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Sunday, November 23, 2014
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Play bigger role:
Biden to Turkey
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Rosberg on pole
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Speaks for you
l Celebrating the democracy
l Dancers evoke patriotic sentiments pages 2-3,
l Law and order under control
Issue No. 6478
Noora Alzabie / DTNN
ahrainis, in thousands,
flocked to forty polling
stations across the Kingdom
yesterday to practise their
civil right.
In a Press conference held
at the Isa Cultural Centre last
night, Justice, Islamic Affairs
and Endowments Minister and
Supreme Elections Supervisory
Committee Chairman Shaikh
Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa pointed
out that the “initial indicators
reveal that the estimated turnout
for parliamentary elections will
be 51.5 per cent, compared to
67.5pc in 2010.”
Shaikh Khalid also announced
that the participation percentage
in the municipal elections was
estimated to be around 53.5.
Elaborating further, the
minister said, “If the percentages
are calculated, in comparison
with the previous elections,
the result indicates that the
boycotting percentage is
estimated to be 16pc.”
However, Shaikh Khalid
stressed that correct percentages
could only be confirmed after
the vote-counting process is
He attributed the boycotting
percentage to “threats or
instructions given by certain
religious platforms and political
societies,” without disclosing
further details.
On the sidelines of the
conference, Supreme Elections
Supervisory Committee Vice
Chairman Abdulla Al Buainain
l Estimated turnout for Parliamentary polls: 51.5%
l Estimated turnout for municipal polls: 53.5%
l Percentage of people who boycotted: 16%
told DT News that “participation
in this year’s elections is
remarkable, and it indicates a
council that is capable of leading
Bahrain to a bright political
Mr. Al Buainain praised
the effective role of Interior
Ministry in maintaining a
secured election process in
all parts of the Kingdom. He
also highlighted the wide
participation of the youth, who
“will successfully contribute in
reshaping Bahrain’s future.”
For her part, Minister of
State for Information Affairs
and official Government
spokesperson Sameera Rajab
underlined the “chief role played
by local and international media
in the success of the elections.”
She said that “the antielection campaigns didn’t affect
the elections process within or
outside the Kingdom.”
2018 polls to go electronic
he next parliamentary elections will be conducted on
an electronic platform, said Information Technology
Consultant at the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO)
Nezar Maaroof.
Speaking to DT News, Mr. Maaroof said, “The smartphone
application, which we earlier launched in cooperation
with Bahrain eGovernment, contributed in educating both
candidates and voters. It included all information related to
the election process and was considered as a guideline for all.”
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Elections 2014
Long way to go
Iran and world powers still
appeared a long way off from
a nuclear deal late yesterday
with US Secretary of State
John Kerry and officials on
both sides warning of major
gaps two days before a deadline. “We’re working hard,”
Kerry said in Vienna, “and
we hope we’re making careful progress, but we have big
gaps, we still have some serious gaps, which we’re working to close.” Kerry, who on
Friday postponed a trip to Paris
to remain in Vienna, met Iranian
Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif yesterday afternoon,
their fourth meeting in three
Iraq PM orders
more air support
Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar
Al- badi yesterday ordered
more air support for the
security forces and allied
tribal fighters battling jihadists in the western province
of Anbar. He “ordered to provide extensive air support to
Anbar, arm its sons, support
and reinforce the armed forces in the province,” a statement from his office said.
The statement came as progovernment forces tried to
fend off a major offensive by
the Islamic State (IS) group
in and around the provincial
capital Ramadi.
Brazil stocks soar
Sao Paulo
Brazil’s stock market soared
yesterday, adding 5.02 per
cent amid expectations that
President Dilma Rousseff is
ready to appoint a pro-market new finance minister to
kick-start a sagging economy.
Embarking on a second term
following her re-election last
month, Rousseff faces a battle
to win over the financial world
with the economy in recession
amid feeble growth and rising
inflation. But Friday saw frenzied
media speculation led by Folha
de Sao Paulo daily that the
leftist leader will revitalise her
treasury team by appointing
the hawkish Joaquim Levy, currently chief executive officer of
Bradesco Asset Management,
part of Brazil’s second-largest
private bank.
Fatima Bastaki / DTNN
Youth and Sport First ViceChairman and Bahrain Royal
Equestrian and Endurance
Federation President HH
Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad
Al Khalifa and Education
Minister Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi
were also present on the
Voters, especially firsttimers could not hide their
excitement. “By exercising my
vote, I am making my voice
heard across the corridors of
power,” said Nawal Hamada, a
student at UoB.
Echoing a similar view, Hala
Al Murbati, an engineering
student said, “This is an
opportunity to contribute
towards the democratic strides
made by the Kingdom.”
A few minutes after
the polls ended, HM the
King received a cable of
congratulations from the
Interior Minister Lt General
Shaikh Rashid bin Abdulla
Al Khalifa on the success of
the landmark democratic
achievement which enabled
yesterday to elect its new
Parliament and Municipal
Voters, young and old,
were seen making a beeline
to exercise their franchise
at polling booths across the
Many even ignored their
disabilities and reached the
polling booths to exercise their
civil right.
University of Bahrain
(UoB) had organised an
event to mark the elections,
which was attended by His
Majesty King Hamad bin Isa
Al Khalifa.
Supreme Council for
Youth and Sport Chairman,
Bahrain Olympic Committee
President and Royal Charity
Organisation Chairman HH
Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al
Khalifa, Supreme Council for HH Shaikh Nasser, HH Shaikh Khalid and Interior Minister Shaikh Rashid casting their votes.
citizens to exercise their
constitutional right and elect
their parliamentary and
municipal representatives.
In the cable, Shaikh Rashid
paid tribute to HM the King
for anchoring the reform
project and fostering the
principles of freedom, quality
and protecting rights and
liberties. A few violations amid public vote imam
the polling centres,” explaining
that photography was allowed at
only selected centres.
The senior observer also
confirmed that numerous
information were received in
relation to buying votes, but “no
solid proof was provided.”
Mohammed Zafran / DTNN
[email protected]
everal violations were detected
across the voting centres,
during the Parliamentary and
municipal elections yesterday.
observers, violations included
buying votes, child labour and
other serious infringements.
As many as eight civil
observation societies were
certified by the Supreme Elections
Supervisory Committee, with
more than 350 citizens assigned
at polling stations to oversee the
vote-casting process.
Speaking to DT News, observers
said that official procedures would
be taken against violators after
completing investigations.
“Voters were seen taking
pictures of their votes from inside
polling stations, in order to have
an image evidence of their vote,”
Integrity Coalition for Election
Observation (ICEO) stated
Explaining further, ICEO
General Coordinator Faisal Fulad
told DT News that “the images
are considered a proof, which
is later shown to the candidate
who would have promised the
voter a financial amount. Several
voters were caught trying to take
photographs of their votes, which
is illegal.”
“Quick action by the
monitoring staff prevented the
Rumours denied
Pic by SantoSh rajendran
Children seen campaigning for a candidate.
malice to a good extend,” he
confirmed. “It is clear to us that those
who take pictures of their votes
were doing it for money. They
take pictures and show it to the
candidates who will eventually pay
them later. In the polling station,
this was quickly detected and
subsequent actions were taken
to prevent the usage of mobile
phones,” said Mr. Fulad.
He added that “other
candidates used children to
distribute their pamphlets and to
provide drinks and refreshments
to voters. They used children to
market themselves. The kids were
seen in the footpath distributing
flyers, food and drinks to please
the voters. It is not the first time
that this has happened. During
the previous elections children
were similarly exploited. This is
something that we will definitely
report to the Supreme Elections
Supervisory Committee.” Echoing a similar voice, another
observatory society official told
DT News that violations were
detected a day before the elections.
Chairman Rashed Al Ghayeb
said that candidates overlooked
an important rule, which is the
“Elections Silent Day.”
“It’s one day before polling
booths open for voters to cast
their ballots. On this day, any
sort of advertisement from the
part of candidates is prohibited.
Yet, we saw candidates and
their supporters campaigning
and promoting at the gates of
election centres across Bahrain.”
“We have included all remarks
and violations in a report that
will be soon referred to the
Supreme Elections Supervisory
Committee, which will take
the necessary actions against
violators,” he said.
Mr. Al Ghayeb also
commented that the remarks
included the lack of “specialised
booths for women covering their
faces with niqab and a unified
regulation for photography in
While covering the election
process in the fifth constituency
of the Capital Governorate,
several citizens approached DT
News, claiming that they were
offered BD100 for their votes
by a candidate’s campaign team
A Twitter account that is
following the 2014 elections news
simultaneously published a report
stating that the same candidate has
won the parliamentary elections in
his constituency scoring a “63 per
cent lead.”
campaign manager of the accused
candidate denied rumours, stating
that “fruitful trees are always
“My candidate comes from
a respectful family that has a
long history in charity and
community service in Zinj,
Seqaya, Bilad Al Qadeem and
the surrounding areas. He
doesn’t need to pay people to
vote for him,” he said, adding
that it was despicable manner
to defame a contender in the
election process.
DT News Network
mam of Ahmed Al-Fateh
Islamic Centre Shaikh
Adnan Al-Qattan yesterday
praised the citizens of
Bahrain for coming out and
casting their votes.
He said that the turnout reflected the success
of the reform project
spearheaded by His
Majesty King Hamad bin
Isa Al Khalifa.
“religious and national
duty”, the Imam said that
voters would be able to
achieve their aspirations
only by choosing right
Shaikh Adnan pointed
democratic experience
heights, noting that the
achievements made in this
regard were enormously
higher when compared to
other countries.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
the demoCraCy
HM the King along with HH Shaikh Nasser, HH Shaikh Khalid and Education Minister Dr. Majid Al Nuaimi at the University of Bahrain.
Dancers evoke patriotic sentiments
Elayath Pragit Parameswaran/ DTNN
[email protected]
he celebration of Kingdom’s
accompanied by cultural festivities as
a few Ardah dancers took on stage
to motivate the voters of Muharraq
constituency to become part of the
democratic process.
Carrying long, shining swords and
heavy guns supported by rhythms
drawn by the drums, more than 20
men in traditional dress participated in
the cultural feast amid the Kingdom
witnessing a historic event.
The folkloric art form was traditionally
performed by warriors in efforts to
display their zeal and weaponry.
It demonstrated that the warriors
had no fear, invigorating them to lead
the battles at the behest of their nation.
For centuries, the drums of Ardah
marked the beginning of battles in the
“This election is nothing short of a
battle- a battle against anti-nationals, in
which democracy will be the ultimate
winner,” one of the organisers told DT
Ardah is more than a cultural event,
it symbolises communal harmony,
upholding kinships apart from endorsing
national solidarity, he added.
The folkloric dance form lasted for
one hour and ended before the Maghrib
prayer. Away from Muharraq, a similar
dance was also staged in Hidd. Dancers performing Ardah in Muharraq.
Pic by SantoSh rajendran
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Ministry of Interior personnel securing the Kingdom’s roads yesterday.
DT News Desk
[email protected]
he Interior Ministry
yesterday adhered to its
responsibility to protect the
security and general order
surrounding the Parliamentary
and Municipal elections. A strong police presence
was visible in Bahrain
throughout the day and police
were on heightened alert for
any possible trouble.
The comprehensive security
plan included the protection
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The ministry said that the
large number of enthusiastic
and motivated voters who
turned up to vote showed the
determination of the people to
participate in this democratic
process in a way that reflected
the best of Bahrain.
Boycott campaign
didn’t gather support
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of vital utilities and main roads
leading to polling stations. There was also a heavy
deployment of traffic patrols to
ensure smooth traffic flow for
voters and candidates.
surrounding the transfer of
ballot boxes to the voting stations
took place under the judicial
supervision, which contributed
to the opening of the stations
on time and allowed voters to
practise their constitutional
right in a secure and organised
confirmed that it will continue to
secure the election process and
take appropriate steps against
It also expressed thanks and
appreciation to citizens who
participated in the democratic
The ministry said that the
large number of enthusiastic and
motivated voters who turned up
to vote showed the determination
of the people to participate in this
democratic process in a way that
reflected the best of Bahrain.
HIDD, Kingdom of Bahrain,
Ext: 344
he boycott campaign has
ultimately ended in failure,
stated Integrity Coalition for
Election Observation.
The boycott campaign
by anti-nationals including
the attempt to prevent voters
from reaching polling stations,
tyre burnings and roadblocks
did not yield any results,
said Integrity Coalition for
Election Observation General
Coordinator Faisal Fulad.
“The elections were a
massive success. All the
efforts by anti-government
forces to undermine it had
little effect. Although vandals
disturbed people from certain
locations, they couldn’t
disrupt the electoral process
in any significant manner,” he
pointed out.
According to Mr. Fulad,
Northern Governorate was
most affected by the protests.
“Sitra, Karanah, Diraz and
Bani Jamra saw a lot of
protests. The residents in
these areas who wanted to
vote went to general polling
stations against going to
booths in their area.”
Integrity Coalition for
Election Observation’s website
was attacked by hackers and its
office in UK was as well targeted
by vandals. But there were no
damages, he added.
Meanwhile, the UK Embassy
in Bahrain took to Twitter to
express its disappointment on
the low turnout of voters in
Karana. “Very disappointed
with the turnout in Karana,
which witnessed intimidation
against candidates and voters,”
the embassy tweeted.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Judge accused
of misbehaviour
Elayath Pragit Parameswaran
[email protected]
alleged that an electoral
judge misbehaved with a
disabled voter at a polling
booth in Muharraq.
Isa Al Kooheji who is
seeking reelection told
DT News that he has filed
a complaint against Judge
Adeela Rajab to the Supreme
Committee for harassing a
According to Mr. Al
Kooheji, a senior citizen
entered the Halat Bu Maher
hall in Muharaqq on a wheel
chair to exercise his franchise
at around 9.30 am.
“As the voter was old
and illiterate, she sought
the assistance of the judge.
Instead of assisting the
voter, the judge used the
opportunity to harass her by
making her repeat the name
of the candidate she intended
to vote,” said Mr. Al Kooheji.
“I felt that the judge was
not doing fair to the voter
and hence have launched
a complaint with the
Apart from the candidate,
a voter as well criticised the
same judge for being rude to
the voters. “I saw her asking
an elderly voter to reveal the
candidate he intended to
vote. How can an electoral
judge misbehave with an
elderly person?” asked
Hussain Ahmed.
Mr. Al Kooheji
“I submitted my complaint
on the matter at around
9:45am and no action has
been taken against the judge
despite Senior Judge Ibrahim
Al Zaheed visiting the poll
booth to scrutinise the paper
works,” Mr. Al Kooheji
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The official said that the ministry is spending a huge amount
to repair the damages caused by
the repeated acts of vandalism.
DT News Network
l Duraz Intermediate
Boys’ School in the
Northern Governorate was
attacked for the third time in a
week, the Education Ministry
has said.
The ministry’s Public
Directorate said that the
total losses due to attacks on
schools have crossed BD2
million by the end of the
previous school year.
According to the ministry,
the attackers broke into the
school on Friday. “They
broke the windows and they
were aiming at stealing the
fire extinguishers in the
school,” the ministry said in
its statement.
A spokesperson of the
directorate said that such
assaults are legally, morally
and religiously condemned as
it hinders a noble service to
the public, which is education.
The official said that the
ministry is spending huge
amount to repair the damages
caused by the repeated acts of
Meanwhile, the official
added that the ministry
has increased the numbers
of guards, mobile patrols,
surveillance cameras and
other safety methods at
schools, which are frequently
targeted by the vandals.
The ministry confirmed
that a total of 367 attacks
on educational institutions
have been reported to the
security authorities in the
Kingdom during the past
three years.
