www.isa.org/~ssjv August 2006 INSIDE THIS ISSUE… Honors and awards bestowed 2 - President’s Message Those active in the current section and several long-time members were honored at the annual Southern San Joaquin Valley Section’s Honors and Awards Banquet on June 15th. This year’s banquet was expertly organized by Alan McMurry and held at Benji’s Basque Restaurant. Outgoing Section President John Sheehan (left) accepts award from District Vice President Joe Bingham at the Southern San Joaquin Valley Section Honors and Awards Dinner. 3 - DVP: Get Involved! 4 - Instrumentation 2007 Cal Poly Beach Party 5 - PLC Training, Instrumentation Training, CCST Training 6 - Instrument Technicians Industry News 7 - Cal Poly to Compete 8 - Local Section Meetings 9 - Regional Events 10 - History of OC Section 12 - Application Notes: Boiler Systems 13 - ISA Offers Free Webinars What is Bluetooth? 14 - Job Shop ISA Offers Webinars Free to Members, . . . Details on page 13 “The only difference between a problem and a solution is that people understand the solution.” -- Charles Kettering, Inventor of Freon, founder of Delco. His house, built in 1914, was the first in the US to have air conditioning. August 2006 Award recipients included Mohammad Heidari (right), Del Signorelli (below center) and Alan McMurry (below right.). Ray Spangler (left) received an award from Alan McMurry (left) and Seth Olson (below) received an award from John Sheehan. These are only a few of those present at the award ceremony this year. Not pictured due to space lmitations are a great many others who have given their time to keep the Southern San Joaquin Valley Section one of the premier sections of ISA. Other photos on page 11. Photos courtesy of John Sheehan. ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 1 Southern San Joaquin V alley Valley Section Officers 2006-2007 P.O. Box 9271 Bakersfield, CA 93389 www.isa.org/~ssjv/ Del Signorelli, President ChevronTexaco [email protected] Seth Olson, Vice President PLCs Plus International (661) 322-4470 [email protected] Octavio Escobeto, Secretary OXY Elk Hills [email protected] Alan McMurry, Treasurer/Honors and Awards Chair [email protected] Consultant (661)703-6979 President’s message As you know it is the that time of year for the new incoming board to there places on the board, as your new incoming president I would like to thank all of the 2005-2006 ISA SSJV board members for the outstanding job that they did last year. For the 2006-2007 board members it is time to get started on another promising year. I would also like to thank everyone that help out with this years Golf Tournament and Table Top, everybody did a tremendous job and as you know the proceeds generate goes to our Scholarship fund to help local student further the education in the automation world. As incoming President it is such a pleasure to work with such a great group of people. The board will be getting together sometime in August to start working on the upcoming year plan. We will be starting up our monthly lunches again in September. Have a safe and great summer and hope to see you all at our monthly luncheons. Del Signorelli, President ISA SSJV 2006-2007 John Sheehan, Delegate, Past President ChevronTexaco (661)768-3344 [email protected] Are you committed? Show you're serious about your career–become a CCST® The ISA Certified Control Systems Technician®(CCST) Program verifies and documents your knowledge, experience, and education in instrumentation and control. Designed to enhance your professional development, the CCST program provides an endorsement of your accomplishments from ISA. The CCST program proves that you’re a capable technician with documented skills. Hundreds of companies have already recognized the value of hiring ISA CCSTs and many require this credential. Raymond Spangler, Alternate Deligate/Web Master/ Marketing Central Automation, Inc. (661) 387-0638 [email protected] Visit http://ccst.isa.org for more information or call CASTLE™ Worldwide and ask for the ISA CCST representative at (919) 572-6880 or e-mail info@ castlelearning.com Del Signorelli, Exhibit Chair ChevronTexaco [email protected] Chip Wickline, Membership Chair (661) 664-1406 [email protected] Gary Brown, Membership Co-Chair ChevronTexaco (661) 392-3859 [email protected] John Prince, Newsletter Editor APG Analyzer Systems (714) 968-5501 [email protected] Sound the ALARM!! Lisa Denke, Program Chair Barry Petroleum (661) 201-7842 [email protected] The newsletter and directory carry your message directly to 1500 automation and instrumentation specifiers and buyers throughout Southern and Central California and Nevada. Ira Miller, Historian Blair-Martin Co., Inc. (661) 872-2903 [email protected] Mohammad Heidari, Scholarship Chair ChevronTexaco (661) 392-2224 [email protected] Paul Wade, Training Chairman Process Instruments & Controls, LLC (805) 327-7000 [email protected] Joe Bingham, Distr 11 VP AES Automation (714) 625-9021 [email protected] 2 For advertising infomation, please call the newsletter editor. Dalton Wilson, ISA Staff Contact (919) 990-9280 [email protected] Open Positions: Central Coast Coordinator Section-Division Liaison The monthly ISA Section Newsletters and annual Regional Membership Directory and Buyers’ Guide are mailed to all ISA section members in Southern California and Southern Nevada and to ISA student affiliates at Cal Poly Pomona, Cal State Fullterton and Long Beach State. Newsletters include the South San Joaquin Valley Alarm, Los Angeles Annunciator, Orange County Chart, San Diego Signal and Las Vegas Experience. Changes of address can only be processed by ISA by calling (919) 549-8411 or via www.isa.org. Editorial submissions and feedback, please contact the newsletter editor. Advertising rates, circulation information and style guide is posted at www.techpubs.net. Billing and publishing correspondence may be addressed to TechPubs Communications, PO Box 1605, Costa Mesa, California 92628. Submissions are copyright by the authors with all rights reserved. No reproduction without written permission from TechPubs. Copyright (C) 2006 TechPubs Communications. All Rights Reserved. ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 Message from the DVP Get involved! By Joe Bingham There are those who spend their time bashing ISA. They talk about “rearranging the deck-chairs”, the lack of senior corporate executives involvement and how they are impatient for fundamental change. But at the same time they do not get involved in the organization — they merely sit on the sidelines and complain. Their articles make an interesting read, but lack proper research. ISA has had great stewardship over the last few decades. We are a non-profit organization and have a little over two years worth of reserves. We are a not for profit organization, it is not our business model to make business deals that will make us millions of dollars, but to provide quality benefits to our membership. ISA has spent millions of dollars in the last several years on Certification programs (CCST, CAP), improving on our magazine Intech just to mention a few. We have an NVI (New Venture Investment) program that will allow us to invest in new benefits to the membership. Anyone can submit an NVI idea, but you have to get involved first. Anyone who would like to contribute their ideas to ISA is always welcome to join in any number of leadership positions at the local or international level. You can then attend the leadership meetings that are held in the spring or fall and submit your ideas to any of the Executive board meetings or directly to the board member. We love hearing from people with creative ideas. August 2006 Don’t be an armchair quarterback! If you don’t like or understand something ask your local leader. That’s what I did. That’s why I got involved in the first place. I would like to see you at the next ISA leadership here locally in Irvine or at the conference in Houston Texas getting involved and helping. We never turn down any “Good” advice or refuse anyone from joining in any event. As in all organizations, there are those who are afraid to get involved so that they won’t have to take responsibility for their ideas. To those people, I say get off of your kester and do something instead of just mouthing off! I dare you! Yes, you heard me! I triple