For Professionals only* Credit analysis * investing for their own account – according to MiFID definition For Professionals only* Agenda About Nordea Investment Management CRA3 – regulation on asset managers Credit selection process Topic: Oil score on Norwegian banks 2• Kun for profesjonelle investorer Nordens største og en bredt basert investeringsorganisasjon Asset Management Christian Hyldahl* Investment Operations CEO NIM AB Office / Governance Erling Skorstad Jessica Malmfors* External Products Fixed Income Equities Multi Assets Vesa Ollikainen Søren Kilsgaard* Mark Lovett* Asbjørn Trolle Hansen* Products & Operations Nils Bolmstrand* Institutional & Wholesale Distribution Christophe Girondel* * SEM member - - - Legal reporting line Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, August 2015 3• Kun for profesjonelle investorer Nordens største og en bredt basert investeringsorganisasjon Fixed Income Søren Kilsgaard Fixed Income Credit Fixed Income DK & EUR Covered Bonds Fixed Income NO Fixed Income SE International Fixed Income Herleif Haavik Martin H. Nielsen Torgeir Stensaker Anette Eineljung Palle Gedsø Harald Willersrud Iren Jensen Lars Løtvedt Linn H. Yver Lise Johannessen Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, November 2015 4• For Professionals only* Forvalterteam norske renter Mer enn 100 års erfaring Kontinuitet Fornying o Lars Løtvedt 08.09.15 Navn Rolle/Ansvarsområde Utdannelse Torgeir Stensaker Leder, norsk renteforvaltning - MBA - Makro/markedsanalyse - BBA - Lån & Fordringer/Hold-Til-Forfall - Renteanalytiker Porteføljeforvalter - B.Sc. Business - FRN-obligasjoner - Renteanalytiker Lise Johannessen Arbeidserfaring 26 Antall år i Nordea 26 Antall år i team 24 32 32 21 21 21 16 18 11 11 8 8 5 - NFF Portfolio Manager Harald Willersrud Iren Jensen Porteføljeforvalter - M. Sc. Business (Siviløkonom) - Obligasjoner - Renteanalytiker Kredittanalytiker - MBA Porteføljeforvalter - M. Sc. Business (Siviløkonom) - Indeksnære porteføljer - Renteanalytiker, Corp. Fin. - AFA (CFA) Linn Yver Porteføljeforvalter - Pengemarkedet - Samfunnsøkonom - Renteanalytiker * * Linn arbeidet i teamet i 2010 som vikar. I 2011 var hun delvis knyttet til teamet på deltid. Hun ble fast ansatt i juni 2012 5 For Professionals only* NIM NO FI: NOK 121 mrd. til forvaltning Linn Yver Torgeir Stensaker Iren Jensen Harald Willersrud Lise Johannessen Mandatinfo: Fond: Diskresjonære: Antall fond: Topp 5 kunder (ex. fond): 46% 54% 13 47% NIM Globalt: 1700 mrd. til forvaltning Kunder over hele verden med Norden, Tyskland, Sveits og Italia som store kundebaser. Kilde: Nordea Investment Management AB, August 2015 6• For Professionals only* Amendments to Directive 2011/61/EU CRA 3 Article 5A (new) The entities referred to in the first subparagraph of Article 4(1) shall make their own credit risk assessment and shall not solely or mechanistically rely on credit ratings for assessing the creditworthiness of an entity or financial instrument. Article 4(1) Credit institutions, investment firms, insurance undertakings, reinsurance undertakings, institutions for occupational retirement provision, management companies, investment companies, alternative investment fund managers and central counterparties may use credit ratings for regulatory purposes only if they are issued by credit rating agencies established in the Union and registered in accordance with this regulation. Source: Nordea Investment Management AB, January 2015 Result is a requirement to not solely and mechanically rely on credit ratings. We were more or less on target with the demands 24 years ago 7• For Professionals only* Moody’s describes our credit selection process as robust! Moody's considers the investment adviser's investment process and credit selection as robust. NIM's Norwegian Fixed Income Team has