Volume 72: Online
November 19, 2014
Tickets are on sale NOW for Jazz Carol Fest!
Get yours in the church office,
Monday-Friday, from 9:00-4:00 p.m. or
on our website
Thursday, November 27
Community Christian Church
Doors open at 5 pm, Celebration starts at 6 pm.
Plaza Lights go on at 6:54 pm!
Cookies & cider and a great view!
Everyone is welcome!
If you can donate cookies or cider for this event,
please drop the items at the church MondayFriday from 9-4:30 or on Sunday morning.
followed by
We will have one service on Stewardship Sunday,
November 23, at 10:00 am. The service will be followed by Thanksgiving Dinner in Centennial Hall. All
are welcome!
Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls and
drinks will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share using the following guide: Last name starts with: A-I: salad J-Q: dessert R-Z: vegetable dish
Dr. Hill’s sermon on Sunday will be “Life Is A Banquet!!”
View from the Hill
Advent Service Milestone! – What Rev. Susan Heim-Davis and
Dr. Mike Waco began as an experiment has now reached a
milestone at Community. I’m referring to the Advent Service of
Remembrance and Hope that occurs annually on the first
Wednesday of December. This year’s service on Dec. 3 will be the
30th time Community has hosted this poignant expression of care for those
who have lost loved ones. We hope this occasion will once again provide
participants an opportunity to experience the holiday season with renewed
purpose and deeper meaning. What began as a pioneering endeavor has now
been replicated all around the metro area and is mirrored by countless
services across the country.
Our sympathy goes out to the family of
LaVera Nelson, who died on November
10, 2014. Private services are pending
in Illinois.
A voice is heard in Ramah – Four rabbis and a policeman are murdered in a
Jerusalem synagogue. Isis threatens another aid worker. Civil war abides in
Africa. Violence portends in Ferguson. Amidst all of the trauma and trouble in
the world this week, we are saying “Oh no, not again.” And that is as it should
be. Lamentation has a definite place in the human experience. In one of the
signature lines of the Bible – “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great
mourning, Rachel weeping for her children....” – Jeremiah gives us language to
use for our sorrows, especially those connected to communal loss. Beyond our
lamenting, we remember again that violence is a crippled methodology for
solving problems, whether large or small. And we work and pray for all
human beings to live more fully into the “better angels of our nature.” Such a
goal is not merely a good idea and a lofty ideal, it is ultimately the only sane
and practical way forward toward true progress.
Our sincerest sympathy to Jean Piehler
and family on the death of Jean’s husband, Jeff Piehler, on November 14,
2014. A service will be held on Sunday,
November 23, at 2:00 in the sanctuary.
Light refreshments will be served in
Centennial Hall following the service.
Pope Francis’ Fresh New Approach – In 2011, Australian Bishop Bill Morris
was “retired” by then Pope Benedict XVI, after Morris speculated in a diocesan
newspaper that ordaining women could be one of the means to overcome the
church’s shortage of priests. This past Sunday 60 Minutes interviewed
Cardinal Seán O’Malley, one of eight cardinals whom Pope Francis appointed
to an advisory board which helps him in guiding, governing, and reforming the
Catholic Church. Even though he reinforced the traditional Catholic stance
against ordaining women, Cardinal Seán, as he prefers to be called, indicated
that if he had his way there would be women priests. Will Pope Francis
respond to O’Malley’s comments as Pope Benedict did to Morris’ speculation?
It’s doubtful. Could there be a fresh wind blowing through the Vatican these
days? When Pope Francis visits Philadelphia next September – a trip just
announced this week – we’ll get a chance to see how refreshing that wind is.
Words to Live By – “Wherever man has the scent of the eternal unity in his
spirit, he hunts for it in his home, in his work, among his friends, in his
pleasures and in all the levels of his function. It is my simple faith that this
is the kind of universe that sustains that kind of adventure. And what we
are fumbling towards now . . . tomorrow will be the way of life for
everybody!” – Howard Thurman.
