Annual Report 2014 NORMENT – Annual Report 2014 | 12 Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT) Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research (NORMENT) is a Norwegian Centre of Excellence established by the Research Council of Norway in July 2013. NORMENT is integrated with the K. G. Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, funded by the K.G. Jebsen Foundation. This provides a unique opportunity to perform comprehensive and longterm research, reaching across the country. The Centre has a clear clinical profile, involving investigations of patients with state-of-the art clinical assessments and research technology, and translating findings to experimental studies for the identification of underlying mechanisms. We have ambitious scientific goals, focusing on understanding the underlying mechanisms of severe mental disorders. This is a field with large unmet needs and lack of knowledge, which makes the work of our Centre of Excellence very important. We have focused on four main areas of activities to answer the following research questions: Why do antipsychotic medications have severe side effects? How can brain imaging help link genes to clinical characteristics? Where is the ‘hidden heritability’ of severe mental disorders? How can we predict outcome in patients experiencing their first signs of disease? 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 34 NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 2 Leader’s comments Vision Statement Scientific aims Achievements 2014 Scientific currency Happenings 2014 NORMENT Annual Retreat Core Researchers Translational Psychiatry Clinical Psychosis Research Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Brain Imaging Neurocognition Structural MRI Convergent functional genomics Animal models International Cooperation New employees 2014 NORMENT Staff Activities 2014 Visits Abroad Visits from Abroad Further International Cooperation Presentations 2014 Disputations 2014 NORMENT in Media Publications 2014 Funding Leader’s comments The first phase of the NORMENT has been used to establish the Centre identity, both in terms of scientific focus and coordinated organisation and communication. We have made significant progress in these aspects in 2014, and the first full year of activity turned out to be a productive and rewarding year for the NORMENT Centre. We have also provided evidence how animal models can be used for translational studies of antipsychotic side effects, and shown how schizophrenia risk genes relate to immune system induce abnormal behaviour and altered brain function when transferred to mouse models. We have continued to develop a synergistic team of research groups and work units, and established structures for project coordination, expertise sharing and strong method platforms. The scientific achievements have been excellent. We have participated in discovery of new gene variants associated with psychiatric disorders, and especially the Nature paper in July identifying 108 gene variants for schizophrenia was a breakthrough in the field. These aspects are now followed up in new clinical studies focusing on prediction of longterm course and outcome. Emerging data indicates that early treatment response is a key predictor. There are always several challenges involved in developing a new Centre of Excellence, and the current most pressing issue is the lack of adequate office and lab space, which we hope will be finalized in 2015. We have also found indications that socioeconomic stressors in adolescence may increase the risk for psychotic disorders and that environmental risk factors reduce the age at onset of bipolar disorder and are likely to be involved in the development of the disorder, with indications of gene x environmental interactions. Using state-of-the-art brain imaging tools, we have determined how environmental factors (obstetric complications) affect brain development, and may play a causative role in psychiatric disorders. Despite this limitation, the coordination of the research activity between the different partners seems to work very well, and we have been successful in recruiting new and talented researchers to the Centre. This makes me very optimistic for the next year and I look forward to new discoveries in 2015. Furthermore, the Centre has developed new statistical methodology to boost the power of genetic studies, thereby strongly increasing the output from genetics data in many fields of human disease research. Ole A. Andreassen, Director NORMENT NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 3 Vision statement NORMENT’s primary objective is to reveal underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and to develop tools for stratification and outcome prediction, using a vertical synergy approach, with the following sub goals: 1) Define new targets to optimize the ratio of beneficial vs. adverse effects of antipsychotics. 2) Identify genetic variants or expression variation to reveal ‘missing heritability’. 3) Determine new brain imaging phenotypes linking genes and core clinical phenotypes. 4) Use genetic and environmental factors to predict disease progress and outcome. We will take advantage of the homogeneity of the Norwegian population (genetic background, health care system, registries) as the basis for collecting large samples of affected and unaffected people. These individuals will be characterized with the same clinical, cognitive, biochemical and imaging protocols to identify new mechanisms which will be studied functionally in animal and cell culture models. Scientific aims 1. Define New Targets for Antipsychotic Medication Antipsychotic medications are the cornerstone in the treatment of schizophrenia, and have in recent years also been used for bipolar disorder. The medications are not equally effective for all patients, and have a limited effect on the core symptoms for approximately 20 % of those treated. Adverse effects are problematic and in some cases serious, such as cardiovascular risk factors (weight gain, abnormal fat levels in the blood, diabetes etc.). Research at NORMENT has a particular focus on the immune and lipid (fat) metabolism systems. We use animal and other experimental models to enhance our knowledge about the mechanisms of action of antipsychotic medication. We aim to optimize antipsychotic treatment by increasing the desired effect of medication and reducing adverse effects. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 4 2. Identify Genetic Factors for Psychiatric Disorders – Common and Rare Variants Family and twin studies have shown that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have high heritability. Researchers at NORMENT have contributed to major international GWA (“genomewide association studies”). We have found evidence for new vulnerability genes for these disorders. Preliminary results show that inherited changes in many genes (i.e. gene variants) are involved, but each variant contributes to a relatively modest degree. The identified gene variants explain only a small portion of susceptibility to psychotic dis- orders. Heritability is therefore still far from fully explained. In our research, we use combined approaches that include new genotyping methods to identify rare genetic variants. We also use new statistical methods for mapping multiple gene variants, each of which has a small effect on its own. 3. Brain Imaging: Identify Brain MRI Phenotypes Linking Genes to Core Clinical Phenotypes Advanced neuroimaging techniques including structural and functional MRI have revolutionized the understanding of the structural and functional makeup of the human brain. NORMENT researchers have contributed to the identification of structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia, including volumetric alterations in front temporal cortical areas and subcortical structures. Partly overlapping and partly diverging patterns have been found in bipolar disorder. Structural and functional brain phenotypes are highly heritable, and current research at NORMENT aims to identify the genetic underpinnings of individual differences in the structural and functional organization of the human brain, and to disentangle the genetic and phenotypic associations with severe neuropsychiatric disorders. 