The school targeted by the attackers.
Food festival a big draw at Geant
DT News Network
hich is tastier? The imported varieties
jumbo apples, red grapes and strawberries
are in a stiff competition and the denizens of
the Kingdom have an opportunity to make the
pallets tastier.
The food festival organised by Geant
Hypermarkets is drawing a huge crowd.
According to the organisers, every products
including the fruits and vegetables are of
grade 1 quality and imported from the leading
“Most of these products are new in Bahrain
and are of high quality. Moreover, we are selling
them in a competitive price,” said a senior
authority attached to the hypermarket. The three
varieties of potatoes, imported from France are
also a big hit in the festival.
Apart from the fruits and vegetables, there
are varied kinds of meat and poultry products.
Halal French beef, which was earlier temporarily
banned by the Bahrain government, is also
available at the festival.
The festival, commenced on November 20
will continue until December 2. The buyers from
the food festival will be offered raffle coupons
for every BD5 purchase. There are 201 amazing
prizes for the winners of the raffle draw.
YMCA to celebrate
Week of Prayer
MCA will be holding
session of the week of
prayer tomorrow from
7.30pm onwards at the
New Millennium School
auditorium in Zinj. Bro. George Cherian,
General Secretary of
Missions India will be
the main speaker on the Bro. George Cherian
occasion. YMCA choir will
be leading the singing sessions, said the press release.
ISB clarifies report
In the story published in DT News yesterday
under the title ‘Incumbents brush aside allegations’,
the Press meeting was called by the Indian School
Bahrain Executive Committee and not the panel
as mentioned in the report, said ISB Chairman
Ebraham John. Further, the committee didn’t
provide any draft copy of audited financial report for
discussion, he told DT News.
Vandals block roads
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The miscreants left no stone unturned to prevent access to the citizens to voting centres yesterday.
DT News Network
[email protected]
n an attempt to prevent
voters from reaching polling
stations, several roads were
blocked with bricks, steel chains
and burning tyres. The vandals
especially targeted the roads
leading to election centres.
were blocked from the wee
hours yesterday, mainly in
the Northern and Capital
Security personnel were seen
clearing blockades in areas like
Juffair, Hamad Town, Diraz and
other places.
Interior Ministry stated
earlier that it received several
complaints from citizens, who
were threatened and warned not
to take part in the elections.
Speaking to DT News on
basis of anonymity, a couple of
candidates in the affected areas
condemned the incidents stating
that the acts of vandalism were
carried out by the misled youth.
Meanwhile, Supreme Elections
Supervisory Committee Vice
Chairman Abdulla Al Buainain
praised the role of Public
Security personnel, stating,
“A few vandalism cases were
reported in the morning and
Interior Ministry forces restored
order within few minutes.”
according to several
eyewitnesses, some roads
were blocked from the
wee hours yesterday,
mainly in the Northern
and capital governorates.
Dr. Mirza to patronise
thinkers’ forum
inister of State
for Electricity
and Water Affairs
Dr. Abdul Hussain
received Managing
Director of Origin
Ahmed Dr. Mirza
M o h a m m e d
Mr. Al Banna presented to
the minister his request for
patronising a global thinkers’
by the company on
December 8 and 9.
He said well-known
thinkers, including
the keynote speaker,
Sri Shuddhaanandaa
Brahmachari, would
address around 300
Dr. Mirza said
that he was very keen on
supporting and participating
in such events and pledged to
provide all cooperation.
Court to examine the
prosecution witnesses
DT News Network
[email protected]
rosecution witnesses will
be heard on December 23
in the trial of an Asian accused
of forcing two women into
The defendant was arrested
after one of the victims called
police and informed them that
they were being held captive
in a hotel. Police nabbed the
man after the women revealed
his identity and accused him
of holding them captive. “I
came to Bahrain to work as
a maid but I was tricked to
flee from my sponsor’s house
by an Indonesian woman
who I had acquainted with
on Facebook,” the first victim
had said earlier.
“A man approached me and
took me to an apartment in
Gudaibiya,” she added. “Then
he (the defendant) had sexually
assaulted me twice, before
forcing me to physically satisfy
strangers for an amount ranging
between BD20 to BD30,” she
Later she was transferred to
another apartment in Manama
and was forced to stay with the
second victim. “The same man
was bringing customers to the
apartment,” she continued.
They were rescued after the
second victim had managed
to get a mobile phone and call
police. Fire fighters dousing the fire (L) and the building, which was damaged in fire.
PicS by SaNThoSh RajeNDRaN
Fire breaks out in Arad
DT News Network
major fire broke out in Arad yesterday
noon. Civil Defence doused the fire
which broke out in a carpentry shop.
A thick black smoke emanated from
Opec Carpentry Shop located near Mid Way
Supermarket, Arad at 2.20 pm, causing panic
among locals. However, the police officials
confirmed that no casualties have been
reported in the incident.
“The thick smoke and charred smell
prompted the people to get alerted. We also
heard an explosion of a gas cylinder,” said a
witness to DT News.
According to the witness, the fire was
spread from the cooking stove, with which
some expatriates were preparing their food.
The residents of the adjacent buildings
and the staff and shop owners across the
street were evacuated by the police.
A fleet of official vehicles including
the fire tenders were rushed to the spot
immediately. It took around 45 minutes
for the fire fighters to bring the fire under
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Huge electorates
turnout at polling stations
F1’s Rosberg
claims pole
position for Abu
Dhabi Grand
and a building collapse
reported after
strong earthquake shakes
Japan’s Nagano region
strikes have
killed 910 people in Syria:
“We didn’t
Liberty with
her back to the
world—we did it with her
light shining.” —President
#Ebola outbreak could
end in mid
2015 if world
acts faster - UN
Secretary General Ban
and #China
regular joint naval
exercises for
Mediterranean, Pacific
Jack Ma has
deep thoughts
IPope Francis
warns greed of
man will ‘destroy
the world’
releases her
Readers’ VIEW
A challenge for economists
t’s time we need to start
thinking about the economy
as US isn’t as dynamic as it
used to be.
from Steven Davis and John
Haltiwanger, two National
Bureau of Economic Research
economists (Davis is at U
Chicago and Haltiwanger at
the University of Maryland).
The two presented at the
Fed’s Jackson Hole conference
over the summer and an
updated version of the paper
was published at the end of
Declines in labour market
fluidity - the ease with which
workers can move between
jobs - have continued since
the 1980s.
According to the authors,
there’s been an unusually
“large secular decline in the
pace of job reallocation”
during this period in the
US. Reallocation is defined
as which is the total jobs
created plus total jobs
destroyed, divided by total
jobs in the economy.
“A decline in these rates (job
creation and destruction)
could indicate less innovation
or less labour market flexibility,
both of which are likely to
retard economic growth,”
explains economist Mark
Curtis at the Atlanta Fed’s
macroblog regarding this
The big driver of this before
2000 was the retail sector,
as big box stores came in
and demolished smaller
competitors (that actually
turned out to be relatively
good for retail wages).
But you can really see in the
above chart that there’s been
a decline across sectors. And
there is a school of thought
that bigger companies mean
less competition, which in turn
pushes down wages (most
recently floated by Justin
Lahart in the WSJ).
Regardless of firm size,
declining fluidity in the labour
market matters for a few
reasons. If you believe that
creative destruction is good
for the economy, the declining
number of small, young
companies is a bad thing.
But perhaps more pressingly,
the researchers find that job
reallocation rates have an
impact on employment rates,
particularly for the young and
Do you feel strongly about commenting on any
issue of social relevance or on any report we carried?
Be it bouquets or
bricks, you can
explore this space
by airing your
views, opinions or
comments. The
best letter, selected
once in a week, will
receive five tickets
for watching a blockbuster at Dana Cinema. Letters
can be sent at letters @dt.bh
even more strongly for young
Not only is it associated with
lower unemployment rates,
but it potentially negatively
affects the length of time that
the unemployed have to look
for work, as fewer job changes
likely means fewer job
openings, and therefore fewer
chances for those out of work
to jump back in. “Employment
today begets employment in
the future,” write the authors.
And fewer job openings mean
fewer people moving between
jobs in the same industry.
l There are a number of
reasons listed by the authors
for this lack of labour market
A shift to older firms (fewer
people are working for young
companies, despite the
prevalence of reporting out of
Silicon Valley)
l An aging workforce
l The transformation of
business models (globalization
favors bigger firms with more
resources to invest in the
global supply chain)
l The impact of the
information revolution on
hiring practices
l Occupational labour supply
restrictions (based on policy)
l Exceptions to employmentat-will (contracts that make it
harder to quit and/or be fired)
l The establishment of
protected worker classes (this
makes it harder to fire people
— though in a good way)
l “Job lock” because of
employer-provided health
insurance (let’s not even talk
about this one)
There are two notable things
about the second half of this
list: first, the authors point
out that it’s impossible to
know how much the policyrelated factors “contributed
to secular declines in fluidity.”
While all of these are possible
factors for the trend, no one
is quite sure how much each
factors in.
Further, it’s important to note
that some of these are policy
protections meant to protect
workers, and while they
may reduce churn, they
also protect people from
getting fired because of
discriminatory employers.
are some reasons why
regulating fluidity could
be good for workers,
the long-term decline in
reallocation is bad for the
economy. That much you
can tell from this paper.
What you can’t tell is what
are the main drivers of
this problem, and how to
fix it. That’s the challenge
for economists and policy
makers if they want to
build a healthier economy.
Ali Imran
Sunday, November 23, 2014
PLAY BIGGER C’est La Vies Mes Ami
Anti-IS campaign
Not only, but also
Arthur Macdonald
S Vice President
Turkey for a threeday visit aimed at
leaders to play a bigger
role in the coalition
against Islamic State
(IS) militants.
Biden is expected to
seek to soothe tensions
that have emerged
between the two NATO
members, traditionally
strong allies, over
to play a major role
in the fight against
the jihadists who have
captured swathes of
Iraq and Syria.
The US number
evening landed at
Istanbul airport and
into dinner talks with
Prime Minister Ahmet
Davutoglu. Yesterday
addressed a conference
before a key meeting
with President Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. He is
due to leave Istanbul
Ties between the
Turkey have strained in
recent months over the
Ties between the United States and Turkey
have strained in recent months over the
unwillingness of Turkish leaders to become
militarily involved in the US-led campaign
against the jihadists.
unwillingness of Turkish
leaders to become
militarily involved in
the US-led campaign
against the jihadists.
But in the remarks
at the start of their
meeting, both Biden and
Davutoglu were keen to
play up the importance
Praising a “deeprooted”
that has “faced many
challenges together”,
Davutoglu said the two
countries were working
together on several
crises, including Syria.
He alluded to recent
discussions between top
US and Turkish military
figures over Turkey’s
possible role in the
“Mr Biden’s visit is
very important for us to
have a wider discussion
on this preparatory
work,” he added, without
giving further details.
Biden with Erdogan at Beylerbeyi Palace yesterday.
‘Ease strains on Syria’
S Vice President Joe Biden
yesterday met Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
aiming to ease strains over the
crisis in Syria and persuade
Turkey to step up its support for
the coalition against Islamic State
(IS) jihadists.
The trip to Istanbul by Biden,
the highest ranking US official to
visit Turkey since Erdogan won
election as president after over a
decade as prime minister, comes
amid unusual tensions in the
traditionally strong relationship
between the two NATO allies.
Erdogan last month by suggesting
his policies in supporting Islamist
rebel forces in Syria had helped
encourage the rise of IS, a slight
that prompted the president to
warn his relationship with the US
number two could be “history”.
In talks late Friday with Prime
Minister Ahmet Davutoglu,
Biden agreed on the need to
“degrade and defeat IS” as well
as work to a “political transition”
in Syria, the US administration
said, without giving further
spent this morning on my balcony
in the Ryad Mogador Menzah hotel
in Marrakech pondering just how good
life is.
I was sitting there under a clear
blue sky on a warm day looking out
to the snow covered Atlas Mountains
smoking a Gitanes Blondes, sipping
a coffee and wondering how to fill in
the day.
There is a major global conference
on economics taking place here just
up the road from me but I am going
to skip.
This is in part because I have not
been invited – though I am sure I could
con my way past the security – but more
because I have a pressing engagement
any time I fancy this afternoon touring
some of the delightful bistros and bars
of Gueliz in the French quarter.
I am in too good a mood having
escaped the ice blasts of Ratho in
Scotland to sacrifice and afternoon
listening to some of the good and
the great getting depressed about the
falling price of oil.
The price of black gold may be
a bit depressing to governments in
the Middle East and Russia and has
certainly put the Scottish independence
brigade’s gas at a peep but here in
North Africa it’s probably good news
given that the locals import it rather
than produce it.
The other day I was sitting in
lovely little Italian coffee house just
opposite the venue for this conference
when a gentleman bearing a striking
resemblance to the governor of the
Central Bank of Bahrain strolled in.
I dismissed this on the grounds that
I was unaware there was an economic
exposition taking place at the other side
of Avenue Mohammed VI because I
was too busy people watching to have
noticed the heavy security and worried
looking bureaucrats clutching position
papers as they came and went.
Now I think it may well have been
Mr Al Maraaj and as I have not seen
him since the World Islamic Banking
conference at the Gulf Hotel last year I
feel I should have said hello.
That though sent me pondering the
good old days in Adliya.
In my first three days here I have
while been very impressed with this
ancient former capital of Morocco.
But one area where Bahrain is head
and shoulders above this city in when it
comes to taxis.
I have always regarded the
last parliamentary season’s great
achievement as ensuring that taxi
drivers in Bahrain used their meters.
Our legislators at the time soften the
blow for the taxi industry by hiking
the rate to a more reasonable level,
which allowed drivers to make a living
without reverting to ripping off the
travelling public.
But when I look back on rip offs I
faced from Bahrain’s taxis because I
looked like a dumb tourist I have to
come to the conclusion that the drivers
were children in the economic system
compared to the licensed bandits at the
airport in Marrakech.
On the meter it should have cost me
30 dinars to get into town but I had
already worked out this was going to
be a non-starter so I negotiated a deal
at 100 DH.
That was OK until it turned out my
bags were locked in the taxi boot and
that just five kilometres after agreeing
a price the tariff had jumped to 200dh.
I put it down to experience and have
not ventured into a cab since, though
one of the few people I have met in this
city with a command of the English
language did point out it was still a lot
cheaper than a licensed airport taxi
anywhere in the UK.
A reasonable point I have to admit.
More importantly I am having
to come to terms with the fact that
practically nobody in Morocco speaks
I am prepared to argue with anyone
until the cows come home that in my
youth the Scottish education system
was second to none.
But there is a flaw in this.
By the end of the sixties Scottish
school leavers went out into the world
with a fairly decent grasp of Einsteinian
physics, a worrying grasp of logarithms
and a reasonable knowledge of history
and geography.
After six years of French vocabulary
tests and instruction on the passé
historique I am not aware of anyone
who left my school with even a passing
ability to speak the language.
Understanding the structure of a
European language was apparently
an interesting academic exercise for
young minds. But when it came to
communication with Johnny foreigner
we took the view that English,
preferably at high decibels would do
the job.
The British Empire seems to have
missed out on North Africa when it
was conquering the world, which left it
to the French.
That may have left Marrakech with
some magnificent Parisian boulevards
which are splendid.
It also left them with a French two
pin electrical supply.
Now you try finding a shop that
sells a three pin adaptor out here let
along explaining what you are looking
for and you will appreciate I have had
some difficulty posting this column.
Nonetheless life is good, the Internet
is working and the sun is still shining.
