Campus Services Department Service Level Agreement Campus Services Operations Business Support Facilities Management Health, Safety and Environment Security Reviewed: 21June2012 Reviewer: Steve Anstee Contents Executive Summary Operations within Campus Services Overview Departmental Organisational Structure 1.1 Facilities Management 1.1.1 Maintenance 1.1.2 Planning and Development 1.1.3 Cleaning 1.2 Health, Safety and Environment 1.2.1 Health and Safety 1.2.2 Environmental Sustainability 1.3 Security 1.4 Business Support 1 1.4.1 Mail 1.4.2 Transport 1.4.3 Reception 1.4.4 Switchboard/Help Desk 2. Customer Service Information 3. School/Service Department - Specific Requirements Executive Summary Steve Anstee, Assistant Director (Operations) Campus Services The purpose of these Service Level Agreements (SLA) is to set out the services provided by the Campus Services (Operations) Teams. The Teams are Facilities Management, Health & Safety, Security and Business Support. The services provided by each Team are described in the SLA along with the frequencies, key performance indicators and key contacts. The Campus Services Operations Customer Care Statement details the Team’s approach to providing service excellence and methods for customers to access our services. The Feedback Procedure details the value we place on continual improvement and the staged process for customers to provide feedback on services received. The SLA has both generic and specific elements. The specific elements are developed and agreed with individual Schools and Service Departments reflecting specific needs. The SLA will be reviewed annually in conjunction with the ADP/SDP process ensuring Operations Teams continue to revise and provide services to meet the University’s requirements. 2 Mission Campus Services will deliver a range of high quality, customer-focused services that positively enhance the experience at Northumbria University, as a place to study, work and live. Campus Services Commitments To achieve our mission we will: Focus On Our Customers We will deliver a consistently high standard of customer service from the first point of contact. We will strive to provide services that are individual, innovative and which reflect the diversity of our customers. Communicate Successfully We will use a range of communication methods to regularly connect with customers and our colleagues within Campus Services and the wider University community. We will proactively engage with our customers and colleagues, encouraging feedback to inform the continuous development of our service. Work As One Team We will share our skills, knowledge and experience for the benefit of our customers, colleagues and Northumbria University. We will take collective ownership to ensure that Northumbria University continues to be a well-maintained, healthy, safe and secure environment. Operate Sustainably We will make sustainable use of our human, physical, technological and financial resources, ensuring value for money for Northumbria University. We will take positive action to support Northumbria University’s environmental and sustainability initiatives. Continually Review And Adapt Our Service We will measure and evaluate all that we do and will use this information to develop our service. We will respond positively to feedback and have a culture of embracing and 3 implementing suitable change. Objectives Operations within Campus Services will work in partnership with stakeholders and users to: Develop an appropriate Asset Management Plan for the period 2012 – 2017 (An Asset Management Plan is an operational document detailing how we, provide, maintain, clean and service our buildings) reflecting; the University’s aspirations for the development and management of the Estate as detailed in the Estates Development Plan. Reduce to a minimum, potential disruption and inconvenience to the University’s core business activities, resulting from development, refurbishment and maintenance activities. Operate within and deliver best value across all areas of the Department’s service delivery and utilisation of directly employed staff and external consultants and contractors. Continue to take the lead in progressing relevant University environmental initiatives, carbon reduction, including energy management, recycling; green travel and environmental management knowledge transfer. Ensure that the University is not exposed to the risk of prosecution as a result of the Department’s operational activities or delegated requirement to ensure statutory compliance in relevant areas of the operation and management of the University’s Estate and services, including appropriate leadership on Health and Safety. Ensure the safety of staff, students and other users of the University’s Campus’. 4 Operations within Campus Services Overview The Operations team within Campus Services Department currently employ staff to deliver the following services: Corporate and Departmental Health and Safety advice Environmental and energy management expertise Planning and Development service Refurbishments and minor works of our facilities Reactive and planned building maintenance Grounds and playing field maintenance Facilities Support services Cleaning services Helpdesk, Reception and Switchboard services Mail and Transport Security Car Parking Departmental Organisational Structure The Hierarchy of the Operations department falls under the Director of Campus Services as follows: Assistant Director (Operations) Steve Anstee 5 Head of Health, Safety and Environment Head of Security Head of Business Support Head of Facilities Management Lesley Salkeld John Anderson Karen Crozier Andrew Short 1.1 Facilities Management Facilities management is managed by Andrew Short and the breakdown organisation of the department is as follows: Head of Facilities Management Andrew Short Planning and Development Manager Maintenance and Support Manager Cleaning Manager Vacant Ernie Garner Kathryn McDonald Key contacts for the team are: Head of Facilities Management Andrew Short [email protected] 0191 227 4237 Planning and Development Manager Vacant See Andrew Short 0191 227 4237 Maintenance and Support Manager Ernie Garner [email protected] 0191 227 4249 Cleaning Manager Kathryn McDonald [email protected] 0191 227 4879 1.1.1 Maintenance The following are the key areas of service delivery to which service level statements will be attached and for which Key Performance Indicator’s (KPIs) will be produced. To provide a safe, professional and friendly service. All staff to be courteous, friendly and helpful at all times. Provision of an efficient maintenance service to remedy – building fabric, mechanical and electrical infrastructure, soft furnishings and hard/soft landscaping. 6 Provision of an efficient facilities support service to all buildings within set core times. To ensure compliance with mandatory/regulatory legislation. To ensure that appropriate maintenance/facility contracts are procured and managed to maintain the University’s built estate, services and equipment in a fit for purpose condition. To develop maintenance investment programme to meet the strategic and operational needs of the University, its occupants and users. Key contacts for the team are: Maintenance and Support Manager Ernie Garner [email protected] 0191 227 4249 Maintenance/ Support Team Leaders Facilities Dennis Hutchinson 0191 227 4244 [email protected] Maintenance Keith Morpeth 0191 227 4245 [email protected] Maintenance Billy Porter [email protected] Grounds 0191 227 3506 Melanie McElderry 0191 227 4243 [email protected] Customer Responsibilities Report any defect hazards that could affect the health and safety of the University’s staff students external contractors and visitors. Give a contact name and telephone number or email address. You should allow access at any reasonable time to carry out work. Be courteous, friendly and helpful at all times. To be given reasonable notice (minimum of 48hrs) for any room set ups, furniture removals and time scaled associated works. All requests should be logged through Campus Services Reception/Helpdesk 0191 227 4070 or directly to the badger building management system. 