4. Predict Course and Outcome –Including Mortality Some patients with severe mental disorders recover completely while others develop chronic illness. Currently, we can mainly make general assumptions about the most likely prognosis for someone who develops a severe mental illness and are not able to predict the personal outcome for individual patients. One of the main goals for NORMENT is to investigate how we can improve our understanding of course and outcome. Ultimately, the goal is to make personalized predictions for patients coming to their first treatment. We are doing this by examining how genetic- and environmental risk factors influence the course of the disorder, by combining clinical- and cognitive assessments with brain imaging. During 2014, the main focus has been on investigating how specific environmental risk factors influence clinical, cognitive- and morphological characteristics either individually, or in interaction with other environmental and genetic risk factors. At present, we are studying the effects of early traumatic events, cannabis use and migration- with additional studies of how the effects of trauma interact with the effects of cannabis use and of migration. We have also studied how trauma interacts with genetic factors – in this case variant in the BDNF gene – on cognition and on structural changes in hippocampal subfields. This line of research is done in close collaboration with several of NORMENT’s groups and with international colleagues in Paris, France and Milan, Italy. To study the effects on course and outcome we also need welldescribed patient cohorts followed from their first treatment. Within the NORMENT Centre we have established a large first-treatment schizophrenia spectrum cohort and are working to establish a first-treatment bipolar spectrum cohort in collaboration with Norwegian colleagues in the NORSMI network. We are now ready to launch a long-term (5 and 10 year follow ups) of the schizophrenia cohort. We have already started out a fiveyear follow up of patients at Innlandet Hospital in collaboration with the regional research network. The first part of the long-term follow-up will have a particular focus on functioning, cognition and negative symptoms. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 5 Achievements Implemented new statistical tools for gene based association analyses and allelic heterogeneity Participated in genetic and imaging genetics consortia for large scale association discovery Developed a team in translational psychiatry, focusing on immune and cardiovascular comorbidity Genotyped a large sample of cases and controls, nearly 25 000 participants Developed new MRI multimodal imaging analysis protocol Started upgrade of Centre MRI scanners in both Bergen and Oslo and synchronized protocols Established principles for ‘biophysical psychiatry’ approach Received NIH funding for a big data grant (big data to knowledge, BD2K) involving the ENIGMA study Completed data collection for cognitive remediation study and social cognition PhD project New biomarkers: NMDA receptor antibodies, viral serology Finished the protocol for a long-term follow-up study of first episode patients New neurocognitive and functional outcome protocol for 5-, 10-, and future NORMENT follow up studies developed Developed a new smartphone app for sampling of symptom-data in real-time, collaboration between Bergen and Oslo Several translational studies listed in Research aims/deliverables published and/or submitted Improved the new statistical tools for improved gene discovery in a range of polygenic complex disorders First study on the relationship between temporal and frontal lobe glutamate concentrations and PANSS hallucination scores published Investigate for consistency of MR measures across scanners Longitudinal neuroimaging – 1-year follow-up finished NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 6 Scientific currency Papers Dissemination of research result NORMENT scientist authored or co-authored 102 papers in international peer-reviewed journals in 2014. Of the papers published in 2014, 25 papers appeared in journals with an impact factor above 5. Six of these appeared in journals with an impact factor above 15, (one with impact factor above 35). In general the quality and visibility of publications from the Centre is high. NORMENT members gave 48 talks as invited speakers at international scientific meetings in 2014. In addition 105 oral presentations and 56 posters were presented by NORMENT scientists. NORMENT staff gave also 65 lectures, aimed at a targeted audience and the general public. NORMENT scientists have extensive collaborations with national and international research groups. More than 50 % of the papers published in 2014 with one or more NORMENT authors are the result of collaborations with national institutions. Impact factor based on collaborations are illustrated in the figures below. NORMENT publications in 2014 are presented on page 28 of this report. National and international collaborators are listed on page 20 and 22. These include postgraduate lectures, research seminars, training course at universities and hospitals. Talks, posters and dissemination activities aimed at targeted audience and the public, as well as media coverage, are listed in the back of this report. Impact Factor Distribution - NORMENT Publications 2014 8% 32 % <5 60 % 5 - 15 > 15 Publications with one or more NORMENT authores 14 % 1 50 % 36 % 2-4 >5 Prizes and awards: Professor Kenneth Hugdahl was awarded the 2014 “Møbius” prize, from the Research Council of Norway. ningsrdet_deler_ut_tre_priser_i_dag/125400158 1512?lang=no Professor Kenneth Hugdahl received honorary Meltzer Award for 2013, from University of Bergen. Post doc Monica Aas received 2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant for her studies on the effects of trauma in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. Post doc Martin Steen Tesli received Travel Award, at World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Copenhagen October 2014. Prof. Ole A. Andreassen became new member of National Academy of Science and Letters NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 7 1 Happenings 2014 Lucca seminar: In August, the clinical group’s postdocs participated in the annual writing seminar in Lucca, Tuscany, together with the clinical research groups in Stavanger and Bergen. The seminar was the second inter-regional seminar at this location, and further strengthened our ongoing inter-regional collaborations. Illustration: Trine Vik Lagerberg, Carmen Simonsen and Akiah Ottesen Berg (postdocs in the Clinical group) on their bikes at the Lucca seminar. Illustration: Early Saturday morning in Lucca. Carmen Simonsen and Monica Aas at work with their colleagues from Bergen and Stavanger. Illustration: Christine Demmo with her poster at the Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders in Seoul, March 2014. Illustration: Petter Andreas Ringen and Levi Kvitland with their posters at the Conference of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders in Seoul, March 2014. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 8 2 The 22nd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics in Copenhagen. The 22nd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG) took place during 12-16 October 2014, organized by a Scandinavian committee that included five of the NORMENT Core Researchers (Ole A. Andreassen, Ingrid Melle, Vidar M. Steen, Srdjan Djurovic and Stephanie Le Hellard). NORMENT researchers were responsible for a symposium on "the interplay between genetics and early trauma in severe mental disorders" as well as a satellite symposium entitled "Leveraging Population Registries and Biobanks for Neuropsychiatric Research: Experiences from the Nordic Countries and Opportunities for the HORIZON 2020 Initiative of the European Union". In addition, NORMENT contributed significantly to the scientific program through lectures and poster presentations". Kenneth Hugdahl received The Award for Outstanding Research (Møbius Prize) from the Research Council of Norway. Monica Aas received 2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant for her studies on the effects of trauma in schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 9 Srdjan Djurovic was hired as professor II, at Clinical Institute 2, University of Bergen. 