ISSUE 70 THE BATCH November 2014 The newsletter for Dunkerton, Tunley & Withyditch Sponsored by Prince of Wales on Dunkerton Hill ALSO AVAILABLE ON Dates for your Diary Date Sat 8 Nov Sun 9 Nov Fri 14 Nov Thur 20 Nov Sun 23 Nov Time 7.30 p.m. 10.00 a.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. Advance Notice Thur 22 Jan 7.30 p.m. Event WW1 Commemoration Dinner (TRC) TRC Working Party Stage Clear-Out TRC Annual Bonfire Night Parish Council Meeting (TRC) Folk Music Afternoon (DPH) Parish Council Meeting (TRC) Bed & Breakfast En-suite Accommodation Traditional English & Filipino Food See Full Menu on our website Tel: 01761 434262 e-mail: [email protected] TRC ANNUAL FAMILY BONFIRE NIGHT FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER GATE OPEN 7PM. LIGHTING OF FIRE AT 7.30PM Hot Food – Tea – Coffee - Bar etc, will be available Admission FREE NO FIREWORKS - Please Details on page 11 1 ISSUE 70 TUNLEY FORK JUNCTION IMPROVEMENTS (A367 / B3115 JUNCTION) Don’t forget the regular events at Dunkerton, Withyditch and Tunley halls Work has started on installing a third lane at this junction to provide a central refuge for drivers travelling from Bath and wishing to turn right off the A367 onto the B3115 towards Tunley. The work is scheduled to last from the 13th October until 22nd November. There is an embargo on all road works on major routes leading into Bath from the 25th November until after Christmas so any work on this site still outstanding by25th November will be completed in the New Year. NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH Nottingham Knockers There have been reports of a spate of door to door salesmen recently in the local area, including Tunley and Midsomer Norton. They are known as Nottingham Knockers and they claim to be on a Government Criminal Rehabilitation program. They have a bag of inferior household items on their back and will try and sell you them at inflated prices. They become aggressive and rude if you refuse to buy anything from them. This is a major scheme which will be undertaken during normal working hours involving the use of traffic lights and resulting in varying degrees of disruption whilst the work progresses. Every attempt will be made to keep the road clear during the rush hour periods. There is no such thing as a Government Criminal Rehabilitation program and they are using the door knock as an opportunity to see who lives there and whether they are vulnerable and suitable for future visits from our unwanted callers such as tree fellers, tarmaccers etc. They do not hold a valid Council Pedlars license which is required for doorstep sales, but they will show you some form of invalid ID. Local Police Community Support Officers advise not to engage in any conversation with these door to door sellers and to politely decline to buy anything, close the door and call 101 so that they can be dealt with by the local police. THE BATCH COMMITTEE THE BATCH is produced by the Batch Management Committee: Chairman: Richard Hopkins 01761 434419 [email protected] Editor: Rachel Prior [email protected] Final date for copy for the next edition of The Batch is Wednesday 19h November 2014. Please submit copy to the Editor c/o [email protected] or to The Batch, Rose Cottage, Dunkerton, BA2 8BH Late copy will be held over for the next edition Treasurer: Charlotte de Grey 01761 436618 [email protected] DPC Rep: David Orme 01761 438721 [email protected] TRC Rep: Martha-Kate Scrivens-Weaver [email protected] 2 ISSUE 70 W.I. Report DUNKERTON PARISH HALL Dunkerton W.I. their friends and relations enjoyed a coach trip to Forde Abbey. The weather was kind and the garden beautiful. Elisabeth had kindly organised a wheel-chair for one of our members. Audrey was very appreciative and arrived at the October meeting with a pretty thank-you card and a tin of sweeties. Correspondence included a thank-you letter from BRACE (a local Alzheimer's charity) for Nora's donation. She had purchased the quilt which the Craft club had made. Di had picked up the Christmas menu from the King William pub for members to peruse. There were a number of helpful suggestions to Elisabeth's request for next year’s speakers. For booking enquiries please call Lisa Snell 01761 434824 or [email protected] Also tables and chairs for hire – very useful if you are planning a barbeque or other event. The business over, the committee provided a ham and cheese supper, with homemade bread rolls and pickles, homemade