considerable depth of experience in the local fixed income market and applies a disciplined approach towards approving and monitoring investments. Moody’s Credit Research - 13 Jun 2011 8• For Professionals only* Independent credit analysis for more than 20 years! Credit philosophy: Avoid losses Avoiding losses is possible with a conservative credit profile Only high-quality credits (investment grade) Target to avoid problem credits has been reached Credit experience Over 20 years of independent credit analysis – since Nov ‘91 This is crucial as many Norwegian issuers still have no rating from S&P, Moody’s or Fitch In-house analysis of issuers supplemented by external research Large player We have 1-to-1 meeting with approx. 2/3 of our issuers Quantity and quality of information more extensive and transparent than earlier 9• For Professionals only* Credit process Quantitative analysis Qualitative analysis Company meetings ESG Income/cash flow Credit metrics Debt structure Equity/asset ratio Industry specifics Management In-depth discussions Transparency Credit forensics Tail risks Hidden risks Joint credit committee Eligible/not eligible Maturity Debt position 10 • For Professionals only* Norwegian credit analysis – focus areas Industry Universe No. of issuers: > around 135 Income/cash flow Management Industry – dynamics/outlook Business strategy Company position Communication Substitutes/ technology Transparency Profit drivers Finance strategy Market shares Core/non-core ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance)* Credit metrics Debt structure Equity/assets ratio EBITDA-stability Gearing Debt profile Equity (unleveraged) Cost/income-ratio Debt servicing Position in debt structure Equity ratios Return on assets Liquidity ratios Covenants and collateral Dividend policy Loss/depreciation Refinancing Legal structure Profitability core/non-core Cash flow from operations * In cooperation with the RI team (Responsible Investment). This team also works with ESG-issues. 11 For Professionals only* Our screening & ESG-integration Full ESG integration In 2013, Nordea Asset Management took the initial steps towards full ESG integration into all investment processes. Sector Screening Positive Screening Investment process with fully integrated ESG analysis applied on all portfolios Niche portfolios with Sector and / or Positive screening in addition to Nordea Norm screening Nordea Norm based screening Main portfolios screened for Nordea Norm (currently approx. 20 companies excluded globally) 12 • For Professionals only* ESG integration in Norwegian Fixed Income Part of our credit analysis process The MSCI ESG scores are a factor in our credit analysis Low score is followed up with the management of the issuer Not all Norwegian issuers are scored by MSCI - only a few handful The RI team conduct a more in depth ESG analysis on specific companies either on own behalf or on request from Norwegian Fixed Income ESG follow up in portfolios Different MSCI scores used to track the different issuers ESG-wise Access online (intranet) to MSCI ESG scores/reports and to RI team’s in depth analyses 13 • For Professionals only* Annual update - resulting in “Kredittboka” Complete encyclopedia of eligible Norwegian issuers in our investment universe Peer group comparisons - summaries with informative and important key figures Sector analysis and -comments Relevant topics 14 • For Professionals only* Excerpt: Sparebank 1 SR-Bank SPAREBANK 1 SR-BANK Allianse: SB1 SPAREBANK 1 SR-BANK Hovedtrekk ved sparebanken Sparebanken 1 SR-Bank ble dannet i 1976 som den første regionsparebank etter en sammenslåing av 22 sparebanker, og har røtter tilbake til 1839. Etter 30 år har den en historie fra totalt 40 sparebanker. De har 50 kontorer, hovedkontor i Stavanger og markedsområdene er Rogaland, Agder og