The Post-Star, Glens Falls, N.Y. ARTS | LIFE u Friday, February 7, 2014 — D5 u Show follows NBA journey DEAR ABBY ‘Summer Dreams’ profiles basketball players on CBS HOLIDAY MATHIS By MICHAEL MAROT Couple at odds over race DEAR ABBY: I have been dating someone for about six months. We fell in love very quickly and spend almost every second together. Our relationship has hit a rough patch ever since he found out I dated AfricanAmerican men. He can’t seem to get over it, but he keeps saying he wants to try to make it work. He says cruel things sometimes when he gets mad, and it seems to be on his mind constantly. I don’t know what to do or how to make this better. We fell in love, but it seems to be spoiled because of my past. This isn’t a big deal to me. I have always dated people I thought were good people. He seems to view it as disgusting. What should I do? ROCKY ROAD IN THE SOUTH DEAR ROCKY ROAD: Give him a hug and let him go. You are the sum total of your experiences and your upbringing, and the same is true of your boyfriend. He comes from a background of racial prejudice. When a person is raised that way, the mindset can be very diicult to change. DEAR ABBY: I’m writing to you in the hope you will share something with your readers. When I travel, I stay in hotels and it never ceases to amaze me how inconsiderate my fellow travelers can be. Late at night, the drunken party animals carry on, often until the sun rises. Then, families with small children invade the halls, and the kids race up and down the halls screaming. Parents, please teach your children manners. This includes not playing noisily where people are trying to sleep. SLEEPLESS NEAR SEATTLE DEAR SLEEPLESS: I have experienced the same dificulties you have while traveling. Here’s how I deal with it: I pick up the phone and notify the front desk or security if there are rowdy drunks keeping me awake after 10 p.m. — and the same goes for neighbors who have the volume on their television sets turned up so high I can’t sleep. If the problem persists, I ask to be moved to a quieter room. As for the screaming children chasing each other in the hallways, I have been known to poke my sleepy head out the door and ask them to please quiet down. Maybe I have just been lucky, but they usually do. DEAR ABBY: I was married to my high school sweetheart, “Linda,” for 37 years. I am a widower now, going into a new relationship. “Susan” and I are going slow, but we may end up living together in my home. How do I integrate pictures of Linda with Susan being there? I have one of Linda and the kids, one of the two of us, and a painting of Linda and me together. Eventually I will want one with me and Susan. LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE DEAR L.S.T.: I am a great believer in verbal communication. Like many other things in relationships, this should be discussed and negotiated. Talk to Susan about it and see if she would be comfortable living in your home with these pictures on display. If you plan to combine households, Susan may have some photos of her own she would like to display. Write Dear Abby at Associated Press INDIANAPOLIS u Michael Carter-Williams spent most of his basketball life trying to say all the right things in public. Last summer, he inally got a chance to be himself on camera. The quiet former Syracuse star agreed to let a television crew proile his journey through the NBA’s summer league and now the whole world can get a glimpse at what is like for a star player when “Summer Dreams” premieres on CBS during the heart of March Madness. The reality program features four NBA rookie prospects — Carter-Williams, Dallas Mavericks guard Shane Larkin, Romero Osby and Dwayne Davis — NBA referee hopeful Lauren Holtkamp and NBA D-League coach Joel Abelson as they try to take the next big steps in their careers. Most of the participants saw it as an opportunity to gain exposure. Carter-Williams wanted others to see a side of life he rarely shows. “I think the biggest diference was it wasn’t me having to necessarily say the right thing,” the Philadelphia 76ers guard told The Associated Press. “I could say what I felt about the game. I didn’t have to pretend to be anyone else.” The show is scheduled to air in a two-hour slot Saturday night after CBS broadcasts its fourth and inal game of the day and less than 24 hours before the NCAA tournament pairings are announced on Selection Sunday. Network executives are betting that will be a ratings winner. But that’s not why executive producer Mike Tollin took on this project. He wanted to give basketball fans a look into a world that looks like a combination of baseball’s winter meetings and the NFL’s annual scouting while providing a platform that goes well beyond the high-proile stars such as Carter-Williams and Larkin, both irst-round picks in June. Osby, Orlando’s secondround pick, and Davis, an CHRIS SZAGOLA—ASSOCIATED PRESS Philadelphia 76ers’ Michael Carter-Williams goes up for a shot Wednesday during the second half of an NBA basketball game against the Boston Celtics in Philadelphia. Carter-Williams agreed to be proiled for ‘Summer Nights,’ which premieres March 15 on CBS. undrafted free agent, got a chance to show they could compete against NBA-caliber talent. Osby was averaging 16.2 points with Maine in the D-League until being waived after sustaining a seasonending right shoulder injury Jan. 11. Davis is scoring 9.7 points for UCAM Murica, a Spanish team. Holtkamp used the Las Vegas games to audition in front of Joe Borgia, vice president of NBA referee operations, and has worked a handful of NBA contests this season. Abelson turned the week into his own personal job fair, searching for a new job after being ired as head coach of Sioux Falls (S.D.) Skyforce. He landed