CHAPTER - XIII TRAINING AND WELFARE POLICE UNIT “Let a prince learn without error or fault all that is to be learnt. After learning, left him carryout in life the lessons so learnt” (Thirukural) 586. The Training and Welfare Police unit functions in the premises of the Puducherry Police Training School at Gorimedu under the administrative and operational control of the Superintendent of Police, designated as SP (Training and Welfare), Puducherry who is assisted by the following staff. The SP (Training and Welfare) manages the affairs of the Police Training School, Computer training, Police Gymnasium, Welfare, Police Tailoring and Community Hall. Training (Basic & in-service) Computer Training Police Gymnasium Welfare Police Tailoring Centre Community Hall Inspector S.I. 2 ASI/WASI HC PCs/WPCs 2 - 1 - - - 1 1 (PAP) 1 2 - - - - 1 1 (PAP) 587. This Police unit comes under the supervision of the Senior Superintendent of Police (Crime & Intelligence) and the overall supervision of the Deputy Inspector General of Police. The Superintendent of Police in-charge of Puducherry Police Training School shall be named Principal of the PTS. The services of one or two Inspectors of Police and more SIs and other ranks and Women Police officials of the executive wing will be placed at the disposal of the SP (PTS) for the purpose of imparting training to fresh recruits depending upon the strength of the trainees. TRAINING 588. The process of training of Constables and Sub-Inspectors who are directly recruited as per the Recruitment Rules starts at the stage of the Recruitment of these posts itself. The Recruitment process will constitute the following stages. The main process consisting of physical measurements and physical efficiency test, written test and pre-appointment formalities (like medical examination and character verification), will normally be completed in a period of 180 days, as noted below. Sl. Activities of Recruitment process Duration in No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. days 1 15-20 Publication of advertisement with application form Conduct of pre-qualification 5 KM run measurement of physical standard, physical efficiency tests, issue of admission certificate for written examination and supply of pre-recruitment study material Preparation time for written test Written test consisting of two papers objective type Publication of list of successful candidates Character and antecedent verification and medical examination Issue of appointment letter and supply of pre-induction training study materials Preparation for training utilizing the material supplied. 20-50 51 51-58 59-88 89-90 90-180 589. Those qualifying in PET would be required to appear in a written examination. The written examination will consist of two objective type question papers in the following subjects Paper I Paper I II Subject General Awareness Mental ability Aptitude Weightage 40 % Duration Marks 2.30 hours 100 30% 30% Subject General Awareness Elementary Law covering Police Act, few provisions of Indian Penal Code, Cr.P.C. and Indian Evidence Act and any other important Laws like M.V. Act, Arms Act etc. Elements of sociology Weightage Duration Marks 40 % 2.30 hours 100 60% 2.30 hours 100 40% RECRUITMENT BOARD 590. The recruitment to Puducherry Police will be by a recruitment board headed by the Inspector General of Police assisted by the following members. (i). (ii). Deputy Inspector General of Police (Armed Police) A Senior Superintendent of Police to be nominated by the IGP (iii). Any gazetted officer of the Police Department to be nominated by the IGP 591. Normally, the recruitment will be made once a year. However, recruitment can also be made any time if the number of vacancies of fresh sanctions warrant the same. It should be ensured that the intake is not less than 30 trainees at any time in order to form in platoon to facilitate the training in squad and in sections. Each annual recruitment process must be completed well in advance so that a fresh batch is ready to start training not later than the one month of 9 months training of the previous batch. TRAINING OF RECRUIT CONSTABLES 592. he object of imparting training is to prepare a recruit professionally to discharge duties as an efficient Police man and also to inculcate in him the habit of keeping sound, physical, mental health, discipline, self-reliance, observation, punctuality, sobriety, awareness of Police-public relations, courtesy and straight forwardness. In other wards, to equip him mentally physically and temperamentally for undertaking the arduous duties and responsibilities of Police man. Besides, subjects of permanent interest like Physical Training, Drill, Law etc. have been included with view to making the recruits not only a good police man but also a good citizen. Both the Indoor and the Outdoor subjects to be taught to the recruit constables have been completely overhauled keeping in consideration the recommendation of BPR & D and latest inputs like Gender-sensitisation, Human Rights, Police image, Ethics, Computer Training, Identification of Explosives, Counter insurgency warfare techniques and the accountability of the Police under the Right to Information Act have been added. 593. Caution: Termination of service under Rule 5 of Central Civil Services (Temporary Service) Rules 1965 can be considered on any of the following grounds or on other grounds deemed fit by the consentient authority. i). Frequent unauthorized absence from Outdoor/Indoor programmes without any valid reason. ii). Submitting false Medical Certificate from a Doctor for availing leave or light duty or rest. iii). Misconduct with Indoor/Outdoor Instructors or with the other Trainees/Staff. iv). If he commits any misconduct or any criminal misconduct involving moral turpitude during his training. If any information submitted by the trainee is found false, fabricated or manipulated to gain employment. v). vi). v). Any other ground which adversely reflects on his behaviour and is found unsuitable for Police Service and Full attendance in Indoor/Outdoor periods is compulsory which is relaxable by 5% in exceptional circumstance by the Senior Superintendent of Police, in-charge of Training Institution, failing which he will be debarred from taking the final examination. In case non-fulfillment of minimum required attendance, if genuine reasons are given, a candidate could be allowed to undergo further training with the next batch. 594. Since after the initial appointment, training is to be imparted in the Training School/ Institution, the recruit should not ask to perform duties of any nature. The recruit should be asked to join the Training Centre at their own cost as per the rules. In order to eliminate unsuitable recruit Constables from the force at the stage of the training itself, any of the ground mentioned below shall be sufficient for initiation for disciplinary action for termination of services by the competent authority on the report of the Principal. 595. A physical chart in respect of all recruits allotting one sheet to each will be prepared showing the following particulars: i) Name ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) Full Residential Address Nearest Police Station Telegraph Office Height Chest Weight Date of Birth 596. The first measurement will be taken immediately after joining the PTS. The measurements should be taken every month, there after, showing the changes. This will be useful to find out as to whether a candidate has progressed physically in the training. This will also enable the Principal of the Police Training School to contact his relatives without loss of time especially on Holiday or during an emergency. 597. The recruits shall be given Recruit Police Constable Number (RPC No.) at the time of joining and the same number shall be used for all administrative purpose during the training period. However, no recruit shall be allotted a buckle number until he has successfully undergone the course of 9 months save in exceptional circumstances with the prior written approval of the Inspector General of Police. PROCEDURE OF TRAINING 598. The training shall be for the period of 9 months divided into two semesters of four and five months each. The recruits shall not be allowed any kind of leave during the period of training, however, a mid-term break after the four months that is after the first semester shall be allowed which shall be adjusted in lieu of their casual leave. 599. Indoor training shall be supervised by Inspector in-charge, indoor training assisted by his instructional staff and the Outdoor training be supervised by the Inspector in-charge, Outdoor training assisted by other Instructors. 600. The Principal, Police Training School, will arrange Guest Lecturers for delivering Lecturers from Police and Other outside faculties. The staff for the Police Training School should be selected with great care so as to ensure the quality of the training. The Principal, Police Training School or the Senior Superintendent of Police will also arrange guest lecturers to deliver lectures on topics of professional interest. METHODOLOGY 601. The methodology adopted, in the training process in combination of conventional and contemporary system. The class room teaching methods though ‘talk and chalk’, use of teaching aids, etc., stands reinforced through various techniques of learning methods such as group discussion, role-play, simulation exercise, practicals, hand on practice and on the field experience in operational duties. All these methodologies have been prescribed to activate the thinking process of the trainees and making the trainees interactive. This methodology has been standardized by development of case studies, editing or role-plays and designing of simulated exercises through serving and retired Police officers that are known for their performances in filed duties. Exposure to use of information technology has been introduced, by way of installing computer section in the PTS, as all future Police operations are closely linked with the computers. NODAL INSTITUTION 602. The Puducherry Police Training School has been identified as the nodal training institution in this Union territory for the basic training of Police Constables and for various inservice training of lower and upper subordinates of the Police Department and this institution has been entrusted with the task of preparation and production of text workbook, case study, DVDs and other audio visual training films. TESTS & EXAMINATION 603. The progress of training will be assessed through tests in the First and Second Semesters. Periodical Tests shall be conducted on each subject in both Outdoors and Indoors. The First semester final examination will be held on the completion of four months, in respect of the subject of which were fully covered. The tests will be conducted under the supervision of the Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I) and Principal (Training School). After the semester tests, six days rest will be given to the recruits to go home. 604. The recruits shall be examined by a Board of examiners to be nominated by the Senior Superintendent of Police(C&I). The Board shall conduct tests on all subjects. The SSP (C&I) will arrange question / answer papers and valuation thereof. The mark list and the rank of the trainees will be prepared by him assisted by SP (PTS). 605. The Indoor and Outdoor tests shall be conducted for all the recruit who have completed the full training. The subjects and the maximum marks earmarked for each subject and item are notified below: 606.INDOOR SUBJECTS Paper Subject No. FIRST SEMESTER 1. Modern India 2. Police Organization & Administration 3. Police Science 4. Criminology SECOND SEMESTER 5. I.P.C. and Cr.P.C (Law-I) 6. IEA and Special & Local Laws (Law-II) 7. Police Procedure 8. Police Duties 9. Computer 10. Human Rights & Ethics Total 11. Internal assessment (by SSP and Principal) Total Maximum Marks 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 50 900 50 950 607.OUTDOOR SUBJECTS Sl. No. Subject Maximum marks AT THE FINAL STAGE ONLY 1. Drill 100 2. Crowd Control 50 3. Traffic Control 50 4. Weapon Training 20 5. First Aid 25 6. Field Craft 25 7. Unarmed Combat 50 8. Route March & obstacles 50 9. Physical fitness 100 10. Firing 80 Total 500 11. Internal assessment 50 Total 550 608. The Senior Superintendent of Police(C&I) and Principal (PTS) will make the internal assessment of the recruits, by observing their suitability, discipline and their performance in the periodical tests and the maximum internal marks will be 50 each for indoor and outdoor programmes and thus the total marks shall be 1500 (900+500+100) 609. In both the semesters all the trainees must secure 40% of marks in each subject and 50% in aggregate for passing. Those who could not pass-through in the first semester will be allowed to complete the same in the second semester. One additional chance for the persons failed in the first semester and two additional chances to pass in the second semester shall be given. Failure of the candidate to qualify in the test within the period of probation shall lead to termination from the service. 