Hordaland. Kunderettet virksomhet er organisert i 3 divisjoner: PM, BM og kapitalmarked (Markets og Forvaltning). Banken har fått befestet sin posisjon som markedsleder i Rogaland med 40 % markedsandel. Datterselskaper (heleide): * Eiendomsmegler 1 SR-Eiendom, eiendomsmegling, også næringsmegling, inkludert forvaltning og drift samt boligutleie * Sparebank 1 SR-Finans, leasing, bil- og båtlån samt forbrukslån * SR-Investering, venture-investeringer i private equity-fond og bedrifter i SMB-segmentet, bokf. vrd 181 mill. * SR-Forvaltning AS, aktiv forvaltning og fond, FK på 9,3 mrd. * Rygir Industrier AS, overtatte eiendeler, bokført vrd. 223 mill. (Walde entreprenør, tomteområder i Hordaland) * Finansparken Bjergsted, eiendom, bokf. vrd. 58 mill SR er deleier i Bank 1 Oslo Akershus (4,8%), Sparebank 1 Boligkreditt AS (20,1 %), Sparebank 1 Gruppen (19,5 %), BN Bank (23,5 %, ønsker å selge seg ut) og Sparebank 1 Næringskreditt (26,8%). Banken har blitt et allmennaksjeselskap og største eier og aksjonær er Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank med 28,3 %. Nest største eier er Gjensidige Forsikring med 10,5 %. Mål for ren kjernekapital er på 13,5% pr 30.6.2017. Kostnadsvekst skal være under 2%. 2014: Valutalån viser utilsiktet vekst, ca. halvparten av vekst i FK skyldes valutasvekkelse. Valutalånporteføljen er på PM 3 mrd og BM 11 mrd - denne porteføljen styres mot et lavere volum. Reduksjonen i netto provisjons- og andre inntekter skyldes i hovedsak tilbakekjøp av boliglån tidligere solgt til SpareBank 1 Boligkreditt. Disse skal benyttes i nyopprettet heleid BKR-foretak i 2015, SR Boligkreditt. Det har blitt gjennomført ytterligere nedbemmaning i 2014. Konsernet økte gruppevise nedskrivinger som en følge av eksterne markedsforhold og økt usikkerhet på grunn av redusert oljepris. Hvert enkelt engasjement over 50 mill i olje/offshore er gjennomgått. Reduksjonen i kjernekapitaldekning skyldes en fondsobligasjon med forfall i slutten av 2014 som ikke ble erstattet. 1. januar 2014 økte i tillegg den gjennomsnittlige risikovekten fra SpareBank 1 SR-bank sin boliglånsportefølge til 22-24%. Konsernet inngikk i januar 2015 avtale om kjøp av Swedbanks avdeling i Stavanger. I januar 2015 kjøpte konsernet Rogalandsavdelingen til SpareBank 1 Regnskapshuset Østlandet AS. SpareBank 1 SR-bank har fått tillatelse fra Finanstilsynet den 24.02.15 til bruk av avansert IRB-metode for bedriftsmarkedet. Konse rn IFR S IR B Rentenetto % av eksl. BKR/NKR Rentenetto inkl. BKR/NKR FORDELING UTLÅN PM/BM RENTENETTO INKL. BKR/NKR 70% 67,8 % 63,0 % 63,4 % 63,7 % 62,9 % 62,4 % 60% 59,8 % 62,7 % 57,1 % 40% 2,0% 58,0 % 42,9 % 37,0 % 36,6 % 37,1 % 36,3 % 37,6 % 40,2 % 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 1,4 % 1,3 % 1,5 % 1,4 % 1,5 % 1,7 % 1,3% 1,4 % 1,5 % 1,7 % 0,7 % 1,3 % 1,5 % 1,2 % 1,4 % 1,5 % 0,5 % 0,0 % 0,4 % 0,6 % 0,5 % 0,2 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,0 % -0,1 % -0,1 % 20,6 % 25,0 % 25,2 % 32,9 % 33,0 % 30,5 % 26,8 % 9,1 % 12,5 % 14,2 % 11,0 % 8,1 % 10,1 % 1,0% 1,1% 1,2% 0,9 % 1,1 % 1,2 % Dr.kostn. -- " -- 1,0 % 1,0 % 1,0 % 1,0 % 1,0 % 1,1 % Kursgev./tap -- " -- 0,4 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,2 % 0,4 % Nto.tap utlån/gar. -- " -- 0,1 % 0,1 % 0,1 % 0,1 % % av FK inkl. BKR/NKR 30,4 % 25,7 % 21,4 % Annen gjeld -- " -- 5,7 % 7,3 % 8,6 % Ansv.lånekap. -- " -- 1,4 % 2,0 % 2,2 % 2,8 % 2,6 % 2,6 % 3,0 % 2,6 % 3,5 % 3,5 % Innsk.fra kunder -- " -- 39,2 % 35,2 % 35,5 % 36,3 % 37,8 % 36,4 % 39,1 % 46,4 % 49,8 % 55,8 % Aksjeportefølje -- " -- 2,6 % 2,8 % 3,0 % 2,8 % 2,6 % 2,4 % 1,7 % 1,7 % 1,6 % 1,4 % Brutto utlån inkl. BKR/NKR -- " -- 84,0 % 81,9 % 83,2 % 83,1 % 82,0 % 79,5 % 81,4 % 86,1 % 90,9 % 91,9 % Verdipapiroppl. Nedskr. utlån 1,4 % 1,5 % 8,2 % -- " -- 0,3 % 0,4 % 0,4 % 0,4 % 0,5 % 0,4 % 0,4 % 0,2 % 0,3 % 0,5 % Utlån