This Sunday, November 23, we conclude our LIFE IS A BANQUET series with a
look at Jesus' promises of abundance for one and all, especially those who
express generosity in their lives. In short, Jesus assures one and all that “Life Is
A Banquet,” and that everyone is invited to the feast! My sermon for our One
Combined Service at 10:00 a.m. in the sanctuary will be “Life Is A
Banquet!,” based on Luke 6:38 and Luke 14:16-23. There will be glorious
music included throughout the service, from the Chancel Choir, and Tim
Whitmer and the Journey Band, and the service will be followed by our annual
Thanksgiving Dinner in Centennial Hall. This will be one of the premier
Sundays to invite your friends to join you for worship and a great fellowship
celebration. See you in church! Love, Bob
We offer our sympathy to the family of
Bob Rasmussen. Bob died on November 13, 2014. Services will be held on
Monday, November 24, at 11:00 a.m. in
Community’s Bonfils Chapel. A fellowship meal will follow in Centennial Hall.
We extend our sympathy to Helen Allen and family, at the death of Helen’s
husband, Joe Allen, who died on Sunday, November 16, in Columbia, Missouri. Services are pending.
Volunteers are needed to help in the
Food Pantry, which is open on the 3rd
and 4th Tuesday and Thursday of each
month. Help is also needed when food is
picked up. If you can help any of these
days contact Norma Abernathy at 913383-3978.
Get Ready! It’s Coming!
20th Anniversary Celebration
of The Steeple of Light
December 2014
Date TBD by the appearance of
“A Special Guest”!
If you would like to
participate in the Cornerstones of
Care "Wish Upon A Star" holiday
gift program for children living in
foster care, Marce Ireland and
Jean Sailors have a table in the narthex where you can
choose children's names with their wishes. Please bring
your unwrapped gifts in a gift bag, along with the child's
name and ID number, to church on Dec. 7. They will be
picked up to be delivered to the children. Thank you!
The Mitten Tree is up in the narthex awaiting your donations of warm hats, scarves
and gloves for men, women and children.
Everyone should be warm this winter season. Please help if you can.
Pumpkin pies will be sold on Sunday, December 7
and December 21, in the narthex, for $10 a pie.
The money will benefit Community’s Food Pantry. Buy your holiday pies and help the pantry at
the same time.
In the Chapel, 6:00 p.m.
Children and Youth
Christmas Program
We are collecting sign-ups from parents for this year’s Christmas program which will take place on Sunday, Dec. 21, at
6pm. The program will be a retelling of the Christmas story
with the Youth narrating and the children acting out the
story. Please contact Kristy Nerstheimer ( [email protected]) or Art Kent ([email protected]) if you
and your family would like to be involved.
Children and Youth Calendar
November 23rd - Sunday School/First Christmas Program
practice 10:45am
November 27th - Plaza Lighting Party, 5:30 p.m.
November 30th - Sunday School/Christmas Program practice 10:45am
December 6th - Parents Day Out (times TBA)
December 7th - Sunday School/Christmas Program practice
December 13th - Youth Ring Bells on Plaza followed by
Christmas Party at Church (time TBA)
December 14th - Sunday School/Christmas Program practice 10:45am
December 21st - Sunday School/Dress Rehearsal for Christmas Program 12:00 pm (after 10:45 service)
Christmas Program 6pm
Nov. 19
Nov. 26
Rev. Katie Smith, preaching
Giving Thanks Together!
Bring Canned Goods for the Food Tree
The Choral Foundation in the Midwest proudly presents
The William Baker Festival Singers
17th Annual Thanksgiving Benefit Concert
Supporting Wayside Waifs - Kansas City's
Premier Animal Welfare Organization
Works of Johann Pachelbel, Johannes
Brahms & Edvard Grieg
American Folk Hymns, Spirituals
& Gospel Songs
Friday, November 21, 7:30 PM
Community Christian Church
100% of Collected Donations Benefit
Wayside Waifs of Kansas City
Christmas Eve Services
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2014
Community Christian Church
4601 Main St. - Kansas City, Missouri
All Will Be Welcome!