There is a little booth waiting for me
in Rotisserie de la Paix where they sell
excellent seafood and a fine demi bottle
of Domaine de Sahari.
C’est la vie mes ami et bon soir.
(The views and opinions expressed
in this article are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the
policy or position of this newspaper.)
Middle east
Sunday, November 23 , 2014
Over 20 tribesmen
killed in ramadi
IS onslaught
he Islamic State jihadist
group killed at least 23
tribesmen during a major
attack in the Ramadi area,
a tribal leader and a police
officer said yesterday.
Parts of Anbar capital
Ramadi have been outside
government control since
January, but IS struck on
Friday with hours of shelling,
car bombs and attacks by
gunmen from four different
directions in a bid to take
more ground.
By yesterday, most of the
fighting was over, but clashes
were still taking place in
southern Ramadi, a city 100
kilometres (60 miles) from
Baghdad that is one of the last
major population centres of
Anbar still under government
Police Captain Qaysar
Al Hayani said IS militants
had besieged fighters from
the Albu Mahal and Albu
Fahad tribes in Al Sijariyah,
waited for them to run out
of ammunition, and then
executed 23.
Sheikh Omar Al Alwani,
Members of the Iraqi police special forces march as they parade in Iraq’s holy city of Najaf
before heading to fight IS group jihadists on November 19.
a commander of tribesmen
fighting IS, said about
15 jihadists infiltrated
Al-Sijariyah, east of Anbar
province capital Ramadi, by
pretending to be students
from elsewhere.
entered the area but were
then provided weapons by
collaborators and attacked,
killing 25 members of the
Albu Fahad tribe, Alwani
Both Alwani and Hayani
said Al Sijariyah had been
retaken, with more than two
dozen IS militants killed.
The defence ministry
issued a statement on
Al-Sijariyah, saying that
“violent clashes” took place
between security forces,
tribesmen and militiamen
on one side, and the jihadists
on the other.
Alwani said that fighting
also took place yesterday in
Al Hoz, an area in southern
Ramadi, while the other
attacks by the militants had
been held off.
Resisting IS has come at
a heavy price for some in
Anbar, with hundreds of
members of the Albu Nimr
tribe executed by the group
in areas the government was
unable to reach.
The government is now
distributing weapons and
ammunition to tribesmen in
the province, but the tribes
still want more air support,
especially from the US-led
coalition carrying out strikes
against IS.
The latest
fighting in the
Ramadi area
has been some
of the heaviest
since June, and
holding of the
attacks would
be a significant
victory for the
spearheaded a militant
offensive that has overrun
significant parts of Iraq
since June, and further gains
in Anbar in recent weeks
sparked warnings that the
province could fall entirely.
The latest fighting in the
Ramadi area has been some
of the heaviest since June,
and holding of the attacks
would be a significant
victory for the government.
Armed Islamist on video grew
up in small French village
From syria With love:
Channel claims record
ne of three Kalashnikovwielding
seen burning their French
passports on a propaganda
video this week grew up in
a small French village in
southern France, the mayor
said yesterday.
The 26-year-old, who goes
by the name of Abou Ossama
Al-Faranci in the Islamic State
(IS) Internet video, in fact was
said to be Quentin le Brun,
who left the village of some
1,400 people five years ago,
residents told the newspaper
La Depeche du Midi.
Serge Lafon, the mayor of
Labastide-Rouairoux, told
AFP that “many villagers
knew and recognised him.
“They are quite sure and
there’s been no denial by
relatives or anyone so there’s
youth channel owned by
Syrian state television claims
to have broken the record for the
longest non-stop chat show ever
broadcast, airing a programme
that ran 70 hours.
Two hosts, Areej Zayat and
Reine Neilah, broadcast the “From
Syria With Love” show on the
Talaqi channel from 9:00 pm local
time (1900 GMT) on Tuesday to
7pm on Friday.
The channel, based in central
Damascus, said it hoped the
performance would be recognised
by Guinness as an official world
The current record stands at 62
hours held by a channel in Nepal.
The broadcast, posted on
YouTube, features telephone callins, music and dancing.
“We wanted to send a message
through this programme that
An image grab taken from the propaganda video shows
Mickael Dos Santos, a jihadist believed to be a French citizen
and member of the IS group.
a 99 per cent chance it is him.”
The bearded blue-eyed
man seen on the video urging
Muslims to stage attacks in
France was reported to have
gone to school in the village
and have converted to Islam,
studying the Quran in a
Muslim centre in a private
A week ago another
Maxime Hauchard, appeared
in a grisly IS execution video. Around 1,000 people from
a wide range of backgrounds
Around 1,000
people from a
wide range of
have left France
to join jihadists
in Iraq and
have left France to join
jihadists in Iraq and Syria,
with 375 currently there.
Europeans are believed to
have left their homes to fight
on those fronts, according to
the European Union’s antiterrorist coordinator.
The channel,
based in central
Damascus, said
it hoped the
would be
recognised by
Guinness as an
official world
this country, beset by all kinds of
suffering, can send a message of
love to the world and that life goes
on for the Syrian people,” channel
director Maher Al-Khaouli told
AFP. Sunday, November 23, 2014
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Currency euro
Sell Cash Sell
Saudi Riyal indian
rupee 160.7717
211.4165 214.5923
Indian Rupee 137.9310 144.5087
sell Cash
sell Draft
london Rate
BD 212.
Bahrain (10gm) us
London (1 ounce)Oil
New York (1 ounce)
DT Business Desk
[email protected]
United Arab
was and
(UAE) are home
the Emirates
Price to
the (CPI)
the of
in October
last a
freedom among
Arab to
It stoodinternational
at 123 points,
ecothe nomic
data report
has by
of the
Arab World
2.6 report
percentis compiled
in October
by German
the same
of 2013,
shown by the
for asLiberty
in the
CPI from 119.9 Research
in Foundation
October 2013
to 123
of Oman
in October
The inflation
the Fraser
rate in consumer prices for the
leading public policy think tank.
period from January to October
ranked first
of 2014
was 2.7
pc, compared
period ofits2013,
score to
of 10 from
as shown
in the8.0.
UAE also
to 121.4
period from January to October
of 2014, up from 118.2 points
during the same period of 2013.
Even though, the “Food and
Beverage” group, “Furnishing,
Household equipment and
routine household maintenance
” group, “Telecommunication”
with Bahrain after ranking
second overall in 2011 with a
score of 7.9. Jordan moved into
spot frombyeighth
overall, improving its score to
2.6 percent in
7.9 from 7.4 last year, showed
the report.
The Economic Freedom of
the Arab World report comandpares“Miscellaneous
and ranks Arab nations
andfive areas
of economic
size of 0.5pc,
and enter“Transport”
group increased
prises; commercial
and ecoby nomic
and main
of propcontribution
erty rights; during
access October
to sound
2014 compared with October
money; freedom to trade inter2013 came from increase in
and regulation
of the following
credit, labour,
and business.
report Fuels”
may begroup
and Other
a PDF,“Health
free of charge,
by loaded
5.2pcas and
at www.freetheworld.com.
group by 6.6pc.
It is worth mentioning that
the Consumer Price Index
and the Inflation Rate issued
from the Central Informatics
precise methodology and
it also depends on the
basket of goods and services
Economic freedom is based
on the cornerstones of personal choice,
are collected
freedom to compete,
which andallows
rity of private calculation
the price
that with
als living accuracy.
in countriesThese
high levels of economic
is the
dom methodology
enjoy higher levels
greater source
longer life
inflation rates in the
The report The
is based selected
on data
of (the
from 2010
most within
year basket
available)ofbut the
also examofinesconsumer
more recentprices
data to mark
the reality of survey data
out trends for individual
of income and household
nations. This is crucial
representing all regions of
will Kingdom,
be whether but
the for
result in that
has or
account when choosing the
sources are representative,
i.e. it represents the point of
purchase to a large segment of
consumers in the Kingdom,
taking into account the
geographical distribution of
sources within the Kingdom.
economies in the region continue to stagnate.
The report measures available
data on economic freedom in 22
nations of the League of Arab
States, but due to data limitations, calculations of the overall
level of economic freedom are
only available for 16 jurisdic-
New York
Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt,
Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Mauritania, Morocco, Oman,
Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria,
Tunisia, and UAE. The rankings
are entirely based on third-party
data. The full data sets are available at www.freetheworld.com.
The report, which has been
presented since 2005, is one of a
number of regional reports
based in part or in whole on the
Economic Freedom of the
World Report, which ranks the
economic freedom levels of 144
CPI and the Inflation Rate issued by the Central Informatics Organisation follows a precise methodology.
Batelco expansion to meet global demand
network and beyond through
integrated reliable partners in various
services geographies.
“Batelco has strategically
provider, Batelco is employing
its experience and knowledge incorporated a range of valueto expand its varied services added services such as an online
to businesses of all sectors monitoring and reporting portal
around the globe. It has 21 and a competitive SLA (Service
active Point-of-Presence (PoP) Level Agreement) offering to
covering the Middle East region adequately match the business
and Europe. Batelco has been customers’
actively establishing a strong said Batelco Business Division
reputation in the Middle East General Manager Adel Daylami.
industry. Batelco has been approached by
The Group’s capabilities include many regional and international
Joint Ventures (JVs) and strategic businesses seeking to benefit
partnerships. The company’s from its proven ability of ensuring
portfolio includes International end-to-end reliable service
Private Leased Line (IPLC), commissioning and support.
MPLS and Ethernet services to Within this context, Batelco has
any country through its own provided connectivity for a range
An aerial view of the Bahrain Bay.
Mr. Daylami
of financial institutions and
MNCs across the region, Asia,
and Europe.
Zain Bahrain the telecom operator in the Kingdom, conducted a raffle draw during the breast cancer
awareness month. The raffle draw was a result of a quiz held by Zain Bahrain across its social media
platform. The lucky winner, Maryam Hasan Eid, was awarded ‘The Hope Bracelet’ from Al Zain Jewellery
purchased on behalf of the operator. The proceeds from the bracelets are donated to Think Pink. Seen
above, from left, Pakiza Abdlrahman Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Samya Husain Corporate
Communications Manager, winner Ms. Hasan Eid.
is expensive
He who
has great
power shouldto
it lightlyas well as to receive.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Bahrain based Financial Group
GFH yesterday announced its
Platinum Sponsorship of The 21st
Annual World Islamic Banking
Conference (WIBC 2014) to be
held in the Kingdom under the
patronage of HRH Prince Khalifa
Bin Salman Al Khalifa, The Prime
Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain. GFH will lend its support
to the Islamic summit and is also
backed by the Central Bank of
Bahrain and scheduled to be held
in the Kingdom from the 1st to
3rd of December.
GFH will be represented at the
event by a delegation of its senior
management team
headed by the bank’s
CEO, Hisham Al
Rayes, highlighting
GFH’s ongoing commitment to
supporting the industry’s growth.
The bank will also take part as an
exhibitor with a team of its regional relationship managers available
to present the bank’s regional and
international investment opportunities and projects to investors
and potential partners. The threeday event will focus on the growth
of the Islamic finance industry
over the past decade and its future prospects, despite economic
downturns globally.
Under the theme “Islamic Finance: Towards the New Paradigm Shift in Global Financial
Markets,” the conference will also
highlight key areas impacting Islamic finance and investing such
as regulatory, strategic, Shari’ah,
operational and risk transformation for the next phase of development. More than 1300 people
from the industry are expected to
attend the session.
Mr. Al Rayes
KPMG holds alumni meet
Banagas 37th Continuing Assessment to ISO 9001:2008 was carried out by the BSI
System assessors in October. The assessment was successful and the company was
recommended for continued certification. On the occasion, Dr.Shaikh Mohammed Bin
Khalifa Al Khalifa, Chief Executive, wished all employees every success and thanked
them for their commitment and outstanding performance towards achieving the goals
of the company.
RBS admits European
stress test blunder
he Royal Bank of Scotland has accepted
that it got its sums wrong over the European Banking Authority stress tests last month.
Revised figures revealed Friday showed that
instead of passing the test easily as initial
results from the exercise showed, the stateowned RBS had narrowly scraped through
and was the weakest performer among Britain’s banks. The crunch audit was aimed at
preventing a repeat of the crisis that nearly
led to the euro’s collapse. The stress tests ran
the banks through two different economic
scenarios to see whether their balance sheets
were healthy enough to withstand further economic shocks.
Under a baseline scenario, a bank’s core capital ratio, a measurement of financial strength,
must not fall below 8.0 percent. In the adverse
scenario, it must not fall below 5.5 pc. RBS’s
initial calculations initially resulted in a level
of 6.7 percent being reported. However, the
Edinburgh-based bank has now admitted that
part of its modelling had been wrong and this
should have been 5.7 percent -- barely above
the minimum. The error related to a 4.2 billion euro ($3.3 billion) overstatement of its
capital strength under the scenario. Shares
fell nearly one percent on Friday following the
disclosure. (AFP)
1UK Stg
100 Yen
PMG recently launched
its alumni network to
provide ex-employees with a
way of keeping in touch with
colleagues, sharing knowledge
and experience and networking with peers. The firm held its
first event on 19th November
to bring this group together.
Jaffar Al Qubaiti, Audit Partner for KPMG in Bahrain said;
“Since launching the Alumni
network, we have had a great
response from ex-KPMG staff
from around the world who
are now based in Bahrain. The
event provided an opportunity
for our alumni to re-connect
with ex-colleagues and to make
new contacts from a similar
professional background. Having this kind of informal forum
for sharing industry insight is
incredibly valuable for Bahrain’s business world and I enjoyed the evening very much”.
The event was held at the Intercontinental Regency Hotel
attended by over 90 people.
Bahraini Alumni member,
Nawaf A. AlMaskati and the
present Director of Sales and
Marketing at Maskati Bros and
Co, said, “KPMG’s Alumni
Program is an exciting initiative to rekindle relationships
with KPMG and KPMG alumni.” Alumni group members
will receive regular news and
industry information from
KPMG as well as being invited
to similar events in the future.
KPMG Alumni can contact
Khalid Seyadi at kseyadi@
Meet the UEFA EURO 2016™
Mascot with Kia
he official mascot for the
will be held in France from
10th June to 10th July 2016
according to the programme
sponsor Kia. The half-boy,
half-hero mascot, who has
the magic power to fly around
the globe and connect people
through the power of football, will appear at key events
for the UEFA EURO 2016TM
Tournament and meet football
fans from around the globe.
He will be featured with Kia
Sportage, the best-selling CUV
model in France.
Football fans can keep an
eye out for this little boy at
the UEFA EURO 2016TM
tournament. He is excited to
meet fans from around the
world and celebrate this international festival of football.
Video of the official mascot for
the UEFA EURO 2016 TM is
also available. In Bahrain, KIA
MOTORS cars are made available by Bin Hindi Motors, the
sole distributor of KIA Motors
in Bahrain. For details visit
showroom in Khamis where
customer friendly staff would
guide to take a test-drive.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
elecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA)
held Bahrain’s Child Online
Protection Challenge in collaboration with the International
Telecommunications Union,
ITU- Regional Cyber Security
Center and General Organisation for Youth & Sports in
honour of Universal Children’s
The event, which was led by
TRA Bahrain’s Cyber Security
Directorate, was organised with
the purpose of raising awareness of online safety issues
to children in order to better
equip them with how to use the
internet responsibly. The challenge itinerary covered various
team building games such as
a treasure hunt and charades
where the clues were lessons
on how to stay safe offline. Also
part of the itenirary was an art
exhibition and theatrical act
following the same themes.