cakes and fruit juice for members to enjoy. Carol gave them a vote of thanks. The meeting ended with tea or coffee and Audrey's sweeties! Dunkerton Parish Hall – Regular Events (Lisa Snell (01761 434824) Tuesday 7.00 – 9.00 p.m. D.O.G. (Dog Obedience Group) Ruth/Nick Barrett 01761 432246 Next meeting is the AGM on 11th November at Tunley Recreation Centre. Yoga Classes Monday: 6pm - 7pm Beginners Class 7.30pm - 9pm General Class Tuesday: 10am -12am Mums and Babies with tea and cake (please call to book a place) Wednesday: 10am -11.30am General Class 7pm - 9pm Pregnancy Class Thursday: 6pm - 7.30pm General Class Friday: 10am - 11.30am General Class Saturday: 9.30am - 11am General Class Judy Chidlaw (Secretary) DUNKERTON QUIZ NIGHT A total of 42 contestants, forming seven teams, competed in this year's Quiz Night on Saturday 4th October. Quizmaster Michael de Grey had prepared some head-scratching questions including rounds on Bath, well-known foreign phrases and National Trust Peaks. For more information please call Charlotta at Universal Yoga on 01761470658 or email [email protected] or visit the website at Quite a lot of wine and a supper of lasagne and salad, followed by a range of puddings, contributed to the atmosphere and assisted the deliberations. 3 ISSUE 70 Many thanks to Matthew Dixon for organising the event, to Michael de Grey, and to all those who contributed food and those who supported the event. The proceeds, in the region of £700, will go to support the church and the parish hall. BENEFICE SERVICES 02 Nov 09 Oct 9.30 a.m. 6.00 p.m. 10.45a.m. 10.45 a.m. 16 Nov 23 Nov 30 Nov 07 Dec 9.30 a.m. 11.15 a.m. 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m. 6.00 p.m. 9.30 p.m. 9.30 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Holy Communion Evensong Remembrance Sunday Service Remembrance Sunday Service Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion Holy Communion Evensong Advent Sunday Benefice Communion Service Holy Communion Christingle Service Camerton Dunkerton Camerton Dunkerton Camerton Dunkerton Camerton Dunkerton Camerton Dunkerton Camerton Dunkerton From the Rectory And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.’ Matthew 10:28 During the last couple of months we have been praying for Christians who are suffering for their faith in such diverse places as the Middle East, Nigeria, India, the Sudan, Indonesia, Korea and Egypt. Many have lost their lives because of their faith in the Lord Jesus. They are following in a long tradition that stretches back nearly 2000 years. Christians of the early church didn’t have an easy road, and any convert might have faced persecution. Although many early Christians worshipped undisturbed, many died during the reigns of certain Roman emperors, such as Decius, Diocletian and Nero. All Saints’ Church The Parish Church of Dunkerton & Tunley Rector: Revd Gordon Ripley 01761 470249 [email protected] Churchwardens: Matthew Frayne 01761 437754 [email protected] Charlotte de Grey 01761 436618 [email protected] They were often executed in the most gruesome ways; martyrs (those killed for try to convert others to Christianity) were also referred to as ‘blood witnesses’ for Christ. Some considered martyrdom, a ‘baptism in blood’, a form of purification. 4 ISSUE 70 imperial power, did much to facilitate the spread of Christianity through the Roman Empire. The persecution ended in 313 AD with Constantine’s legalization of Christianity. The first recorded Christian martyr was Stephen, whose martyrdom we can read about in the Book of Acts 6:8- 8:3. He was stoned to death around 35 AD. Jewish leaders, hoping to stamp out this small, heretical sect, advocated persecution of the early Christians, which initially took the form of financial discrimination and social shunning – not too different to the kind of activity seen in parts of the world today! Let’s thank God that we don’t have to undergo such trials for our faith in the land where we live and pray for strength and courage for those in other parts of the world that do. In the Apostolic Age of the first century, 11 of the 12 original apostles were martyred after frequent incarcerations, beatings and house arrests. James the Less, James the Great were martyred by the Jews of Jerusalem, and Peter and Paul were executed in Rome. Your friend, in Christ, Gordon The other martyred apostles died for their evangelical work in various locations around the world. The only one to escape martyrdom