3 4 NORMENT Annual Retreat 2014 NORMENT Annual Retreat took place in Oslo, September 1516. The program consisted of plenary lectures with updates, new findings and ongoing projects, synergy workshops with project planning, as well as poster sessions. Visiting Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) In addition, there were presentations by our Scientific Advisory Board, who also contributed with comments and feedback. A total of 85 people participated, in an enthusiastic and interactive atmosphere, and we had a successful annual NORMENT dinner. The conference took place at Quality Hotel Expo at Fornebu, close to the fjord with easy transportation from city center and airport. Michael Green Terry Jernigan Marcella Rietschel Speakers at Annual Retreat Scientific Advisory Board 1 Core Researchers 6 Senior Scientists 6 12 Post docs PhD Students 1 NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 10 Core Researchers NORMENT has organized the research into interdisciplinary research groups with complementary expertise. Each research group is led by a senior researcher. NORMENT has eight Core Researchers. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | Translational Psychiatry Achievements in 2014: Actively involved in a large international consortium which led to the discovery of 108 risk genes for schizophrenia, and participated in several discoveries of common gene variants for psychiatric disorders. Developed new statistical tools for improved gene discovery in a range of polygenic complex disorders. Showed how polygenic factors are associated with diagnostic groups and brain phenotypes. Developed a team in translational psychiatry, focusing on immune and cardiovascular comorbidity. Group leader: Ole A. Andreassen, Professor UiO, OUS Group members: Andrew Brown Ingrid Dieset Thomas Bjella Aree Witoelar Verena Zuber Saurabh Srinivasan Eva Zsuzsanna Hoseth Yunpeng Wang Sigrun Hope Eivind Bakken Francesco Bettella Tuomo Mikael Marttunen Ragni Mørch Wen Li Martin Tesli Nils Eiel Steen Terje Nærland Ambitions for 2015: Finish the long range phasing of the Norwegian population, and apply this approach to severe mental illness. Further improve the novel biotstatistical tools, and apply them to core phenotypes in psychiatry, focusing on brain imaging and cross-disorder phenotypes. Integrate our “biophysical psychiatry” approach with clinical EEG measures. Facilitate the investigations of immune and cardiovascular comorbidity, and multimodal imaging. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | Lars Tjelta Westlye Daniel Quintana Karolina Kauppi Tobias Kaufmann Nhat Trung Doan Christine Lycke Brandt Kristina Skåtun Ingeborg Bolstad 12 Clinical Psychosis Research Achievements in 2014: Group leader: Ingrid Melle, Professor UiO, OUS. Group members: Trine Vik Lagerberg Jannicke Fjæra Andresen Idun Huflåtten Camilla Bakkalia Büchmann Carmen Simonsen Erlend Gardsjord Monica Aas Mari Nerhus . Færden Ann Petter Andreas Ringen Akiah Ottesen Berg Levi Røstad Kvitland Marit Haram Nasrettin Sömnez Tiril Østefjells The main focus for the research group is the Centre’s Aim # 4 – the study of how genetic and environmental factors influence course and outcome in psychotic disorder. The main focus in 2014 has been on the effect of environmental risk factors and gene x environment interactions on cross sectional outcome, with a focus on early trauma, migration and cannabis. This work is done in close collaboration with other CR groups (in particular molecular genetics, structural imaging and Neurocognition) with several publications. We have also finished the protocol for a longterm follow-up study of first episode patients. Ambitions for 2015: In December 2014 we received additional external funding to launch the long-term follow-up. The ambition for 2015 is to start out the first wave of follow-ups. In addition, we will continue the work on short-term effects of environmental risk factors, including studies on interactions with polygenetic risk scores in collaboration with other CR groups in the Centre. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 13 Psychiatric Molecular Genetics Achievements in 2014: Several translational studies listed in Research aims/deliverables published and/or submitted Inclusion of samples for stem cells project and building up stem cells infrastructure 3 new postdocs recruited New national /international collaborations established Group leader: Srdjan Djurovic, Professor OUS, UiB. Group members: Lavinia Athanasiu Ida Elken Sønderby Lars Hansson Elin Inderhaug Matthieu Vandenberghe Agata Impellizzeri Christian Melbø-Jørgensen Kristine Kjeldal Malik Mumtaz Hussain Taqi Ambitions for 2015: Produce and further characterize induced pluripotent stem cells and induced neurons Continue with disease modelling using stem cell and cell cultures Continuation of translational projects, including deeper molecular characterization and molecular phenotyping Continuation of work at international collaboration (eg. CNV ENIGMA, PGC BD, …) NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 14 Brain Imaging, Cognition Achievements in 2014: Group leader: Kenneth Hugdahl, Professor UiB Group members: Josef Bless Maiken Brix Alex Craven Gerard Dwyer Lars Ersland Liv Falkenberg Renate Grüner Marco Hirnstein Erik Johnsen Bjørg Kocbach Kristiina Kompus Galyna Kovalchuk Rune Kroken Else-Marie Løberg Susanne Passow Igne Sinkevicute Karsten Specht First study on the relationship between temporal and frontal lobe glutamate concentrations and PANSS hallucination scores published. We have started the analysis of fMRI and DTI data from the first wave of BP2 patients, with a focus on correlations with auditory hallucinations. We have developed a new smartphone app for sampling of symptom-data in realtime, collaboration with Oslo CRs. Ambitions for 2015: Finish data analysis of the first wave BP2 patients, especially mapping the temporal characteristics of auditory hallucinations. Run a first test of iPod app for sampling of data on frequency and duration of auditory hallucinations, collaborations with Oslo and Finland. First attempt to analyze already acquired GABA neurotransmitter concentrations from the same brain areas as glutamate, and run against the fluctuations of auditory hallucinations in the course of a day. Finish analysis of BAVQ data from 420 patients, collected in Norway, Australia, and UK. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 15 Neurocognition Achievements in 2014: Completed data collection for cognitive remediation study and social cognition PhD project. Completed cognitive and functional outcome protocol for long-term follow-up study of first episode patients PhD completed: Longitudinal neurocognitive trajectories in first-episode psychosis: Relationships between illness severity and cognitive course Two PhDs recruited to project on genetics of attention and effort in healthy controls The group has contributed to approximately 20 papers that were published in 2014 Ambitions for 2015: Writing up of cognitive remediation study, social cognitive post-doc project and longitudinal first treatment bipolar study Contribute to first wave of data collection for long-term follow-up study Continue development of new computerized scoring software for social and emotional processing in psychosis Startup of data collection project on genetics of attention and effort in healthy controls NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 16 Group leader: Kjetil Sundet, Professor UiO Group members: Torill Ueland Anja Vaskinn Thomas Espeseth Vilja Bidtnes Kristoffer Grimstad Tale Moldestad Beathe Haatveit Christine Demmo Jens Marius Halvorsen June Lystad Tone Hellvin Structural MRI Achievements in 2014: Group leader: Ingrid Agartz, Professor UiO Group members: Kristine Engen Tiril Pedersen Gurholt Cecilie Bhandari Hartberg Unn Kristin H. Haukvik Elisabeth Lange Vera Lonning Lynn Mørch-Johnsen Stener Nerland Ragnar Nesvåg Kjetil Nordbø Jørgensen Thorny Olafsdottir Runar Smelror Erik Jönsson Continued search for biological and environmental correlates/effects to brain neuroanatomical changes. Reported hippocampal subfields reductions in severe psychoses and how perinatal asphyxia is related with limbic structures in bipolar disorder. New biomarkers: NMDA receptor antibodies, viral serology. Longitudinal neuroimaging – 1-year follow-up finished. Participated in genetic and imaging genetics consortia for large scale association discovery. Investigate for consistency of MR measures across scanners. Scandinavian multisite translational study on adolescent psychosis now comprises three sites (UiO and Karolinska Institutet and recent up-start in Bergen) Ambitions for 2015: Detail the characterization of brain phenotypes and clinical symptoms, use of stimulants and pharmacological agents. Implement use of app for sampling symptomdata in real time together with Hugdahl Bergen group. Characterize clinical sample for early trauma, infection exposure and NMDA autoimmunity and search for association with genetic risk scores and brain phenotypes. Expand adolescent early-onset psychosis to more Scandinavian sites. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 17 Convergent functional genomics Achievements in 2014: Implemented new statistical tools for gene-based association analysis and allelic heterogeneity. Identified genes and groups of genes implicated in cognition and brain imaging traits, both in NORMENTgrounded studies and through participation in international consortia. Group leader: Stéphanie le Hellard, Professor UiB Group members: Niladri Banerjee Carla Fernandes Sudheer Giddaluru Tatiana Polushina Anne Kristin Stavrum Ghazal Zakeri Ambitions for 2015: Further develop gene-based studies for allelic heterogeneity between psychiatric disorders and relevant traits. Finely map and characterize in silico the implication of a few genomic loci associated with schizophrenia. Develop epigenetic studies for the characterization of human-specific methylated regions in complex traits and gene by environment influence in psychiatric traits. Characterize the differential methylation induced by cannabis exposure. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 18 Animal Models Achievements in 2014: Group leader: Vidar M. Steen, Professor UiB Group members: Hans-Richard Brattbakk Jorunn S Bringsli Inger H Duus Kari M Ersland Carla Fernandes Rita Holdhus Marianne Navdal Silje Skrede Christine Stansberg Tomasz Stokowy Identified genes and groups of genes implicated in cognition and brain imaging traits, both in NORMENT-grounded studies and through participation in international consortia. Implemented methods for analysis of human whole exome and whole genome sequencing data, and identified novel disease genes. Established long-acting formulation of antipsychotic drugs as a new approach for modelling metabolic adverse effects. Ambitions for 2015: Further explore the genetics and functional genomics of schizophrenia-associated genes involved in lipid metabolism, immunity and synaptic signaling Establish and improve experimental animal models for studying brain myelination and long-term effects of antipsychotic drugs Further develop strategies and methods for human gene annotation NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 19 International Cooperation The research requires close cooperation with leading research environments, both national and international. The researchers are participating in a series of international networks, and have several bilateral research programs with international institutions, both in the European Union and in USA. Marcella Rietschel, Professor at University of Mannheim. In addition to this, the Centre works actively to recruit excellent researchers internationally. The Centre facilitates the exchange of staff between the participants and international collaborators. In 2014 we had 3 post docs abroad, and 4 international guest researchers were associated with the Centre. International Guest Researchers Anders M. Dale and Wes Thompson, UCSD, USA; Sven Cichon, Basel, Swizerland; Frank Larøi, Liege, Belgium. Scientific Advisory Committee NORMENT has established an Advisory Committee of external scientific researchers. Their tasks are as follows: Terry Jernigan, Professor at University of California. San Diego. Contribute to NORMENT’s research activity by evaluating and advising on the activities within each of the research groups of the Centre and by acting as scientific advisors to the Centre Director. Contribute by giving an annual lecture at postgraduate level. Take an active part in NORMENT’s annual Meetings. Participate in preparing an annual written evaluation with SWOT analysis. Provide advice to the NORMENT leadership in strategic decisions Michael Foster Green, Professor at University of California. Los Angeles. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 20 New employees 2014 Anne-Kristin Stavrum. Ph.D in Bio-informatics, UiB Matthieu Vandenberghe, Ph.D.Postdoctoral fellow Aree Witeolar, Ph.D.Postdoctoral fellow Niladri Banerjee, Master in Sciences, UiB Ingrid Dieset, Ph.D. Associate Professor Sudheer Giddaluru. Ph.D in Biomedicine, UiB Erik Johnsen. Leader of the Norment -associated Bergen Psychosis Project Ida Elken Sønderby, Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow Erik Gunnar Jönsson, Professor Agata Impellizzeri. Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow Tuomo Mikael Marttunen Seyran Kahlili. Consultant Frank Larøi. Psychologist and Professor, UiB Jeanette Haatveit, Admin. Consultant Jannicke Fjæra Anderssen, Cand psychol. Ph.D Student Malik Mumtaz Hussain Taqi Scientist Runar Smelror, Scientific assistant Linn Christin Norbom, Scientific assistant Wen Li, Scientist Nhat Trung Doan, Ph.D in Medical Imaging. Postdoctoral fellow Daniel Quintana, Ph.D in Psychology. Postdoctoral fellow Tone Hellvin, Ph.D in Psychology Dag Alnæs, Ph.D Student Sofie R. Aminoff., Ph.D. Postdoctoral fellow Tor Johannes Helleland, IT assistant Nina Chung Mathiesen Sunniva Grimstad Marlene Kristiansen Johre NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 21 NORMENT Staff Senior scientists, Professors and Associate Professors Erik Gunnar Jönsson, Professor Erik Johnsen, Professor II Ingrid Dieset, Associate Professor Jan Ivar Røssberg, Professor II Lars Ersland, Scientist, MR-physicist Lars Tjelta Westlye, Associate Professor Renate Grüner, Associate professor, MR physicist Rene Westerhausen, Senior Scientist Thomas Espeseth, Associate Professor Unn Haukvik, Associate Professor Research Fellows Beathe Haatveit, MSc Camilla Büchmann, Cand.psychol. Carla Fernandes, MSc Christine Demmo, Cand.psychol. Christine Lycke Brandt, MSc Dag Alnæs, Cand.psychol. Elisabeth Lange, Erlend S. Dørum, Cand. med. Erlend Gardsjord, Eva Hoseth, Geneviève Richard, MA.psychol. Helene Barder, Cand.psychol. Ingeborg Bolstad, MSc Jannicke Fjæra Anderssen, Cand.psychol. Kjetil Nordbø Jørgensen, Cand.psychol. Kristina Skåtun, MSc Levi Kvitland, Cand.psychol. Liv Falkenberg, MSc Luiz Goulart, Lynn Mørk Johnsen, Maiken Brix, Mari Nerhus, Marit Haram, Morten Mattingsdal, MSc Nathalia Zak, Niladri Banerjee, MSc Saurabh Srinivasan, MSc Siren Tønnessen, Cand.psychol. Thorny Olafsdottir, Tiril Østefjells, Cand.psychol. Vera Lonning, Post docs Akiah Ottesen Berg, PhD in Psychology Andrew Brown, PhD in Biostatistics Anja Vaskinn, PhD in Psychology Anne Kristine Stavrum, PhD in Informatics Carmen Simonsen, PhD in Psychology Cecilie Bhandari Hartberg, PhD in Medicine Daniel Quintana, PhD in Psychology Francesco Bettella, PhD in Biostatistics Ida Sønderby, PhD in Molecular Genetics Kari M. Ersland, PhD in Biomedicine Karolina Kauppi, PhD in Medicine Kristina Kompus, PhD in Psychology Lavinia Athanasiu, PhD in Molecular Genetics Martin Tesli, PhD in Medicine Monica Aas, PhD in Psychology Nhat Trung Doan, PhD in Medical Imaging Silje Skrede, PhD in Biomedicine Sudheer Giddaluru, PhD in Biostatistics Tatiana Polushina, PhD in Applied mathematics Tobias Kaufmann, PhD in Psychology Tomasz Stokowy, PhD in Bioinformatics Tone Hellvin, PhD in Psychology Torbjørn Elvsåshagen, PhD in Medicine Trine Vik Lagerberg, PhD in Psychology Verena Zuber, PhD in Biostatistics Yunpeng Wang, PhD in Biostatistics Research Students Claire L. Poppy, MA psychology Hanne Smevik, MA psychology Natalia Tesli, MA cognitive science Nina C. Mathiesen, MA psychology Synøve Kamøy, research student in medicine Inger Duus, research student in medicine Other Research Personell Galyna Kovalchuk, MA, Research Assistant Ghazal Zakeri, Research assistant Idun Bernadotte Huflåtten, Cand Psychol Kristoffer Grimstad, Cand.psychol. Martina J. Lund, MA psychology Tale Moldestad, Cand Pscyhol. Vilja Bidtnes, Cand.psychol. Christian Melbø-Jørgensen, Msc Malik Mumtaz Hussain Taqi, PhD Technical and Administrative Positions Alex Craven, Research technician Bilal Safdar, Economist Cecilie Evjen, Lab Assistant Christine Stansberg, Senior Engineer Eivind Bakken, Head Nurse Elin Inderhaug, Bioengineer Gerard Dwyer, Research Technician Hans-Richard Brattbakk, Chief Engineer Jeanette Haatveit, Admin. Consultant Jorunn Bringsli, Chief Engineer Kate Eli Frøland, Senior Excecutive Officer Kristine Kjeldal, MSc Lars Johan Hansson, MSc Lena Stabell, Psychiatric Nurse Line Gundersen, Nurse Marianne Navdal, Lab Engineer Ragnhild Bettina Storli, Admin. Consultant Rita Holdhus, Chief Engineer Runar Kristiansen, Database Assistant Tanzeela Parveen, Medical Secretary Thomas Bjella, Database Consultant Vegard K. Lillevoll, IT Engineer Øyvind Rustan, Scientific Assistant NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 22 Activities 2014 Visits Abroad International Cooperation Post doc Andrew Brown holds a 50 % position at the Sanger Institute (a genomics and genetics research institute), UK. University of Oxford, UK: Prof Steve Smith, Dr Eugene P Duff, Dr Evangelos Roussos, Dr Gwen Douaud Post doc Yunpeng Wang is a visiting post doc Multimodal Imaging Laboratory (MMIL), UCSD, USA: Prof Anders M. Dale Multimodal Imaging Laboratory, UCSD, USA: Prof Anders M. Dale, Prof Wes Thompson PhD Student Dag Alnæs, Post doc Tobias Kaufmann and Associate Professor Lars T. Westlye visited the FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, in November. Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research, Berlin, GE: Dr Douglas G. Garrett deCODE, Iceland: Dr Hreinn Stefansson, Dr Omar Gustafsson Post doc Silje Skrede, March 20 – April 30: research stay in the lab of prof. Miguel López, CIMUS, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Laboratory of Neuro Imaging Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA: Dr Derrek Hibar, Prof Paul M Thompson Post doc Martin Steen Tesli visited Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London, in June University of Copenhagen, DK: Associate professor Randi Starrfelt, Professor Thomas Werge Post doc Verena Zuber visited UCSD, San Diego in January and Karolinska, Stockholm in September. Visits from Abroad SCID, PANSS and DSM-V workshop – Joseph Ventura, UCLA. He visited us in March 2nd-7th. European Bipolar Research Network (ENBREC) – from Paris, France visited us May 19th. NORMENT Scientific Advisory Committee: Terry Jernigan (San Diego, USA), Michael Green (Los Angeles, USA) and Marcella Rietschel (Mannheim, Germany) visited in September for NORMENT’s annual gathering. Brain Innovation BV, Maastricht, NL: Dr Ralph Brecheisenl. International Consortium on Hallucinations Research (ICHR), coordinated from University of Western Australia. Karolinska Institutet, Sweden: Stockholm Child and Adolescent Psychosis Study. Christina Hultman, Epidemiology Genetics. University of Oxford, UK. Angela Vincent immunity, Guy Goodwin bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC). Pat Sullivan UNC, USA, John Kelsoe UCSD, USA, Mick O’Donovan Cardiff, UK. Professor Anders M. Dale, Multi-Modal Imaging Laboratory at University of California, San Diego visited us from September 2-19 2014. Bipolar Disorder Network. Paris, France. Bruno Etain, Chantal Henry. Newcastle, UK, Jan Scott. Dresden, Germany, Michael Bauer. Associate Professor Alex Hoischen (Radboud University Medical Center, the Netherlands) visited us for two weeks in March and August 2014. Institute of Psychiatry. London, UK. Robin Murray, E. Vassos, M. DeForti, Psychosis research NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 23 Selected presentations 2014 International presentations: doc Monica Aas, 22nd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetic, Copenhagen, Denmark. “Trauma, Mental Health, and Undocumented Migration.“ Post doc Akiah O. Berg. European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) Conference, March, Copenhagen “Can new psychiatric genetics findings facilitate drug target identification?” Professor Ole A. Andreassen, SCNP Copenhagen, Denmark “Neurocognitive decrements are present in intellectually superior schizophrenia.” Post Doc Anja Vaskinn Schizophrenia International Research Society, Cognition Satellite meeting. Florence, Italy. “MR in psychiatry” Professor Ingrid Agartz, World Congress of the World Association of Dynamic Psychiatry, St Petersburg, Lecture, MR in psychiatry, St Petersburg, Russia. “The relation between antipsychotic medication history and ten-year outcome in first episode psychosis”. Professor Ingrid Melle, 9th Early Intervention in Psychosis Conference, Tokyo, Japan. “Perception of sounds that do not exist” Professor Kenneth Hugdahl, Keynote speaker Nordic Network Conference on Sounds, Music, and the Brain, Helsinki, June. “GWAS identifies common variants associated with pharmacokinetics of psychotropic drugs” Post doc, Lavinia Athanasiu, SCNP, Copenhagen. “Childhood Trauma as Risk Factor in Psychotic Disorders- in Search of Mechanisms” Post doc Monica Aas. The 4th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, Florence, Italy. “Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis function in psychosis and high risk for psychosis.” Post doc Monica Aas, 44th ISPNE Conference, Sex and Gender Across the Lifespan. Montreal, Canada. “Additive association between childhood trauma and bdnf val66met on volume of hippocampal subfields- exploring the role of BDNF RNA. Post “Beyond Bonferroni: Large Scale Inference for Complex Disorders” Professor Ole A. Andreassen, Lecture WCPG October 13. “The Interplay between Genetics and Early Trauma in Severe Mental Disorders”. Professor Stephanie Le Hellard, Discussant, selected symposium. XXIInd World Congress of Psychiatric genetics, Copenhagen, Oct. 12-16. “Processing speed and its components – associations with age and indices of brain white matter microstructure.” Senior scientist Thomas Espeseth, the `Expert Workshop on Processing Speed and Cognitive Ageing’. The Royal Society of Edinburgh, April 30th. “Indications of a dose - response relationship between cannabis use and age at onset in bipolar disorder.” Post doc Trine Vik Lagerberg, 16th Annual Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders, South Korea, Seoul. National dissemination: "Fysisk helse og mortalitet ved FEP tilstander, hva vet vi og hva kan vi gjøre: Aktivitet motivasjon – helse". Post doc Andreas Ringen, 10. nasjonale TIPS-konferanse, Stavanger. "Hvordan går det med personer med psykoselidelser over tid - Hvor mange blir friske?" Post doc Carmen Simonsen, i regi av Fagforbundet, Gaustad sykehus - December. “Heart rate variability in psychiatric Illness.” Post doc Daniel S. Quintana.. Modum Bad Hospital, Oslo, Norway. «Hvorfor tidlig behandling? Kliniske implikasjoner av en moderne psykoseforståelse» Professor Ingrid Melle, Bergen tidlig psykose symposium, Bergen. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 24 "Neurocognition and occupational functioning in schizophrenia spectrum disorders" PhD Student June Lystad, Norsk Forum for Nevropsykiatri, Oslo "Kognitiv trening og arbeid". PhD Student June Lystad, Verdensdagen for psykisk helse, Oslo University College, Oslo. nasjonale TIPS-konferansen, Schzofrenidagene Stavanger. "Polygenetics of attention and effort: Uncovering brain circuit pathologies in schizophrenia". Senior scientist Thomas Espeseth, seminar on cognition in psychosis disorders, Engø, August 22nd, 2014. “White matter meeting: everything you need and want to know about white matter” Post doc Kari Ersland, 06-07.02.Trondheim, Norway “Miljømessige risikofaktorer ved psykoselidelser” Post doc Trine Vik Lagerberg, ved Medisinsk Fakultets 200 års jubileumsseminar for unge forskere, Litteraturhuset. “New technology in hallucinations research – app methods” Professor Kenneth Hugdahl, Seminar Speaker Nansen Neuroscience Network Meeting, Oslo "Psykosens anatomi - matcher hjernekartet til terrenget?" Post doc Unn Kristin Haukvik, Forskningsdagene 2014, Litteraturhuset, Oslo "Nevropsykologi og kognitive funksjoner. Implikasjoner for behandling og oppfølging ved psykiske lidelser". Professor Kjetil S. Sundet, Emnekurs i nevropsykiatri, LiPS (Leger i Psykiatrisk Spesialisering), Bergen. "Kartlegging av kognitiv funksjonssvikt". Professor Kjetil Søren Sundet. Workshop 1: Nevropsykologi. Den 10. nasjonale TIPSkonferansen, Schizofrenidagene, Stavanger. "Sykdom og arv. Fra sjeldne genfeil til folkesykdommer". Professor Vidar M Steen, lecture at Dnlf-course on "Genetikk i klinisk praksis", Gardermoen, February "Metabolic effects of antipsychotic drugs: Some bad guys and some good guys?" Professor Vidar M Steen, Plenary lecture at Psykiatriveka 2014, Bergen, March. "Cannabis use in early bipolar disorder" Phd Student Levi Røstad Kvitland Norsk forum for nevropsykiatri, Oslo. "Affektive lidelser - diagnose, symptom og underliggende mekanismer". Professor Ole A. Andreassen. Nasjonal konferanse akuttpsykiatri Oslo 14. februar "Forkortet livslengde ved psykoser. Årsaker og intervensjoner". Professor Ole A. Andreassen. Tidlig Psykose Symposium 2014, Bergen 2. juni “Modelling blue-blocking treatment in rats.” Post doc Silje Skrede, Psykiatriveka 2014, Bergen. "Metabolske