12 noon - Celtic Christmas Service
in the Chapel
full of joy & the treasured harmonies
of your favorite carols
Special Music by Nicholas Simpson,
& Susan Heim-Davis,
Iain McKee, Bagpiper, Jonathon Antle, Organist
4 pm - Celebration Extravaganza
in the Sanctuary
Special Music by Tim Whitmer
& the JOURNEY Band,
The Steeple Ringers Bell Choir, Lori Tucker,
Plus – a special keepsake gift for every child!
7 pm - Gospel Music Service
in the Sanctuary
including Millie Edwards, Tim Whitmer,
and Ah’Lee Robinson,
offering beautiful Christmas music
from gospel, spiritual, & contemporary genres.
11 pm - Classically Traditional
in the Sanctuary
with cherished Christmas carols and glorious music
by Community’s Chancel Choir, under direction
of Minister of Choral Music John Stafford, and
with special guest Nicholas Simpson.
All services include Candle lighting
& Dr. Hill’s Christmas message,
“The Ultimate Christmas Star”
Absolutely some of the most inspirational worship
experiences of your life!
All will be welcome!
The First Noël
Celebrating the Christmas Characters
Advent ~ Christmas Sermon Series
Sunday Mornings 8:30, 9:20 and 10:45
Nov. 30
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
What the Angel Did Say
Certain Poor Shepherds
Communion Meditation:
On a Cold Winter’s Night
Dec. 21
Dec. 24
Dec. 28
O’er Bethlehem It Took Its Rest
The Ultimate Christmas Star
By the Light of That Same Star
Great (KC) Souls, Great Prayers
New Tuesday Prayer Series
Nov. 25, Dec. 2, Dec. 9
Tuesdays 7:30 a.m. and 12 noon
Meeting at 7:30 a.m. and 12 noon in Community’s
Chapel, the new Tuesday Prayer Group series will
focus on three Great Souls from Kansas City –Buck
O’Neil, Rosemary Flanagan, and Burris Jenkins, as
we discern the spiritual resources they have for the
deepening of our spiritual lives in 2014. Participants will experience 30 minutes of guidance in
the ways of the KC Great Souls, after the style and
manner of their praying. Led by Dr. Hill, Rev. Sexton, and Rev. Smith.
All will be welcome!
Nov. 25
Dec. 2
Dec. 9
Celebrate with
Praying with Buck O’Neil
Praying with Rosemary Flanagan
Praying with Burris Jenkins
Hanging of the Greens
On Sunday, December 7, our worship services will
expand our observance of the Advent season with
treasured carols of the season, traditional Advent
scriptures foretelling the coming of the Messiah, the
lighting of the Candle of Peace on our Advent
wreaths, and the adornment of the Sanctuary and
Chapel walls with evergreen wreaths. Invite a friend
to join you as we participate together in beautiful
worship experiences.
Advent Service of Remembrance & Hope
Wed., Dec. 3, 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Sly James, Guest Speaker
At Community we recognize the possibility of momentous
feelings and the accompanying burden of stress which some
will experience during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Therefore, you, your family, and your friends are invited to
be present for a very unique worship experience, “An Advent
Service of Remembrance and Hope,” which will take place in
Community’s Centennial Hall at 6:30 p.m. on Wed., Dec. 3.
This special service is open to all.
(Tell your friends and family members
that there is plenty of parking in the
parking garage next to the church.) The
emphases in the service will be affirmation, compassion, and the treasuring of
all relationships. Dr. Robert Lee Hill, Rev.
Katie Sexton, and Rev. Caitie Smith (OIP),
assisted by other clergy and chaplains
from local hospice care groups, will lead
the service. We are glad to report that we will be blessed by
words of comfort and encouragement from Mayor Sly James.
The service, lasting about an hour, will include candle lighting, favorite carols, and special music by Community’s Bell Choir and Rev. Susan Heim-Davis, one of the originators of this special service 30 years ago. An endearing feature of this service will be the placing of remembrance ornaments on the Tree of Hope. The ornaments will be provided
for you when you arrive. We hope and trust this occasion
will provide you an opportunity to experience the holiday
season with renewed purpose and deeper meaning.
