MARKSTRIDSDAGARNA 2016 BODEN Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 1 2016-01-19 09:54:02 VÄLKOMMEN TILL MARKSTRIDSDAGARNA 2016 I juni 2015 fattade Riksdagen beslut om Försvarsmaktens verksamhet under perioden 2016-2020. Kravet på förmåga till väpnad strid mot en kvalificerad motståndare blev tydligt, och detta inom ramen för målsättningen att skapa tröskeleffekt mot militära angrepp och ytterst försvara Sverige. Det som vi har kommit att kalla den strategiska timeouten, afghanistandoktrinen och insatsförsvaret är nu genom inriktningsbeslutet slutligt förpassat till historieböckerna. Det omvärldsläge som vi upplever och som också framgår av inriktningsbeslutet leder till slutsatsen att vi kan vara i krig inom några år. För oss inom armén gäller att med all kraft vi kan uppbringa genomföra det som framgår av de politiska besluten. Det är mot den bakgrunden som Markstridsdagarna 2016 ska ses. Det är ett extra påtagligt allvar i vår verksamhet nu jämfört med tidigare. Alla inom armén och alla som kan stödja oss behöver förenas i arbetet för en bättre krigsduglighet. Jag hälsar alla välkomna till Markstridsdagarna 2016. Det gäller personal ur arméns och övriga Försvarsmaktens förband, skolor och staber. Välkomna är också representanter för regeringskansliet, samverkande myndigheter och andra aktörer som är viktiga för utvecklingen av armén och markstridsförmågan. Representanter för utländska attachéer tjänstgörande i Sverige hälsas välkomna och lyfter särskilt fram den viktiga internationella dimensionen. Jag ser fram emot två viktiga och intressanta dagar tillsammans i Norrbotten. Anders Brännström Generalmajor Arméchef Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 2 2016-01-19 09:54:08 Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 3 2016-01-19 09:54:09 Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 4 2016-01-19 09:54:33 PROGRAM Observera att för busstransporter är tiderna preliminära, slutliga tider meddelas efter ankomst. Tisdag 2016-02-02 (gäller ej elever vid FM skolor) Tilltransport av gäster, inkvartering hotell i Luleå Onsdag 2016-02-03 07.30 Bussar avgår från hotell i Luleå till Målbildsförevisningen 08.00 Materiel- och industriutställningen öppnar för elever vid Försvarsmaktens skolor 09.00 Målbildsförevisningen genomförs för inbjudna gäster (ca 1,5 timme för genomförande utomhus) 11.00 - 13.00 Lunch 12.00 Busstransport för elever till Målbildsförevisningen 13.00 Målbildsförevisningen genomförs för elever vid Försvarsmaktens skolor (ca 1,5 timme för genomförande utomhus) Eftermiddag Materiel- och industriutställningen öppen för inbjudna gäster Under senare delen av eftermiddagen serveras middag och tid finns för gemensamt samkväm, bussar avgår till hotell enligt särskild tidtabell. Torsdag 2016-02-04 (gäller ej elever vid FM skolor) 07.00 Bussar avgår från hotell i Luleå (Utcheckning från hotell skall vara genomförd, anvisningar för bagage delges under onsdagen) 08.00 Seminarium startar enligt särskilt program 16.00 Seminarium avslutas 16.10 Bussar avgår till Luleå/Kallax VÄLKOMNA! Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 5 2016-01-19 09:54:40 MÅLBILDSÖVNING Stridsenheten brigad innehåller alla de funktioner som behövs för att genomföra strid mot en kvalificerad motståndare, och arméns förmåga att strida i brigad är prioriterad i uppbyggnaden av det nationella försvaret. Den professionella personalen och materiella förnyelsen, med till exempel artilleripjäser och fältarbetsmaskiner, gör att armén är väl rustad för framtida hot. Målbildsförevisningen syftar till att visa just det system av system som är grunden för brigaden. En mekaniserad motståndartät kommer att framrycka längs och vid sidan av väg i vintermiljö. Den del av brigaden ni som åskådare ser är en stridsgrupp som är sammansatt av stridsfordon 90 och stridsvagn 122. Striden understöds av indirekt bekämpning med artilleri och granatkastare. Deltagande ingenjörförband utför fältarbeten som skydd för egna förband och för att försvåra motståndarens rörlighet i terrängen. Brigaden understöds även med helikopter för sjuktransport. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 6 2016-01-19 09:54:54 During the demonstration you will see a part of a brigade in action. It will include combat vehicles and tanks with the support of artillery, engineering units and helicopters. The purpose of the demonstration is to provide an understanding of the brigade and its composition, and the future of the Swedish Armed Forces. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 7 2016-01-19 09:54:55 Arméförevisning Målbild 202 För eld i ans Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 8 2016-01-19 09:54:57 ld 2020 Scenario Vi bevittnar fördröjningsstrid i ett brigadområde. Angriparen framrycker i östlig riktning. En spanings styrka bekämpas inledningsvis med STRIX 1 från ett granatkastarförband. 