was John, who survived being boiled in oil. Tradition tells us that he lived a long life in exile, just outside Ephesus, caring for Mary, the Mother of God. Don’t forget your donation In the first three centuries after the birth of Christ, Roman authorities harassed Christians for refusing to make worship offerings to Roman gods or to consider emperors divine. Nero, who began the persecution by blaming Christians for the fire that destroyed much of Rome, made the public spectacle of torturing Christians in arenas a part of Greco-Roman civic life. The Batch is edited by Rachel Prior and printed by Richard Hopkins. The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of The Batch Committee. ALL SAINTS' GIFT DAY With this edition of The Batch comes a letter inviting you to make a contribution to the upkeep of the church. We do this each year on or around All Saints' Day, and the donations we receive make a significant contribution to our ability to maintain the church in good condition. Donations may be sent to The Treasurer, Crooked Cottage, Dunkerton, BA2 8BG or handed in at church. If you are able to Gift Aid your donation, please include your name and address and a statement inviting us to reclaim the tax. Many thanks. Early Christians understood the necessity of suffering: it was their part to play in accomplishing God’s purpose – a chance, in a hostile and often violent world, to bring Jesus’s message to others. Suffering in His name was considered an honour - one that would bring an eternal reward after death. Deaths in the name of Christianity were rampant throughout the Age of Martyrdom (roughly the second to the fourth centuries AD), particularly under the Emperor Diocletian. Inspirational tales of the courage of these first Christian saints, many of them young women who were fearless in the face of 5 ISSUE 70 sacrifice and given their lives in the service of their country, with a particular poignancy this year as we mark the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War 1. HARVEST CELEBRATIONS The church was decorated with saleable produce for the Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Sunday 5th October, which was preceded by a Bring and Share Tea in the church. But why do we remember? Is it not more important to put the past behind us and move on? Certainly there is a danger that our remembering becomes rather too focussed on the past, and that we become very nostalgic both about people and events and see them, as it were, through rose coloured glasses. The service was well attended and it was great to have our own musicians accompanying the hymns. After the service, the harvest produce was auctioned in aid of Send a Cow and raised the splendid sum of £117. But that isn’t the way that people of faith are invited to remember. Each and every week, for those of us who come to church to break bread together, we are invited, in the words of Jesus to ‘do this in remembrance of me’. This is not an invitation to go back in time and try and remember Jesus as he was. Rather it is an invitation to bring our memory of him into the present and in so doing to bring the love, the compassion and the forgiveness that was so much a part of his life into the way we live our lives. In other words, to make all that he meant to his disciples then real for us now. The children were asked to decide how this should be spent and selected the following: 1 piglet, 1 sheep, 4 hens, 1 pair of rabbits, 1 keyhole garden and food for 4 children - all of which will be given to families in need in Africa. Well done, everyone. A couple of verses from Lucy Whitmell’s poem, ‘Christ in Flanders’, speak into that reality for me especially in this anniversary year. Now we remember; over here in Flanders – (it isn’t strange to think of You in Flanders) The hideous warfare seems to make things clear. We never thought about You much in England But now that we are far away from England We have no doubts, we know that You are here Bishop’s Message – August 2014 Rt Revd Peter Hancock, Bishop of Bath & Wells Remembering Jesus now Though we forgot You – You will not forget us We feel so sure that You will not forget us But stay with us until this dream is past And so we ask for courage, strength, and pardon Especially I think we ask for pardon – And that You’ll stand beside us to the last We are in the season of ‘remembering’. On November 1st and 2nd we celebrate the double feast of All Saints and All Souls with a particular