Director of TRA Bahrain’s
Cyber Security Directorate,
Dr. Khalid bin Duaij Al Khalifa
said, “ We hope students to use
The event
was led by
TRA Bahrain’s
Cyber Security
the internet as responsible digital citizens in the online community, that they interact with
others online respectfully and
use the internet safely; reporting any suspicious behaviour
they encounter and to be cautious with their private information.” Cyber Security Specialist and manager of the COP
Challenge event, Ms Mariam
Al Mannai expressed happiness
over the outcome of the Child
Online Protection Challenge.
KFH-Bahrain sponsors Shari’a Conference
uwait Finance House - Bahrain (KFH-Bahrain) has
sponsored the 14th AAOIFI
Annual Shari’a Conference held
recently at the Diplomat Hotel.
The conference was held under
the auspices of Central Bank of
Bahrain and organised by the
Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial
Institutions (AAOIFI), the international organisation that formulates standards on accounting, auditing, ethics, governance
and Shari’a for the international
Islamic finance industry.
Managing Director and CEO of
KFH-Bahrain, congratulated the
newly appointed Secretary-General, Dr. Hamed Hassan Merah
on accepting the responsibility.
Mr. Alkhayyat said “This year’s
conference provided an essential forum to meet and discuss
various key issues among participants and specialists from Islamic
banks and financial institutions.”
Amongst the topics being
discussed at the conference
are: AAOIFI accounting standards in the context of global
Team KFH-Bahrain.
BIBF was named Educational Service Provider of the Year at the Gala Awards Presentation Night of
the inaugural Middle East Insurance Awards which took place in Dubai as part of the Middle East
Insurance Review. Above from right, Husain Al-Ajmi (Head of Centre for Insurance at BIBF), Hammam
Badr (Secretary General, Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers “FAIR”), and Solveig Nicklos
(BIBF Director)
convergence, challenges on
fully adopting International
Financial Reporting Standards
and the Accounting and Shari’a
Perspectives of Islamic Insurance. It also discussed the major features of Basel III and its
implication on Islamic finance
and the potential changes to
accounting standard on Ijarah
and Murabaha.
Dr. Khalid
ex qu is it el y
W e li ve in a so ci et y e an d te ch de pe nd en t on sc ie ncrd ly an yo ne
no lo gy , in w hi ch ha t sc ie nc e
kn ow s an yt hi ng ab ou
an d te ch no lo gy .
Carl Sagan
[email protected]
14 Sunday, November 23, 2014
Last month, fifty-six Year 8 students and six teachers from St Christopher’s School embarked on a camping adventure to Oman, which lasted for five days. The trip was hosted by GET Adventure
Travel and included many adventure sports such as abseiling, kayaking, mountain biking and trekking.
Students visit supermarket
U13 girls volleyball A
team in best form
he girls Under 13 Volleyball Team of St. Chris were very successful this season – winning both
the tournament and the league! The school competed against MKS, IKNS, Bahrain School and
the French School and emerged undefeated in both the league and the tournament. The team did
face a very close and exciting match at the end of the tournament, against MKS. They were beating
St Chris 22-13, but with determination and focus St Chris were able to catch up and eventually beat
them 28-30.
s part of the Design,
Technology and Science
learning, St Chris Year 4
students have been out on a field
trip to Alosra Supermarket and
Sadiq Farm. At the supermarket,
pupils investigated the different
types of fresh produce and how
food is prepared and stored, with
demonstrations in the butchery
and bakery departments. The
farm gave the children a chance
to explore and investigate how
different produce is grown.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The New Indian School (NIS) attained the third position in the girls under-14 category in the CBSE Cluster (Bahrain Chapter) Inter
School Chess Competition held at The New Indian School. The winners in this category were Vaamika Babu (Class V), Rohana
(Class V), Sophiya (Class VI), Angela Rodrigues (Class VII) and Mumtaz Fatima (Class VII).
The boys under 19 football team of the New Indian School(NIS) secured the first runners up position in the CBSE Cluster (Bahrain
Chapter) Inter School Football Championship. The team members were: Tehmeed Abdul Rahim Shaikh, Herry Luka, Famil
Abdulla, Khalid Mafaz, Aqeel Thasim, Shaz Salih, Sameer Ali, Umesh, Salman Basem, Hassan Ali, Vivek Vijayan, Ajith Sabu, Adnan
Bin Alavi, Sharooq Moh’d, Numan Bin Alavi, Hamza Mohamed, Mohammed Abdullah and Arun Santhosh.
The New Indian School secured the third position in the boys
under-19 category in the CBSE Cluster (Bahrain Chapter) Inter
School Tennis Competition held earlier this month at the
Indian Club. Director and Principal Dr. V. Gopalan applauded
the winners Khalid Mafaz of Class XI and Rukshan Perera of
Class XII for their sterling performance.
JC Bose House emerge winners
coring 392 points JC Bose House
emerged winners of the Indian
School Bahrain (ISB) Annual Sports
Day held in the Isa Town Campus of
the school. Vikram Sarabhai House,
which scored 342 points was placed
second and Aryabhatta House came
third with 333 points. CV Raman
House, which scored 298 points was
placed fourth in the 36th Annual Sports
Day. In the march past competition as
well, JC Bose won first place followed
by CV Raman House, Aryabhatta
House and Vikram Sarabhai House.
The following students won individual
championships: Sub Junior Girls
– Adila Isha (IV N) 21 Points -JC
Bose; Sub Junior Boys – Mohammed
Jameel (V P) 21 Points-Aryabhatta;
Junior Girls –Vincy Mathews (VI
C) 24 Points-Aryabhatta; Junior
Boys –Faheem Sameer(VI R)19
Points—J C Bose; Pre Senior Girls
–Gauri Dilip Menon( VII A)( 26
Points—J C Bose; Pre Senior Boys
–Anandhu Subramanyan (VIII D
)28 Points—C V Raman; Senior
Girls –Fathima Safina( IX C) 21
Points—Vikramsarabhai; Senior
Boys –Ashik Usman( X N) 21
Points—Vikramsarabhai; Super
Senior Girls—Cephra Fernandes
(XI M )21 Points—C V Raman;
Super Senior Boys—Joel Bernard
(XI R )24 Points—Aryabhata.
inaugurated by School Chairman
Abraham John and Principal
Palaniswamy in the presence of ViceChairman
R Pavithran, Secretary
Sambasivan Ramesh, Asst. Secretary Dr.
Ashraf, Member-Sports Stalin Joseph,
Members E A Salim, Rosaline Roy
and Thomas Abraham, Member and
Staff Representative Sreedevi Panicker,
Vice-Principals Maria Waltin and Dr.
Ashfaq Ahmad, Academic Co-ordinator
M S Pillai, staff and students.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
A large number of citizens turned up to exercise their franchise yesterday.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Industry and Commerce Minister Dr. Hassan Fakhro inspected Carrefour
Supermarket at the Bahrain City Centre to make sure that enough quantities
of goods are available in the market.
Apostolic Vicar of Northern Arabia Bishop Camillo Balin casting his vote
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Ce leb s
Arnold: It
was a war
with Stallone
Los Angeles
Sylvester Stallone are known
for their action and stunt
scenes and the former
says he hated the latter
for a decade.
“It was straight
out war in the
80’s between me
and Stallone.
competing with
each other on all
issues like who has
more muscles, who has
less body fat, who kills
most people on screen, who
has the most unique way of
killing people on screen and who
is getting what pay. I hated him for
a decade,” Schwarzenegger said at a
conference yesterday.
“It was in early 90’s when we
became friends. We were mature
enough to say that we have got to
stop this and then we had a great
time working together,” the 67-yearold actor added.
Los Angeles
lizabeth Banks has recently
revealed that Jennifer Lawrence
is obsessed with “close-up magic.”
The 40-year-old actress said
that Lawrence is in love with
David Blaine, ABC News
Bone actress can’t do
any magic, except
entrancing nations to
fall in love with her but
she really enjoys magic
tricks, she further
Bynes has real
medical issue:
Moore and Meryl
Los Angeles
ctor Alfonso Ribeiro says actress
Amanda Bynes, who grabbed
headlines recently for her erratic
behaviour, acted strangely on the set
of the film Love Wrecked in 2005.
In an interview with InTouch
magazine, Ribeiro, who was also
in the movie directed by Randal
Kleiser, opened up about the actress,
reports contactmusic.com.
“I think she has a real medical
issue. I did a movie with her about Alfonso
10 years ago and there was stuff wrong then. She’d just drift off. I’d be
like, ‘Uh, we’re having a conversation. Where’d you go?’,” the actor said.
Bynes was recently released from involuntary psychiatric hold for
the second time. She was also arrested for driving under the influence
Los Angeles
ctress Julianne Moore says she has always
admired Meryl Streep and credited the
65-year-old for inspiring her to become an actress.
“I can remember when Meryl Streep was on
the cover of Time magazine when I was in high
school, and I said to my dad, ‘I think I want to do this’.
She is just such a great actress. And she’s someone who
has managed to have a family, a marriage and a career,”
femalefirst.co.uk quoted Moore as saying.
Moore is currently seen in The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay - Part 1.
She is also being tipped to be a major force in the
Oscar race next year for her central performance in
Still Alice.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
of being
Los Angeles
ussell Crowe has recently
admitted that he is
extremely sensitive and that
probably the reason which
brings out some of his “less
attractive” qualities.
The 53-year-old actor has
earned himself a reputation
for being aggressive and
bad-tempered following his
involvement in a
string of clashes
during the early
2000s, including
famously being
charged with
assault in the
US for throwing
a telephone at a Crowe
New York hotel
employee, Stuff.co.nz reported.
The Gladiator star said that he
is a little bit intuitive, so he knows
from a handshake whether
somebody means me good or ill
and once he know he don’t want
to play that game anymore.
ctress Deepika
found herself in a
spot yesterday when
director Karan Johar
asked her opinion about
Katrina Kaif but she
handled the situation
deftly by praising the
Dhoom 3 star.
actress was asked to name a performance
by a female star that had impressed her
in recent times and she named Cate
Blanchett from Woody Allen’s Blue
Johar joked that it is always either
Sridevi or Blanchett for Deepika and then
quipped, “You loved Katrina in Dhoom
hesitation, Deepika praised
“She was fantastic (in
Dhoom 3). She is one of the most
hardworking people I have ever
known,” the Ram Leela actress said at
the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit
Deepika said she is competitive in a
healthy manner and does not let other’s
work affect her negatively.
“For me definition of competition is not
being negative, it does not mean to pull
somebody down. I am competitive but
in a healthy manner. I just compete with
myself and my previous films. Insecurity
can be used to improve yourself, it can
also be very productive. I think watching
somebody else’s film can inspire you to
do great work,” she said.
to host IFFI
closing ceremony
Las Vegas
inger Enrique Iglesias received three
trophies at the 15th annual Latin Grammy
Awards held at MGM Grand Garden Arena,
The singer accepted the awards from halfway around the globe from Antwerp, Belgium
after giving a speech via satellite on Thursday,
reports contactmusic.com.
IIglesias wasn’t able to pick up his honours
in person because he was busy in his ongoing
Sex and Love tour. He received the night’s
Best Urban Performance and Best Urban
Song prizes for his hit “Bailando”, and also
scored the coveted Song of the Year accolade.
The night was filled with 20 performances
from some of Latin music’s biggest artists,
including Pitbull, Chris Brown, Ricky Martin
and Marc Anthony.
Los Angeles
that she felt like an
“outsider” at school
because of her humble
“I think we’ve all felt
like an outsider at some
point in our lives, and
for me, especially as a child, I
felt the pressure of classism,”
femalefirst.co.uk quoted her
as saying.
“I would be embarrassed
for living in a trailer park,
and I would watch movies
and see characters that were
feeling things that I felt I
was experiencing. I felt
ctress Richa Chadha will host the closing ceremony
of the 45th International Film Festival of India
(IFFI) with actor Rajkummar Rao, who is also her
co-star in the film Words With God.
“I’m honoured to be hosting the closing ceremony
with my two-time co-star Rajkummar, not only because
it’s our international festival but also because our film
Words with God is being screened there,” Richa said in
a statement.
The 11-day festival was opened by megastar
Amitabh Bachchan in Goa o Thursday. Mira
Nair’s film Words With God will be
screened at the festival Monday.
understood through those
movies, and they became
my friends, in a way, and I
think the power of movies is
astounding in that way,” she
Swank began to feel
teenager when she started
getting attention for the way
she looked.
“I know that when I became
a teenager and all of a sudden
was looked at differently, it
was very uncomfortable. I
immediately put on overalls
and started wearing wool
socks because I didn’t want
to be looked at like that,”
she said.
Sunday, November 23 , 2014
by John Graziano
young man went to an astrologer to know about his future. The
astrologer saw his hand, made some calculations and said, “ Oh,
you will have a wonderful time for the next 5 years, enjoy all that you
craved for and will have full freedom to move about with whoever you
like. Special privileges indeed! “. The man enquired, “ How about my life
after these five years ? What’s in store ? “ The astrologer said, “ After that
you will get married !”
20th March 20th April
The possibility of
taking a trip by air
could present itself today.
The trip might be made with
friends or a group. If you’ve
been working on projects
connected with education
or publishing, this is the
day to move them
July 20th Aug
Friends or a group
could bring new and
exciting information
your way, perhaps involving career or educational opportunities. You
might explore combining artistic talents with
modern technology.
Invitations to related
social events could
follow. Accept as
many as you
can, Leo.
20th April - 20th May
The possibility to advance
your career through increasing
your technological skills may present
itself today. This could open doors for you
in a lot of directions, paving the way for
increased income. A number of new
contacts could come into your life,
bringing friendship and
VIRGO : 20th Aug
- 20th Sept
You’re likely to expect
a lot of visitors. This
should be an exciting
occasion, Virgo, and you
could go out of your way to
make this the best event
possible. It will probably
be worth it.
20th Nov - 20th Dec
Social events, possibly
involving groups, could put you
in touch with knowledgeable people
who could provide valuable information.
You might decide to go back to school
or otherwise advance your
20th May - 20th June
A number of social invitations could
come your way today, possibly connected
with groups you’re affiliated with. Accept as
many as you can handle, Gemini; you should
have a wonderful time, learn much that
fascinates you, and make some new
20th Sep - 20th Oct
Vast amounts of information
could come to you through email or
phone. Expect to hear from groups.
You could make new friends, Libra,
possibly in your neighborhood, as
changes could be taking place in
your community.
20th Dec - 20th Jan
A recent increase in
income might have given
you some extra time, and you
may be excited about the possibilities. Service to others is one,
Capricorn. Consider some
others, perhaps developing
a creative skill, before
moving ahead.
20th June - 20th
The latest equipment
might suddenly be
available to you. It’s likely
to make life easier and more
interesting. It could also open
doors to make new friends
and find new opportunities.
Increased income is
also a possibility.
20th Oct - 20th
Have you been
thinking about
expanding your computer
skills? If so, this is the day to
do it. You’re likely to discover
a lot of valuable information, as well as shortcuts
for accomplishing
your goals.
20th Jan - 20th
Information could
come your way today that starts you
thinking about new and revolutionary
ideas. Perhaps they involve modern
technology or social and political
issues. Opportunities to meet
new friends.
