Presentation of The National IOR Centre of Norway

 The Na'onal IOR Centre of Norway Visit by the Embassy of Japan 12November 2015 A need for IOR on NCS • 
Government iden,fied need for increasing recovery from oil fields on Norwegian con,nental shelf (NCS) – 1 % more oil ~ 500 billion NOK • 
2010: CommiGee of experts to suggest measures, led by Knut Åm • 
2010: Åm presented report sugges,ng 44 measures for improving the oil recovery; one was a Na,onal IOR Centre • 
2011: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy evaluated the Norwegian petroleum ac,vi,es; recommended the establishment of a research centre in the field of improved recovery, based on an open compe,,on • 
2013, February: The Na,onal IOR Centre was announced by the Research Council of Norway • 
2013, May : 3 applica,ons to host the Centre by the applica,on deadline: –  Bergen – Uni Research and UiB –  Trondheim – SINTEF/NTNU –  Stavanger – UiS-­‐IRIS and IFE 2 The Centre`s overall aim Contribute to improving oil recovery on the Norwegian ConGnental Shelf •  R&D ac,vi,es for field implementa,on •  Environmentally friendly technologies The NaGonal IOR Centre of Norway
ConsorGum } 
3 research partners UiS-­‐IRIS and IFE 12 user partners } 
Host insGtuGon -­‐ UiS } 
Centre lifeGme } 
5+3 years (2013-­‐2021) Yearly budget: 44 MNOK In 2015: 58 MNOK Centre Director Prof. M.V. Madland and Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien The partners ExpectaGons from authoriGes •  Minimum 25% of yearly budget to educa,on (PhD/postdoc) •  Research -­‐ high interna,onal level •  Publica,ons, being visible on interna,onal/na,onal arenas •  Increased collabora,on between industry experts and research partners •  Results transferred to industry partners •  Share results -­‐ Openness •  The Centre should contribute to new technology being implemented by the industry partners •  Quick implementa,on of new technology/best prac,ce •  New injec,on methods Who are we? The Na,onal IOR Centre of Norway The management team: Merete Vadla Madland (UiS), Kris,n Flornes (IRIS) Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS) Svein Skjæveland (UiS), Randi Valestrand (IRIS), Sissel Opsahl Viig (IFE) Theme leaders: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS) Randi Valestrand (IRIS) Task leaders:
Task 1: Arne Stavland (IRIS) Task 2: Udo Zimmermann (UiS)/Mona Minde(IRIS/UiS) Task 3: Espen JeGestuen (IRIS) Task 4: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS) Task 5: Tor Bjørnstad (IFE) Task 6: Steinar Evje/Svein Skjæveland (UiS) Task 7: Geir Nævdal (IRIS) 40 project managers, Researchers, Guest researchers, 16 PhD candidates and 10 Post Docs Apprx. 100 persons (UiS, IRIS and IFE) are connected/involved, and the number is increasing. 2 new Associate Prof. posi,ons@UiS Centre administraGon OrganizaGon Board Technical ComiGee Management Team Theme 1 Mobile & Immobile Oil and EOR methods 1. Core Scale 2. Pore Scale 3. Sub Micron Theme 2 Reservoir Characterizing to Improve vol. sweep 4. Upsc. & Enviro 5. Tracer 6. Res. Sim 7. 4D Seism & History Building a true research team (3 research partners, 12 user partners and several naGonal -­‐and internaGonal collaborators) The naGonal and internaGonal collaborators •  UiB, UiO, NTNU •  TU Delp, DTU, Cornell University •  TNO, GEO, Geus •  The Ins,tute for Study of the Earth’s Interior (ISEI), Okayama University, Misasa, Japan; a Center of Excellence for the 21st Century (one of the most pres,gious laboratories in geosciences,cosmosciences and micro-­‐/nano technology in the world) PhD student Mona Minde, Research assistent MSc Nina Egeland, Research Director Prof. Aksel Hiort and Centre director Prof. Merete. V. Madland. Nina Egeland will have a research stay at ISEI Spring 2016. 2 R&D Themes, 7 main Tasks, 40 projects T1 Mobile and immobile oil and EOR methods: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS), T2 Reservoir characterizaGon to improve volumetric sweep: Randi Valestrand (IRIS) Task 1: Arne Stavland (IRIS) Task 2: Udo Zimmermann (UiS)/Mona Minde(IRIS/UiS) Task 3: Espen JeGestuen (IRIS) Task 4: Aksel Hiorth (UiS/IRIS) Task 5: Tor Bjørnstad (IFE) Task 6: Svein Skjæveland (UiS) Task 7: Geir Nævdal (IRIS) Current projects: Theme 1 & 2 Task 1: Core scale
