Intermodal Freight Transport & Logistics Best Practices Content Promit cases BRAVO “improving corridor quality and efficiency with BRAVO”........................................................................................ 4 COCA COLA Drikker AS “Intermodal transport on long distances”................................................................................... 7 COSMA “Container Operation System for Management and Administration of small and medium sized terminals”............ 10 HUPAC “Shuttle network with international integrated traction on transalpine corridors” .................................................. 13 NARCON “Innovative railway answer to the growing international transport needs” ......................................................... 16 PORT INFOLINK “Streamlining the transport chains in the port of Rotterdam with Port Infolink” ....................................... 19 RETRACK “unique collaboration between private railway companies”............................................................................. 22 RHINECONTAINER “Tight collaboration on the Rhine with service level agreements”....................................................... 25 RODER & UN RO-RO GROUP OF COMPANIES: “an innovative approach for sustainable intermodal transport”................ 28 SHORT SEA XML ....................................................................................................................................................... 31 STORAENSO “System traffic”...................................................................................................................................... 34 VOLVO “The “8” and “EuroBridge” ............................................................................................................................... 37 Supported by: 2 Introduction This compendium of intermodal freight transport & logistics best practices has been selected and published by the European Intermodal Association, which is the ‘voice’ of intermodal transport. Sources: PROMIT ‘promoting innovative intermodal freight transport’; BESTLOG ‘logistic best practices’, VIACOMBI ‘the gateway for transport intermodality’, all three projects funded by the European Commission, in addition to a number of specifically labelled EIA ‘Intermodal Award’ winners. Neutral Jury: EU Commission, EU Parliament, various single EU transport associations. New cases can be added at a later stage. Contact EIA or its research partners to find out how your company could be included, or the conditions for winning an Intermodal Award. Sustainable mobility has been at the heart of EIA’s EU Transport policy, promotional and communications activities since its foundation. All transport modes and industries from port to hinterland are welcome, with the aim of developing smart and profitable logistics solutions. (Nr. 1) (Nr. 1) 3 Bravo Improving corridor quality and efficiency 4 (Nr.1)1) (Nr. Improving corridor quality and efficiency with BRAVO Starting Point Main Achievements Solution x Drastic modal shift x 90% punctuality for trains x 99.9% reliability for documents transport The Brenner Corridor is one of the mostly used European freight corridors both by road and rail, which is transiting the sensitive Alpine region. With an objective to raise the volume of environmental-friendly combined rail-road transport and increase rail’s market share on the Brenner corridor, in 2002, all stakeholders of this industry from Austria, Germany and Italy committed themselves towards the Ministries of Transport of the countries to the “Action Plan Brenner 2005”. This plan contains a set of measures required to organize and ensure the short- to medium-term upgrading of the level of service provided and improve competitivenes in combined transport on this corridor. Main Innovations x Coherent open corridor management scheme x Interoperable rail traction x Comprehensive quality management system including quality agreements x Advanced monitoring and customer information system x Extended & innovative intermodal services including time table tool x New technology to capture conventional semitrailers Motivation x Improving intermodal capacity on a strongly used corridor x Stabilising and improving quality and efficiency of intermodal transport to be more competitive against road x Establishing the basis for long term growth of intermodal transport Main companies involved x KombiConsult and Hacon x CEMAT, Ferriere Cattaneo, Hellas Transport, Intercontainer Austria, Interporto Bologna Lokomotion, ÖBB, Railion, Rail Cargo Austria, Rail Traction, Trenitalia, UIRR Implementation date x 2006/2007 Transport/Geographical characteristics Coherent open corridor management scheme: This open corridor management scheme includes (1) an improvement and intensification of cooperation between the railway undertaikings and infrastructure managers, (2) an improvement of communication and data exchange to optimise the interfaces between parties involved, (3) an introduction of an overall quality system and a removal of operational bottlenecks. Interoperable rail traction: This interoperable rail traction involves multi-current locomotives including train path re-scheduling, simplification and harmonisation of locomotive approval procedures (certification). Punctuality 90%90% (with(with maxmax tolerance of 15ofmin) Punctuality tolerance 15 min) Reliability traintrain delay of 180 ReliabilityMaxMax delay of min 180 min (related to 10% of non punctual trains) (related to 10% of non punctual trains) Flexibility of regular trains up toup 48tohours priorprior departure FlexibilityCancellation Cancellation of regular trains 48 hours departure without extraextra charge without charge Interim time-table modifications within threethree months after after Interim time-table modifications within months submittal of request submittal of request Customer timetime monitoring of every traintrain CustomerRealReal monitoring of every information information Reporting of ETA Reporting of ETA Co-ordinated international reporting system Co-ordinated international reporting system Rolling rate rate of employment of agreed wagon set set Rolling 95%95% of employment of agreed wagon Stock Stock Documents 99,9% rate rate of reliability of transport of accompanying Documents 99,9% of reliability of transport of accompanying documents documents x Transalpine Corridor via Brenner x Intermodal rail on various distances 5 Comprehensive quality management system: This includes a standard quality agreement and a quality manual. Within the quality manual processes are described in a standardised way. The following quality indicators have been identified as relevant: punctuality, reliability, flexibility, customer information, rolling stock and documents. Quantitative goals have been defined. Advanced monitoring and customer information system: x The quality management system has been implemented and a continues monitoring and improvement is necessary. The quality has improved significantly on the Brenner Corridor. The train monitoring system has been demonstrated. Such an application x seems to be technical and operational feasible. x The megatrailer pocket wagon 3000 are tested since May 2006. They seem to be technical and operational feasible. They can improve the flexibility and are fully compatible. x During the BRAVO project a substantial increase in intermodal transport could be reached. This system provides regular information of train position on the entire train journey, event-based information as irregularities and their impact (estimated time of arrival, estimated time of availability). 7,5 Scheme on extended & innovative intermodal services including time table tool: 6,0 + 16 % 7,0 6,5 + 16.2 % This component included the analysis of the time table requirements and the implementation of an adapted and extended timetable. 5,5 + 13.5 % 5,0 4,5 4,0 2003 2004 2005 2006 Main benefits New technology to capture conventional semitrailers for unaccompanied intermodal transport: This includes adaptations at the wagons and simple construction of additional handling equipment without additional large scale infrastructure. The approach was an integration in existing terminal procedures. Results and experiences The experiences of the implemented measures are very positive: The following results could be achieved: x Improvement of train path allocation process and increase of capacity for freight trains (also by development of Intermodal rail train schedules) x Increase of efficiency by interoperable rail traction (but infrastructure investment are needed on some parts of the corridor), the advantages of interoperability are higher productivity, higher flexibility, reduction of travel time, reduction of shunting costs, higher service reliability and reduction of utilisation of border station. 