), I fully support the efforts of this proposal by way of the Office of Sustainability grant to improve the environment within Terrell Hall while also promoting the campus-wide initiative for environmental improvements and sustainable features. I have actively listened and watched as the students within the Georgia Recruitment Team created a successful (and much needed) plan to implement added features to Terrell Hall that will be both functional and highly visible for the visiting public that attend our daily student information sessions. The Terrell Hall staff was excited to find out that the GRT students chose our building to serve as an example of the forward thinking that our institution promotes within the student body. Visitor’s will enjoy a water refilling station that will display the bottles of water that are being saved while encouraging visitors to utilize such stations available in numerous areas around campus as promoted by our signage and advertising. The grant proposal also highlights the need for sanitary hand dryers in the restrooms, to cut down on paper usage and wrist/forearm pulls on the restroom doors for sanitary protection. The students will be working with our graphic designer and the Department of Advertising and Public Relations in Grady to find the most successful way to promote the sustainable improvements at Terrell Hall. In fact, our students have already reached out to Grady’s Advertising and Public Relations department to request a time to meet about an advertising campaign. I am proud to serve as the staff coordinator for these highly motivated students and look forward to seeing the final results of their proposal! Feel free to contact me with any questions about the GRT student group or the grant proposal. My contact information is included. Sincerely, Wade LaFontaine Sr. Assistant Director of Admissions GRT Staff Advisor University of Georgia 706.254.3221 [email protected] An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
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