personmrk inkl. boligkreditt % av br utlån inkl. BKR/NKR 63,0 % 63,4 % 63,7 % 62,9 % 62,4 % 59,8 % 57,1 % 58,0 % 62,7 % 67,8 % Utlån næ ring inkl. næ ringskreditt -- " -- 37,0 % 36,6 % 36,3 % 37,1 % 37,6 % 40,2 % 42,9 % 42,0 % 37,3 % 32,2 % Netto renteinntekter (mill) 2.404 2.119 1.742 1.756 1.742 1.676 1.644 1.113 Andre inntekter (mill) 2.510 2.379 2.044 1.511 1.672 1.703 Driftskostnader (mill) 2.056 2.019 1.888 1.633 1.566 1.340 1.128 838 1.283 1.119 925 1.579 1.453 1.357 1.178 1.012 Dr.res.f.tap (mill) 2.858 2.479 1.898 1.634 1.848 1.800 1.029 1.266 1.069 1.026 Dr.res.e.tap (før skatt) (mill) 2.601 2.347 1.761 1.495 1.614 1.432 643 1.256 1.161 1.096 Ord.nto.resultat (mill) 2.095 1.860 1.361 1.081 1.317 1.111 480 1.007 924 862 Gj. sn. forv. kap. eksl. BKR/NKR (mill) 166.017 149.554 137.212 133.629 128.830 124.283 110.244 94.101 73.997 67.376 Gj. sn. forv. kap. inkl. BKR/NKR (mill) 205.586 196.803 183.351 168.705 155.015 143.984 123.499 96.778 76.336 Forvaltningskap. eksl. BKR/NKR (mill) 174.926 156.985 141.543 131.142 134.778 124.090 125.877 103.120 85.035 Forvaltningskap. inkl. BKR/NKR (mill) 207.798 203.374 190.231 176.471 160.939 149.090 138.877 108.120 85.435 Lån til boligkreditt (mill) 32.288 45.747 48.217 44.694 25.857 25.000 13.000 5.000 400 Lån til næ ringskreditt (mill) 584 642 471 635 304 Ren kjernekapital (mill) 13.817 Kjernekapital (mill) 14.828 14.511 13.507 10.846 9.442 8.130 5.667 5.167 4.354 Ansv. kap. (mill) 17.465 15.915 14.568 11.681 11.482 10.029 8.621 6.874 6.223 53 60 37 41 57 50 33 66,25 *split 1:3 189 230 Endring i forvaltningskapital eksl. BKR/NKR (%) 11,4 % 10,9 % 7,9 % -2,7 % 8,6 % -1,4 % 22,1 % 21,3 % 26,5 % 13,6 % Endring i forvaltningskapital inkl. BKR/NKR (%) 2,2 % 6,9 % 7,8 % 9,7 % 7,9 % 7,4 % 28,4 % 26,6 % 27,1 % 1,3 % 1,2 % 0,2 % 1,0 % 0,9 % 1,0 % 1,0 % 0,5 % 1,3 % 1,5 % 67.237 4.051 5.338 1,6 % 0,4 % 0,2 % 0,2 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,3 % 0,1 % 0,1 % 0,2 % Kostnads-inntekts rate % 41,8 % 44,9 % 49,9 % 50,0 % 45,9 % 46,7 % 58,5 % 51,7 % 52,4 % 49,7 % Ren kjernekapitaldekning % 11,5 % 11,1 % 10,0 % 8,3 % 0,2 % Kjernekapitaldekning % 12,3% Kap.dekning % 14,5 % Beregningsgrunnlag % av FK eks. BKR/NKR 68,7 % Egenkapitalandel % 50% 2010** 1,3 % 1,0% 1,1 % Brutto tapsutsatt % av FK inkl. BKR/NKR 80% 2011 1,3 % 1,1% 1,2 % Brutto misligh. % av FK inkl. BKR/NKR 90% 2012 1,4 % 1,2% 1,2 % RoA forenklet 3,0% 100% 2013 1,4 % -- " -- Aksjekurs 31.12* Vi finner banken kredittverdig. 2014 % av inkl. BKR/NKR Andre dr.innt. 12,8% 12,2% 10,6% 10,2% 9,6% 6,4% 7,4% 7,4% 14,1 % 13,1 % 11,4 % 12,4 % 11,9 % 9,8 % 10,0 % 10,6 % 11,8 % 8,8 % 9,0 % 8,9 % 7,4 % 7,0 % 6,5 % 81.489 71.667 67.594 64.042 60.770 54.336 54.307 50.214 42.547 37.530 42,0 % 37,3 % 32,2 % 1,0% 30% 20% 10% Innsk.fra kunder (mill) Verdipapirgjeld under 1 år (mill) 6.790 11.888 7.012 6.298 5.741 6.583 6.477 9.140 6.864 3.064 Verdipapirgjeld over 1 år (mill) 56.463 40.440 33.679 30.040 34.566 30.940 39.180 26.495 19.193 14.987 Ansvarlige lån (mill) 2.964 4.004 4.223 4.975 4.144 3.871 4.170 2.825 2.992 Annen gjeld (mill) 11.817 14.930 16.398 16.030 20.155 21.106 15.276 8.752 8.615 5.490 Tot fundingbehov (mill) 2.336 159.523 142.929 128.906 121.385 125.376 116.836 119.410 97.426 80.211 63.407 Verdipapirgjeld over 1 år 89% 77% 83% 83% 86% 82% 86% 74% 74% 83% Lang funding 88% 81% 82% 82% 79% 76% 82% 82% 81% 87% 0 0 0 2.500 0 2.560 2.560 2.160 57,1% A2 0% 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010** 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 0,0% 2014 Utlån personmrk inkl. boligkreditt 2013 2012 2011 2010** 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Utlån næring inkl. næringskreditt TAP/MISLIGHOLD FORDELING AV BRUTTO UTLÅN 2,5 % 36,7 % Lån til boligkreditt 44,5 % (mill) 0 0 Off-balance forpliktelser (mill) 32.605 27.676 Forde ling a v