REVIEW-JOURNAL OBITUARY EMBLEMS/SYMBOLS religious_ 1 Christian 2 Buddhist 7 Episcopal Cross Unitarian Church Flaming Chalice 13 Serbian Orthodox 3 Judaism 4 Presbyterian Cross 5 Russian Orthodox 6 Lutheran Cross 12 9 United Methodist 10 Aaronic Order Church 11 MormonAngel Mormon Native American Church of America 14 Greek Cross 15 Bahai – 9 point star 16 Atheist 17 Muslim – Crescent & Star 18 Hindu 20 21 Sufism Reoriented 22 Tenrkyo Church 23 Seicho-NO-IE 26 Christian Reformed Church 27 United Moravian Church 28 Eckankar 29 Christian Church 8 NEW from the Review-Journal loved one deserves /&8 130%6$5 GSPNUIF3FWJFX+PVSOBM 0CJUVBSZ1MBRVF 671SPUFDUFE].PJTUVSF3FTJTUBOU]8PPEFO1MBRVF funeral notices A great way to display a permanent record of your loved one’s obituary. "1FSNBOFOU3FNFNCSBODFPG:PVS-PWFE0OFT0CJUVBSZ .BSDI 19 Konko-Kyo Faith 25 United Church of Religious Science Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints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he Church of World Messianity NOT SHOWN BECAUSE OF COPYRIGHTS_ United Church of Christ, Christian Science Cross and Crown, Islamic 5 Pointed Star military + miscellaneous_ 30 Circle of Life 31 Cross/Flag 32 Flag 33 Lilly EFBUI CZ IJT QBSFOUT +BNFT BOE $IBSJUZ BOE CSPUIFST +BNFT ** BOE -BXSFODF BOE TJTUFS +VBOJUB $IBSMFT JT TVSWJWFE CZ IJT MPWJOH XJGF PG ZFBST 3BDIBFM TPO $IBSMFT**PG-BT7FHBTEBVHIUFST ,BUJF #FO +PIFOT PG 7JSHJOJB BOE 3FOBF ,FO ,FMMFN PG 6UBI HSBOEDIJMESFO %FCCJF #SZBO 4BOEZ +FSSZ 3PDIFMMF &NJMZ $IBSMFT *** %BNJFO "OESFB BOE 8FOEZHSFBUHSBOEDIJMESFO3PCJO %FCPSBI 3ZBO $BSPM -ZOO BOE 4VTJFTJTUFS#FWFSMZBOEOVNFSPVT OJFDFT OFQIFXT BOE FYUFOEFE GBNJMZ"DFMFCSBUJPOPG$IBSMFTMJGF XJMM CF BU QN 4BUVSEBZ .BSDI BU"OZ.PSUVBSZ8.BJO 4U'BNJMZBOEGSJFOETBSFXFMDPNF UP TIBSF TUPSJFT BCPVU $IBSMFT MJGF %POBUJPOT NBZ CF NBEF UP BOZ DIBSJUZPGZPVSDIPJDF $POUBDUVTGPSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPO Plaque features: • It is more durable than picture framing • No glass – no glare • Satin laminate protects it from moisture, fading, fingerprints and damage •The edges are beveled to create a slight angle for a “framed appearance. 34 Dove 35 Cross/Dove Obituary Plaques can be ordered when the obit is placed or at a later date. We will be happy to advise you on the appropriate plaque size for your loved one’s obit. 36 Cross ID Tags/ Military 37 Love Heart 38 Solid Heart 39 Teddy Bear 40 Angel 41 Ribbon Dimensions/Prices 42 Music Note 43 U.S. Marine 44 U.S. Navy 45 U.S. Air Force 46 U.S. Army 47 U.S. Coast Guard 48 Purple Heart 49 Praying Hands 50 Rosary 51 Mason 52 ABC Blocks 53 Baby Blocks 54 Police 55 Fireman 56 Medical 57 Rose 5” x 7” 8” x 10” 8.5” x 11” 11” x 14” $25.00 $36.00 $40.00 $51.00 reorders ~ $34.00 reorders ~ $50.00 reorders ~ $55.00 reorders ~ $70.00 Additional sizes available upon request. All reorders receive 20% off listed price. For more information or to order, call one of our Tributes & Announcements Coordinators at 702-224-5504. enhanced obituaries answers to some common questions samples what are my options? basic funeral notice enhanced obituary notice A Basic Funeral Notice for a deceased Las Vegas Valley resident is $25. This notice will consist of 7 lines of formatted copy including only the following information as space permits: the deceased’s name, age, city of residence at time of death, occupation, military status, visitation and/or service information. Basic Funeral Notices will be edited to fit into 7 lines and/or to meet the newspaper’s requirements above. Families frequently want to give more details about the deceased family member and the funeral arrangements than what is included in the Basic Funeral Notice. Therefore, the Review-Journal offers Enhanced Obituary Notices. An Enhanced Obituary Notice includes a 1-year on-line guest book. With an Enhanced Notice the family may tell the story of their loved one’s life any way they choose. You can write loving, personal messages and funny memories. Best of all, you may express it in your own words to create a loving tribute. Basic Funeral Notices appear on the website for 30 days. Placement of a Basic Funeral Notice is a service that is usually provided by the funeral director assisting the family. They have appropriate forms and can direct the information to the Review-Journal within our 1:30 p.m. cut-off guidelines. Families may also place a Basic Funeral Notice directly with the Review-Journal by visiting our office at 1111 W. Bonanza Road, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., by faxing information to us at 702-383-0326, or by e-mailing information to: [email protected] basic funeral notice + guest book Many families utilize