7 Work Requests Response Times Our Mission: We will respond to all immediate/emergency calls 100% of response times. We will respond to urgent calls 90% of the response times. We will respond to routine calls 85% of response times. We will endeavour to meet the identified target responses given. When parts and equipments need to be purchased or hired lead in times can elongate response. When lead in time known this will be communicated to client with an up dated completion date. To Monitor Quality of Service We Will: Measure analyse performance and compare with service levels and KPIs. React to dissatisfied response’s from automated job complete Email proactively and in a timely manner. Ensure staff will be courteous, friendly and helpful at all times. Works will be prioritised using the following scoring matrix: WHO IS IMPACTED SCORE Students 5 External Paying Customers 4 Academic Staff 3 Support Staff 2 Other 1 WHAT IS IMPACTED Total loss of service in location Major Disruption to service Minor Disruption to service Inconvenience None SCORE 5 4 3 2 1 TIME FOR IMPACT TO OCCUR Immediately Within 2 hours SCORE 5 4 Within 4 hours 3 Within 5 days 2 Longer than 5 days 1 8 Category Immediate Elements Included Lift Entrapment/Lift Breakdown Score N/A First aid Fire/Burglar alarms Response Time 30 minutes to respond and make safe or attend casualty. 14 days to complete works element Emergency Urgent Routine 9 A work request that represents a threat to life or limb, has an urgent Health and Safety impact or if not attended to will cause major disruption to the core business of the University (e.g. no power in a building, gas leak or major flood). To provide room access on request. 13 - 15 A work request that has no immediate operational or Health and Safety impact but which may develop into a problem if not addressed within a reasonable timescale (e.g. blocked toilet, security alarm, sounder on constantly, replenishment of household goods, on request build up of litter). 10 - 12 Non critical work requests that can be aggregated and scheduled with other like works to benefit from economies of scale (e.g. single lights out, requests for additional keys, door closer adjustments room changes/ adjustments on request removals general FSA duties). 6-9 2 hours to respond and make safe. Complete within 14 days. 24 hours to respond and make safe. Complete within 14 days. 1-5 Within 14 days. REACTIVE MAINTENANCE / FACILITIES SUPPORT Service Provided Level of Service Undertaking customer request for repairs and general house-keeping/ porter duties, not included in the maintenance plan. Works will be completed in line with the categories and response times listed above. PROGRAMMED MAINTENANCE (works undertaken to a predetermined plan) Service Provided Routine Maintenance Non-critical work requests that can be aggregated and scheduled with other like works to enable the University to benefit from ‘economies of scale’. For example a single light out, requests for additional keys, adjusting door closers. Level of Services Target completion within 16 days. MINOR WORK REQUESTS (equipments) Service Provided Undertaking to provide minor works delivery of pre set standard equipments to request (keys and signs). Level of Service Target completion within 16 days. MINOR WORK PROJECTS Service Provided Undertaking to provide minor works/refurbishments that require limited design in a efficient and timely manner. These works are generally budgeted to £50k. Level of Service Contact you within 10 working days to arrange to discuss the proposed works and provide an estimated cost for your consideration within 28 calendar days. Match the proposed project against the Estates Strategy and any Development Plans and advise of any conflict and to discuss possible revised proposals. Prepare an agreed client brief and provide budget costs. Ensure you are satisfied with the works carried out prior to their payment/charge. WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL Service Provided Removal of rubbish from Buildings to the waste compound. Note Daily or on request. TOILETS Service Provided Replenish paper towels and toilet tissue. Note Daily or on request. 10 PARCELS Service Provided Delivery of parcels to named recipient when delivered to a reception desk. Note All other deliveries will be handled by mail/transport couriers. TEACHING ROOM PREPARATION Service Provided Set out classrooms as per planned timetabled requirements or meeting bookings. Note Please plan and book special requests via 4070 giving 48 hrs notice. Timetabling provide copies of the weekly timetable each Friday to plan the following week’s changes. DE-ICING/CLEARING WALKWAYS Service Provided Clear snow and grit. Note The majority of the gritting is provided by an external contract. The entrance environs where not contracted will be cleared by own staff see Snow and Ice Strategic Policy. EXTERNAL CLEANING Service Provided Sweeping/cleaning around the immediate boundary of the buildings. Note Main litter picking and clearing is the responsibility of the Grounds Team. environs of building will be cleared by SFAs. BUILDING INSPECTIONS Service Provided Check for any minor repairs which may be required, arrange for works to be completed. Check clocks are in working order in teaching and meeting rooms and arrange for replacement batteries if required. Note Referral of larger works to the Maintenance Team ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT Service Provided Turn lights off when they are left on in unoccupied areas. Inform managers when PCs and equipment have been left on overnight or at weekends. Support Building recycling schemes as agreed with the Environmental Adviser. Note The Environmental Adviser can be contacted on 7068 and further information is on the department’s web site: 11 WEEKLY ROUTINE TASKS HEALTH AND SAFETY Service Provided Carry out Fire Alarm Tests and check Fire Extinguishers, hoses, blankets and emergency lighting. Note To see timings please consult Campus Services Web Site. TWICE YEARLY TASKS CLOCK ADJUSTMENTS Service Provided Amend clocks in the teaching and meeting rooms to BST or GMT. Note This service requires no request submitted as FSA will under take on inspection and cyclical job card. EMERGENCIES FIRST AID Service Provided Attend, comfort, report and administer to person affected. Note When required escalate to security for transport or ambulance. FIRE ALARMS Service Provided In the event of a fire alarm activation we will bring down the lifts in the building when required and remain at the building entrance to prevent access to the building. Note FSA Fire Response Team will attend all activations and will respond to any Evacuation Chair requirement. SECURITY ALARMS Service Provided Respond and escalate if required. Note Building opening times can be found on Campus Services Web. Site. FLOODS Service Provided Job logged with x4070 (help desk) FSA will respond to report, assess requirement to minimise damage and if required escalate to maintenance team. Note Will contact maintenance team if required to attend to any repairs. KEYS / UNABLE TO GAIN ACCESS Service Provided Job logged with x4070 (help desk) FSA will respond on report of incident and escalate if further assistance required. Note Will contact maintenance team if required for further assistance. 12 UNBLOCKING SINKS Service Provided Job logged with x4070 (help desk) FSA respond and try to unblock. Note Will contact maintenance team if required. ROOM CHANGES Service Provided Job logged with x4070 (help desk) as per customer requirement and time scale. Note Prior notice and design required (48hrs Notice required). OFFICE MOVES AND REMOVALS Service Provided Job logged with x4070 (help desk) as per customer requirement and time scale. Note Prior notice and design required (48hrs notice). DISPOSAL OF OLD FURNITURE Service Provided We will disposed of and certificate under Waste Transfer Note or Hazardous Transfer Note regulations (these will be confirmed and interrogated by environmental officer), all disposable soft furnishing waste. Note As per customer requirement and time scale. Prior notice required (48hrs). MINOR MAINTENANCE TASKS Service Provided Will be assessed and allocated on competent basis. Note Escalated to maintenance team if required. BUILDING USER GROUP Service Provided Organise, Chair and Administer bimonthly (every 2 months). Building User Group with representatives from each resident School and Service Department to promoting cross buildings collaboration, implement building related University policies, providing updates and receiving feedback on service provision. Level of Service Facilitate meeting bimonthly basis Circulate agenda, updated action list and papers a week in advance of meeting Circulate minutes and action list a week after the meeting Develop and disseminate building specific fire evacuation plans 13 Key Indicators Log dates of meetings, recording dates paperwork circulated. Target rate 90% Track your Jobs You can track all your work requests on BADGER by logging onto the Facilities web site view=Standard Feedback Via automatic emails on BADGER and formal post Project Reviews. 14 1.1.2 Planning and Development The Planning and Development team are responsible for: Space Utilization Surveys Surveys/Audit of Land and Buildings Space Planning Project Feasibility Studies Arrangement of Leases Advice on Statutory Requirements (Planning/Building Control) Procurement and delivery of Capital Projects Production and Retention of Record Drawings of the university Estate Development of Maintenance/Compliance Plans and Programme Key contacts for the teams are: Planning and Development Manager Vacant 0191 227 4230 See Andrew Short Project Officer Philip Kennerly 0191 227 7526 [email protected] Improvement Officer Gary Wilson 0191 224 4235 [email protected] Accommodation Planner Mark Baldwin 0191 227 4227 [email protected] 15 CAPITAL PROJECTS (Works generally having a value in excess of £50k) Service Provided To deliver capital projects within agreed timescales and budget and with the minimum of unnecessary disruption to students, staff and University visitors. Level of Service To meet with the client to establish the brief for the works. To establish a single point of contact as Campus Services Lead Officer. To provide sketch design and budget costs. To prepare detailed proposals for client approval, ensuring that they are designed according to industry good practice and current legislation. To procure and manage external consultants as appropriate. To inspect the works on-site and ensure conformity to specification, programme and costs within the parameters of the contract. To agree programme and completion date with client. To carry out a project audit on completion. To ensure adequate handover and training is provided to client and users. To ensure value for money is achieved throughout the project life cycle. User Responsibilities To outline user requirements at the briefing meeting. To establish single point of contact for the end user with relevant authorisation level. To agree preliminary design proposals and budget cost. To confirm acceptance of detailed design proposals. To provide financial authorization where applicable, in writing, on receipt of actual costs. To agree acceptance of completed works prior to client occupation. To report any defects to the Project Officer following completion. Key indicators Customer Satisfaction Survey Project Audit (Sample) 16 MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS (Works generally having a value in excess of £1 million) Service Provided To deliver major development projects; within agreed timescales a budget and with the minimum of disruption to the students, staff and University visitors. To deliver major development projects which contribute towards the attainment of business objectives contained within University strategic planning documents to enhance the learning, teaching, research a working experience of users of the estate. Level of Service Develop a project specific professional team and delivery package to meet the needs of individual development initiatives, from inception to post occupation review and project appraisal, in order to deliver major development projects of the highest standard within agreed parameters of quality, cost and time. Ensure that Project Implementation Groups are established with relevant key stakeholders to facilitate the decision making process. Key indicators Post Occupancy Review. Performance review of contract operations. Monitoring of contract expenditure. SPACE MANAGEMENT Service Provided To assess space utilisation and space need in order to objectively consider accommodation requirements and highlight the extent to which the accommodation is being effectively utilised. Level of Service To explore space options for Schools/Departments in accordance to changing academic and service needs. Provision of Space data (Drawing/Utilisation) to University/ Schools/Departments. Produce Bi-annual Space Utilisation Survey for the University. Advise on space management issues including potential disposals/acquisitions for the estate. User Responsibilities Timely notification of future academic needs and development. To ensure effective utilisation of allocated space and to notify any underused or surplus space. Key indicators Strategy’s consistent with HEFCE guidelines and good practice. Assessed space needs using HEFCE guidelines and good practice. Performance using Estates Management Statistics assessed in line HEFCE. 17 1.1.3 Cleaning The following are the key areas of service delivery to which service level agreement will be attached and for which Key Performance Indicator’s (KPIs) will be produced. To provide a safe, professional and friendly service. All staff to be courteous, friendly and helpful at all times. Provision of an efficient cleaning service within buildings within set core times. To ensure compliance with mandatory/regulatory legislation. To ensure that appropriate cleaning contracts are procured and managed to clean the University’s built estate. Key contacts for the team are; Cleaning Manager Kathryn McDonald 0191 227 4879 [email protected] Cleaning Team Leader Craig Harold Cleaning Team Leader [email protected] Rachel Knott 0191 227 3422 0191 227 3504 [email protected] Customer Responsibilities Provide a contact name and telephone number or Email address. Reciprocate, courtesies (being friendly and helpful) at all times as extended by the Department. To give reasonable notice (minimum of 48hrs) for any additional cleaning requests associated with School/Service Department activities. All requests should be logged through Campus Services Reception / Helpdesk on 0191 227 4070 or directly to the Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system. 18 Description of Service The University Cleaning Team provides a good common standard of cleaning support across all University Academic and Residential buildings. Internally, this common standard includes; vertical & horizontal surfaces, a range of fixtures & fittings, entrances, common areas, offices, classrooms, labs, sports facilities, halls of residence and specialist areas, (testing labs etc). External cleaning includes; glazing and specialised building facades. Sanitary services include servicing of feminine hygiene units & clinical waste bins, sanitary dispensers and air sterilisation units. The frequencies of cleaning service support are related to operational need related to building use and the expectation of surface soiling related to building opening hours and footfall. City Campus The core cleaning time windows for pre-planned tasking in Academic Buildings are; 06:30 - 09:30 Monday - Friday with the exception of Ellison Place, Ellison Terrace and CCE1 where pre-determined areas are cleaned Monday - Friday 16:30 - 19:30. The core cleaning time window for pre-planned tasking in Halls of Residence are; 09:00 - 13:00 Monday - Friday. The core cleaning time windows for Sport Central are; 06:30 - 18:00 Monday Friday and 07:30 - 12:30 Saturday - Sunday. The core cleaning time windows for weekend cleaning in the Library (semester periods only) are; 08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 17:00. A reactive service, (supported by elements of the above teams), is available via the Cleaning Response Team 06:30 - 19:00 Monday - Friday and 07:30 - 12:30 Saturday and Sunday to attend to emergencies. Coach Lane The core cleaning time windows for pre-planned tasking in Academic Buildings are; 07:00 - 09:30 Monday - Friday. The core cleaning time windows for weekend cleaning in the Library (semester periods only) are; 06:00hrs - 09:30hrs. 19 The core cleaning time windows for CLC Sport Centre; 07:00- 15:00 Monday - Friday and 06:00 - 09:30 Saturday - Sunday. A reactive service, (supported by elements of the above teams), is available via the CLC Cleaning Response Team, 