6 The BRAVO project had the following benefits: x Quality improvements relating to reliability (maximum delay time 180 min. for trains, 90% punctuality) x flexibility for time-table shifts x 99.9% reliability for transport of documents x Customer satisfaction increases through customer information system x Increase on intermodal transport (Modal Shift: 5,92 to 6,86 million gross tonnes from 2005 to 2006) x Benefits for environment and traffic on Brenner road Main success factors The success of the project followed from these points: x corridor approach x main operators of the corridor joined the project x focus on quality and customer satisfaction No rivalry but close cooperation in the corridor due to a bottle neck, which was unfamiliar and challenging for all. More Information Project Website Contact: Rainer Mertel KombiConsult GmbH Ludwig-Landmann Str. 405 60486 Frankfurt Germany Tel. + 49 69 79505-140 Fax. +49 69 79505-209 e-mail: [email protected] Coca-Cola Drikker AS Intermodal transport on long distances 7 Starting Point Coca Cola Drikker AS Intermodal transport on long distances Coca-Cola company was established in Norway in 1937. In the years after World War II the company made arrangements with different breweries for producing and bottling Coca-Cola products in Norway. At the end of the 1990’s there was a disruption between Coca-Cola Company and its collaborating partners. As a result Coca-Cola Company opened it’s own production plant at Lørenskog near Oslo in 1998; the largest bottling plant for soft drinks and water in Norway. With this new plant it was time to restructure and reorganise the logistics for distribution of CocaCola Company’s products in Norway. Coca-Cola Drikker AS (CCD), established in 1996, is responsible for sales, production and distribution of Coca-Cola products in Norway. The company is the largest supplier of non-alcoholic beverages in Norway. Main Achievements x x x 75% of total distribution to northern Norway goes intermodal € 600.000 cost savings per year Exploitation of synergies of Coca Cola and Mack Brewery logistics network Coca Cola’s Supply chain to northern Norway The distance from north to south in Norway is in a straight line equal to 1755 km. In addition the Northern part has a rather low population density. The distribution to this region seemed very suitable for intermodal transport, about 96% goes intermodal. Main Innovations x x Flexible transportation concept, using slower and cheaper modes where possible and more expensive and quick transportation where required. Shippers collaboration creating a win-win situation for both parties Motivation x x Optimal trade off between transport price and services offered, taking into account location decision and durability of the products Promote CCD’s environmental engagement by using green transport Main companies involved x x x x Coca Cola Drikker Mack Breweries Logistics Service Provider Shipping agency Implementation date x The concept is evolving since 1998 Transport/Geographical characteristics x Road, rail, sea transport in Norway Shippers collaboration The distribution of soft drinks from the warehouse in Tromsø to the customers (grocery trade, kiosk, petrol stations and service market) in northern Norway is 8 outsourced to Mack Breweries that accomplishes the distribution together with their own products, mostly beer. Coca–Cola Drikker AS orders are picked together with products from Mack Breweries for each customer. Distribution is carried out by truck and goes directly to the customers without involvements of wholesaler’s distribution networks. In addition about 75% of the volume for northern Norway (22.5 mln litres) is license-produced by Mack Breweries in Tromsø and 25% (7.5 mln litres) is produced at Lørenskog. Mode selection CCD had three options to go from their production location in Lørenskog to its warehouse in Trømso. 1. Intermodal road-see-road (1899 km) 2. Intermodal road-rail-sea-road (1633 km) 3. Road only (1639 km) Benefits and costs The products to be transferred from the Coca-Cola Drikker AS plant (Lørenskog) to the warehouse (Tromsø) are divided into three groups dependent on the products durability. x “Slow-movers” are products with long durability. These products are via road-searoad leg. x Short duration products are transported by road-rail-sea-road leg. x Urgent transports to prevent from selling no are transported by truck. This happens occasionally in summertime. Coca Cola gaines almost € 600.000 per year through using “slower” and less expensive transport modes where possible. CCD cooperates with a shipping agency for the sea transport and with a forwarder for the selection between option 2 and 3. CCD gives the forwarder and shipping agency information on what kind of product has to be transferred. The forwarder and shipping agency then organise the transport. Service requirements as transport time, temperature, number of shipments a week and transport volumes are set by CCD. For the truck only transport the forwarder uses either its own trucks or trucks on fixed contract. The departure of the sea transport from Bodø to Tromsø is coordinated with arrival of the freight train from Oslo. The service is offered once a week. Contract agreements The main contract with the forwarder and shipping agency is lasting for 3 years, but on the background of changes in the market (volume, price etc.) the service requirements are negotiated and settled for one year at the time. The forwarder and shipping agency coordinate the shipments from Coca-Cola Drikker AS with shipments from other customers that have Tromsø as destination. Strenghts and weaknesses The solution of CCD has the following strengths: x Single point of contact per supply chain x Seamless transport solutions x Coca Cola does not run the risk of underutilization of the transportation assets CCD considers the following weaknesses: x Low frequency and long transport time for sea transport x Lower punctuality of sea transport due to weather conditions. Coca Cola solves this by using license production in Tromsø More Information Contact: TOI: Olav Eidhammer ([email protected]) Coca Cola Drikker AS: Idar Brunvoll Product by durability Slow-movers Short duration Urgent transport Total 9 Mode RoadSea-Road Road-RailSea-Road Road only Transport distance (km) Transport time (hours) 1899 168 1633 40 1639 25 Volumes, a year, Mln. litres Logistic costs, €/1 000 litres Logistic costs, € x1.000/ year 5.000 123,30 617 1.050 218.50 229 0.250 6.300 240.0 60 928 Cosma Container Operation System for Management and Administration 10 COSMA Container Operation System for Management and Administration of small and medium sized terminals Situation The circumstances which led to the development of this system are based upon the unique needs of the target group: SME-terminals do not have large resources for IT-staff to maintain software programs and adapt data according to fast changing layout of the yard with restricted ressources. Furthermore, a unique trimodal operation of each terminal makes the situation worse. Available programs that time were highly complex, rather expensive and too inflexible for the target group. Main Achievements x x x Support of daily tasks at container terminal management Transparency of each working process Ability to work on modern intermodal container terminal Solution Build around a fixed kernel offering basic functionality, different specifications are implemented and can be used independently. Main Innovations x x x x Integration of all surface transport modes into one single software program from scratch o Rail o Road o Vessel (IN, DS, SSS) Sizeable application according to customer needs by means of a modular system Integration of a fully automated crane control Any stored information can be displayed using 3D-Visualisation at any time Motivation x x x Support the user for fulfilling his daily tasks at container terminal management Offer a system for SME’s with their special technical and organizational requirements at an attractive price Implement a system for different surface transport modes without prejudice Main companies involved x ISL and ordering customer Management: x x x x Planning: x x Implementation date x 2004 - 2007 Transport/Geographical characteristics x x Implementation is available worldwide through modular language Used in Germany today with German User interface booking of containers management of master data information about containers analyzing container movements general booking information according to various criteria y evaluation of current container er type etc. stock optionally differentiated by arrival time, ship owner or container type etc. Visualisation: x x design of any container stacking area including any container slot show current slot allocation in 3D at any time 11 Objective: Effective management and administration of a terminal gets challenging proportional to its throughput. In order to be aware of the current status the working process should be transparent and the operator should have anytime access to each part of information needed to conduct the business. This system delivers the variety of information needed as soon as data is fed in from different sources. The three main parts are: total overview on all containers, a view into a single container stack level is provided. With just one mouse click onto one slot within the 3D model, the user receives detailed information about the single container just selected. Container management The administration of the vessel arrivals facilitates the preparation for future vessel discharging and loading processes. Loading lists that are already forwarded to the terminal before a vessel arrives are processed by the COSMA system, which makes it possible to enter the expected container movements as a so-called advance booking. This makes it possible to prepare the pre-stacking of the export containers for a definite vessel, which reduces the duration of the vessel services, and speeds up the booking procedures after the vessel services. With the aid of advance bookings, booking lists can be generated and used for a smooth operation in the