an on-line guest book to share memories and condolences. We offer a Basic Funeral Notice & Guest Book for a fee of $50. The notice will follow the above Basic Funeral Notice guidelines. The Basic Funeral Notice and an on-line guest book will appear on the website for one year. With the inclusion of the guest book you will have access to other benefits such as the ability for family and friends to leave audio messages and upload pictures. You can also purchase and create a memorial website for your loved one, as well as create and purchase a professionally printed version of the guest book. Information about the deceased, including his or her job title and employer, survivors’ names, and the date, time and place and nature of memorial services are normally listed. The Enhanced Notice starts at a $100 flat fee, which includes up to 23 lines of text and a 1-year online guest book. Additional lines are charged at $40 for each increment of 1-7. You may choose to have your loved one’s photo or photos placed in the obituary, charges are $75 for 1 and $125 for 2 (these photos are a headshot of the deceased only). In addition, affinity symbols/emblems may be included for $10 each. You may elect to include a website address at an additional charge of $50. A popular three day package ensures that everyone who wants to participate sees your obituary notice. If you purchase two days the third day is free, prices start at $200. The Enhanced Notice and an on-line guest book will appear on the website for one year. With the inclusion of the guest book, you will have access to other benefits such as the ability for family and friends to leave audio messages and upload pictures. You can also purchase and create a memorial website for your loved one, as well as create and purchase a professionally printed version of the guest book. All published Basic Funeral Notices will be available on the website for 30 days. Las Vegas Review-Journal Obituary packages B and C will automatically appear on the website with an on-line guest book for one year. Other on-line options are available with these packages for additional charges. For more information, go to If you have any questions, you may e-mail [email protected] or call 702-224-5504 during regular business hours. JOHN DOE JOHN DOE John Doe, 95, of Las Vegas, passed away July 18, 2004. He was a school teacher and served in the U.S. Navy. Visitation from 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 20. Funeral at 11 a.m. Thursday, July 21, both at Name Mortuary, 1234 Anywhere St. John Doe, 68, of Las Vegas, passed away Aug. 17, 2002. He was born May 18, 1934, in Gary, Ind., and resided in Las Vegas for eight years. He retired from the financial services industry and served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. He is survived by his wife, Jane; daughters, Anna Doe of Atlanta, Maria Johnson of Henderson, and Jenny Hanson of Las Vegas; brother, Jim Doe of Houston; and four grandchildren. Visitation will be from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, July 22. Service will be at 9:30 a.m. Friday, July 23, both at Name Mortuary, 1234 Anywhere St. Donations may be made to Oasis Rising Center of Truth Building Fund or the National Alzheimers Association. obituary submission cutoff New notices, cancellations and corrections for publication in the next day’s newspaper are accepted Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Notices, cancellations and corrections for publication in the Monday newspaper are accepted Saturday until 3:45 p.m., by fax 702-383-0326 or e-mail at [email protected] only. We are open for walk-in customers at the Review-Journal office, 1111 W. Bonanza Road, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Our office is closed to the public on Saturday and closed for business Sundays and holidays. For more information call the Tributes & Announcements Department at 702-224-5504. Obituaries are not taken over the phone. payment for obituaries Payment for an obituary notice is the responsibility of the family and must be made in advance of publication. You may use Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. Payments of check or cash must be made at the Review-Journal offices at 1111 W. Bonanza Road, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Our office will call the family representative listed on the billing form and confirm the cost of the obituary prior to publication. photos + emblem Photos of the deceased only (headshot) and emblems can only be included in Enhanced Obituary Notices. Charges for these inclusions are $75 for one photo, $125 for second and $10 for emblems. Closing time for a