2 Angriparen hejdas därefter av en vägbankssprängning varvid hans röjningstät och främre fordon bekämpas med artilleri 3 i anslutning till vägavbrottet. Samtidigt framrycker en pansarskyttepluton 4 och stridsvagnar som söker stridskontakt samt eldställningar för slutlig bekämpning. Ingenjörbataljonen understödjer striden bland annat med fördröjande fältarbeten. Ett skadeutfall 5 föranleder sjuktransport med helikopter 14. Förevisningen avslutas med att en Archerpjäs 6 grupperar och öppnar eld i anslutning till din åskådarplats. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 9 2016-01-19 09:54:57 1. Mekaniserad bataljon, I 19 2. Artilleribataljon, A 9 3. Ingenjörbataljon, Ing 2 4. Luftvärnsbataljon, Lv 6 5. Jägarbataljon, I 19 6. Ledningsplatsbataljon, LedR 7. Psyops, LedR 8. CBRNkomp, SkyddC 9. Sekretariat (sjv/info) 10. Testbana Bv 410 11. FMVE 12. Helikopterskvadron, Hkpflj 13. Logistikbataljon, TrängR 14. Stridsledningssystem bataljon SLB UTSTÄLLNING Materielutställningen genomförs gemensamt av Försvarsmakten och försvarsindustrin. Utställningen presenterar materiel och förmågor som finns i Försvarsmaktens markstridsförband eller som är beslutade för anskaffning. Industrin kommer att förevisa/presentera materiel inom sina respektive produktområden. Dessutom inryms en förevisning i ”vinterförmåga”. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 10 2016-01-19 09:55:00 15. Start/mål testbana BV 410 16. Förevisning snöhinder 17. WC 18. Utspisning arbetsstyrka 19. Seminarielokal by 505 20. Seminarielokal by 401 Galten/Valpen 21. Stridsträningsanläggningen STA 22. Återsamlingsplats vid brand 23. Parkering Övningsledning/ Industrin 24. Övningsledning 25. In-/Utpassering 26. Industriutställning Nödutgång EXHIBITION The exhibition includes representatives from the Swedish Defense Industries and The Swedish Armed Forces. The equipment is currently in use within the armed forces or in the process of beeing implemented. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 11 2016-01-19 09:55:00 EXHIBITING COMPANIES 1. Teleanalys 2. MSE Engineering 3. BAE Systems Bofors 4. ÅF 5. 3M 6. Nammo Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 12 7. Aimpoint 8. Systecon 9. MilDef 10. DataPath 11. Taiga 12. Woolpower 2016-01-19 09:55:01 13. Flir 14. Qinetiq 15. Svekon 16. Carmenta 17. CRD Protection 18. Saab 19. Sjöland & Thyselius 20. Venatio & CBJ Tech 21. Sensec 22. Advenica 23. Försvarsmakten 24. ”Restaurang” 25. Rheinmetall* * Outdoor Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 13 2016-01-19 09:55:01 UTSTÄLLARE - FÖRSVARSINDUSTRI The deteriorating security environment in Sweden’s vicinity also has an impact on SOFF’s member companies. It challenges us to provide agile and advanced products as well as reliable security of supply solutions during different levels of conflicts. Most of our member companies are active in the land domain and we stand ready to support the Swedish Armed Forces or our international partners with advanced platforms, systems and services. You can meet several of our member companies at the Land Warfare Demonstration Days 2016. SOFF represents approximately 70 companies of which 50 are SME’s. It is open to all companies whose production of security and defence equipment and services constitutes an essential part of their output. The purpose of the Association is to promote the common interests of the industry particularly by advocacy for investments into research and technology as well as promoting the concept of a Level Playing Field on the international defence market. In addition it strives for increased understanding of its importance to Swedish security and defence policy. Robert Limmergård Secretary General Swedish Security and Defence Industry Association Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 14 2016-01-19 09:55:02 PELTOR™ is specialized in the fields of Communications, hearing protections, head and face. Peltor ™ has since 2008 become a subsidiary of 3M (was founded in 1902). However for military applications 3M mainly focus on electronic hearing protectors, passive and eyewear. PELTOR ComTac™ is used by military forces worldwide since 1998 in a lot of different combination with military radios in several hundred thousand units in total. EAR Classic™ has been in use for military over 30 years worldwide, CAE™ Combat arms is our latest military earplug. We have been producing military eyewear since 1914 as AO Safety-eyewear™, this is changed now to 3M safetyeyewear. 4C Strategies are recognised as one of the world’s most innovative providers of risk and crisis management solutions. Our integrated readiness capability ensures that our clients are in the best possible position to deliver on their strategic and operational objectives. Supporting NATO and Armed Forces worldwide through the provision of the Exonaut™ Software Suite and consultant services, 4C Strategies has enabled Training Organisations to translate the CoC directed emphasis on the achievement of Training Objectives (TOs), to construct, plan, synchronise and resource a coherent training progression and then manage it actively. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 15 2016-01-19 09:55:07 Aimpoint manufactures high performance optical sights, with a broad range of products such as red dot sights for small, medium and heavy machine guns but also IR lasers and a Fire Control System for use with weapons such as the CarlGustav and Panzerfaust. Aimpoint AB is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and the production meets the highest standards of quality. Aimpoint has been awarded large contracts the last few years around the world. Aimpoint is known for its high quality products and its capability to manufacture and deliver large volumes.Today, there are well over 2 millionAimpoint® red dot sights in use worldwide. BAE Systems Bofors is a part of the Weapon Systems business unit within the international defence group BAE Systems Platforms & Services sector. The business unit Weapon Systems designs, manufactures, develops, markets and maintains weapon systems within the fields of intelligent ammunition, artillery systems, combat vehicle turrets, remote weapon systems, naval guns and air defence systems. The Weapon Systems business unit with its 2800 employees has its operations in Karlskoga (Sweden), Barrow (UK) and Hattiesburg & Minneapolis (USA). The main products of BAE Systems Bofors are the Bofors multi-target Naval Gun Systems of 40mm and 57mm caliber with their programmable 3P Ammunition, the 155mm Wheeled Howitzer Archer, Bofors LEMUR family of Remote Weapon Systems, and intelligent artillery ammunition. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 16 2016-01-19 09:55:11 BAE Systems is a global defence and security company with approximately 88,000 employees worldwide. The Company delivers a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, information technology solutions and support services. BAE Systems Hägglunds focuses on the design, manufacturing, integration and support of a wide range of military vehicles to customers worldwide. Our primary products are medium weight combat vehicle family, armoured all-terrain vehicle family, logistical support and services and hybrid electric drive systems for the civilian market. Our core values are Trusted, Innovative and Bold. Carmenta’s mission is to provide world-class geospatial products and solutions as well as systems for emergency response and critical infrastructure protection. We help our customers to stay ahead when it comes to the management and visualisation of geographical information and situational awareness. With over 30 years of experience our technology is characterised by high performance, ease of use, openness and scalability. Carmenta is an international software company with offices in Sweden, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 17 2016-01-19 09:55:13 CRD Protection AB is a privately held Swedish company specialized in providing non-lethal capabilities to the Nordic defense, law enforcement and private sector. The product portfolio includes crowd control and perimeter protection solutions engineered, manufactured and patented by CRD Protection. The in-house products are the mobile barriers TACRION® (The Tactical Riot Net) and CROM (The Crowd Management Net). CRD Protection are also exclusive reseller in the Nordic countries of third party products from; LRAD - long range acoustic hailing devices, LASERSEC - powerful laser dazzlers, PACIFIC SCIENTIFIC - vehicle arresting devices and EMPI - handheld exothermic breaching tools. In remote and high-risk operating environments, dependable real-time communications are critical to situational awareness and mission success. DataPath specializes in advanced communications solutions tailored to the unique requirements of government, broadcast, emergency response and industrial operations clients. Our solutions include a range of both custom and commercial off-the-shelf field communications and information technology products, including satellite communication systems, custom integrated networks, field implementation and services, network management software, and cyber security. All of our offerings are backed by 24x7 customer care and global field support. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 18 2016-01-19 09:55:16 FLIR Systems is the global leader in Infrared cameras, night vision and thermal imaging systems. Our products play pivotal roles in a wide range of industrial, commercial and government activities in more than 60 countries. Pioneers in the commercial infrared camera industry, the company has been supplying Thermography and night vision equipment to science, industry, law enforcement and the military for over 30 years. From predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, non-destructive testing, R&D, medical science, temperature measurement and thermal testing to law enforcement, surveillance, security and manufacturing process control, FLIR offers the widest selection of infrared cameras for beginners to pros. MilDef consists of MilDef AB and MilDef Systems in Sweden, MilDef Limited in the United Kingdom and MilDef Crete in Taiwan. MilDef develop, manufacture and sell rugged computers, special electronic and C4IS systems to customers in the defence sector. Our products and systems are built to survive the rigors of combat in any environment from scorching desert heat to severe arctic winds. But withstanding the elements is far from the only challenge. There is limited space and weight capacity to get in all the required functionality while being prepared for future developments. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 19 2016-01-19 09:55:20 MSE Engineering specializes in design, development, production and in-service support of military system solutions, including simulators, ground support equipment and vehicles. Within the field of simulator hardware we take total responsibility in providing turnkey intelligent and modular hardware (e.g. Omnideck omnidirectional treadmill, MBT and CV simulator cabins, radar consoles, anti-aircraft MANPADS, various replicas, fighter cockpits) ready for integration with your software. We also supply the LIMO mobile ground moving target system. The tactical ground power units (GPU-T) we supply are the most lightweight available on the market and they are tested for use in the harshest of environments (arctic to desert). They are compatible with diesel and aviation fuel and are helicopter transportable. Nammo designs, develops and produces a wide range of high-quality ammunition products for hand weapons, medium-caliber guns, tank artillery, aircraft and naval platforms. Nammo is a proud supplier to the Swedish Defense Forces of ammunition ranging from caliber 5.56 mm small arms to 155 mm artillery munitions. As a local producer Nammo is highly motivated to keep the highest possible performance and quality on the precision products supplied. At the Land Warfare Demonstration days, Nammo will present products in service for training and combat as well as new technologies offering new capabilities for international defense forces. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 20 2016-01-19 09:55:23 A FTSE250 company, QinetiQ uses its world-class knowledge, research and innovation to provide high-end technical expertise and advice, to customers in the global aerospace, defence and security markets. QinetiQ’s unique position enables it to be a trusted partner to government organisations, predominantly in the UK and the US, including defence departments as well as other international customers in targeted sectors. We inspire confidence by working in partnership to understand customer problems, leveraging our assets, facilities and capabilities to deliver solutions to meet their challenges. As an example, QinetiQ is operating the Flight Physiological Center in Linköping on behalf of FMV. Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions within military defence and civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents around the world. Through innovative, collaborative and pragmatic thinking, Saab develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers’ changing needs. It’s most important markets today are Europe, South Africa, Australia and the US. Saab has around 14,000 employees. Annual sales amount to around SEK 24 billion, of which research and development account for about 20 per cent of sales. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 21 2016-01-19 09:55:27 Sensec AB was founded in 1982 and is operating within the security equipment business. Our activities are consulting, selling, installation and servicing of security solutions. The solutions are based but not limited to products, like X-ray equipment, Metal detectors, Trace detectors, Radiation detection, CCTV and Alarm Phones. For military applications Sensec mainly focus on mine detectors and underwater monitoring. Sjöland&Thyselius provides expertise in advanced system technology within aerospace, defence and IT. We render services ranging from advisory roles up to delivery of total turn-key projects in areas such as system development, environmental and system safety, communications technology, simulation and training solutions. Our ability to solve technologically challenging tasks is highly valued among our customers and is one of the main reasons for our success. In 2013 we were awarded a long term ‘system partner’ contract by FMV for the provision of services in support of procurement and life cycle management of training systems for the Swedish Armed Forces. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 22 2016-01-19 09:55:30 Svensk Konstruktionstjänst (SveKon) is a complete engineering company focused on supplying advanced technical services and system deliveries. SveKon has worked for more than 30 years with technical services and turnkey deliveries of products and systems to Defence industries, FMV and the Swedish Armed Forces. These services and deliveries include all steps from concept to finished solution and deliver, including investigations, pre studies, design, manufacturing of prototypes, serial production and publications for maintenance and use (ILS), as well as system safety. With our skills and experience SveKon can support all elements of a project intended for introduction within the armed forces. Systecon is a leading provider of consulting services and decision support software tools for systems Life Cycle Management and Integrated Logistics Support. We help our customers establish solutions that enable higher productivity, better availability and higher safety in the most cost effective way from a life cycle perspective. Systecon’s software Opus Suite is the choice of hundreds of companies worldwide when it comes to analysis support of large and technically complex systems. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 23 2016-01-19 09:55:33 Taiga develops work clothing systems for challenging environments and extreme weather conditions where optimal function and safety are crucial to user comfort. Our products are developed in close collaboration with customers, leading climate physiology experts, suppliers, and in our Climate Lab equipped with a rain chamber, cold chamber and hot chamber. Taiga’s uniform systems are optimized for functionality in a wide spectrum of operations and climates. The materiel systems have a multifunctional design for versatile use. Moreover, the uniforms have specially designed pockets where important materiel can be stored safely and accessibly without restricting the wearer’s movement, even if a combat vest and rucksack are worn. Venatio AB specialize in aiming systems for small arms to support weapons, including everything from the simplest pistol iron sights to the most advanced computerized sights, as well as the most advanced sensors NV/IR. Representing Trijicon Inc in Scandinavia since the start in 1995. Venatio AB has advanced production in Halmstad Sweden and distribution of gaseous tritium light sources (GTLS) self activated illumination for defense industry in Scandinavia. Venatio represent and distribute Lifesaver Systems in Scandinavia. The uniquely personal water filtration system, providing the soldier the ability to produce filtered sterile water in the field. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 24 2016-01-19 09:55:36 Teleanalys AB is a privately owned Swedish company specialized in development, design, manufacture and installation of advanced communication products and systems. Our communication products range from simple hardwire solutions to advanced wireless IP based applications. The main installations are found where stringent environmental requirements have to be met, such as in military or paramilitary vehicles and boats. We also have a range of efficient accessories for the Harris RF-7800S Soldier Personal Radio Wherever possible we make use of COTS and MOTS-equipment that is adapted to the application and environmental conditions at hand. Our products are extensively used in NATO, EU and UN led peace-keeping operations. Comprehensive expertise within the defence industry, ÅF has developed a reputation as a reliable partner. Developing and procuring defence systems since the 1950s, ÅF regards the ability to identify and communicate trends, new ideas and new concepts as an integral part of our work. Our independent consultants help us to transform your visions in the defence industry into concrete proposals and recommendations which you can then present to the manufacturers, producers and other partners with whom you work. Our clients enjoy peace of mind, knowing that we devote the same attention to the contextual setting as we do to the smallest detail of every project. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 25 2016-01-19 09:55:41 Since 1972 garments from Woolpower are produced and designed in our own factory in Östersund, Sweden. The garments are made from of our own developed material Ullfrotté Original. This material, a blend of 2/3 fine merino wool and 1/3 of synthetic fibre has a unique terry knit structure with heat insulating loops that easily transport moister away from the skin. Ullfrotté Original has been developed to take the optimum advantages of the wool properties while reinforcing this otherwise quite delicate material with synthetic fibre for increased durability. Wool has a natural ability to combat odour, but when the time comes the garments are washable at 60°C. Woolpower is used worldwide by Defence forces, Civilian Security, Professionals, Athletes and Outdoor Enthusiasts as well as others who like being able to go outside without freezing. Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV) is a joint venture for military wheeled vehicles. RMMV offers a range of trucks that suit all the needs of our customers and helps them to accomplish their missions, wherever and whatever they may be. The TGA series comprises militarized vehicles which have all-wheel drive, single tyres on all axles, improved off-road mobility, holders for special military equipment etc. The primary purpose of such vehicles is support. The HX series are true tactical trucks with low maintenance costs due to their use of modified components from the commercial TGA range. At the same time, they have the necessary tactical advantages such as air transportability or easy application of adaptive armor. Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 26 2016-01-19 09:55:44 Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 27 2016-01-19 09:55:44 Broschyr MSD_klar.indd 28 2016-01-19 09:55:45
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