20th Feb - 20th
Unusual and
opportunities to better
your career could
come to you today
through friends. These
friends could provide
you with valuable
information about
making maximum
use of your
Sunday, November 23, 2014
1- “La Vie en Rose” singer; 5- Gives off; 10- Some DVD players;
14- Title bestowed upon the wife of a raja; 15- Mother of Isaac;
16- He sang about Alice; 17- Neighbor of Saudi Arabia; 18Yearly activity; 20- Courtyard; 22- Permit; 23- Summed; 24Parsley piece; 26- To and ___; 27- Mode; 30- Proposition; 34High regard; 35- Denials; 36- Mil. officers; 37- Served perfectly;
38- Spring up; 40- Apians; 41- Unit of weight; 42- Break, card
game; 43- Draw idly; 45- Abdomen; 47- An Irish girl; 48Function; 49- Measured with a watch; 50- Champagne buckets;
53- Part of ETA; 54- Growl angrily; 58- Spank; 61- Zeno of
___; 62- Comics canine; 63- Author Zola; 64- Sports figure; 65Psychic; 66- Discourage; 67- “Smooth Operator” singer;
Yesterday’s solution
1- Support; 2- ___ Camera; 3- Med school subj.; 4- Done;
5- Corner key; 6- Like some rebates; 7- Like some vbs.;
8- Diplomacy; 9- Doo-wop syllable; 10- Without pattern;
11- Gunk; 12- Winglike parts; 13- Auctioneer’s cry; 19Nostrils; 21- Mayberry moppet; 25- Love affair; 26- Liberty;
27- Exploits; 28- Cravat; 29- Dictation taker; 30- Not neg.;
31- ___ France; 32- Inscribed pillar; 33- City on the Ruhr;
35- Pinch; 39- Go, team!; 40- Daring; 42- Fresh; 44- Corrida
cheers; 46- Unlawful killing; 47- Ringlike formation;
49- Distinguishing characteristic; 50- Wall St. debuts; 51Mediterranean juniper; 52- Actress McClurg; 53- Words of
woe; 55- Neighbor of Sask.; 56- Went through, as the paper;
57- After the bell; 59- Marry; 60- Plop preceder;
Ruff day at the park
Hoy en la Historia
November 23, 1889
The world’s first “jukebox” was
installed in San Francisco. Users
listened through earphones to a
song played on a coin-operated,
wax cylinder phonograph
1994: A stampede at Nagpur, India,
killed 114 people after police batoncharged a crowd of 50,000 protesters
1997: Two New Zealanders won the
first ever ocean rowing race, from
Tenerife to Barbados, in 42 days
1999: U.S. First Lady Hillary Clinton
announced she would run for the U.S.
Senate for the state of New York
2009: The world’s largest mass
immunisation against yellow fever
began, targeting 12 million in Africa
Picture: Getty Images
n English bulldog in
Upstate New York is
pawsitively living up to
his rock star name.
Ozzy Pawsbourne the
Prince of Barkness quickly
became the viral of the
week after footage of him
swinging in a playground
hit YouTube on Tuesday.
Owner Jesse Citron - a
die-hard Black Sabbath
fan who hails from
Woodstock - admitted
to having reservations in
making the clip public,
fearing a possible animal
cruelty backlash.
But friends convinced
him otherwise and said
the video had to be shared.
Citron told Yahoo
News that he was playing
with his five-year-old
daughter, Sophie, at a
park in Kingston when
Ozzy took a liking to the
swing set.
They decided to put
him, and Sophie happily,
albeit gently, pushed Ozzy
While the video has
garnered almost 50,000
views, its biggest fan is
‘She asks to see the
video all the time because
she thinks it’s hilarious,’
Citron told Yahoo.
‘I thought maybe some
animal rights activist
might have a problem
with it.
‘But I had too many
friends tell me, ‘’That’s
hilarious, you’ve got to
put it up’’.’
Ozzy is still a pup, and
turned one in October.
shooting more videos.
How to play:
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column
down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.
Yesterday’s solution
Big Talk
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Fatima Bastaki
[email protected]
n artist, writer and
craftsman, Simon Lilly
was born and brought up
in Solihull in the English
Midlands and had been
trained as a sculptor and
printmaker at the University
of Edinburgh and Edinburgh
College of Art.
While Sue Lilly has been
working as a therapist and
teacher for over thirty years,
she has studied and practised
astrology, counselling, yoga,
crystal therapy, colour therapy,
nutrition and kinesiology.
For over twelve years she
ran a busy therapy clinic until
writing and teaching became
her priorities of choice.
Together as a couple, they
have come together to write
books and deliver courses that
cover a wide range of topics with
their practical techniques from
crystal therapy, colour healing,
tree spirit, runic knowledge to
medical astrology.
“We teach a variety of
ways to strengthen the energy
sources of our natural body to
better enable the body to cope
and heal by itself. We focus
on identifying what is best
for each individual and adopt
a method that suits their
needs. By finding out what
is appropriate for the body’s
own ability, we use the muscle
testing for our therapy.”
Simon: Holistic therapy as
a theory can feed confidence
to the mind but our therapy
is unusual in the sense that
we don’t need all the whys
to a person’s life in order to
understand how to help them
heal as it is not always relevant.
We are merely allowing
someone’s own energies to
become less confused to do its
own coping healing work.
It all started out when
Simon and Sue visited some
therapy classes in their area,
visiting classes allowed them
to develop their skill. Sue
Lilly was training to be a yoga
teacher but then she found
her profound passion to be an
“Thankfully our teachers
have taught us to offer help by
discussing different methods
to guide them on their
practical uses.”
Holistic therapy as a theory
can feed confidence to the
mind but our therapy is
unusual in the sense that
we don’t need all the whys
to a person’s life in order to
understand how to help them
heal as it is not always relevant.
- Simon
How do you self-identify as
professionals, given the fact
that you cover a wide range
of expertise?
Simon: As an artist, I see
myself as a craftsman. But
nowadays, we are widely
known for being lecturers and
writers. A lot of writers tend to
use their intuition to evaluate
peoples’ needs, we prefer not
to be too specific and instead
work with the individual.
Sue: I strongly identify
myself as more of an astrologer,
despite it being quite an effort
it doesn’t drain me afterwards.
Even though we are considered
healers, I prefer not to imply
that people are impaired when
we say we are healers.
How have people reacted to
your field of expertise?
Simon: We find skeptics
everywhere. We meet a
variety of knowledgeable
people on the subject as well
as a non-experience audience.
But we see results in people
anyway; people are always
nourished by the notion that
they are capable of doing it
We’re not here to promote
our field to people; some
therapies tend to suit people
more than others. We’re here
to provide what people don’t
have and need to clarify what
they want.
Sue: There is a lot of
glamorous images attached
to our field of work, people
can be initially intrigued but
their fascination disappears
as soon as they have tried it.
Then there are skeptics who
try it anyway and don’t come
back, but I feel like they are
all looking for something they
can find from this therapy.
I was once asked to go
to television, where they
expected to be dress like a
glamorous astrologer. I said,
Simon and Sue Lilly
‘No, you are not going to
stereotype me.’ People tend
to expect that people from
my field can’t be grounded,
where they expect more than
what we are.
What inspires you to work
with your passion?
Simon: Knowing that
helping an individual can
potentially mean they can
help others which may reflect
a happier environment for
people in general.
Sue: Everything about the
natural world inspires me to
work with its tools, to help me
break down the complications
into simple steps for people.
Please join Simon and
Sue Lilly from their range
of workshops everyday this
week, where they introduce
pendulum healing and
crystal therapy to topics
like how to work with runes
in Elite Grand Hotel and
Country Mall.
Scandal undermining Rousseff’s
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Critics urged to ‘pass a bill’ on immigration
Las Vegas
bama urged Congress to
pass comprehensive immigration reform as he used
his weekly address yesterday to
again defend his unilateral action shielding millions of undocumented immigrants from
deportation. “I still believe
that the best way to solve this
problem is by working together
–- both parties –- to pass that
kind of bipartisan law,” Obama
said in his weekly radio and
television address, referring to
a wide-ranging overhaul that
had passed the Senate but was
blocked in the House of Representatives. “That bill would
have secured our border, while
giving undocumented immigrants who already live here a
pathway to citizenship if they
paid a fine, started paying their
taxes, and went to the back of
the line,” the president said,
speaking from the Las Vegas,
Nevada high school where he
launched his immigration reform efforts two years ago.
“But until that happens, there
are actions I have the legal authority to take as President -the same kinds of actions taken
by Democratic and Republican
Presidents before me -- that
will help make our immigra-
Obama’s controversial overhaul was
praised by many
immigration rights
Gas blast at luxury London hotel
ourteen people were injured at a five-star London hotel overnight after an
explosion in the basement
believed to have been caused
by a gas leak, emergency services said yesterday. About
500 guests had to be evacuated following the blast at
The Churchill Hyatt Regency
hotel shortly before midnight
on Friday, London Fire Brigade said. Five of the injured
required hospital treatment,
including two men with leg
wounds, London Ambulance
Service added. It was un-
clear if the injured were hotel
guests. The evacuated guests
were found rooms nearby,
the hotel said. “The explosion
was in the hotel basement
which has caused extensive
damage to the basement
and the ground floor. Five
cars in a neighbouring street
were also damaged,” the fire
brigade said. It added: “The
cause of the explosion is being investigated but is believed to have been caused by
a suspected gas leak.” Workers from the National Grid
energy network company are
Time to act on energy security
S Vice President Joe
Biden yesterday told
Europe it was time to act on
improving its energy security, warning of Russia’s “track
record” in using energy supplies as a weapon. Speaking
at an Atlantic Council meeting in Istanbul, Biden said
Europe needed to step up efforts to “ensure diversification” away from Russian oil
and gas imports. He said the
crisis in Ukraine had again
showed up “Russia’s track
record in using energy supplies as a form of a political
tion system more fair and more
just,” he insisted. Obama’s controversial overhaul, praised by
many immigration rights activists, provides three-year relief
for millions of undocumented
people who have lived in the
country for more than five years
and have children who are US
citizens or legal residents. According to the president, it also
channels more resources to the
US border with Mexico and
shifts deportation priorities toward expelling felons.
Wasting little time, the president signed two elements of the
orders on Friday. Republicans
have heaped scorn on the plan,
calling it “executive amnesty,”
“illegal” and “unconstitutional,” bringing tensions between
Washington’s warring camps to
a boil.Obama said he had “one
answer” for critics who allege
he overstepped his authority:
“Pass a bill. The day I sign it
into law, the actions I’ve taken
to help solve this problem will
no longer be necessary.” Mean-
while, he defended his reforms,
saying “nothing about this action will benefit anyone who
has come to this country recently, or who might try and
come to America illegally in the
future,” and noting that it does
not offer a path to citizenship.
“It’s certainly not amnesty, no
matter how often the critics say
it,” he said. “Amnesty is the immigration system we have today -- millions of people living
here without paying their taxes,
or playing by the rules.”(AFP)
Thousands march against abortion in Spain
ens of thousands of Spaniards rallied in Madrid yesterday threatening to punish the
government in elections next
year unless it revives a plan to
restrict women’s access to abortion. Waving white flags with
the slogan “Every life counts”,
demonstrators of all ages from
across the country marched
through the capital, whistling
angrily as they passed the headquarters of the ruling Popular
Party. “Killers! Abortionists!”
some yelled. “Yes to life, no
to abortion!” Prime Minister
Mariano Rajoy had promised
before he was elected in 2011
to tighten Spain’s abortion law,
but he dropped the plan last
September due to disagreement within his own party.The
architect of the reform, Alberto
Ruiz-Gallardon, resigned as
Rajoy’s justice minister.
The retreat angered many
of the party’s supporters, who
threatened to abandon him in
the general election due a year
Anti-abortion supporters take part in a march in Madrid yesterday.
from now. “Rajoy, we may not
vote,” read a huge white banner
at Saturday’s march. “I am disappointed. This may change the
vote,” said Jose Vicente Romero,
50, a PP activist who travelled
several hours from Alicante
with a group from his church.
“Abortion is not a right. Abortion is a tragedy,” said Romero,
a red and yellow Spanish flag
resting on his shoulder.
would have ended a woman’s
right to freely opt for an abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy, standard in much of Europe.
He proposed to allow abortion
only in cases of rape reported to
the police, or a medically certified threat to the mother’s physical or psychological health.
The controversy prompted angry street demonstrations by
supporters and opponents of
the reform. Among Saturday’s
demonstrators was Amparo
Bonastre, a 17-year-old schoolgirl who came by bus from the
eastern city of Valencia.
“It does not affect me personally because I would never have
an abortion. But if there were
a reform, lots of people would
be allowed to live, without having their lives cut short,” she
said. “Life must be defended.”
The anti-abortion groups that
organised the rally demanded
that the government resurrect
the reform and improve adoption procedures. “The government and its party are betraying
their electoral commitments
and their voters,” they wrote in
a manifesto. Dropping the reform “would confirm the total
lack of protection for the two
victims of abortion: the unborn
child, who lacks judicial protection, and the mother, who is
given no alternative”.(AFP)
weapon against neighbours”.
“It’s a huge strategic problem,” he told the conference.
Biden said that Russia
“will and should remain” a
major supplier of energy to
Europe. But he said: “Russia can be a player but must
play by the rules of the
game. It cannot play with
the game.” He applauded
steps by EU states like
Lithuania and Slovakia in
diversifying their supplies
but said “we cannot rest on
our laurels, we have to finish
the job”. “Now is the time to
act,” he said.
Father arrested in child drug mule
Colombian father was
arrested yesterday on
suspicion of forcing his
11-year-old daughter to
swallow 104 cocaine-filled
capsules and trying to use
her as a drugs mule. On the
run since the girl was hospitalized last week, Diego
Fernando Mancilla Aguilar
was sought on charges of
attempted murder, using a
minor to commit a crime
and for drug trafficking,
prosecutors said. He was arrested in a country house
about 30 kilometers (20
miles) from his hometown
of Cali, in western Colombia.
Authorities had offered a
reward of more than $9,000
-- more than 30 times Colombia’s minimum monthly
wage -- for the man’s capture.
Last weekend, the girl complained of pain when she returned to her mother’s house
after spending time with her
‘Anti-Barbie’ doll goes on sale
he’s short, brunette, has
an average body shape
and can even be given cellulite and acne: the ‘antiBarbie’ doll is ready to go
on sale in the United States.
The brainchild of 26-yearold graphic designer Nickolay Lamm, the “Lammily”
doll will begin shipping next
week with the sales pitch
that “average is beautiful.”
Lamm told AFP he came up
with the idea after searching
for a doll to buy as a gift and
discovering that “all the dolls
looked like supermodels.”
“There’s nothing wrong with
being a supermodel but I just
had the impression that the
wall of supermodels suggests
that something is wrong
with you if you don’t look
like one,” Lamm explained.
“I created an alternative
to suggest that it’s okay to
not look like a supermodel,
it’s okay to look like a normal person.” Lamm based
the physique of his doll
from statistics provided by
the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
(CDC), calculating that the
“average” 19-year-old was
five feet, four inches (163.3
centimeters) tall, weighed
150 pounds (68 kilograms)
and measured 33.5 inches
(85 centimeters) around the
West exposed
Sunday, November 23, 2014
month after winning reelection, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is battling
the toughest of starts to her second term with a huge corruption scandal at state-owned oil
giant Petrobras threatening to
engulf her government. Investigators are looking into claims
by a detained former Petrobras
director that politicians, mostly
presidential allies, received billions of dollars in kickbacks
financed by cash creamed from
inflated contracts. There is no
suggestion Rousseff was involved in the money-making
scheme and she has vowed to
support the wide-ranging investigation. But analysts warn
the scandal is in danger of overshadowing her priorities -- top
of which are reviving an economy bogged down in recession
and cementing welfare advances from her first term, while
Brazil is also in desperate need
of infrastructure upgrades.