focus on remembering our loved ones who have died. A few days later there is the opportunity, perhaps especially for children, to remember, remember the 5th of November and they will celebrate with bonfires and fireworks, probably not knowing why! Then, a week or so after that, the poppy takes centre stage as we remember those who have made the ultimate With warm Christian greetings 6 ISSUE 70 Withyditch Chapel Centre Chaplaincy About Town Custody Chaplains and Volunteers urgently needed in Bridgwater and Weston A message from The Revd Gill Putnam, ChAt trustee and Lead Chaplain: Chaplaincy About Town has expanded wonderfully over the last year. We would like to thank all those who have supported us in the adventures we have gone through! Services – Sunday 2nd November at 3.00pm ChAt has a team of Nursing Home Chaplains that are going out to six Homes, at present. ChAt Custody Chaplains are going strong and well used by the Police. In both these fields, as with the shop, we need more volunteers. Could you help, or do you know someone who could? Tea and cakes served after Service Need a venue for a function? Why not try the Withyditch Centre? More details can be seen on the Parish web site ( This shows pictures of the Centre and the location. For further information, contact anyone on the web site or listed on the notice board at the Chapel door. Tony Hearn 01761- 470507 We can come and give a talk on the work of ChAt, or supply a poster to display. The ChAt Custody Chaplains have also been asked to set up another team in Bridgwater and later in other custody suits in N Somerset, by the Police Head Office. This is very encouraging as it is a great way of showing God’s love in action to both the police and their clients. DUNKERTON PARISH COUNCIL We will need as many volunteers as possible in the Bridgwater area to set up a new team for the custody suit there. We will come and give them the training they need. Report from the Parish Council on the 18 September meeting Contact Gill on 01934 643533 or email her at [email protected] Planning Application Ref 14/03470/FUL Densley View Bath Road Tunley Erection of first floor rear extension and loft conversion. After some debate about parking it was unanimously agreed to support this application. 7 ISSUE 70 stream has now been piped into a new drain which should result in a “dry Hollow this winter” the damaged road surface has been repaired. Planning Application The Hermitage Church Road Dunkerton: Provision of detached garage Ref 14/03825/FUL. The parish council voted unanimously to support this application subject to a condition being attached that it is used for car parking only and any proposed future change of use be subject to a full planning application. Cllr Taylor was excluded from taking part in this agenda item. Tunley Bus Shelter Lighting – Progress on this has been deferred to 15/16 financial year. Hedge in front of Wisteria House, Tunley – This hedge is overgrown and obstructing the pavement. The residents of Wisteria House have agreed to arrange for the hedge to be cut back. Planning Application 14/02004/FUL 5 Sarabeth Drive Tunley. Change of use from ancillary residential accommodation to a separate residential dwelling (Class C3) (Revised submission). This application was originally opposed by the parish council but was subsequently approved on 25th June ‘14 by B&NES Planning Officers, subject to conditions. The parish council requested the clerk to contact BANES planning to ensure that work currently being undertaken complies with the planning permission granted. Update Rights of Way Matters. The footpath below Manor Farm and the riding stables has been cleared by a group of volunteers, our thanks to all those who worked on this, it is noted with thanks that work by the landowners on the ditch by the side of the footpath is in hand, this will help tremendously in keeping the surface water away from the footpath. The kissing gate on Footpath BA10/20 where it meets Withyditch Lane, on leaving the field above Manor Farm Dunkerton, (almost at the top of Withyditch Lane) has been damaged by a vehicle and is now very difficult to use. The stile on Footpath BA10/21 where it leaves Tunley Equestrian Centre at Manor Farm and joins Withyditch Lane is also in need of repair. The support posts for the wooden stile next to the gates across the entrance track to Tunley Equestrian Centre have rotted away leaving the stile in an unsafe state to be used. The parish