dog dare you to get involved! See you in Houston! The District Leadership Conference Just a friendly reminder that on August 5th and 6th I will be hosting the DLC for District 11 at the Rosemount Analytical offices in Irvine, CA. We will spend the whole day Saturday and Sunday teaching leadership skills, management skills, and organization skills for your section leadership. Mark Adams of Enthusiadams. All are welcome, but the seating is limited (not to mention the $50 fee). We will start at 8am both days. Please email me for more information. As always, please let me know if you like my messages or think that I’m way off track. Also please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, comments, etc. You can reach me at 714-625-9021 or [email protected]. Yours truly, Joe Bingham District Vice-President, District 11, 2006 - 2007 Chairman, Engineering, Science, and Technology policy for ISA Chairman SP – 101, HMI’s Member of the Executive Board of ISA ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 3 Technology Exhibitions and Training Instrumentation 2007 is coming to LA! Planning for Instrumentation 2007 is already well underway. The exhibition and training will be held February 22nd at the Carson Convention Center. Training classes are already planned (see article in this newsletter) and there will be discounts for early exhibitor sign-ups. Watch the newsletter and check the LA Section website, www.isala.org, for details as they become available. This year, by getting an early start, we hope to return to the large venue shows that the section was known for in years past. But we cannot do it without your help. To anyone who has attended past shows, given training sessions or has exhibited locally in the past (including Automation West) please tell us your experiences and observations of past shows and suggestions for this year’s show. Don’t worry, you will not be dragged into doing anything unless you volunteer. It is your feedback and suggestions that are of great value to us. Our goal is to produce a show that is informative and beneficial to both attendees and exhibitors this year.! Please contact Kristina Balobeck, ISALA President Elect, at [email protected] or (818) 203-7436 to give your ideas and for more information about Instrumentation 2007. Photographs courtesy U.S. Navy and NASA without endorsement expressed or implied. &NFSTPOBOEUIF&NFSTPOMPHPBSFUSBEFNBSLTBOETFSWJDFNBSLTPG&NFSTPO&MFDUSJD$P 5FTDPN$PSQPSBUJPO"MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE Los Angeles & Cal Poly Sections Photo of 2005 Cal Poly Beach Party courtesy of Miki Prince Third Annual Beach BBQ & Bonfire 3FHVMBUPST7BMWFT4ZTUFNT 4UBOEBSEPSDVTUPNFOHJOFFSFE 8IFUIFSJUµTPOFPG5FTDPNµT TUBOEBSENPEFMTBTJNQMF NPEJGJDBUJPOPSBPOFPGBLJOE DVTUPNDPOUSPMXFµMMCVJMEB SFHVMBUPSWBMWFPSTZTUFNUIBU NFFUTZPVSVOJRVFSFRVJSFNFOUT $IPJDFT-PBEJOHBOETFOTJOH TUZMFTWFOUJOHPQUJPOTNBUFSJBMT PGDPOTUSVDUJPOTFBMTQPSUJOH DPOGJHVSBUJPOTBOENPSF1SFTTVSF SBOHFTWBDVVNUP14*( 'MPX$W UP $POUSPMTUZMFT1SFTTVSFSFEVDJOH BOECBDLQSFTTVSFIZESBVMJDPS QOFVNBUJDFMFDUSPOJDNJOJBUVSF DBSUSJEHFUSBDLJOHWBQPSJ[JOH WBDVVNPSDIBOHFPWFS ISO 9001:2000 Quality System Certified , METI/KHK Product Certification. All ISA members thoughout the region are welcome to come and enjoy the beach at the Third Annual ISALA BeachParty, BBQ and Bonfire on August 12th at Huntington Beach State Beach. This is a family event and is open to all ISA members and guests. If you have a student in the family who is considering a career in instrumentation, controls, automation or engineering, this is a ideal chance to let them meet with those who are studying in these fields, and maybe help to clarify some of their ideas about their future career. More photos on page 15. For details and to RSVP, please see page 8 or check the ISALA website at www.isala.org. IUUQJTBOUFTDPNDPN Please contact: Northern California Dennis Post 408-370-3649 [email protected] Southern California Steven Manuel 714-672-9097 [email protected] 4 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 Professional Training & Advancement PLC, instrumentation, CCST training series to be held A series of three instrumentation courses has been scheduled this year by the Los Angeles Section. Classes will be held on weekday evenings. Each of the three sessions will consist of nine classroom and lab hours. Courses will be conducted by professional instrumentation trainers and are not product specific. Professional Development Certificates will be awarded to those who complete each class. Basic-to-Advanced PLC Programming is a hands-on session using student laptops as the training tool. Each student will use an instructional aid to program a live simulation on their computer. There will also be review of programming components to enlighten even an experienced technician and increase his experience level. 9 hours total training. A RSLogix PLC Simulator and ProSim-II Simulation disc will be provided as part of the package. Students will need to bring their own laptop computer. Instructors: Orlando Manahan and Neil Finch. - Tues, Sept 12 - Introduction to PLC Programming and Lab - Tues, Sept 19 - Practical Programming and Lab - Thurs, Sept 28 - More Programming and Lab Instrumentation Level 1 Training consists of three evenings. This class will give anyone new to the industry basic practical working knowledge in the areas of flow, temperature, pressure and level instrumentation. Some of the practical things you will learn include how to specify and order thermocouples, flowmeters and other instrumenta- tion devices. Instructors: Neil Finch, Kevin O’Neill and Gary Penny. - Tues, Nov 7 - Instrumentation Physics - Tues, Nov 21 - Calibration Practices & Training Lab - Tues, Nov 28 - Detailed Review of Flow, Temperature, Pressure & Level Instrumentation and Applications CCST Review & Instrumentation Level 2 Training consists of three evenings. The first session will be held February 22nd at the Carson Convention Center in conjunction with Instrumentation 2007. Instructors: Neil Finch and Gary Penny. - Thurs, Feb 22 - CCST Review - Thurs, Mar 1 - Analytical Instrumentation, ISA Symbols and Math for Instrumentation - Thurs, Mar 8 - CEMS Calibration and Maintenance Who should attend? Those who need to get up to speed on current instrumentation technology should attend. This series of training classes is not just for the experienced engineer and technician, but will be valuable for instrument sales people, project managers as well as for those new to the field. After taking this course, attendees will better understand how to assess, compare and select the various methods of measurement and control. Professional Training & Advancement, continued on page 15 Patten Systems, Inc. Industrial & Municipal Representatives 3D Instruments Direct Drive Process and Test Gauges, Digital Process and Test Gauges, Diaphragm Seals, Hand Pumps and Thermometers B S & B Safety Systems Industrial & Sanitary Rupture Disks, Explosion Vents, Wireless Sensor Systems, Suppression Systems • FLOWMETERS • CHART RECORDERS Honeywell Analytics Danfoss Water & Wastewater Variable Frequency Drives, Soft Starters (Sieger, Zareba & Zellweger) Combustible & Toxic Gas Dectectors, IR Gas Detectors, Open Path IR, Controllers & Flame Detection L & J Technologies L&J Technologies Kurz Instruments Air & Gas Thermal Mass Flow Meters, Flow Conditioners, CEM Flow Systems, Portable Flow Meters (Shand & Jurs - GPE - Omnitrol - Delavan), Tank Gauging Systems, Radar & Servo, Tank Vents, Breather Valves, Gauge Hatches, Flame & Detonation Arrestors/ Vapor Recovery, Capacitance and Ultrasonic Level Moore Industries Meriam Process Technologies HART Configurators, Calibrators & Software, Averaging Pitot Tubes, Laminar Flow Elements, Digital Manometers Intelligent Distributed I/O, Alarm Trips, Isolators, Temperature Transmitters, I/P’s, AC Power Transducers, Controllers, Fieldbus Device Couplers and Power Supplies NuFlo • PRESSURE • TEMPERATURE • AUTO DIALERS • CONTROLLERS • GAUGES • WIRELESS COMMUNICATION • VALVE AUTOMATION Measurement Systems NuFlo Measurement Systems • LEVEL (Barton & Former Haliburton Measurement Systems) D.P. & Pressure Transmitters, D.P. Indicators & Recorders Turbine Meters, PD Meters, Totalizers, Samplers, Orifice Fittings, Relief Valves Ronan Display Products Division Sparling Instruments Vishay BLH Magnetic Flowmeters, Propeller Meters, Vortex Flow Meters, Ultrasonic Flow Meters Load Cells, Electronic Weighing, Tension Measurement, Weight Display and Control Annunciators, Mosaic Graphics, Serial Annunciators Sequence of Events Recorders, Fault Finders, Protocol Converters & Lamp Boxes. • ANALYZERS • SAMPLERS 15201 Springdale Street • Huntington Beach, California 92649 Tel (714) 799-5656 • Fax (714) 799-5353 • www.pattensystems.com BAKERSFIELD • LAS VEGAS • SAN DIEGO August 2006 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 5 Spotlight on Careers Everything you ever wanted to know about instrum Instrumentation technicians test, certify, install, repair, inspect, maintain, and help to develop complex instruments that measure and record changes in industrial environments. The process-controlled systems operated by these technicians are central to the operation of such facilities as chemical plants, canneries, food processing plants, air and water pollution control agencies, petroleum refineries, and power plants. Technicians test and record the effects of varying conditions, actual or simulated, such as vibration, temperature, humidity, pressure, differential pressure, liquid flow and level, altitude, acceleration, pH, conductivity, stress, and chemical analysis. They prepare graphs and written reports translating test results into meaningful terms. Technicians select, install, calibrate, and check out telemetering and recording instruments and circuits. Using engineering data, and considering the limitations of the equipment being tested, they develop specifications for nonstandard apparatus and equipment. They may make sketches and build or modify jibs, fixtures, instruments, and related apparatus. They also may verify the acceptability of devices which have been fabricated by craft workers or other technical personnel. In addition, technicians, troubleshoot, repair, and perform preventive maintenance on test apparatus and peripheral equipment. Some Instrumentation Technicians work as field service representatives who install and maintain equipment and systems at the customer’s worksite. In addition to providing preventive and corrective maintenance, their duties may involve training the customer’s employees and advising them of proper procedures to use to avoid equipment breakdowns. In the performance of their duties, technicians operate calculators, computers, testing devices, and laboratory equipment. They use drafting tools, complex electronic and mechanical instruments, and also use engineering handbooks and other reference materials. Working Conditions Although working conditions vary widely for Instrumentation Technicians, most work areas will be relatively new, modern, airconditioned buildings that offer a pleasant working environment. Instrumentation Technicians may work in the engineering or prototype department, in the main production department, or at their own test benches. Due to the delicate nature of many electronics products, technicians may perform much of their work in “clean rooms” in which the temperature, humidity, and dust content of the air are carefully controlled. All workers in clean rooms wear masks, gloves and smocks or coveralls, which are usually referred to as “bunny suits.” The work may occasionally require lifting up to 20 pounds, standing, stooping, climbing, and working in tight or confined control panels. Depending on the worksite, technicians may be exposed to chemicals, extreme temperatures, pressures, and vacuum. Employment Outlook The following information is from the California Projections of Employment published by the Labor Market Information Division. The figures represent the broad occupational group Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technicians and Technologists that includes Instrumentation Technicians. AutomationDirect partners with AES AES Automation, a systems integration firm specializing in the water, wastewater, oil, gas, and process control industries, has signed on with AutomationDirect as a Certified Systems Integrator. “Joe Bingham has been a close friend and supporter of AutomationDirect for many years. It was a no brainier decision for us to add AES Automation to our coveted list of Certified System Integrators” said Brian Gallogly, President of Quantum Automation, AutomationDirect’s West Coast Value Added Reseller. This partnership will be mutually beneficial for AutomationDirect and AES Automation,” said Joe Bingham, founder and president of AES Automation. “Due to the high quality PLC’s and additional automation products, local stock, competitive pricing and awesome technical support, I was able to easily standardized their products within the last company I worked for (Sempra Energy Solutions) and AES Automation plans on continuing its success with their products”. “We are currently developing an eleven station training course around their PLCs”. For more information, please contact AES Automation by phone, (714) 625-9021; by email, [email protected]; or www.aesglobal.com. 6 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 mentation technicians Estimated number of workers in 1993 49,250. Estimated number of workers in 2005 58,760. Estimated Growth 1993-2005 19%. (These figures do not include self-employment or openings due to turnover.) A projected increase of over 9,000 new jobs, combined with the estimated 14,000 workers leaving the labor force, were estimated to have resulted in 23,000 job openings in California by the year 2005 for instrumentation technicians. The need for industry to modernize, install labor-saving equipment, and replace old systems with those featuring the latest technologies assures a continuing need for Instrumentation Technicians. The standard workweek is 40 hours, Monday through Friday. Many companies employ technicians on swing and night shifts. Night shift employees can expect up to an additional 10 percent in pay. Most plants shut down twice a year to overhaul their continual operating systems. These “turnarounds” (lasting one to three weeks each) can offer Instrument Technicians 12-16 hour work days, seven days a week. Field service technicians normally have the opportunity for unlimited overtime by being “on call” during their off-duty hours. Such overtime work is sometimes compensated at time and one-half, or double time on holidays. Entrance Requirements and Training Instrumentation Technicians must understand and apply electronics theory. High school students interested in this field should study mathematics, general physics, and laboratory science. These jobs, according to representatives from personnel departments, will require at least two or three years experience, an Associate of Arts or Science degree, or completion of an Instrument Technician program at a private Got Good Instrument Air? ISA Expo 2007 Cal Poly Pomona to participate in International Student Games Please spread the word at your company and others that they can get a great deal of publicity by supporting Cal Poly as a sponsor of the student games to be held at the ISA Show in Houston. This year, the games will be held during the EXPO, right on the exhibit floor on Tuesday, Oct 17, the first (busiest) day of the show. Sponsorship funds go directly to the students — medals and certificates, photos, students’ meals, tickets for the students to attend the Honors & Awards Banquet. Any funds not spend on the students will go into the Education Foundation which provides student scholarships. Sponsors will get public recognition in the hall, logos on www.isa.org and on the EXPO programs, and they will receive a Certificate of Appreciation from ISA. Cost of sponsoring is $750$1500. The sponsorship form can be downloaded along with information about all the other events at www.isa.org/expo/html/ society_events.html. August 2006 technical school. California has several private and public two-year colleges and technical schools offering courses in instrumentation technology or engineering technology. Technicians learn hands-on laboratory skills as well as theory in electronic and electrical circuitry and digital and microprocessing computers. Good communication skills, both oral and written, are necessary since reports and verbal explanations are usually part of the job. The job also requires good manual dexterity, good vision, and color perception. Technicians who are graduates of qualified technical institutes may become certified by organizations such as the Institute for the Certification of Engineering Technicians. They may also become members of the Instrument Society of America and similar professional societies. Membership in such organizations is not mandatory but serves as a good way to keep informed of advancing technology. Advancement Instrumentation Technicians who demonstrate skill and leadership may be promoted to supervisory-level positions. Those who continue their formal education and earn at least a Bachelor of Science degree may advance to a wide range of professional engineering positions. Finding the Job Applicants for technician positions should contact employers directly, and should respond to want ads in local newspapers or trade journals. In addition, some employers frequently list their openings with the Job Service offices of the California Employment Development Department. Additional sources and other information about instrumentation technician issues can be found through ISA at (919) 549-8411 or www.isa.org. This article is excerpted from the California Employment Development Dept, California Occupational Guide Number 485; www.calmis.cahwnet.gov. To go directly to this article, go to: http://tinyurl.com/J3RHF. Call for a FREE analysis! Find out if your air meets the appropriate ISO/ISA standards. We offer the following air treatment products: • • • • • Coalescing Filters Particulate Filters Hydrocarbon Adsorbers Dryers: • Refrigeration • Desiccant • Membrane Pressure Regulators Distributors of Pressure and Flow Controls: Pressure regulators, pressure indicators, flowmeters, filters, separators, thermometers, and enclosures 13413 Benson Ave., Chino CA 91710 TEL: (909) 590-0 408 FAX: (909)590-4146 www.precinstr.com ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 7 Local section meetings For more details about any of the section meetings, please contact the section president, website or read each section’s complete newsletter online at www.techpubs.net/isanews. Orange County Wed., August 9 President - Craig Lanternier, [email protected] Cal Poly Pomona Student Section Saturday, August 12 President - Saif Rawas, [email protected], (909) 802-0159 Gasification Today. The August meeting will be an overview of gasification technology by Gordon Sims, Senior Director in the Process/Specialty Engineering group of Fluor. Covered topics will include feeds and products, basic gasification chemistry, leading gasification technology providers, some typical plant configurations including the technology providers for the major unit operations. The presentation will also include a discussion of the control systems and integration challenges for gasification projects. Social hour will begin at 5:00pm with the presentation at 6:00pm, at Fluor - Irvine Office, University Research Park, 5211 California Avenue, Irvine 92617. Please RSVP to Sarah Sheldon at [email protected] or (949) 349-8750. Map and more at the section website: www.isa.org/~oranc. 3rd Annual Beach Party, BBQ and Bon Fire. Enjoy the sun, sand, great food, volleyball and other activities at the Third Annual Cal PolyISALA BBQ and Beach Party. This event is organized and presented by the ISALA Student Section at Cal Poly Pomona. Details: 11am - 10 pm; Huntington Beach State Beach. No Cost to ISA members or their friends, family or guests. Beach parking is $10. To RSVP and for more info, contact Saif Rawas, Cal Poly Section President, at (909) 802-0159 or [email protected]. For more, see www.isala.org. So. San Joaquin Valley No Meeting President - Del Signorelli, [email protected] Please see website: www.isa.org/~ssjv. San Diego No Meeting President - Alex Bates, [email protected], (858) 531-3886 Please see website: www.isa.org/community/sandi. or www.isasd.org. Los Angeles Saturday, August 12 President - John Prince, [email protected], (714) 968-5501 3rd Annual Beach Barbeque & Bonfire! Continuing with the writeup above... there will be plenty of good food and beach activities for all. No cost - just bring your beach chair and umbrella and plan to have a good time. If you really want to make a hit, bring your favorite food to share... or WOOD for the fire! Tables are alsoneeded! For more details and map, please see the section website www.isala.org. Las Vegas No Information President - Mike Bridenberg, [email protected] Please see website: www.isa.org.~lasve. PROCESS MEASUREMENT & CONTROL SOLUTIONS Invensys Thermal Controls Measurement & Instruments Tank Gauging & Systems V-Cone & Process Flowmeters Heat Tracing Products & Services Ultrasonic Flowmeters Industrial Flowmeters Process Level Measurement Coriolis Mass Flowmeters Gas Mass Flowmeters Teledyne Analytical Instruments Gas & Liquid Analyzers Pipeline Strainers & Bag Filters Gas & Flame Detection Gas/Liquid Separators ANAHEIM HILLS CORPORATE Tel 714.282.5600 ✦ Fax 714.282.7874 [email protected] 8 Instrumentation Products Flow/Level/Temp Switches BAKERSFIELD BRANCH Tel 661.391.1000 ✦ Fax 661.391.0990 ✦ www.jprsi.com ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 Regional events Dates are subject to change. Always contact the sponsoring party before making your final plans to attend. To include an event or make a correction, please contact the editor. August - Oct 2006 ISALA Control Systems Engg PE Exam Review Course, Carollo Engineers, Fountain Valley, www.isala.org August 13-17, 2006 Optics & Photonics Expo & Conference; San Diego www.spie.org Sept 12, 19, 28, 2006 PLC Programming: Basic to Advanced. Energy Resource Center, Downey. www.isala.org November 12-17, 2006 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, San Francisco Hilton, San Francisco, (212) 591-7338 www.aiche.org November 2006 National Chemistry Week American Chemical Society www.chemistry.org December 9, 2006 Orange County / Los Angeles Christmas Party and Awards Ceremony. Featuring Casino Night. October 5-8, 2006 Ramada Inn Suites, El Monte. Valve Manufacturers Assoc of www.isala.org America (VMA) Annual Meeting, La Quinta Resort & February 22, 2007 Club, Palm Springs, CA INSTRUMENTATION 2007 www.vma.org 202-331-8105 Exposition and Technical Training, Carson Convention Center, Carson, October 7-8, 2006 CA, www.isala.org Petroleum Marketers Association of America February 22, 2007 (PMAA) Fall Meeting in CCST Review Class conjunction with the NACS Carson Convention Center, Carson, Show, Las Vegas, NV CA, www.isala.org (703) 351-8000 www.pmaa.org March 1, 8, 2007 October 9-11, 2006 Analytical Instrumentation, ISA Petroleum Equipment Symbols and Math for InstrumentaInstitute (PEI) PEI Convention tion; CEMS Calibration and & Tradeshow, Las Vegas, Maintenance. Energy Resource (918) 494-9696 www.pei.org Center, Downey. www.isala.org. Oct 17-19, 2006 ISA Expo 2006 Houston, TX, www.isa.org February 22-25, 2007 National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) Spring Conference and Annual Meeting, La Quinta, Palm Springs, (414) 778-3344 www.nfpa.com October 30-November 1, 2006 American Petroleum Institute April 1-4, 2007 (API) Fall Refining and Equipment Standards Meeting, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Annual ConvenSan Francisco, CA tion, Long Beach, www.aapg.org Nove 7, 21, 28, 2006 April 11-15, 2007 Instrumentation Physics, Calibration Lab & Review of National Association of Pipe Flow, Temperature, Pressure Coating Applicators (NAPCA) & Level Instrumentation and Annual Convention, Indian Wells Applications. Energy Resource (318) 227-2769 www.napca.com Center, Downey. www.isala.org June 2007 (date not set) November 9-10 National Propane Gas Association Remote Monitoring & (NPGA) Annual Meeting & EducaNetworking and Onsite tional Conference, Las Vegas, NV Power 2006 (202) 466-7200 www.npga.org Westin Long Beach Regional Events, (800) 803-9488 continued on page 11 August 2006 #OMPELLING -AGNETIC !TTRACTION Ò(IGHÒLINEARITYÒFLOWÒMEASUREMENT Ò.OÒMOVINGÒPARTSÒMEANSÒLONGÒSERVICEÒLIFE Ò$IGITALÒANALOGÒFREQUENCYÒOUTPUTS Ò-INIMALÒINSTALLATIONÒANDÒMAINTENANCEÒCOSTS Ò#OMPACTÒDESIGN Ò5NBEATABLEÒPRICING Ò)DEALÒPADDLEWHEELÒUPGRADE Ò4WOÒYEARÒWARRANTY 9OUÒWILLÒBEÒDRAWNÒTOÒTHEÒNEWÒ3IGNETÒ-AGMETERÒ¦Ò THEÒELECTROMAGNETICÒSOLUTIONÒTOÒFLUIDÒMEASUREMENTÒ WITHÒTHEÒBESTÒPRICETOPERFORMANCEÒRATIOÒINÒTHEÒ INDUSTRYÒ7HETHERÒYOUÒCHOOSEÒTHEÒWIREÒÒTOÒM!Ò OUTPUTÒORÒTHEÒDIGITALÒORÒTHEÒFREQUENCYÒOUTPUTÒ VERSIONÒTHEÒÒISÒ¨3IGNETÒSIMPLE©Ò¦ÒTHEÒUNITÒFITSÒ INTOÒANYÒSTANDARDÒ3IGNETÒPADDLEWHEELÒFITTINGÒ3OÒ VISITÒOURÒWEBÒSITEÒFORÒALLÒTHEÒDETAILSÒANDÒFINDÒOUTÒ WHYÒTHEÒNEWÒ3IGNETÒÒ-AGMETERÒISÒATTRACTINGÒ ALLÒTHEÒATTENTION WWWGFSIGNETCOM 'EORGEÒ&ISCHERÒ3IGNETÒ)NC &ORÒ'LOBALÒ3ALESÒÒ3ERVICEÒVISITÒOURÒWEBSITEÒ ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 9 Historical Perspectives History of the Orange County Section by John Querido, P.E., Past President This is a continuation of a series of historical articles chronicling the development of the ISA sections in Southern California and Nevada. If you would like to see more about your own section here, please contact your Section President or the newsletter editor. This article continues with the history of the Orange County Section which will be concluded in the next article in this series. After 40+ years, the Orange County Section continues to work closely with the Los Angeles Section. Each year we jointly sponsor technical meetings, tours, social events and an annual honorarium dinner. Moreover, the two sections jointly served as host sections when the ISA International Conference was held in Los Angeles in 1965 and in Anaheim in 1987, 1991, and 1994. We worked together to make these conventions a success. In 1987, the Orange County Section and Los Angeles Section teamed up with the Southern California Measurement Association to expand the annual SCMA Short Course into the annual SCMA / ISA Short Course & Exhibits. This event grew into the largest short course in the nation and was held each year until 1998. It made a major educational contribution to the measurement and control community. 10 Our section was well represented on the Host Committee for the ISA Western Regional Conference & Exhibition, Chaired by Kim Miller Dunn of the Los Angeles Section. That event took place on June 18th & 19th, 2002 in Las Vegas. On April 23- 24, 2004, the ISA Automation West Conference & Exhibition was held at the Long Beach Convention Center. John Querido was Host Chair, leading a Host Committee consisting of Los Angeles and Orange County members. Other Orange County Section members on this committee were Raj Adani, Publicity Chair; Don Zee, Finance Chair; Bob Harrison, Web Master and John Gong, Monitor Co Chair. This event was repeated as Automation West 2006 at the Long Beach Convention Center in the May 2006. Joe Bingham of the Los Angeles Section was the Host Chair for 2006. The ISA Analytical Division held AD 2006, its annual symposium, in Anaheim this year. John Querido is a member of this Division and was Symposium Chair for the Anaheim event. This symposium has been held in various cities in the US and Canada for a number of years and features state of the art papers on analyzer measurements and systems. The symposium was another successful event, with 140 paid attendees from many countries. Part of our history is related to 9/11, which took place during ISA 2001 in Houston. With airlines shut down, we out of town people had to find a way to get home. In typical style, Bis Mitra came to the rescue. Historical Perspectives, continued on page13 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 So San Joaquin Valley Section Education Amgen presents 2006 awards for science teaching excellence John Sheehan (left) accepts award from DVP Joe Bingham at the Southern San Joaquin Valley Section Honors and Awards Dinner. Thousand Oaks, Calif., April 10, 2006 — Amgen announced that 19 science teachers have been awarded this year’s Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence. Each of the individuals honored have demonstrated an outstanding ability to inspire their students and produce results in science education. The program was designed to recognize teachers in the K-12 grade levels in public and private schools whose dedication to their student’s education has had a significant impact on the learning and interest of the future generation of scientists. Recipients include Edwin Bell of Costa Mesa High School/Middle School in Costa Mesa, Brendan Casey of Joan MacQueen Middle School in Alpine, and Kim Castagna of Canalino School in Carpinteria. Amgen is the world’s largest biotechnology company, and discovers, develops and delivers innovative human therapeutics. A biotechnology pioneer since 1980, Amgen therapeutics have helped millions of people around the world in the fight against cancer, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and other serious illnesses. Source: www.amgen.com. Keith Ogborn serves up a fantastic Cajun Barbeque at the Golf Tournament, Cajun Feast & TableTop Show in Bakersfield. Regional Events, continued from page 9 June 6-7, 2007 Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) West Coast Energy Management Congress, Long Beach Convention Center, (770) 4475083 www.aeecenter.org June 10-15, 2007 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME-OOAE), Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Division OMAE 2007, San Diego, CA (212) 591-7055 www.ooae.org, www.asme.org June 11-13, 2007 Independent Petroleum Association of America (IPAA) Midyear Meeting, Ritz Carlton Lake Las Vegas Resort, Henderson, NV (202) 857-4722 www.ipaa.org June 25-29, 2007 American Petroleum Institute (API) Exploration and Production Standards Conference on Oilfield Equipment and Materials, San Francisco, CA, (202) 682-8000 www.api.org August 2006 Industry Support Carollo Engineers supports ISA Carollo Engineers has graciously donated their facility to the ISA Los Angeles Section for the 2006 PE License Exam Review Course to be held in six Saturday meetings from August 12 through September 30, 2006. For more information about the course, please see the article in this newsletter or visit the ISALA website at www.isala.org. Founded in 1933, Carollo Engineers has twenty-four offices across the United States, including eight in California and two in Nevada and is currently ranked within Engineering News Record’s top 100 design firms. More importantly, ENR’s annual Source Book ranks Carollo among the top firms for water and wastewater treatment plant design, according to their website. Carollo provides only water and wastewater engineering services with a staff numbering more than 689 employees including over 300 licensed engineers. For more information about the PE Review Course being hosted by Carollo Engineers, please visit www.isala.org. Carollo Engineers is located at 10540 Talbert Ave in Fountain Valley and can be reached at (714) 593-5100 or through their website, www.carollo.com. ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 11 Application Notes Units of operation: simple building blocks of the industries By Linda Meyers, Product Manager at George Fischer Signet, Inc. &XVWRP &RQWURO 3DQHO 6ROXWLRQV In the last issue of the ISA newsletter, you were introduced to the “Units of Operation” (UO’s), a term commonly used to describe individual and distinct processes in industrial plants. These units make up a good portion of the industrial plant and regardless of which industry you work in, you will surely be able to identify these units. Last month, reverse osmosis systems were highlighted; this month’s feature is boiler systems. Boilers can be found in many industries including food, beverage, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, power, aerospace, chemical, composites, mining, HVAC, and other general industries. They are also found in hospitals, municipalities, research labs, schools and colleges, and commercial buildings, just to name a few. Boiler Process Description 3/& 3RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQ $QDO\]HU &RPSUHVVRU 00,+0, 5HOD\ 0DUVKDOOLQJ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ &(06 578 3URFHVV&RQWURO 0RWRU&RQWURO 9)' -XQFWLRQ7HUPLQDO%R[HV 1DPHSODWHV &RQWURO5RRP 4XDOLW\:RUNPDQVKLS 7LPHO\'HOLYHU\ &RPSHWLWLYH3ULFLQJ 8//LVWHG&DSDELOLWLWHV (OHFWULFDO6\VWHPV/WG 3DOLVDGHV'ULYH&RURQD&$ 7HO)D[ ZZZHVOV\VFRPLQIR#HVOV\VFRP Join the Team! CHEMPID We’re looking for creative Chemical and Petroleum professionals willing to share knowledge and exchange ideas with like-minded individuals. Become part of the Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division. Members access cutting-edge For access cutting information through to technical sessions, networking newsletters, edgeopportunities, information, e-mail discussion groups, an exclusive technical sessions, Division Web site, and conferences & networking opportunities, exhibits. Join us today! Contact ChemPID Director James Dawson newsletters, emailat [email protected] or call discussion groups, an ISA at (919) 549-8411. exclusive Division Website and conference & exhibits. To join, call ISA at (919) 549-8411. The main purpose of a boiler is to provide a large volume of high quality steam to a process in a quick and efficient manner. Maintaining the quality of boiler water is important to sustain continuously efficient heat transfer while reducing the amount of scaling and pitting of the internal boiler and condenser parts. Make-up water is used to replace the water lost during the normal operation of the boiler and during the blow down process. Water treatment for the make-up water can vary dramatically depending on the boilers pressure. As the pressure rating of the boiler increases, so does the requirement for higher quality water. Standard water treatment can be as simple as softening the water to remove calcium and magnesium for lower pressure systems to a full water treatment program that includes both multi bed and mix bed demineralizers. In order to ensure that the water quality remains high, it is common to measure conductivity or resistivity in several points throughout the condensate return system. Condensate return water is usually very low in mineral content (1-5 ppm) compared to the cooling water used to convert the steam to condensate (could be as high as several thousand ppm). An increase of conductivity of the condensate return line indicates a failure in the piping system. If the boiler system is continuously exposed to high conductivity water, it is only a matter of time before major damage occurs to the boiler system. Measurements in a Boiler There are flow, conductivity, and resistivity measurements within a boiler that are typically made within the operation. Flow measurements are made to measure volume in the condensate return and make-up water lines. However, conductivity and resistivity are more critical measurements to optimize and control scaling and corrosion of the system. The condensate return from the output pump is measured for conductivity so as to detect leaks between the condenser and heat exchange. It is also measured for blow down control; as steam is generated, minerals are left behind in the boiler. As feed water is added with additional minerals from chemicals used to treat the boiler’s water, the overall conductivity will naturally increase. When conductivity levels reach a critical point (application dependent) scaling and corrosion occurs. Another area where measurement may be critical is the condensate polisher (esp. in high-pressure systems). The condensate return water is processed through a deionization (DI) system. A measurement of conductivity before and resistivity after the DI banks will indicate the efficiency of the resin beads. Next month’s Unit of Operations will include three methods of deionization; mixed beds, twin beds, and ultra pure water (combination of mixed and twin beds).Graphics and description courtesy of George Fischer Signet, Inc. Visit www.gfsignet.com for more application information. Linda Meyers is the Special Events Chair of the Los Angeles Section. She can be reached at [email protected] or (626) 571-2770. 10-7134-052 12 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 Technology Notes Bluetooth, old and new The term Bluetooth has become commonplace buzzword in today’s world of communication, but how many know exactly what it is and where the name came from? Technically speaking, Bluetooth is an industrial specification for wireless personal area networks (PANs), also known as IEEE 802.15.1. Bluetooth provides a way to connect and exchange information between devices like personal digital assistants (PDAs), mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital cameras and video game consoles via a secure, globally unlicensed short range radio frequency. The technology is intended to replace the cables connecting portable and/or fixed devices while maintaining high levels of security, according to Wikipedia. The name Bluetooth is derived from the family name of the second king of Denmark, Harald Bluetooth, a Viking who is credited for unifying Denmark and who ruled from 958 until 986. According to the inventors of the Bluetooth technology, Harald engaged in diplomacy which led warring parties to negotiate with each other, making Bluetooth a fitting name for their technology, which allows different devices to talk to each other, states Wikipedia. The Bluetooth logo is based on the H and B runes, which are monuments carved as memorials. Education and Training ISA offers free webinars to members ISA is now offering unlimited access to all full dues paying members to all pre-recorded web seminars. As of this month, there are over 60 online pre-recorded web seminars covering today’s hottest topics. These ISA web seminars cover the hottest topics and are led by leading experts in the field. You’ll choose from topics like safety instrumented systems, ethernet, control systems security, fieldbus, grounding, and much more. To access your free web seminars, go to www.isa.org and click “My ISA” and “Online Files” from the left navigation bar. (If you aren’t already logged in, you’ll be prompted to log in with your member ID and password. Once you’ve logged in, select “Return to online files.” If you are already logged in, you’ll be taken directly to your online files page.) Scroll down to the Web Seminars section and select “Browse and select your free web seminars.” And now free access to all technical papers! Also, the ISA technical library now is available with unlimited downloads of ISA’s library of over 2,500 technical papers published at ISA conferences and symposia. Also, as has been the case for several years, each members is entitled to one free standard per membership year. More info here.... http://tinyurl.com/OB6LS. Photo courtesy of Suranaree University of Technology. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) is a privately held, not-for-profit trade association formed in 1998 by Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Toshiba and Intel. Now composed of over 4,000 members in the telecommunications, computing, automotive, music, apparel, industrial automation, and network industries, the Bluetooth SIG itself does not make, manufacture, or sell Bluetooth enabled products. Some information reprinted her by permission of the GNU Free Documentation License of the Free Software Foundation. Sources: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth) and the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (www.bluetooth.com). 14978 Sand Canyon Ave., Suite C Irvine, CA 92618 Office: 949-559-1941 Fax: 949-653-2420 Instrumentation and Control Systems for Southern California, Nevada and Hawaii Golden State Controls and Invensys Foxboro We are the authorized Representative for the Foxboro Systems group. We now support the full range of Foxboro control systems including IA and A Squared. Please call us for information, support and service. Instrumentation Control Valves Control Systems Historical Perspectives, continued from page 10 August 2006 Rotameters Sub-Distributor for G M Cooke, Inc. Distributor _______________________________ Bis arranged for several ISA members to join him and two fellow employees in driving back to California in two Fluor Corporation rental cars. Kim Miller, of the Los Angeles Section, solved the luggage problem by filling the hatch back of the rental car she was driving. We left Houston on Thursday morning, September 13, stopped overnight in Las Cruces, New Mexico and arrived home late Friday night. There were ten of us in the three car convoy. Kim Miller and Susan Varalla were in Kim’s car. Bis Mitra, Terry Sellers, Jeannie and Don Zee were in one Fluor car. Sara Sheldon, Albert Briones, John Querido and Alan McMurray were in the other. We were all happy to get home! Golden State Controls is affiliated with Western States Controls’ Professional Services Group that provides engineering and technical solutions to process control systems and