terminal stacking area. Quay side and land side (differentiated between truck and rail operation) container import and export movements are booked separately. This makes it easy to generate lists containing the actual data needed by terminal operators, shipping agents, forwarders etc.. Results and experiences x x Main benefits x A Uniform proceeding is used in each booking mode. x The ability to work with external data is implemented. x A sophisticated container storage strategy reduces costs due to reduction of unnecessary moves Evaluation As all terminal specific processes are handled by the same system, a detailed evaluation of these processes is possible. Consequently, the complete operation process becomes transparent and the terminal operator gains access to information about e.g. the actual container stock at any time, optionally differentiated between import and export containers, which are ordered by arrival time, container type, order number or shipowners. With the COSMA system it is not only possible to retrieve any information about each container stacked on the terminal like container identification, weight, destination, size and content, but it also provides general booking information analysed according to various criteria Stacking area administration In addition to the specific functions for container booking, the COSMA system contains a complete stacking area administration. With COSMA, it is possible to design any container stacking area including each container slot. The stacking area plan is used to show the current slot allocation in 3D any time. Apart from a 12 COSMA increases the complete yard utilization, handling speed and overall productivity The Graphical User Interface allows intuitional use of the system Main success factors x The software had to run on existing hardware. Special attention was drawn to o Data processing o Visualisation o Bandwidth of Data exchange More Information Project Website (including movies of the 3D-animation) (German) (English) Contact: Marcus Engler Institut für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik Universitätsallee 11-13 28359 Bremen Germany Tel. +49 421 22096-25 Fax. +49 421 22096-55 e-mail: [email protected] Hupac Shuttle network with international integrated traction on transalpine corridors 13 (No. 10 Hupac shuttle network with international integrated traction on transalpine corridors Starting Point The Hupac Group is a European wide intermodal operator with a share capital of 13 million EUR and a turnover of almost 300 million EUR. The company operates a shuttle net for continental and maritime inland servicesand a Rolling Motorway Service. Intermodal transport faces quality and efficiency problems. On border crossings usually staff and equipment (traction) had to be changed due to national regulations and procedures. This was cost and time consuming and the split of responsibilities between the national railways had a negative impact on the efficiency and quality of the intermodal transport chain. The railway market liberalization in Europe lead to new opportunities to organise and operate the railway main haul. Main Achievements x x x x x x Strong an reliable intermodal network Improvement of overall system performance Increase of quality Simplification of transport procedures Reduction of interface points Quick reaction in case of irregularities Main Innovations x x x x x International Integrated Traction Tendering process for railway services Comprehensive intermodal network One stop shopping Tracking and tracing Motivation x x x Need to increase productivity, efficiency and quality Solve problems at border crossings Need to improve the customer service Main companies involved x x HUPAC Railways as SBB Cargo, Railion, Rail4Chem, Ferrovie Nord Cargo, Trenitalia Cargo Targets x Direct Shuttle train connections with the most important European ports, consumer and production areas x Strong and reliable network for transport operations in combined traffic x One Stop Shopping for the customers due to efficient logistical solutions x Increasing productivity by integrated traction x Tracking and tracing services x Punctuality over 90% x Operation without subvention of the government for the use of the railway lines HUPAC Shuttle Network: Since 1990 Hupac builded up a European intermodal shuttle network with 3 services in combined transport: x Continental services: Terminal-to-terminal transport connections between Europe's major economic areas. x Maritime inland services: Inland transport from/to ports in the Mediterranean and in the North Sea additional delivery services, also called maritime land bridge. Implementation date x x x Since 1990: shuttle network development and extension 2003/2004: Tendering process for railway services 2005: International Integrated traction Transport/Geographical characteristics x x Intermodal rail/road trasnport Transalpine corridor x Accompanied combined transport: Hupac also offers a Rolling Highway service for fast transalpine connections. Today there are more than 110 trains a day connecting intermodal terminals. 14 CESAR stands for “Co-operative European System for Advan-ced Information Redistribution”. It is the European customer information system with information servicees, booking services and tracking and tracing services. Results and experiences The results and experiences of the HUPAC shuttle network development and integrated traction are very positive. The HUPAC intermodal volumes increased in the last years. International Integrated Traction: 2005 was the first year with international integrated traction which means that there is only one operator and one interface between HUPAC and the operator. Every traffic relation of the HUPAC Shuttle Net and Rolling Highway services has been entrusted to a single railway company, from origin to destination. For each relation, HUPAC has selected the most advantageous railway company, both in terms of costs and of overall service quality. The adjustment from national to international integrated traction is tantamount to a revolution on the European rail landscape. The rate of punctuality has seen further improvement and it was possible to increase productivity. Whilst in 2007 the punctuality rate of the trains rose by 4 % from 71 to 75%, Hupac is abiding by its interim target of 80% punctual trains for 2008. With the integrated traction Hupac take part in the modal shift which is a high prioritised political goal of the Swiss government. In 2006 612’000 trucks could be shifted from the road to intermodal transport. Main benefits With the integrated traction Hupac reaches competition between the railway operators. The benefits of a single railway company on a shuttle connection are: Terminal Infrastructure/Equipment: HUPAC use mostly its own operated terminals (today 10). At these terminals HUPAC can handle every type of containers which is used in general in intermodal transport. Hupac is using partly own resources containning railway wagons, main line locomotives and shunting locomotives. Hupac invests in own resources mainly to be independent. x utmost simplification of transport procedures x the reduction and possibly the removal of interface point x improvement of overall system performance x clear increase in quality and productivity x quick reaction in case of irregularities. Main success factors x Market liberalisation and competition between the railways x Strong intermodal service provider who takes the initiative x Increase of productivity by integrated traction IT-Applications: x HUPAC introduced its GPS based system e-train in 2006. Trains are equipped with a GPS sensor. So the positions of all trains are known. This data goes into a software platform called GOAL (Global Application for Logistics). Goal is also connected to CESAR. Performance in conformity with the market (Reliability, flexibility for extra trains, product development, innovative rolling stock, IT) x Harmonisation of technical systems. More Information Irmtraut Tonndorf Communication Manager, Hupac Intermodal SA Viale R. Manzoni 6 CH-6830 Chiasso Tel. +41 91 6952936 Fax +41 91 6952801 mailto: [email protected] 15 Narcon Innovative Railway Answer to the Growing Intermodal Transport Needs 16 NARCON – Innovative Railway Answer to the Growing Intermodal Transport Needs Main Achievements x x x Modal shift of 200.000 trucks - equal to 30.000.000 trucks-km per year to rail Wagon rotation average 20 trips per month (EU average around 3 trips/month) 65% utilization of trains Main Innovations x x x x ‘Vertical shunting’ method Special wagon pool Day A/B delivery time and availability of daily departure/arrival in programmed timetable Quality management system Motivation x x x x x x Increasing economy / traffic flows Large infrastructure works on the Ring of Antwerp and motorways network in Ardennes Expected traffic jams in and around Brussels and Antwerp Improving intermodal capacity on existing corridor Improving customer service and flexibility Contributing to sustainable mobility Main companies involved x x B – Cargo (Belgian railways / freight) Inter Ferry Boats (IFB), TRW, H&S ContainerlLine , Implementation date x 2004/2005 Geographical characteristics x x x Belgium Intermodal rail on domestic and international distances End-haulage by private terminals offering road / logistics to Germany, France, Lux. Starting Point (No. 6) NARCON stands for ‘National Rail Container Network’ and is based on planning train connections between