From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 3429-3436 Molecular single cell analysis demonstrates the derivation of a peripheral blood-derived cell line (L1236) from the Hodgkin/ReedSternberg cells of a Hodgkin's lymphoma patient H Kanzler, ML Hansmann, U Kapp, J Wolf, V Diehl, K Rajewsky and R Kuppers Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. Molecular Single Cell Analysis Demonstrates the Derivation of a Peripheral Blood-Derived Cell Line (L1236) From the HodgkWReed-Sternberg Cells of a Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Patient By Holger Kanzler, Martin-Leo Hansmann, Ursula Kapp, Jurgen Wolf, Volker Diehl, Klaus Rajewsky, and Ralf Kuppers A novel cell line, L1236, was establishedfrom the peripheral blood of a patient with Hodgkin’s disease (HD). Two Ig VH and one V, gene rearrangementswere amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from the DNA of this cell line, demonstrating its derivation from the B-cell lineage. To test the cell line for its clonal relationship to the Hodgkin/ReedSternberg (H-RS) cells in the patient, single H-RS cells were micromanipulatedfrom tissue sections of a tumor-infiltrated bone marrow specimen from that patient and analyzed by PCR for Ig gene rearrangements. The same rearrangements detected in the cell line were also found repeatedly in H-RS cells of the biopsy material. Thus, L1236 is the first cell line established from a case of HD for which a derivation from the H-RS cells of the patient could be demonstrated. Furthermore, the selective isolation of identical V gene rearrangements from multiple single H-RS cells demonstrates that these cells represented a clonal population in the patient. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. I data concerning the case history are provided in the accompanying article by Wolf et al. PCR analysis of cell line LI236. DNA was isolated from cell line L1236 by standard methods.” Using VH and V, framework region I (FRI) family-specific primers together with J-segment primers?’the cell line was analyzed for rearranged VHand V, region genes as previously described.” In addition, VH family-specific primers hybridizing to the leader region of VH genes were used. A PCR product was obtained with a vH1 leader primer (5’TCACCATGGACTGGACCTGGAG 3’) and a vH3 leader primer (5’ ACCATGGAGTTTGGGCTGAGCTG3‘). PCR products were gelpurified and directly sequenced from both sides using the cyclesequencing system (Life Technologies, Eggenstein, Germany) and the oligonucleotides used for amplification. Micromanipulation and single cell PCR. Single cells were isolated from frozen sections of a bone marrow specimen of an HD patient by micromanipulation as previously described.16.20 Single CD30+ H-RS cells and CD3+ T cells were obtained from adjacent sections of the same specimen. Single B cells were micromanipulated from the mantle zone of a tonsillar section of another individual. That section was stained with Ki-67 antibody to identify germinal centers and the surrounding mantle zone. Micromanipulated cells were coded and analyzed in a blinded fashion. Ten H-RS cells and seven T cells were analyzed in the first round of amplification with a primer mix containing the VH1FRI primer, FlOVHl (5’GCCTGGGGCCTCAGTGAAGGT3‘; Fig I), a primer specific for a region in the intron between JH3 and JH4 (H3P1: 5’ CATCTCCCAGSTCCASGACAGA 3’; Fig 2), and the VH3, V,3, and 3’ JH and J, primer mixes.” In the second round of amplification, a 1-pL aliquot of the first round was reamplified in separate reactions with the following primer combinations: FlOVHl/S‘ JHmix,’” VH3/ H3P2 (5‘ AGSTCCASGACAGAGGACGCTG3’, internal to H3P1; Fig 2), and V,3/5‘ J, mix. Another set of 10 H-RS cells, three ‘r cells, and 10 B cells were N HODGKIN’S DISEASE (HD), the characteristic Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg (H-RS) cells represent only a minor population in the tumor-usually less than 1% of cells. Due to the sparseness of these cells and the difficulties encountered in attempts to isolate them,’.’ clonality and lineage derivation of H-RS cells is much Furthermore, little is known about gene expression and cellular differentiation of H-RS To overcome the difficulties in studying biopsy material and to establish an in vitro system for the investigation of HD, numerous attempts have been made to obtain cell lines from HD patients. So far, 14 such cell lines have been described in the literature.”” However, since a derivation from H-RS cells of the respective patients has not been proven for any of these lines, their relevance for a characterization of the H-RS cells in the patient remains unc1ear. Recently, we established a method to isolate single cells from frozen tissue sections by micromanipulation and analyzed those cells for rearranged V region genes.I6 Since V gene rearrangements are restricted to B-lineage cells and are highly specific for a B-cell clone,I7 the detection and sequence analysis of such rearrangements can be used to study the B-lineage origin and clonal relationship of the cells analyzed. The micromanipulation and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was applied to study three cases of HD for a possible clonality and B-lineage origin of the H-RS cells.” Indeed, in all three cases, H-RS cells represented a clonal population and appeared to be derived from B cells at various stages of development. Recently, a novel cell line, designated L1236, was established from the peripheral blood of a patient suffering from HD of mixed cellularity subtype (see accompanying article by Wolf et a l l g a ) . Since biopsy material of the HD patient was available, we were in the position to address the question of whether the H-RS cells of the patient and LIZ36 cells carried Ig gene rearrangements, and if so, whether these rearrangements were identical. MATERIALS AND METHODS Case history. In 1991, HD of mixed cellularity subtype was diagnosed in a 31-year-old patient. Cell line L1236 was established from the peripheral blood of this patient (see accompanying article by Wolf et al). In April 1994, tumor infiltration of the bone marrow was observed. The respective bone marrow specimen obtained for monitoring tumor progression was the source of single H-RS cells analyzed in this study. The patient died in May 1994. Additional Blood, Vol 87, No 8 (April 15). 1996: pp 3429-3436 From the Institute for Genetics and the Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Submitted June 20, 1995; accepted December 1, 1995. Supported by grants from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschafr (Di184, Di1284/1 -5, and SFB243-). Address reprint requests to Ralf Kiippers, PhD, University of Cologne, LFI-Gebaude, E4 R706, Josef-Stelzmannstr. 9, 50931 Cologne, Germany. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. OOoS-4971/96/8708-O7$3.00/0 3429 From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. KANZLER ET AL 3430 Leader Phe Cy6 Leu LeuAla Val AlaPro L1236H1 TTC TGC TTG CTG GCT GTA GCT CCA GGTAGAGGGCCAACTGGTTCCAGGGCTG HV1F10 _-- -__ ----_ - ---A----------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ GlY __ L1236H1 AGGAAGGGATTTTTTCCAGTTTAGAAGACTGTCATTCTCTATTGTGTCCTCTCCGCAG GT HVlF10 -------------------------G---------------C---------------Leader Val His Ser GlnVal Gln Leu Val Gln SerGly Ala Glu Ile Lys Arg CAA GTA CAA CTG GTG C M TCT GGGGCT GAA ATT AAGA= L1236H1 GTT CAC TCC HV1FIO -C- --- --- --G --G --G _-- --- --G --- __-- _ - --G G-G -A- ___ Pro Gly Ala Set Val Lys Val His Cys Lys Thr Ser Gly