07:00 - 17:30 Monday - Friday and 06:00 -19:30 Saturday and Sunday to attend to emergencies. WITHIN 1 HOUR OF REPORT DURING CORE CLEANING HOURS ALL AREAS Service Provided Emergency response, (flood, spillage, body fluids etc), is available via the duty Security Team during the core hours given above within 1hr, (by the on duty cleaners), and Out of Hours via contracted service providers. Level of Service Emergency response; as example the removal of excess water or other liquid from internal surface. Key Indicators BADGER job satisfaction e-mail. Target rate 90% DAILY BUILDING ENTRANCES/RECEPTIONS Service Provided A daily clean of hard and soft surfaces. Level of Service Damp dusting surfaces, cleaning both sides of glazed doors, door handles/push plates, vacuuming, tidying, emptying and cleaning recycling and waste bins, replacing recycling sack and positioning internal collection point. Cleaning Supervisor visual check of entrances Ellison Building (Northumberland Road), Sport Central, Law and NBS, Coach Lane West, on a daily basis. Key Indicators Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 20 TEACHING ROOMS, HUBS AND MEETING ROOMS Service Provided A daily clean of hard and soft surfaces. Level of Service Damp dusting teaching surfaces, cleaning glazed inserts in doors, door handles/push plates, vacuuming, emptying and cleaning recycling and waste bins, replacing recycling sack and positioning in internal collection point. Cleaning Supervisor visual check of random classroom in Northumberland, Ellison, Sport Central, Law and NBS, Sutherland, Coach Lane East, on a daily basis. Key Indicators Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% LABS Service Provided A daily clean of floor surface. Level of Service Mop floor. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor visual check of a lab Ellison building an a daily basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% WORKSHOPS Service Provided A twice daily clean of hard surfaces. Level of Service Vacuuming work benches, cleaning glazed inserts in doors, door handles/push plates, vacuuming floor, emptying waste sawdust from extractor, emptying and cleaning recycling and waste bins, replacing recycling sack and positioning in internal collection Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor visual check of Workshops in Squires and CCE2 on a daily basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 21 TOILETS, SHOWERS AND CHANGING AREAS Service Provided A daily clean to of hard surfaces and ad hoc replenishment of janitorial supplies (routine replenishment provided by Facilities Support). Level of Service Cleaning of toilets, urinals, sinks, floors, walls (below 2 meters), fittings, showers and changing areas. Ad hoc replenishing of janitorial supplies: soap and toilet tissue. Emptying and cleaning waste bin and positioning in internal collection point. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor visual check of ground floor toilets, showers and changing areas in Ellison Building (Ellison Place entrance), City and Coach Lane Libraries, Sport Central, Coach Lane Sports Centre, Law and NBS, on a daily basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% OFFICES Service Provided A daily removal of refuse and recycling. Level of Service Emptying and cleaning recycling and waste bins, replacing recycling sack and positioning in internal collection point. Key Indicators Number of requests for refuse removal following routine Cleaning recorded on BADGER Target rate 20 per month WEEKLY CORRIDORS Service Provided A three times a week clean of hard and soft surfaces. Level of Service Damp dusting, glass cleaning, vacuuming, tidying, emptying and cleaning recycling and waste bins, replacing recycling sack and positioning in internal collection point. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor visual check of corridors in Ellison Building (Northumberland Road), Sport Central, Law and NBS, Coach Lane West, on a weekly basis. Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Target rate Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 22 TEACHING ROOMS AND HUBS Service Provided A week clean of hard surfaces. Level of Service Damp dusting skirting boards, windowsills. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor visual check of random classroom in Northumberland, Ellison, Sport Central, Law and NBS, Sutherland, Coach Lane East, on a weekly basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% OFFICES Service Provided A three times a week clean of hard and soft surfaces. Level of Service Damp dust work surfaces, vacuum floor. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor checks in CCE1, Sutherland, Ellison Terrace, Ellison Building, North Street and Squires on a weekly basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% PERIODIC AND REACTIONARY TEACHING ROOMS, CORRIDORS, HUBS, BUILDING ENTRANCES, RECEPTIONS AND OFFICES Service Provided A periodic clean of hard and soft surfaces out of semester time and within 10 working days of request. Level of Service Carpet cleaning, strip and polish vinyl floor, vacuum blinds, clean walls, upholstered seating, clean white boards, cleaning chair and table legs as requested. Key Indicators BADGER job satisfaction e-mail. Target rate 95% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% WORKSHOPS Service Provided A periodic clean of hard and soft surfaces out of semester time and within 10 working days of request. Level of Service Key Indicators Vacuuming behind work benches, vacuuming blinds, deep cleaning floor. BADGER job satisfaction e-mail. Target rate 95% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 23 TOILETS, SHOWERS AND CHANGING AREAS Service Provided A periodic clean of hard surfaces out of semester time. Level of Service Clean walls (below 2 meters), cubicles, doors and deep clean floor. Cleaning Supervisor visual check of ground floor toilets, showers and changing areas in Ellison Building (Ellison Place entrance), City and Coach Lane Libraries, Sport Central, Coach Lane Sports Centre, Law and NBS, on a quarterly basis. Key Indicators Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% OFFICES Service Provided A periodic clean of hard and soft surfaces out of semester time. Level of Service Skirting boards, windowsills, upholstered seating, cleaning chair and office furniture legs. Key Indicators Cleaning Supervisor checks in CCE1, Sutherland, Ellison Terrace, Ellison Building, North Street and Squires on a weekly basis. Target rate Cleaning Supervisor checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 24 WINDOWS / GLAZING Service Provided Internal and external glazing, external specialist facade cleaning. Level of Service Fortnightly External glazing to ground floor and 1st floor to receptions, entrances and cafes. Bi-monthly Internal glazing Climbing wall Quarterly External glazing, king span, reglit, kallwall, anodized aluminium, primary cladding, composite cladding, translucent wall-lite cladding, aluminium louvres to ground, 1st floors (excluding reception, cafe and entrances) and upper floors. Above 2 meters in changing rooms, toilets, shower rooms and baby changing areas in Sports facilities only. Bi-annually Internal and external windows Removal, clean and re-fit retro fitted double glazed units Annually Internal light well Aluminium tubes Stainless steel mesh Suspended lights Measure Visual inspection of Sport Central, Coach Lane Sports Centre, Pandon, Knoll Court, Law/NBS, Drill Hall, sample of cleaning by Team Leader on monthly basis. Target rate Team Leader checks 90% Building User Group resolution that members accept reported service standard are acceptable 75% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 25 SANITARY WASTE Service Provided Provide sanitary/clinical waste bins and sanitary dispensers. Level of Service Provide and replace sanitary bins in each ladies and disabled toilet cubicle on a monthly basis Provide and replace clinical waste bin in one accessible toilet ground floor of each building weekly Annual replacement of bulbs in existing air sanitizers and replacement of existing air fresheners in toilets every 6 weeks Re-fill sanitary dispensers every 6 weeks Measure Monthly reconciling collection certificates by Cleaning Team Leaders. Target rate 90% Annual customer satisfaction survey 90% 26 1.2 Health Safety and