container terminals in and out of the port of Antwerp, using fixed wagon sets allowing an optimal rotation of the wagon park. It combines various players (railways, terminals, intermodal operator, ports, stevedores,…) in a reliable and intermodal transport chain.As the volume of containers handled in the port of Antwerp has been growing constantly, while large infrastructure maintenance works had growing negative impact on motorway networks, an alternative solution was searched and found in creating Narcon. Solution Daily programmed train shuttles between the Hinterland and the main Antwerp docks are provided. Transhipment is being done at a main hub (also serving as buffer for fluctuations on maritime side) via vertical shunting by moving the containers while the wagon sets stay together. Especially the day A/B delivery time between a specific dock in Antwerp and inland terminal is very attractive. Port-hinterland network & capacities Antwerp is one the leading railway ports in Europe, with a rails over 1.000 KM of tracks interconnecting the docks and the industrial areas. Terminal Mouscron is perfectly located for further road delivery to the region of Lille and even to Paris. France and the hinterland of Reims can be served by the terminal of Châtelet-Charleroi. Road delivery via Athus up to final destinations around Strassbourg and Karlsruhe is possible. Total annual system capacity: 24 trains/day X 5 days/week X 50 weeks/year = 6.000 trains/year. Meanwhile IFB added some direct shuttles, but the basic system stays valid. Vertical shunting method Arriving at the main hub from the inland terminals or docks, containers are moved by gantry cranes from one wagon to another wagon. This system allows working with fixed wagon sets, which both guarantees a respected transit time as well as a better wagon rotation. 17 Fixed shuttle train compositions Results and experiences The system is based on fixed shuttle train compositions out of a fixed Narcon-pool of 4axxle 60’wagons. All maritime containers of type 20’, 40’ and 45’ are accepted. Each train connection (per direction of traffic) is based on a fixed set of 27 4-axled wagons, for an equivalent of maximum 81 TEU and 1600 TBR (gross ton weight). Based on the above figures, Narcon offers at the start a total yearly capacity of 243.000 TEU, and mid 2008 a capacity of 300.000 TEU The experiences of the business concept are positive: Special wagon pool B-Cargo has created a special wagon pool of about 400 4-axled wagons. Each wagon makes approx. 20 trips per month. Knowing that the rotation average of railway wagons in Europe is around three trips a month, this is a magnificent result! Damaged wagons are immediately replaced in the pool. Day A/B delivery time and availability of a daily departure/arrival in a programmed timetable The quick delivery time is one of the major arguments that convinced the customers of the efficiency of the Narcon-concept: the containers leave on departure side as late as possible in the evening of day A and arrive on the destination terminal as early as possible in the morning of day B. Delivery between main hub and other terminals or warehouses can also be assured by truck. Roles, responsibilities and partners Several customer relations are present in the global context of the Narcon-services: BCargo sells its traction package to the intermodal operator IFB, who provides a total logistic package (rail traction, terminal handling, truck delivery, administration, monitoring) to the inland terminals. These terminals sell on the transport organisation to their final customers as part of the total sales concept. Most worldwide known shipping lines are daily users of the Narcon system: Maersk, MSC, K-Line, Norasia, OOCL, CMACGM, Grimaldi Group, CSCL, COSCO, Hapag Lloyd, etc. 18 x x x x x By the end of 2005 the system had doubled its transport result. The 6000 programmed trains have circulated. Mid 2008, Narcon is transporting 20.000 TEU/month In the period 2005- 2008 a significant evolution has taken place: the domestic intermodal traffic has increased up to 80% of the total intermodal volume. Narcon now represents 47% of this domestic transport volume. The system foresees a positive future development. The system of fixed wagon sets allows an optimal rotation of the wagon park. The utilisation degree of the trains reaches an average of 60 to 65%, guarantying the necessary flexibility. Narcon proves that rail and road can perfectly fit together. Main success factors The success of the project followed from these points: x x x Focus on quality and customer satisfaction Constructive approach of all involved companies Support of Belgian Government. A subsidy envelope of 30 million € (in total, for all operators) per year has been granted to the intermodal operators More Information: [email protected] * Winner ‚Intermodal Award‘ (EIA) 2005 Port Infolink Streamlining the transport chains in the port of Rotterdam with Port Infolink 19 Streamlining the transport chains in the port of Rotterdam with Port Infolink Starting Point The port of Rotterdam is the largest sea port In Europe and one of the busiest worldwide with a wide number of intermodal transport chain actors interacting within the port. In projects “Vrachtbeurs” and “PROMISE” customers and government of the port demonstrated the need for the development of a Port Community System (PCS). In response Deltalinqs, Customs (Douane) and the Port Authority of Rotterdam founded Port Infolink in August 2002. The port community system covers the whole spectrum of transport modes that meet at the port enabling modal integration from ship line to hinterland by short sea, barge, rail and road. Solution Port Infolink’s scope of work distinguishes three layers: The primary objective of Port Infolink is the optimization of the processes in the transport chains that run through the port of Rotterdam by means of on-line information and communication services to boost the efficiency levels of its customers. This port-wide ICT platform is an essential instrument for streamlining the transport chains in the port of Rotterdam. x On the organisational layer are the (shipping) agents and forwarders. Port Infolink provides services for all main players in the port and supports import and export flows of all freight transport. x The physical layer consists of shipping companies, terminals, depots, ships, barge, rail and truck operators. x On the facility layer are the Port Authority of Rotterdam, Customs, veterinary inspection, insurance companies and banks. Port Infolink supports governmental reporting (B2G) and important B2B processes. Main Achievements x Port Infolink has shown in the last 5 years to be able to grow to 3000 users in and around the port sending approximately 1.25 million messages every month. Services for all key actors in the port Services for all key actors in the port logistics x The PCS assists in overcoming the problems related to the exchange of information, e.g. different standards used, between the intermodal transport actors thus facilitates the information flows, produces significant cost savings to its users and boosts the efficiency of the intermodal transport chain Organisational Organisational The Board of Directors consists of directors from big market players, Customs and Port Authority. Port Infolink is an independent enterprise with the Port Authority of Rotterdam being the sole shareholder. Port Infolink is a market-driven service provider with a port-wide focus. The organisation has three compact departments: x Marketing and Sales; x Product development; x Operations. Implementation date Forwarder Forwarder Agent Agent Ships Ships Shipping Depot Terminal Trains Shipping line Depot Terminal Trains line Trucks Physical Physical Trucks Facilitary Organisation Port infolink supports import Port and infolink supports import export flows from all freight and export flows from flows all freight flows logistics Facilitary Port Authority Rotterdam Customs Port Authority Rotterdam Port infolink supports auhority notices (B2G) and the main B2B processes Port infolink supports auhority notices (B2G) and the main B2B processes Veterinary inspection Customs Bank Veterinary inspection Bank Port infolink develops generic applications, not company specific Port infolink develops generic applications, not company specific The Port Community System enables all the links within the port of Rotterdam’s logistics chain to efficiently exchange information with one another. The Port Community System comprises of three basic parts: x Information and communication services; x A platform that contains all the facilities that are commonly used for all the services; 2002 to present, on-going development 20 x A central database where all the information that is exchanged through Port Infolink by the customers (companies and government bodies) comes together. Within the platform itself, a distinction is made between three kinds of tools: x Domain tools that are specifically geared to the port, such as, for example, reference tables containing vessel names. All the Port Infolink services make use of these tools; x Generic tools with general basic functions – such as security, authorization, management and ‘logging’ – that make sure the various services of Port Infolink (continue) to run properly; x Implementation tools that provide the cornerstones for the realization of new services. x Statement harbour dues x Transport order These PCS services benefit the market