Conference on Learning June 1.

Conference on Learning June 1.-3., 2015
Conference on learning – Outside the Formal Educational System and in alternating
between formal, informal and non-formal learning
Program for Lifelong Learning (PLL) ( at Oslo and Akershus University
College (OAUC) organizes an international research conference on learning at Campus
The conference has two parts, one closed part for pre-registered participants presenting
papers, and another part with open key-note lectures and no pre-registration, open for
anyone interested.
Please find below the program for the open part of the conference. If you would like to
listen to one or more of the presentations, you’re welcome to the lecture halls Athene 1&2,
P46 (Pilestredet 46).
Monday 1. juni
11.00 Official opening
Kari Toverud Jensen, Rector, Oslo and Akershus University College
11.10 Entertainment
11.20 Professor Bente Elkjær: What is an organization that it may learn?
13.00 Professor Davide Nicolini: Understanding expertise as practice
Tuesday 2. juni
09.00 Professor Yrjö Engeström: Analyzing expansive learning: learning actions, forms of interaction, and
expressions of transformative agency
09.45 Professor Elena Antonacopoulou: Practising Reflexivity:
Mastering Business Action to Realize Y-Our Impact
12.30 Professor Davydd J. Greenwood: University Neo-Taylorism and
Neo-liberalism: Anti-Bildung and Anti-Democracy in Action
Wednesday 3. juni
09.00 Professor David Guile: Theory and practice in professional, vocational and workplace learning: From
participation to recontextualisation
09.45 Programme Specialist Katerina Ananiadou: The role of multi-lateral cooperation and partnerships in
addressing TVET challenges
Key-note speakers:
Professor Yrjö Engeström
Professor David Guile
Professor Davide Nicolini
Professor Bente Elkjær
Professor Elena Antonacopoulou
Professor Davydd J. Greenwood
Katerina Ananiadou, Programme Specialist UNESCO-UNEVOC
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus har opprettet et Program for livslang læring (PLL) ( som
en del av høgskolens strategiske satsning på et tettere samarbeid med arbeidslivet om læring.
Formålet med PLL er å utvikle og utrede grunnlaget for en permanent satsing på læring utenfor
utdanningsinstitusjonene og i veksling mellom disse og omkringliggende arbeids- og samfunnsliv.
Arbeid i PLL skal være forskning- og utviklingsbasert og bidra med kunnskap til fornyelse i våre
utdanninger og om læring i arbeidet. Overordnet mål er å bidra aktivt i utviklingen av framtidas