DOUCS-Deliverable Of an Unbeatable Core scale Simulator
Core plug preparation procedures
Determination of Droplet Size Distribution in Oil – Water Emulsions Passed Through a Porous Material
Studied by Low Field NMR
Task 5: Tracer technology
Well-to-well tracer technology (Task 5.1)
Single-well tracer technology (Task 5.2)
• IncorporatingcompactionintofluidEORcharacterizationpotential
Task 6: Reservoir simulation tools
Review of experimental data and building a prototype of ‘IRIS lab’ database (Task 1.2, 4, 6.1, 7.2)
From SCAL to EOR
Reservoir simulation tools. Adding more physics, chemistry, and geological realism into the reservoir
simulator.(Task 6.1)
Integrated EOR for heterogeneous reservoirs (Phase 1)
Modelling of near well zone scenarios (Task 6.2)
EOR screening and possible applications on the NCS
Application of metallic nanoparticles for enhanced heavy oil recovery
Task 2: Mineral fluid reactions at nano/submicron scale
New methodologies at NIOR Stavanger for EOR purposes
Installation of state-of-the-art X-ray diffraction (XRD) analytical facility at NIOR for EOR research
Geological studies on carbonates (including chalk) and chert for the further understanding of rock material
for EOR research and applications
Task 7: Field scale evaluation and history matching
Robust production optimization – cooperation with TU Delft (Task 7.1)
Robust production optimization – PhD student (Task 7.1)
Data assimilation using 4D seismic data (Task 7.2.1)
Data assimilation using 4-D seismic data (PostDoc TNO) (Task 7.2.1)
Improved history matching under compaction (Task 7.2.3)
• 4Dseismichistorymatchingofcoupledgeomechanical/reservoirflowmodels(Task7.2.3)
Quantitative SEM micrograph image analysis
Task 3: Pore scale
Evaluation of economic potential (Task 7.3)
Three-dimensional imaging and pore-scale modelling of carbonate rocks
Reservoir complexity and recovery factor potential (Task 7.4)
Pore scale processes
Emulsions in Porous Media
• Experimentalinvestigationoftheeffectoffluidchemistryontheadhesivepropertiesofcalcitegrains
Peridynamics simulation of chalk – from nanometer to centimeter (Task 3 and 4)
Task 4: Upscaling and environmental impact
IORSim development
Designer Water
Large Scale Polymer Shear Test
The roadmap Main achievements: •  Theme 1: • 
Yard test, start-­‐up at IRIS September 2015 IOR-­‐sim (UiS/IRIS and IFE); backward coupling to Eclipse Access to Field data: Snorre, Ula, Ekofisk and Valhall •  Theme 2: • 
Development and tes,ng of new tracers Polymer flooding is available in OPM OPM run-­‐,me for Norne full-­‐field is now only three ,mes the Eclipse run-­‐
,me Work-­‐flow including 4D seismic data in history matching tested Two examples: The IORSim (NIORC incl. Schlumberger) • 
A simulator for predic,ng the effect of rock fluid interac,ons on oil recovery based on industry standard reservoir models –  Upscale from core scale –  Predict the performance of IOR chemicals on field scale –  Effect of combining several EOR methods IOR Chemicals The Yard test (NIORC incl. Halliburton, and SNF, SAR, and Matek-­‐Samson) • 
Quan,fying the degrada,on of polymer when passing different chokes Two polymers, at three concentra,ons, are being pumped through valves IOR NORWAY 2016 •  Welcome to IOR NORWAY 2016 •  April 26-­‐27 2016 •  For more informa,on: