OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We the people of St. Margaret Mary Parish united in faith and prayer, resolve to give witness to the Gospel. The Holy Spirit calls and empowers us to love and serve, to lead and teach, to heal, forgive and understand. We pledge to share our God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of our parish and all people in the name of Jesus Christ. A People United in Faith, Prayer & Service PARISH CENTER & OFFICES OPEN 8-4 Monday thru Thursday and 8-Noon Friday 439 Washington Ave., Neenah Parish Website: smmneenah.org HAPPY THANKSGIVING PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Kyle Barriger…………[email protected] Peter Geniesse…………[email protected] Jay Marti…………………[email protected] Kristina Nelson………[email protected] Jesse Ostrom………[email protected] Ron Schreier……………[email protected] Michele Sliwicki………[email protected] Cindy Sypek…………[email protected] Evelyn [email protected] PARISH TRUSTEES Howard Healy [email protected] Margie Weiss [email protected] PASTORAL STAFF (920) 729-4560 REV. MICHAEL INGOLD ............................................... PASTOR, Ext. 102 Daniel Laurent……………………………………………….Deacon Joan Bartman .............................................. Pastoral Associate, Ext. 106 ……………...….Director of Business Affairs & Operations, Ext. 107 Justin Krueger......................... Director of Liturgy & Worship, Ext. 108 Sheila Scanlan........................................................ Parish Nurse, Ext. 109 Sally Bellile ...................................................... Parish Secretary, Ext. 101 RELIGIOUS FORMATION STAFF (920) 729-4562 Amy Matz ........................................................................Director, Ext. 112 Doreen Benedict .......................................................................Coordinator Tina Peirick……………………………………Coordinator, Ext. 116 Cindy Kyles-Werth ...... Coordinator of Youth Ministry & RF, Ext. 113 Marcie Howard...................................Administrative Assistant, Ext. 111 TWIN CITY CATHOLIC EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM St. Margaret Mary Elementary Campus .................... (920) 729-4565 Mrs. Eleanor Healy, Principal....................................................... Ext. 120 Mrs. Mary Jo Sajdak, Secretary ................................................. Ext. 121 Seton Middle School ....................................................... (920) 727-0279 Sandy Ehlers, Principal St. Mary Central High School ....................................... (920) 722-7796 Mr. Patrick Batey, Principal NOVEMBER 23, 2014 • OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST . ST. MARGARET MARY Mass Intentions Monday, November 24: St. Andrew Dung-Lac 6:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion Tuesday, November 25: St. Catherine of Alexandria 5:15 PM Daniel Holloway Wednesday, November 26 6:30 AM Special Intention Thursday, November 27: Thanksgiving 8:30 AM Barbara McFadden Friday, November 28 8:00 AM No Service Saturday, November 29 4:00 PM Reconciliation 5:00 PM Bob Block Sunday, November 30: 1st Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM Our Parish Community 9:30 AM Zita Freund Mass Servers Saturday, November 29 5:00 PM Bomier’s & McCurdy Sunday, November 30 7:30 AM Argall’s & Lambert 9:30 AM Campbell, Dimmer & Rickner Thanksgiving SCRIP Schedule Order your Thanksgiving and Black Friday Scrip by Monday Nov. 17th at 11:00am! Christmas Giving Tree Project There are still gift tags available on the Giving Tree located in the Gathering Space and Friendship Hall. There is a bulletin board located near the Reed St entrance with tags. Please take one or more tags to assist those requesting our help this Advent Season. All gifts are due back by Sunday, December 7. We need grocery and department store certificates for our parish families. There will be envelopes at the SCRIP table in the Gathering Space, after mass please put your money donation in the envelope and place the envelope in the basket located there. Please note: Gift Tags will provide you with necessary information. When returning gifts please be sure to tape the tag securely to the gift. Place the gifts under the Giving Tree in the Gathering Space. . NEENAH Our Final Exam LIKE A MERCIFUL TEACHER, JESUS LETS US KNOW AHEAD OF TIME WHAT IS GOING TO BE ON OUR “FINAL EXAM.” We will be “graded” on how well we have responded with compassion to those in need. How? Jesus couldn’t be clearer: by feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, and visiting the imprisoned. Sometimes we make our faith too complicated or too abstract and so give ourselves an excuse for not doing much of anything. But Jesus’ criterion for being a follower of his is very simple and very concrete. We need ask only this: what specific compassionate deed will I do today for a brother or sister in need? Jesus, help me to reach out today to someone in need, knowing that in doing so, I am really doing it for you. Sr. Melannie Svoboda, SND Lector Workbooks Lector workbooks for the 2015 liturgical year can be picked up in the sacristy. Please look for the one labeled with your name. Thank you for your service to our parish. Coming Soon - Christmas Youth Choir!!! The Christmas Youth Choir will continue this year welcoming students in grades 2 through 8. Students in grades 9 & 10 who wish to help out as student leaders are also welcome. More information to follow in the coming weeks. Students in high school who are interested in singing for Christmas with the adult choir, please contact Justin Krueger for information regarding rehearsals. Craft and Bake Sale We had a wonderful time and a very successful Craft and Bake Sale along with our two raffles. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way—donating individual items, full baskets and baked goods; purchasing tickets, craft and bake sale items; working the sales; advertising; coming and enjoying! Every part of this event was fantastic. We took in about $3000 and after expenses we have a profit of $2690.41 to give to Fr. Savio for the S FACE Mission Center in India! A special thank you to the three women who co-chaired this event: Barb Bartz, Barb Moran and Mona Sherwood. Any items that did not find the right buyer will be donated to others with needs through Mother and Unborn Baby Care, Community Clothes Closet, residents of nursing homes, parish nurse prayer shawls or our parish families and Brigade for Christmas. Our Prize Winners— Ticket Raffle “A”: 1st Prize Quilt to Sharon Cina; 2nd Prize Rosemaled Plate to Juanita Howe; 3rd Prize $50 to Joe Gruse Basket Raffle “B”: For the Chef to Ginny Bolwerk; American Girl Doll and Clothes to Margot Bongers; Comfy Cozy and Warm to Claire Higgins; Far Away to Cindy; Door County’s Finest to Doreen Trapp; Home for Holidays to James Fluette; Book Lovers Dream to Marilyn Wiesner; Just for Baby to Kevin McCann; So Much Wine to S. Scribner; and Autumn Delight to Bonnie Rosensteel. Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 23 Our Lord Jesus Christ 24 25 26 28 29 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 10-11:00 AA Group 5:15 Mass No RCIA 6:30 Mass 9-10:00 Bible Study 8:30 Mass Parish Nurse by Appt 7:00 Choir Practice 10-11:00 AA Group 7:00 Maintenance No Mass 4:00 Reconciliation 5:00 Mass Parish Council/Coffee 9:30 Mass Community Christmas Dinner Sign-up 6:30 Liturgy 9:00 Play Group 12-2 Parish Nurse 6:00 Catechist In-Service Prayer class 2 27 Thanksgiving Last Weekend for Giving Tree Tags Advent Reflection Booklets 30 1st Sunday of Advent 1 2 3 4 5 6:55 Rosary 7:30 Mass 9:30 Mass 10:30 Baptisms 10-11:00 AA Group 5:15 Mass 5:30 AFE Meeting 6:00 Advent Prayer 6:30 First Reconciliation 6:30 RCIA 7:00 K of C @ St. Gabriel 6:30 Mass 9-10:00 Bible Study 9:30 Mass at Villa 12-2 Parish Nurse 5:15 Scout Den Mtg. 6:00 1st Recon/ Advent Penance @ St. John, Menasha 6:15 Cantor Practice 6:30 RF Gr 1, 4 & 8 7:00 Choir Practice 5-6:00 St. Gabriel Confessions 6:30 Mass 10-11:00 AA Group 3:30 SVDP Mtg 6:30 RF Board Mtg 7:15 1ssr Fri Rosary 4:00 Reconciliation 8:00 Mass 5:00 Mass Reconciliation Grades 4 & 5 School 6:30 Liturgy 12-2 Parish Nurse 3:45 RF Gr 1, 4 & 5 Session 10 6:00 American Heritage Girls 6:30 Bible Study Religious Formation November 23 ---No Children’s Liturgy of the Word No P, K, and Grade 1 Religious Formation November 24 ---No Religious Formation for Grades 1-5 Catechist In-Service at 6:00pm in Friendship Hall This In-Service is for Religious Formation catechists & Day School Teachers. It is the 2nd session in a series of five. November 26 ---No Religious Formation for Grades 1-8 Early Registration Incentive St. Mary Catholic Schools (formerly TCCES) is excited to offer an early registration incentive for the 2015-16 school year. Early registration will take place between October 21 and November 25, 2014. Students entering kindergarten, 6th or 9th grade will receive a reduction in tuition of: $150 – Kindergarten $200 – 6th Grade $250 – 9th Grade A $50 per student registration fee ($150 family max) must be paid in order to take advantage of these incentives. Registration fees will increase to $100 for students registering after January 31, 2015 ($300 family max). Register online today admissions.html. . at http://www.tcces.org/ 6 SMM Christmas Concert NCCYM NCCYM NCCYM Here’s what’s happening at your TCCES schools: SMC: The J ane Bergstrom F ine Arts Education Center Hosted “Up the Down Staircase” on November 13th-14th at 7:00 p.m. and November 15th. “Up the Down Staircase,” was a touching and funny story about an idealistic teacher, Sylvia Barrett, about to teach her first class in an inner city high school. While she is concerned with first impressions, she is unaware of the chaos that is about to surround her. She has to deal with a love struck student, boy crazy girls, a good looking English teacher who “eludes” and a troubled student that she will struggle to save in order to keep her from getting lost in the system. All of this is tied up in paperwork, disorganization, and bureaucracy. Can she stick it out and manage to keep her sanity and sense of caring? Will the school get the better of her, or will it be better for her presence there? What a performance!!! Seton: November 2-8 is Vocation Awareness Week. Sixth graders prayed a special prayer for an increase in vocations every day during Morning Prayer. During religion classes students explored different types of religious vocations. On November 6, Deacon Don Schultz spent X period explaining to students his calling to become a deacon. St. Mary Elementary: The second grade students at Saint Mary Elementary have been busy learning about the different land and animal habitats. After researching the plants and animals found in each habitat, the students made a drawing of their habitats. They then turned it into an I Spy drawing by listing all the plants and animals included in their drawings. More about what’s happening at your TCCES schools: St. Margaret Mary: F ifth graders spent time with their Kindergarten buddies during a buddy visit. Each class had written personal narratives and they were sharing them with their buddies. Both classes had written the narrative and were comparing them during a buddy visit. St. Gabriel: The fourth graders are participating in the Winnebago County 2015 Conservation Awareness Poster Contest. The theme this year is “Local Heroes – Your Hardworking Pollinators.” The idea behind the theme is for the students to understand the importance pollinators play in our environment. The students have prepared some outstanding posters! Buying new holiday lights? Don't toss the old ones TCCES is Recycling Old Holiday Lights With the help of the SMC EARTH Club, TCCES schools are official Holiday Lights Donation Sites and we will earn cash for the lights we recycle. As you discover those annoying lights that no longer work, please remember to drop them off at any of our TCCES schools! There will be a drop-box in each school beginning November 14 through the end of January. Parent and Child Playgroup Parents with small children come join us every second and fourth Monday of the month from 9 until 10:30 AM for friendship and fellowship in the childcare room of St. Margaret Mary Church. During this time, the children can play while the parents are able to socialize. This is a great opportunity to get to know other families within our parish. We hope to see you there. Nov. 24, Dec. 8 and 22 and more dates next year! Every Weekend! Just for Children! (for any age but generally appealing to ages 7-12) Word games and puzzles that expand understanding of the readings of the Mass You may pick one up either--at the Reed Street entrance--in a red box on the table --or-- in the Gathering Space in one of the display pockets in the kiosk near the kitchenette. We also welcome children to hand out the bulletins to other children as they leave church! NO SIGN UP NECESSARY-- just hold the red basket or the pack of Children's Worship Bulletins and be ready to hand them to children as they pass you. (This is a great way for children to help at church without the need to have a schedule.) Photographs Shared at St. Margaret Mary Parish We now have the capability of posting photographs on our website, smmneenah.org, in addition to printing them in parish newsletters, bulletins or posters. We want to do so in a safe and respectful manner. We will not identify anyone by name. Although it is fun to see pictures of others present at church functions, some people do not wish to be involved. If you do not want us to use your image or that of your children, just write a note or email our Pastoral Associate, Joan Bartman, at [email protected] or 439 Washington Avenue, Neenah, WI 54956. . St. Vincent de Paul store here in Neenah is in need of packaging tape. If anyone can asWe invite you, your friends and families to celebrate the season through the eyes of a child! sist, please contact: Judy Zaretzke Stevi B’s has hired a Santa and prepared all of the food, all you have to do is reserve your spot! 722-1291 Join us for Sunday Dec. 7 11:30am to 1:30pm Oh, the leaves are quickly drying, and the snow will soon be flying. A great opportunity we have to spread Christmas cheer: volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! Tickets only $10 Includes unlimited buffet and drink for one adult and one child (3-10yrs) Additional tickets: $7/adult, $4/child A percentage of the ticket sales will be donated to help local children celebrate the season. Bring your camera for pictures with Santa Make a card for local children & complete a scavenger hunt for tokens Stevi B’s is a collection site for Toys for Tots and is giving all contributors exclusive coupons for future visits. Stevi B’s would love to host your holiday celebration! Reserve your spot today by calling or email Vicki Bokelman, 840-8224, [email protected] Appleton Boychoir The Appleton Boychoir and MasterSingers Men’s Chorus invite you to attend their 35th annual Festival of Lessons and Carols on Saturday, December 6, 1:00 or 4:00 p.m. in the Lawrence University Chapel. Tickets may be purchased on line at Appletonboychoir.com or by phoning the boychoir office at 920955-2224. Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Hours of Need P ra yer f ul l y co ns id er sp e nd i n g o n e ho ur a we e k wi t h J es u s i n E uc har i st ic Ad o r at io n. Ad o r a tio n is o n go i n g i n t he T wi n C it ie s P erp et ua l Eu c har is ti c Ad o r at io n C hap el. Ad o r e r s ar e e sp ec ial l y need ed i n t h e ho ur s l i st ed b e lo w. I f int er e st ed, pl e as e c al l Na n c y Ja cob s en at 722 -2590. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Baptism Two months in advance Marriage Four to six months in advance Sacrament of the Sick Call to schedule Reconciliation 4:00 PM Sat. or by Appt. MEMBERSHIP Registration of adults over 18; Address changes appreciated. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL HELP LINE . The Community Christmas Dinner of Neenah/Menasha will be held on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Neenah. Many volunteers are needed to make the dinner a continued success. Opportunities to help include providing cookies or pies, helping cook, greeting guests, serving the meal and delivering meals to home-bound members of our parish. There are family friendly service opportunities the week leading up to the dinner as well. Sign up will be the weekend before Thanksgiving: November 22 and 23. Stop by the table in the Gathering Space to volunteer. Please contact Kristina Nelson at [email protected] or through the parish office with questions. Thank you! St. Mary/St. John's Free Thanksgiving Dinner to be held at St. Mary's located at 528 Second St., Menasha on November 22 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.. As you can see, we will also be delivering to seniors and the homebound in which case we do need the RSVP portion completed and returned in advance. Any questions, please contact Carrie Barnes at 920-725-7714. Father Carr’s Place 2B 1062 N Koeller Street Oshkosh WI 54902 Join for a Packer Party!!! Sunday, November 16 - 12:00 Noon Watch the big game on a drop down screen Game starts at noon Burgers and brats will be served for lunch Games and activities provided for kids 41st Annual “Bread for Others” Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday, November 27 Deliveries 10:30-Noon Dine in at Noon-2:00 Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and lots more… Call (920) 231-2378 in advance for delivery orders We need many people to help prepare for Thanksgiving on November 25 and 26. Please call 231-2378.
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