Datum : 18.05.2016 Time: 11:30 Subject: BULLETIN NO 1. From Document No: 1.1 : The Clerk of the Course: To : All competitors/ Crew Members Number of pages: 7 Attachments:3 __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 Road Surface Type of surface: 151,15 km of special stages, 146,55 km (96,96 %) on tarmac and 4,6 km (3,04%) on gravel roads. 1.3 Overall SS distance and total distance of the itinerary - The total distance of the course: The number of special stages: The number of different special stages: The number of sections: The number of legs: Total distance of special stages: 280,65 km 11 6 4 2 151,15 km 2.8 Senior officials Chief Safety officer / Direktor za varnost Jože Stakne Secretary of the event / Sekretar rallyja Igor Jezernik Secretary of the stewards / Sekretar žirije Irena Lipar / Matej Rovtar Chief medical officer / Vodja zdravstvene službe Dr. Andrej Lesjak Chief of press office / Vodja tiskovnega središča Maja Vede Special stage safety officer 2, 4 / Vodja varnosti na HP 2,4 Jure Milač 12.4 Start system of special stages Starting procedure for special stages, except for SSS5, SS 8 and SS11 will be as follows: 1. Starting lights will be placed on the right side of the road, 3 to 5 meters after the starting line. 2. At 30 seconds to go a yellow light will illuminate. 3. At each of the last five seconds before the start red lights illuminates. 4. The crew start, when all five red lights go out. A photocell trap placed approx. 40 cm after the starting line will be used to detect jump starts. If electronic devices fail to start, the starting procedure will be given by hand, as specified in Article 37.3 of 2016 FIA RRSR. 12.5 Start system of special stages SSS 5, SS 8 and SS 11 Starting procedure for special stages SSS 5, SS 8 and SS 11 will be as follows: 1. Starting lights will be placed in driver’s visual field. 2. Red light will be lit. 3. In approx. 30 seconds green light will be lit and that indicates the start. 4. The crew have to start within 5 seconds after the green light is lit. Jump start will be checked according Appendix IX, Article 31.2 of 2016 FIA RRSR. < PANIC STICKER> Each crew also receive so called < PANIC STICKER>, which you must put on visible place inside the car. On the sticker is phone number of the Clerk of the course, on which crew must call in case of retirement, accident,…. GPS monitoring On verification each crew has to issue the Competition licence for GPS monitoring device. GPS monitoring device has to be installed into the vehicle before ceremonial start (appendix 1 – instructions for installation and use). Switching on the device and functionality test will be performed by the company OMIKRON, immediately before ceremonial start. Competition licence will be returned in Hotel Paka, one hour after official end of race. GPS monitoring device has to be returned in working condition, without damages. APPENDIX I – ITINERAR LEG 1 - FRIDAY 20. may 2016 SS Liaison Total Target Dist. Dist. Dist. Time Location 0 START LEG 1 (TITOV TRG, VELENJE) 1 Penk SS 1 Skorno 1 2 7,75 7,75 10,70 Zavodnja SS 2 Ravne - Zavodnje 1 2A 13:01 4,54 15,24 14,40 Regrup IN 17,00 31,40 Regrup (LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) - Parc ferme 2B 25,10 29,29 54,39 RZ Refuel RZ 1 25,10 29,29 54,39 1 Distance to next refuel 25,10 26,94 52,04 3 Penk 4,15 4,15 SS 3 Skorno 2 10,70 4,54 15,24 14,40 Regrup IN 18,25 32,65 Regrup (TRC JEZERO) - Parc