Val Tyr Phe L1236H1 CCT GGG W C TCA GTG AAGGTT CAC TGC AAG ACA TCT GGA TAC GTC TTC "- -" _" "KLH 1 _-- -__ -_TC- _ _ ---- G" --_ ACHVIF10 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ "____ CDR I Thr Ser Tyr Tyr Ile His Trp Val Arg Gln Pro Arg Gly Gln Gly Leu L1236H1 ACG AGTTAT TATATT CAC TGG GTG CGA CAG CGT CAA GGCCTT KLH1 --- --- -_- --- ----- --- --- --- --- ---CCTGGA --_ _-- --HV1F10 --C --C --C --G --- --_ _-- --- G-C -C- --_ --G ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ CDR I1 Glu TrpMet Gly GlyIle Gly Pro Gly Val Gly Ser Met Thr Cys Ala L1236H1 GAG TGG ATG GGA GGA ATC GGC GGT CCC GTTGGC TCG ACA ATGTGC GCA KLHl --- --- -__--- --__HVIF10 -__ AT- _ _ -AA- --T A-- -G- --T A X _ _ _ -GC -A- ______ ___ ___ -_____ ___ ___ ______ _________ ___ Glu LysPhe Gln Gly Arg Leu Thr Met Thr Arg Asn Thr Ser Thr Thr L1236H1 GAG AAGTTC CAG GGC AGA CTC ACC ATG ACC AGA AAT ACG ACG ACT --- --- --- --- --- - --- --- --- - -- - --- --- TCC --- --- --KLH 1 Fig 1. vH1 gene rearrangeHV1FIO C-- --- -__ __- G" - _ _ --G G-C -GC ments from cell line L1236 and ___ __ ___ ______ __ ______ ___ Leu Ser Arg Leu Arg Phe Glu Asp Thr Ala Thr Val Tyr Met Glu L1236H1 ACA GTT TATATG G M CTG AGC AGA CTG CGA --- --- -__--- ----- -____---- TTT GAG _-- GAC --_ACG _-- GCC --- GTG KLHf --C --C --G __--C _-A--C----_ _---HVlFlO --- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ CDR I11 Tyr Phe Cys Gly Arg Gly Gly Arg Trp Arg Ser Gly Tyr Asn Asn Gly L1236H1 TAC TTC TGT GGG AGA GGT GGCAGG TGG CGC AGT GGG AAC TAC AAT --- - _ _-_---KLH1 HVlFlO --T -A- --- -c- -" "- TT- -A- ___ -_____ ___ " His Trp Gly Gln Gly L1236H1 CAC TGG GGC CAG GGA KLH 1 JH& l'-- -------- --- analyzed in a blinded fashion with the standard VH and V, primer mixes as previously described.'6.20 RESULTS Amplification of rearranged V region genes from cell line L1236. To analyze cell line L1236 for Ig gene rearrangements, three sets of oligonucleotides were used. For Ig H gene rearrangements, either a set of six VH leader region family-specific primers or a set of six primers that hybridize to the VHFRI of the six human VHgene families were used together with a J H gene primer mix. Analysis for V, gene single H-RS cells. The vH1 gene rearrangement obtained from cell line-Ll236 (L1236H1) is comVal pared with the vH1 sequences amplified from single H-RS cells (KLHl), the HVlFlO germline gene.= and the JH4b gene segment." (---l Sequence identity. Codons are numbered according to the method of Kabat et al?' GGC Correspondingaminoacidsare shownaboveeachcodon.The leader region and CDRlto CDRlll of the VH generearrangement are indicated. No DH genesegment could be identified in CDRIII. The sequence of primer FlOVHl is underlined. rearrangements was performed with a set of six V, familyspecific primers and a J, primer mix. A vH1 gene rearrangement was obtained withthe vH1 leader primer, but not withthe FRI primer. Sequence analysis of the PCR product revealed a potentially functional rearrangement of a vH1 gene with highest homology to the HVlFlO vH1 germline gene2*(Fig 1, L1236Hl). There are 55 nucleotide differences between the VH gene segment of L1236H1 and the HVlFlO gene (ie, 87% homology). A J H ~ gene was used in the rearrangement, but no DH gene could be identified (Fig 1). The J H gene carried four point mutations From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. HRS CELL DERIVATION OF CELL LINE L1236 8#88 40 Ll236H3 KLH3 v341 25 TCT FR 1 343 1 FR 11 8888*888888888- ##**88~88 29 CAA ATC ACC TTC A "_ T__ "_ ___ "___ _ -_GT AN ___ a_ - 50 "_ "_ CGC "_ CAG GCT CCA "_ GGG AAG "_ GGG "_ CTG "_ W "_ TCA "_GTCTCATGTGTCAAT"_TATTGT"_ "_ "_"_ TAT AGC __G __c ______ ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ -4 -GG ___ ___ -CC A-T _G_ AG#**U****** FR 70 L1236H3 KLH3 v 3 4 *Pe*Pe88*888**"---------' 35 ATT AAG TGG GTC 111 ***88****# ****PO***# FR 111 A__ 88*#*88#8*888 60 TTT TTT CAT GCA GAC GAC AAT GA CGA TTC AAC ATC TCC AGA GAC AGC ACC ___ AG___ ___ ___ ______ ______ TNA4- ?TG ___ GAC ___GTC___ CCA ___ TGC ___ATC ___ATNTCCACA --C ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _______________ ___ ___ -4 A-A _AC T-C ___ ___ ___ G__ AG4 _G_ _T_ _c_ ___ ___ _G ___ -4 4 ___ ___ _c_ ___ ___ ___ ___ _A_ G__ - CTT CCTTAT AG [--------- dupljc=&.ion -----------] [--"""- duplication """"--l #**LI**#*###~**pM4*****LL.