610. The training shall be conducted in English and Tamil languages. All candidates whose mother-tongue is not Tamil, shall learn to read, write and speak simple Tamil at the end of the course. Principal, PTS shall arrange separate classes for such recruit PCs. A test for proficiency in oral and written Tamil shall be conducted at the end of the course. 611. The married woman trainees will not incapacitate themselves on account of pregnancy during the training. Already pregnant woman trainees will not be allowed to join training. AWARD TO RECRUITS 612. In the final examination LG Trophy for the Overall Best performance, CM Trophy for the best performance in Indoor subjects, CS Trophy for the best performance in Outdoor subjects, IG Trophy for best performance in Firing and SSP Trophy for the Well-Disciplined recruit will be awarded in the Passing Out Parade. These shall be rolling and shall be returned to the Police Training School. 613. Recruits who obtain the first position in Indoor, Outdoor, Shooting and Overall will be awarded a medal, cash prizes in addition to Commendation Certificate , Commendation Certification will also be given to each recruit who stands first in every subject i.e. Indoor as well as Outdoor. 614. The fact that the recruit has passed the recruits training shall not be taken to mean that he is a fully trained constable. His practical training should continue till he picks up practically all the duties expected of a Constable. The office under whom he is working will submit a totally report to the Senior Superintendent of Police till the constable is declared to have undergone the training satisfactorily. 615. The duration of the training period for recruit constables shall be 9 months (39 weeks) which shall be not less than 187 working days, as per the calculation given below: Total duration - Deduct Sundays and Holidays Midterm Break - 9 month (39 weeks) 273 days 39 days 14 days 6 days Examination Passing-out Parade - 12 days 15 days Total number of Working Days - -----------187 Days ------------- NUMBER OF PERIODS INDOOR OUTDOOR 187X5 = 935 Periods 187 x 5=935 Periods Note: (1). The training shall be conducted in two semesters of 4 months and 5 month duration with a midterm break of 1 week (2). A week will consist of six working days (3). There will be 5 indoor periods every working day. (4). There shall be 5 outdoor and in addition 1 period for games and sports every day (5). The mid-term break shall be given to recruits to visit their homes relax and return with increased vigor and motivation. No TA shall be given to the trainees for their journey. (6). In view of the importance attached to the night work for the Police, night classes has also be conducted during the training. (7). The duration of one training session is normally 45 minutes (8). The number of periods per day is 3 during institutional training and 2 during practical training. THE TRAINING SYLLABUS 616. The Indoor subjects shall cover the following 9 papers, as per the syllabus guided by BPR&D. PAPER – I 617. ROLE OF POLICE IN MODERN INDIA: Periods :100 (a). Introduction to Indian Polity and National Tradition Sl. No. of No 1. 2 Subject Indian National Tradition, Gandhi, Tagore & Nehru a. Salient features of the Indian Constitution 3. 4. 5. b. Fundamental Rights & Directive Principles of State Policy c. Organisation of Political communal parties & their ideologies Organisation of Central and State Government a. Political, Social & Economic changes in India since Independence and their implications for the Police 3 b. Major Social Problems 4 c. National Integration 2 d. Upliftment of Weaker Sections of the people 2 Current affairs 2 2 Tests on Topics (i) to (v) above Indian Judicial System a. Lower and District Court b. High Court and Judicial Court a. Political and Communal Parties and their ideologies b. Caste, Communal and Political violence Role of Police in Internal security • Terrorist and Extremists violence and Nexal problem • Major Social and Political Problems of Pondicherry • Introduction to Political parties and their ideologies in Pondicherry 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (b). Human values and Police Behaviour 1. periods 2 2 Human Behaviour 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a. Understanding Human behaviour 2 b. Individual behaviour 2 c. Group behaviour 2 d. Crowd behaviour & Police Response 2 TESTS ON TOPICS A.(VI) TO A. (X) & B (I) ABOVE 2 Some typical case studies • Police attitude towards a. Complainants at Police station 1 b. Witnesses 1 c. Traffic offenders 1 d. Infirm and destitute 1 e. Magistrates, Lawyers & Jail Staff 2 Police Relations with social groups a. Principles of Police Conduct b. Understanding crime, criminals and victims c. Police and general public d. Police and women e. Police and Children f. Police and students g. Police and Youth h. Police and Weaker sections i. Police and industrial labour j. Police and agricultural labour k. Police and Public representative l. Police and media m. Police and other Government functionaries n. Police and professional groups o. Police behaviour towards accused and offenders p. Police and antisocial elements and trouble makers Managing conflict and conflict resolution Negotiation in techniques Community policing 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 TESTS ON TOPICS B (II) TO B.(VI) ABOVE 2 (c). Police Image: 1. What is image? Why is positive image necessary 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Present Police image Police sub culture One case of history of Police conduct leading to riot Lockup death case and its case study Expectations of the people How to improve Police image? TOTAL 2 1 2 2 1 2 100 PAPER – II 618. POLICE ORGANISATION AND ADMINISTRATION Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Subject Origin and evolution of Police Organisation of the Central Government, Central Police Organisation (IB, CRPF, BSF, ITBP, CISF & RPF) Organisation of the State Government, State District and Sub-Divisional setup Organisation of the Civil Police Headquarters, Range, District, Sub-Division, Circle and Police Station. Organisation of the Armed Police Battalion, Company Platoon and Section Organisation of the Railway Police, Traffic, Crime, Special Branch, Marine Police and SIGMA Units Civil Defence / Home Guards Units and Co-ordination with them TESTS ON TOPICS (I) TO (VII) ABOVE Periods: 75 No. of periods 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 RELATION OF POLICE WITH a. Panchayats b. Executive Magistrates c. Judiciary d. NGOs and Social Organisations e. Local Bodies f. Other Department (e.g. Revenue, PWD, Electricity, Health) 2 2 2 2 2 2 9. ADMINISTRATION & SERVICE MATTERS a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 10. 11. Clothing and Equipment Pay and Allowances Maintenance of Service records Promotions Rewards and decorations Medical treatment Leave procedure (CL, EL, ML, Spl. Leave, Commuted leave etc. h. Retirement benefits (GPF, Gratuity, Pension etc.) i. Grievance and their redressal j. Discipline rules k. Punishment l. Personnel hygiene, Health and family care m. Turn out and care of Uniform n. Government Servant (conduct) Rules TESTS ON TOPICS (VIII) & (IX) ABOVE WELFARE • Welfare scheme in Pondicherry Police SERVICE MATTERS a. Badges of all ranks of Army b. Care of Government Property c. Maintenance of Government premises d. Badges of all ranks of Police e. Flags of Cars of President, Governor, Minister, D.G.P., I.G.P., DIGP f. Name of DGP, IGP, DIGP, AIGP, SSP, Deputy Commissioners, Commissioners of Police TOTAL 2 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 75 PAPER – III 619. CRIMINOLOGY Sl. No 1. 2. 3. 4 5 Periods :50 Subject Theories of Criminology Causes of Crime Types of Crime Theories of Penology Reformative measures No. of periods 3 2 2 3 3 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 Violence and Police a. Present trends in law and order White collar/ Organised Crimes Role of Police Against: a. Terrorist b. Mafia dons c. Insurgents d. Gangsters e. Communal agitators f. Political agitators g. Caste conflicts 2 TESTS ON ABOVE TOPICS (I) TO (IX) Violent Crimes a. Decoities b. Robberies c. Murders d. Riots Juvenile Delinquency a. Juvenile Justice Act b. Causes of Juvenile delinquency c. Juvenile/Children/ Remand homes d. Probation of Offenders Act e. Probationary Officers Victimology 1 TESTS ON TOPICS (I) TO (XI) ABOVE 1 TOTAL 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 50 PAPER – IV 620. POLICE SCIENCE Periods :80 Forensic Science and Medicine Sl.No. Subject i) Introduction to Scientific Methods & Scientific Aids in Investigation No. of periods a. Scientific Aids for Investigation 2 b. Needs for using the latest Scientific Aids 2 c. Preservation of Finger Prints at the Scene of Occurrence 3 d. Preservation of Foot Prints at the scene of Occurrence 3 e. Preservation of Blood Stains at the scene of occurrence 2 f. Preservation of live explosives or remnants of explosives at an explosive on site 2 g. Preservation of articles such as pieces of cloth, glass, hair, paint, wood, empty cartridge, weapons etc., 2 h. Preservation of various kind of marks such as tyre marks, tool marks etc., 2 i. Preservation of papers, documents, files etc., found at the crime scene, TEST ON TOPICS i (a) to I (i) above 2 2 j. preservation of communication / networking equipment, Computes and Peripherals, Printers, Fax machine, etc., at the site 1 k. Photography/Videography at Scene of Occurrence 2 l. Need of forensic experts to gather evidences and seek their preliminary opinion 3 m. Collection of clue and investigation with the help of items / marks etc., found at the scene of occurrence. 3 n. Utility of the Police Dog Squad at the scene of occurrence TESTS ON TOPICS i(j) to i (m) & ii (a) to ii (f) above 2 2 ii. Introduction of Finger Print & Foot Prints: a. Discussion on important of the Finger Prints & Foot Prints with reference to their evidentiary value 3 b. Description of various types of Finger & Foot Prints 3 c. Methods of developing Finger Prints & Foot Prints 4 d. Methods of taking precautions while developing Finger & Foot Prints. 