Rest October 12, 2014

Congregational Care
Vote Results
At the special Grace Beyond congregational meeting on October 5,
Calvary Church members voted to approve moving forward with the
Grace Beyond building project. We praise God for His clear direction.
While this is a significant step on our journey, we still have a long path
ahead of us. We ask that you commit to pray for the elders as we
finalize the building plans and wrestle with the logistical issues that
this project creates.
As a congregation, the next step will be to pray about how God would
have us sacrificially give to make the project we believe God is leading
us to do a reality. From now until the spring we ask that you pray how
the Lord would have you participate with a pledge that is over and
above your regular giving. Over the next months, we will be providing
you with more details and information.
If you have questions about the project, I encourage you to visit It will continue to be updated with the latest
information. In addition, if you have specific questions, please feel free
to contact the elders directly at [email protected].
Grace Beyond Prayer Team
Prayer has been, and will continue to be, an essential part of this
process. Hundreds of people on the Nehemiah Prayer Team have
regularly prayed for this project. We are now changing the name of this
team to the Grace Beyond Prayer Team and encourage you to join them
in helping us pray this project to completion. Today’s bulletin insert has
more information.
Blodgett: Bob Buikema, Gary
Gardner and Don Matheny (ICU).
Butterworth: Marla Gregory and
Ruth Gudbrandson
Devos Children’s Hospital: Seungsu
Meijer Heart Center: Brent Koopman
Mercy Health St. Mary’s: Larry
If you have been hospitalized, or anticipate hospitalization, and would
like a visit from a Calvary pastor,
please call the church office.
Prayer Chain: If you have a special
need for prayer, please call Mel or
Phyllis at 784-1858.
We extend our Christian sympathy
to the family and friends of Robert
VanHattem at his passing on October 6.
Thank You
Thank you so very much for all the
prayers and well wishes while I was
in the hospital, it meant a lot to me.
What a joy and privilege it has been
to be a part of Calvary Church.
Ardo, Joyce & Nathan Draper
October 12, 2014
We would like to thank the pastoral
staff for their hospital visits and the
caring congregation for their cards
and prayers during Bernie’s recent
surgeries and we covet your continual prayers as he enters a period of
chemotherapy and radiation.
Bernie & Carol Schipper
Salvation Candle
The candle on the platform is lit to
celebrate those who have recently
come to faith. Join us in celebrating God’s work among His people.
If you have led someone to Christ,
let us know; contact Jakob Jackson
([email protected]).
Lyrics Available
Copies of the lyrics to today’s worship music are available in the back
of the Sanctuary at the Information
ASL Interpreting Available
ASL Interpreting and Closed Captioning services and computers are
available near the Information Center in the back of the Sanctuary.
Lost and Found
Have you possibly left your Bible or some item at church? We would
like to try to connect you and your misplaced possession. If you think
you may have lost something at church, stop by the Facility Office in
room 136. Clothes and larger items are kept for two months; Bibles and
valuables are kept for six months before being donated.
$ 143,417
$ 179,757
$ 36,340
Fiscal YTD
$ 722,321
$ 745,803
$ 23,482
Sept. 1-Oct. 5
For further explanation regarding the finances of Calvary Church, visit Alternatively, this information is available in the
Finance Office.
8:10, 9:40 & 11:15AM
Jim Samra, Senior Pastor
Hebrews 4:1-11
Coming Events & Announcements
5th/6th Fall Retreat
Oct. 24, 5:30pm-Oct. 25, 5:30pm
Cost: $60 | Register by Oct. 20 at
We are going to squeeze as much
fun, worship, challenging teaching
and friendship we can into 24 hours!
Weekly Focus:
Short-Term Missions Celebration
November 2 | 6:00pm | Sanctuary
In 2014 Calvary Church had a huge impact on our community and around
the world as we sent 98 adults and 114 kids of all ages, to various locations,
to do all kinds of ministry. What an awesome opportunity we had – both
as senders and go-ers – to influence our world for Jesus Christ. Whether
painting a house in St. Louis, leading worship in Guyana or engaging in
evangelism on the streets of Chicago, God was glorified in all of it as dozens came to know Him for the first time, or rekindled their relationship with
As a church we will be celebrating what God has done through our teams at
our annual Short-Term Missions Night. Please join us to hear testimonies
of how God has used short-term missions to change lives for His glory.
People of all ages will be sharing their life-changing experiences and celebrating God’s goodness. Immediately following the service, we will gather
in the Fellowship Hall for dessert and to learn how you can be involved and
to get information about trips planned for 2015.
Missions & Serving Opportunities
Missionary Christmas
We are still accepting contributions
for our annual Missionary Christmas offering. To donate, indicate
“Missionary Christmas” on your
check or on the Giving Envelope and
drop it in the offering plate. Thank
you for your generosity.
