It’s ‘ All Going To Burn A Preview of Coming Attractions by Skip Heitzig Top 8 on M88 DAILY TEACHINGS MUSIC & TALK SHOWS INTENDED TO STRENGTHEN THE BELIEVER’S FAITH M O D E R N WO R S H I P Ɣ N E WS Ɣ M U S I C The Word for Today with Chuck Smith weekdays 7:30 am & 10:30 pm The Connection with Skip Heitzig weekdays 8 am & 10:00 pm A New Beginning with Greg Laurie weekdays @ 8:30 am & 9:00 pm CrossThoughts with Pedro Garcia weekdays @ 10:45 am & 12:45 am ABQ Connect with Peter Benson weekdays 1-2 pm program guide on pages 12-13 107.1 FM 4001 Osuna Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-344-9146 FREQUENCY If you’d like information on how to advertise in FREQUENCY, please call Darren Arnold at 344-9146. OFFICES DIRECTOR PO Box 95707 Albuquerque NM 87199 505-344-9146 Chip Lusko PUBLISHER Skip Heitzig Skip EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Joan Polito SALES & MARKETING Darren Arnold 505-344-9146 [email protected] DESIGN EDITOR Brandi Heft EDITOR Jerry Rood ART & DESIGN Running Eye Productions by Skip Heitzig Some people, most prominently former Some people discount the flood entirely. Vice President Al Gore, have been warning They’ll do everything they can to controvert of a coming doom from “global warming.” the story of a worldwide flood, even though I believe the jury’s still out, so to speak, on there is great scientific evidence for it. whether man is causing it—or even if it’s They don’t want to believe in a God who a big problem. But whatever you believe, would ultimately judge the world for its sin these concerns can point us toward by causing everyone on it to die. But He something that is definitely true: Worldwide did. We may not like that, but that’s the destruction is coming. And we have been way it is. Everything died because God warned, because the world has been judged sin. destroyed before. Of course, I’m talking about the Great Flood in Genesis 6-9. You see, the flood is a “preview of coming attractions.” Destruction will happen again. The Flood was a real event, not a legend or God will destroy this world. a fanciful tale. Other books in the Old and New Testaments reference it as literal and historical. More importantly, Jesus talked about it as a real event (see Matthew 24:37-38). 2 Peter 3:9 says, “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,” and that promise is judgment. Verse 10 says, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat.” So the earth is going to be destroyed by fire, not by water. God gave a promise afterward, in Genesis 8:21. “Then the Lord said in His heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground for man’s sake, although the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done.’” But notice the words “as I have done.” God didn’t say He wouldn’t destroy everything again. He said He wouldn’t do it in the same way that He did it in the flood. He’ll never again destroy the earth by water. Verse 11 has a great question. “Therefore, should perish but that all should come since all these things will be dissolved, to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). If you give what manner of persons ought you to be in your life to the one who gave His life as a holy conduct and godliness?” If this earth payment for your sin and my sin, God will is temporary and it’s going to burn up, what remember you, like He remembered Noah. kind of person should you be? Certainly not That’s the message of the New Testament materialistic, because everything you own gospel, and that’s the message I want you will burn up one day and you won’t be able to take away from this discussion of the to take it with you. Flood. The evidence for a worldwide flood is one of the great witnesses to the unbelieving world. But the skeptic doesn’t want to believe in it, because it’s that “preview of coming attractions” that I mentioned. What God did in destroying sinners, God will do again, in the Great Tribulation period. If you want the details on Second Peter, read the Jesus commissioned His disciples and said second half of the book of Revelation. go into all the world and preach the gospel But there is an ark of safety, there is an ark of hope. And His name is Jesus Christ. Remember, God is “not willing that any to every creature, and whoever believes will be saved, and whoever does not believe will be condemned. Those are the “coming attractions.” The world will be destroyed, sinners will be judged, and only those who escape through