instrumentation. www.goldenstatecontrols.com ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 13 Job Shop There is no charge to insert a “position open” or “seeking position” ad up to 75 words. Circulation is approximately 1,500 ISA members and other industry personnel. To place an ad, please contact the newsletter editor. Also, see www.isajobs.org. Industrial Instrument Technician. Journeyman level instrument technician. Applicant must show experience with setting-up, installing, running, troubleshooting industrial process control loops, configuring and troubleshooting DCS. Knowledge in the installation, calibrating, and repairing of the following pneumatic and smart field instruments: pressure, flow, temp, level, analytical transmitters, value positioners, valve actuators, printers, scanners and PID controllers. Requires high school diploma or GED. Mail resume to Industrial Instr Tech 0602, c/o TechPubs Communications, PO Box 1605, Costa Mesa, CA 92628. Manufacturers Representative. MCR Technologies a manufacturers representative covering Southern California and Southern Nevada is seeking qualified outside sales person with 3+ years of sales experience in the instrumentation field. Competitive salary and bonus, Health, Dental, Vision, Life insurance benefits. Forward resume to [email protected] or fax to 949-830-2390. Automation Distributor - Opto 22. Reseller Partner wanted for Southern California to sell and distribute industrial automation, control, remote monitoring, and data acquisition products. Opto 22 designs, manufactures, and supports all products from headquarters based in Temecula, CA. Experience in automation software, control systems, and Ethernet networks a must; complimentary product lines a plus. Proven ability to develop new customers and markets required. For more information, please contact Arun Sinha at (951) 695-3079, or [email protected]. Ponton Industries has a unique job opening for the right candidate. Due to our significant growth we need an inside sales person who will focus on our municipal bidding opportunities. The candidate must have prior experience reading municipal bid specifications and plans. The position also requires a general background in instrumentation. Responsibilities will include quotation generation, identifying bidding contractors, project management, and submittal preparation. Potential candidates should have the following skills: Good phone skills, courteous, polite and articulate, computer literate with good typing skills, responsible and punctual, can multi-task, is not intimidated by change or challenges, good math skills. An engineering background would be helpful. Position comes with unlimited growth opportunities, tax deferred retirement package, full health coverage, and dental plan. Send your resumes to the attention of Marty Ponton at [email protected] or call 714-998-9073. SVF Flow Controls continues to seek talented individuals for a variety of positions throughout the organization. If you have experience in customer service, production, product application and design or engineering and if you have leadership skills, we would like to speak with you. Excellent written and oral communication skills are a must. Our offices are located in Santa Fe Springs, California. Positions are available immediately. Contact Wayne Ulanski at 800-783-7836 or email your resume to [email protected]. Application Engineer. ICP DAS USA, Inc., manufacturer of data acquisition, embedded control, and data communication products, is looking for a qualified engineer proficient in PLC, and SCADA programming. C/C++, Studio.net and DOS platform experience is a plus. Will provide technical support to customers; write manuals, cut sheets; make demonstration software and hardware; test hardware. Benefits include salary, bonus; holidays and two weeks of paid vacation; PPO Medical Insurance and retirement plan. Send resume to [email protected]. 14 Instrumentation & Analyzer Technicians. Perform repairs, calibration, preventative maintenance with a minimum of supervision on all types of electrical, instrumentation, and plant analytical equipment. Installation of wiring, instrumentation and control system equipment. Experience with PLC programming, graphical interface software desirable but not required. Ability to work from electrical schematics, mechanical drawings. Will work from home and cover Southern California. Full-time, part-time or contract openings. No overnight travel. Please contact John Prince at APG Analyzer Systems, at (714) 968-5501 or apply through website - wwwCalCEMS.com. Controls Technician. ACCS is currently seeking an experienced Controls Technician to join our team. We require 3 years experience in Direct Digital Controls, DDC, PLC or DCS field programming and startup. HVAC/BAC experience with object oriented programming a plus. Must demonstrate problem solving skills with the ability to diagnose problems and effect repairs in a timely, cost effective manner. Position yourself in the growing building automation marketplace. Call 714-7798111 or e-mail to [email protected]. Western Regional Sales Manager. For industrial control equipment manufacture. Mature individual with 10 years + experience in the flow control or valve and actuator industry. A self-starter able to operate independently and manage third party representatives. Organizational and communication skills a must. Adaptable to changing priorities and capable of meeting deadlines. Engineering degree preferred, but not necessary. Salary commensurate with experience. Fax: (508) 436-7173 or email: [email protected] Electro-Mechanical Engineer/Technician. Automation company needs Engineer/Technician experienced with computer and PLC controlled equipment comprised of multi-axis motor control, pneumatic actuators, machine control, and feedback elements including analog & digital inputs, encoders, photo-electrics, vision systems. Must understand PC/PLC software, HW/SW interfaces and be able to identify and isolate electrical, software, or mechanical problems. Will assist with design & assembly of new systems as well as installation, field service & support. Salary commensurate with experience. Email resume to [email protected]. Outside Sales Position. Valin is interviewing for an immediate outside sales position covering a territory that includes Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The position has specific focus on the petrochemical and engineering contractor markets. Candidates should have experience selling valve and instrumentation products. Please contact the following for more information: Greg Neneman at [email protected] or John Hill at [email protected]. You may also find out more about Valin Corporation at valinonline.com. Outside Salesperson. Kube Engineering is a leading supplier of fluid handling, measurement and control products for a wide range of industrial process applications and specializing in Water/Wastewater markets. We are currently seeing an outside Sales person for Southern California with knowledge of field instrumentation. We offer excellent growth opportunity, established accounts and exciting profession. Salary/commissions/ bonus depends on experience. Please send resume to [email protected] or call 951-328-0343. JOB WANTED: Sales or Marketing Position. I have extensive automation, controls, fluid power, process & instrumentation experience as well as an MBA. This includes the gas/oil energy, industrial, food/ beverage, process, semiconductor & water/wastewater markets. I am looking for a sales or marketing opportunity based out of Southern California. Any ideas or contact names would be helpful. Please contact Ron Novak at (949) 842-4194 or [email protected]. ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006 Cal Poly Pomona Student Section The ISA Cal Poly Pomona Student Section really knows how to host a beach party! Once again this year, all ISA members are invited. For info, see page 8 or check the ISALA website, www.isala.org. This photo of the 2005 event is courtesy of Miki Prince. Sales Engineer Position. SurelokTM, a business unit of cMAX-2000, Inc., is seeking experienced sales engineers, for the sales of tube fittings, face seal and weld fittings to the industrial customers such as manufacturers of Analytical Instruments, Gas Analyzers, Gas Panels, Gas regulators, etc., in Southern California. We offer a reasonable base salary and attractive sales commission to results oriented persons. Forward resume to [email protected] or fax to (951) 688-1885. Environmental Engineer. Develop procedures, conduct training and audits, interface with regulatory agencies. Manage RCRA and Hazardous Material Programs, including HMP, RMP, SPCC and SARA 313. Develop waste minimization strategies. Maintain compliance with local, state and federal hazardous waste and hazardous material regulations, including RCRA and CAL-EPA. BS Degree in Environmental Eng. (or relevant) and at least 5 yrs. exp. Exp. in the chemical or pharmaceutical industry a plus. Ampac Fine Chemicals / HR (916) 355-3725. Sales Representative. Applied Valves and Controls is seeking a qualified Sales Representative for the San Diego area. This position requires selling and supporting on-off and automated process flow control valves and related products to the biopharm, commercial HVAC, industrial process, and water/waste industries. Minimum 3 years sales experience required. Engineering degree/technical skills a plus. Compensation package includes base salary plus commissions, bonus, and benefits. Contact Ray Herrera at (760) 479-1477 or email to [email protected]. Instrumentation and Controls Engineer. Kennedy/Jenks Consultants has an opportunity for an Instrumentation and Controls Engineer in southern California. Requires 10+ years experience in PLC programming, SCADA system configuration, and managing I&C system design and installation. Successful candidate will develop and lead discipline teams; work in a team environment. Knowledge of AutoCAD a plus. Must posses BS or MS in electrical or controls engineering and CA PE. Experience with municipal projects is desirable. Resumes to [email protected]. August 2006 Professional Training & Advancement, continued from page 5 What are the class materials? The basic registration fee include a PLC training CD and supporting documentation. In addition, the textbook, Condensed Handbook of Measurement and Control, 2nd Edition, by N.E. Battikha, will be available free of charge to all those who mail payment by August 12. After that date, the book will be offered at $62 for members and $68 for non-members, which is 10% off ISA’s normal price. Or you can purchase the book directly from ISA at full prine. A direct link to this book can be found at the training link under “What’s New” at www.isala.org. What is the cost? This training is open to everyone — registration fee for ISA members is $150 per session or $365 for all three. For non-members, $195 per session or $450 for all three ($450 includes a one-year membership in ISA, an $85 value). A special rate is offered for full-time students - call for information. There will be a small charge for class materials for each course. Where will it be held? All courses will be held at the Gas Company’s Energy Resource Center in Downey, except for the Feb 22 session, which will be held at Instrumentation 2007 at the Carson Convention Center. For more information and to sign up, please contact Neil Finch at (951) 675-3395 or [email protected], or see the ISA Los Angeles Section website, www.isala.org. Instrument & Analyzer Engineers: Open positions located at the Chevron Refinery in El Segundo, California. Minimum 5 years field experience in the design, installation, and start-up of instrumentation or analyzer systems and 4 year engineering degree required; extensive field experience may be considered in lieu of degree. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and possess a valid California driver’s license. For more specific requirements and to apply on-line, go to www.chevron.apply2jobs.com. ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 15 MAINOFFICE 2330 WestwoodBlvd.Suite100 Los Angeles,California90064 Phone(310)474-821 1 Fax(310)470-1277 SANTABARBARA OFFICE 202La VistaGrande SantaBarbara,CA 93103 Phone(805)564-2035 Fax(805)564-2015 www .westmarksales.com OnLineInstrumentationfor Pr ocessandPollutionMonitoring&Contr ol LiquidInstruments GasInstruments ADALET WIRELESS ADALET WIRELESS Industrial WirelessDataCollectionSystems Industrial Wireless Data Collection Systems APPLIED ANALYTICS,INC. APPLIED ANALYTICS, INC. Continuousprocessspectrophotometer (UV,IR,NIRand Visible)analyzers Continuous process spectrophotometer (UV, IR, NIR and Visible) analyzers BACHARACH AQUAMETRIX Gas AnalyzersforRefrigerantGases/Safety Monitors/Indoor AirQuality PH/Conductivity/ORP/Dissolved Oxygen GREYLINE INSTRUMENTS, INC. CI ANALYTIC,INC. GasChromatographandDryColorimetric Analyzers Non-Contacting Ultrasonic Level and Flow/ Doppler and Transit Time Flow Meters HF SCIENTIFIC, INC. DELTAF Gas Analyzersfor TraceandPercentOxygen/Moisture Process On-line and laboratory: Turbidity/Residual Chlorine/Streaming Current DRAEGERSAFETY Ambient AirandProcessGasMonitorsfor Combustibles/Oxygen/Toxics INSITE Dissolved Oxygen/Suspended Solids H2SCAN Gas Analyzersforambientandprocess Hydrogenmeasurement KAHNINSTRUMENTS,INC. Moisture Analyzers KAYDEN INSTRUMENTS, INC. Thermal flow, level, temperature and interface switches/Radar level/Ultrasonic level Aug 12 - Sept 30 For info, see www.isala.org PLC Training Sept 12 - 28 For info, see page 5 Instrumentation 2007 Carson Convention Center Feb 22, 2007 For info, see page 5 Free ISA Webinars For info, see page 13 K-PATENTS KAYDENINSTRUMENTS,INC. Thermalflow ,level,temperatureandinterface switches/Radarlevel/Ultrasoniclevel LENOXINSTRUMENTS,INC. High TempRemote ViewingSystems,Camerasfor boilers,furnacesandhightemperatureapplications ORBINSTRUMENTS On-lineProperty AnalyzerforR VP,CloudPoint, FreezePoint,PourPoint,Or ganicsandOilin Water On-line Process Refractometer for liquid measurements of concentration, liquid density, Refractive Index and Brix On-line Water Quality Analyzers for Ultrapure/Process/Waste Water RCSYSTEMS Sensor/ComputerInterfaceincluding Transmitters/ DigitalIndicators/CEMand AnalyzerControllers/ SignalConditioners SERVOMEXCOMP ANY,INC. 2 ,SO 2,NO xandH-G. TRACE TECHNOLOGIES Gas Analyzersfor TraceH 2Sand TotalSulfur UNIVERSAL ANALYZERS,INC. Sampleconditioningcomponentsforcontinuous, on-lineprocessgasanalyzersandCEMS ADVERTISERS INDEX PH/ORP/CONDUCTIVITY DISSOLVED OXYGEN Turbidity/Suspended Solids/Residual Chlorine/ Streaming Current/Ozone/On-line and Portable Water/Wastewater Samplers/Particle Counters/ Flow/Level SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. PID ANALYZERS GasMonitorsforportableandcontinuousprocess andareamonitoringof VOC,IAQ, Toxic, CombustibleandOxygen Analyzers Gas AnalyzersforCO,Co PE Review Course Wesell100%compatibler eplacementsensorsfor usewith GreatLakesanalyzer -systems. -PH/ORP -Differ entialandconventionaltypes -Conductivity-Electr odelessandContactingtypes Become rich and famous overnight! Do you have an application note that would be of interest to other ISA members? Are you looking for answers to a specific problem? Are there industry events in your area that you would like us to promote? Send ‘em in! (Correction - “Rich” is a typo.) Caltrol, Inc .......................................................... 8 Capital Westward Systems & Controls ........... 10 Electrical Systems Limited ............................... 12 Emerson Process Management ........................ 10 George Fischer Signet ......................................... 9 Golden State Controls ...................................... 13 Hach Company .................................................. 3 JPR Systems ...................................................... 8 MCR Technologies, Inc. ................................... 5 Moore Industries ......................................... Insert Patten Systems ................................................... 5 Precision Instrumentation .................................. 7 TESCOM Corp. ................................................. 4 Valin Corporation ............................................... 6 WestMark Sales, Inc. ....................................... 16 ISA Section Newsletter FIRST CLASS POSTAGE c/o TechPubs Communications PO Box 1605 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 PAID SANTAANA, CA PERMIT NO. 660 FIRST CLASS MAIL 16 ISA Newsletters, Southern District 11 August 2006
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