Environment The responsibility for Health, Safety and Environment ultimately lies with the Director of Campus Services. Health and Safety The University’s Head of Health Safety and Environment, with support from the Health & Safety Adviser and Fire Safety Adviser is responsible for ensuring appropriate policies, practices and procedures are in place to assist staff in ensuring risks associated with the University’s activities are properly controlled, minimised, or removed. Head of Health, Safety and Environment Lesley Salkeld Environment Advisor Energy Officer Tim Hall Chris Stewart Health & Safety Advisor Fire Safety Derek O’Donnel Health & Safety Advisor Susan Harrison Details of specific policies can be found on our web pages at healthandsafety/?view=Standard or by contacting: Key contacts for the team are: Head of Health Safety & Environment Lesley Salkeld 0191 243 7318 [email protected] Environmental Adviser Tim Hall 0191 243 7068 [email protected] Environmental Sustainability The Head of Health, Safety & Environment, with support from the Environmental Adviser and Energy Officer, is responsible for managing, administering and promoting all aspects of environmental sustainability, including carbon management, water, waste and recycling, biodiversity and sustainable travel. The office can give practical advice on managing waste at School, Department/ Service level and will ensure the University fully complies with environmental legislation. Advice and information on recycling and sustainable commuting to and from the University can be found on our web pages at 27 1.2.1 Health & Safety Reporting to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Region, Engagement and Partnerships) and the University’s Health and Safety Management Group, the objectives of the Health and Safety section are: ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION Service Provided To meet the requirements for the reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences under Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995. To provide the Board of Governors and Health and Safety Management Group and with information on individual accidents or trends in order to identify areas or poor risk control and initiate remedial action. Level of Service Maintain a system for reporting and recording accidents, dangerous occurrences and to ensure that statutory reports are made, where necessary under RIDDOR, to the appropriate enforcing authority. Investigate significant accidents/dangerous occurrences within 24 hours, informing managers where any remedial action is required. TRAINING Service Provided To provide a range of training courses for staff at all levels which will assist them in complying with the requirements of Health and Safety Law. Level of Service Develop and update appropriate short courses to meet the training needs arising from health and safety monitoring. Advise local managers on Health and Safety training needs of their staff and deliver Health and Safety training to meet the identified needs. Source and ensure competence of external training providers when necessary. Develop and update the mandatory on line Fire Safety Programme for all staff and deliver the classroom based sessions on an annual basis. 28 INSPECTIONS Service Provided To monitor proactively, the health and safety risks arising across the University, the precautions employed to protect people against these risks and the effectiveness of safety management in relation to its duties under health and safety law. To inform local managers of health and safety risks in their areas of responsibility and advise them on the precautions they should have in place and secure improvements in their safety management performance. To keep the University’s Health and Safety Management Group informed on its position in relation to its Safety Management Plan and advise the Group accordingly. Level of Service Ensure arrangements are in place for a Health & Safety Audit of Schools and Services in accordance with the following programme: - Each high risk School or Service every 2 years - Each medium risk School or Service every 3 years - Each low risk School or Service every 4 years Produce a written report on the findings of the audit and agree with local management a plan to implement any remedial action. Monitor progress against the action plan and provide the Health and Safety Management Group with regular progress reports. PROVISION OF ADVICE 29 Service Provided The Health Safety & Environment Office is the first point of contact for Schools, Service Departments and External Enforcement Agencies for advice and assistance with health and safety, fire safety and environmental matters. The Head of Health, Safety & Environment ill prioritise requests according to risk. Level of Service To respond to call outs presenting serious and imminent danger to staff, students or visitors within 24 hours – advice will be given by telephone immediately. To fully investigate safety critical failings and report formally to the School or Service Department involved within 5 working days. Service Provided To develop and monitor the effectiveness of the University Fire Policy and to organise and analyse results from Fire Drills each semester. Level of Service Report progress to the Health & Safety Management Group twice a year. Service Provided Carry out or review Fire Risk Assessments for every University owned or managed premise and ensure control measures are implemented. Level of Service Carried out annually 1.2.2 Environmental Sustainability The Environmental Sustainability service area is responsible for advising on and promoting all aspects of University environmental sustainability to ensure the University complies with legislation and minimises its impact on the environment. The University is committed to progressing sustainability across all areas, in particular, carbon reduction; energy management; recycling; green travel and environmental sustainability knowledge transfer. Reporting via the Sustainability Management Group the objectives of the Environmental Adviser is to ensure the following items are managed effectively. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING WASTE COLLECTIONS Service Provided Removal of compound waste bins for general waste including waste for recycling. Level of Service Bins are emptied by the appointed contractor between the hours of 0630 and 0900 Monday to Saturday. HAZARDOUS WASTE Service Provided To coordinate the safe removal of identified hazardous waste. Requests should be made through Campus Services Helpdesk on ext 4070. Level of Service Collections are made within 25 working days of the request subject to the level of the hazard. RECYCLING Service Provided To provide general internal recycling bins for all staff. Requests should be made through Campus Services Helpdesk on ext 4070. Level of Service Requests for internal recycling bins will be met within 10 working days. SKIPS Service Provided To approve and provide skips when requested (subject to approval of the location and contents) Requests should be made by calling Campus Services Helpdesk on ext 4070. Level of Service Skips delivered to location (subject to approval) within 48 hours of request. Collection made and paperwork checked within 48 hours of request. 