brutto utlå n Personkunder inkl. boligkreditt 1,5 % Lån til næringskreditt 1,0 % Næring eksl. næringskreditt 0,5 % 2013 2012 2011 2010** 2009 2008 2007 2006 -0,5 % FUNDING 63,0 % 63,4 % 63,7 % -- " -- 4,0 % 4,3 % Industri (+bygg og anlegg før 14') 62,9 % 62,4 % 59,8 % 4,2 % 3,6 % 3,4 % 3,6 % 5,6 % 5,2 % 5,8 % 6,6 % 6,3 % Bygg og anlegg -- " -- 2,0 % Handel, hotell og rest + tj. ytende -- " -- -- " -- 4,0 % 6,0 % 6,3 % 6,7 % 6,3 % 5,7 % 7,1 % 6,4% Eiendom -- " -- 15,9 % 15,8 % 15,7 % 16,6 % 17,0 % 18,3 % 17,9% Transport/kommunikasjon -- " -- 4,7 % 4,4 % 4,1 % 4,5 % 4,6 % 4,8 % Øvrig -- " -- 0,4 % 0,3 % 0,4 % 0,3 % 0,2 % 0,2 % 0,5% Totalt -- " -- 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0 % 100,0% Lån til boligkreditt -- " -- 18,5% 27,4% 30,5% 30,5% 19,6% 21,1% 11,5% Lån til næ ringskreditt -- " -- 0,3 % 0,4 % 0,3 % 0,4 % 0,2 % A1 (Neg) Moody's Egenkapital Annen gjeld 2% 51% 3,7% 7,7% 6,7% A1 (stab) A2 (Neg) A2 A1 (Neg) A1 A1 (Neg) Aa3 Aa3 Fitch A- A- A- A- A/Neg A/Neg A A A A Danske A- A A A- A- A- BBB+ n/a A A+ A A A A- A- A- A- A- A A+ A A A A A A A A A n/a n/a A- DNB Utlån BM 70% 2005 % av brutto utlån inkl. BKR/NKR Primæ rnæ ring & off.sektor R a ting 8% 80% % Kommiterte trekkfasiliteter over 1 år BALANSESPLITT MORBANK Eiendeler 90% % Nedskr. utlån -1,0 % 100% LCR 110,7 Brutto misligh. % av FK inkl. BKR/NKR 2014 18,5 % % Nto.tap utlån/gar. 2,0 % 0,0 % 0,3 % % Likviditetsindikator 2 NSFR 3,0 % Personkunder eksl. boligkreditt Likviditetsindikator 1 VP-gjeld Nordea 60% Norne Securities A A A 50% Pareto A A A A A A- A A+ A A A A A A- A A A A A A- BBB+ A+ A- A A- A- A- A- BBB+ A- 40% 30% SB 1 Markets 35% Utlån PM SEB Innskudd 20% Swedbank 4% 10% Likviditetsportefølje 0% Aktiva Passiva Innsk.fra kunder Verdipapirgjeld under 1 år Ansvarlige lån Annen gjeld Balanse morbank 31.12.2014 Verdipapirgjeld over 1 år Eiendeler 6.580 Utlån -Utlån/fordring kredittinstitusjoner 8.117 1% Brutto mislighold over 90 dg (mill) 395 804 81.723 47% Brutto øvrig tapsutsatte utlån (mill) 481 628 5% Gjeld kredittinstitusjoner 76.006 44% Verdipapirgjeld 58.152 34% Derivater -Verdipapirer Derivater Forretninger utenom balansen 6.145 4% 63.253 37% 3.317 2% Utlån høyere risikoklasser (mill) Toxic ratio (% av br. utlån eks. BKR) 1% T oxic / Ba il-in mode ll Brutto utlån eks. BKR (mill) 4.428 1.997 134.776 113.965 3,9 % 3,0 % Ansvarlig lånekapital 1.847 15.248 7.344 1% -Tidsbegrenset LT2 9% -Ubegrenset UT2 4% -Fondsobligasjoner T1 Egenkapital Sum A- 2013 2.095 Innskudd -Bedriftsmarked -Kontanter A- 2014 4% Annen gjeld -Personmarked Likviditetsportefølje T oxic ra tio A 173.294 32.481 100% Sum Leverage ratio 2.081 0% Senior score 7,0 7,7 883 1% LT2 score 0,6 0,4 13.797 0 8,0 % 173.294 100% * De sier selv de ikka har hatt migrering til høyere risikoklasser - tar likevel 25% av 2,5-99,9% 6,7 % * Egenkapitalbevis før 02.01.2012 ** SR-Bank fusjonerte med Kvinnherad Sparebank i 2010. Source: Issuers, brokers, Nordea Investment Management AB 15 • For Professionals only* Relevant topics For Professionals only* Oil downturn – impact on Norwegian banks 17 • For Professionals only* Norway a petroleumdependant economy Double hit for the petroleum value chain Structural: cost cutting mode in petroleum operators Cyclical: fall in oil price - affects the bigger part of the value chain IRIS estimates that 330’ residents in Norway are employed in petroleum sector – 13% of all residents employed Directly 186’ – petroleum sector and petroleum related suppliers Indirectly 143’ – suppliers of general products/services (transport, finance etc.) 21% is exportrelated ( employees in export companies and also subcontractors delivering to exporters) Petroleumrelated industry are companies existing since industrialization Reorganized towards petroleum when found oil But also delivering to other sectors; offshore