bivirkninger av antipsykotiske medikamenter" Post doc Silje Skrede, Norsk forening for rus- og avhengighetsmedisin (Nfram), Bergen. "Kognitiv trening for å øke funksjonsevnen ved førstegangspsykose." Senior scientist Torill Ueland, Tidlig intervensjon ved psykoser den 10. NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 25 Disputations 2014 Aina Holmèn, Cand. psychol. (January 23, 2014) “Neurocognition in early-onset schizophrenia with a particular focus on executive function” Supervisors: Bjørn Rishovd Rund Ingrid Melle Torbjørn Elvsåshagen, Cand. med. (May 19, 2014) “A study of cortical structure and plasticity in bipolar II disorder.” Supervisors: Ulrik Fredrik Malt Ole A Andreassen Liv Eggset Falkenberg, MSc. (December 5, 2014) «Neuronal underpinnings of healthy and dysfunctional cognitive control». Supervisors: Kenneth Hugdahl Rene Westerhausen Helene Barder, Cand.psychol. (June 23, 2014) “Longitudinal neurocognitive trajectories in first-episode psychosis: Relationships between illness severity and cognitive course.” Supervisors: Kjetil Sundet, Bjørn Rishovd Rund and Svein Friis Erlend Mork, Cand. Psychol. (September 4,2014) “Self-harm in patients with schizophrenia; risk factors and clinical characteristics.” Supervisor: Lars Mehlum Morten Mattingsdal, Cand. Scient. (September 2, 2014) ”Functional profiling of single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with bipolar disorder.” Supervisor: Ole A. Andreassen Srdjan Djurovic Eivind Hovig Unni Brattlien, Cand. Med. (May 28, 2014) "The relevance of premorbid and prodromal phases in psychotic disorders” Supervisors: Merete Øie Ingrid Melle NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 26 NORMENT in the Media Professor Kenneth Hugdahl at the University of Bergen gets Research Council award for excellence, Møbius Award, for his pioneering research on the brain. ningsrdet_deler_ut_tre_priser_i_dag/12540015 81512?lang=no Seven Norment researchers participated in the project "ENIGMA”, through "The ENIGMA Schizophrenia Working Group ". Norwegian researchers have contributed to discover over a hundred new genetic variants that increase the risk of schizophrenia, of which 83 have not been previously described. Researchers have evaluated a mobile app for self-training of auditory attention. The app is designed to test the participants' ability to focus their attention and to concentrate on one specific sound via headphones. The results show that training not only improved the participants' achievements, it also had an impact on how the brain handled the task. Ole A. Andreassen is one of 15 new members of the National Academy of Science and Letters, Mathematics - and Natural academics class, the group of medical sciences. =40214 Commentator Hilde Haugsgjerd writes in Aftenposten March 2: "The journal Nature has editorialized designated the present decade to psychiatry decades. Internationally happens advances in research on the brain, about genes and the relationship between heredity and environment for mental illness. Last year opened Norwegian Centre for research on mental disorders a collaboration between the Universities of Bergen and Oslo and Oslo University Hospital." rer/Et-lite-lys-i-tunnelen7486808.html#.UyBO03bKzIX Ole A. Andreassen being interviewed in connection with his lecturing under NevroNor’s annual conference organized by the Research Council. ei_inn_i_psykiatriens_tiar/1253991607534?WT. mc_id=nyhetsbrev-ForskningsradetNorsk “Be careful with cannabis!” Cannabis probably plays a role in triggering the onset of psychotic disorders. Caution with regard to cannabis use should thus be exercised. Read the debate article to Trine Vik Lagerberg, PhD and specialist in clinical psychology, and Levi Røstad Kvitland, fellow and psychologist, Aftenposten Knowledge. Post doc Akiah O. Berg has written a blog post, association for intercultural psychology. Andres M. Dale is a visiting researcher at Norment and among the most successful Norwegians abroad in category «academia ". NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 27 Publications 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aas M, Aminoff SR, Vik Lagerberg T, Etain B, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Melle I. Affective lability in patients with bipolar disorders is associated with high levels of childhood trauma. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Aug Aas M, Dazzan P, Mondelli V, Melle I, Murray RM, Pariante CM. A systematic review of cognitive function in first-episode psychosis, including a discussion on childhood trauma, stress, and inflammation. Front Psychiatry. 2014 Jan Aas M, Etain B, Bellivier F, Henry C, Lagerberg T, Ringen A, Agartz I, Gard S, Kahn JP, Leboyer M, Andreassen OA, Melle I. Additive effects of childhood abuse and cannabis abuse on clinical expressions of bipolar disorders. Psychol Med. 2014 Jun;44 Aas M, Haukvik UK, Djurovic S, Tesli M, Athanasiu L, Bjella T, Hansson L, Cattaneo A, Agartz I, Andreassen OA, Melle I. Interplay between childhood trauma and BDNF val66met variants on blood BDNF mRNA levels and on hippocampus subfieldsvolumes in schizophrenia spectrum and bipolar disorders. J Psychiatr Res. 2014Dec Aas M, Pedersen G, Henry C, Bjella T, Bellivier F, Leboyer M, Kahn JP, Cohen RF, Gard S, Aminoff SR, Lagerberg TV, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Etain B.Psychometric properties of the Affective Lability Scale (54 and 18-item version) in patients with bipolar disorder, first-degree relatives, and healthy controls. J Affect Disord. 2014 Oct Andreassen OA, Harbo HF, Wang Y, Thompson WK, Schork AJ, Mattingsdal M, Zuber V, Bettella F, Ripke S, Kelsoe JR, Kendler KS, O'Donovan MC, Sklar P; The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Work Groups; The International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (IMSGC), McEvoy LK, Desikan RS, Lie BA, Djurovic S, Dale AM; The Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PGC Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Work Groups; The International Multiple Sclerosis Andreassen OA, McEvoy LK, Thompson WK, Wang Y, Reppe S, Schork AJ, Zuber V, Barrett-Connor E, Gautvik K, Aukrust P, Karlsen TH, Djurovic S, Desikan RS, Dale AM; International Consortium for Blood Pressure Genome-Wide Association Studies, Genetic Factors for Osteoporosis Consortium. Identifying common genetic variants in blood pressure due to polygenic pleiotropy with associated phenotypes. Hypertension. 2014 Apr 8. Andreassen OA, Thompson WK, Dale AM. Boosting the power of schizophrenia genetics by leveraging new statistical tools. Schizophr Bull. 2014 Jan 9. Andreassen OA, Zuber V, Thompson WK, Schork AJ, Bettella F; PRACTICAL Consortium; CRUK GWAS, Djurovic S, Desikan RS, Mills IG, Dale AM. Shared common variants in prostate cancer and blood lipids. Int J Epidemiol. 2014 Aug;43(4):120514. 10. Andreou D, Söderman E, Axelsson T, Sedvall GC, Terenius L, Agartz I, Jönsson EG. Polymorphisms in genes implicated in dopamine, serotonin and noradrenalin metabolism suggest association with cerebrospinal fluid monoamine metabolite concentrations in psychosis. Behav Brain Funct. 2014 Jul 11. Badcock JC, Hugdahl K. A synthesis of evidence on inhibitory control and auditory hallucinations based on the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) framework. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 Mar 26 12. Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Baethge C, Bauer R, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH, Berk M, Bjella TD, Bossini L, Bersudsky Y,Cheung EY, Conell J, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Etain B, Fagiolini A, Frye MA, Fountoulakis KN, Garneau-Fournier J, González-Pinto A, Harima H, Hassel S, Relationship between sunlight and the age of onset of bipolar disorder: an international multisite study. J Affect Disord. 2014 Oct;167 13. Berg AO, Andreassen OA, Aminoff SR, Romm KL, Hauff E, Melle I. The impact of immigration and visible minority status on psychosis symptom profile. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2014 Nov;49(11):1747-57. 14. Boraska V, Franklin CS, Floyd JA, Thornton LM, Huckins LM, Southam L, Rayner NW, Tachmazidou I, Klump KL, Treasure J, Lewis CM, Schmidt U, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 3, Estivill X, Hinney A, Sullivan PF, Collier DA, Zeggini E, Bulik CM. A genome wide association study of anorexia nervosa. Mol Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;19 15. Brandt CL, Eichele T, Melle I, Sundet K, Server A, Agartz I, Hugdahl K, Jensen J, Andreassen OA. Working memory networks and activation patterns in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: comparison with healthy controls. Br J Psychiatry. 