30 FURNITURE Service Provided Requests can be made to obtain replacement furniture from the recycling store, by contacting the Environmental Adviser. Level of Service Confirmation of a furniture request will be met within 3 working days and be delivered within 10 working days of confirmation. TRAVEL PLANNING AND SUPPORT Service Provided To manage all requirements of the Corporate Public Transport Scheme. Level of Service Annual public transport pass issued within 2 days of the start date of the pass. Lost/theft replacement pass processed within 7 working days of report – subject to the Operating Company’s own procedures. Complaints re public transport reported in writing to operator within 5 working days of complaint. BICYCLE ORDERS Service Provided To manage all requirements of the Cycle to Work Scheme. Level of Service Orders processed and voucher issued within 21 days of all paperwork being completed by staff member. CAR SHARING Service Provided Level of Service To provide a dedicated car parking space for two current car parking permit holders reducing down to one car sharing parking permit. Arrange a pre-meeting of prospective sharers within a week of request. Arrange a dedicated car parking space within 48 hours of a successful car share agreement and permit exchange. Offer a taxi journey home if car sharer can not get a lift home due to unforeseen circumstances. CAR CLUB 31 Service Provided To provide information and access to Schools and Services to join Common Wheels car club. Level of Service Deal with any issues or complaints resulting in use of the car club and respond in writing within 72 hours. CARBON MANAGEMENT CLIMATE CHANGE Service Provided Website sections updated monthly, an annual all staff leaflet and/or PDF on climate change and University carbon emissions will be issued, general ongoing promotion of carbon management undertaken throughout the year. Overseeing and monitoring the targeted reductions in phases 1 and 2 of the Carbon Management Plan 2010-2020. Working with external organisations to ensure the latest best practice toward carbon management is understood and undertaken GENERAL Service Provided Requests for staff, student or external customers sustainability presentations will be confirmed within 72 hours. Note SUPPORT Service Provided Support local Sustainability Management Groups offering advice and management data on carbon emissions, recycling and sustainable travel. Note BIODIVERSITY Service Provided Prepare and/or review annually, Biodiversity Action Plan to meet the requirements of the University’s Biodiversity Policy. Note 32 1.3 Security The overall responsibility for Security of the Estate lies with the Director of Campus Services. The Head of Security reports directly to the Assistant Director (Operations) The Security Service is committed to provide assistance and to offer support to students, staff and visitors to the University. The University of Northumbria Security Service, part of Campus Services, aims to work with students, staff and visitors to provide a safe and secure residential and working environment. The Security Service will manage University Car parking. The Security Team provide cover for the entire University campus including the residential blocks. Supported by a team of Full Time staff, they provide 24 hour cover 365 days a year and have a dedicated team to support the Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) surveillance. There is an Operational Support Team who carry out covert and overt targeted response to crimes and incidents. The Ops team also offer specialist support to high profile major events including annual congregations and VIP Visits. Head of Security John Anderson Campus Security Manager CLC Campus Security Manager CLC Campus Security Manager CLC Peter Cowling Dave Furness Rob Cutting Key contacts for the teams are: Head of Security John Anderson Campus Security Manager CCW [email protected] Dave Furness 0191 243 7182 Campus Security Manager CCE Rob Cutting 019 2434939 Campus Security Manager CLC Peter Cowling 019 227 3998 Emergency Security Number 0191 227 3200 33 0191 227 4670 Customer Responsibilities To secure all personal and University property in your charge or possession. To make a note of our numbers in case of emergency. Carry out lone worker Risk Assessment and implement appropriate action plans. Carry out Risk Assessment and implement action plans for out of hours access for staff and PGR Students. Help us maintain a safe and secure environment by reporting all suspicious persons. Safeguard your personal and the University’s property by keeping unoccupied rooms locked. Display University parking permits whilst on University property. Park your vehicle in authorised areas only. Secure and not allow anyone else to use your University Smart Card. Service Provision and Standards SECURITY COVER Service Provided A full security service 24 hours per day at City Campus West, City Campus East and Coach Lane Campus. One dedicated Security Officer 24/7 supported by a Campus Security Manager Monday – Friday 0700 – 1800. One Control Room Officer 24/7. On call Security Manager 24/7 for Major Incident and Crisis Action Team support. Minimum 9 staff on duty for FRT and incident response during core times 0800 – 1800 Mon – Fri. Minimum 6 staff on duty for out of hours FRT and incident response . KPI Staffing rota available for monthly to confirm staffing levels Target 100 %. Additional Information Staffing levels may vary during University closure and vacation periods. 34 LIAISON WITH EMERGENCY SERVICES Service Provided Single Point of Contact (SPoc) for Police and specialist Police Teams. Daily liaison with neighbourhood Policing team. Promote partnership working including Information Sharing Agreements. Liaison at senior level with Safe Newcastle. Maintain networks and working relationships with Newcastle City Council Resilience Panning officers. Co-ordinate response of Fire and Ambulance service. Additional Information OUT OF HOURS SUPPORT Service Provided Provide 24/7 out of hour support and access to academic buildings for all University Staff and Post Graduate Research Students. Provide a Safe and Secure Environment. KPI Customer Satisfaction Survey Target 95% Additional Information Some buildings may be locked and inaccessible for security or maintenance issues. CAR PARK MANAGEMENT Service Provided Control and Administer Parking provision for Staff and Students. Car parking enforcement - twice daily patrols. Provide only sufficient parking which compliments the University travel and environmental strategy. KPI Customer Satisfaction Survey Target 90 % Additional Information Customers to Display Parking Permit VISITOR ACCESS 35 Service Provided Core University opening times. Additional Information Customer to Advise Security of Visitor information 24 hours prior to arrival. CAMPUS PATROLS Service Provided 24/7 Hi Visual foot and mobile patrols of all campus areas. Internal patrols of all buildings to be carried out twice per day. Carry out 3 visits to University Owned or Managed. KPI KPI’s recorded on Security Database. Measured by Annual Statistical report submitted to Senior management. Target 95 % Additional Information Annual Statistical report submitted to Senior management. FIRE ALARM ACTIVATIONS Service Provided 24/7 fire alarm monitoring of all Academic and owned or Managed Halls of Residence. Provide sufficient staffing to support and coordinate trained Fire Response Teams. Provided Statistical Data for Health and Safety. KPI Target 100 % Measurable via Security Stats Additional SECURITY ALARM ACTIVIATIONS Service Provided Respond to all Intruder Alarm Activations and deploy Facilities Support Staff and or Security Staff as appropriate within 5 minutes of activation. Respond and be on site to all Panic alarm activation within 4 minutes of receipt of call and coordination of emergency services ads and when required. KPI Target 100 % Additional All Security tasks recorded on Support Works FIRST AID Service Provided Coordinate and deploy University HSE trained First Aiders. Provide 24/7 Security HSE qualified First Aiders. Ensure completion of Accident Forms. KPI Target 100 % Additional Information Customer service feedback required. All first aid incidents to be reported to Security Control. 