November 9, 2014 TThhee W Weessttm miinnsstteerr G Goooodd N Neew wss Welcome to our Faith Community Website: Office: 613-968-4304 E-Mail: [email protected] If you are visiting, please sign the guest book located in the front foyer. GREETERS: Sue & Stefan Demczyna and Louise & Claus Demczyna UPCOMING CHURCH EVENTS November 13, 20 November 14 November 16 November 19 November 22 November 23 November 26 November 30 December 7 December 13 December 14 December 20 December 21 December 24 Choir practice at 6:30 pm. The Men's club will be having Alex McNaught as the guest speaker. There will be a potluck supper at 6:30 and members of the congregation are invited to attend. Service of Welcome Stewards meeting at 7:00 pm Pot luck and Time & Talent Auction at 5:30 pm – details to follow Anniversary Sunday – Guest speaker – John Williams, Mayor of Quinte West Pot luck lunch after the service Session Meeting at 6:00 pm Trustees Meeting at 6:30 pm Official Board meeting at 7:00 pm Christmas Cantata by the Choir White Gift Sunday Men’s Club Brunch & Bake Sale 8:30 – 10:30 am Annual Christmas Talent Show – 2 – 4 pm. If you play, sing, recite....join in the afternoon of fun, celebrating the season. Be there for our special VISITOR....Ho Ho Ho! Distribution of Christmas boxes Holy Communion Service at 10:30am 6:00 pm Family Christmas Pageant Service 10:00 pm Christmas Eve Communion Service OTHER WESTMINSTER ANNOUNCEMENTS Items for the Time and Talent auction , November 22nd, are slowly coming in. We have such things as pet & plant sitting, reading to someone, an ornamental iron coffee table that you help design, 4 hours of house cleaning, 10 pies, painting a room, and computer instruction. Please consider what you might have to offer. The forms are at the back of the church and may be left in Ralph Spencer's mailbox. Please bring your own dishes and cutlery for the pot luck. SHOEBOXES for Operation Christmas Child - The shoeboxes are available to pick up this Sunday. They need to be brought back by Sunday November 16th. NO Bible study on November 11th as it is Remembrance Day. BUDGETS for 2015 Budgets are due today, November 9, 2014, and are to be given to Ralph Spencer. Committees will need to adhere to their budgets so please keep that in mind when preparing it. Shop and Support Thanks to all the folks who purchased $ 700.00 worth of gift cards last week. Our shipment, and your orders, should be here today. If you did not order cards, stop by our table anyway, check out the assortment of cards available for sale. Our next order goes in the end of November, if you want specific gift cards for Christmas, that will be your last chance to order them. Thanks for supporting Westminster United Church WESTMINSTER is a SCENT-FREE SPACE. Please keep in mind things like perfumes, aftershaves, deodorants, hairsprays etc. which can affect those who are sensitive to these items. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Minute for Mission – Supporting Human Rights The United Church of Canada and Mission and Service global partners believe all people are created equally in the image of God and all people of the world have a God-given right to a life of dignity and respect. We stand with people working for human rights around the world. Peace, development, and human rights are inseparable from the human dignity of individuals and the well-being of our communities. Without human rights, human dignity is merely an empty wish. Most countries have agreed on numerous human rights standards and enshrined them in international law. However, many governments do not meet their obligations and routinely violate the rights of citizens. In many places in the world people live with the constant threat of violence and intimidation. For many partners, defending basic human rights has been a costly struggle – sometimes a life-anddeath struggle. There is a gap between many governments’ words and deeds, promises and actions. People of faith work to address that gap, answering God’s call to work for justice, peace, and human dignity and to bring freedom from want and fear. Your gifts to Mission and Service are present with people and communities working for human rights and showing compassion for all. Please continue to give generously. Bay of Quinte Conference Prayer Circle: Bridgenorth PC, Shining Waters In our thoughts and prayers: Jean Alexander, Vi Christopher, Ruth Cole, Alister Harvey, Mabel Hart, Fern Loney, Clare Millar, Hazel Wilman, Lloyd Pearson, Joan Sills, Jean Millar, Bud Hately, Vi & Art Deline, Monda-Marie Whiteman, Bridget Burke-Purdy and family, Marg Shorey, Barb Spencer, Laura Anne (sister of Louise) This week’s bulletin is dedicated to the glory of God by Pat & Bud Hately In Menory of Loved Ones
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