Favorite Carols Service
Wed., December 10, 6 p.m.
Christmas Caroling
@ St. Luke’s Hospice House
December 11
Join members of the Diaconate as they go caroling. Plan to
carol at 5:30 p.m. at St. Luke’s
Hospice House (3516 Summit
St, MO, 64111, on the
southbound, west side of
Southwest Traffic Way) and
then join with all in fellowship
at 6:30 p.m. at the home of
Elaine and Tom Scatizzi (6124
Ward Parkway, KCMO
64113). All will be welcome!
We can never have enough of the music of the
season! So come and enjoy your favorite Christmas carols, during the “Favorite Carols” Service
on Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 6 p.m. in the chapel.
Dr. Bob Hill, Rev. Katie Sexton, Rev. Caitie Smith,
Dr. George Flanagan and Tim Whitmer will offer
hospitality and their own heartfelt nominations
for their favorites in this wonderful time of celebration, which will also include times of prayer
and communion for one and all.
Labyrinth Prayer Advent Series
Dec. 16 & 23— 2 sessions daily
7:30-8:00 a.m. and 12:00-12:30 pm
(Meeting in the narthex at the back of the sanctuary)
Prepare room in your heart for the arrival of Christ at
Christmas by participating in the inspiring, encouraging, and soothing experiences available through
“walking the labyrinth” at Community, on two consecutive Tuesdays, Dec. 16 and 23, in the narthex
atrium area at the back of the sanctuary. Considered
both a timeless work of art and an ancient meditative
tool, a labyrinth consists of a single path that winds
inward to a central point or goal and outward again.
Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has no false starts or dead
ends. As the stresses of daily life have rapidly increased, labyrinths have reemerged in contemporary
society as a means to refresh the spirit, rejuvenate the
mind and relax the body. Guidance and orientation
for walking and praying the labyrinth will be provided by Dr. Hill, Rev. Smith (OIP), and Rev. Sexton.
Remembering Howard Thurman
Sunday, December 14, 12:15 p.m.
Community’s Centennial Hall
Howard Thurman was and remains one
of the truly great souls of the Christian
faith. On Sunday, Dec. 14, an Advent
Brunch, sponsored by Community’s Elders and open to the entire congregation,
will take place after the 10:45 service in
Centennial Hall. Dr. Hill, long an enthusiastic devotee of Thurman, will draw
upon his own research into Thurman’s
storied life – as one of the key inspirations for Martin Luther
King, as the person who brought Gandhian nonviolence to the
U.S., as the pastor of the first intentionally integrated congregation on American soil, as a lyrical Christmas poet of the first
degree – and on Thurman’s own words, during his 30 minute
presentation. Nearly two generations after his retirement from
full-time ministry and a generation after his death, Thurman
remains the exemplar par excellence for those who yearn to
live out the necessary, faithful balance of the inner and outward journeys in the 21st century. Humanity, Thurman firmly
believed, possessed an inherent potential reverence, and he
viewed Jesus as the premier guide and guarantor for connecting with God.
Come and be refreshed, renewed and inspired by Howard
Thurman’s exemplary faith on December 14th. While there is
no charge for the brunch, your RSVP (through the church
office 816-561-6531, or [email protected])
would be greatly appreciated.
Travelers’ Christmas Eve Service
December 17—6 p.m.
If you're planning to be out of town on Christmas Eve, the Travelers Christmas Eve Service, on Wednesday evening, Dec.
17, at 6:00 p.m., in the chapel, is just the service for you. Be inspired by the traditional carols of the season, special solos by
Jonathon Antle and members of The Chancel Choir, communion, candle-lighting, and the ever-new, ever-renewing message of the Christmas story. Dr. Bob Hill, Rev. Katie Sexton, Rev. Caitie Smith (OIP) and Worship Department members will
greet you warmly. Dr. Hill's message will be "In Praise of LEON!" What a wonderful way to participate in our beloved community of faith and launch your journey out of town.