4 e. Methods of taking Finger & Foot Prints 2 f. Finger Print Bureau and its role iii. iv. v. BASIC ELEMENTS OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE: a. General lecture on the importance of Jurisprudence in Crime b. Identification of persons c. Identification of dead bodies d. Methods of identification of Cause of Death by observing the Dead body FIRST AID, EMERGENCY AND RELIEF a) First aid and its importance b) First aid in cases of poisoning, snake-bite, burning, drowning/hanging TESTS ON TOPICS (iii) TO (v) ABOVE DISASTER MANAGEMENT a) Cyclone b) Earth-quake c) Floods and other natural disasters TOTAL 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 2 2 2 2 80 PAPER – V 621. LAW –I INDIAN PENAL CODE & CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE (a). Indian Penal Code Sl. No Subjects i. General Explanation Periods : 120 Chapter II ii. General Exception iii. Right of Private Defence iv. Offences against Public tranquility v. Offences by or relating to public servants vi. Contempt of the Lawful authority of public servants vii. Offences against public justice viii. Offences relating to coin ix. Offences affecting safety decency & Morals x. Offences relating to religion IV IV VIII TESTS ON ABOVE TOPICS (i) to xi Culpable Homicide, murder, suicide xii Exposure and abandonment of Children xiii Hurt (x) XVI xiv Wrongful restraint and confinement xv Criminal force and Assault xvi Kidnapping & Abduction xvii Rape and unnatural offences or cruelty by Husband or relation of husband IX Section 11,12,13,14,17,21, to 28,33,34,39,44 to 46,52 76 to 85 96 to 106 141 to 149, 152 to 160 No. of periods 4 2 3 3 3 X 161, 165, 165-A, 170, 171 182, 186 XI 201, 211, 221, to 223 2 XII XIV 230 to 235 279, 292, 294 2 2 295, 295-A, 293 2 299 to 304-A, 306, 307 to 309 317, 318 4 XVI XVI XVI 319 to 333,338 339, 340 XVI XVI XVI 349 to 351, 353,354 359, 363-A, 366, 366-A 375 to 377, 498-A Tests on above Topics (xi) to (xvii) 326,332, 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 Theft Extortion Robbery & Decoity Criminal misappropriation of property Criminal breach of trust Receiving of Stolen property Cheating Criminal trespass & House breaking Relating to marriage Offences relating to currency notes and Bank notes Criminal Intimidation, Insult & Annoyance Attempt to commit offences XVII XVII XVII XVII 378 to 382 383 390 to 396,399,402 403 2 2 3 2 XVII XVII 406, 409 410 to 412 2 2 XVII XVII 415, 416,420 441 to 447, 454,457 2 3 XVII XVIII 497, 498-A 489-A, 489-B 2 2 XVIII 503 to 506, 509, 510 2 XVIII 511 1 Tests on above Topics (xi) to (xvii) TOTAL 2 75 (b). Criminal Procedure Code Sl. Subject No. i. Preliminary Definitions ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. Sections 2(a) (c) (h) (g) (i) (j) (n) (o) (s) (x) (y) Powers of Superior officers of 36 Police Aid to the Magistrate and the Police 37, 39, 40 Arrest of persons without warrant 41 to 43 46, to 53, 54 to 57, & Procedure after arrest 59, 60 Summons 61 to 66 Warrant of arrest 70 to 72 74 to 77 Proclamation & attachment & other 82, 83 rules regarding process Summons to produce & General 99, 100, 102 provisions relating to searches Security to keeping peace and good 107, 109, 110 behaviour Maintenance of public order and 129, 144, 145 tranquility unlawful assemblies Preventive action of the Police 149 to 152 Information to the Police and the 154, 155, 156, 160, to 163, No. of periods 3 2 4 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Powers to Investigate 165 to 167, 171, 174,175 xiii. Provisions as to bail and bonds 436, 437 Tests on above Topics (i) to (xiii) Total 3 2 45 622. LAW – II PAPER – VI INDIAN EVIDENCE ACT AND SPECIAL & LOCAL LAWS: (a). Indian Evidence Act 1872 Periods : 100 Sl. No. of Contents No. period i. Introduction to the Indian Evidence Act, Section-I 2 ii. Definitions of key words Chapter –I Sections 3 & 4 2 iii. Relevancy of facts 6 • Chapter –II -1 • General rules relating to Admission & confession sections 24 to 30 iv. Dying Declaration 3 • Chapter –II-2 section 32 v. Opinion of Experts 4 • Chapter –II-3 Sections 45 to 47 vi. Oral Evidence 4 • Chapter –IV, Sections 59,60,61,63 and 101 vii. Witnesses 4 • Chapter IX, Sections 118,119,123 to 125 Tests on above Topics (i) to (ix) 2 TOTAL 35 (b). Special and Local Laws Sl. Subject No. i. The Police Act 1861 Sections ii. Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 iii. The Prevention of animals Act 1960 iv. Arms Act, 1959 Cruelty 2 to 5, 7, 8, 10, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28 to 31, 32A, 32B, 34, 34A, 42, 44 2 to 5 119, 122 to 135, 177, 184, 185, 197, 202 to 2 (c) (d) (f) (g), 3, 11, 12, 31, 34, 36 2, A, B,C 3,4,19, 20, 25, 37 to 39 No. of Periods 4 5 4 2 v. Indian Explosives Act 1884 9B, 13 vi. Explosives substances Act, 1908 3 to 5 vii. The Narcotics Drugs and 2,8, 15, 17,20,21,41 to Psychotropic substances Act, 1985 43,50 viii. The Protection of Civil Rights Act 2 to 7, 10, 15 ix. SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities ) 3,4,5 Act, 1985 x. Essential commodities Act 1965 2, 7, 10 A Tests on above Topics (i) to (x) xi. Local Minor Acts of the U.T. State, Excise Act, Gambling Act and Relevant Sections. Prevention of Defacement for Public Properties Act xii. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 3,4,6,8 xiii. Right to Information Act, 2005 General xiv. The Police (Incitement to 2,3,4 disaffection ) Act 1922 xv. Loud Speaker Rules Whole xvi. The Juvenile Justice Act, 1986 2,41 to 45, 50 xvii. The Prevention of Immoral Traffic 2 to 9 14, 15 Act, 1956 xviii. The Indecent Representation of 2 (a), (c), 3, 4, 6, 8. Women (Prohibition ) Act 1986 and the Domestic Violence Act xix. Lottery Regulation Act TOTAL 2 2 4 4 3 2 1 8 4 2 2 3 4 4 2 1 65 PAPER – VII 623. POLICE DUTIES Periods :100 (a). Preventive & Detective Duties Sl. Contents No. i. Relevance of Beat and Patrol system ii. Preparation for Beat and patrol duty & Records Relating thereto iii. Urban Beat Patrol system; an overview iv. Rural Beat Patrol System, an overview v. Night Beat System in Rural Area vi. Night Beat System in Urban Area vii. Day Patrolling in Urban & Rural areas viii. Checking , frisking, searching of strangers Sections 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. Cordoning and searching Surveillance over criminals, anti-social elements & suspects Checking & conducting enquiries of History sheeters during night Beats in fairs & festivals Beats in trains & other public transport Collection of criminals intelligence Tests on above Topics (i) to (xiv) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (b). Law & order/Public Order and traffic: Methods & Strategies Sl. No. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. Contents No. of periods Festivals Large public gatherings VIP bandobust & Security duties Agitational action for Bands, hartals, rallies Labour agitations Election duties Student Agitations and Examination Duties Violent Agitations & Police Caste & Communal riots ; Role of Police Dealing during Explosives / Fire incidents Public agitations against Police and public officials & use of force Regulation of traffic; an introduction Enforcement of traffic rules & regulations Controlling and regulating traffic at junctions with and without road signals Managing traffic jams Tests on above Topics (i) to (xv) 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 (c). Security duties Sl. Contents No. i. Security and Guard duties; an introduction ii. Tactical and Ceremonial Guard; an overview iii. Role & responsibility of Police Constable as Police Station sentry & guard with special reference to extremism/ insurgency affected disturbed areas iv. Role, responsibility and oath of duties of Police No. of periods 2 1 2 Constable as a) Treasury guard, Sub- Jail guard, VIP Guard b) PSO & Escort c) Prisoner escort & handcuffing of accused persons d) Cash escort, Train/Bus/Convey escort e) Security of self f) Security of vital installations g) Security of Protectee and his house Tests on above Topics (i) to (iv) 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 (d). General Duties of Police Constable Sl. Contents No. i. Station Routine and Role of constable in Urban & Rural Police Station ii. Duties as Station Writer iii. Duties in an Out-Post iv. Importance of Drill, Parade, Kit maintenance & arms maintenance v. House keeping in Police Station vi. Duties as Court assistant vii. Reception & Telephone duty at Police Station viii. Driver of Police vehicle ix. Duties in absence of his superiors x. Service of summons xi. Execution of warrants xii. Introduction to discreet enquiries regarding issue of passport, induction in government Tests on above Topics (i) to (xii) Total No. of periods 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 100 PAPER – VIII Periods: 120 624. POLICE PROCEDURE Sl. No. i MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS a) Police Station Records 6 b) Maintenance of general diary and case diaries; Relevance to police functioning 2 c) Beat book, Point book an other related Records 2 d) Maintenance of sentry relief book and prisoners search register 2 e) Maintenance of records regarding history sheeted criminals 2 f) Maintenance of process register 2 h) Railway and Bus warrants 2 i) Nominal roll and its use Ex-Convicts register 2 j) 2 k). Tapal Book, Passport Computerization of various Police Station records & its importance l). DOR, DSR Contents No. periods 2 ii) Tests on above Topics (a) to (i) Procedures & Methods: Dealing with Crime & Criminals 2 a. Introduction to collection of information and checking of BCs, DCs, KDs Suspects and receivers of stolen properties 3 b. An Overview of modus operandi classification & its use utility 2 c. Collection of information and checking or rowdies, extremists and anti social elements 2 d. Methods of questioning of strangers / suspects 2 of iii e. Group interrogation techniques 2 f. Methods of gathering intelligence 2 g. Introduction of system information 2 h. Enquires about Out of View bad characters, ex-convicts escaped prisoner etc. 2 i. Assistance to Railway authorities incase of sabotage 2 j) Drafting Crime / Special report 1 k) Assistance to Railway authorities in case of sabotage 2 l) Preparation of Mahazar Seizure/Observation/Search) Tests on above Topics (xi) to (xvii) Observation 2 2 a. General Introduction on methods of observation & making general portraits 1 b. Practical survey of jurisdiction police station for observing their important buildings, institutions, factories, & residential areas housing VIPs, residential areas prone to special types of Crimes. c. Taking the trainees to different public places such as shops, hospitals, museums, religious places, educational institutions etc., & subsequent sharing of experience & observation followed by test d. Oral and written narration of observation made by the trainees during the visit in the town to survey jurisdiction of a police station and important public places e) Test of memory (Writing names of birds, objects, towns state capital) 3 3 2 2 3 f) Visits to a Model and actual Police Station & subsequent sharing of observations g) Visit to a scene of road accidents/simulated motor accident & subsequent sharing & testing of observations 3 iv. h) Demonstration of photographs of the scene of accidents and subsequent discussion and test 3 i) Visit to busy traffic junction and observation of parking vehicles followed by test 2 j) visit to public function estimation of crowed, its nature etc., followed by a test 2 k) Demonstration of photographs of the scene of property offence, murder etc., Subsequent discussion & test 2 l) visit to session Court & Subsequent sharing of observations Police Portraits: Observation and Identification a. Introduction to portrait their use and techniques observation 2 b. Use of portrait & methods of observing major identification marks c. Methods of identification of a person by head, hand, hair, face, mouth, & jaws, walk, speech, clothes, jewels, accessories work etc., 2 4 d. Discussion on preparation of history of a person & general appearance of body 2 e. Demonstration of showing photographs & subsequent discussions 2 f. Demonstration of photographs & subsequent discussions 2 g. Practical demonstration of identification by showing a stranger and subsequently his photographs followed by discussion 2 h. Use of Computers in Portrait Building and identification of Criminals Tests on above Topics (i) to (iv) v. 2 2 2 Communication Skills : Verbal a. Effective Verbal Communication – Its importance 2 b. Verbal Communication; various techniques 2 c. Verbal Communication ; Articulation and delivery Body language / Expression and eye contact 2 d. Verbal Communication prepared 2 public speaking extempore & e. Verbal Communication ; group discussion 2 h. Lecture by an expert importance of effective verbal communication for police officers vi. Communication Skill : Written a. Importance of Written Communication : An Introduction b. Written Communication : Various Techniques c. Drafting of an observation report d. Recording of statement e. Reporting writing : salient points vii Time Management TOTAL 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 120 PAPER – IX 625. COMPUTER APPLICATION Periods:100 (a). Computer Basics Sl. No. i ii Contents What is a Computer? Uses, History, Characteristics, Functions – Hardware and Software, Deives and Media Different Types of processors and their speeds Computing Power, Classification Operating Systems (OS) – Functions and Classifications – Programming Languages – Concept and Classification, Present trends Total Sessions