wind, design of yacht and mineralsearching vessels, building of vessels for research and fishing etc. Source: IRIS – Report 2015/031, Nordea Investment Management 18 • For Professionals only* Structural hit The Norwegian cost level was to high Disadvantage for export Partly offset by Simple and volume productions moved overseas Engineers/technicians wages at par globally Flat structures World leading positions on E&P software, heavy lift, topside drilling, subsea etc. Source: IRIS – Report 2015/031, Nordea Investment Management 19 • For Professionals only* Cyclical hit Increased shale oil production in US putting pressure on prices Saudis not willing to reduce production Lower global GDP growth Source: Macrobond, Nordea Investment Management 20 • For Professionals only* The offshore and oil service value chain Source: DNB Group, Nordea Investment Management 21 • For Professionals only* Directly and indirectly petroleumrelated activity Outer circle: indirectly petroleum related activity Source: IRIS – Report 2015/031, Nordea Investment Management 22 • For Professionals only* Directly and indirectly petroleumrelated activity Residents offshore and onshore employees in direct and indirectly petroleumrelated activity, relatively to total residents employed Indirect Services export Services homemarket Operators Offshore employees Source: IRIS – Report 2015/031, Nordea Investment Management 23 • For Professionals only* Municipalities with highest “petroleumshare” Columns: left-hand scale Green line: right-hand scale Directly employees (not including indirect employees) Commuting in to the municipality is included when comparing to residents Source: IRIS – Report 2015/031, SSB, Nordea Investment Management 24 • For Professionals only* Real estate: Rents office property Source: Dagens Næringsliv 25 • For Professionals only* Vacancies office property Source: Akershus Eiendom 26 • For Professionals only* Vacancies office property NPRO has approx. half the vacancy in Stavanger Source: Akershus Eiendom 27 • For Professionals only* Banks: mirror image of the real economy Exposed to petroleum downturn via lending 1st wave: Exposures towards early cycle down turn Petroleum related companies - head count falling Cutting adapted to reduced order book Flexible work force – immigrants, hired help Cash build up recent years Households (redundancies) affected by the hit High debt/income - low mortgage rates helps High savings Some reallocated to other sectors High social security level 2nd wave: Commercial real estate – office vacancy rates increasing Some cities have newly build capacity Cut in head counts, densification, subletting Will affect rents And affect property value (but still falling yields helps) Source: Nordea Investment Management 28 • For Professionals only* NIMs oil risk score on Norwegian banks Total “oil risk” is composed of Defense line in three layers – before losses incur on debt Direct lending to oil, offshore and shipping – 1st wave Direct lending to real estate and construction – 2nd wave Earnings Provisions Equity Norwegian banks have robust defense line - can counter oil risks ahead We see 25-50% provisions/losses in some banks in shipping, oil and offshore Real estate is normally pledged so should see lower losses here Construction included in our model, but will probably refocus towards other sectors in the years ahead, f.ex infrastructure – only minor losses Source: Nordea Investment Management 29 • For Professionals only* Oil risk score Norwegian banks Oil score of 3 indicates risks are 3 times higher than defense line Can have loss of 33% of total “oil risk” and have a defense line to counter it Not likely to loose as much as 33% of “oil risk” – at least not on real estate and construction Score 2 can have 50% losses on total “oil risk” Score 1 can loose the