NORDIC DATA JOURNALISM CONFERENCE #NODA16 Preliminary Programme for NODA16 & Tutki!2016 Joint Conference Thursday April 21st NODA16 Academic Pre-Conference Location: Runeberg-hall, Fabianinkatu 33, 2nd floor, University of Helsinki. Organized by Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä in co-operation with Swedish School of Social Science at University of Helsinki 9.00–10.00 Registration 10.00–10.01 Welcome! 13.45-14.00 Data journalism education in Finland – planning the 2nd wave by Esa Sirkkunen 10.01–11.00 First Academic Keynote: Professor Paul Bradshaw (City University of Birmingham) – Data and Power Chair Turo Uskali: Chair Turo Uskali: 14.15–14.30 The paternalistic side of data journalism by Ester Appelgren 11.00–11.15 Research on Data Journalism: What is there to investigate? Insights from a Structured Literature Review by Julian Ausserhofer, Robert Gutounig, Michael Oppermann, Sarah Matiasek and Eva Goldgruber 11.15–11.30 Defining types of data journalism projects by Andreas Veglis & Charalampos 11.30–11.45 Classifying Data Journalism. A Content Analysis of Data-Driven Stories by Florian Stalph, 11.45–12.00 Data journalism: the missing link between the politics of open data and the myth of citizen data literacy? by Eddy Borges-Rey 12.00–13.00 LUNCH 14.00–14.15 Ethics of data journalism by Heikki Kuutti 14.30–14.45 The Use of Data Personalisation in Data Journalism Stories of the New York Times and The Guardian by Hussain Aldossari 14.45–15.00 Designing an Argument: Computational Journalism and Design Thinking by Eirik Stavelin & Joakim Karlsen COFFEE BREAK 15 MIN Chair Ester Appelgren: 15.15–15.30 Drone journalism Review: Current practice, legal frameworks and drone futures by John Mills Chair Ester Appelgren: 15.30–15.45 Drone exploration in journalism – a triplex approach to action by Astrid Gynnild 13.00–13.15 Media Mill: Defining hyperlocal data journalism by Andrew Scott Dickinson 15.45–16.00 Algorithms in the newsrooms – what to expect? by Carl-Gustav Lindén 13.15–13.30 Chilling effect: regional journalists’ source protection and information security practice in the wake of the Snowden and RIPA revelations by Paul Bradshaw 16.00–17.00 Second Academic Keynote: Associate Professor Nicholas Diakopoulos (University of Maryland) 13.30–13.45 Towards mobile data journalism: The new challenges of smaller screens by Turo Uskali 18.00–19.00 Reception by City of Helsinki, Old Town Hall (Aleksanterinkatu 20) Preliminary Programme for NODA16 & Tutki!2016 Joint Conference Friday April 22nd Organized by Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä in co-operation with Swedish School of Social Science at University of Helsinki NORDIC DATA JOURNALISM CONFERENCE #NODA16 The final programme will be updated before the conference and might change slightly 8.30 Registration & Coffee 9.00–9.30 Grand opening of NODA16 & Tutki!2016 NODA Track 1 NODA16 Track 2 Tutki!2016 Track 1 Tutki!2016 Track 2 9.30–12.00 Tekes program, Keynote TBA 9.30–12.00 Workshop: How to design interesting data visualizations. Jan Willem Tulp, TULP Interactive 9.30–12.00 Workshop: Effective search with Henk van Ess 9.30–11.00 Excelin alkeet. Kurssilla opetetaan, miten käytät taulukkolaskentaohjelma Exceliä tehokkaasti journalismin apuna. Sopii myös aloittelijalle. Hanna Takala, MTV Uutiset 11.00–12.00 Miten tutkiva toimittaja raapii elantonsa kasaan? Juha Kauppinen ja Annina Vainio, Sarkamedia LUNCH 12.00–13.00 13.00–14.00 Workshop: Helena Bengtsson COFFEE 14.00–14.15 14.15–15.00 Workshop: Helena Bengtsson 15.00–16.00 Workshop: What’s the Story with Algorithms? Nicholas Diakopoulos, University of Maryland 13.00–14.00 Presentation: Analytics of news apps: How Yle (Finnish Broadcasting Company) monitors the use of their tailored news applications (maps, calculators, web services, data tools, etc.). What to do and what not to do and what we at Yle have learned from analytics. Teemo Tebest, data journalist, Yleisradio COFFEE 14.00–14.15 14.15–16.00 Presentation: NODA Awards 16.00–17.00 Keynote: My journey in data journalism, from the Guardian to Google, Simon Rogers, data editor at Google 13.00–14.00 Google deeper. Dan Russell, Google 13.00–14.00 Näin luet ja tulkitset tilinpäätöstä. Antti Aho, Talenom COFFEE 14.00–14.15 14.15–15.00 Google deeper. Dan Russell, Google 15.00–16.00 Case: Follow the money. Miranda Patrucic 16.00–17.00 Methods; Follow the money. Miranda Patrucic ALSO: 19.00 Conference dinner and party at Restaurant Sipuli! 