the head coaching job with Reno, a D-League ailiate of the Sacramento Kings, and the Bighorns were tied for the West Division lead at 16-11. “I’ve done a lot of sports documentaries and I’m always attracted to the underdog. It gives us the hope and the belief that dreams come true there (in Vegas) and great stories emerge,” Tollin said. “I’d like to have people discover the Las Vegas summer league and appreciate how hard it is to get there, how long the odds are people have to overcome to become one of the chosen.” The project began with camera crews following about 15 people. Over the course of two months, editors settled on the six who provided the most compelling story lines and the greatest access. Along the way, Tollin and his team of Jon Weinbach, Danny Meiseles and Mason Gordon documented a series of intriguing tales. Larkin, the son of baseball Hall of Famer Barry Larkin, shows his disgust after breaking his right ankle just before the summer games begin and is shown wiping his eyes as his mother tries to comfort him. After undergoing surgery, the show follows Larkin as his father helps him cope with the grueling challenge of rehab. Mandy Carter-Zegarowski, a former women’s college basketball player who plays the dual role of mother and personal manager of her son, Carter-Williams, searches for the right balance to help her son. During lunch with four other mothers who had NBA sons, she inds out each had similar concerns when their children were rookies. If all goes well, Tollin hopes to make a sequel this summer with a new cast of characters. For Carter-Williams, the reality of sharing a television stage with his mother opened the door to a whole new world. “A lot of people are going to know about my mom a lot more,” he said, explaining he expects his new teammates will tease him. “But people are going to see me as someone diferent, too.” '3*%":&7&/*/(FEBRUARY 7, 2014 $#4 "#$ /#$ 1#4 '09 .:57 $8 ( 1#4 "& ".$ "/1- #3"70 $// $0.% %*4$ %*4/ & &41/ &41/ '". 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/#"#BTLFUCBMM#SPPLMZO/FUTBU%FUSPJU1JTUPOT$$ 1PTUHBNF /FUT.BH #FTUPG,BZ Mercury won’t help out today, but the caring Aquarius sun, undaunted, suggests you can still build your power by helping people get what they need or want. Be careful not to use force when you could use power. Force is draining. It’s built on a system of reward and punishment that doesn’t sustain itself. Power creates energy. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 7). This is the month when you are in your power, so ask for what you want. Your manner of dealing with stress changes this year, and the new, healthier coping mechanisms lead to a happy event in March. April shows you winning a competition. Your travels in May increase the low of love into your realm. Cancer and Leo people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 13, 8, 49, 36 and 41. ARIES (March 21-April 19). As far as your communication goes, you’re a regular Hemingway today, in the mood to get right to the point with short declarative statements. Simple statements of fact lead to success. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Those who set out to impress people often miss the mark; whereas, those who set out to impress themselves are often fascinating. That’s one more reason to follow your bliss. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve been known to put yourself in stressful situations just to see whether you can ind your way out. Of course you can! And you’ll do it with grace, too. This is how you become stronger. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You deserve your own love and attention just as much as anyone else on the planet. This is a diicult thing for you to accept, as you have become so used to helping your loved ones, but it’s something to strongly consider today. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Relationships without common interests can’t thrive. You may have to stretch and try something new, but don’t stretch too much. A common interest should be something you both are genuinely interested in. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When you love someone, it’s easy to walk side by side with that person because there’s no place you would rather be. The one who walks ahead or drags behind is signaling a problem that needs to be addressed. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Every day, you are becoming more aware of who your loved ones are and what they are likely to do. Good, considering the misery and futility that come from expecting another person to be anything other than who they are. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). As beings, we’re perfect in spirit and lawed in our humanity, and that’s the beauty of it. Give yourself permission to stop worrying about those laws for the day. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll empathize with the sufering of others and feel relief when conlicts are resolved, even when it’s happening in the makebelieve context of movies and television. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You dream of greatness, and you’ll achieve it by taking it one small step at a time. Grandiose goals won’t help you today. Don’t give them up. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The No. 1 job of the day is to manage your emotions. You’re a leader now, and people are looking to you for cues about how they should behave. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Noise or hurry will make it more diicult for you to communicate, but you can solve the problem easily. Slow down, go where it’s quiet, and say what you need to say. If you would like to write to Holiday Mathis, please go to
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