Council has requested B&NES to supply two new kissing gates. Update on Highway Related Matters Stoneage Lane Planters – Now the poppies have gone to seed they will be removed, the daffodil bulbs will be replanted and a selection of perennials will be purchased and planted by the team of local volunteers. Post meeting note – the team have cleared out the poppies and replanted the daffs, many thanks to all those who helped, and have decided that the planters will be sown in the spring with wild flower meadow seed. Thank you to the many local residents who have past on their compliments to the parish council on the display of poppies. PROW BA10/23 above Rose Cottage, Dunkerton. Cllr Orme reported that this dead ash tree will be removed shortly. Outstanding Issues - All other outstanding highways issues, as reported at the last DPC meeting on 31st July, are on schedule for completion before the winter. Parish Maintenance. It was agreed that the requirements and cost implications needed to be firmed up before paying for resource. However the parish council believed the best route to take regarding routine maintenance is using volunteer resource. The Hollow – Work on the many aspects that require attention in The Hollow is scheduled to start on Saturday 27th September this will involve a road closure. Post meeting note – the 8 ISSUE 70 Rural Broadband. Costs have now been provided by BT for Dunkerton village. The working party is still looking at all options. Fibre has now reached the Timsbury exchange although the exchange is still yet to be connected. The next step will be for the fibre to be extended up over Tunley Hill and installed in the green box at the top of the hill opposite Tunley Farm. Once this has been done a considerable improvement in broadband speed throughout Tunley and the immediate surrounds should result. COUNCILLOR CONTACT DETAILS Councillor Address Robert Gardiner Lead Cllr for Di Prescott Lead Cllr for Rights of Way and Waste & Recycling. Clare Taylor Lead Cllr for Broadband. DPC Rep Dunkerton Parish Hall, Manders Orchard & Dunkerton Green. Lead Cllr for Maintenance. DPC Rep Tunley Recreation Centre. Martin Robinson Chairman David Orme Vice Chairman Reports by Councillors, Clerk and District Councillor Cllr Taylor raised the question of Himalayan Balsam on the riverbank in Dunkerton village. It was agreed that next spring a short section would be sprayed to assess how successful this is in controlling the plant. Cllr Robinson reported that BANES contractors have removed the fallen tree from the Cam Brook, our thanks to the cricket club for providing access. Kathryn Manchee, Clerk, [email protected] Next meeting Tunley Recreation Centre Thursday 20 November 7.30 pm. Nick Patch Commemorative Events. Email Address martinro binson81 1@btinte Tel. No. 1 Rose Cottage, Brookland s, Dunkerton, BA2 8BH daveorm e56@o2. 01761 438721 North Hill Farm, Tunley, BA2 0EE 15 Sarabeth Drive, Tunley BA2 0EA The Hermitage, Church Rd., Dunkerton BA2 8BJ northhillf arm5@g 01761 470286 diana@s arabeth.c 01761 472763 clare_f_t aylor@h m 01761 438751 The Maples, Stoneage Lane, Tunley BA2 0DS npatch16 @btinter 01761 470800 3 Sarabeth Drive, Tunley, BA2 0EA 01761 471134 Clerk: Kathryn MANCHEE, 3, Lark Close, Midsomer Norton, BA3 4PX. Telephone: 01761 411305 Email: [email protected] Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2014 All parish council meetings will be held on Thursdays commencing 7.30 pm. The dates and venues are as follows: 20 November 2014 22 January 2015 Responsible For Lead Cllr for Finance, Planning & Highways. DPC Rep Dunkerton Cricket Club. Lead Cllr for Website & Placemaking. DPC Rep The Batch. For details of the information available from the Council under the Model Publication Scheme and Freedom of Information please contact the Clerk TRC TRC District Councillor for Bathavon West Ward covering the Parish’s of Dunkerton, Camerton, Combe Hay, Englishcombe, Newton St Loe, Priston: David J. Veale, The Gables, 89 Cooks Hill, Clutton, Bristol BS39 5RD Tel 07836342747 email [email protected] 9 ISSUE 70 CASICO FUN DOG TRAINING – Wednesday evening 6.45 – 7.45. Contact Debbie on 07960 532666. WOMEN’S INSTITUTE – meeting on the second Tuesday of each month (except July and August) at 7.15pm - contact Sue Snook 01225 833637 for further information. NEED A VENUE? TUNLEY RECREATION CENTRE has a modern facility which is ideal for your Wedding Reception, Parties, Meetings, Classes and Business Meeting