2014 16. Bratlien U, Øie M, Haug E, Møller P, Andreassen OA, Lien L, Melle I. Environmental NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 28 factors during adolescence associated with later development of psychotic disorders - a nested casecontrol study. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Mar 17. Brown AA, Buil A, Viñuela A, Lappalainen T, Zheng HF, Richard JB, Small KS, Spector TD, Dermitzakis ET, Durbin R. Genetic interactions affecting human gene expression identified by variance association mapping. Elife. 2014 Apr 25;3:e01381 18. Buil A, Brown AA, Lappalainen T, Viñuela A, Davies MN, Zheng HF, Richards JB, Glass D, Small KS, Durbin R, Spector TD, Dermitzakis ET. Gene-gene and gene-environment interactions detected by transcriptome sequence analysis in twins. Nat Genet. 19. Bull H, Ueland T, Lystad JU, Evensen S, Friis S, Martinsen EW, Falkum E.Validation of the Work Behavior Inventory. Nord J Psychiatry. 2014 Nov 13:1-7 20. Bøen E, Westlye LT, Elvsåshagen T, Hummelen B, Hol PK, Boye B, Andersson S, Karterud S, Malt UF. Regional cortical thinning may be a biological marker for borderline personality disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2014 Sep;130(3):193-204. doi: 10.1111/acps.12234. PMID: 24571788. 21. Bøen E, Westlye LT, Elvsåshagen T, Hummelen B, Hol PK, Boye B, Andersson S, Karterud S, Malt UF. Smaller stress-sensitive hippocampal subfields in women with borderline personality disorder without posttraumatic stress disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2014 Mar;3 22. Cappelen AW, Eichele T, Hugdahl K, Specht K, Sørensen EØ, Tungodden B. Equity theory and fair inequality: a neuroeconomic study. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Oct 28;111(43):15368-72. 23. Christoforou A, Espeseth T, Davies G, Fernandes CP, Giddaluru S, Mattheisen M, Tenesa A, Harris SE, Liewald DC, Payton A, Ollier W, Horan M, Pendleton N, Haggarty P, Djurovic S, Herms S, Hoffman P, Cichon S, Starr JM, Lundervold A, Reinvang I, Steen VM, Deary IJ, Le Hellard S. GWAS-based pathway analysis differentiates between fluid and crystallized intelligence. Genes Brain Behav.2014 Sep;13(7) 24. Clark KA, Helland T, Specht K, Narr KL, Manis FR, Toga AW, Hugdahl K.Neuroanatomical precursors of dyslexia identified from pre-reading through to age 11. Brain. 2014 Dec;137 levels of various cytokines are increased during ongoing depression and are reduced to normal levels after recovery. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Jul 26. Desikan RS, Thompson WK, Holland D, Hess CP, Brewer JB, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Andreassen OA, McEvoy LK, Hyman BT, Dale AM; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Group. The role of clusterin in amyloid-β-associated neurodegeneration. JAMA Neurol. 2014 Feb 27. Douaud G, Groves AR, Tamnes CK, Westlye LT, Duff EP, Engvig A, Walhovd KB, James A, Gass A, Monsch AU, Matthews PM, Fjell AM, Smith SM, Johansen-Berg H. A common brain network links development, aging, and vulnerability to disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Epub 2014 Nov 24. 28. Elvsåshagen T, Moberget T, Bøen E, Hol PK, Malt UF, Andersson S, Westlye LT. The surface area of early visual cortex predicts the amplitude of the visual evoked potential. Brain Struct Funct. 2014. 29. Engvig A, Fjell AM, Westlye LT, Skaane NV, Dale AM, Holland D, Due-Tønnessen P, Sundseth O, Walhovd KB. Effects of cognitive training on gray matter volumes in memory clinic patients with subjective memory impairment. J Alzheimers Dis. 2014 30. Espeseth T, Vangkilde SA, Petersen A, Dyrholm M, Westlye LT. TVA-based assessment of attentional capacities-associations with age and indices of brainwhite matter microstructure. Front Psychol. 2014 31. Falkenberg LE, Westerhausen R, Craven AR, Johnsen E, Kroken RA, L Berg EM, Specht K, Hugdahl K. Impact of glutamate levels on neuronal response and cognitive abilities in schizophrenia. Neuroimage Clin. 2014 Apr 2 32. Fernandes CP, Westlye LT, Giddaluru S, Christoforou A, Kauppi K, Adolfsson R, Nilsson LG, Nyberg L, Lundervold AJ, Reinvang I, Steen VM, Le Hellard S, Espeseth T. Lack of association of the rs1344706 ZNF804A variant with cognitive functions and DTI indices of white matter microstructure in two independent healthy populations. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Apr 30 33. Finseth PI, Morken G, Malt UF, Andreassen OA, Vaaler AE. Risk factors of cycle acceleration in acutely admitted patients with bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2014 Nov;130(5):388-96. 25. Dahl J, Ormstad H, Aass HC, Malt UF, Bendz LT, Sandvik L, Brundin L, Andreassen OA. The plasma NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 29 34. Finseth PI, Sønderby IE, Djurovic S, Agartz I, Malt UF, Melle I, Morken G, Andreassen OA, Vaaler AE, Tesli M. Association analysis between suicidal behaviour and candidate genes of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. J Affect Disord. 2014 Jul 35. Fjell AM, Westlye LT, Grydeland H, Amlien I, Espeseth T, Reinvang I, Raz N, Dale AM, Walhovd KB; Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Accelerating cortical thinning: unique to dementia or universal in aging? Cereb Cortex. 2014 Apr;24 36. Genetics Consortium IMSGC. Genetic pleiotropy between multiple sclerosis and schizophrenia but not bipolar disorder: differential involvement of immunerelated gene loci. Mol Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 28 37. Gjevik E, Sandstad B, Andreassen OA, Myhre AM, Sponheim E. Exploring the agreement between questionnaire information and DSM-IV diagnoses of comorbid psychopathology in children with autism spectrum disorders. Autism. 2014 Mar 17. 38. Griffiths ST, Aukland SM, Markestad T, Eide GE, Elgen I, Craven AR, Hugdahl K. Association between brain activation (fMRI), cognition and school performance in extremely preterm and term born children. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Oct;55(5) 39. Greenwood PM, Espeseth T, Lin MK, Reinvang I, Parasuraman R. Longitudinal change in working memory as a function of APOE genotype in midlife and old age. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Jun;55(3) 40. Gupta CN, Calhoun VD, Rachakonda S, Chen J, Patel V, Liu J, Segall J, Franke B, Zwiers MP, AriasVasquez A, Buitelaar J, Fisher SE, Fernandez G, van Erp TG, Potkin S, Ford J, Mathalon D, McEwen S, Lee HJ, Mueller BA, Greve DN, Andreassen O, Agartz I, Gollub RL, Sponheim SR, Ehrlich S, Wang L, Pearlson G, Glahn DC,Sprooten E, Mayer AR, Stephen J, Jung RE, Canive J, Bustillo J, Turner JA. Patterns of Gray Matter Abnormalities in Schizophrenia Based on an International Megaanalysis. Schizophr Bull. 2014 Dec 28. 41. Gusev A, Lee SH, Trynka G, Finucane H, Vilhjálmsson BJ, Xu H, Zang C, Ripke S, BulikSullivan B, Stahl E; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; SWE-SCZ Consortium, Kähler AK, Hultman CM, Purcell SM, McCarroll SA, Daly M, Pasaniuc B, Sullivan PF, Neale BM, Wray NR, Raychaudhuri S, Price AL; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium;SWE-SCZ Consortium. Partitioning heritability of regulatory and cell-typespecific variants across 11 common diseases. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 Nov 42. Haram M, Tesli M, Dieset I, Steen NE, Røssberg JI, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA, Melle I. An attempt to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms contributing to possible relationships between personality traits and oxytocin-related genes. Neuropsychobiology. 2014 43. Haug E, Øie M, Andreassen OA, Bratlien U, Raballo A, Nelson B, Møller P, Melle I. Anomalous selfexperiences contribute independently to social dysfunction in the early phases of schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar disorder. Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Apr 44. Haukvik UK, McNeil T, Lange EH, Melle I, Dale AM, Andreassen OA, Agartz I. Pre- and perinatal hypoxia associated with hippocampus/amygdala volume in bipolar disorder. Psychol Med. 2014 Apr 45. Haukvik UK, Rimol LM, Roddey JC, Hartberg CB, Lange EH, Vaskinn A, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Dale A, Agartz I. Normal birth weight variation is related to cortical morphology across the psychosis spectrum. Schizophr Bull. 2014 Mar 46. Haukvik UK, Westlye LT, Mørch-Johnsen L, Jørgensen KN, Lange EH, Dale AM,Melle I, Andreassen OA, Agartz I. In Vivo Hippocampal Subfield Volumes in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder. Biol Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 3. 