s Bytte av halogenpære TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS right n it to r u t d n 7) an d the (Figu igure older, an t that F ( n ph no jec ha show ls on lam a sub it wit it as with a n p ld a la o c m p ce h la e e , r h p e t d h lam an s and over on t lamp g tab ss c aulty f la ectin g e h t e the e off splac duct. Tak o r p f the SL 1210 tekniske spesifikasjoner Model i (F Bytte av kullfilter ric cables. -8- ventilator for innbyging 2x20 W 4 x LED 1 W eller Spot 2 x 20 W Lampe (W) Electronic control Control Type panel with digital display Elektronisk bryterpanel Bryterpanel medproduct; digitalt display If you need to move your Power *(W) 210 W Keep original packing. Move your product with original packing; comply with 210 W Effekt (W) carriage instructions printed on your packing. 3 Capacity (m3/h) 800 m3/h /h) Kapasitet (m 800m³/h If you do not have original packing; * Do not put1 any load on your chimney hood 220 * Keep your 1product off possible220 impacts * Pack your2 2 product in a way to320 avoid damages. 320 Trinn (m3/h) 420 3 Output (m³/h) 3 420 550 4 54 hanging Carbon Filter (Figure 9) ut off power of device before you change carbon filter. HTSfilter (Figure arbon should 8) be changed with a new one each 3-5 months according to sage when it is used in the kitchens that does not have chimney outlet. city frequency connection carbon filters should be used with the cooker hood. Carbon filter should never be ashed. 8)filter from its place turn it anticlockwise. order to displace the carbon ed glass. gure BUILT-IN COOKER HOOD Posıtıon rface of the product. Take off the faulty lamp and replace it with a V50 Hz 7220–240 W Volt Lamp Power (W) Changing Carbon Filter (Figure 9) Cut off power of device before you change carbon filter. Carbon filter should be changed with a new one each 3-5 months according to 8) gure S (Fi ection usage frequency when it is used in the kitchens that does not have chimney outlet. conn Bytte av LED lys. (Figure 7) 2 carbon filters should be used with the cooker hood. Carbon filter should never be Trekk ut strømledningen. k on washed. d sticlamper bestilles hos Røros Metall. nNye a Ledbelysningen har en levetid på 55.000 timer. p . s m on (Figure 7) and turn it to right las . ed ghalogen lamp, hold it asoldshown In order to displace the carbon filter from its place turn it anticlockwise. on la •s Fjern glasset. le f ve. b ctive ic ca r to remo mp. • Koblelafra ledningene proteand the canals on lamp holder, and then mp econnecting tabs n ord around , remove e• Press ppå lampene slik at de løsner og fjern maskeringstapen rundt dem. g tap n w lam rself. h eDisplace the glass cover on the lamp with a subject that g wit • Fjern beskyttelsestapen på de nye lampene før de settes på plass. SL 1210/1220 220-2 40 V 50Hz Modell Voltage(V) re 7) 100315-03 www.hatlehols.no OBS! Fare7)for brannskade. (Figure Vri metallringen som holder glasset på plass til høyre eller venstre. Fjern glasset og bytt ut pæren. 800 550 Klasse If you need to move your product; Beskyttelsesklasse 5 8001 * Keep original packing. Move your product with original packing; comply with Insulatıon Class carriage instructions printed on yourMotor packing. F Insulatıon Class If you do not have original packing; * Do not put any load on your chimney hood * Keep your product off possible impacts * Pack your product in a way to avoid damages. Kullfilteret bør skiftes hver 6. måned avhengig av hvor n order to remove. ofte enheten er i bruk. Kullfilterene er ikke vaskbare. g tapeFilterene around løsneslamp. ved å dreie de mot klokken. with new lamp, remove protective fold on lamp and stick on CLASS I Table 2 Brukerveiledning 1210 1210 - Spot USER 1220 -MANUAL led RØROS METALL AS RØROS HETTA Stamphusvein 11,NO-7374 Røros Tlf.+47 72 40 94 00 Fax.