Sections Theory Practical 1 - 1 - 2 - (b). Windows 98 Sl. No. i ii iii. iv V Contents No. of periods Theory Practical Introduction to Windows 98 OS, Desktop, Mouse 1 Operations, Running an Application, Managing Windows, Starting up and Shutting down the Computer 2 Accessories – Calculator, Paint, Word Pad (basic 2 typing & editing tools /Saving/opening the file) Windows Explorer – File & Folder Deletion, Recycle 1 2 Bin, Searching files/folders. Changing Date & Time, Desktop Properties My Computer, Network Neighbourhood, CD player, 1 2 Printer setting Disk Management – Finding Disk space, Disk 1 2 Cleanup, Scandisk, De-fragmentation- Adding and Removing Programs, Creating Shortcuts, Character Map Total Sessions 6 8 1 1 Tests on Topics A(i) to (iv) & B (i) to (v) above (c). MS Word Sl. No. i Introduction ii iii iv v vi Vii Viii Contents Creating /Opening a Document – Basic Formatting Tools – Saving and Closing Document Text Handling – Find & Replace – Bullets & Numbering Paragraph Formatting – Page Setup – Printing a Document Revision (Sessions 1 to 4) Advanced Formatting –II Proofing the Document – Handling Multiple Documents Table 1- Creation, Modification, Merging & Splitting Cells – Formatting, Sorting. Conversion of Table to text and vice versa Revision (Sessions 6 to 9 ) Sections Theory Practical 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 ix x Mail Merge Shortcuts Customizing Toolbar Drawing Toolbar (Word Art & Clip Art) Total Sessions Tests on Topics C(i) to (xii) above 1 2 1 1 11 1 14 1 (d). MS Excel Sl. Sections No. Contents Theory Practical i Introduction to Excel – Cells, Entering Data, Editing and Basic Formatting, 1 2 Saving, Closing and Opening Work Book ii iii Working in Cells Inserting/Deleting Cells, Rows & Columns, Borders & Shading Tools Changing Row Height and Column Width 1 Worksheets, Formula – functions Relative vs. Absolute referencing – Page breaks, Page Setup & Printing 1 1 iv Graphs & Charts 1 1 v Advanced Features – Auto fit, Hide/Unhide Columns/ Rows – Range Names – Auto Format 1 1 Total Sessions 5 5 (e). MS Powerpoint Sl. No. i ii iii Contents Introduction – Creating a Presentation – viewing Options – Adding and Editing Text – Saving, Closing and Opening a Presentation Inserting a new Slide – Colour Scheme and Background settings. Applying Design Template – Slide Master Drawing toolbar - Insert – Word table, Excel worksheet, Charts – Add Picture /Clip Art, sound & video clip Sections Theory Practical 1 1 1 1 1 1 iv Rearranging & Hiding slides Slide transition, Custom animation, Printing Total Sessions 1 1 4 4 (f). Internet Sections Sl. Contents No. Theory Practical i Internet – Concept, History Requirements – Connecting to Internet – Web Sites – 1 Surfing – Search Engines 2 ii Email – Attachments through Email – Voice Mail – Chat – Messenger Services 1 iii Revision (Session 1 &2) Total Sessions 1 3 1 3 (g). Crime Criminal Information System Sl. No. i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi Contents Why IIFs Filling Up IIF – I Filling Up IIF – Classroom Exercise Filling Up IIF-II Filling Up IIF – Classroom Exercise CCIS – Entry of Forms I FIR Form Crime Detail Form Arrest/Surrender Form CCIS – Entry of Forms II Property Seizure Form Final Report Court Disposal Form Result of Appeal Form CCIS – Entry of Forms III Additional Forms Police Station Registers CCIS – Enquiry CCIS – Reports CCIS – Master Maintenance Location Splitting Sections Theory Practical 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 Thresholding Data Archival Create Roles & Users Backup & Restore Total Session 1 1 1 2 16 16 PAPER – X 626. HUMAN RIGHTS AND ETHICS IN POLICE Periods : 40 (a). Ethics in Police Sl. No i. Subject Ethics in Law Enforcement & Principles of Police conduct a. What is Ethics? b. Ethics and law enforcement c. Good manners & Ethics ii. No. of Periods 1 2 2 Capsule of Human Rights and Civil Liberty a. Provisions of Indian Constitution of Human Rights and provision in various other laws 2 b. Necessity of Human rights in democratic society 1 c. Human Rights Organisation and civil liberties Organisations 1 (b). Human Rights Sl. No Subject i. Concept of human rights an their importance in Police Work ii. Fundamental rights part III of the constitution iii. Legal provisions for protection of Human Rights of Complainants, suspects and accused persons-duties and obligations of constables. iv. Departmental Instruction and court instructions on treatment of complainants, Victims of crime, Witnesses and accused persons. No. of Periods 1 2 2 2 v. Torture and other custodial crimes – accountability and punishment vi. Police code and conduct and proper behaviour towards public in performance of duties. vii. Police and Human Rights 2 a) Concept of philosophy b) Human rights laws and conventions c) Guidelines of Human Rights Commission d) Treatment of Offenders under Custody e) Directives of the Supreme Court and the responsibilities of the SHOs/PCs of a PS to observe them 1 2 1 1 2 Tests on Topics (i) to (vii) above 3 1 (c). Gender Sensitisation Sl. No Subject No. of Periods i. Status of women in India 1 ii. The Concept of gender and sex 1 iii. Violence against women 2 iv. Legal provision with regards to violence against women 2 v. Attitude of society towards women 1 vi. Attitude of police towards women 1 vii. Role of Police – Case studies 1 viii. Gender issues in Police Organisation 1 Tests on Topics (viii) to (ix) above Total 1 40 627. OUTDOOR SUBJECTS The outdoor training programmes shall cover subjects on P.T. (Physical Training), Squad Drill, Yoga, Walk & Run, Unarmed Combat, Karate, Weapons and Tactics, Range firing, Field signal, Lathi drill, Crowd control / Traffic control, etc. The number of periods and the lessons are detailed below: 1st Week to 15th Week Sl. No 16th Week & 17th Week 18th Week to 36th Week 37th & 39th Week Total Periods i) P.T. 2. Apparatus Work a) Strengthening b) Endurance Mass P.T. 3. Road Walk & Run 24 4. Obstacles & Assault 6 5. Route March 9 6. Yoga 15 7. Unarmed Combat 25 8. Karate 20 9. Games & Athletics 1. Total 54 18 36 - 207 18 60 6 4 15 20 20 15 15 209 EXAMINATION & PASSING OUT PARADE 36 EXAMINATION AND MID-TERM BREAK P.T. Table Cards 54 60 30 10 24 35 45 35 15 416 ii. DRILL 110 30 140 Guard Mounting - 15 15 3. Ceremonial Drill - 40 40 4. Platoon Drill - 20 20 5. Company Drill - 30 30 110 135 245 1. With & Without Arms 2. Total 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. .22 Rifle . 410 Musket . 303 Rifle 7.62 SLR A.K. 47 9 MM Sten 9 MM Carbine LMG .380 Revolver 9 mm Pistol G.F. Rile Discharger Firing Practice H.E. 36 / Hand Grenade Country – Made Elementary Knowledge of Explosives Identification of Explosives Land Mines Method of Detection Detectors Measures to overcome booby traps & land mines Precaution & safety measures while handling explosives and defusing methods Block & Nakabandi TOTAL 1. 2. 3. Lathi Drill / Cane Drill Tear Smoke Duties During Mela processions 4. Control of Mob and Unlawful assemblies 5. Use of Gas Mask and Protective Equipments TOTAL iv. CROWD CONTROL v. AMBUSHING & DEBUSSING vi. TRAFFIC CONTROL vii. F.C. & Tactics 4 5 4 3 - 10 4 3 4 4 10 4 4 5 25 5 EXAMINATION AND MID-TERM BREAK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 5 5 EXAMINATION & PASSING OUT PARADE iii. WEAPONS AND EXPLOSIVES 4 15 8 6 4 4 10 4 4 5 25 5 5 5 - 16 88 104 20 10 - 20 10 20 50 10 20 - 50 5 5 10 20 1. 2. F.C. Tactics Anti Terrorists / Extremist Operation Counter – Insurgency Elementary Map reading & use of compass Jungle Warfare Training TOTAL 3. 4. 5. 5 - 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 30 5 40 viii) SECURITY 1. 2. 3. 4. Security of VIP Checking of Suspects Checking of Vehicles Route Lining & E.O.D. & Carriage Parking TOTAL 5 5 5 5 ix) FIRST AID x) PRACTICAL DEMONSTRATION AND VISITS OF AFFECTED AREAS: 5 5 1. 5 5 28 33 40 45 520 935 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting Kit Inspection, Admn. Work Etc. Rehearsal of Passing-out Parade Tests Knowledge of Bugle calls Spare TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 12 12 415 REFRESHER TRAINING COURSES FOR LOWER SUBORDINATES 628. The Puducherry Police Training School shall also conduct refresher training course for all lower subordinates (PCs/HCs) from local Police, PAP and other units. During this training course, stress will be laid on physical training, arms/squad drill, law, Police procedure, new enactments, etc. METHODOLOGY FOR THE REFRESHER COURSE 629. One training course will be organized / conducted every month at the PTS, Gorimedu. Each batch consisting of not less than 10 HCs and 30 PCs will undergo the training for a period of two weeks. Superintendent of Police (Training) will liaise with the Senior Superintendent of Police at Puducherry and Karaikal and obtain a list of persons who would undergo the in-service training on various subjects/items including the computer. 630. Superintendent of Police (Training) will issue orders on behalf of the Inspector General of Police, Puducherry to the concerned SPs with instructions to relieve the nominees to report before SP (PTS) for undergoing training, at least 24 hours before the start of the training programme. 631. The Police personnel (PC/HC) over 50 years of age will not be nominated for the above training. 632. The selected / nominated for the training would draw TA/DA as admissible under the rules. The trainees will reside in the barracks of the PTS and they will not go home without the permission of the Senior Superintendent of Police. 633. They should be available in the barracks round-the-clock and should take meals in the PTS mess. 634. No substitute will be posted to the Station / Unit from where the trainees were drawn. 635. The trainees will be provided with arms / ammunitions from the PAP armoury. They shall not carry arms / ammunitions from the Police Station / Uni. 636. The following in-service training programmes shall be followed. (A). INDOOR Human Behaviour and Police attitude (1). (2). Police-Public relation Under standing of the human behaviour – socio psychological factors (3). (4). Under standing individual behaviour – socio psychological factors Policing and Ethics Police Duties (1). Prevention of crime – intensification of beat and patrolling and border checking (2). (3). Investigation and detection of crimes – Elementary knowledge of Forensic Science in Crime Investigation – Preservation of the Scene of Crime – Medical jurisprudence (with specific references to MCC cases with injuries caused by weapons, explosives and accidents. Role of Police in Social defence: Juvenile delinquency Weaker sections of the Community Crimes against women with special reference to Domestic Violence Protection of Civil Rights Procedure and laws to deal with woman accused and witnesses. (4). Application of science and technology to Police work, computer system, basic knowledge of cyber crimes. (5). Collection of criminal intelligence and responsibilities under the Right to Information Act. (6). Maintenance of Records Law:- Revision of important provisions of IPC, Cr.P.C. and Special and Local Laws including the new Legislation on Police, Right to Information and Domestic Violence Act. Modern India & Role of Police: Current affairs – Political, social and common changes in India Terrorism / Fundamentalism The growing trend of terrorism & fundamentalism of the role of Police. (B). OUTDOOR (i). General - Practical use of Wireless sets, measures to be taken in case of Fire accidents & mock drill in case of certain other contingents. (ii). Drill P.T., Squad drill with Arms Mob operation Use of VARUN & VAJRA Range Firing Handling and Training of Arms 637. The lower subordinates should be given proper training in the use of various types of fire arms, regular firing practice to ensure adequate precautionary measures in handling of weapons while performing various duties including VIP security and CCR mobile duty. 638. Besides the training on the use of .303 Rifles, the lower subordinates shall be trained in SLR and in 9 mm Pistol and Sten Gun / SAF Carbine. 639. In the annual classification firing, all HCs would do firing practice in Rifle, Revolver, Pistol and Sten Gun / SAF Carbine. 