requirements. The accommodation consists of Bar, Kitchen with serving area, Seating at round tables for up to 80 persons. For Talks and Meetings we can accommodate up to a 120 persons. The facility has disabled persons access and toilet. There is ample on site Car Parking and an outside children’s play area. For all your enquiries, including hall availability and bookings email us [email protected] or phone 07813 118482. TUNLEY VILLAGE RECREATION CENTRE CONTACT US: [email protected] Phone 07813 118482 for all enquiries. Also anyone wishing to help in any way with the running of our recreation centres facilities please contact above. WW1 COMMEMORATION DINNER Tunley Recreation Centre Regular Events In aid of Help for Heroes Thursday and Friday evenings are Vacant at present - For details, please contact [email protected] or phone (during office hours only) 07813 118482. Saturday 8th November 2014 7.30pm for 8.00pm at the TRC DOG CLASSES - Dog Club – Dunkerton Obedience Group meet on Mondays 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. Contact: Secretary Mr Nicholas Barrett, email [email protected], phone 01761 432246 Hot meal with sweet to follow, entertainment, Grand Raffle DOLLS’ HOUSE CLUB - 3 Tuesday evening - Info – Mrs S Snook 01225 833637 Tickets (selling fast – only a few left!!) £15 per head, children under 12 half price Available from TODDLER GROUP - Wednesday morning - Info – Mrs M Manley 01761 415620 Robert Gardiner 01761 470286 Jo Wadsworth 01761 479165 David Orme 01761 438721 rd 10 ISSUE 70 Tunley Athletic Football Club CAN YOU HELP? The Recreation Ground, Tunley, On Sunday 9th November 2014 we are organizing a Working Party to strip out the Stage. This will be the first phase of the creation of the new storage area, starting at 10am. BA2 0EB Contacts Keith Bridges - Chairman 07809 516940 Yvonne Dix - Secretary 07889 310041 Pete Fear & Bryan Moore - Life Members & Tunley Residents PLEASE COME ALONG, YOUR HELP HOWEVER SMALL WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. First Team - Somerset County Football League Division Two (East) Manager - Matt Curtis 07725 851989 League Fixtures – KO 3pm 20 Sept Home 27 Sept Away 04 Oct Home 18 Oct Home TRC ANNUAL BONFIRE NIGHT FRIDAY 14TH NOVEMBER – GATE OPEN 7PM. 27 Oct Cup Fixtures – KO 2.30pm 11 Oct Away LIGHTING OF FIRE AT 7.30PM Hot Food – Tea – Coffee - Bar etc will be available ADMISSION FREE Home Frome Town Sports Pensford Farrington Gurney Stockwood Wanderers Fry Club Res Farrington Gurney Reserve Team - Mid-Somerset Football League Second Division Manager – Please contact one of the above NO FIREWORKS PLEASE League Games – KO 2pm 20 Sept Away 27 Sept Home 04 Oct Away (This year’s Bonfire has been moved by one week due to the WW1 Commemorative Dinner) MATERIALS FOR BURNING ON BONFIRE Baltonsborough Pensford Res Farrington Gurney Res Results The access gate to the Bonfire site will be open from the last week of October. Please REMEMBER – NO PLASTICS, ROOFING FELT, CARPET or METAL ITEMS. Your help in keeping to these rules will be much appreciated and is required by law. First Team League Games 09 Aug Away Won 16 Aug Away Lost 30 Aug Home Draw 06 Sept Home Won 11 Cutters Friday Res 3-0 Stockwood Wndrs 3-0 Bishop Sutton Res 2-2 Hengrove Athletic 4-0 League Cup 13 Sept Home Lost Reserve Team League Games 06 Sept Away Lost 13 Sept Away Lost ISSUE 70 played with over 30 members had taken part. Everyone taking part found that their skills were tested under this new and strange environment. Chew Magna 2-1 Westhill Sports Res 3-2 Tor Leisure 3-1 The hero of the day was Peasedown St John resident Patrick Knight. Not only did he come up with the idea and make all the arrangements, he played in every game – that’s 24 hours at a stretch – and he won 70% of his matches. He only had short “comfort“ breaks and a chance for coffee and home cooked food. By 1pm on Friday he was exhausted yet he had enjoyed himself. We enjoyed fundraising events in the summer, our first ever 8 a side tournament which was won by Matt’s Magicians and we also held a tug of war on the same day which was won by the Weaverbirds. Its hope we can make them an annual event. Two weeks later the 10th Freda Hookings Memorial Match was against Timsbury Athletic this year who won the game. Funds raised at both events will go towards updating the changing rooms and club facilities. Now you may think that all this sounds a bit mad – you may be right – but it shows that CPCC is a sociable