36 LOST PROPERTY Service Provided Secure record and log all found property on security database. Maintain a record for audit purposes. Property retained for one full calendar month. If not recovered taken to local charity shop. Every item of property will be signed for and stamped by receiver for audit purposes. Items of high value taken to Police station, receipt retained for audit purposes. Additional Information Property not claimed after 32 days will be taken to a local charity shop. Receipt for property retained for audit purposes. CRIME REPORTING Service Provided Safe and Secure Environment Record all reported crimes on database. Investigate and follow up all reported crimes and make suitable crime prevention recommendations and advice. Committed to reducing reported crimes figures year on year. KPI Customer Service Feedback Target 95% Additional Information Accurate recording of annual stats. Compare Regional crime statistics for victim of crimes states per head against victim per head on Campus. ADDITIONAL MEETINGS Service Provided Additional Information 37 Representation at Multi Agency Meetings in Regards to Student Safety and Student Anti Social Attend Safe Neighbourhood Action and Problem Solving groups (SNAPS). OPENING BUILDINGS Service Provided Building normal opening times during Semester Library: As posted by Academics Services 24/7 access including undergrads via smart card. Pandon Open Access Area (OAA): 24/7 for all including undergrads via smart card. Drill Hall 24/7 to ground floor via smart card (Staff and St George’s students only). Clinical Skills CLC: During core opening times and Saturdays/ Sundays for undergrads via smart card. All other Building opening times are: Semester Time 0700 – 2130 Monday to Thursday 0900 – 2100 Saturday 1030 – 1700 Sunday KPI Customer Satisfaction Survey Target 95% Production of Statistics is from Support Works Target 100% Additional Information Staff and authorised PGR students are permitted 24/7 access including public holidays. provided risk assessment has been carried out by School or Department Statistics from Support Works 38 SERVICE DELIVERABLES 1.4 Business Support The responsibility for the Business Support team lies with Karen Crozier, Head of Business Support, reporting to the Assistant Director (Operations). The area is responsible for: Mail and Transport Services Helpdesk Reception and Switchboard Financial Administration Administration to support Off Site Archiving, Car parking Administration Head of Business Support Karen Crozier Mail and Transport Team Leader Reception Team Leader Switchboard / Helpdesk Team Leader Senior Administrator (Resources) Administrator Systems and IT Specialist Les Turner Carol McElwee Sandra Storey Lisa Blackie Heather Bradner Oliver Davy Key contacts for the teams are: Head of Business Support Karen Crozier 0191 227 3397 [email protected] Mail and Transport Team Leader Les Turner 0191 227 4365 [email protected] Reception Team Leader Carol McElwee 0191 227 3871 [email protected] Switchboard/Helpdesk Team Leader Sandra Storey 0191 227 4801 [email protected] Senior Administrator (Resources) Lisa Blackie [email protected] 0191 227 3997 Administrator Heather Bradner 0191 227 3396 [email protected] Systems and IT Specialist Oliver Davy [email protected] 39 0191 227 7896 1.4.1 Mail Room The University Mail Service is responsible for all University mailing activities which includes sorting and delivering mail, collecting mail for external despatch or internal redistribution. Key contacts for the teams are: Mail Room Supervisor Stephen White 0191 227 3861 [email protected] For proof of delivery 0191 227 3862 [email protected] SORTING OF INCOMING AND INTERNAL MAIL Service Provided City Campus Deliveries of incoming mail will be sorted for delivery by 10:30. Internal mail will be sorted and ready for delivery the same day it arrives in the mail room. Coach Lane Deliveries of incoming mail will be sorted for delivery by 09:30. Internal mail will be sorted and ready for delivery up to 14:00 on the same day it in the mail room. Note DELIVERY OF INCOMING AND INTERNAL MAIL Service Provided All mail will be delivered across the University as highlighted in the delivery and collection schedule below. Note 40 DESPATCH OF MAIL Service Provided We aim to despatch the same day, all mail which is collected in the timed rounds. All letters are sent by 2nd class post unless authorised. Note Mail collected on the final round is not guaranteed if received in the following quantities: More than 500 Letters More than 10 Parcels More than 5 Airmail Express More than 10 Recorded Mail CLEAN MAIL Service Provided Royal Mail offer services which allow the University to gain discounts on the mail we send out. The discount is only available on the normal size letters (C5 and DL). The benefits of clean mail are that the mail is processed quicker and that it is machine sorted and has less manual handling. Note Clean mail is processed first resulting in speedier delivery Mail is quicker and easier to process The University receives a discount starting at 12% Use a normal size envelope where possible Ensure the address is at the left centre of the envelope Use fonts Arial 10-12, Courier 10-15 or Courier New 10-15 PRIVATE POST Service Provided The mail room also offer a service to staff and students for sending private post at cost price. Note MONITORING Service Provided Note 41 Service standards are monitored through test mail and customer feedback. Operations will be reviewed and improvements in service implemented within the constraints of the budget. NON DELIVERABLE MAIL Service Provided In the event of staff not being able to deliver mail, we will deliver again prior to the next programmed delivery, or inform you that we have left your mail for collection nearby. Note TRACEABLE MAIL Service Provided Where there is a possibility of tracing your item, we will do so to allow tracking of the place, time and name of recipient and email you back with the information. We do this for all next day delivery services. Note MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Service Provided Information can be provided on the quantities of mail despatched for each school and service, contact Stephen White if you require any detailed information. Note HEALTH AND SAFETY Service Provided Duties will be carried out in a safe and responsible manner. All fire doors will be kept closed and clear of any mail, vehicles or equipment. Vehicles will be driven safely across campuses. Mail sacks will not be supplied over filled. Note Help us Reduce Costs Mail is priced according to the size of the envelope, pricing in proportion. Using the correct size envelope can greatly reduce the cost of University mail. You can send up to 5 sheets of A4 paper folded in an A5 envelope for half the cost of using A4. Customer Responsibilities To notify us of any heavy, large or awkward items you need collected. Not to overfill mail sacks or boxes of mail. Keep areas where staff are required to carry items clear of any obstacles. That you notify us of any large mailing requirements. That you notify us of any change to your name, location of work. That you address mail correctly and as fully as possible. Not to send hazardous goods through the mail. 42 Delivery/Collection Schedule Times are approximate as a guide - allow up to a 10 minute variation, any amendments will be notified in advance. Building am pm Burt Hall 11:30 14:50 Claude Gibb 14:40 15:40 10:40 - 11:25 14:25 - 15:00 11:35 14:55 10:25 - 10:50 13:55 - 14:15 10:45 14:00 - 15:30 10:25 - 12:30 13:55 - 15:27 09:30 13:00 - 15:25 City Campus East Drill Hall Ellison Building (VCO and Secretary’s Office) Ellison Place 21/22 Ellison Terrace 15:15 Glenamara House Library & Learning Resources 09:45 13:20 Gallery 09:55 13:35 Lipman Building 09:30 13:00 - 15:20 Marleen Court 15:00 Newcastle University 14:50 North Street 4&6 11:25 14:50 Northumberland Building 11:05 14:30 Pandon Building 08:00/10:40 15:10 Squires Building 09:40 13:10 Sports Central 10:20 13:40 15:05 Stephenson Hall 10:35 13:30 Trinity 09:40 13:45 - 15:10 Wynne Jones 10:25 14:00 - 15:25 Coach Lane Campus East 10:15 – 10:30 14:00 - 14.15 Coach Lane Campus West 09:30 – 10:15 13:15 - 14:00 Student Union Sutherland Building The CLC mail room is manned between the hours of: 10:30 - 11:15 and 14:30 - 14:45 Coach Lane Campus Final Sweep 15:00 - 15:30 The postman will leave from Coach Lane Campus West Mailroom at 15:30 and mail can be left there up until that time. 43 FINAL CITY COLLECTION Arts & Social 15:20 NBS 15:25 School of Law 15:30 VCO 15:40 Human Resources/ACC Reception 15:25 Finance/Registrars Reception 15:25 International 15:30 WJC 15:35 Mail can be accepted in the City Campus Mailroom in small quantities up until 16:30 44 1.4.2 Transport The University Transport service holds a Public Service Operator licence valid for national journeys. To book transport please contact ea [email protected] or for more information please contact Les Turner (Mail and Transport Team Leader) on 0191 227 4365. FREE SHUTTLE BUS SERVICES Service Provided A 37 seat University owned bus operates between Coach Lane and City Campuses. This is a finite service, with standing room the capacity of the bus is 62 persons. Service Level The timetable is available on the web with printed versions available from University Reception areas. During peak traffic times the service may encounter delays beyond our control. Where possible during peak periods the shuttle will be supported by the use of an additional University mini bus. MINI BUS HIRE Service Provided Minibuses and coach transport can be organised for groups, field visits, conference excursions, sports travel etc in the UK, Europe or Republic of Ireland. Service Level Due to demand, we will sometimes have to use external companies to provide the transport service this will be charged to the customer. PRESTIGE PERSONAL TRANSPORT Service Provided We can provide chauffeured transport for conveyance of distinguished visitors using a combination of hired vehicles and uniformed University drivers. Service Level Please make your request to the Mail and Transport Team Leader. VAN DELIVERY SERVICES Service Provided Scheduled van services carry mail, library books and other goods between the campuses on a daily basis (Monday to Friday). Services can also be booked to deliver Specialist equipment, Exhibitions and Artwork throughout the UK utilising goods vehicles up to 7.5 tonne. A dedicated Reprographics delivery service is operated throughout the University Campus. A van operates to serve Northumbria’s catering outlets and Buffet deliveries. 