28th Computer Representatives’ Meeting 18- 20 May 2016 Rafael Urrutia SMHI - Sweden 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 2 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Key values of SMHI IT infrastructure 3 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Utilized storage resources 4 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Number of physical servers Antal virtuella servrar: 1035 st Andel virtuella servrar: 89% PUE = total energiförbrukning för SMHIs datorcenter energiförbrukning för IT-utrustningen SMHIs PUE =1,51 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI A few (new) things • Federation • Storage • Log analysis 9 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 10 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Better integration for a higher collaboration… Federation 11 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 12 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Google Den digitala arbetsplatsen. https://accounts.google.com Primula Lön och HR system. https://smhi.hr.evry.se/ Besched Schema och bemanningssystem. https://schema-smhi.hr.evry.se/ Benify Det som ibland kallas för Mina förmåner. https://www.benify.se/fps/saml2/post/sso.do?companyId=100091 Tendsign Upphandlingsverktyg. https://tendsign.com/login.aspx?SAML2ID=Iy8nJCnvpQoqZSChjkWNUwA= DiVA Digitala vetenskapliga arkivet. Verktyg för forskningspublikationer och studentuppsatser. https://smhi.diva-portal.org Stratsys Planeringsvertyg. Finns endast i TFO IDAs testmiljö. Interna federeringar[redigera] Här är system som driftas av SMHI och använder vårt inloggningssystem. Alfresco Arkiv och dokumenthanteringssystem. https://alfresco.smhi.se Gitlab Git baserat versionshanteringssystem. https://gitlab.smhi.se OTP systemet Självhantering av OTP systemet. https://itmagi.smhi.se/index.php?resource_page=resources/Identity/otp-code-generator/otp-codegenerator.php Testsida för TFO IDA Används av TFO IDA för att göra tester av inloggningssystemet. https://shibboleth-sp.smhi.se/secure 13 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Better storage technology for a higher prestanda and capacity Allflash 14 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 15 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Better correlation and analysis of performance and monitoring data… OP5 Monitor, Grafana, LibreNMS, Loginsight, Operations Manager 16 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI OP5 Monitor on top of Naemon (Nagios clone) 17 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Grafana 18 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI LibreNMS 19 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI VMware Log Insight 20 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 21 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI 22 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Topics from… 23 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI • • • • • • • Usage of Cloud Services We are using cloud services. It used for both research and (operations). Users and Customers. Google Apps (beta), Backup site, HR management systems, Business system, etc. Public and private cloud Computing and Disater recovery/backup And more 24 2016-06-07 Rafael Urrutia - SMHI Impact of the increased resolution • 1. We have started using higher resolution data as boundary conditions for our model runs. We are planning to upgrade our large streams when we reorganise all our dissemination from ECMWF (after summer). 2 and 3. We have primarily experienced problems with write bandwidth to disc, we are in the process of upgrading our netapp filers to "all flash" versions to cope with both the increased ecmwf resolution and the introduction of our MEPS (Metcoop Ensamble Prediction System). The plan is to finish the upgrade beginning of June to be ready to release both MEPS and higher resolution ECMWF data to production. 4. We are starting to use second order packing for some high resolution model level data. Examples during ecCodes course showed complex packing being really slow to decompress and this might be a problem for our main dissemination of data (tests will be perfomed). 25
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