ferme 0:03 14:02 1:00 15:02 0:30 0:15 16:17 0:03 16:20 0:30 16:50 0:03 16:53 1:00 17:53 0:21 18:14 0,15 5B Servis OUT RZ Refuel RZ 2 0,15 4,45 Servis IN SERVIS B (AIRPORT / LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) 5C 13:59 Regrup OUT ( car No. 21) 5 TRC Jezero (avto kamp) SSS 5 Super special - TRC Jezero 2 0:30 16:02 Zavodnja SS 4 Zavodnja 2 5A 13:29 15:32 Servis OUT 4B 0:03 0:30 2C 4A 13:26 Regrup OUT - Servis IN SERVIS A (AIRPORT / LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) 4 0:25 29,55 0:02 18:16 0:03 18:19 18:44 9,96 14,41 0:25 37,05 66,60 0:45 19:29 37,05 66,60 Distance to next refuel 0,20 0,20 Parc Ferme IN 0,10 0,10 66,44 121,09 Totals LEG 1 SECTION 1 SS 1st Car due 29,55 54,65 0:02 19:31 SECTION 2 TC Re-START LEG 2 - SATURDAY 21. may 2016 TC SS Liaison Total Target Dist. Dist. Dist. Time Location SS 8:01 5D Parc Ferme OUT 5E Servis IN 0,10 0,10 0:02 SERVIS C (AIRPORT / LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) 0,10 0,10 0:15 RZ Refuel RZ 2 8:18 3 Distance to next refuel 6 Laze - Šentilj 48,25 SS 6 Laze - Šentilj 1 7 Galicija 31,48 79,73 11,15 11,15 2,15 15,60 14,50 Prelska 6,65 SS 8 Vinska Gora 1 8A 0,20 13,45 SS 7 Železno 1 8 0,20 21,15 20,30 Regrup IN 11,53 31,83 Regrup (LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) - Parc ferme 8B 0:03 8:46 0:30 9:16 0:03 9:19 0:35 9:54 0:03 9:57 0:55 10:52 0:20 11:12 48,25 31,48 79,73 8C Servis OUT RZ Refuel RZ 2 48,25 31,48 79,73 4 Distance to next refuel 48,25 31,48 79,73 9 Laze - Šentilj 11,15 11,15 10 HP 10 Galicija 11 HP 11 Prelska 11A Servis IN 13,45 2,15 Železno 2 6,65 RZ Refuel RZ 2 21,15 20,30 SERVIS E (AIRPORT / LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) Servis OUT 15,60 14,50 Vinska Gora 2 11B 0:30 11:42 HP 9 Laze - Šentilj 2 11C 8:43 Regrup OUT - Servis IN SERVIS D (AIRPORT / LETALIŠČE LAJŠE) 5 0:25 SECTION 3 Servis OUT 8:03 48,25 0:25 12:07 0:03 12:10 0:30 12:40 0:03 12:43 0:35 13:18 0:03 13:21 14:16 11,53 31,83 0:55 31,48 79,73 0:10 14:26 48,25 31,48 79,73 Distance to next refuel 8,77 8,77 Finish IN 8,77 8,77 63,06 159,56 Totals 96,50 0:20 14:46 RALLY TOTALS SS Totals - 11 SS 151,15 Liaison Total 129,50 280,65 SS % 53,86 SECTION 4 5F 1st Car due APPENDIX IV – COMPETITION NUMBERS AND ADVERTISING Competitors have to reserve the space on the competition car for the rally plates, competition numbers and organizer's advertising in accordance to picture 1. Picture 1 C: statutory advertisement of the organizer » VIVADENT« Daniel Blažinčič Clerk of The course APPENDIX GPS MONITORING GPS SAFETY TRACKING SYSTEM ANTE NNA 1 2 3 4 1. Sleep mode, system is working, when the car is moving. If press the white button, system go to non-stop mode, white LED is blinking. To go to sleep mode, press the button again. 2. SOS button. When you have an accident and need help, press this button. Software receives your request and signals it on the display. 3. This button is not important for the user. 4. There is the connector for charging the battery and yellow LED, which is signaling proper working of system. In normal work it is blinking. MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS It is easy to mount the tracker on the roll bar. WARNING: OK NOT OK Min 30 cm below of the car roof ANTENNA W IN D O W A N TE N N A A N TE N N A ANTENNA Antenna shall be turned left or right to the window, or up, but never down. W IN D O W
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