club, for where else could you find people willing to play their favourite game at 2am in the morning? It was one heck of an experience, it was certainly something different. Both teams have been sponsored with new kits this season. The First Team by Pete Fear of Fear & Co Builders and the Reserve Team by Jess & Tom of the King William and an anonymous sponsor. Thank you for supporting the teams in this wonderful way. During the season there usually is a match on Saturdays at the Recreation Centre’s Ground, so please come along to watch and support your local village club. You would be most welcome. Anyone interested in joining the club in any capacity please contact anyone of the above. 24 Hours of Croquet On Thursday, 9th October it was a clear night and a full moon shone down on Camerton and Peasedown Croquet players taking part in a 24 hour marathon. You may wonder why all this happened. At CPCC people enjoy their game, want to support others and their Club. Members collected sponsorship and paid for their games; so, in 24 hours some £400 was raised for the Club. Everything started at 1pm; by the evening the sun was replaced by a series of floodlights so people could carry on playing their favourite game. 24 hours later at 1pm on Friday 29 doubles matches had been 12 ISSUE 70 Camerton and Peasedown Croquet Club plays throughout the year – even in the depths of winter, so if you want to find out more about this fascinating game, come and give it a try during the day! The Club offers free introductory courses. We provide all the equipment just wear flat soled shoes. You can phone Mo Boys on 01225 708540 or Ros Key Pugh on 01225 427525 to arrange your personal croquet experience. You can find us at Peasedown St John Sports Club BA2 8JH. Turn opposite the Red Post Inn, take the first left and you will find us below the main car park Insect events and Chapel Court Wildlife Garden If you wish to be notified of ad hoc insect events or to help with conservation work towards the wildlife garden, please contact Deborah at [email protected] on 01761 435563. Wednesday 12th November 2014 Talk at the Centurion Hotel, Midsomer Norton This time we are fortunate to have Nigel Phillips a leading ecologist, who will be giving a talk on the Somerset Coast Why Somerset's seas matter "'Out of sight out of mind' was probably never more true than for the silt laden, muddy coloured waters of the Severn Sea," says Somerset Living Seas Ambassador Nigel Phillips. "It looks like nothing much would be living out there. But this is very deceptive. These waters team with marine life. Sprats, whitebait, prawns, shrimps, skate, conger eels, marine worms, marine molluscs and crabs are just a few of the many hundreds of species living in these waters. Start time: 7.30 pm for tea or coffee and biscuits, followed by the talk from 8.00 pm. Non-members £3.00; members £2.00; children are free Contact: Barb Jones: 01761 232321 . Cam Valley Wildlife Group Email: [email protected] Wednesday 26th November AGM and Social at the Centurion Hotel Start time: 7.30 pm for tea or coffee and biscuits, followed by the AGM at 8.00 pm 8.30pm Diana's Photographic trip to Yellowstone Park last January Botany walks Botany Walks take place on Wednesday evenings, meeting at 7.00pm. Contact Helena Crouch for more information on any of the walks. Tel: 01761 410731 or mobile: 07773037001. Please lift sharewhenever possible –parking may be limited. Everyone is welcome. We want as may members as possible to bring some photographs or paintings that they may have taken or produced of wildlife in the Cam Valley area or on any outing from our programs this year to put on display. There will be a prize for the member favourite image. Conservation work mornings at Goosard Reserve Work mornings at Goosard take place on the last Saturday of the month, starting at 10.00 am. Be sure to wear stout boots and clothing suitable for conservation work. For details, please contact: Roger Oliver on 01761 419778. Diary Dates: NatureChild A weekly nature club for under 5 year olds and their parents/carers. Thursday mornings in term time from 10.00-11.45 am, meeting at the start of the track to Greyfield Woods in High Littleton. There is a charge of £4 for 2-5 year olds, £2 for under 2s and babies under 6 months are free. Hot chocolate or other drinks and a healthy snack are provided. Activities include fire making, animal tracking, natural art/craft, mini-beast hunts, stream games and much