whole “oil risk” portfolio Risks: Lending oil/offshore/shipping Lending real estate/construction Defense line: Earnings Provisions Equitiy Source: Nordea Investment Management 30 • For Professionals only © Nordea Investment Management AB Mäster Samuelsgatan 20, M 701, SE-105 71 Stockholm, Sweden and any of its branches and/or affiliated companies. This document is intended to provide the reader with information on Nordea’s specific capabilities. This document does not amount to an investment advice nor does it constitute a recommendation to invest in any financial product, investment structure or instrument, to enter into or unwind any transaction or to participate in any particular trading strategy. This document is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Any such offering may be made only by an Offering Memorandum, or any similar contractual arrangement. Consequently, the information contained herein will be superseded in its entirety by such Offering Memorandum or contractual arrangement in its final form. Any investment decision should therefore only be based on the final legal documentation, without limitation and if applicable, Offering Memorandum, contractual arrangement, any relevant prospectus and the latest key investor information document relating to the investment. This document contains information which has been taken from a number of sources. While the information herein is considered to be correct, no representation or warranty can be given on the ultimate accuracy or completeness of such information and investors may use further sources to form a well-informed investment decision. Prospective investors or counterparties should discuss with their professional tax, legal, accounting and other adviser(s) with regards to the potential effect of any investment that they may enter into, including the possible risks and benefits of such investment. Prospective investors or counterparties should also fully understand the potential investment and ascertain that they have made an independent assessment of the appropriateness of such potential investment, based solely on their own intentions and ambitions. Investments in derivative and foreign exchange related transactions may be subject to significant fluctuations which may affect the value of an investment. Investments in Emerging Markets involve a higher element of risk. The value of the investment can greatly fluctuate and cannot be ensured. Unless otherwise stated, all views expressed are those of Nordea Investment Management AB and any of its branches and/or affiliated companies. Source (unless otherwise stated): Nordea Investment Management AB and any of its branches and/or affiliated companies. This document is furnished on a confidential basis may not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission and must not be passed to private investors. This document contains information only intended for professional investors and eligible investors and is not intended for general publication. Nordea Investment Management AB (and any of its branches and/or affiliated companies) does not assume any responsibility and cannot be held responsible for the information contained in this document. Similarly, Nordea Investment Management (and any of its branches and/or affiliated companies) cannot be held liable for any effects caused by using any part of the information in the document. Reference to companies or other investments mentioned within this document should not be construed as a recommendation to the investor to buy or sell the same, but is included for the purpose of illustration. The level of tax benefits and liabilities will depend on individual circumstances and may be subject to change in the future. 31 Iren Jensen [email protected]
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