640. Superintendents of Police, Special Branch and SIGMA (Security) should ensure that the Sten Gun and other small arms issued to the officers for VIP security duty are given only to those who have had prior training and firing practice. Training course for Upper Subordinates (ASI, SI, Inspector) 641. The Police initial training to Cadet Sub-Inspectors is given at Police Training College at Chennai or other States for a period of one year, and the in-service training to Upper subordinates is imparted at Puducherry Training School. That apart, upper subordinates and Senior Police officers will undergo various training courses organized by I.B, CBI, National Institute of Criminology and Forensic Science, Andhra Pradesh Police Academy, Directorate of Coordination Police Wireless, BSF / CRPF and other Central Police Organizations, etc. Such inservice training courses will provide adequate facilities and knowledge to lower and upper subordinate and gazetted officers to gain (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). updated skill Familiarization of specific duties the benefit of using available modern scientific aids the knowledge about the changes in the attitudes and the expectations of the people. (v). (vi). the knowledge about the changes in the laws. the knowledge about the new modus operandi and sophisticated methods of criminals to commit crimes. (vii). the knowledge needed in traditional methods to meet the present day challenges more professionally. The Computer Training 642. The computer training section shall function at the PTS under the control of SP (PTS) and under the operational control of Inspector in-charge of the Computer centre of the CID unit. While the training programmes for the Computer training will be prepared by SP (PTS), Inspector Computer will conduct classes. For all computer related training, SP (PTS) and SP (CID) will work in one team under the Senior Superintendent of Police (Crime & Intelligence). 643. The assistance of the outside agencies like the Pondicherry Engineering College can be associated for the purpose of conducting practical class and the final test to the trainees. Physical fitness for Pondicherry Police Personnel 644. The need to ensure that members of any Police force maintain high standard of physical fitness as well as a state of readiness and promptness in responding to various situations can hardly be over-emphasised. The physical fitness has got an important and direct bearing to the performance of a Police officer in any line of duty, be it executive or technical and therefore it should be treated as an important criterion for making assessment of officers including all GOs and other ranks in their Annual Confidential Reports. 645. There shall be a physical fitness programme for all ranks of Pondicherry Police whereby they should undergo a Physical Proficiency Test depending on the age group. Methodology 646. The tests for non-gazetted Police officers shall be personally supervised by SP (PTS) and SP (PAP) and for gazetted Police officers by the Deputy Inspector General of Police. 647. The officers and men will be grouped under four broad categories basing on their age. Group I Group II Group III Group IV Between 18 and 30 years Between 30 and 40 years Between 40 and 50 years Between 50 and 60 years 648. A maximum marks of 40 has been fixed for the test and the members of the groups will get gradings out of this maximum marks as detailed below Grading to be given (for ACR) Excellent / outstanding – I Very good-II Good-III Satisfactory / average Unsatisfactory / below average Marks obtained (maximum 40) 32 and above 28-31 24-27 20-23 Below 20 649. The results of the physical proficiency test in respect of non-gazetted Police officers will be prepared by the Superintendent of Police (PAP) and of the gazetted officers by the Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I) in duplicate, retaining one copy at their offices and the original will be sent to the reporting officer, who has to record the ACR, by the first April of every year. Details of the Physical Proficiency Test Group I 18-30 Group II 40-40 Group III 40-50 Group IV 50-60 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20 I (10 marks) 230 cms 25 12 6 min. 30 sec. 210 cms 15 6 7 min. 12 Grading II (8 marks) 210 cms 20 8-11 7 min. 190 cms 12 4 7 min. 30 sec. 8 III (6 marks) 190 cms 15 4-7 7 min. 30 sec. 170 cms 8 2 8 min. 6 20 15 min 16 min. 17 min. mile 40 17 min. 18 min. 19 min. Test to be undertaken Age group Broad jump Pushups Chinups One mile run Broad jump Pushups Chinups One mile run Pushups (or) Situps One mile walk One walk Maximum mars Note:The desirable weight according to height for a person in accordance with the standard chart shall be maintained. 650. Standard chart Height 5’4” 5’6” 5’8” 5’10” 6’ 5’2 Weight in Kgs. 56.3 - 61.7 59 - 64.9 62.6 - 69 66.2 - 72.6 69.9 - 77.1 78.5 - 81.7 Height 5’5” 5’7” 5’9” 5’11” 6’1” 5’3” Weight in Kgs. 57.6 - 63 60.8 - 66.7 64.4 - 70.8 68 - 74.8 77.7 - 79.4 75.8 - 83.9 PUDUCHERRY POLICE WELFARE UNIT 651. The Superintendent of Police (Training & Welfare) shall be in-charge of the Puducherry Police Welfare Unit, which functions at the Police Training School complex at Gorimedu who will be assisted by an Inspector of Police. 652. The working conditions of the Policemen are often harsh and their working life is very arduous and hence the Senior Police officers should have the maximum concern for the Welfare of the Constabulary and take all necessary action to formulate various schemes of Welfare to improve the living conditions of the lower ranks of the Police force and to keep their morale high. The job relating to the Welfare activities of Puducherry Police Personnel has been left to this ‘Welfare Unit’ which will initiate and follow up all Welfare schemes under the supervision of the Senior Superintendent of Police (Crime & Intelligence). 653. The Government have sanctioned various Welfare schemes to help the personnel as well as their family members. One of the important schemes is the functioning of ‘Puducherry Police Welfare Society’. 654. “The Puducherry Police Welfare Society” is only the successor of erstwhile “MUTUELLE MILITAIRE DES FORCES PUBLIQUES” which existed during the French Regime from 1947. After DE JURE IN 1963, this society was christened as “Pondicherry Police Welfare Society” and registered thereafter in July 1975 under Societies Registration Act, 1975 with the objectives of extending help to its members ( all ranks of Puducherry Police ) as under: (a) Sanction of loan and grant to members and their dependents for various purposes connected with their welfare. (b) Undertaking Welfare activities touching all vital aspects of the lives of the members and their families etc. (c) Grant of financial assistance by way of loans and grants to the members of the society for promotion of their welfare. 655. All the Police Personnel of the Puducherry Police would become automatically members of this Police Society soon after their enrolment. The members include from the rank of Police Constable to IGP. Each member has to remit monthly subscription as membership fee, as under: SPs Insprs. S.I’s ASI’s HC’s PC’s - Rs. 40/Rs. 35/Rs. 30/Rs. 25/Rs. 20/Rs. 15/- FUNCTIONING AND ACTIVITIES MERIT SCHOLARSHIP 656. The Society grants Merit Scholarship to the wards of the members, who secure more than 50% marks, at the rate of Rs.75/- per month. A total no. of 70 merit scholarships are granted per year. Further, the society grant Rs.150/- per month to the wards of the Police personnel, who undergo professional courses such as M.B.B.S., Engineering, CA/Law, MBA, etc. (A) MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: (SSLC, +1, +2 and Degree level) (a) Police Constable (b) Head Constable (c) ASI / SI / Inspr. (d) Superintendent of Police : 35 Wards @ Rs.75/- per month : 20 Wards @ Rs.75/- per month : 10 Wards @ Rs.75/- per month : 5 Wards @ Rs.75/- per month (B) SPECIAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP: Special Merit Scholarship is granted to the wards of Police personnel doing professional courses, such as MBBS., Engineering, CA, Law, Architect etc. at the rate of Rs.150/- per month. CASH AWARDS 657. Two awards are given to those wards of the Police Personnel who secure highest percentage of marks at two levels, one at SSLC/Matric and another at Higher Secondary Level. Only one ward gets Rs.1000/- at each level. NON PENSIONED WIDOW GRANT: 658. Widows of Police Personnel, who are not entitled to Pensioner’s benefits, are given Rs.300/- per month. SPECTACLE GRANTS: 659. The members are eligible for a grant of Rs.300/- as Spectacle Grant twice during their service DEATH GRANTS: 660. Rs.5,000/- will be given at the time of funeral of the Police Personnel who died while in service as non-recoverable grant. INCENTIVE FOR FAMILY PLANNING GRANT: 661. A Grant of Rs.200/- is given to a member of the force who or whose wife has undergone family planning operation subject to the condition that he/she should not have more than two children. This benefit is extended by the Society apart from the incentive being given by the government. GRANT OF LOANS: 662. The members are granted loans for various purposes like pilgrimage, ear boring ceremony, self marriage, ward’s marriage, for purchasing School Books/Notebooks, puberty ceremony, defray of medical expenses, and house repairs from the PPWS fund at the rate of 10% interest. The repayment of above loans will be in ten equal monthly installments. (a) The following loans are granted to the members from the Welfare Funds: (1). Self Marriage (2). Marriage of wards (3). House repairing (4). Pilgrimage (5). Ear boring (6). Sister/Brother’s Marriage (7). Book Loans : Rs.20,000/: Rs.20,000/: Rs.10,000/: Rs. 1,000/: Rs. 2,500/: Rs.20,000/: Rs. 2,000/- (8). Medical Loan: a) For ordinary diseases : Rs.10,000/- b) For prolonged illness like paralysis, etc. necessitating hospital admission : Rs.25,000/c) For diseases like by-pass surgery, kidney transplantation, cancer, head injury, etc. requiring hospitalization and speciality treatment : Rs.50,000/POLICE SUPERANNUATION SCHEME: 663. A Superannuation Scheme – I was started in the year 1975 and another Superannuation Scheme – II was started in the year 1982. According to these Schemes, the members have to remit an amount of Rs. 610/- for 61 months twice during their services. Once the amount is paid by the member, he is entitled to get an amount of Rs. 5,000/- under each Scheme on his retirement/Superannuation. However, in case the member dies during the period of contribution / service, his family gets this benefit. CERMONIAL SEND OFF TO THE RETIRING PERSONNEL: 664. Whenever any member of the force attains Superannuation and goes on retirement, a Send Off is given in appreciation of his long service and a lump sum grant of Rs. 15,000/- is given to him. With a view to assist the retired Policemen, the following instructions shall be followed. (i). A list of retired Police officials should be maintained in the Police Stations and in the office of the Senior Superintendent of Police (Law & Order) and of SP (Welfare). (ii). The retired Police officers should be invited to all the Police functions particularly for the Police Rising Day. (iii). The supervisory officers during their visit to the Police stations should ensure the instructions given above are carried out in the true spirit. SCHOOL BUS: 665. PPWS is running one School Bus for the conveyance of School going children of the Police Families. The following nominal bus-fare is collected from Police personnel. The facilities were also extended to non-Police families at the slightly higher bus fare a) Police b) Non Police - Gorimedu Rs. 120/Rs. 180/- Saram Rs. 110/Rs. 165/- Venkata Nagar Rs. 100/Rs. 150/- COMMUNITY HALL 666. A Police Community Hall was constructed at Gorimedu Police Complex and is functioning since 11.07.92. This hall is given on 50% concession rates to the Police Personnel and Home Guards for marriage and other functions of the family. The rental is as detailed below: a) Police Home Guard b) Non-Police One day Rs. 3500/Rs. 7000/- Half day Rs.1750/Rs.4000/- GROUP PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE SCHEME: 667. This Scheme was started in March 1995 when the Chief Minister of Puducherry sanctioned a grant of Rs.20.00 lakhs to the Society in three installments. The amount has been deposited in the bank and its annual