TheHartCornerstone NOVEMBER 2014 HART’S HARVEST PANCAKE BREAKFAST Saturday, November 22, 2014 9am‐12pm Grab a friend and join us for a FREE delicious hot breakfast of pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee, tea and juice served to you by friendly staff and student interns. This fes ve event will feature live entertainment, raffle prizes, a “photo booth” and bingo! Limited ckets available. Must be age 50+. Please sign‐up by visi ng or calling the Hart Center recep on desk by November 14th. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS It’s that time of the year again! Set your clock back on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00am. ELECTION DAY Tuesday, November 4th HOLIDAY CLOSURES Veteran’s Day Tuesday, November 11th Thanksgiving Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday November 27th, 28th, 29th & 30th RELLES FLORIST ‐ 68 years and S ll Blooming Visitors to Hart Senior Center are welcomed each day by a wonderful array of fresh floral arrangements thanks to a generous weekly dona on from Relles Florist. Relles has provided flowers to decorate the Hart Center on a weekly basis for 20 years! Located in midtown Sacramento, Relles Florist is a friendly family owned business which has been providing fresh and innova ve flower arrangements to the greater Sacramento area for 68 years. The shop offers a diverse selec on of flowers, such as less common varie es of proteas and sedum and plants like leucadendron and safflower not likely to be found in the average grocery store. Throughout the years, Relles has evolved with the fluctua ng economy and u lizes advancements in technology including the Internet. It has inspired staff ideas such as DIY classes, where par cipants learn how to create various handmade projects. Many thanks to Relles Florist for enriching the Hart Center and helping to make it a pleasant place to visit. VIAL OF LIFE The Vial of Life program is designed to provide an easy way for emergency personnel to obtain your medical history when providing you with emergency care. By lis ng your medical condi ons, medica on use, and allergies, first responders can provide you with be er care. Join us on Friday, November 7th 1‐3pm for this informa onal session given by California Northstate University College of Pharmacy and receive a free vial! Please sign‐up in advance by visi ng or calling the front desk. IDENTITY THEFT & VICTIMS’ RIGHTS Iden ty the is one of the fastest growing crimes in today’s informa on sharing age. At a workshop on Monday, November 10th 1‐2pm, you will learn how to protect yourself from iden ty the , what to do if you know or suspect that you are a vic m of iden ty the and Marsy’s Law: Vic ms’ Rights in California will be on Please call or visit the front desk to register in advance for this workshop. DENTAL HEALTH PRESENTATION Want to learn more about dental health for older adults? Need help finding dental care? Students from the Carrington College Dental Hygiene program will be at the Hart Senior Center on Friday, November 21st 10:30‐11:30am to provide dental educa on geared towards the older adult popula on. Free dental hygiene supplies will be available for par cipants. To sign up please visit or call the front desk. No dental assessments or treatment will be provided. HOLIDAY SAFETY ‐ Monday, December 8th 1‐2pm Come to a presenta on by McGeorge Law School Vic ms of Crime Resource Center to learn how to safely navigate the holiday shopping season, avoid accidents while holiday decora ng, protect your home and drive safely while during the hec c holiday season. Please call or visit the front desk to register. 915 27th Street Sacramento CA 95816 916-808-5462 Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5:00pm Saturday 9:30-1pm Sunday 12:30-3:00pm CHRISTMAS CRAFTING: Cra Your Own “Kiss Frog” Ornament Join Mochi Lam from our Cra ‘N Chat group for a lesson on making a popular Christmas ornament, the “Kiss Frog” on Thursday, December 4th from 10am‐12pm. These small ornaments resemble a cute frog that opens its mouth to deliver a Hershey’s kiss when squeezed. Using a technique similar to cross‐s tch, the design is simple to make and fun to give as a small, but sweet gi . No experience needed, just pa ence and an interest in trying something new. Space is limited, register in advance by visi ng or calling the recep on desk. All supplies included, materials fee of $3, paid to the recep on desk at registra on. HART’S HEALTHY PANTRY: Wednesday, November 19th at 12 ‐ 12:45pm People aged 60+ who meet monthly household income eligibility may sign‐up for our monthly food distribu on program Hart’s Healthy Pantry. Individuals will receive several bags of groceries containing fresh vegetables, fruit, bread, meat, canned goods and occasionally dairy items. Photo iden fica on is required and bringing a small wheeled cart is strongly recommended. Sign up in advance. One person per household may sign‐up. SOCIAL SECURITY QUESTIONS ANSWERED: 3rd Thursday of the month by appointment only. Have ques ons about Social Security, Re rement, Disability, Survivors benefits, Supplemental Security Income (S.S.I.) and general informa on about Social Security? Please visit or call the front desk to meet with Deo Santos from the Social Security Administra on. If you would like to find out about your poten al monthly benefits, please visit and create a mySocialSecurity account. WISDOM PROJECT‐LGBT ELDERS: 2nd Thursdays of the month 2‐4pm Upcoming mee ngs: Thursday, November 13th guest speakers Amy Dierlam of the River City Food Bank and Mark Snaer of the Senior Companion Program, County of Sacramento will address the group. On Thursday, December 11th there will be a viewing and discussion of the film “Gen Silent” and prepara on for the 2015 LGBT Seniors Informa on Fair. HART LUNCH BUNCH Come