***t*** 90 80 L1236H3 KLH3 v341 94 ___ ______ _________ _______________-4 ___ ___ G-NNN-- -________ ___ ___ ___ N-N __-__-__-____ ___ ___ _AC ___ ___ T__ ___ ___ A__ ______ --G ___ ___ G" G& -A- -4 ___ ___ _G__ -TG"""""""- AAG AGG TCACTGCATCTG CAA CTG AAC AGCCTAAGA Ca: GAC GAC ACGACTCTTTCTTATTGT GCG ACA G A G A C A T C G T C C A ~ T C C T T " intron JH3-JH4 g- L1 236H3 JH-lms 36 bp to end of JH3 G T C G T ~ ~ ~ G A T ~ T G T ~ ~ G G T C T C T T C T ~ T G T ~ ~ __~____G________A___-_____~-~-------~---__-_A_---_---__---_ 212bp to JH4 -> Fig 2. V d gene rearrangements from cell line L1236 and single H-RS cells. Sequence format is the same as in Fig 1. VH3 rearrangement detected in cell line L1236 iL1236H31is comparedwith VH3 sequences amplifiedfrom single H-RS cells (KLHI), the V3-21 germline gene:6 and part of the intron between JH3 and Jn4." FRI to FRlll are indicated. A tetranucleotidemotif (5'CCAG3'/5'CTGG3') often found near nonhomologous recombination breakpointsin Ig genes*' is underlined nearthe deletion in CDRI, within the duplication in FRIII, and at the recombination breakpoint in the Jn intron. A duplication of codons66 to 73 is indicated.N. nucleotides not clearly readableon the sequence gels. The location of primers H3Pl and H3P2 is indicated below and above the JH3/JH4intron sequence, respectively. as compared with the J ~ 4 bgermline ~equence.'~ The failure to amplify this rearrangement with the vH1 F R I primer was most likely due to the fact that there were three mismatches in the rearranged VH gene versus the vH1 FRI primer, one close to the 3' end of the primer. A vH3 gene rearrangement of unexpected length was amplified with both the vH3 FRI and leader primer. The PCR product was about 250 bp longer than would be expected for a typical VH gene rearrangement. Sequence analysis of the product obtained with the FRI primer showed several unusual features. The V gene segment was rearranged into the intron between JH3 and JH4, and there was a deletion of codons 30 to 33 in complementarity-determining region (CDR) I and a duplication of codons 66 to 73 in FRIII (Fig 2, L1236H3). No DH gene segment could be identified. The VH gene segment of L1236H3 showed 77% homology to the V3-21 vH3 germline gene." Interestingly, close to the rearrangement breakpoint in the JH intron, a tetranucleotide sequence motif (5'CTGG3'/5'CCAG3') commonly found near nonhomologous recombinations involving Ig gene sequence~~' was found twice (Fig 2). The same motif was also seen near the deletion in CDRI and within the duplication in FRIII (Fig 2). Rearrangement of the VHgene into the JH intron about 250 bp upstream of the JH4 gene segment explains the unusual length of the PCR product. A potentially functional V,3 gene rearrangement amplified from genomic DNA of L1236 was composed of the L2 V,3 germline gene2*rearranged to J,lZ9 (Fig 3, L1236K3). The V, gene segment of L1236K3 carried 41 nucleotide differences versus L2 (84% homology). One mutation was found in the J,l gene segment (Fig 3). Since in a Southern blot analysis for rearranged Ig genes in L1236, two rearrangements at the Ig heavy-chain locus and one rearrangement at the K locus were detected (see accompanying article