via a variety of cost reductions: x Decrease of costs in engagement; x Decrease of costs in ICT management; x Decrease of labor costs, as a result of less mistakes that need to be corrected; x Overview in the operational processes; x Better management information; x Increase productivity and decrease of labor costs; x Improved services to customers; x Improved accessibility for the users; x Decrease of phone and fax costs; x Decrease of paper costs; x Increase number of checks; x Quicker scheduling of containers; x Re-use of data; x Minimal interruptions of the logistic process; x Quicker working and cost efficiency; x Better use of hinterland transport capacity; x Quicker turn-around time in the port; x Better overview of the state of the process. Main benefits Added value for businesses: x enhanced efficiency x lower costs x higher service level x better planning x quicker turnaround times x fewer mistakes Added value for society: x x Results and experiences The following services have been implemented (November 2007) : ¾ Agent infolink: services for cargo handling agents ¾ Authority infolink: services for government agencies ¾ Barge infolink: services for barge sector operators ¾ Customs infolink: services for customs ¾ Depot infolink: services for container depots ¾ Forwarder infolink: services for forwarders ¾ Rail infolink: services for rail operators ¾ Road infolink: services for road transport ¾ ShipLine infolink: services for shipping lines ¾ ShortSea infolink: services for shortsea shipping co. ¾ Terminal infolink: services for terminals In close consultation with the port business community, Port infolink constantly aims to expand and improve its services. The following services were under development: 21 x Cargo information - Bulk x Notification waste disposal x Notification dangerous goods Multimodal transport becomes more competitive, potentially leading to a reduction of environmental harm. Competitiveness of Rotterdam as mainport in The Netherlands and related employment, economic growth, etc. Main success factors x Strong logistics knowledge which enables Port Infolink to be accepted by the community. x Active and intense consultation of the actors in the port community, in order to develop only those messages that are considered important by the various actors. x Neutral position and confidentiality and security of data. x The system is available 24 hours per day, 7days per week for all parties involved. More Information Contact: Mr Marten van der Velde Tel: +31 (0) 10 252 22 00 Fax: +31 (0) 10 252 22 50 E-mail: [email protected] Web-site : Retrack Unique collaboration between private railway companies 22 Starting Point RETRACK, unique collaboration between private railway companies The European Union’s (EU) transport policy aims for a transport system that meet society’s economic, social and environmental needs. The EU stimulates comodality, i.e. the efficient use of different transport modes in a transport system on their own and in combination. This offers the best guarantees to achieve simultaneously a high level of mobility and environmental protection. Unless this attention, the European rail freight transport market still has a slower growth rate than the overall European transport market, mainly because the offered rail freight operations by existing incumbent operators are fragmented and in general not reliable. The European Commission is stimulating the development and demonstration of new intermodal rail freight solutions as an effort to revitalize rail freight transport and improve its market standing. Main Ambitions x x x To develop, demonstrate and implement an innovative and viable rail freight service along an East-West axis in Europe One year pilot, 3 Roundtrips per week Single leg 80 hours Main Innovations x x x Unique collaboration between private railway undertakings Seamless door-to-door transport Innovative ICT solutions include a virtual European Train Control Centre and a Customer Information centre Connecting two main ports Rotterdam and Constantza are two important European mainports. Rotterdam grows approximately 10% per year. Constantza is much smaller but even realized a growth of 39% in 2007. Good hinterland connections are crucial for further growth. A rail freight service connecting both ports would provide enormous opportunities Motivation x x x x Improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized European railway undertakings (time, cost, service quality) Improving the interoperability between railway undertakings Braking down communication barriers Enhancing collaborative SCM Main companies involved x x x x Forwarder: Transpetrol Private railway : Rail4Chem, LTE, CER, SERV Trans Research : TNO, TOI, Newrail, TCI Rohling ICT: Soptim Implementation date x 2009/2010 Transport/Geographical characteristics x Rail corridor Rotterdam to Constantza Solution The RETRACK project is applying an innovative rail freight service concept to the movement of rail freight across Europe. This is being achieved through the design, development and implementation of a commercial viable trans-European rail freight service along the rail corridor between Rotterdam, The Netherlands and Constantza, Romania on the Black Sea. The solution will be tested in a pilot that will be running for one year, thereafter being commercially viable. 23 Result Network approach A sustainable new market tested rail freight service, which fits into the Supply Chain Management requirements of the users, supported by innovative IT solutions allowing for seamless door-to-door transport. Retrack evolves from a single corridor approach into a network approach. The Retrack partners collaborate with trainoperators in France (Raillink) and Germany (Hupac) to combine their networks, creating a more stable cargo flow from west to east and thus sharing risks of underutilization of assets Main challenges x x x x x x x x x Several border-crossings - threats to time, punctuality and reliability Dealing with infrastructure bottlenecks and highcost of network fees Integration of individual partner’s business processes Standardisation of individual operator’s service quality Dealing with financial risks and internal and external competition pressures Transport safety, and liability for cargo damages Application of ICT technology for venture’s service management Efficient data exchange and commercial data security Fulfilment of European legal and social requirements Virtual European Train Control Center Collaborative business model To realize interoperability between the railway undertakings a virtual train control center is developed allowing for IT based data exchange (Orders, planning data, production data) in real time and on a strategic, tactical and executive level The IT system will include services for collaborative Supply Chain Planning and Execution, Supply chain event management as well as a customer information center with proactive messaging in case of delays and other exceptions. The most suitable model for the start of the RETRACK service appears to be an anchor model, in which a few anchor customers commit themselves to reserve the majority of the train capacity. These anchor customers are forwarders, representing their customers. The spare capacity can be used to apply yield management. Transpetrol plays a key role as anchor customer and is working on sharing the commercial risk with other train operators like HUPAC and Raillink, who can also offer cargo for the RETRACK service, functioning as feeder services to the RETRACK service. SCM SCM SCP SCP Strategic Strategic Tactical Operational Executive Tactical Operational Executive Collaborative Strategic Collaborative Strategic Planning Planning/ Planning PlanningProduction Production Planning/ Planning Month Month -Alert -Alert Management Management -Order / Procure -Order / Procure Scheduling Scheduling Opt.Opt. Resource Allocation Resource Allocation -Solve -SolveProblems Problems Week Week Day Day SCE -Proceed SCE -Proceed -Transport -Transport -Reaction -Reactionon on changes changesin in Planning Planning More Information Contact: Coordinator: Arnaud.Burgess Commercial: [email protected] Project Website: 24 -Dispatch -Dispatch Hour Hour SCMSCM = Supply Chain Management SCP = Supply Chain Planning = Supply Chain Management SCEM = Supply Chain Event Management SCEM = Supply Chain Event ManagementSCE = Supply Chain Execution SCP = Supply Chain Planning SCE = Supply Chain Execution SCE SCE -Exception -Exception Handling SCEM Handling SCEM Capacity Planning Capacity Planning Available-to-Promise Available-to-Promise YearYear SCEM SCEM Rhinecontainer Tight collaboration on the Rhine with Service Level Agreements 25 Starting Point Rhinecontainer Tight collaboration on the Rhine with Service Level Agreements Since 1978 RHINECONTAINER maintains a regular scheduled container service between the Benelux ports and several Rhine and Main ports. In a regular schedule 21 barges and barge combinations are being exploited. RHINECONTAINER offers her customers a quick and frequent intermodal transport alternative to and from the rhinebank terminals. Via seven strategically located container terminals of its partner Wincanton (Neuss, Frankfurt, Mainz, Worms, Mannheim, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe), and by several "free terminals" (Emmelsum, Emmerich, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Bonn, Wörth, Kehl, Strasbourg, Ottmarsheim, Basel, etc.) Rhinecontainer can offer trimodal (barge, rail, and road) services from several terminals in the Hinterland. Main Achievements x x x Quick, reliable and frequent intermodal transport to and from inland terminals along the Rhine/Main Collaboration between many actors Steps forward in a very conventional sector Main Innovations x x Use of Service Level Agreements (SLA) Implementation of KPI’s Motivation x x x Undercapacity in the Main Ports Unreliable transshipment times in main ports Customers require reliable and frequent services, which they can incorporate in Just-In-Time concepts Main challenges Main challenges Main companies involved x x x x x x Rhinecontainer Wincanton DeCeTe (Duisburg) H & S Container Line GmbH Container Allianz Niederrhein (CAN) Haeger & Schmidt International Implementation date Since 1978, Contract with DeCeTe including SLA implemented in 2007 Transport/Geographical characteristics x Inland Waterway transport between Benelux ports, Rhine and Main ports Due to enormous increase in container traffic and lack of transshipment capacity in the sea ports, there are congestion problems at the sea terminals. Since priority is given to deepsea, inland barges are confronted with unreliable and sometimes long waiting times. Solution Rhinecontainer therefore tries to cooperate with both deepsea and inland terminal operators to cope with the congestion in ports, exploiting dedicated lines from for example the ECT terminal in Rotterdam (contracted by a Service Level Agreement (SLA)) to the Hinterland and agreements on fixed terms at the APM terminal in Rotterdam, through Maersk Line. Besides these specific operational agreements, Rhinecontainer has strategic partnerships with terminal operators to better guarantee 26 the service availability and quality of service in the German terminals. x x Service Level Agreements Together with H & S Container Line GmbH, Rhinecontainer signed a contract with DeCeTe Duisburg for a container barge service between the terminal and the ports of Antwerp (18 000 TEU) and Rotterdam (70 000 TEU). The contract incorporates a dedicated service from DeCeTe to ECT according to strict Service Level Agreements. Goal of this SLA is to improve the total service, with the difficult operational circumstances in the seaports in mind. x x x Efficient operation, through low transit times and less idle capacity Less risk as the SLA provides some guarantees and more control on the work process/chain. Quality improvements because of the KPI Market share increases from the sector in total transport Modal shift as barge transport regains popularity. This contract differs from the “normal” short-time agreements. It works as a framework, in which parties cooperate and record commitment in reciprocal rights and obligations. Special about the SLA is that it explicitly considers several Key Performance Indicators: frequency, information exchange, timing of information exchange and sailing schedule. The second element of the SLA considers price agreements. Main barriers and problems The barriers for collaboration on the Rhine are: x Contradictions in national legislations form an institutional barrier. The paperwork, which is required on board, for example differs in Belgium and The Netherlands. Besides international differences, national authorities also lack consistent policies on some occurrences. x The competitive situation at the hinterland terminals hinders cooperation x The non-cooperative attitude among larger barge operators and holdings. x Insufficient chance to form partnerships. Evaluation of the KPI’s is done on the basis of prescheduled evaluation moments. These meetings give partners the opportunity to reconsider the definition and progress on the indicators. The Rhinecontainer contract is regarded a pilot, and does not yet include penalties and rewards. Benefits The benefits of strategic alliances, operational cooperation and the new services are: x Improvements of the port-to-door service which can be offered to customers x The supply of intermodal (barge, rail, road) solutions to their customers (supply chain focus) x Diminishing of the problems resulting from congestion at terminals in seaports x Scheduled services with reliable frequency, because of combined load and destinations 27 Main success factors Following factors are critical for success: x Willingness to cooperate among large companies, both internally (chain partners) and externally (competitors), increases x Change in culture: the sector is rather conservative, resulting in outdated strategies and business processes. Customers require integrated intermodal services where actvities along the corridor are well connected. More Information Marcel Hulsker, Rhinecontainer Tel: +31 78 625 15 55 E-mail : [email protected] Roder & RO-RO Group of companies An inovative approach for sustainable intermodal transport 28 RODER & UN Ro-Ro group of companies: an innovative approach for sustainable intermodal transport Main achievements x x x Modal shift of 4 billion ton-km per year from road to intermodal solutions A total benefit of 77.4 million Euros created environmentally and socially on one round trip scale 90% utilization of trains Main innovations x x x x x x Starting point UN Ro-Ro group of companies are service providers in the field of Short Sea Shipping established for the purpose of providing Ro-Ro services from Turkey to Italy. Towards the end of 1992, the conflict in former Yugoslavia reached such a high level that it was no longer possible for Turkish vehicles to transit through this territory. Alternative transit routes (through Romania and Hungary) were introduced, but they were not adequate due to the bad road conditions, long waiting time at border crossings and huge amounts of road charges. Faced with the reality of being incapable to trade with the rest of Europe, these set of constraints were been shared by various decision makers who were seeking alternative solutions. Solution Creation of sustainable intermodal lines, which enables regular transshipping of heavy goods vehicles from Turkey to Europe through the ports of Turkey and Trieste, Italy. Customisation of vehicles prior to their destination Electronic lodging of customs transit declarations Transfer of semi-trailers Integration of air + bus transport for the drivers Web tracking of vehicles on board A State of the art Ro-Ro terminal: Pendik Motivation x x x x Increasing economy / traffic flows Conflicts in former Yugoslavia Improving customer service and flexibility Contributing to sustainable mobility Main companies involved x x Roder IKT.ISL. UN Ro-Ro group of companies Sustainable mobility: adding value The Project supports the general objectives of sustaining mobility with reduced congestion, reduced environmental impact and enhanced safety while creating added value for users in terms of operational and depreciation costs. Implementation date x 1994 Transport/geographical characteristics x x Intermodal line Pendik/Ambarli/Cesme (TUR)-Trieste (ITA) Europe Web tracking of vehicles on board Through a web site, it is possible to track the vehicles on board of the vessel at all times. This is very important, not only from the transport operators’ view, but also for shippers particularly seeking just in time deliveries for their operations. 29 Integration of air + bus transport for transfer of drivers The transfer of vehicles over to Trieste is realized in an un-accompanied type of environment. Therefore, there is a need for transferring the drivers over to Trieste so they would be able to pick up their vehicles once these are berthing. By doing so, the driver is effectively saving a total of approximately 4 days; providing a social added value for their morale where they can spend the time at their company headquarters. The system can really be considered as to employ all transport modalities available. Transfer of semi trailers In this mode of transport, tractor units are located in both ports whereby, only the semi-trailers are boarded onto the vessels. The semi–trailers are then coupled with the tractor units located on either side, and moved onto their final destination as complete units. The complete units are no longer boarded, enabling to increase the capacity of the vessel significantly by up to 20%. This provides the added advantage for cutting down on operational costs, as reducing the capital investment on trucks. Today, almost 57% of the vehicles boarded onto the vessels are composed of semi–trailers * Graphical representation of how the line is developed over a period of a decade since 1994 Terminal Pendik The Pendik Ro-Ro terminal was put into operation in May 2005 and plays a vital role in the enhancement of the intermodal lines. This moved the traffic away from the city and provided a much ambitious and effective service. The terminal has an open area of 110.000 sq. meters capable of accommodating 1000 vehicles for export and import. It is equipped with the Gamma Ray device enabling the detection of human smuggling, illicit and dangerous material. Five tugging vehicles are employed on the sites which are used for the tugging of semi- trailers to and from the vessels. Results and experiences x Modal shift of 4 billion ton-km per year from road to an to an Intermodal environment x A total benefit of 77.4 million Euros created environmentally and socially x 90% utilization of trains x Integration of all transport modalities x 58.3% of the Turkish vehicles utilizing the Ro-Ro route represent half of the exports of the country