enjoy a hot lunch and meet new friends Monday through Friday at 11:30am in the All Seasons Café. Lunch is provided for people age 60+ and their spouses for a suggested dona on of $2. Please note that the café opens at 11:00am, with lunch being served at 11:30am. Your lunch will be held un l 11:45am. Please remember to make your reserva ons on Tuesdays by noon for the following week. Hart Lunch Bunch Birthday Party Thursday, November 6th at 11:30am Join us to celebrate October birthday babies with lunch, cupcakes and fun. Cupcakes are generously donated by River’s Edge Independent Living Community. Salute to all Veterans!: Monday November 10th at 11:30am Join us for a Veteran’s Day celebra on! Bring your own Veteran photos and memorabilia or photos of Veterans you’d like to honor and play a round of bingo. Wear your red, white, and blue…….and stars and stripes too! Reserva ons due by Tuesday, November 4th at noon. Thanksgiving Day Luncheon: Friday, November 21st at 11:30am Come prepared to share what you’re most thankful for and be entered into a drawing for raffle prizes! Reserva ons due by Monday, November 10th at noon (closed Tues, Nov 11th). CalFresh Presentation By River City Food Bank CalFresh is a federal program that can help low‐income seniors with their food costs. Amy Dierlam from the River City Food Bank will be here for presentations on how CalFresh works. Presentations are held during the lunch program at 11:30am. Upcoming dates are Thursdays, November 6th and December 4th. To meet one‐ on‐one to begin the application process, contact the Hart front desk for an appointment. Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday *Preregistration & fee required for Program **Check with club for fees ***Requires advance registration 2 12:30p Pinochle 2p Senior Club Dance** 9 12:30p Pinochle 2p Senior Club Dance** 16 12:30p Pinochle 2p Senior Club Dance** 23 12:30p Pinochle 2p Senior Club Dance** 30 3 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9a Recorder* 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a OWL 10a HICAP Appointments*** 10:15a Intermediate Ukulele* 10:30a Tai Chi* 11:30a Beginner Ukulele* 12p Duplicate Bridge 12:30p Conversational Spanish* 1p Chair Yoga* 1:30p Meditation and More*** 2:30p Active Yoga* - Substitute Teacher 10 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9a Recorder* 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 10:15a Intermediate Ukulele* 10a Tai Chi* 11:30a Beginner Ukulele* 12p Duplicate Bridge 12:30p Conversational Spanish* 1p “Identity Theft & Victim’s Rights” 1p Chair Yoga* 2:30p Active Yoga* - Substitute Teacher 17 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9a Recorder* 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 10:15a Intermediate Ukulele* 10:30a Tai Chi* 11:30a Beginner Ukulele* 12p Duplicate Bridge 10a HICAP Appointments*** 1p Chair Yoga* 2:30p Active Yoga* 24 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9a Recorder* 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a Great Books 10a HICAP Appointments*** 10:15a Intermediate Ukulele* 10:30a Tai Chi 11:30a Beginner Ukulele* 12p Duplicate Bridge 1p Chair Yoga* - Cancelled 2:30p Active Yoga* 4 9:00a Life History Writing ** 9:30a Zumba* 9:30a SIR (Sons In Retirement) 12:30p Ping Pong Social 1p Senior Club Bingo ** 11 VETERAN’S DAY CLOSED 18 9:00a Life History Writing ** 9:30a Zumba* 12:30p Social Ping Pong 1p Senior Club Bingo ** 1p Silk Painting Workshop* 25 9:00a Life History Writing ** 9:30a Zumba* 12:30p Ping Pong Social Saturday 1 9:30a Social Bridge 11a Healing Qi Gong 5 8a Manitos 6 7 8 12 8a Manitos 13 14 15 19 8a Manitos 20 21 22 9a “Hart’s Harvest Pancake Breakfast” Advance Registration 8a Social for the Blind 9a Social Bridge 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 1p Creative Writing & Poetry Class 1p Chair Yoga * 2:30p Active Yoga* - Substitute Teacher 8a Social for the Blind 9a Social Bridge 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 12:30p Latino Dance 1p Creative Writing & Poetry Class 1p Chair Yoga * 2:30p Active Yoga* - Substitute Teacher 4p Taiko - Intermediate* 8a Social for the Blind 9a Social Bridge 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 12p Hart’s Healthy Pantry*** 1p Creative Writing & Poetry Class 1p Chair Yoga * 2:30p Active Yoga* 26 8a Manitos 8a Social for the Blind 9a Social Bridge 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 10a HICAP Appointments*** 12:30p Latino Dance 1p Creative Writing & Poetry Class 1p Chair Yoga * - Cancelled 2:30p Active Yoga* 4p Taiko - Intermediate* 8a Taking Off Pounds Sensibly ** 8a Ceramics Open Studio * 9a Line Dancing 10a Pinochle 10a Craft & Chat 11:30a CalFresh - Presentation 12:30p Social Ping Pong 1:30p Ballroom Dance Practice 8a Taking Off Pounds Sensibly ** 8a Ceramics Open Studio * 9a Line Dancing 10a Pinochle 10a Craft & Chat 12:30p Social Ping Pong 1:30p Ballroom Dance Practice 2p LGBT Elders Wisdom Project 8a Taking Off Pounds Sensibly ** 8a Ceramics Open Studio * 9a Line Dancing 10a Pinochle 10a Craft & Chat 11:30a “Thanksgiving Lunch Party” 12:30p Social Ping Pong 1:30p Ballroom Dance Practice 2p Social Security Questions*** 27 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 9:30a Painting A New Landscape* 10:30a Singers with Hart* 1p Chair Yoga* 1p “Vial of Life”*** - Presentation 3p Zumba* 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 9:30a Painting A New Landscape* 1p Chair Yoga* 3p Zumba* 8a Prime Time Fitness * 9:15a Balance & Strengthening 9:30a Painting A New Landscape* 10:30a “Dental Health””*** Presentation 11:30a Thanksgiving Lunch Party”*** 1p Chair Yoga* 3p Zumba* 28 9:30a Social Bridge 9:30 OWL 11a Healing Qi Gong 9:30a Social Bridge 11a Healing Qi Gong 9:30a Social Bridge 11a Healing Qi Gong 29
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