interest is utilized to pay premium for the Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme which covers all ranks of Puducherry Police. As per this Scheme, whoever, being the members of PPWS, dies in an accident while on duty or in service will be benefited. The insured amount to the ranks from Constables to Inspector is Rupees one lakh and the amount insured to the ranks from SP to I.G.P. is Rupees five lakhs. IGP DISCRETIONERY FUND FOR POLICE BEREAVED FAMILIES: 668. This scheme was started in August 2006 in order to support the bereaved families of police personnel died while in service due to illness. It is found that a number of such families are suffering for want of sufficient resources to take out their living. In order to implement the Scheme, an amount of Rs.5.00 lakh has been deposited in the Indian Overseas Bank, Pondicherry under Term Deposit for three years and the interest accrued from it is utilized for extending benefits to the families of the deserving families of the deceased police personnel. As per the scheme, a child from the bereaved family will be getting a total amount of Rs.1000/- as educational assistance in a year upto the age of 18 years. PUDUCHERRY POLICE SAVINGS LINKED GROUPINSURANCE SCHEME 669. The General Body of the PPWS recommended the proposal of the LIC of India to cover the members of the Puducherry Police under a Savings Linked Group Insurance, wherein the family of a deceased police personnel will be benefited in the event of his death due to natural causes, and the Police department has launched this scheme under which the lower subordinates will get a coverage of Rs.1.00 lakh, upper subordinates Rs.2.00 lakhs and the Gazetted Officers Rs.3.00 lakhs. PUDUCHERRY POLICE FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY : 670. The “Puducherry Police Family Welfare Society” also functions at Gorimedu, with a view to give a footing for an earning for the wives and daughters of the Police personnel. It runs a Tailoring Unit at PAP Complex. TAILORING UNIT: 671. As many as 15 members, mostly the wives and daughters of the Police personnel are rendering their services in the Tailoring Unit of “ Pondicherry Police Family Welfare Society”. The Tailoring Unit undertakes stitching of uniforms of the Police personnel/Home Guards. Periodical training is also given to them. 672. The rates of stitching charges in respect of police and Home Guards uniform are as follows: Sl.No. (1). (2). (3). (4). (5). (6). (7). (8). (9). (10). Item of the Uniform Full shirt Terricot khaki Half shirt Terricot khaki Terricot pant khaki Full shirt cotton khaki Half shirt cotton khaki Pant khaki cotton Half trouser khaki cotton Shirt khaki cotton for Home Guards Overall khaki (Navy blue of khaki) Blouse cotton khaki Rate Rs.40/Rs.30/Rs.80/Rs.30/Rs.26/Rs.60/Rs.40/Rs.30/Rs.80/Rs.16/- (11). Aprons blue Rs.16/- SHILPI 673. The “Puducherry Police Family Welfare Society” has opened a small retail shop “SHILPI” at Community Hall, Gorimedu, Pondicherry and is selling clothings, such as, sarees, shirts, pants, pillow covers, petticoats, chruridars etc. purchased in bulk during festival season to the Puducherry Police Personnel at concessional rate on credit basis which are recoverable in five installments. Cash sales are also done for the general public. CRECHE: 674. One crèche is run in Gorimedu Police Complex with one teacher and one helper, with the assistance of Puducherry State Social Welfare Board. This benefits about 50 children of the police families. There is one Teacher and one Helper at the Creche and the honorarium paid to them are as follows: Teacher – Rs.450/- per month Helper - Rs.350/- per month. FAMILY COUNSELING CENTRE AT KARAIKAL: (i). Family Counseling Centre has been opened in Karaikal with the assistance of the Puducherry State Social Welfare Board for sorting out problems of families which are in distress. (ii). The Centre functions with the grant-in-aid received from the Central Social Welfare Board, New Delhi. (iii) The Salary given to the Counseling Centre at Karaikal are as below. 1. Counsellor 2. Typist 3. Peon - Rs. 2500/- Per month Rs. 750/- Per month Rs. 750/- Per month SETTING UP OF RETAIL OUTLET UNDER THE SCHEME OF POLICE FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY 675. Under the scheme of the Pondicherry Police Family Welfare Society, a Tailoring Centre is run with as many as 26 sewing machines at he Gorimedu complex and with 8 machines at Karaikal. The family members of Police personnel are imparted training as a vocational course to pave way for self employment. Job works of stitching uniforms, etc., are also undertaken and executed by the centre. Readymade garments and handicrafts will also be made. The retail outlet known as “SHILPI” functions at J.N. Street adjacent to Grand Bazar Police Station. Readymade garments and other items will be procured in bulk at competitive rates from the manufacturing centres elsewhere and sold through “SHILPI” with a marginal profit to meet the establishment expenses. OVERALL CONTROL 676. The Superintendent of Police (Welfare) will be overall in-charge of the enterprise. He should ensure that cash transactions are properly made and accounts thereafter regularly maintained at all levels. 677. THE FOLLOWING REGISTERS SHALL BE MAINTAINED Sales Register All sales in “SHILPI” will be made through this register. At the close of the day’s sale, all the bills should be entered in this register in chronologically order. (i). Inventory register An inventory register will be opened for each time of the articles meant for sale in the retail shop. For each article, a separate page should be allotted. (ii). Register of Advances All advances given either for procurement of articles or for any other purpose should be entered in this register and their settlement watched. No advance shall be given except with the written permission of the president or in his absence the Vice-President. Whenever an advance is actually given, a voucher should be prepared and accounted for. (iii). Bank account The account should be opened in any one of the Nationalised banks with operational convenience in view and operated jointly by the authorized officer, the Treasurer and the Vice-President. Each remittance and / or withdrawals by cheque will be entered in the cash book through a voucher. The daily sale proceeds in the “SHILPI” should be credited to the bank in full on reconciliation of accounts. The cash accounts shall be reconciled promptly every month with the bank account, with reference to the remittance and with drawls. (iv). Permanent Advance An interest money of Rs. 500/- is placed at the disposal of the authorized officer (Inspector Welfare) to defray day-to-day expenses. The amount will be recouped then and there. 678. CHECKS AND AUDIT (i). Monthly checks The Superintendent of Police (Welfare) will arrange for a check of the accounts on or before the 5th of every month, enlisting the assistance of the Superintendent of Accounts working in the office of the Inspector General of Police. (ii). Internal Audit Once in every half-year in January and July, the accounts will be subjected to internal audit by the Senior Accounts Officer or the Junior Accounts officer of the office of the Inspector General of Police for the Half-year ending December and June respectively. (iii). Audit At the end of each calendar year, the accounts shall be got audited by a qualified Charted Accountant WELFARE OF PUDUCHERRY POLICE PERSONNEL 679. There shall be a fixed drill to look after certain very important matters pertaining to the welfare of the Puducherry Police personnel, which include the steps to be carried out in the event of (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). 680. death of a Police official, hospitalisation, retirement, death of a retired Police official, and treatment of retired Police personnel, Home Guard, officials and IRBn personnel who help Puducherry Police regularly. The following guidelines are laid down for compliance in future. (A). IN THE EVENT OF DEATH OF A SERVING POLICE OFFICIAL (i). A vehicle shall be provided for the transportation of the dead body from the hospital, etc., to the residence of the deceased within Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe & Yanam. (ii). The Superintendent of Police (Motor Transport) shall arrange transport to carry the dead body to the native place of the deceased other than this territory, if so desired by his / her relatives, as permissible under the government rules. (iii). The concerned SHO of the area shall visit the house of the deceased and attend to the immediate needs of the family. (iv). The Superintendent of Police (PAP) shall provide the band and also make necessary arrangements for a vehicle for the band party to reach the house of the deceased in time. (v). The Superintendent of Police of the concerned unit shall visit either the house of the deceased or attend the cremation / burial. (vi). Two wreaths will be placed (1). On behalf of all ranks of Puducherry Police (2). On behalf of the unit to which the deceased was attached at the time of his death. (vii). Funeral parade:- Any Police official dying while in service shall be given proper honour and SP (PAP) will make arrangements for the funeral parade at the place of cremation / burial. (viii). The Superintendent of Police concerned will ensure that all dues are paid expeditiously to the family of the deceased. (ix). Claims in respect of leave salary and other dues, if any, should be promptly settled and the same be disbursed without any delay to the bereaved family. (B). IN THE CASE OF HOSPITALIZATION OF A POLICE OFFICIAL (i). If any one is admitted in the Hospital for treatment, the concerned supervisory Inspector, if in other units or the concerned SHO, if he works in a P.S., shall visit the hospital, ascertain his health / medical condition and inform the Superintendent of Police concerned who, in turn, will do the needful welfare measures through Superintendent of Police (Welfare) (ii). Sufficient money for such assistance should be kept in advance at Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam and monthly returns about the same should be submitted promptly by the concerned Superintendent of Police / C.I. to the office of the Superintendent of Police (Welfare). (iii). An orderly will be provided to the patient by the SHO or the unit Inspector depending on the nature of sickness. (iv). Any request for financial assistance should be routed through the Superintendent of Police concerned to the Inspector General of Police / Deputy Inspector General of Police / SSPs / SP (Welfare) for necessary action. (C). IN THE EVENT OF RETIREMENT (i). A “send-off” / Farewell party shall be given to all retiring Police officials by the concerned unit / sub-division. (ii). A memento will be presented to them by the unit / station concerned. (iii). A commendation certificate with suitable cash reward from the Inspector General of Police should be given to a retiring official having a good record, at the send off party. (iv). The Superintendent of Police concerned shall attend the send off party (v). A Police officer shall accompany the retired official to his house and see him off, after the send off party was over. (vi). All pension papers of the Police official should be sent well in advance (at least eight months prior to the retirement) to the officer concerned for prompt and timely settlement of pension and pension benefits. (vii). The pension dues of the retired official in respect of outlying regions (Karaikal, Mahe & Yanam should be disbursed by the Superintendent of Police / C.I. concerned. (viii). The Superintendent of Police (HQ) will send, well in advance, a list of officials retiring during the quarter to SP (Welfare) and SP (PAP) for necessary action at their end. (ix). The retired officials should be honoured separately or during a function or during a parade, when the payment of superannuation amount along with any other welfare benefits shall be made by the senior most Police officer present in the occasion. Officials from Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam can come to Puducherry to receive the PPWS benefits, if they so desire. (D). IN THE CASE OF DEATH OF A RETIRED POLICE OFFICER (i). In case of the death of a retired Police officer, a wreath should be placed on behalf of all rank of the Police by SP (Welfare). (ii). The Band for the funeral of the retired Police official can be given on requisition and on nominal payment to be fixed by PPWS 681. TREATMENT OF RETIRED POLICE OFFICIALS, MEMBERS OF THE HOME GUARD ORGANIZATION AND INDIA RESERVE BATTALION PERSONNEL. (i). All the retired Police officials should be invited to all functions in Police Department. (ii). The Police personnel of IRBn and Home Guard members should be invited to all functions of the Police Department. WELFARE MEETINGS 682. It shall be the duty of Senior officers at various levels to try to identify the grievance or problem of their subordinate Police personnel and rectify it as far as possible. The mechanism to look into the welfare of the constabulary is to hold welfare meetings / sambark sabha, as in the line hereinafter described. (i). All SPs / SSPs except in the law and order shall hold welfare meetings of lower subordinates working under them in the first week of every month. SP (HQ) or AIG shall hold a similar meeting in respect of all including the ministerial staff working in the Police Head quarters. (ii). The SPs / SSP in the law and order shall conduct welfare meetings during their visits to the Police stations. At least one such meeting shall be conducted every month; prior intimation to PCs / HCs working in other Police Stations to attend the meeting in a particular Police Station shall be given. C.I. Yanam will hold a similar meeting as far as Yanam region is concerned. 