“This is the biggest corruption case in the country’s history, its political and economic
consequences remain unpredictable,” Gil Castello Branco,
head of Brazil’s Open Accounts
transparency watchdog, told
AFP. The alleged payment of
nearly four billion dollars in
kickbacks to the ruling Workers Party (PT) and other political parties, as well as executives
of construction companies and
intermediaries, has dwarfed a
cash-for-payments scandal of
United Nations
he United Nations adopted the first-ever
resolution calling on governments to stop child marriages, despite misgivings from
countries who had hoped to
include sex education as key
to preventing the practice.
About 15 million girls worldwide become child brides
each year and globally, more
than 700 million women were
married before the age of 18.
Unless action is taken, some
1.2 billion girls will be married by 2050, says the Girls
Not Brides coalition of nongovernmental organizations.
Niger, Bangladesh and India have high rates of child
marriages, but Zara Rapoport from the child rights
group Plan said forced marriages are also prevalent in
immigrant communities in
developed countries. The
resolution presented by
Canada and Zambia urges
all states to enact laws to prevent and end forced marriages for girls, and links child
marriages to development
and poverty.
Female genital mutilation
prosecutions launched
uinea-Bissau will try six
people for female circumcision, a judicial source
told AFP yesterday, in the
west African nation’s first
prosecutions since the practice was outlawed three years
ago. The defendants, all of
whom have appeared at preliminary court hearings since
Thursday, are said to believe
the practice is in keeping
with their Islamic faith. The
source said the defendants,
two people who carried out
the circumcisions and four
parents, were accused of mutilating seven young girls. No
further details were avail-
a decade ago. That first scandal, dubbed “Mensalao” -- or
monthly stipend -- involved
cash payments totaling $50
million to persuade politicians
to back government legislation.
As a result, 25 people, including a clutch of top PT officials,
were jailed. But the snowballing
Petrobras case is in an entirely
different league. Just before she
secured her election win last
month in a bitter run-off, a conservative magazine published
allegations by detained former
Petrobras executive Paulo Roberto Costa accusing Rousseff
-- a former Petrobras board chair
Petrobras case is
in an entirely different league.
-- of knowing about the kickbacks. She denied it and vowed
Thursday not to interfere with
the wide-ranging investigation.
“I do not have, never have had
and never will have any tolerance
for corruptors or the corrupt. We
want the investigation to be total,” she said, vowing that “Brazil will emerge much stronger
HK democracy movement split
Hong Kong
ong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters are at a
crossroads -- as public support
fades after nearly two months
of mass sit-ins and gridlocked
traffic, activists are split on
whether to retreat or ramp
up their campaign. With little
hope of fresh dialogue between
protesters and government,
the spectacle of a small faction
smashing up a side entrance
to Hong Kong’s legislature on
Wednesday left a sour taste in
a city where criminal damage is
extremely rare.
And a thwarted attempt by
student leaders to fly to Beijing
and take their demands for free
elections to China’s authorities
did little to alter cooling public
“The majority are against
it. What they are asking for is
reasonable, but it’s causing a
UN moves to prevent
child marriage
Pro-democracy protesters stage an occupy protest outside the British
hindrance (to traffic),” said a
65-year-old gardener who gave
his surname as Mo, waving a
sprinkler as he tended to plants
in public gardens around the
main Admiralty protest site.
“There are many other ways
to do it,” he said. “People have
to make a living. I don’t know
that much, but many people
agree with me,” he added.
Demonstrators are demanding
free elections for the city’s next
leader, but Beijing insists that
candidates for the 2017 leadership vote must be vetted by a
loyalist committee.
Sit-ins and rallies at key in-
from this process, for having
respected the rules of the state
of law we live in.” Despite her
combative response, new allegations emerge daily regarding
a scandal which Costa says saw
“political agents,” including PT
officials and members of coalition allies, receive three percent of the value of over-priced
contracts. Some of his evidence
to a judge found its way onto
YouTube. “The accusations
negatively impact expectations regarding the economy,”
Rafael Cortez, analyst with
Tendencias consultancy, told
tersections have brought traffic
to a standstill and diverted buses and taxis, leaving commuters
and local businesses irate. In a
reflection of residents’ growing frustration, the protests
have suffered a steady drop in
popular backing -- 83 per cent
of respondents in a Hong Kong
University poll of 513 people
said this week they want the occupation to end, and just over
60 percent declared the government should clear the protest
areas. A similar study by the
Chinese University of Hong
Kong conducted a month ago
suggested just 35.5 percent of
802 respondents were opposed
to the occupation.
Since late September, a tent
city has sprung up around the
city government’s headquarters, sprawling across a main
thoroughfare in the downtown
Admiralty district, which now
boasts an outdoor gym, study
area, medical tent and art installations.(AFP)
able. The government-run
National Committee for the
Abandonment of Harmful
Practices, which brought the
complaint, said it hoped the
group would get long sentences, although they have
yet to be convicted. The committee’s spokesman Fatima
Djau Balde said he hoped
the prosecutions would “be a
lesson to those still thinking
of perpetuating this harmful and retrograde practice”.
Female genital mutilation
(FGM) is usually carried out
on girls between infancy and
age 15. It can cause infections
and, later, infertility and
childbirth complications.
Hackers empty Mexican
town’s coffers
ackers left a small Mexican town penniless
after breaking into its bank
accounts and stealing more
than $500,000, officials said
yesterday. The theft took
place on November 11, when
33 transfers were made from
six accounts that the eastern
town of Ursulo Galvan had in
the Mexican branch of Spain’s
Banco Santander, the town
treasurer said. “To state clearly, they left us without one
cent,” Mayor Cesar Dominguez told AFP. Officials in the
town of 26,000 blamed errors
in the bank’s security system.
Bank representatives could
not be immediately reached
for comment.
Gambia urged to drop life
sentences for gays
ights campaigners called
yesterday for Gambian
President Yahya Jammeh to
reverse laws introducing a
new crime of “aggravated homosexuality” punishable by
life imprisonment. Amnesty
International and Human
Rights Watch said in a joint
statement that the new criminal code signed by Jammeh
on October 9 could be used
to target “repeat offenders”
and people living with HIV.
“The new law treats consen-
sual, private sexual activity
between adults of the same
sex -– which should not be
a crime –- in the same way
as rape and incest,” Steve
Cockburn, Amnesty’s deputy
regional director said in the
statement. “The vague and
imprecise provisions of this
law could be used to arrest
and detain anyone who is
believed to be gay or lesbian,
and contributes to the already
severe climate of hostility and
fear for LGBTI people in the
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Russia regime change West’s real aim in Ukraine row
Katherine HADDON
ussia yesterday accused
the West of seeking regime
change in Moscow, raising tensions over the Ukraine conflict
in the worst crisis in relations
since the end of the Cold War.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke out against Western
sanctions on Russia after US
Vice President Joe Biden hinted
on Friday at possible further
measures over Moscow’s “unacceptable” role in the former
Soviet republic. Kiev’s defence
minister charged yesterday that
there were 7,500 Russian troops
in eastern Ukraine, although
Russia denies claims that it provides military support to proMoscow separatists battling
government forces. “The West
is showing unambiguously that
they do not want to force (Russia) to change policy. They want
to achieve a change of regime,”
Lavrov said in Moscow.
“Now public figures in Western countries are saying that it’s
necessary to introduce sanctions that would destroy the
economy and rouse public protests,” he added in comments
cited by the state-run TASS
news agency. The United States
and European Union have imposed several rounds of sanctions on Moscow over Ukraine,
targeting the key energy, defence and finance sectors.
As a result, the ruble has lost
just under a third of its value
against the euro since the start
of the year. In Kiev on Friday,
Biden accused Russia of failing
to honour a peace agreement
signed in September, which in-
United States
and European
Union have
imposed several
rounds of
resentatives of Russian armed
forces in Ukraine destabilises
the situation and prevents us
from stabilising it,” Poltorak
said. A European government
source speaking on condition
of anonymity put the number
of Russian tanks in eastern
Ukraine at 140, highlighting
“pressure” on the port city of
Seizing Mariupol would
be vital to any separatist plan
to create a land corridor between the Russian border and
Crimea, a region which Russia annexed from Ukraine
earlier this year. Ukrainian
military spokesman Andriy
Lysenko said it did not have
clear figures to corroborate
that number but pointed to
the presence of a range of
other military hardware as
well. Ukraine’s new coalition
declared Friday that joining
NATO was a priority, stipulating that a law be passed by
the end of the year confirming the intention to push for
Americans urged to stop wasting food
n the run-up to Thanksgiving, a holiday to celebrate
bountiful harvests, Americans
are being urged to stop wasting
food so much. Some 34 million pounds (15.4 million kilograms) of food is thrown away
in the United States every year,
the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) said yesterday.
That represents 21 percent of
all food produced, harvested
and purchased -- food that is
worth an estimated $1.3 billion, at a time when one in six
Americans face hunger. The
EPA launched a social media
campaign this week to draw
attention to the link between
food waste and greenhouse gases produced when unwanted
food ends up in landfills. Such
waste is a significant source of
methane, which the EPA on its
website says has “21 times the
global warming potential of
carbon dioxide.”
“There are actions that individuals and businesses can take
to protect the environment,”
EPA assistant administrator
Mathy Stanislaus told reporters.
The typical American family of
four, he said, could save $1,600
a year by reducing their food
waste. On Friday the federal
government agency teamed up
with prominent Washington
area chef and restauranteur
Cathal Armstrong, who demonstrated how ingredients that
a homemaker might throw
away can be put to good use.
“The trashcan is the last,
last, last resort,” said the Irishborn chef as he whipped up a
lobster bisque in a kitchen adjoining an ongoing exhibition
about food around the world
strong 6.2 magnitude
earthquake struck central Japan late yesterday, the
US Geological Survey said,
flattening houses, as media
reported 15 people were
briefly trapped under collapsed buildings. The quake
struck at 10:08 pm local time
(1308 GMT) at a depth of 10
kilometres (six miles) at the
epicentre, in the north of
Nagano Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo, according to
USGS. Television footage
showed flattened wooden
houses, a mudslide blocking
a road and books fallen off
shelves. The Japan Meteorological Agency measured the
quake at magnitude 6.8. “It’s
quite a strong earthquake for
an inland one,” an official at
the Japanese agency told a
midnight press conference.
“We are worried about the
extent of damage to houses
and buildings,” he said, adding that residents should
also be on alert for possible
landslides as mountainous
areas were the hardest hit.
The quake toppled at least
three houses in Hakuba Village, Nagano Prefecture,
local police said, injuring
one resident. No further details were immediately confirmed. Public broadcaster
NHK said 15 residents were
temporarily trapped under
the houses but all of them,
including the injured person
and a two-year-old toddler,
were rescued.
Hungary teachers protest
against reforms
cluded a now tattered ceasefire
for eastern Ukraine. “So long as
that continues, Russia will face
rising costs, greater isolation,”
he added.
Some 4,300 people have been
killed in the conflict in seven
months, according to the United Nations, including 298 who
died when Malaysia Airlines
flight MH17 was shot down in
July. Nearly 1,000 people have
died since the ceasefire came
into effect. Lavrov’s comments
came after Ukraine’s Defence
claimed Russia had thousands
of troops in the east and vowed
that the cash-strapped country
would boost its military capacity. “The presence of 7,500 rep-
6.2 quake hits central Japan
at the National Geographic
museum. While 40 percent
of food waste comes from
households, 60 percent originates from businesses and institutions, such as restaurants,
food retailers and hospitals.
Armstrong, who oversees four
successful restaurants and
published a cook book earlier
this year on Irish food, said an
eatery that wastes food is almost sure to go under. He lamented the failure of culinary
schools to teach aspiring chefs
the economics of using every
ingredient to the maximum
extent possible.
housands of Hungarian teachers demonstrated in Budapest yesterday against Prime Minister
Viktor Orban’s government,
demanding a stop to funding cuts and dialogue over
controversial education reforms. The approximately
2,000 teachers said they
have been excluded by the
government from talks on
an overhaul of Hungary’s
education sector since Orban took power in 2010.
The protest’s main organisers, the Teachers’ Union
of Hungary (TUH), also
urged parliament not to
accept the proposed 2015
budget that goes to vote
in December. “Spending
cuts in the budget would
lead to mass layoffs, school
closures, and less children
staying in school,” Gallo
Istvanne, TUH head told
AFP before handing over
a petition at the Ministry
calling for more dialogue
with the government. Andris Kovesdy, a 36-year-old
secondary school teacher,
told AFP that if the reforms
and cuts continue he would
not send his two young
children to school. “Noone from headmasters to
parents has any say on anything anymore. Everything
is centralised,” he said.
General accused of coup
bid leaves Lesotho
he renegade general
accused of leading a
failed coup attempt in Lesotho has left the kingdom
along with two of his rivals
as part of a deal to restore
security, the South African
mediator said yesterday.
Lieutenant General Tlali
Kamoli is under investigation for treason and murder following the August 30
putsch, which saw the military attack several police
installations and the prime
minister’s residence, killing
one police officer. Kamoli
as well as a rival general,
Maaparankoe Mahao, and
Lesotho police commissioner Lhotatso Tsooana
left the small mountain
kingdom on Friday for
“working visits” in Uganda,
Sudan and Algeria, respectively, said South African
Deputy President Cyril
Ramaphosa in a statement.
“This is an important confidence building measure
in returning the country
to security stability as this
will add to the creation of
a climate that is conducive
for elections to take place in
February 2015,” Ramaphosa said. Early last month,
Ramaphosa as mediator
for the Southern African
Development Community
(SADC) in the Lesotho crisis, helped broker a political
agreement that re-opened
parliament for the first time
since June and pushed forward national elections by
more than two years.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
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Sunday, November 23, 2014
NISSAN XTERRA, 2010 model
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FORD FOCUS, 2006 model for
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Contact: 36065004
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MASERATI Quattroporte, 2005
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NISSAN SUNNY, 2003 model
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GMC ACADIA, 2008 model for
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Contact: 35580622
NISSAN ALTIMA, 2012 model
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Reservations: + 973 17728699
1. Placethesplitpeas,onion,tomatoes,ginger,ground
cumin, turmeric, crushed garlic, curry leaves and
2. Season the dal generously with salt and freshly
ground black pepper. Just before serving, heat the
oil in a saucepan.When the oil is very hot, add the
garlic is golden-brown and the cumin smells toasty
dhal, scatter with the remaining green chilli, then
Contact: 39541177
NISSAN ALTIMA, 2005 model
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NISSAN ALTIMA, 2012 model
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Contact: 39541177
KIA CARNIVAL, 2004 model for
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Contact: 33718885
model for sale. KM 220000, engine Size 3001-4000CC. Price
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HONDA CR-V, 1998 model
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2000 model for sale. KM 150000,
engine Size 4000+CC. Price BD
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HONDA ACCORD, 2005 model
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Size 2001-3000CC. Price BD
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CITROEN C4, 2006 model for
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model for sale. KM 127000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price
BD 2,500. Contact: 33055827
NISSAN ARMADA, 2004 model
for sale. KM 173000, engine
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Contact: 39977886
AUDI A1, 2011 model for sale.
KM 42000, engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 6,500. Contact: 38383409
model for sale. KM 94400, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price
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MAZDA 3, 2008 model for sale.
KM 100000, engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 2,500. Contact: 35104654
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FORD FOCUS, 2004 model for
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Contact: 35392897
model for sale. KM 79000, engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price
BD 2,200. Contact: 35004377
FORD FOCUS, 2004 model for
sale. KM 173000, engine Size
1000-2000CC. Price BD 1,150.
Contact: 35392897
BMW 3-SERIES, 2008 model
for sale. KM 96000, engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 7,200.
Contact: 39265885
CHRYSLER 300M/300C, 2003
model for sale. Engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 1,100.