Hands of Jesus Ministry
If you need help with small projects
around your home — electrical repair, painting, plumbing, yard work,
cleaning, meal prep/delivery, furniture moving, transportation, respite
care, handyman projects and carpentry — consider contacting the
Hands of Jesus Ministry for assistance. For more information, contact Glenn DeMots ([email protected]) at 454-0232, Bill Skinner
([email protected]) at 456-9296
or Regina at ext. 3672.
7th/8th Guys’/Girls’ Night Out
Weds., Oct. 29 | 6:30-8:15pm | $5
Meet/Pick Up Off-site
All 7th/8th graders are invited to
join us for this special night out!
Guys: Corn Maze, Donuts & Cider
Robinette’s (3142 4 Mile Rd NE)
Girls: Hayride & Pumpkin Painting
Koetsier’s (1601 Spaulding Ave SE)
Young Adult Fall Retreat
October 24-26 | CostL $65
Register at
Whether you are an active member
of Calvary’s Young Adult community
or looking to make new friends at
church, this retreat is for you.
Feed Hungry College Students
Calvary’s Young Adult Ministry
provides a free lunch for college
students every Sunday. Consider,
like the Heirs Together community
group, coming alongside us and
preparing a home-cooked meal.
We’ll provide you with $175 for the
ingredients and electric roaster
ovens. Please note that the church’s
main kitchen is not available for
your use. Contact Natalie (nuecker@ at ext. 5181.
Church Directories Are Here!
If you have yet to pickup your church
directory, they are now available at
the front desk throughout the week,
including Sundays.
Hands of Jesus Get Together
Oct. 21 | 7:00-8:00pm | Rm 122
Join us for an evening celebrating
how the Lord has blessed so many
people through this ministry and to
learn more about becoming a volunteer. RSVP to Regina (rscovill@ at ext. 3672.
Long-Term Illness Support Group
Oct. 21 & 28 | 7:00pm
Are you or a loved on dealing with
cancer or long term illness? Join an
ongoing support group the 3rd and
4th Tuesdays of each month, 7:008:30pm at the Yellow House. The
goal is to provide a time of sharing
and support as well as prayer and
biblical encouragement. Contact
Jerry Ward at 452-1349.
Explore Calvary
Wednesdays, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12
5:15-6:30pm | Room 126
Register at
Journey together with us and
Explore Calvary! We will gather in
an informal setting to meet others
new to the church, share a meal,
meet staff and learn more about
Calvary. Contact Elaine (elohroff@ at ext. 5903 for more
Family Camp 2015
If you are interested in attending
family camp next summer with
other Calvary families, we would
love to have you join us the week
of July 11-17, 2015 at Gull Lake
Family Camp. We are hosting an
informational meeting November
5 at 5:15pm. Please contact Kristen ([email protected]) for more
information regarding the meeting.
Foster | Orphan Care | Adoption
Are you in the process of foster
care, adoption or would you like to
learn more about how you can serve
your brothers and sisters in this process? We want to know where you
are on your journey! Our new Refuge
Orphan Care Ministry at Calvary is
trying to get to know and learn how
to care for each family on this journey. Please contact Jen (jknapp@
This Week at Calvary
Body Image Support Groups
Women’s (18+) Group | Oct. 13 | 7:00pm | Room 153-155
Teen Group | Oct. 14 | 7:30pm | Room 151-153
Join us for a spiritual perspective on eating and body image
issues as well as prayer and support. Contact Jen Lane
([email protected]) for more information.
Calvary Kids Jones-Johnson House Clean-Up
Tuesday, Oct. 14 | 5960 Burton St. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546
Come anytime between 4:30pm-6:30pm and put your family’s faith
into action at this service opportunity at the Jones-Johnson House!
Kid-friendly assignments will be readily available. Parents should
plan on staying with their kids as we will not have a check-in system
Teen MOPS | Wedsnesday, Oct. 15 | 6:40-7:50pm | Room 135
Teen MOPS (Teen Mothers of Preschoolers) is here to come
alongside you during this season of early mothering to give you
the support and resources you need to be a great mom. Meets
the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month. Contact Marcy Sobczak
([email protected]) for more information and to register.
UNITED Fall Retreat
Friday, October 17, 5:30pm- Sunday, October 19, 3:00pm
Cost: $140 | Register by Oct. 13 at
High school students, come explore how we can be united in Christ,
community and caring.
For a complete list of this week’s events, use the QR code to the left to
visit or pick up an October Calvary Life magazine. Note: AA
meetings take place at Calvary throughout the week. Contact the church
office for times and locations.
Promises, Promises
SUNDAY 1 Kings 1
6:00pm | Chapel
NIGHT: Byron Dickey, Pastor to Students