the ark of the righteous life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ will be spared. And so the answer to the question in verse 11 is this: God wants us to be the kind of people He can use us to bring our family members, our neighbors, our friends—everyone who will hear—to the ark of safety, which is Jesus Christ. Let’s be about that work. FQ 5 TOP ON By Leighah Harvey and Yo Snyder 505-250-1300 “Exceeding All Expectations!” Specializing in: Weddings/Anniversaries Prom/Homecoming Ladies Night Out Birthdays/Concerts Casino Tours, Wine Tours Airport Transfers Shuttles/Sedans Large Group Concierge Event-Party Planning Quinceañeras 1 Skillet is riding the wave of success generated by their new album “Awake.” Their song “Hero” was season between the Pittsburgh Steelers and Tennessee !" Meanwhile the song “Monster” is the theme song for #$%&' ( ") released music videos for both “Hero” and “Monster,” &* +%( )/ up all the upcoming Raycom Sports broadcasts of the #"&+ ! %#/&0#* )/$/&45+! 5/ +&" 2 Affordable Rates Packages Available Limos, SUVs, Sedans, Vans 6 Skillet Hawk Nelson $/& their fourth studio project %*) October 6th. The album "78 " 9+/ * music chart, the 18th digital album in the nation, and + ++ " +* %*) is featured on their Myspace page. The band debuted songs from the new album on the road with Skillet on the “Alive & Awake Tour.” 3 PROJECT 86 Project 86 just wrapped up a brand new music video for their %5 &# 5 ")/ &/F the video, who is known for the work he did / + &FU/* “Where The Wild Things Are.” Meanwhile lead # /+//&4 <!4 * L"< Myspace blog, Andrew says the book includes a collection of short stories, poetry and other + */ %+ + current obsession with self-promotion and ")= 9+DV% )/ @DJX5+" 4 Family Force 5 ! +7 released their new album, % Pageant,” on October 6th. The album includes a collection / ++"! /'= called “Keep the Party Alive.” Songs featured '= %5+ 5)%5+ 5/Y+4) along with the brand new title track. The band % = ) * /$$ 4 E!5 *#>" 5 Manic Drive (+5 * is touring with ! Z right, I said ! / ! [ %7#* ! ") +*%)/* %E+&YC )I (+(+Y#/ "(+ 5 *+/+*4 % 4)/+ I(+ * " 6 House of Heroes <! year for House of Heroes with the release of their “The '<')5/!/'= 4%#++')%$> $ (4)/? touring. Adding to the bustle of the holidays, !'=4 % +4)* @" +&+( !++ %#<B <C4)%) %>4>'")! ** %) C +">* D! & %! +7 = ) /+E!5 *" 7 Abandon Kansas After coming off U tour with House of Heroes and The Wedding, Abandon Kansas recorded their own version of ++4%>#C4) and they are releasing it exclusively as a digital /* @L" released a video of the recording session for the song, which can be found on the Abandon GC+"+& '=4%B # I/ 4)/>/!? 9+ //5" 8 Hearts of Saints The Kentuckybred Hearts of Saints are comprised of & 4 FG /4 "F" I F= !"!/ !&/+54 that there was already a band by that name. /+ =@JL% < received considerable joy and encouragement from your love, because the hearts of saints have been refreshed, brother, through you.” They are on the “Art Attack Tour” with GRITS F$ " 7 8 Southern Boulevard Automotive FREE TOWING *WITH REPAIRS - CALL FOR DETAILS DOMESTIC AUTO - FOREIGN AUTO - TRUCK REPAIR COMPUTER DIAGNOSTICS TUNE-UPS TRANSMISSIONS ELECTRICAL BRAKES 4-WHEEL DRIVE AIR CONDITIONING WHEEL ALIGNMENTS YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT. Approved Auto Repair John Chitwood 77?D?X X *" EE+4(DL@8 9 When did it start to melt? Then you have to ask yourself, why did it start to melt? by Noah White Sr WARNING! ! X WARNING! WARNING! We are all going to die. id that get your attention? Yeah, probably not. We have heard these words so much that we have become quite numb to them. But these words ring out year after year. The latest fanatical episode is Global Warming. From what they say, the polar caps and the land locked glaciers are going to melt, causing the oceans to rise, destroying cities and causing havoc on the environment as we know it. Is it as bad as they say? Is it because of what they say? What exactly is global warming? It is as simple as it sounds. The “globe” is getting warmer. Secular scientists say that it is due to mankind putting pollutants into the air, causing a greenhouse effect. They tell us that an increase of just one degree COULD have a devastating effect on the world as we know it. This would cause the polar ice caps and land-based glaciers to melt, raising the level of the seas by 20 feet, killing plant life, and causing widespread droughts. D There is no doubt that Global Warming