Contact: 33558876
NISSAN ALTIMA, 2008 model
for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 2,800. Contact: 36100026
MAZDA CX-9, 2008 model for
sale. KM 177000, engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 4,800.
Contact: 36991412
TOYOTA SOLARA, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 4,200. Contact: 38333612
LEXUS for sale, 1994 model
for sale, engine Size 30014000CC. Price: BD 900 Contact: 39787787
model for sale, engine Size
2001-3000 CC. Price BD 2,250.
Contact: 35392897
HONDA ACCORD, 2007 model for sale. KM 112000, price
BD 3,400. Engine Size 20013000CC. Contact: 33936825
model for sale, engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 1,900.
Contact: 32229226
HONDA ACCORD, 2009 model
for sale. KM 92000, Engine Size
2001-3000CC. Price BD 4,500.
Contact: 36485501
BMW 3-SERIES, 2007 model
for sale. Engine Size 30014000CC. Price BD 6,300. Contact: 39787898
model for sale. KM 190000, Engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price
BD 1,750. Contact: 39754346
TOYOTA ECHO, 2004 model
for sale. KM 150000, Engine
Size 1000-2000CC. Price BD
1,450. Contact: 39435292
KIA SPORTAGE, 2006 model
for sale. Engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 2,200. Contact: 39900609
BMW 7-SERIES, 2005 model
for sale. KM 112000, Engine
Size 3001-4000CC. Price BD
4,800. Contact: 33467388
BMW 3-SERIES, 2008 model
for sale. KM 95000, Engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 4,200.
Contact: 39826557
BMW 7-SERIES, 2007 model
for sale. KM 144000, Engine
Size 4000+CC. Price BD 5,800.
Contact: 33741525
LEXUS IS-SERIES, 2006 model for sale. Engine Size 20013000CC. Price BD 5,300. Contact: 36611106
FORD GT, 2006 model for sale.
Engine Size 3001-4000CC.
Price BD 4,300. Contact:
HONDA CIVIC, 2002 model
for sale. Engine Size 10002000CC. Price BD 1,350. Contact: 33855420.
model for sale. KM 114000, Engine Size 1000-2000CC. Price
BD 2,950. Contact: 39423886
CADILLAC SRX, 2004 model
for sale. KM 10000, Engine Size
4000+CC. Price BD 3,500. Contact: 33114486
model for sale. Engine Size
3001-4000CC. Price BD 2,500.
Contact: 33878520
[email protected]
Reaching the right audience
Sunday, November 23, 2014
DT News Network
ahrain yesterday completed their adventure at the
Fourth Asian Beach Games in
Thailand on a high note, adding a gold medal to their overall tally. On the penultimate
day of the Games, Bahrain
took the bodybuilding competition’s Fly Weight category
gold medal through young
bodybuilder Ali Abdulrasool.
The 25-year-old Bahraini (19
points) came on top in this
category to edge out Thai
opponent Phanorn Onnim
(36) who was second, while
Japan’s Takahiro Mizoguchi
(44) rounded off the podium.
Shaheen Ibrahim Didi (67)
of Maldives was fourth, followed by China’s Junqing (73)
fifth and Mohamed Moosa of
Maldives (80) sixth positions.
Abdulrasool’s medal lifted
Bahrain into the top 10 in the
medal tally with seven in total,
including five gold and two
There could have been
more joy for Bahrain, but the
beach handball team lost their
bronze-medal game to Pakistan 1-2 on penalties. Pakistan
started this two-halves match
well and captured the first
stage 24-13. Bahrain replied in
the second half, which ended
in their favour 12-11 to send
the game towards penalty
shoot-outs, in which Pakistan
converted five goals against
Bahrain’s two. Mohammed
Ahmed (five goals) emerged
as the top scorer for Bahrain
which also consisted of Abdulla Salman (3), Mahmood
Mahdi and Bilal Askani (2
each), Fahad Mohamed and
Husain Al Qaidoom (1 each)
and Jaafar Mohamed.
Bahrain started their medal
wins on Friday when they
dominated the cross country
races for men and women.
Billsuma Gelassa opened Bahrain’s medal account in the
men’s 8,000m cross country
race, where he took the competition’s gold medal and was
followed by compatriot Aweke
Yimerin in second place, giving the nation the team overall
gold medal. Tejitu Chalchissa
(23:39) and Gladys Kibiwot then sealed a 1-2 finish
for Bahrain in the women’s
6,000m cross country race,
which saw Bahrain also claim
the overall team gold medal.
Bahrain also sent five more
sports disciplines for the 10day Games, they were beach
football, beach volleyball, sailing, swimming and triathlon.
Action from the third-place beach handball match between Bahrain and Pakistan.
MoI, Credimax win
golf tournament
DT News Network
DT News Network
he Independent 3 Team of
the Ministry of the Interior
(51.3 points) won the Championship Flight and Credimax 2
(52.8) clinched the Premiere
Flight yesterday as the three-day
17th American Mission Hospital (AMH) Island Classic Charity Golf Tournament concluded at
His Majesty the King’s private golf
course at Al Safriya. This popular
annual event was played under the
patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. Yesterday
the final 10 teams out of the more
than 40 in the fay were in action
playing in both the Championship
and Premiere flights. In the Championship Flight for teams with an
average handicap of less than 6.0
the scores were: - Awal International Sports (53.8) who moved
overall into third place, followed
by Saffriya 2 (55.9), Royal Golf
Club 2 (58.4) and Royal Golf Club
3 (60.7). In the Premiere Flight for
teams with an average handicap of
6.0 or more, all the top three places
were decided on the final day with
Credimax 2 (52.8) in first, followed by DHL (54.4) second and
Credimax 1 (55) third, followed by
Independent Team 6 (58.8), Xe-
rox (63.5) and Al Osra (64.7). The
tournament format was the ever
popular Texas Scramble on the
nine-hold course which provided
every team a chance to win the
prizes with side contests adding
to the excitement along with the
Hole-In-One Competition on the
second hole with the first player
achieving the feat winning a JAC
J5 – Luxury 1.81 Sedan, which was
At the end of the event AMH
CEO Dr George Cheriyan said:
“It gave me great pleasure to
give out the awards today, during the closing ceremony and
to have the opportunity to
thank His Majesty the King for
his generosity in allowing the
golf tournament to take place
on his private golf course.
I would like to thank all the
sponsors and everyone who
contributed to the success of
the tournament and supporting our Community Outreach
Final results: Championship
Flight: 1 Independent - Ministry of Interior (51.3), 2 Saffriya
1 (53.8), 3 Awal International
Sports (53.8). Premiere Flight:
1 Credimax 2 (52.8), 2 DHL
(54.4), 3 Credimax 1 (55).
RABCO Saudi defeated
Indian Club in a thrilling
straight sets 25-22, 25-23, 25-22
win to clinch the Kerala Catholic
Motors International Volleyball
Tournament supported by Lulu
and UAE Xchange at the club
premises in Segaiya. The chief guest
at the final was Zayani Motors
general manager Mohammed
Zaki who witnessed the match
along with other dignitaries and
sponsor representatives. Trophies
and cash awards for the finalists
were distributed by Mr Zaki and
other sponsors along with KCA
president Sam Ancil Francis, KCA
acting general Secretary Saji Paul
and the executive committee.
Senior KCA officials thanked
sponsors, teams, spectators and
Aidan Payne
[email protected]
man under French coach
Paul Le Guen and winners of Pool B take on Pool A
runners-up Qatar coached by
French born Algerian Djamel
Behmadi in the first semi-final
of the 22nd GCC Football Cup
ARABCO win title
the media along with tournament
convener Raison
coordinator K P Jose and
KCA sports secretary Sibi
Kaitharath for the success of
the tournament. This two-
week long tournament featured
10 teams split into two pools
of preliminary round-robin
matches with the top two
in each qualifying for the
knockout semi-finals.
The winning team with officials and chief guests.
Oman take on Qatar
Championships tonight 5.45pm
at the King Fahad International
Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The second semi-final is at the
same venue kicking off at 9pm
between Pool A winners Saudi
Arabia under Spanish coach Ra-
mon Juan Lopez Caro and Pool
B runners-up against UAE under
Emirati coach Mahdi Ali. Oman
advanced to this stage after a stalemate 0-0 draw against UAE then a 1-1 draw with Iraq before a crushing 5-0 victory over Kuwait.
Qatar made this stage with
an opening 1-1 draw with Saudi
Arabia, followed by a 0-0 draw
with Yemen and the same score
with Bahrain. Saudi Arabia easily won its pool after its opening
draw with Qatar to follow up
with wins against Bahrain 3-0
and 1-0 against the impressive
Yemeni team.
Mohammedi overall winner
DT News Network
ohammed Mohammedi
(one hour 38 minutes 22
seconds) was the overall winner of the GPIC Grand Prix Series which was the second event
of the Bahrain Road Runners
(BRR) season, held over 5km,
10km and 15km over three
consecutive Friday’s starting at
Al Ghous Park in Muahrraq
around the bay between Shaikh
Isa Bin Salman and Shaikh Hamad Bridges. The first race was
a 5km loop around the bay followed by two and three loops
the following Fridays featuring
a total of 277 participants with
153 runners completing all three
races. Second place overall in the
men’s category was Maaly Tawer
(1:38.22), with Hassan Mohammed Ali (1:48.59) in third. In the
women’s category, Libera Francesca Caputo (2:09.21) came in
first, followed by Glenis Driscoll
(2:15.05) second and Ruth Kenna (2:21.18) third.
Other age category win-
Winners with their trophies
ners: Mubarak Al Sulaiti (M16,
1:52.32), Ebrahim Al Thaher
(M30, 1:55.36), Salim Abed
(M40, 2:08.54), Colin Gardiner
(M45, 2:06.44), Tim Owen
(M50, 2:07.44), Abdulkarim
Turki (M55, 2:08.51), Mohsin Al
Sharif (M60, 2:26.03), Ebrahim
Al Khalifa (M65, 3:38.58). Laci
Sweany (F16, 2:25.10), Jessica Vondrack (F30, 2:22.02), Juilena Stoilova (F40, 2:31.30), Sue Hall (F45,
2:31.31), Jane Eaton (F50, 2:35.56),
Una Brockerhogff (F55, 3:58.32).
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Newcastle up to fourth
ewcastle climbed to
fourth in the Premier
League after Moussa Sissoko’s
second half strike clinched
a 1-0 win over QPR yesterday. Sissoko’s goal 12 minutes from time at St James’
Park was enough to give
Alan Pardew’s revitalised side
their sixth successive win just
weeks after they looked destined for another season of
struggle. Pardew’s men have
not conceded a goal in 432
minutes and will be starting
to dream of securing a place
in European competition
next season. However, there
was heartache for Newcastle’s
Ryan Taylor, starting his first
Premier League game in 993
days after two serious knee
injuries, when he limped off
in tears after suffering another injury in the first half. QPR
slumped to the bottom of the
table after their fifth defeat in
their last seven matches.
Joey Barton was handed
the QPR captain’s armband
on his return to Newcastle
and he was given a warm
welcome from the home fans
after his four-year spell on
Tyneside. But Pardew’s side
were first to threaten when a
sloppy back-pass from QPR
defender Steven Caulker put
goalkeeper Robert Green under pressure. Green’s clearance slammed into Newcastle
Newcastle United- 1
Queens Park Rangers - 0
midfielder Jack Colback,
with the rebound bouncing
into the side-netting. QPR
boss Harry Redknapp was
furious with a careless piece
of play that almost proved
costly and he leapt to his feet,
bawling and hollering at his
defenders.Taylor came close
to marking his return with a
dream goal when he drove a
20-yarder down the middle
and Green had to fist it away.
But a day that had started
so positively for Taylor suddenly turned sour in the 34th
minute as he had to come off
with what appeared to be a
knee problem. He hobbled
down the tunnel in tears and
even the crowd’s warm applause couldn’t ease the pain
as Yoan Gouffran came on in
his place. (AFP)
Moussa Sissoko (left) celebrates scoring goal.
Atletico close on leaders with Malaga win
tletico Madrid bounced
back from their surprise
defeat to Real Sociedad before the international break
with a 3-1 win over Malaga
yesterday to move to within
a point of leaders Real Madrid. The hosts looked on
course for a comfortable
victory as Tiago nodded
them into an early lead from
Koke’s corner before Antoine
Griezmann tapped home at
the end of a flowing move to
double the lead just before
half-time. Roque Santa Cruz
briefly gave the visitors, who
had won their previous five
La Liga games, hope when
he volleyed home Samu Castillejo’s wonderful cross 26
minutes from time, but their
hopes of a point dissipated
when Samuel Sanchez was
shown a second yellow card
just nine minutes later. Diego Godin wrapped up the
Atletico Madrid’s Uruguayan defender Diego Godin (left) scores
past Malaga’s Cameroonian goalkeeper Carlos Kameni (centre).
three points as he powered
home a header from close
range seven minutes from
time, but Atletico also ended the game with 10 men as
captain Gabi picked up his
second booking of the afternoon in the closing stages.
Atletico had a strong penalty appeal turned down
early on when Koke’s fierce
strike was deflected behind
by the arms of Sergio Sanchez, yet it mattered little
as from the resulting corner
Diego Simeone’s men continued their incredible run of
scoring from set-pieces this
season when Tiago flicked
home Koke’s cross at the near
post. However, the home side
also showed their ability on
the ball in their second goal
as a lovely interchange between Arda Turan and Mario
Mandzukic freed the Turkish
international to roll the ball
across goal for Griezmann
to slot in his fifth goal of the
season. Gabi should have
made it 3-0 when he pulled
a shot wide at the start of the
second period, while Carlos
Kameni did well to parry
substitute Raul Jimenez’s
powerful header as Atletico
continued to push forward.
Mardan on pole as Manila Masters reaches climax
ingapore golfer Mardan
Mamat put himself on pole
position for a fourth Asian
Tour win with a four-shot lead
yesterday going into the final
round of the Philippines’ Resorts World Manila Masters
tournament. The 47-year-old
winner of the 2004 Indian
Open, 2006 Singapore Masters
and the 2012 Philippine Open
sank seven birdies against a
single bogey for a six-under
third-round score of 66. “I got
off to a great start which kind
of gave me a good cushion. I
kept myself in my own zone.
I knew I had to stay calm to
maintain my lead,” he said.
Mardan has a 17-under total
of 199 after three rounds, and a
four-shot lead over Thailand’s
Kiradech Aphibarnrat. “It was
less windy compared to the
first two rounds.
I guess that explains the low
scores today,” said Frenchman
Lionel Weber, who jumped
into third place, five shots behind Mardan, with a sizzling
64 yesterday. Thailand’s Prom
Meesawat shot a course-record
nine-under-par 63 with seven
birdies and a closing eagle, but
remained nine shots adrift of
Mardan Mamat
Everton win over West Ham
Leon Osman
eon Osman ensured his
400th Everton appearance
was one to savour as he scored
the decisive goal in their 2-1
Premier League victory over
West Ham United yesterday.
Belgium striker Romelu Lukaku had put the Toffees ahead
in the first half before Mauro
Zarate equalised for the Hammers 11 minutes into the second period. But 33-year-old
midfielder Osman helped Roberto Martinez’s side collect all
three points when he finished
off an Everton counter-attack
from close range in the 73rd
minute. Everton made four
changes from the side that drew
with Sunderland last time out
as Kevin Mirallas featured for
the first time since picking up
a hamstring injury in the Merseyside derby in September.
James McCarthy also started
for the hosts, which will have
interested Roy Keane following
the Republic of Ireland assistant
manager’s claim that Everton
routinely go out of their way to
protect their Irish players.