by Wolf et al), all V gene rearrangements carried by the cell line were successfully amplified by PCR. For the three V gene rearrangements amplified from L1236, an analysis of the mutation pattern was performed. The relation of amino acid replacement (R) to silent (S) mutations (IUS value) can be taken as an indication for a possible selection of the antibody molecule for high-affinity binding to an antigen: R mutations should be underrepresented in the F R S to preserve the structure of the antibody V domain, whereas they are often overrepresented in CDRs, where R mutations can lead to an increased affinity to the respective antigen. IUS values of the three V gene rearrangements were compared with the expected values, assuming random mutagenesis (Table 2). It is evident that R mutations are underrepresented in the FRS of the two potentially functional V region genes (L1236H1 and L1236K3). In the nonfunctional vH3 gene rearrangement-which cannot be selected, since no protein is expressed-IUS values of F R S and CDRs are as expected for random mutagenesis (see Table 2). Amplijication of rearranged V region genes from single, micromanipulated H-RS cells. The availability of an H-RS cell-infiltrated bone marrow specimen of the HD patient offered the unique chance to analyze the cell line for its clonal relationship to H-RS cells in the patient. Using a recently established method,16 single H-RS cells were micromanipulated from a frozen tissue section of a bone marrow specimen from the HD patient (Fig 4). Twenty CD30+ H-RS cells and 10 T cells micromanipulated from a CD3-stained adjacent section of the same biopsy material and 10 B cells micromanipulated from the mantle zone of a From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. KANZLER ET AL 3432 L1236K3 KLK3 L2 Leu Ser Leu Ser ProGly Glu Thr Ala Ile Leu TyrCys Arg CTGTCT CTG TCT CCC GGA GAA ACC GCC ATC CTC TAC TGC AGG _ _ _ ___ "- "- G" ___ "_--A "- ----G --- "_ -" "- "-GA --- -C- --- -" --- -C- --- "_ Ala Ser GCC AGT "- "--_ _ _ ---- CDR I Asp Ser Ile Gly T h r Asn Leu Ala Trp Tyr Gln Gln Arg Pro Gly Gln L1236K3 GAC AGC ATT GGC ACC AAC GCC TGG TTA TAT CAA CAG AGG CCT GGC CAG KLK3 _-- --- -_- --_ --- --- --- --- --- --- _-- --- --- --_ C-G --T G" A-- -G- --- --- --- --- --C --G -__-AA --_ _-- _-L2 ___ ___ CDR I1 Phe Ser Pro Arg Leu Val Ile Phe Ala Ala AlaThr Arg Ala Ser Ala L1236K3 TCT CCC CGC CTC GTC TTT ATC GCT GCA GCC ACC AGG GCG TCT GCT TTC --- -_- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --_ _-_-__ KLK3 G" A-G __-C--A- -G- __-T--__--C A-- -G- A-L2 ___ ___ ___ Pro Pro Arg Phe Ser Gly Gly Gly Ser Gly Thr Glu Phe Thr Leu Ser L1236K3 CCA CCC AGGTTC AGT GGC GGT GGG TCT GGG ACT GAGTTC ACA CTC TCC _-- --- __---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --_ Km3 G" -__ A-----A ___ _ _ ---T A-L2 ___ ______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Ile Thr Ser Leu Gln Pro Asp AlaVal Ala ValTyr Tyr CY8 Gln Gln L1236K3 ATA ACC AGT CTG CAG CCT GCA GAT GTT GTT TAT GCA TAC TGT CAG cAG --- --- _-- --- --- --- --- _-- --KLK3 -" "--" ""- "- -" L2 --C -G- --C ------ T-- -A- __-T-- --- --- -" ___ ___ CDR I11 Tyr AspLys Trp Pro Pro Val Thr Phe Gly Gln GGC CAG L1236K3 TAT GAT AAG TGG CCT CCG GTGTTCACG =K3 --- ---_ -_- A-- --C -__ L2 "- "JKI --A ______ ___ __ _" tonsillar germinal center were analyzed by single cell PCR for rearranged VH and V, region genes. In the first experiment, 10 H-RS cells and seven T cells were analyzed in a blinded fashion with a set of primers that allowed amplification of the three V gene rearrangements (one vH1, one vH3, and one V,3) detected in the cell line. Seven of 10 H-RS cells gave rise to at least one PCR product, with 15 products altogether (Table 1). Sequence analysis of the three vH1, seven vH3, and five V,3 