is happening in some part. The polar ice caps are shrinking. We have photographic evidence that the northern ice cap is getting smaller and it is getting smaller faster. But is it because of what they say, and what effect will this have on this “globe”? Growing up in the public school system, my science class told me that the earth has gone through about six ice ages. That means that it got cold and then it started to warm up at least six different times. Why did that happen? What caused the global warming then? I was also told that during the middle ages, the overall temperature of the globe was warmer than it is now. What caused that? I was also told that during that time, the earth had a mini ice age. What caused the globe to cool down? As Christians, should this bother us? There are a few things that we need to consider. This data is coming from people who, 20 years ago, told us the egg was very bad for us. Then they changed their mind. It was not bad after all. Then they changed their mind again, and decided that it was somewhat bad. Which is it? Another fact that was always presented in my science classes was the expansion of the universe. The universe was still expanding but it was slowing down. And soon, in a few billion millennia, it would stop and start to retract in what would be called the “Big Crunch.” But in the year 2000, they “discovered” that the universe was still expanding, and it was not slowing down. In fact, it was accelerating. I am sure that this involved some “new discoveries” with what is called the Red Shift. (One side note, they never tell us about the Blue Shift. Look that one up when you have time.) Or how about one of the big “facts” they have given us, evolution? I don’t need to go into that one. The only thing this should do is encourage you to do what the Bereans did, to continually test the spirits. They did it concerning the Word of God that was preached to them, but we should also do this for everything. So if we should do this for everything, is what they are telling us the truth? It is a fact that the Arctic ice cap and the land Is it as bad as they say? Is it because of what they say? What exactly is global warming? glaciers have melted. And they have melted quite a bit. But... If we look at the articles and listen to the experts, we find out that the data they are using is from the early to mid 1990s. If we look at how much ice has melted on the earth, there has not been a significant rise in the level of the oceans. So what is going on? Earth’s global temperature peaked in 1998 and we have been cooling down ever since. Why hasn’t that become mainstream news? The most important question is not whether or not this is happening, but why is it happening? Because man has disobeyed God. In Genesis 2:15 it states, “And Jehovah God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” He was to use the Garden, but to use it wisely, not to exploit it or waste it. The Book of the Law tells us to work the land for six years and let it rest for one year. God clearly has a proper method of how to use the land. Man has not followed this instruction. Look at the destruction caused by “slash and burn” farming techniques, the hunting of whales for their fat, the irresponsible grazing of the cattle ranchers of the 19th and 20th centuries, or what caused the dustbowl of the early 20th century. Man used these wasteful techniques for the sole purpose of greed. We are paying the price of this lack of care. As Christians, we should be the example for the world to follow in everything. We should be trying to use biodegradeable soaps and detergents, starting a compost bin or even something as simple as not watering during the heat of the day or using a clothesline to dry your clothes, instead of the gas or electric dryer. X LOOK IT UP Here are some examples of topics that you can go look up on the internet or even at your local library: Solar Paneling Wind Turbine Generators Gray Water Usage Programmable Thermostats Composting Gardening Fuel Efficient Vehicles Fuel Efficient Driving Hot Water Bottles Thrift Store Shopping Feather Beds and Blankets Saving Money on your Electric Bill Do-It-Yourself projects Granted, for most of us, some of these are financially out of reach. But like I said, there are simple things that can be done. All of these warnings that the world is giving us should wake us up to what we should be doing—what God told us to do. FQ 11 PROGRAM LISTING MONDAY-FRIDAY 12 Running to Win 12 midnight Renewal Radio 12:15 am CrossThoughts 12:45 am In the Word 1:00 am Jay Sekulow Live 2:30 am A New Beginning 3:00 am !" The Word for Today 3:30 am #$%&'"(" The Connection 4:00 am )" A Sure Foundation 4:30 am # As We Gather 5:00 am 1-808-524-0844 *( !" Searchlight 5:30 am Running to Win 6:00 am Renewal Radio 6:15 am &+,+$./ The Active Word 6:30 am ##$%&'" Focus on the Family 7:00 am .3.67/9(!"