The visitors handed a first
start of the season to injuryprone striker Andy Carroll following his return from a longstanding ankle problem as Sam
Allardyce made five changes
to the team that draw 0-0 with
Aston Villa. The home side had
the best of the early chances
when Osman sent Seamus
Coleman scampering to the byline and he cut the ball back for
Steven Naismith, only for the
Scotland international to fire
over. But Everton’s persistence
paid off just before the halfhour when Lukaku put Everton
ahead with a goal that appeared
to be scored from an offside
position. Ross Barkley seized
on Naismith’s knockdown on
the edge of the box and his shot
was blocked by James Collins
and then deflected off Winston
Reid for Lukaku, who slammed
the ball past Adrian from close
range. Everton had the ball in
the net again when Barkley
broke clear and saw the ball
taken off his toe by Lukaku, but
this time the assistant referee
raised his flag. (AFP)
SPORTS Sunday, November 23, 2014
Rosberg edges Hamilton for F1 title decider
Abu Dhabi
ico Rosberg survived intense pressure and several nervous errors yesterday
to claim what may be a vital
pole position for the titledeciding Abu Dhabi Grand
Prix, edging out his Mercedes
teammate and arch-rival
Lewis Hamilton. Rosberg,
who secured his 11th pole of
the season, has to come first
and hope that Hamilton, who
leads him by 17 points in the
drivers’ championship, finishes outside the top two to
overtake the Briton and take
the Formula One drivers’ title.
In a tightly-contested qualifying session, the 29-year-old
German produced his best lap
of the weekend when he most
needed it to outpace championship leading Hamilton
by four-tenths of a second.
Rosberg clocked a best time
of one minute and 40.480 in
the top ten shootout to finish
ahead of Hamilton with impressive Finn Valtteri Bottas
third for Williams. Brazilian
Felipe Massa was fourth in the
second Williams car, ahead of
Australian Daniel Ricciardo
and his outgoing Red Bull
team-mate, four-time champion German Sebastian Vettel.
It was Rosberg’s 11th pole
position of the season and the
14th of his career. It was also
the Mercedes team’s recordequalling 18th pole of the
Rosberg clocked
one minute and
40.480 in the top
ten shootout to
finish ahead of
apan’s Hideki Matsuyama
kept rising American star
Jordan Spieth at bay with a
composed four-under-par 67
yesterday to stretch his lead to
two strokes after three rounds
of the Dunlop Phoenix tournament. Overnight leader
Matsuyama, who claimed
his maiden victory on the
US PGA Tour at the Memorial Tournament earlier this
season, carded a bogey-free
round while US Masters runner-up Spieth fired a 68 as the
young guns continued their
absorbing struggle on the
windswept shoreline course
in Miyazaki, western Japan.
Matsuyama will begin Sunday’s final round on 14-under
and on form the top two, who
both produced rounds of 64
on Friday, look favourite, although Australia’s Brendan
Jones is just three off the pace
after returning a 68. Japanese
pin-up Ryo Ishikawa showed
glimpses of rediscovering his
touch with a 68 to leave him
tied for 36th on one under
par, 13 shots off rival Matsuyama. The $1.7 million
Dunlop Phoenix boasts an
illustrious roll-call of former
winners, including Tiger
Woods (2004-05), Tom Watson (1980, 1997) and Seve
Ballesteros (1977, 1981).
Radionova glides to second gold
lena Radionova blew
away her rivals as the
15-year-old Russian glided
to her second Grand Prix
figure skating gold of the
season at the Trophee Eric
Bompard in Bordeaux yesterday. The two-time world
junior champion radiated
in blue on the ice at the
Meriadeck Ice Rink to take
the title ahead of fellow
Russian Julia Lipnitskaya
and two-time winner Ashley Wagner of the United
States, who both fell in their
free skate. After achiev-
Nico Rosberg celebrates in the parc ferme.
year and their 12th front row
lockout and eighth in succession. Mercedes Benz also
became the first engine supplier to take every pole position in a season since Ford in
1969. The most intense drama
came at the end of the final
shootout when Hamilton,
who had clocked a best time
of 1:40.920 in Q2, was unable
to avoid making minor errors
as he clocked a final lap of
1:40.866. It was not enough to
overhaul Rosberg’s time and
take pole. “It was a messy lap
from Lewis, which was not expected because he had a very
good lap in the second qualifying,” said Mercedes team
chief Toto Wolff. “I won’t tell
them anything anymore. They
are in their own little bubble
and concentrating on the race.
I think we should leave them
in peace now to concentrate
on tomorrow.” (AFP)
Stenson, Cabrera-Bello go three clear in Dubai
orld number four Henrik Stenson is on track
to successfully defend his title
at the DP World Tour Championship, but he will have to
shake off the red-hot Rafael
Cabrera-Bello after yesterday’s third round. The Spanish world number 104 shot a
seven-under par 65 – the low
round of the day for a second
successive day – and finished
on 14-under par 202 after 54
holes, the same as Stenson, who
shot a bogey-free round of 68. It was the Swede’s 12th consecutive round in the 60s on
the Earth course of Jumeirah
Golf Estates. The leading duo
are now three clear of Englishman Justin Rose, who leads the
chasing pack at 205 following a
round of 68. World number one
Rory McIlroy once again endured a difficult day. The 2012
champion, who is already assured of becoming the European number one for the season
Matsuyama stays ahead of Spieth
Henrik Stenson plays his second shot of the 9th hole from the bunker
to the right of the fairway.
by winning the Race to Dubai,
made rare back-to-back double
bogeys en route to a two-under
par 70.
McIlroy will start the final
round four shots behind Sten-
son and Cabrera-Bello, tied for
fourth on 10-under par with
Frenchman Victor Dubuisson
(67), England’s Tyrell Hatton
(68) and Denmark’s Thorbjorn
Olesen (69). It was a bit of a
battle for Stenson early in the
day, when he three-putted for
par from 20 feet on the par-5
second, and then needed to
make and up-and-down for par
on the third before a chip-in for
his first birdie of the day on the
fourth. After another missed
birdie chance on the par-5
seventh hole, where he failed
to make a four-footer putt, the
38-year-old shifted gears and
made three birdies coming in
for his 68.
Stenson, who is yet to win a
tournament this year despite a
solid season, said: “It’s a great
championship, this one, and
of course it would mean a lot
to me to defend, and to get a
win this season. Cabrera-Bello,
who needed just 21 putts to go
through his round, finished
with four birdies in his last five
holes. And the Spaniard said
his strong short game saved
what could have been an ugly
round. (AFP)
ing a career best short programme (67.28) to take the
lead on Friday, Radionova
also beat her personal best
in the free skate (136.64)
and overall score (203.92)
in her first senior season.
Radionova also booked
her spot in next month’s
elite ISU Grand Prix final
in Barcelona after winning
the season-opening Skate
America. She finished 18.74
points ahead of Lipnitskaya,
16, who fell on a triple jump
in her routine to ‘Romeo and
Juliet’ for which she scored
118.39, and 185.18 overall.
Inzaghi and Mancini relishing
Milan derby
C Milan coach Filippo
Inzaghi is in confident
mood ahead of the derby
against Roberto Mancini’s
Inter as the battle of Milan
takes centre stage in Serie A
today. Inzaghi’s side come
into the fixture in seventh
place and 11 points behind
leaders Juventus, who are
in action yesterday away to
Lazio, but the former international marksman says his
team have nothing to fear
against an Inter team just one
point below them. “May the
best team win, but I sincerely
believe that it will be difficult
to be stronger than us,” Inzaghi said. “’Mancio’ has more
experience in these kind of
matches as a coach but myself, I have the emotion of all
these matches as a player. “A
derby is different, it is not to
be played, it is to be won!”
added the 41-year-old who
spent 11 years as a player,
scoring 73 goals, at Milan. Brazilian defender Alex is
ruled out for Milan with injury which hardly helps a
leaky rearguard that has already conceded 16 goals in 11
German league chief backs
World Cup boycott calls
top German league official yesterday backed
calls for a European boycott of the 2018 and 2022
World Cups in Russia and
Qatar over corruption allegations. Bundesliga chief
executive Christian Seifert
told the Suddeutsche Zeitung
daily that a “boycott would
be the most efficient arm” if
Europe could unite to take
on global governing body
FIFA. “As a serious organisation, we (Germany) no lon-
ger feel represented by this
FIFA, we no longer feel that
we are a member,” he added.
“Seventy-five percent of the
players in the World Cup are
under contract in Europe and
if Europe says ‘we will no
longer participate’, then that
changes everything,” Seifert
said. “FIFA could certainly
suspend Germany, England,
Italy and Spain for the next
three World Cups but that
would have no impact. Because there would be no more
World Cup.”
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Toure’s moment of magic lifts City
Five-try Scotland see off Tonga
ries from Blair Cowan,
Stuart Hogg, Alex Dunbar, Geoff Cross and Tommy
Seymour helped Scotland settle a two-year-old score with
an ultimately convincing 3712 victory against Tonga on
the plastic pitch at KIlkmarnock Rugby Park.
In the first international
match involving a Tier One
nation played on an artificial
surface, Scotland overcame a
poor first-half performance
to avenge the 21-15 defeat
they suffered against the Tongans at Pittodrie Stadium in
Aderdeen in November 2012,
an occasion on which they
conspicuously failed to cross
the opposition try line. In doing so, the Scots completed a
satisfactory first home series
under Kiwi coach Vern Cotter, having beaten Argentina 41-31 and pushed New
Zealand hard before losing
24-16. Scotland were on the
front foot from the off. Fly
half Finn Russell spurned a
kickable penalty in favour
of an attacking line-out in
the left corner but Scotland
made a mess of the set-piece
No plans to reform Davis Cup
Manchester City’s Ivorian midfielder Yaya Toure (centre) scores his team’s second goal past Swansea City’s Polish goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski.
anchester City midfielder Yaya Toure emerged
from his recent slump to score
a superb solo goal that gave the
Premier League champions a
much-needed 2-1 victory over
Swansea at Eastlands yesterday.
The result ends a run of just
one victory in their previous
six games for City, who now
move on to a crucial Champions League group game against
Bayern Munich on Tuesday, a
match for which Toure is suspended following his dismissal
in City’s last European game third placed City deserved after
against CSKA Moscow. Toure, they recovered strongly from
who has been in poor form for a nervous start, and an opener
much of the campaign amid from Swansea’s Wilfried Bony
speculation the Ivorian was which was equalised by Stevan
keen to leave, struck in the Jovetic.
City’s unsteady opening cul62nd minute, collecting a clever
back heel from Fernandinho in minated in Swansea taking a
deserved lead
his stride and
after nine minpowering to the
corner of the Manchester City- 2 utes through
a well worked
six-yard area
Swansea City- 1
Bony goal. The
from where his
strike gave the
goalkeeper no chance. A win- from signing a new contract
ning goal was no more than with the Welsh club this week,
started the move himself with
a short pass to Nathan Dyer.
The winger then completed the
one-two with a clever, lofted
pass which was taken by Bony
expertly on his chest before he
unleashed a first-time, rightfoot volley past the dive of Joe
Hart. With South Korea midfielder Ki Sung-yeung an influential early performer, Swansea
had controlled that opening 10
minutes but the goal sparked
City into life and the remainder
of the first half belonged to the
champions. (AFP)
Federer, Wawrinka give Swiss 2-1 lead
oger Federer and Stan Wawrinka gave Switzerland a 2-1
lead over France in the Davis
Cup final with a commanding
doubles win over Julien Benneteau and Richard Gasquet in Lille
yesterday. The world number two
and four were in charge from
the start and bossed the rubber
from the net and the baseline to
win 6-3, 7-5, 6-4. The win means
that the Swiss are just one win
away from capturing the first
Davis Cup title in their history.
That could come Sunday when
the reverse singles are held, with
Wawrinka and Federer highly
likely to play again against Gael
Monfils and Jo-Wilfried Tsonga.
Watched by another huge crowd
of around 27,000 in the roofed
over Lille football stadium, the
Swiss pair knuckled down quickly
to their task, pocketing the first
Roger Federer (left) celebrates with teammate Stanislas Wawrinka
after winning the doubles tennis match.
break of the match in the sixth
game on the Benneteau serve. That
was enough to edge them a set up,
but, after a quick visit to the locker
room to regroup, the French pair
came back out re-energised.
They briefly looked the likelier to move back into contention, but failed to convert any
of five break points that came
their way in the second, fourth
and eighth games. They were
made to pay a heavy price as,
with a tie-break looming, Gasquet’s serve collapsed under
the weight of some magnificent
returns from both of the Swiss.
A Federer backhand winner secured the break and Wawrinka
had no trouble serving out for a
two sets to love lead.
The French pair had a mountain
to climb and they had to hold on
grimly to Gasquet’s serve early in
the third set to stay in the match.
Two games later it was Benneteau’s
turn to feel the Swiss pressure and,
after the French pair saved two
break points, they succumbed on
the third, Wawrinka splitting them
with a forehand drive. (AFP)
he Davis Cup has its
flaws, but it is still one of
sport’s great events and there
are no plans to radically alter
it, ITF chief Francesco Ricci
Bitti said yesterday. Speaking
in Lille ahead of the FranceSwitzerland Davis Cup final
doubles, the International
Tennis Federation president
said that changes to the Davis Cup had been considered
in the past to no avail. “We
know tennis has changed. But
we are the institution. We represent the basic value of the
sport,” the Italian said. “Then
we have to protect what is the
value that we believe is vital
for the progress of our sport,
in spite of the evolution. “It’s
clear the calendar is busy. It’s
clear that the players have a
more demanding season. It’s
clear we have to accept that
some people are not participating. “In any case, the
value that Davis Cup brings
to many nations is vital for
the development of the sport,
more than many other activities.” The format and timing
for the Davis Cup has been
a heated subject of debate in
tennis circles for the past few
years, with many of the top
players calling for changes.
Shehzad fit for New Zealand ODIs
akistan received some
good news on their injured
key players yesterday with
opener Ahmed Shehzad set to
return for the limited over series against New Zealand. Shehzad, 22, suffered a minor skull
fracture during the first Test
against New Zealand in Abu
Dhabi on November 10 after
being hit by a bouncer from
seamer Corey Anderson. Shehzad made a career-best 176
in the match. He was ruled out
of the remaining two Tests but
Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)
said he would be fit for the two
Twenty20 matches and five
one-day internationals which
follow the Tests next month.
The first Twenty20s against
New Zealand will be played in
Dubai on December 4. However middle-order batsman Sohaib Maqsood has been ruled
out of the limited over series
due to a wrist injury sustained
while playing for Pakistan ‘A’
against the United Arab Emirates last month. Paceman Wahab Riaz has recovered from
the knee injury he received in a
one-day match against Australia last month and will be available for the limited over series.
Miura batters Puerta to defend
WBC crown
apan’s Takashi Miura battered Mexican challenger
Edgar Puerta into submission with a sixth-round technical knockout yesterday
to successfully defend his
World Boxing Council super
featherweight title for the
third time. The 30-yearold overpowered the topranked challenge, sending
him to the canvas in the
first round before finishing Puerta off with a ferocious flurry of punches
two minutes, 15 seconds
into the sixth, a left-right
to the body opening him
up for a crunching left to
the jaw which forced the
referee to step in. “It’s a relief,” a beaming Miura told
reporters after dominating
the fight in Yokohama. “He
was a tough opponent. I’d
like to have finished him
off earlier but it doesn’t
always go to plan. I still
have a few things I need to
improve on. I wasn’t completely happy.”
Sunday, November 23, 2014