PCR products revealed sequences identical to the ones carried by cell line L1236 (Fig 1 to 3). No PCR product was obtained for the seven T cells analyzed as negative controls. In a second experiment, 10 H-RS cells, three T cells, and 10 mantle zone B cells were analyzed in a blinded fashion with a set of family-specific primers for the six VH and six V, gene families as previously described.'6,20Six PCR products-three vH3 and three VK3-were obtained from four of 10 H-RS cells (Table 1). Three of 10 B cells gave rise to a total of five PCR products; three T cells were negative in the analysis. Sequence analysis of amplificates obtained from the H-RS and B cells showed sequences identical to the vH3 and V,3 rearrangements of cell line L1236 for H-RS cells, whereas B cells harbored clonally unrelated V region genes (Table 1). One of the PCR products obtained from a B cell represented a contamination from a previous experiment. Taken together, the same V gene rearrangements carried by cell line L1236 were repeatedly amplified from single H- "_ "_ Fig 3. V 2 gene rearrangements derived from cell line L1236 and single H-RS cells. Sequence format isthe same as in Fig 1. The V 3 gene rearrangement obtained from cell line L1236 (L1236K3) is compared with V 2 sequencesamplified fromsingle H-RS cells (KLW), the L2 germline gene,= and the J,1 gene segment.FJ RS cells isolated from a bone marrow specimen of the HD patient from which the cell line was established. These V gene sequences could not be amplified from any of 10 T cells and 10 B cells micromanipulated on the same day and analyzed coded together with the H-RS cells, confirming the reliability of the single cell approach. DISCUSSION A novel cell line (L1236) established from the peripheral blood of a patient with HD (see accompanying article by Wolf et al) was analyzed for a possible B-cell lineage origin and its clonal relationship to H-RS cells in the HD patient. One V, and two VHregion genes were amplified from this line. To investigate cell line L1236 for its clonal relationship to tumor cells in that patient, single H-RS cells were micromanipulated from a bone marrow specimen and analyzed by PCR. Using two different primer sets, we showed that the H-RS cells harbored the same V gene rearrangements as the cell line, thus proving its derivation from the tumor cells in the patient. L1236 is the first cell line derived from an HD patient for which anorigin from the H-RS cells of the respective patient could be demonstrated. The vH1 and the V,3 gene rearrangements carried by the cell line and the H-RS cells were potentially functional,whereasthe vH3 gene rearrangementharbored several unusual features that rendered it nonfunctional: there was a deletion of 1 1 bp between codons 30 and 33 and a duplication of codons 65 to 73, and the VH gene From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. HRS CELL DERIVATION OF CELL LINE L1236 Fig 4. Micromanipulation of a single RS cell. (AI Frozen section of an HD-infiltrated bone marrow specimen with an RS cell in the middle. (B) Frozen section after picking, showing a hole where the RS cell was located. The section was stained with antiCD30 antibody. Table 1. Summary of the Single Cell Analysis of Micromanipulated H-RS Cells for Ig Gene Rearrangements Rearrangements Experiment Cell Cells No. Type Positive PCR Products 1 H-RS 7/10 15 3 VH1 7 Vn3 5 vx3 T OD H-RS 4/10 6 3 VH3 3 v,3 T 0/3 3/10 4 2 B Repeated Unique 3 VH3 1 v,2 In experiment 1, only primers for the 3 V gene rearrangements detected in cell line L1236 were used; in experiment 2, a mixture of primers for all VH and V, gene families was used. The latter primer set does not allow amplification of the VH1 rearrangement of L1236. One further V,4 PCR product obtained from