+47 72 40 94 01 E-mail: [email protected] www.rorosmetall.no RØROS METALL AS RØROS HETTA screws as shown on (figure b) TO CHANGE LİGHTS (Figure 8) according to cooking and frying steams. Pressing the command button on front electricity connection panel will start the motorDisconnect and will increase the speed while will decrease the speed. Electronically controlled models are equipped with TIMER. If you press 1W LED LAMP button Bryterpanel for longer than 2 seconds, timer function for 15 minutes will be activated. When timer starts, display willX show aglass. signal and motor will – knappen. Bryterpanelet er også *Remove Ventilatoren har 5-trinns bryter. Slåtempered på og reguler hastigheten med + eller automatically afterHold 15 minutes. utstyrt stop med tidsur. Timer-knappen nede minimum 2 sekunder og motoren vil stoppe etter 15 minutter. *Disconnect electric cables. Please run ov en and the bruk unit trinn simultaneously to create air current so that Når the matlagingen er *Press ferdig 1 for å fjerne restene av stekelukten. on lamps in order to remove. inhaling power will be positively effected. After cooking operation, keep the unit *Remove masking lamp. running Trykk for a på while so thatforremaining odor and tape steamaround will be absorbed. lysbryteren å tenne lampene. device and hobs operating with gas or other fuels. (Figure 5) Monterings- og bruksanvisning 1210 SPOT - 1220 LED Kjøkkenventilatorer 1210/1220 er beregnet for montering i kjøkkenhette. Flambering må ikke forekomme under denne enheten og avstanden fra gasstopp til ventilator skal være minimum 65 cm. For elektrisk koketopp kan avstanden være minimum 50 cm. 1-DRAWINGS *Before replacing with new lamp, remove protective fold on lamp an Avløp for utblåsningsluften må utføres i samsvar med gjeldende forskrifter. Utblåsningsluften må ikke ledes inn i 4 røykkanaler som brukes til avløp for røykgasser fra for eksempel gass-, olje eller vedovn. 2 D 4 For å1 fungere tilfredsstillende må tilstrekkelig luftmengde tilføres rommet når ventilatoren er i gang. Start gjerne ventilatoren 5 minutter før matlagingen begynner. 2 2 3 TOUCH body.BUTTON POSITIONS C B Motor on/off Motor Step Timer Lamp on/off A 1 Avstand fra elektrisk platetopp til hette skal være min. 50 cm. Ved gasstopper skal avstanden være minst 65 cm. MAINTENANCE 2 1-DRAWING 3 C *Disconnect the device prior to maintenance (cut off its power supply by unplugging). Illumination Cassette Filter holds the dusts in the air and oils. *Aluminum B 2 Device light bulbs built in soapy to provide illumination andorone lamp button A filter has must3 be washed in hot water every month if possible in theto * Metal 1 monitor. Press to start illumination. dishwasher (60ºC) Min.65 cm 2 *Press on the spring clamps at the tip of cassette filter and disassemble (Figure 3) Efficient Ventilation Do not assemble before drying after cleaning. Forsurfaces correct ventilation, windowsmust opening must keptwet closed. of your extractor be outside wiped by a be cloth with Doors liquid *Outer Min.75 cm på of andwindows tounit other rooms maycontaining be kept open. Løft ventilatoren plassthe og fest den i bunnplaten med 3) 4 skruer. Pass på at slangen blir trekt helt ut og at den erdetergent. Rengjøring Do notopening clean the with products corrosive substances. Montage Product (Figure så rett som mulig før den festes til vegg- eller takventil. It is importantI displayet parts interfere water ori varmt any other liquids. vilelectronic det etter 2-3ukertolyse en ”C”.with Vask filterene såpevann eller i oppvaskmaskinen. Tørk dem 1-Control Pan Product should be montaged inside of the cooker hood on A,B,C and D**Using points withto avoid 8) CLEANING PERIOD of ALUMINIUM METAL FILTERS inox cleaning andpåcare materials provide your products with(Figure durability. og sett dem plass igjen. Hold så av/på knappen for motoren inne i minst 3 sekunder for å nullstille ”C” igjen. 2-Lightenings 1-DRAWINGS 4 pieces 3,5x19 YHB screws as shown on (Figure c). Please clean when see “ C ” signal on the display screen or filter should Når Ethe lyserfilters i displayet er you signalet tilbakestilt. 3-Aluminium be cleaned every 2-3 weeks. After cleaning and assembling filters, to erase “ C 4-Body ”signal, please push more than 3 second. You seemay “ E ” on the display Warning: Aluminum filters maybutton be washed in dishwasher. Filterwill color change 4 Tørk jevnlig av ventilatoren med fuktig klut. (Figure (Figure 7) 7) it continues work normally. after screen severaland washings. This to is normal and it does not connote filter change. If you want to start running even if you do not erase “C” signal, you will see active 2 4 circulation for 1 second when you puh button and again the “C” signal will be In order In order to change to change halogen halogen lamp,lamp, hold ithold as