( The Word for Today 7:30 am #$%&'"(" The Connection 8:00 am )" A New Beginning 8:30 am !" Grace to You 9:00am :&.;+" Somebody Loves You 10:00am )! CrossThoughts 10:45 am Turning Point 11:00 am A Sure Foundation 11:30 am # In the Word 12:00 noon Running to Win 12:15 pm 66/40 12:30 pm <=%>?+! ABQ Connect 1:00 pm " Breakpoint 2:15 pm 1-877-3CALLBP RealRadio 2:30 pm )))# Jay Sekulow Live 4:00 pm On the Level 4:30 pm # "E Insight for Living 5:30 pm ##!" Sound Doctrine 6:00 pm Joni and Friends 6:55 pm ##(! Truth for Life 7:00 pm ##F&>F=""(( Calvary Wednesday Night Service 7:25 pm G$!%H Focus on the Family 8:30 pm .3.67/9( A New Beginning 9:00 pm !" The Connection 10:00 pm )" The Word for Today 10:30 pm #$%&'"(" The Active Word 11:00 pm ##$%&'" 66/40 11:30 pm <=%>?+! PROGRAM LISTING SATURDAY Modern Worship Music 12 midnight The Messianic Hour 5:00 am 1-770-939-1012 ƔEE!"" Adventures in Odyssey 6:00 am 1-800-AFAMILY Ɣ(!"( Modern Worship Music 6:30 am Purity Products 8:00 am 1-505-338-5790 Ɣ"" No Other Doctrine 9:00 am Dr. R. Downs 10:00 am 1-505-881-3150 Ɣ! 12:00 noon 1-615-312-4246 Ɣ Q CCM Radio Magazine Purity Products 1:30 pm The Christian Car Guy 2:00 pm Modern Worship Music 3:00 pm Purity Products 6:00 pm Calvary Saturday Night Service 7:00 pm Modern Worship Music 9:00 pm !" 1-505-344-0880 ƔER SUNDAY Modern Worship Music 12 midnight The Pat Boone Show 3:00 am Truth Talk Live 4:00 am 1-866-34-TRUTH Truth for Life 5:30 am 1-888-58-TRUTH Ɣ""(( Moody Church Hour 6:00 am 1-800-215-5001 Ɣ The Jesus Style 7:00 am 1-888-321-0077 Ɣ!" 1-800-272-WORD Ɣ"(" The Word for Today 7:30 am The Active Word 8:00 am 1-866-222-9673 Ɣ" CrossThoughts 8:30 am 1-305-233-5433 Ɣ Words to Live By 9:00 am 1-616-974-2210 ƔE Thru the Bible 9:30 am 1-800-65-BIBLE Calvary Sunday Morning Service 11:30 am 1-505-833-0880 ƔER Keeping it Real 12:30 pm 1-505-833-5441 Ɣ!"!" Gospel for Asia 1:00 pm 1-800-946-2742 Ɣ( Modern Worship Music 1:30 pm Adventures in Odyssey 6:00 pm 1-800-AFAMILY Ɣ(!"( The Hour of Decision 6:30 pm 1-877-2GRAHAM ƔE Grace to You Weekend 7:00 pm :Ɣ" Insight for Living Weekend 7:30 pm 1-800-772-8888 Ɣ!" 8:15 pm 1-800-272-WORD Ɣ"(" Weekend Magazine 10:00 pm 1-800-AFAMILY Ɣ(!"( Essential Christianity 11:00 pm 1-612-338-0500 Ɣ" " Jay Sekulow Weekend 11:30 pm 1-800-684-3110 Ɣ Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Sunday Night Live 107.1 FM 8@>E'#\ \4(DL@77?X88?@8V&&"+ 13 WILL YOUR CREDIT SCORE HOLD YOU BACK? Credit Clean-Up Services include: 5DLVH\RXU&UHGLW6FRUHV 'LVSXWH,QFRUUHFW&UHGLW,QIRUPDWLRQ Jessica Englehart 'HOHWH,OOHJDO&UHGLW5HSRUWLQJ3UDFWLFHV 3URWHFWIURP,GHQWLW\7KHIW 5HEXLOGDIWHUD'LYRUFHDQG%DQNUXSWF\ 9HULI\0HGLFDODQGRWKHU&ROOHFWLRQV 6WXGHQW/RDQ'HURJDWRU\+HOS Visit us at: 405 Montano NW Albuquerque, NM 87107 Greg Fierman (505) 344-4530 CUT HERE 2100 CENTRAL AVE SW @ Central & Rio Grande (505) 242-5562 5101 LOMAS BLVD NE Just West of San Mateo (505) 266-7705 The Best............................$3.00 off Wheel Express...................$2.00 off Shine & Protect..................$1.00 off 3!* ];!!F"!^_ `!"`:"!! !!( " !(a!!ab^]7 !" ( ( " " (_ = !!^ ]% **!!"*"**""E"("" !("!*";!"7"!! ""*!( "a!! c**!"!* "= _`!"`e! "!"" "fE^!E!^""! (^ !""(^ ! " !" = ! ! " * !" "" "! " "" * ! " ""("?*"! P R O F I L E by: Jerry Rood Pedro Garcia T oday Pedro Garcia is the senior works of ministry. pastor of Calvary Chapel Kendall in He currently serves on several Boards of South Florida. He was born in Miami, Directors, including Samaritan’s Purse with Florida, and gave his life to the Lord at Franklin Graham. He also serves as Direc- Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in 1996 at tor of Raceway Ministries in South Florida, the age of 21. After graduating from Calvary which ministers to race fans with a yearly Chapel Bible College in 1999, he became outreach. assistant project manager of a new housing Pedro is married to his childhood sweet- development that was under construction. It heart, Lourdes; together, they have three was there that the Lord stirred his heart to daughters and a son. In his spare