14.15–15.00 Näin luet ja tulkitset tilinpäätöstä. Antti Aho, Talenom 15.00–16.00 Kuntien rahan- ja vallankäyttö. Katja Kuokkanen, HS & Taneli Koponen, Aamulehti 16.00–17.00 Huippututkimus johti harhaan. VTT:n tutkimusryhmän jäsenet raportoivat vuosia johdolle vakavista tiedevilppiepäilyistä. VTT tarttui ongelmiin vasta pakon edessä, syytti huonoa työilmapiiriä ja salasi ulkopuolisen kritiikin. Ilman henkilölähteitä epäilyä olisi ollut liki mahdoton havaita. Entä mitä uutisista jätettiin ulos ja miksi? / Katja Kuokkanen, HS Preliminary Programme for NODA16 & Tutki!2016 Joint Conference Saturday April 23rd Organized by Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä in co-operation with Swedish School of Social Science at University of Helsinki NORDIC DATA JOURNALISM CONFERENCE #NODA16 The final programme will be updated before the conference and might change slightly NODA Track 1 NODA16 Track 2 Tutki!2016 Track 1 Tutki!2016 Track 2 10.00–12.00 Net hatred and safety for journalists. Mostafa Schurmann, SVT 10.00–11.00 Osasto G1:n kauhut. Vanhuspotilaita pahoinpideltiin vuosikausia psykiatrisella osastolla. Lehti toi pimitetyt väärinkäytökset yleisön tietoon. / Rebekka Härkönen, Turun Sanomat (tämä vielä varmistamatta Härköseltä!!) 11.00–12.00 Näin hyödynnät julkisuuslakia tehokkaasti. Susanna Reinboth, HS COFFEE 8.30–9.00 9.00–10.00 Free your data is over. Now, we need data to free us. Nicolas Kayser-Bril, Journalism++. As journalists are assaulted in the streets of Cologne, Berlin or Paris, as media laws are tightened in Poland, as censorship is reintroduced in France, is there anything datajournalism can do? Or will we remain nerds sitting at our desks? Can data play a role in defending freedom of the press? Or are JSON files too cold to be of use? 10.00–11.00 10.00–11.00 Workshop: Building a news robot: Jens Presentation: Reeta Pöyhtäri, UNESCO’s ExFinnäs, Journalism++ Stockholm pert for Journalists’ Safety Indicators, and Katja 11.00–12.00 Frostell, Data Outreach, Advocay and Publishing, TBA UNESCO Institute for Statistics 11.00–12.00 Presentation: Two years of learning: Making special feature layouts on web and on mobile. Esa Mäkinen, data journalist, Helsingin Sanomat LUNCH 12.00–13.00 13.00–14.00 TBA 13.00–14.00 How to think like a data scientist: Reijo Sund, associate professor, University of Helsinki COFFEE 14.00–14.15 14.15–15.00 Workshop: Bring your mapping skills to the next level: Exploring CartoDB’s advanced features. Nicolas Kayser-Bril, Journalism++ 15.00–16.00 Presentation: Creating a Story in Virtual Reality. Ville Juutilainen, Journalist, Yle Plus 14.15–15.00 Open data and data journalism: debate with open data producers and users: Erik Borälv, manager for open innovation at Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency. 15.00–16.00 Presentation: Ahmia: search engine for the dark net with Juha Nurmi Doors close at 16.00 LUNCH 12.00–13.00 13.00–14.00 Tutkivaa journalismia uutis kiireessä. Miten syvennät nopeasti uutistasi ja teet kriittiset kysymykset haastatel tavalle. Tuomo Pietiläinen Helsingin Sanomat LUNCH 12.00–13.00 13.00–14.00 Kuinka toimittajat ovat hyödyntäneet julkista tietoa. Show and tell. Susanna Reinboth, HS COFFEE 14.00–14.15 14.15–15.00 Journalistin ohjeiden ja lainsäädännön kipukohdat tutkivassa työssä. Asiantuntijoina mediakysymyksiin erikoistunut asianajaja Jussi Haara ja Yleisradion etiikkapäällikkö Riitta Pihlajamäki. Keskustelun vetää Salla Vuorikoski. 14.15–16.00 The amazing story of a big crossboarder investigation. Bastian Obermayer, Süddeutche Zeitung
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