shown it as shown on (Figure on (Figure 7) and 7)turn anditturn to right it to right 1 seen and the motor continues to run. or left.orParalyse left. Paralyse lamp lamp connecting connecting tabs and tabsthe andcanals the canals on lamp on lamp holder, holder, and then and then Changing Changing Lamps Lamps (Figure (Figure 7) 7) ,5 287 Fig. 2 180 368 368 MAINTENANCE Fig. 1 48 48 180 (Figure (Figure 2) its2) power supply by (Figure (Figure 1) 1) prior to maintenance Disconnect the device (cut off unplugging). Terminal Terminal box isbox placed is placed on theonleft theside left of side theofproduct the product in order in order to prevent to prevent its getting its getting Aluminum Cassette Filter holds the dusts in the air and oils. damaged. damaged. Terminal Terminal box should box should be displaced be displaced and should and should be montaged be montaged to thetoupper Metal filter must be washed in hot soapy water every month or if possible in the theupper side of side the of product's the product's body. body. dishwasher (60ºC) er plassert påBox venstre for1) å tip hindre under transport. A og B, se fig. 1, Displacing Terminal Terminal (Figure Box (Figure 1)ofskade PressKoblingsboksen on Displacing the spring clamps atsidethe cassette filter Løsne and skruene disassemble og fest koblingsboksen i hullene C og D som vist på fig. 2. Displacing A before andABand connection B connection screws with. which with which terminal terminal box isbox montaged, is montaged, Do notDisplacing assemble drying afterscrews cleaning 50beextractor 70 Outer terminal surfaces ofshould your must beplace wiped by aplate. cloth wet with liquid terminal box1210box should displaced be displaced from its from its place with1210the with the plate. detergent. Do not clean theTerminal unitBox with(Figure products corrosive substances. Montage Montage of the ofTerminal the Box (Figure 2) containing 2) It is important to avoid electronic parts to interfere with water any2other liquids. Terminal Terminal box should box should be montaged be montaged on C3-Montage on andCDand points DOf points with 2Plastic with pieces pieces 3,5x9,5 3,5x9,5 RYSBRYSB Theor Chimney Skru fast plastovergangen meddurability. spjeldet med Using inox cleaning and care materials provide your products with screws screws as shown as shown on (figure on (figure b) b) 657 7 48 300 30 0 (Figure 4 )fest den fleksible ventilasjonsslangen 2 skruer og på toppen med4slangeklemme eller tape. As shownavondenne Figure plastic chimney B be fixed toFilter the body A and B Warning: Aluminum filters may be washed should in dishwasher. coloronmay change A withconnote 2 piecesfilter 3,5x9,5 RYSB after several washings. This is normal and itpoints does not change. screws. -8- -3- 2 2 7,5 28 3 pull itpull towards it towards yourself. yourself. Displace Displace the glass the glass cover cover on1 theonlamp the lamp with awith subject a subject that that will not willscratch not scratch surface surface of theofproduct. the product. Take Take off theofffaulty the faulty lamp lamp and replace and replace it withitawith a 2 3 new one. new one. (Figure 5) 1. Bryterpanel 2. Halogenbelysning 1-Control Panel 3. Aluminiumsfilter 2-Lightenings TO CHANGE TO CHANGE LİGHTS (Figure (Figure 8) 8) 4. Motorkasse LİGHTS 3-Aluminium Casette Filter Disconnect Disconnect electricity electricity connection connection 4-Body 30 0 1W LED 1W LAMP LED LAMP -5*Remove *Remove tempered tempered glass. glass. 2-DRAWINGS WITH DIMENSIONS *Disconnect *Disconnect electric electric cables. cables. Elektrisk installasjon *Press *Press on lamps on lamps in order in order to remove. to remove. Ventilatoren leveres med påmontert strømkabel *Remove *Remove masking masking tape around tape around lamp. lamp. utstyrt med støpsel for jordet strømkontakt. Annen type 7,5 bytte av strømkabel må utføres av godkjent elektrikker. tilkobling eller 28 *Before *Before replacing replacing with new with lamp, new lamp, remove remove protective protective fold on fold lamp on lamp and stick and on stick on body.body. ,5 1 Figure 6 180 A -4- A 48 A D 180 B C D 48 B C -6- 368 (Figure 4) 368 287 Fig. 4 368 7,5 28 48 C A DIMENSIONS A C 2-DRAWINGS WITH D B D B D 180 1-Control Panel 2-Lightenings 3-Aluminium Casette Filter 4-Body
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