a B cell represented a contamination from a previous experiment. was rearranged to the intron between JH3 and JH4. A tetranucleotide motif (5'CCAG3'/5'CTGG3' ) commonly found near nonhomologous recombination breakpoints in Ig genes" may be involved in these recombination events, since it was found near the deletion in CDRI, within the duplication in FRIII, and exactly at the recombination breakpoint in the JHintron (Fig 2). Interestingly, such unusual V gene rearrangements had also been detected in three of five V H gene rearrangements described in our previous analysis of three cases of HD." Although more cases need to be analyzed, the frequent detection of deletionhsertion events in H-RS cells may indicate some specific genetic alteration of these cells, the nature of which remains to be explored. All three V region genes carried by the cell line and the H-RS cells seemed to be heavily mutated, since multiple nucleotide differences were seen in the sequence comparison to the most homologous germline genes (Figs 1 to 3). That (at least most of) these differences in fact represent somatic point mutations and not V gene polymorphism or usage of hitherto undescribed V genes is based on the following From by guest on November 24, 2014. For personal use only. 3434 KANZLER ET AL Table 2. RIS Ratio Mutation Analvsis of L1236 V Gene L1236H1 L1236~3 L1236H3 Region FR CDR FR CDR FR CDR Random Found 2.9 4.4 3.0 3.6 3.0 4.4 1.2 3.4 1.5 5.0 3.3 4.0 The random R/S ratio was calculated taking the codon composition of the respective germline genes into account. arguments. (1) The human V, locus has been extensively characterized-most likely, all V, genes and their alleles have been identified.30 Therefore, the V,3 gene sequence L1236K3 can be reliably assigned to the L2 germline gene. (2) There is one mutation in the J, segment of L1236K3 and there are four mutations in the JH segment of L1236H1 as compared with the corresponding germline genes. Since no polymorphism has been described for human J, genes29 and only three polymorphic forms of JH4 have been found in numerous VH gene rearrangements,23 the sequence differences in these J gene segments are likely to represent somatic point mutations. The detection of VH and V, gene rearrangements clearly shows that H-RS cells in the patient are derived from a Blineage cell. Cross-lineage Ig gene rearrangements have been described in non-B-cell leukemias3'; however, they appear to be restricted to DHJH rearrangement^.^^ VHDHJH and lightchain gene rearrangements have only been detected in B Furthermore, based on the detection of a high load of somatic mutations in each of three V region genes, the progenitor of the H-RS cells appears to be a mature B cell, since the mechanism of somatic hypermutation is activated in antigen-stimulated human B cells proliferating in the microenvironment of the germinal center of lymphoid tissues." Thus, somatically mutated V region genes appear to be confined to germinal center B cells and their descendants, ie, memory B cells. H-RS cells of the present case may be derived from an antigen-selected (memory?) B cell. This is supported by the mutation analysis of the V gene rearrangements: the underrepresentation of replacement mutations in FRs of the two potentially functional V gene rearrangements (L1236H1 and L1236K3) but not in the nonfunctional VH region gene (L1236H3; Table 2) indicates selection for preservation of a functional antibody structure. However, stimulation and selection by an unknown antigen appears to be no longer needed in the cell line, since no surface Ig was detectable (see accompanying article by Wolf et al). Alternatively, malignant transformation may have occurred in a germinal center B cell in which (after leaving the germinal