Statens vegvesen Behandlende enhet Saksbehandler/innvalgsnr: Region Ser Nedre Telemark distrikt Arve Fsehn Nilsen / 35589548 Saksnummer: VIr dato: 2015/0560643-01 26.02.2015 Vedtak etter soknad om enkeltgodkjenning av kj0ret0y Resultat av kontrollen: Godkjent Vi viser til forstegangskontroU av HARLEY-DAVIDSON Fat Boy. Kontrollen ble foretatt 25. februar 2015. Sentrale opplysninger om kjereteyet: Merke Understellsaummer Kj0ret0ygruppe teknisk Kjereteygruppe avgift Drivstofltype Egenvekt med farer Alt. beregning av bruksfradraget Ha adekbetegnelse Registreringsdato Teknisk underkode Motoreffekt Slagvolum Totalvekt Kni-stand HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1HD1BX5538Y053606 Tung motorsykkel, L3e 620 Bensin 405 kg Nei Fat Boy 20.06.2008 INGENKODE 54,00 kw 1584 cm3 526 kg 8480 Statens vegvesen bar foretatt avgiftsmessig klassifisering og registrert tekniske data for Deres kj0ret0y. Kj0ret0yet er vurdert opp mot gjeldende krav og den dokumentasjon som foreligger. Med hjemmel i forskrift om engangsavgift for motorvogner av 19. mars 2001 nr. 268 § 2-1 skal godkjemiingsmyndigheten paf0re en egen avgiftsmessig klassifisering i samsvar med denne forskrift. Som det fremgar av ovennevnte tabell er kJ0ret0yet fastsatt til avgiftsgruppe 620. Den gjemiomf0rte kontrollen viser at kj0ret0yet tilfredsstiller kravene for a bli godkjent. Pa bakgrunn av dette er ovennevnte kj0ret0y godkjent. F0r kj0ret0yet kan registreres, ma den som S0ker om registrering ha betalt engangsavgift for kj0ret0yet, fratrukket eventuelt bruksfradrag. Vi viser til forskrift om engangsavgift av 19. mars 2001 nr. 268 hvor det fremgar at ordin8ert bruksfradrag beregnes etter § 3-3, mens altemativt bruksfradrag beregnes som vist til i § 3-4. Engangsavgiften adminisfreres av Tollvesenet, og du kan finne ut mer om deime avgiften pa, eller ved a kontakte Tollvesenet Postadresse Telefon: 02030 Kontoradresse Fakturaadresse Statens vegvesen Telefalcs: 37019801 Leirvollen 10 Statens vegvesen Region Sar fi [email protected] Postbolcs 723 Stoa 4846 ARENDAL SKIEN Regnsl<ap BItsfjordveien 18 971032081 9815VADS0 Telefon: 78 94 14 50 Telefaks: 78 95 33 52 Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd, Oxford Business Park Narth. MJOO Gafsinglon Road, Otft«<J. 0X4 Bigiand Switellboard; ^44 (<i)m 850 1903 Faesimile. +44 (0)870 850 2003 To vtfhom it may concern Hjortsh0j, 19.02.201S Concerning Harlev Davidson FISTF Fat Boy VIN: 1HD1BXS538Y053606 On behalf of Harley-Davfdson Europe Ltd. I hereby do confirm that the motorcycle, ; Harlev Davidson FISTF Fat Bov VIN: 1HD1BX5538Y053606 imported from USA after inspection/modification and documentation throughout the authorized Harley-Davidson dealer, is comparable to the European model covered by WVTA approval number e4*2002/24*0002 Ext.13-15 with reference to the separate EC directives on the follow/ing page 2. Do not hesitate to contact me if any question should occur or further information might be needed. On behalf of Harley-Davidson Europe Ltd. Best regards , Benny S. Carlsen Approval & Project Manager BSe»^^TECH .Approviii 6. Prfjjef t Management Virupvej 8 DK-8530 Hjortsh0j Phone: +45 2929 3231 Fax: Mail: +45 6912 1774 [email protected] Pigt J of 2 HDE Data compliance declaration for an imported Harley-Davidson or Buell motorcycle to Norway Make: Harlev-Davidson IVIodel: FLSTF Fat Bov Type: FS2 (Variant and version: L5F/GFABB0 for camparison only) identification No.: 1HD1BX5538Y053606 No. of Seats: 2 Mass (w/ithout engine coolant and oil, ftiel and driver): 322 Date of first reoistration: 07.06.2008 or new: kg ^ Two-wheeled motorcycle Three-wheeled motorcycle (with max. empty mass of 400 kg) Mass In running order (EU)*: 355 kg Technically permissible mass: m Technically permissible mass, front SKle: : kg (only for goods motorcycles) Technically permissible masSj^reai axie. • kg (only for goods motorcycles) Engine displacement: 1584 cm' Maximum net. Power (EU) 54 kW Sound level, stationary: 93dB(A); Kg 2650 r/min 80 dB(A) (78/1015/EEC or97/24/EEC orECE R41-02) Sound level, drive-by For a two-whociDd motorcycle, which is not registered, or which has been registered for the first time on January 1. 2008, or later, it is hereby declared, that the motorcycle fulfils the rules in the EC directive f002,5«EC<Eu,o3, | H j | | l j , | | | . l » , ' M | | For a For a two-wheeled motorcycle, which has been registered for the first time between July 1, 2004, and December, 31, 2007 (and for a three-wheeied motorcycle, which is not registered, or which has been registered for the first time on July 1, 2004, or later) it is hereby declared, that the flH motorcycle fulfils the rules in tbe Eadirective 2002/51/EC (Euro 2) If the motorcycle has three wheels, it is hereby declared jclan that the brake system fulfils the rules for brake systems on cars (e.g. single control for the service braking system) If the motorcycle has three-wheels and a bodywork, it is hereby declared that the seat belt anchorages fulfil the technical requirements in EC directive 97/24/EC, Ctiapter 11. J^'^tK^ The informations are confirmed by Benny S. Carlsen, BSCTECH as authorized by Harley Davidson Europe Ltd. 19.02.2015 (date) O x f o r d BuriineSs f'ark 6 0 0 0 G a r s i n g t o n Road Oxford The certificate contains information j ^ u t a^^^rcycle, which has not been altered after it has left the factory. If the motorcycle has any technical oanges, a^eparate documentation for the changes must be added demonstrating that the motorcycle stills fulfils the EC and national mles and requirements for vehicles valid at he date of the first registration This data certificate must be utilised for new and used motorcycles *) Mass in running order is the mass of the motorcycle ready for driving (with fuel, oil and water if watercooled) but without driver
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