more. There is a £1 discount for CVWG members. Please contact Emily for details on 07812 155 659. Wednesday 21st January 2015 Talk at the Centurion Peter Bright will be giving a talk on “Glow Worms” 13 ISSUE 70 Support your Local Tradesmen PRW Group Ltd – Electrical, Fire & Security Systems Installation & Maintenance Contractors – Tel: 01761 419909 or visit Bryan G Bishop : Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons 01761 412046 B Gilbert – Roofing and Construction Tiling, slating, leadwork, UPVC fascia, carpentry, guttering work, extensions and refurbishment undertaken. Tel: 01225 336806 Mob: 07725950177 Darren Wilkins Electrical Contractors Ltd, Electrical Contractor 017614 15310 [email protected] Your ad here? Martin Beck: Tunley Grounds & Gardens - All Year Round Garden Care - Lawn cutting, turfing, spraying, fencing, hedge & tree work. 07731 903678 or 01761 479299 PlumbRite – Local 24hr Emergency Nicholas J Maggs: Funeral Lye Services – General. Callout Service. Gas, Oil & LPG (Gas Safe and OFTEC Registered.) Services incl maintenance or new installations for plumbing, heating & bathrooms. Free estimates. Call Chris on 01761 436797 or 07921 129168 Directors, Private Rest Rooms and Chapel of Rest - Highfields House, Bath Road, Oakhill, Near Bath, Somerset BA3 5AF 01749 840499 or 01761 418921 or 01749 346567 Building, groundworks, driveways, fencing, paths, patios and landscaping. Mini digger/driver. Free estimates. Call Ron on 01761 471027 or 07515 476995 or Ashley on 0779 4911496 Gas Boiler Services (Nat Gas+LPG) Gas Safe IAIN COTTON: Fine hand carved lettering and stone carving. Headstones, house signs and Bath Plasterwork. Ornamental plasterwork specialist, traditional lime & general plastering. gifts. See my work at Tel. 01761 472768 or 07791 606562. [email protected] Repairs/existing plasterwork reproduced. Free quotes. For more information & full range of cornice, roses and plaster mouldings visit or call 01761 479366 or 07775 997142 At Your Home – Care: maintain Michael Weaver Private Hire independence in your own home. We supply companionship, light domestic duties, personal care etc. Care Quality Commission licensed. 01225 430 450, e-mail [email protected] Seasoned firewood for sale Loads or bags available. Phone Rich 01761 434678 or 07971 670037. Airport & Local Transfers. Can take 4 people + luggage Please contact me for a quote. 01761 436449 - 07740841255 email - [email protected] Slimming World. Tuesdays 7.30pm at Peasdown Cricket Club. For more info please contact Becky. Tel: 01761 751075 Mob: 07894 907827 W Noad Roofing And Guttering Registered. Landlord Certificates. Electrical work. General Plumbing + Heating. 24 hr callout. Free estimates. Andy A. G. Services 01761 471246/ 07968 505646 [email protected] Secure Door Services, Radstock Road, Midsomer Norton, BA3 2AD 01761 419999 | 01225 729009 | 0117 3035030 Respectful - Responsive - Fair Trustworthy D Hurle Plastering Service Competitive rates. Reliable and friendly. No job too small. Free quotes. 07849 717702 Val Hurle Unisex Mobile Hairdresser Shampoo set, blowdry, Dustbusters Domestic Cleaners. Reliable and Trustworthy, 69 Wesley Avenue, Westfield, Radstock, BA3 3XF - Tel 07761 645580 or 07921 555030 All aspects of roofing and guttering covered - Emergency service available etc. Unisex Beauty Treatments - All work guaranteed - References (homebased in Westfield) Waxing, available upon request - We are fully nails, facial, reflexology, massage, etc. insured for your peace of mind - Very Visit 01761 436764 competitive prices to suit most budgets - Call now on: 01225 519986. Home From Home Dog Boarding Van For Hire, self drive or with Westcroft Homecare. Friendly, all home comforts for your dog whilst driver, also tow a van TRAILER for compassionate and professional. Care you are away. 0790 586 3791 hire, local or distance. Call Derek on in your own home when you need it, to Tunley (01761) 479455 or maintain your independence. Call [email protected] for 01225 446903 for a free no obligation competitive quotes assessment. CQC Registered. [email protected] Tradesman’s Directory: Want to advertise here? One-off fee of £20 for 10 issues (1 year). Send your cheque payable to ‘The Batch’ together with details of your entry to: The Batch, c/o Rose Cottage, Dunkerton, Bath BA2 8BH. The Batch Committee bears no direct responsibility for the quality of services advertised above. 14
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