center) further somatic hypermutation ceased. The lack of detectable intraclonal diversity due to ongoing somatic mutation suggests that the differentiation stage of H-RS cells is distinct from that of tumor cells in follicular lymphomas. In the latter lymphoma, a germinal center B-cell derivation is indicated by the detection of ongoing somatic mutation.3bInterestingly, ongoing somatic mutation was also detected in one case of lymphocyte-predominant HD in our previous analysis. " Since V gene rearrangements lead to permanent changes at the DNA level, their detection in a cell allows identification of this cell as originating from the B-cell lineage even if Igs are not expressed. Thus, based on the results of V gene analysis, the B-cell lineage origin of L1236 is evident, although the line expresses neither Igs nor B-lineage markers like CD19 and CD20 (see accompanying article by Wolf et allsa). Further studies are needed to reveal whether the block of Ig expression occurs at the level of transcription or translation. The lack of expression of B-cell surface antigens in the cell line (and in H-RS cells in the patient (see accompanying article by Wolf et all8") shows that expression of such antigens can be deregulated in H-RS cells derived from the Bcell lineage. The successful amplification of at least one of three V gene rearrangements carried by the cell line from 1 I of 20 H-RS cells and the lack of other detectable V gene rearrangements in those cells demonstrate that H-RS cells in this patient represent a clonal population. It is most likely due to technical reasons that PCR products were not obtained for all H-RS cells, eg, the fact that these cells were picked from about 10-pm tissue sections, so for most of the large H-RS cells, part of the nucleus should be missing."," The finding of a clonal population of H-RS cells in this patient confirms an earlier study of three cases of HD for which clonality of H-RS cells could also be demonstrated." Clonality of H-RS cells has also been shown using chromosome probes and interphase cytogenetics in each of seven cases of HD analyzed by Inghirami et On the other hand, Delabie et al" provided evidence that there might also be cases of HD in which H-RS cells represent a polyclonal population. Considering the hypothesis that HD may begin as an infectious process that, only after acquisition of further mutations in the H-RS progenitor, leads to the outgrowth of a fully malignant clone,39the discrepancy between the analyses by Delabie et a13' and the studies of Inghirami et al" and ourselves may reflect different stages of disease progression. Indeed, two of four patients studied by us (the present case and a case of lymphocyte-predominant HD in our previous investigation'') were in a late stage of the disease. The method of micromanipulation and single cell analysis for rearranged V region genes is suitable not only to study H-RS cells for a potential B-cell lineage origin and clonality, but also for the investigation of various aspects of the pathogenesis of this disease.40 Besides the study of cell lines derived from HD tissues for their derivation from H-RS cells of the patient-as demonstrated in the present analysis-V gene rearrangements detected in H-RS cells can be used as molecular markers to search for members of the tumor clone in various parts of the body. Using tumor clone-specific primers (designed from the V gene sequences), stem cell preparations can be tested for a contamination by tumor cells in autologous bone marrow transplantation of HD patients, residual tumor cells may be detected after therapy, and small lymphocytes in the tumor tissue may be investigated for potential precursors of large H-RS cells. 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