photo or emblem in the next day’s publication is 1:30 p.m. enhanced obituary notice NEW! enhanced obituary notice + 2 photos WILLIAM SMITH William J. “Bill” Smith, 87, of Las Vegas, passed away Thursday, April 1, 2010. He was born May 1, 1923, in Dearborn, Mich., and was a 50-year resident of Las Vegas. Bill was a retired owner/ operator of a retail tire company and served in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather and friend. No matter what you needed, Bill was there for you. He was preceded in death by his parents. Bill is survived by his beloved wife, Mary; daughters, Jane, Kimberly and Hazel; sons, David, Henry and James; grandchildren, Lindsay, Evelyn, Helen, Joseph, Mark and Michael; great-grandchildren, Cindy, Billy and Jimmy. Visitation will be 1-7 p.m. Monday, June 7. Services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 8, both at XYZ Funeral Home, 2160 Wallace Ave. Burial will be in Michigan. This notice totals 23 lines. The cost for this enhanced notice is $100 and includes a 1-year on-line guest book. This notice totals 18 lines. The cost for text is $100. The cost for 2 photos is $125. The total cost for this Enhanced Obituary Notice is $225 and includes a 1-year online guestbook. enhanced obituary notice + emblem enhanced obituary notice + photo MARY ANDERSON JANE DOE NEW: You may now include 2 photos of the deceased for $125. Placement of an Enhanced Obituary Notice is a service that is usually provided by the funeral director assisting the family. They have appropriate forms and can direct them to the ReviewJournal within our 1:30 p.m. cut-off guidelines. Families may also place an Enhanced Notice directly with the Review-Journal by visiting our office at 1111 W. Bonanza Road, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., by faxing information to us at 702-383-0326, or by e-mailing information to: [email protected]. a new way to remember your loved ones obituaries on-line basic funeral notice To ensure the best possible reproduction, a bright, clear, black and white head and shoulders photo should be used. To prevent disappointment, ark, group and Polaroid photos should be avoided. The quality of a published photo will greatly depend upon the quality of the photo provided. You can email pictures to [email protected] Only Review-Journal emblems are accepted. A selection has been provided on the back of this brochure. You will find a complete list, including military branch specific emblems on our website obituary news stories Sometimes the Review-Journal publishes obituary news stories about men and women who, through their work, volunteer activities, or accomplishments, touched the lives of a large number of people. If you believe that our news department will have interest in the additional information about your loved one’s death, please ask your funeral director to contact the news department at 383-0264. Mary Anderson, 81, a homemaker, of Las Vegas, passed away July 19, 2003. Born Jan. 23, 1922, in Buffalo, N.Y., to Sophie and Martin Smith. She was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. She was preceded in death by her brothers, Anthony and Gerald Smith; and granddaughter, Joanna. She is survived by her husband, of 58 years, John; her daughters, Patty (Samuel) Swenson of Maine, and Kathy (Tyler) Tanner of Las Vegas; her son, Timothy of Las Vegas; grandchildren, Matthew Swenson, Madeline and Anthony Tanner; and her sisters-in-law, Nancy and Dorothy Anderson. Service will be at 11 a.m. Friday, July 22, at Name Mortuary, 1234 Anywhere St. Burial immediately following at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery. This notice totals 28 lines. The cost for the emblem is $10. The total cost for this enhanced obituary notice is $150 and includes a 1-year on-line guest book. Jane Ann Doe, 77, a homemaker, of Henderson, passed away Wednesday July 7, 2004. She was a native Nevadan, born Sept. 20, 1925, in Southern Utah. She is survived by her husband, John; her daughter, Ann of Seattle; son, Marcus of Kissimmee, Fla.; brothers, Bob Johnson and Mike Johnson, both of Pahrump; eight grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Visitation will be from 4-6 p.m. Saturday, July 10, with service and burial following, all at the South of Town Cemetery. The family asks that all gifts and memorials are in the form of donations made to Safe Nest or the American Cancer Society, Las Vegas Chapter. This notice totals 23 lines. The cost for the text is $100. The cost for the photo is $75. The total cost for this enhanced obituary notice is $175 and includes a 1-year on-line guest book.
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