time, start what is now Calvary Chapel Kendall. Pedro enjoys riding his Harley and watch- The church has become one of the fastest- ing NASCAR, and he is an avid fan of Major growing churches in the area, meeting on League Baseball. two campuses in Miami. Pedro’s enthusias- The daily CrossThoughts with Pastor Pedro tic love for the Lord and the lost is conta- Garcia can be heard on KNKT at 12:45 a.m. gious. He teaches verse-by-verse through and 10:45 a.m. weekdays, and the half- the Word of God, resulting in lives that are hour program can be heard at 8:30 a.m. on impacted, built up, and equipped to do the Sundays. Calvary Chapel Kendall 15 It’s ‘ All Going To Burn By Chip Lusko “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” (2 Peter 3:10) The Wall Street Journal recently observed that Hollywood has developed a preoccupation with the end of the world. This year, 2012, The Road and Terminator 4 were among the films that speculated about world’s end. If any of these screenplay scenarios come true it would not be so good for the film stocks beyond 2010, but for this quarter’s earnings, apocalypse means cash. Hollywood has speculated many times on the nature of terminal global catastrophe. The Day After Tomorrow: freezing, Independence Day: aliens, 2012: flooding, etc. Perhaps part of the attraction for audiences is that they can safely watch the world end at the multi-plex, then go back to reality in the parking lot. However, Armageddon is not only a Bruce Willis movie about a meteor, it is a biblical concept that will come to pass. Apocalyptic scenarios did not originate with the first (and vastly superior) Day the Earth Stood Still or even with the Mayans, who weren’t all that bright for that matter. The biblical books of Ezekiel, Daniel and Revelation each lay out a clear template for exactly how the world as we know it ends. Fundamental Christians have long been accused of being antienvironmental. Ronald Reagan’s Secretary of the Interior, James Watt, set off a firestorm by suggesting that because ‘Jesus is coming back,’ strip mining coal was an expedient idea. Wrong. Understand this, God is the ultimate environmentalist. He created it all. But He will also destroy it! So, Christians must balance two epic truths: This world has an expiration date and God will someday recreate heaven and earth, but in the meantime, we are still commissioned (Genesis 1:12) to be excellent stewards of the earth. So we can appreciate creation while recognizing its temporary nature. Yes, eventually, “it’s all going to burn,” but this fact does not grant us the right to rape and pillage the earth. On the other hand, nature worship, “earth first” and equating animals with humans is whacked. The Mayans and the makers of 2012 had it wrong. God promised Noah never to flood the earth again (Genesis 9:11). He made no so such guarantee concerning destruction by fire. Here is a harsh reality: Worried about global warming? The worst is yet to come. The Bible says the universe will roll up like a scroll of flames. Scientists speculate that a “cosmic glue” holds atoms together. They will find out, too late, that it is Jesus Christ Himself. And when He lets go, look out! For those with an “earth only” viewpoint, environmental paranoia is understandable. Before I became a Christian, I had decent green credentials: I took part in the first Earth Day in 1970. Living in Hawaii, I joined Greenpeace and was ultra active in the anti-whaling movement. Happily, I discovered that instead of saving whales, it was me who needed to be saved! The global warming controversy will be put to rest by God Himself. There is a far warmer place that all humans should be concerned with avoiding. So here is the take home: Enjoy nature, don’t worship it. Let Jesus save you, then worship Him. FQ 17 18 19 Building Futures for Women & Children Barrett Foundation (505) 246-9244 bar rett 20 10300 Constitution Ave. NE A lbuquerque, NM 87112 21 22 Frattelli’s Pizzeria Accounting & Beyond: “Expertise for your needs.” Audits, Reviews and Compilations Bookkeeping and Payroll Services 3301 Southern Blvd. Rio Rancho 892- 4939 Tax Preparation and Planning Business Advisory Services (! !@@ !0 !@@@ Sunday 12 noon to 8pm Eldercare Services 897-7382 Open Late for Home Field H.S. Football Games Large or Small Orders...Pizza by the Slice! 4940 Corrales Road Suite 200 Corrales NM 87048 Call ahead... Why wait... Call 892-4939
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