x Experience in transferring of more than 180.000 vehicles and additional cargo Main success factors x x x x Customisation of vehicles prior to their arrival in Trieste Once vehicles are boarded onto RoRo vessel, the customs documents relevant to vehicles are sent to Trieste two days prior to the arrival of the vessel. The most of the vehicles’ customs formalities are completed well before their arrival. The vehicle is ready to go once it has disembarked from the vessel. A considerable time is saved through this means serving the purpose of Just in Time concept. All customs formalities and agency works are carried electronically. Constructive approach of all involved companies Truckers become ‘stakeholders’ of RoRo vessels Focus on quality and customer satisfaction ‘Green thinking’ More information x x / [email protected] Phone: 0090- 212 – 3771377 * Winner ‘Intermodal Award’ EIA – edition 2005 30 Shortsea XML 31 Shortsea XML The core objective of Shortsea XML is to introduce a common messaging solution which has the potential of reducing overall costs by 1020% thereby increasing the competitiveness of shortsea shipping when compared to road. Shortsea XML supports network of shippers, carriers, ports, intermediaries and IT providers who are working together to develop information exchange in logistics and maritime business. Starting Point Shortsea shipping entities need to harmonize the exchange of data with parties in the transport chain to become more efficient. Customers demand up-to-date information and quick response time. The parties also need to report efficiently to authorities in each different country. Seaborne transport chains involve many parties. The transport administration costs represent 2030% of the total costs. Access to information can be limited, resulting in slow response time to customers. Transport units can be utilized better if opportunities were more visible. Shippers demand increasingly electronic integration with their transport providers. EDI is widely used in deep sea and, to some extent, feeder shipping. Different lines have adopted different EDI versions. Authorities in various EU countries are adopting different reporting solutions. Some countries have defined their own transport XML solutions. Solution Main Achievements Building on existing standards and working with a range of European partners, Shortsea XML is established as the next generation of business process integration. This will deliver enhanced flexibility and ease of use for all parties (irrespective of size) in the door-to-door transport chain. The processes of scheduling, booking, operations and status form the core of the message suite. Main companies involved It –Suppliers Seagha, Softship, viaMichelin, Shippers, transport buyers Borregård, Norske Skog, Take Cargo Lines Colorline Cargo, Containerships, DFDS Lysline, Sea Cargo, NCL Shortsea Promotion Centers Sea and Water, SPC Finland, SPC France, SPC Netherlands, SPC Norway Standardisation organisations Copas, NorStella, SMGD Ports Risavika Port, Port Infolink, Portnet, Port of Bilbao Authoritory Norwegian Coastal Administration Shortsea XML is a new message procedure designed to streamline the administration processes within shortsea based logistics chain. The recommended messages – based on XML technology – comprise the core processes of scheduling, booking, operations and invoicing. Implementing these new standards within a supply chain will help to reduce costs, cut administration, streamline process and, ultimately, improve the competitiveness of shortsea transport. Messages All documentation, messages and samples can be downloaded from the website The Shortsea XML Schedules is used for distribution of ship schedules from the shipping lines to its customers and partners. The receiver is normally an agent, a forwarder, a shipper, a transport portal or a trailer operator. The sender is normally a shipping line or its agent. The first version: Shortsea_XML_Schedule_1.2. 32 Shortsea XML Booking is used for booking of Cargo Consignment or Equipment (Containers, Trailers etc) for short sea Port-to-Port or Door-toDoor shipment. The Transport Buyer is normally an agent of a deep sea line, a forwarder, a shipper or a trailer operator. The Transport Provider is normally a shipping line or its agent. Current version: Shortsea_XML_Booking_1.2. Shortsea XML Manifest is suitable for both small and large organisations. The Shortsea XML Manifest message is used for manifest documentation of cargo Shortsea XML Status is suitable for both small and large organisations. The Shortsea XML Status message is used for distribution of cargo status. First version: Shortsea_XML_Status_1.2. Main benefits - Simplify and streamline administrative processes Reduce administrative errors Improve transparency Improve customer service Save man hours and free-up staff Improved data quality The following parties benefit from Shortsea XML: shippers lines and agents, terminals and stevedores, transport partners (road haulers, railroad and barge operators) and authorities (port, customs and safety). XML Web Services The ESN Web Services will include a number of items. They will be available on the central ESN web site and the web site of each country. The Web Services include: x Shortsea Directory x Port-to-Port Schedules x Door-to-Door Schedules x Enquiries More Information Results and experiences The Shortsea XML project has delivered a suite of standard based messages covering the core business processes related to scheduling, booking, cargo documentation (manifest), and status reporting. The Shortsea XML message library has been designed specifically for users and providers of shortsea transport. It is flexible and easy to use. The XML schemas are written to comply with UN/CEFACT’s global standards and have been developed using UN/CEFACT Core Component Library. Shortsea XML can be used to exchange the data between the parties in the transport chain: Consignments, Cargo Items, Packaging, Equipment, Services, Transport Leg, Transport Mean, Dangerous Cargo, Charge Items, Terms, Customs Information, and Status. Shortsea XML can be used for: 33 x Feeder, Door-to-Door and Industry Shipments x Unitized Cargo and Break Bulk x Full Container Load and Less than Container Loads. x Container and Ro-Ro carriers Initiative was made by the members of the European Shortsea Network ESN. NorStella has been the lead Partner and have coordinated the project. The projected ended 15. September 2008, but a Usergroup has been established to continue the development and promotion work. One of the tasks will be to produce an invoice message based on UN/CEFACTS Cross Industry Invoice. See for more details. For further information please contact ShortSea XML at [email protected] or Project Manager Mariann Sundvor at [email protected] or [email protected] The following IT providers offer their services Chainlab Norway Port IT, Dakosy Hamburg Port IT, Gyptis Marseille Port IT, Intris Antwerpen Logistic IT, Norstella Oslo Norway Logistic IT, Port inforlink Rotterdam Port ITPragma Maritime Oslo Norway Port IT, SMDG Rotterdam Liner IT, Logistic IT, Softship Hamburg Liner ITTranswide Brussels Logistic IT StoraEnso System traffic 34 Starting Point System Traffic Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging, and forest products company, producing publication and fine paper, packaging board, and wood products. The main production facilities for the European market are in the Nordic countries. In the mid 1990ies, the company started a drive to, at the same time, improve the environmental performance and reduce cost of logistics operations. Solution In order to achieve a customer demand-driven, quick response logistics operation, Local Distribution Centres have been established close to customers. To service the distribution centres, an integrated logistics solution using the Port of Gothenburg as the main hub was established. Main Achievements x x x x Concentrating cargo flows – reducing cost Transferring … tons from road to rail and Short Sea Shipping Reducing lead times Improved environmental performance Main Innovations x x x x Density of cargo using the Stora Enso Cargo Unit (SECU) and special rail wagons Cargo handling concept and technology in ports with capacity equivalent to 250-400 TEUs per hour Vessel designs supporting efficient cargo handling Vessel technology reducing emissions Motivation x x x Reducing the environmental impact of transport and distribution Reducing logistics cost Reducing the lead times Density of Cargo Density of cargo is one factor in achieving low cost of transport. To achieve the desired density of cargo, and to automate a number of the handling operations in the supply chain, the Stora Enso Cargo Unit (SECU) was introduced. The SECU is a weather protected RoRo cassette ISO certified for 93,5 gross tonnes, with dimensions 3,6x3,6x13,8 m, and adapted to Sweden’s new and larger rail profile “C”. There are two types of SECUs, one for manual loading and one for automatic loading. Main companies involved x x Stora Enso Green Cargo, Wagenborg, Cobelfret, B&N Nordsjöfrakt , ports of Gothenburg, Zeebrügge, Tilbury, Immingham, Kotka, Ajos, Oulu and Lübeck Implementation date x x Concept development : 1996-1999 Implementation period: 2000-2006 Transport/Geographical characteristics x x Linking the Nordic countries to the Continent and UK Intermodal – road, rail, waterborne Improved Quality A side effect of using the SECUs, specifically using automatic loading and unloading of the boxes, is increased paper quality. The total number of times the paper rolls need to be handled is reduced, hence the possibilities for inflicting damage during transport. 