683. The officers holding the meeting shall invite freely from all PCs/HCs all types of personal and official grievances and also brief them clearly on matters relating to discipline, punctuality, turnout, efficient and prompt performance of duty, collection of local intelligence / information, the necessity to remove traffic obstructions, supply of uniform articles, grant of leave and loans like HBA, MCA, GPF, etc and other healthy situation or condition of the Police Station or unit or office. Every welfare meting should be followed by a written report addressed to the Inspector General or Deputy Inspector General or Assistant Inspector General, as the case may be with copies to concerned SSPs, if the report is sent by the SPs. All such welfare meeting reports shall be accounted for and disposal be monitored. STAFF COUNCIL AND REGIONAL GRIEVANCES CELL 684. A staff council consisting of representatives from various ranks of Police personnel in Puducherry to represent various groups and ventilate grievances pertaining to service matters and welfare schemes shall function in the Police Headquarters, Puducherry. 685. The regional grievances cells for Puducherry, Karaikal, Mahe and Yanam will also function at the regional Headquarters with representatives from different ranks in each unit. PUDUCHERRY POLICE EMPLOYMENT BOARD 686. Welfare of Police personnel and their family members is a part of the duty of Police officers at various supervisory levels and the department as such. It is not often seen that the children of serving and retired Police personnel are not settled in life and not provided with adequate qualifications to enable them to settle themselves in life. With a view to taking actual stock of the position and to device ways and means to atleast minimize the distress of the Police personnel, the Puducherry Police Employment Board has been setup with the following objectives. (i). to make an assessment of the problem of unemployment among the members of family including children of Police personnel. (ii). to collect details of those who are interested in securing suitable jobs, and (iii). to try to find suitable placement for such wards in various private organizations, etc. MEMBERS OF THE BOARD 687. The Puducherry Police Employment Board shall consist of the following office bearers and members: Inspector General of Police Deputy Inspector General of Police Senior Superintendent of Police, Karaikal Senior Superintendent of Police, (L&O), Puducherry Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I), Puducherry - Chairman Vice-Chairman Member Member Member Superintendent of Police (Welfare) Superintendent of Police (HQ) - Member-Secretary Member Superintendent of Police (PAP) Commandant (IRBn) - Member Coopted-Member 688. The Committee will meet on 4th of every month or on the next working day to deliberate various matters concerning the welfare of Police personnel. All SPs, Inspectors, SIs & ASIs shall extend their fullest cooperation to the Board to achieve the objectives. 689. The serving / retired Police personnel who are desirous of securing employment to their sons / daughters may apply to the Chairman of the Board in the proforma (Form 13 F7) with recommendation of the Superintendent of Police concerned in case of the serving official. The minutes of the monthly meeting of the Board will be recorded by the Member-Secretary and authenticated by the Chairman. The Member-Secretary will also open and maintain a placement register for recording details of jobs secured by the wards of the Police personnel through the Board. POLICE CANTEEN 690. Two Police canteens were set up at the Police Headquarters at Puducherry and at the Armed Police Headquarters at Gorimedu with the object of providing light refreshments to Police personnel and the ministerial staff serving in the Police Department on “No profit no loss” basis. These facilities would be extended to the members of the Home Guard organization and the Police personnel working in the India Reserve Battalion and the visitors to the above offices. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 691. The Management Committee of the Police Canteen would be selected for a period of one calendar year. The Committee will consist of:(i). SSP (L&O) or SSP (C&I) or AIG as the President of the Canteen Committee in rotation; (ii). One SP posted in Puducherry region working in Law & Order or in any unit to be nominated by the Inspector General of Police or in his absence the Deputy Inspector General of Police, as Vice-President I in respect of the Police Headquarters Canteen and SP (PAP) or SP (PTS) or SP (PCR Cell) will be the Vice-President II in rotation in respect of the canteen at the Armed Police Headquarters; (iii). The Senior Accounts Officer of the Office of the Inspector General of Police or one Inspector nominated by SSP (L&O) will be the Treasurer of the Canteens; and (iv). One Inspector will be a member and Ex-officio Secretary of a Canteen, as noted below. FOR THE CANTEEN AT THE POLICE HEADQUARTERS (PUDUCHERRY) 692. The Inspector (Stores) or Secretary to IGP or Inspectors from SB, FRRO, Home Guard and SIGMA in rotation. FOR THE CANTEEN AT THE ARMED POLICE HEADQUARTERS (GORIMEDU) 693. Inspectors from PAP, PTS, Welfare and PCR Cell in rotation. Besides, the following representations will be the members of the management committee:(v). One Sub-Inspector of Police from amongst the members of the Executive Committee of PPWS, (vi). One Asst. Sub-Inspector from amongst the members of the Executive Committee of PPWS, (vii). One Head constable from amongst the members of the Executive Committee of PPWS, (viii). One Police Constable from amongst the members of the Executive Committee of PPWS. 694. The Management Committee will meet once in a quarter in the first weeks of January, April, July and October every year to review the working of the Canteens. The committee shall be responsible for proper management of the Canteens, exercising control over expenditure, accounts, the quality of foods / tea etc., It shall be also responsible for making the canteen vessels / articles condemnable and replacement. 695. The day to day management of the canteens shall be looked after by the Inspector (as member / Ex-Officio secretary), who will be assisted by one HC or a Senior PC and 2 PCs each in the canteens. Each canteen will engage on payment basis one cook and two canteen boys or women for preparing refreshment & tea / coffee and serving them in the canteen and for cleaning the utensils, etc., of the canteen. Their wages will be paid from the canteen fund. PURCHASE OF ITEMS OF STORES 696. As far as possible, the commodities covered under the public distribution system should be purchased from the fair price shops and other items including soft drinks from cooperative institutions or corporations. 697. All sales shall be effected though coupans only. FUNDS 698. The canteen were started initially with funds from PPWS which were later adjusted when the grant-in-aid from the government was received. The money accrued through sales proceeds is accounted by way of depositing it in a savings banks account (in a Nationalised Bank) in the name of “Puducherry Police Canteen Fund”. The accounts shall be operated by the Inspector incharge of the canteen and managed by the Managing Committee. The Inspector shall prepare the Balance sheet of the canteen cash account on the last day of every month which shall be checked by the Treasurer. 699. The accounts of the canteens shall be audited by a qualified charted accountant after completion of every calendar year and placed before the managing committee not later then the 31st of January every year. PROPERTIES 700. All the articles in the Police canteen shall be deemed to be government properties with no member having claim over it. 701. The following registers and files shall be maintained in the Police canteens. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). (vii). (viii). Cash book (Normal type) Stock / Expenditure register for solid items Stock / Expenditure register for perishable items Stock / Expenditure register for daily prepared food items Coupan issue register Voucher file Minute book Correspondence file POLICE COMMUNITY HALL 702. A Police Community Hall was established at the Puducherry Armed Police Headquarters at Gorimedu with a view to promoting social, recreational and cultural activities of the members of Puducherry Police Force and their families. Utility of the Hall 703. The community hall shall be used for (i). (ii). (iii). Conducting social and cultural activities, Conducting private and family functions like marriage, and Conducting collective welfare and professional meetings. 704. A private person can also be permitted to use the hall for conducting marriage functions on payment of the prescribed maintenance and other charges. SUPERVISION 705. Superintendent of Police (Training & Welfare) shall, under the overall supervision of the Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I), be personally responsible for the day-to-day maintenance of the Police Community Hall and the regulation of activities in it. He will, in this work, be assisted by Inspector of Police, Welfare, who will maintain all records pertaining to the Community Hall. He should ensure that the payment of water / electricity consumption charges is regularly made. He should also ensure the proper maintenance of the furniture items, vessels and other articles in the Hall. 706. SSP (C&I) should check the accounts of the Community Hall atleast once in a month and review its activities periodically. He should also ensure that internal and annual audits are conducted and that the affairs of the Community Hall are run smoothly. 707.APPLICATION TO ENGAGE THE COMMUNITY HALL (i). Any member of the Police and Home Guard organization, or a citizen desiring to use the Community Hall shall give an application to the Superintendent of Police (Welfare) at least 15 days in advance of the date of function. (ii). Every such application should be entered in the register promptly. (iii). Orders permitting the applicant to utilize the hall shall be issued on the basis of “First-come First serve”. Changes to use the hall 708. The orders of utilization / allotment of the hall shall be issued only after the applicant has deposited the maintenance charge for the period of occupation. 709. The hall is allotted for occupation on 50% concession rates to the Police personnel and Home Guards for marriage and other celebration of family function. The rental is as per the rates given below which is subject to change according to the change of maintenance expenditure. (a). Police / Home Guard (b). Non-Police Per day Half a day Rs. 3,500 Rs. 7,000 Rs. 1,750 Rs. 4,000 Note: The maintenance charge will include water, electricity, breakages, damage to the building, loss of articles of electrical / sanitary fittings or furniture items, etc. Cancellation of the allotment 710. The advance booking of the hall can be cancelled provided the following cancellation charge is deducted from the payment. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). 10% of the charge, if cancelled required before one week time 50% if it is 3 days. 75% if it is 48 hours. No cancellation if it is less than 48 hours. The responsibility of the applicant / user of the hall 711. The person who occupies the hall should ensure that (a). (b). (c). No damage to the building / fittings is caused, There shall be no defacement otherwise than the allowed conventional decoration, The cleaning of the premises is done before vacating, and that he settles the bills. 712. The Inspector (Welfare) apart from exercising supervision over all those aspects, shall maintain the Bank account and registers pertaining to the receipt of applications, allotment of the hall, cash book and stock register for the properties of the Community Hall. Note:All the properties of the Community Hall should be treated on par with Government properties. Bank Account 713. The Inspector (Welfare) shall open an account in any of the Nationalised banks. The account shall be operated by any two of the following officers jointly. (i). (ii). (iii). Senior Superintendent of Police (C&I) Superintendent of Police (Training & Welfare) Inspector of Police (Welfare) Audit 714. The accounts of the Community hall shall be audited by the Office Superintendent (Accounts) in the first week of every month. The Superintendent of Police (Welfare) shall get the monthly audit done accordingly. SAO/JAO of the office of the Inspector of General of Police shall conduct the internal audit of the Community Hall accounts every six months (ie.) in July and January. The annual audit for a calendar year shall be done by a qualified charted accountant. PUDUCHERRY POLICE RECREATION CLUB Puducherry Police recreation club:715. The membership of the recreation club is open to all ranks of Puducherry Police, members of Home Guard organization and the Police personnel of the IRBn. All shall become members of the club on payment of the membership fee fixed from time to time. 716. The members shall form a general body of the club which will constitute an Executive Committee to manage the day-to-day affairs of the club. 717. The Executive Committee shall consist of the following officer bearers / members. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). Inspector General of Police Deputy Inspector General of Police SP (PTS) or SP (PAP) by rotation to be nominated by the President Inspector (from PAP or PTS) by President Vice-President Member Secretary rotation to be nominated by the President (v). (vi). (vii). Any permanent member Any permanent member Any permanent member - Treasurer - Members Note: The three members will be selected by drawing lots from among the permanent members. 718. Any casual vacancy in the Executive Committee shall hold the post for the period for which the original member would have ordinarily held it. 719. The Executive Committee will appoint caretakers to be in charge of various games, and facilities and fix up their duties and responsibilities. 720. The Executive Committee meets once in six months or at shorter intervals as may be found necessary. 721. The president of the club shall be the chairman of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President will preside over the meeting. 722. The following recreational facilities are available at the Armed Police Headquarters, Gorimedu. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). (vii). (viii). (ix). (x). Flood-lit indoor badminton hall with synthetic flooring. Flood-lit well laid tennis court. Two table tennis tables. A basket ball court Two volley ball courts Foot ball ground improved with high mask lights. Hockey ground Indoor games like carom, bridge and gymnasium Reading room Floodlit clay cricket pitch 723. Conduct of the General Body Meeting (a). A general body meeting will be held in the month of January every year. (b). The G.B. will transact the following business at its annual General Body Meeting. (i). Discuss the details of the accounts with the reports of the club for the previous years. (ii). Elect the executive members once in a year. 724. The members of the club shall pay initial deposit money and the monthly subscriptions, as fixed by the Committee. Members of the public may also be admitted to the club as temporary members subject to the approval of the Executive Committee who shall pay the initial deposit and the monthly subscriptions at double the rate of the permanent members (i.e.) Police and Home Guards. The wards of Police will also be admitted at the same rate as applicable to Police members. Accounts / Audits 725. The accounts shall be properly maintained and shall be subjected for audit. The accounts and registers shall be maintained by the Treasurer / Inspector. POLICE GYMNASIUM 726. The Police Gymnasium functions at the Police Training Complex at the Armed Police Headquarters at Gorimedu with a view to enabling Police personnel to keep physically fit and enhance their physical endurance and stamina. Trainings 727. The Police gymnasium shall be kept open for Police personnel and their family members in the following time schedule (a). Officers (SI and above) (b). Other ranks (c). Ladies 728. Morning Evening 6 to 7 7 to 9 - 7 to 8 4 to 6 6 to 7 The gymnasium shall be kept closed on all Mondays for maintenance and other works. Supervision 729. The supervision will be maintained by the Inspector of Police (PTS) assisted by the SubInspector of Head Constable of the P.T.S. under the supervision of SP (PTS). A well trained Police constable of PAP for looking after the Gymnasium on day-to-day basis shall be posted. He shall be responsible for the upkeep the maintenance of the Gymnasium and its equipments under the personnel supervision of the Inspector (PTS). 730. The following registers shall be maintained. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). (vii). Suggestion book Visitors book Issue register Stock register Maintenance register Inspector’s causal inspection register GO’s casual inspection register. Note:The registers at Sl. Nos. (iv), (v) and (vii) shall be permanent and other registers shall be weeded out as per the general similar retention period as prescribed. POLICE MUSEUM 731. A Police museum functions at the office complex of the All Women P.S. / Superintendent of Police (North), Puducherry and the Superintendent of Police (Traffic) at Jawaharlal Nehru Street with the aims and objectives to educate the Police about the organization / set up of Puducherry Police, its uniform and its evolution from the French time to the modern Indian times and to help build up Police / public relationship. Timings: 732. The museum shall be kept open at the following times. Morning Evening 733. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. The museum shall be closed on Mondays for maintenance works. Supervision 734. The Police museum will function under the immediate supervision of the Superintendent of Police (Traffic) assisted by the Inspector of Police in the traffic who will be assisted by PCs from PAP / Home Guards for looking after the museum on day-to-day basis. 735. The Police museum has an Armoury section in which certain types of arms, ammunitions and munitions are displayed for public view. For the purpose of supervision, maintenance and security, the armoury section of the museum shall come under the S.I. (Armoury) under the overall supervision of the Superintendent of Police (PAP) who will depute one of the armoury staff to take exclusive charge of the armoury section of the museum. Guard: 736. SP (PAP) will post an armed guard to protect the arms / ammunitions kept in the Police museum. Maintenance of the museum 737. Inspector (Stores) will be responsible for the maintenance of Police museum. This will include periodical cleaning, repairs, etc. Visit of school children 738. Inspector (Traffic) in-charge of Traffic Educational Programmes, will include the visit of the Police museum, as a part of the Traffic Educational Programmes. When the school children are brought to the museum or to other units, he will ensure that they are properly guided and escorted into the museum. Visitors book 739. A neatly bound book will be maintained in the museum for eminent visitors to record their views about the Police museum. Suggestion book: 740. A suggestion book shall be kept in the museum for recording suggestions, if any, by the visitor. This book will be put up for the perusal of Superintendent of Police (Traffic) from time to time who will discuss this matter with the Senior Superintendent of Police (Law and Order) for the purpose of taking follow up action. 741. The following records / registers shall be maintained in the museum. (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). (v). (vi). General stock register Arms/Ammunitions stock register GO’s casual inspection register Maintenance register Sentry relief book Visitors book Note:The registers noted at Sl. Nos. (i) to (iv) are permanent and other registers will be weeded out as per the general prescribed norms. 742. The details of registers to be maintained in Puducherry Police Welfare Society and the period of retention are given below: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Name of register Period of retention in years PPWS term deposit registers Permanent SAF term deposit register Permanent Indravikas patra registers 5 years from last entry Superannuation First and Second Permanent scheme subscription Receipt / Despatch register 3 Widow pension grant register Permanent Birth grant register 5 years after last entry Spectacle grant register 3 years after last entry Family Planning grant register 3 years after last entry PPWS loan register Permanent Name index register 3 Government property register Permanent Stamp account register 5 Audit file Permanent Stamp register 5 Weekly parade register 2 Weeded-out record register Permanent Casual leave register 1 Indent book 5 IG’s Standing order Permanent IG’s Circular file Permanent ACR register 3 Welfare meeting register 3 Stationary / consumable item 3 register Petrol/diesel coupon book To be returned to MTO LARS 10 Newspapers / Magazines 2 Medical History sheets Permanent Kit card Permanent GO’s visiting book Permanent Formal inspection register Permanent Attendance register 2 Log book To be returned to MTO 743. THE REGISTERS TO BE MAINTAINED AT THE POLICE TRAINING SCHOOL Sl. No. 1. 2. Name of register Casual leave register of staff Casual leave register of RPCs Period of retention in years 1 1 3. Bus warrant register To be returned to chief office store To be returned to chief office store 5 5 Permanent Permanent 5 5 Permanent 1 5 2 Permanent 2 3 3 5 3 3 1 5 1 1 5 To be returned to MTO 3 Permanent 5 10 Permanent Permanent Permanent 3 To be sent to MTO 2 Permanent Permanent 3 3 4. Railway warrant register 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Trunk call register Cheque register Annual inspection register GO’s casual inspection register Cash memo register Inspector’s casual inspection register Permanent advance register RPCs particulars register Cash receipt register Periodical register Duplicate key deposit register Attendance register of staff Current register Despatch register Company pay & mess book Orderly room register Welfare meeting register Attendance register (RPC) Stamp register Mess purchase register Dining out register for mess Annual range fire register Log book ACR register Formal inspection register Indent book LARS Weeded out record register IG’s Standing order file IG’s circular file Stationary / consumable item register Petrol / diesel coupon Newspaper / magazine register Medical history sheet Kit card Mess issue register Mess attendance register Computer register Right to Information (petition / Permanent disposal) register for Public Information Officer 44. Right to Information (petition / Permanent disposal) register for Additional Public Information Officer
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