47. Helle S, Gjestad R, Johnsen E, Kroken RA, Jørgensen HA, Løberg EM. Cognitive changes in patients with acute phase psychosis--effects of illicit drug use. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Dec 30 48. Henriksen TE, Skrede S, Fasmer OB, Hamre B, Grønli J, Lund A. Blocking blue light during mania markedly increased regularity of sleep and rapid improvement of symptoms: a case report. Bipolar Disord. 2014 49. Hill WD, Davies G, van de Lagemaat LN, Christoforou A, Marioni RE, Fernandes CP, Liewald DC, Croning MD, Payton A, Craig LC, Whalley LJ, Horan M, Ollier W, Hansell NK, Wright MJ, Martin NG, Montgomery GW, Steen VM, Le Hellard S, Espeseth T, Lundervold AJ, Reinvang I, Starr JM, Pendleton N, Grant SG, Bates TC, Deary IJ. Human cognitive ability is influenced by genetic variation in components of postsynaptic signalling complexes assembled by NMDA receptors and MAGUK proteins. Transl Psychiatry. 2014 Jan 7 50. Hirnstein M, Hugdahl K, Hausmann M. How brain asymmetry relates to performance - a large-scale NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 30 dichotic listening study. Front Psychol. 2014 Jan 51. Hirnstein M, Hugdahl K. Excess of non-righthandedness in schizophrenia: meta-analysis of gender effects and potential biases in handedness assessment. Br J Psychiatry. 2014 Oct;205(4) 52. Huckins LM, Boraska V, Franklin CS, Floyd JA, Southam L; GCAN; WTCCC3,Sullivan PF, Bulik CM, Collier DA, Tyler-Smith C, Zeggini E, Tachmazidou I; GCAN;WTCCC3. Using ancestry-informative markers to identify fine structure across 15 populations of European origin. Eur J Hum Genet. 2014 Oct;22 53. Johns LC, Kompus K, Connell M, Humpston C, Lincoln TM, Longden E, Preti A, Alderson-Day B, Badcock JC, Cella M, Fernyhough C, McCarthyJones S, Peters E, Raballo A, Scott J, Siddi S, Sommer IE, Larøi F. Auditory verbal hallucinations in persons with and without a need for care. Schizophr Bull. 2014 Jul 54. Kauppi K, Westlye LT, Tesli M, Bettella F, Brandt CL, Mattingsdal M, Ueland T, Espeseth T, Agartz I, Melle I, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA. Polygenic Risk for Schizophrenia Associated With Working Memoryrelated Prefrontal Brain Activation in Patients With Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls. Schizophr Bull. 2014 Nov 11 55. Kessler U, Schoeyen HK, Andreassen OA, Eide GE, Malt UF, Oedegaard KJ, Morken G, Sundet K, Vaaler AE. The effect of electroconvulsive therapy on neurocognitive function in treatment-resistant bipolar disorder depression. J Clin Psychiatry.2014 Nov;75(11):e1306-13. 56. Kroken RA, Løberg EM, Drønen T, Grüner R, Hugdahl K, Kompus K, Skrede S, Johnsen E. A critical review of pro-cognitive drug targets in psychosis: convergence on myelination and inflammation. Front Psychiatry. 2014 Feb 57. Kroken RA, Kjelby E, Wentzel-Larsen T, Mellesdal LS, Jørgensen HA, Johnsen E. Time to discontinuation of antipsychotic drugs in a schizophrenia cohort: influence of current treatment strategies. Ther Adv Psychopharmacol. 2014 Dec;4 and age at onset in bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Jan 30 60. Lange EH, Nesvåg R, Ringen PA, Hartberg CB, Haukvik UK, Andreassen OA, Melle I, Agartz I. One year follow-up of alcohol and illicit substance use in first-episode psychosis: does gender matter? Compr Psychiatry. 2014 Feb 61. Langeveld J, Bjørkly S, Auestad B, Barder H, Evensen J, Ten Velden Hegelstad W, Joa I, Johannessen JO, Larsen TK, Melle I, Opjordsmoen S, Røssberg JI, Rund BR, Simonsen E, Vaglum P, McGlashan T, Friis S. Treatment and violent behavior in persons with first episode psychosis during a 10-year prospective follow-up study. Schizophr Res. 2014 Jul 62. Le Hellard S, Steen VM. Genetic architecture of cognitive traits. Scand J Psychol. 2014 Jun 63. Lencz T, Knowles E, Davies G, Guha S, Liewald DC, Starr JM, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, Christoforou A, Reinvang I, Mukherjee S, DeRosse P, Lundervold A, Steen VM, John M, Espeseth T, Räikkönen K, Widen E, Palotie A, Eriksson JG, et al. Molecular genetic evidence for overlap between general cognitive ability and risk for schizophrenia: a report from the Cognitive Genomics consorTium (COGENT). Mol Psychiatry. 2014 Feb;19 64. Lystad JU, Falkum E, Mohn C, Haaland VØ, Bull H, Evensen S, Rund BR, Ueland T.The MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB): performance and functionalcorrelates. Psychiatry Res. 2014 Dec 30;220(3) 65. Løberg EM, Helle S, Nygård M, Berle JØ, Kroken RA, Johnsen E. The Cannabis Pathway to NonAffective Psychosis may Reflect Less Neurobiological Vulnerability. Front Psychiatry. 2014 Nov 66. Morken F, Helland T, Hugdahl K, Specht K. Children with dyslexia show cortical hyperactivation in response to increasing literacy processing demands. Front Psychol. 2014 Dec 22 58. Kvitland LR, Melle I, Aminoff SR, Lagerberg TV, Andreassen OA, Ringen PA. Cannabis use in firsttreatment bipolar I disorder: relations to clinical characteristics. Early Interv Psychiatry. 2014 Apr 17. 67. Nesvåg R, Schaer M, Haukvik UK, Westlye LT, Rimol LM, Lange EH, Hartberg CB, Ottet MC, Melle I, Andreassen OA, Jönsson EG, Agartz I, Eliez S. Reduced brain cortical folding in schizophrenia revealed in two independent samples. Schizophr Res. 2014 Feb;15 59. Lagerberg TV, Kvitland LR, Aminoff SR, Aas M, Ringen PA, Andreassen OA, Melle I. Indications of a dose-response relationship between cannabis use 68. Nicodemus KK, Hargreaves A, Morris D, Anney R, Gill M, Corvin A, Donohoe G; Schizophrenia Psychiatric Genome-wide Association Study NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 31 (GWAS) Consortium; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2. Variability in working memory performance explained by epistasis vs polygenic scores in the ZNF804A pathway. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Jul 69. Norheim KB, Le Hellard S, Nordmark G, Harboe E, Gøransson L, Brun JG, Wahren-Herlenius M, Jonsson R, Omdal R. A possible genetic association with chronic fatigue in primary Sjögren's syndrome: a candidate gene study. Rheumatol Int. 2014 Feb 70. Nordvik JE, Walle KM, Nyberg CK, Fjell AM, Walhovd KB, Westlye LT, Tornas S. Bridging the gap between clinical neuroscience and cognitive rehabilitation: the role of cognitive training, models of neuroplasticity and advanced neuroimaging in future brain injury rehabilitation. NeuroRehabilitation. 2014 71. Nurnberger JI Jr, Koller DL, Jung J, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Guella I, Vawter MP, Kelsoe JR; Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Group. Identification of pathways for bipolar disorder: a meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014 Jun 72. Ocklenburg S, Schlaffke L, Hugdahl K, Westerhausen R. From structure to function in the lateralized brain: how structural properties of the arcuate and uncinate fasciculus are associated with dichotic listening performance. Neurosci Lett. 2014 Sep 19;580:32-6. 73. Ousdal OT, Andreassen OA, Server A, Jensen J. 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NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 33 Funding Actual financing of all academic activity at the center (in thousand NOK) 2014 Funding agreed in the contract and reported in eRapport, but there partly under different funding categories Own financing Proceeds from partner (s) to the host institution Internal funding from partners (in kind) Research Council (SFF-grant) External project funds included in the contract 6 807 320 13 146 17 500 0 Total financing of the center as agreed in the contract 37 773 Financing projects with academic affiliation at the center Other project funding from the Research Council International project funding Government project funding and other public financing Private project funds and other private financing 8 426 0 18 578 5 640 Total funding from external projects 32 644 Financing overall academic activity 70 417 Personnel resources FTEs (summarized from the Centre staff tab) Professors, researchers etc. Doctoral fellows Postdoctoral fellows Visiting researchers Technical / adm. staff 17,0 12,3 15,0 0,2 13,1 NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 34 NORMENT Annual report 2014 | 35 NORMENT Annual report 2014 | Please visit us at: + 47 23 02 73 50
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