35 Unique Vessels All vessels used in these operations are based on the concept designed in the EU project IPSI. The cargo holds are completely rectangular and accommodates very efficient cargo handling, including automatic loading and unloading – using RoRo. The vessels may efficiently transport different types of load units: SECUs, trailers and a variety of containers and other cargo that may be placed on RoRo cassettes. these. This includes equipping the SECU with smart tags and each paper roll is given a unique identity. Careful planning results in proper utilization of transport resources and smart tags ensure proper tracking and tracing. Very cost effective A number of projects have been carried out to analyse the cost of transport from the Nordic countries to customers on the continent. In the first phase of implementation (serving only the Swedish mills) the following graph shows significant cost benefits for the Stora Enso solution. 50 Traditional sideport and breakbulk technology 45 StoraEnso 40 Traditional RoRo solution 35 USD/ton 30 25 20 Even though the vessel cost is higher than the cost of container handling, time in port for these vessels is significally shorter than for container feedering vessels. Hence, the cost of moving one container may well be lower using this solution than using conventional container feedering. The vessels have also installed equipment for selective catalytic cleaning exhaust gases. The result is a NOx reduction down to 0,10 gram per kilowatt-hour for the 5 vessels in operations, measured at the third certification by the Swedish Maritime Administration. More than 250 TEUs per Hour Cassettes and SECUs are being loaded and unloaded using translifters and tractors. Including extra transport and distribution terminal 15 10 5 0 0 2 Transport to POL 4 POL Handling 6 8 10 Vessel transport 12 14 POD Handling Results and experiences The Stora Enso System Traffic solution has been fully operational (5 ships) long enough to draw the conclusion that it is a great success. Despite the fact that Stora Enso is using the large boxes, SECUs, the port terminals and the ships are generic and can support any cargo that can be placed on RoRo cassettes. The system is robust and reliable and has proven to provide a solution for the short sea shipping operation that should be a model for future EU developments in the area of Motorways of the Sea. Main benefits In summary, for Stora Enso, there have been three major benefits: Measurements in the Port of Gothenburg show cargo handling capacity equivalent to 250-400 TEUs per hour. The cost of the ramp and the necessary equipment needed for achieving this performance is approximately 20% of the cost of a container crane with a capacity of 30 TEUs per hour. The harmonized vessel cargo hold and ramp design facilitates automatic cargo handling using automatically guided vehicles with a potential capacity of more than 1100 TEUs per hour. Integrated management of the complete supply chain Alongside the development of the development of the physical logistics operations, Stora Enso has continuously developed their systems for managing 36 x Improved frequency and reliability x Lower cost x Improved environmental profile in transport Main success factors x x x Strategic decisions made by Stora Enso Development of an integrated standardised solution. Willingness to innovate. More Information Contact: Karin Nordell Stora Enso Logistics Asgatan 22 SE-791 80 Falun Sweden Tel. + 46 1046 150 00 Fax. + 46 23 294 38 e-mail: [email protected] 16 Volvo The “8” and “Eurobridge” 37 Starting Point The ”8” and “EuroBridge” Volvo’s factories are recognised as “peripheral” in relation to customers. This result in a distance handicap compared to other vehicle manufacturers. Transport efficiency is decisive to compensate for the distance handicap. When staring the activities, Volvo already had a premium, sustainable operation. The cost, however, was not optimal and the environmental impact could be reduced. The “8” Main Achievements x x x The “8” operates two trains per day in each direction: x Olofström- Gothenburg-Olofström x Olofström/Umeå-Ghent-Olofström/Umeå Organising efficient rail operations through 5 countries (with different languages), with 5 rail operators and no transparency between them, governments demanding return on rail infrastructure investments, several unions of transport workers, Robust solution by having two operations working in parallel, the EuroBridge acting as a back-up for the “8” when required. 1 100 truck movements from Gothenburg to Norway have been removed. Main Innovations x x x Harmonisation of rail operations in 5 countries with different cultures and languages Common quality handbook for the complete operation used by all operators Organisational set-up and use of KPIs that have resulted in very reliable services (95% reliability in arrival times). Motivation x x Reducing logistics cost Reducing the environmental impact of transport Main companies involved x x x Volvo Logistics Rail: Green Cargo, Railion Denmark, DB Cargo, Railion NL, SNCB SSS: DFDS Tor Line. Implementation date x Volvo Logistics acts as the manager of the supply chain. Volvo logistics then interacts with Green Cargo, who has the complete responsibility for organising the rail transport activities from origin to destination. Fully operational since 2002 Transport/Geographical characteristics x x Linking the Sweden to Belgium Intermodal – road, rail, waterborne Winner ‘Intermodal Award’ EIA – edition 2005 38 with very little warehousing, this parameter is very important. Quality Two essential quality criteria are used: x Reliability of the service in time x Quality of cargo delivered (the same condition in origin and destination). The measured reliability in time is 95%, despite difficult weather conditions, the need to organise rail transport in 5 countries (with different languages), governmental demand for return on rail infrastructure investments, and involving many unions of transport workers. The approach to secure the quality of the cargo delivered has been to develop procedures for damage prevention, where the transport service providers have been involved with the Volvo Damage Prevention at the Risk Management department. x Robustness achieved by having redundancy between a rail-based operation and one using short sea shipping. x Low cost through high utilisation of transport resources Main benefits The benefits of the Volvo Logistics transport solution (The “8”) may be summarised as follows: x The solution is reliable with precision better than 95% x Using the “8”, the round trip time between Olofström and Gothenburg was reduced from 30 hours to 20 hours, including terminal handling time. x Using the “8”, the round trip time between Gothenburg and gent reduced from 90 hours to 64 hours, including terminal handling time. x Compared to road only transport, the solution is less environmentally harmful x The solution is flexible and able to handle fluctuations in volumes (carrying different number of wagons) x The solution has a significant potential for expansion EuroBridge Transport between Gothenburg and Ghent is crucial to Volvo’s operations. As a consequence, Volvo has an additional independent service between these locations, the Short Sea Shipping operation EuroBridge offered by DFDS Tor Line. When necessary, the EuroBridge may function as a backup for the “8”. EuroBridge Results and experiences The two systems have been operating successfully for a number of years. EuroBridge functions well as a backup for the “8” when required. x It is a good showcase for efficient intermodal solutions In addition, the EuroBridge has been developed to increase the reliability of service and has reduced the lead time from Gothenburg to Gent from 42 to 36 hours. The extra time has enabled service Brevik in Norway once a week with card form Gent. In 2004, 8804 cars were transported from Gent to Brevik using EuroBridge. Earlier these cars were first transported to Gothenburg and then to Norway using trucks. As a result of the new schedule of EuroBridge, 1100 truck movements from Gothenburg to Norway were eliminated. Main success factors x The solutions would not have been developed without Volvo Logistics’ initiative and determination. This is another example where innovative transport solutions are not created by transport service providers, but by their customer. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used extensively by all participants in the operations. A single security handbook covering the complete operation from Ghent to Gothenburg was achieved, used by all companies involved. The main strengths of the solution are efficiency, reliability, robustness and low cost of operation. 39 x The efficiency measured in reduced lead times. x The reliability (95% in relation to the time schedule) for a just in time production set-up x x Strategic decisions and persistence from Volvo Logistics Willingness to adapt in all participating rail operators Organising the operation with clear door-todoor responsibilities More Information Contact: Gina Hernefjord Volvo Logistics Corporation 76100 ARH9 SE-405 08 Gothenburg Sweden Phone: +46 31 661780. E-mail: [email protected]
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