45 1.4.3 Reception There are 6 main University Receptions provided a key points throughout the campus. RECEPTION AREAS AND HOURS OF OPERATION Service Provided Provision of receptionist support in designated University buildings: Coach Lane City Campus East Ellison B Block Ellison A Block (Switchboard) Sutherland Squires Service Level Reception areas are staffed: Monday - Thursday 08:30 - 17:00 Friday 08:30 - 16:30 Reception Services can be provided outside of these hours by contacting the Team Leader Carol McElwee - this would be charged to the customer. CUSTOMER SERVICE Service Provided The reception team provide first line contact with customers arriving at the University. Service Level To deal with all customers to resolve their query. We need to know of any events your school/service may be operating to allow us to deal with queries efficiently. JOB LOGGING Service Provided The reception team will take any calls or reports made directly to a reception desk for maintenance or caretaking requests. Service Level All routine jobs will be processed the same day with the job numbers being advised to the customer. We would ask that any emergency or urgent work requests are made by telephone, to prevent any delay. Out of hours you will be directed to Security in the event of an emergency, alternatively please email [email protected] and your request will be dealt with the following morning. 46 PARCELS Service Provided Reception staff will take delivery of parcels and arrange for delivery to the relevant desk top. Service Level Reception staff will not accept parcels if staff cannot be traced via the online directory. We would ask that you ensure your on line records are as up to date as possible. AD HOC WORK REQUESTS 47 Service Provided During quiet periods (vacations etc) the reception staff are happy to help schools and services with general administrative work such as mail shots or scroll rolling for graduation. Service Level Please contact the team leader directly - this service cannot always be guaranteed. 1.4.4 Switchboard/Helpdesk The switchboard service provides front line support to all external calls being directed to the number. It also provides an internal support requirement to redirect callers and connect for internationals calls. The switchboard handle 400 calls per day on average. External Number 0191 232 6002 Internal Number 0 SWITCHBOARD OPERATION Service Provided Provision of switchboard services for external and internal calls to the University. Service Level The switchboard is a 24 hour operation: Monday to Thursday 07:30 - 17:30 Friday 07:30 - 16:30 The switchboard is staffed by Campus Services Out of hours the switchboard is staffed by the IT Services helpdesk CALL ANSWERING Service Provided External calls are flagged on the system to take priority over any internal calls. Service Level Calls will be answered within 7 seconds and completed within 25 seconds. To allow us to deal with calls effectively, we require the online telephone directory to be accurately maintained by schools and services. CALL REDIRECTING Service Provided Handling internal calls being presented to the switchboard for redirection. Service Level Calls will be answered within 10 seconds and completed successfully within 25 seconds. 48 CONNECTING TO INTERNATIONAL NUMBERS Service Provided The switchboard can contacted to make connections for internal calls by dialling 0. Service Level Calls will be connected promptly. Colleagues should have full dialling and contact information available when making the call. 49 2. Customer Service Information Feedback Procedure Campus Services recognises the importance of its customers' needs and aims to provide a high level of customer care at all times. We undertake to: Meet the needs of all our service users Value all comments and suggestions for improving our services Always treat customers comments in confidence Respond to comments promptly and fairly We are continually looking for ways to improve our services and welcome any recommendations or commendations you wish to make. We also recognise that sometimes things go wrong. You may not be happy with how a service has been delivered, in which case we need to hear from you. To guide you through this process our complaints procedure is set out below: Stage 1 Please speak (or write) to either the member of staff who delivered the service or his/her line manager. You should, ideally, do this within 28 days of the event that caused your dissatisfaction. They will seek to reach an amicable resolution with you in a spirit of co-operation and collaboration. This will normally be within five working days, or otherwise a timescale that is acceptable to you. Stage 2 If such a resolution is not possible and you feel the complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction then please write to the relevant Head of Service with full details of your complaint. The relevant Head of Service will endeavour to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days. A senior member of staff will then investigate your complaint, with further reference to you, and prepare a written report within 28 days. The senior member of staff will consider the report and write to inform you of 50 their conclusions and any proposed course of action. Of course, if you believe that your complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner then you have the right to put your concerns directly to the Assistant Director of Campus Services (Operations) [email protected]. Customer Care Statement This Customer Care Statement is the minimum standard across Campus Services (Operations) team. We intend: To be fair, responsive and courteous in the delivery of quality services. To be professional and have well informed employees who take pride in what they do. To be positive and provide services which meet our customers' requirements. To specify, within resources, what we will provide and to inform our customers what they can expect to receive. To get things right first time. To enable customers to tell us when we fail. To respond effectively to customers' complaints and use customer feedback to secure continuous improvement. Our staff will display or carry some form of identification appropriate for their role and workplace, for example: Name badge University logo, Campus Services or service area badge on work clothing Contractors working on University premises on our behalf will wear and show identity badges and work to the same standards as our own staff. 51 Customer Contact – in writing We will try to acknowledge within 2 working days requests for information/ action/advice, whether by letter, fax or email, and will include a provisional response. Emails to individual employees may take longer if they are out of the office. We expect to give a more detailed response within 10 working days. Complex matters may take longer to resolve but an estimate will be given and communication will be maintained. 52 3 Specific School/Service Department Requirements Note This area will be populated in conjunction with the Specific School or Service Department and will not be distributed outside of the specific School/Service Department. 53 Notes 54
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