\ * Tonawanda NEWS Thursdoy, January 2, 1964 Blood Chapter New Construction Takes Dip for Year For New Aides New construction — except in factory buildings and extensions ^— took a downward trend in the Town of Tonawanda last vear. The trend showed up in the other types of projects make up 1963 report filed Monday with the the 1963 total of $5,561,985. Mr. Batterson itemized t h e Town Board by Richard J. Batterson, supervising building in- "other types of projects": spector. He valued the year's Factory extensions, $900,110; new projects at $5,561,985. ' dwelling extensions, $467,310; factories. $493,535; private gaThat total is $1,316,903 below rages, $287,055; extensions 'not the $6,878,888 estimated total for 1962. But the report had bright dwellings' $245,300; town water spots in factory building and fac- plant. $200,000; church extension, $175,000, and gas stations, intory extensions. cluding tanks and pumps, $86,Factory extensions for 1963 850. were valued at $900,110. ConDrive-in theater. $30,000: relostruction sDf new factories was cation of homes, 577,000; county valued at $493,535 for a $386,485 utility building. $60,000; o f f i c e gain over the $107,050 total for buildings, $57,000; signs, $51,695 1962. Most of the work was in and boat-truck storage buildings, the town's River Road industrial $50,300. district that has ample room for 4,'nion hall. $40,000; relocations more industrial construction •net homes' $34,000; town wadTOWN OFFICIALS: These Town of Tonawanda officials were The "valuations" in Mr. Bat- ing poo^ $32,000, sales buildsworn into office Monday by Town Clerk Robert Johnson terson's report differs from pub- ings - stores $27,000; building at the Municipal Building in Kenmore. From left, front, licly announced "costs" of most demolition.-, $12,600; field house are Mr. Johnson administering the oath of office to Superprojects. The town has a 27 per addition, SS.0C0. and accessory visor Henry J. DeWitt J r . , rear, Town Councilmen Wilbur cent equalization rate for Lax buildings, $5.7oo purposes in valuations. The last two building permits That difference, for example, approved for the soar were a is reflected in the $900,000 ex- $2,500 frame extension to the pan^ on of the town's water home of NOJ! Simmons. 50 plant at the end of Sheridan Brookville Drive and construcDrive. The project valuation in tion of a SJO.Ct.l) concrete ""and the 1963 report is set at $200,000. steel basement beneath a mediThe 1963 "big business" proj- cal building at 4o48 Delaware ects were estimated at $1,465,- Ave. 410 for a slight gain over the 1962 total of $1,456,000.* The items in this classification are: factory' extensions. $900.110; town water plant expansion, $200,000; church extension, $175,000; boat-truck storage b u i l d ings. $50,300; Erie County utility building, $60,000, and an $80,000 drive-in theater. DUNKIRK iL'PD— Wrecking The Town Board approved 1,crews worked to clear the main041 applications for building perline tracks today after 36 cars mits in 1963. Of this total. 137 of a 91 car New York Central were for new single dwellings Railroad freight train jumped having $1,849,000 total valuation. the rails in the downtown secSeventeen double dwellings added $232,530 to the home build- tion. One man, George Rahn, 78. of ing total. And two appartment Dunkirk, suftered minor injurbouses added $90,000 more valuies when one of the cars struck ation. his auto which was parked near But the $2,171,530 grand total an embankment. Fifteen c a r s in residential construction was tumbled off an overpass into a $691,070 below the 1962 figure of street. $2,862,600. Two of the cars reportedly The $2,171,530 residential construction total and $3,390,455 in contained propane gas, but authorities said they had been sealed off and there was no danger of explosion or fire. Two buildings along the- track were damaged in the derailment yesterday. Cause of the accident was unKELLER — Beatrice M. Kelder investigation. ler, Wednesday (Jan. 1, 1964) of 50 Cobb St., Tonawanda. Wife of Qetus G. Keller; mother of John 0 . , James C. and Mary L. Keller; daughter of Margaret and the late Godfrey Prenevou; sister of Joseph, William and John The state superintendent of Prenevou, Mrs. Mary Louise Baer and Mrs. Catherine Ryan. banking has rejected a proposed Funeral from the William A. $7 million merger of the Bank Rolling Funeral Home, 3000 Del- of Jamestown into the ManufacSNOW BLOWER IN ACTION: Bernard Fulson puts the Kenaware at Tremont, Kenmore, turers & Traders Trust Co. more Mercy Hospital snow blower through its paces as he Oren Root told Buffalo bankSaturday morning at 9:30 and clears walks on the hospital grounds in the wake of the New from S t Timothy's Church at 10. ing officials "Such a developFriends are invited. Mrs. Keller ment would* do violence to the was a member of the Altar and state's policy against the concenFellowcraft Club Rosary Society of St. Timothy's tration of banking assets beyond the lim.ts consistent with effecChurch. The family will be presDinner Tomorrow ent from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. tive competition " The Fellowcraft Club of MasM&T is the second largest The Sheridan Park Communiter Builder Lodge 911. F&AM, WURL — Gertrude B. Wurl, commercial bank in Western ty Organization today asked resi- will have its first monthly din51, died Wednesday <Jan. 1, New York. The Bank of James- dents to take Christmas trees to ner meeting of the year tomor1964) at her residence. 2563 town is ranked sixth in the area. Fnsminger ball diamond Satur- row night at the Masonic TemThe Marine Trust Co., the M Wurl St., Bergholtz, after a & T. and Liberty National Bank day for a tree burning ceremony. ple, 173 Delaware Road, Kenlengthy illness. She is survived The trees will be burned dur- more by her husband, Wilmer E., and already maintain 77 per cent of ing the program starting at 7;30 A social period from 6 to 6 30 a daughter, Linda, at home; four the commercial banking assets p.m. at the diamond near the p.m. will precede the dinner. All sisters. Esther Elser of N'orth in Western New York and oper- Erie County Society for Preven- who . attend will receive Master Tonawanda, Mrs. Leslie "Ella* ate about 65 per cent of the tion of Cruelty to Animals, 205 Builder 50th anniversary year Geyer of Buffalo, Mrs. 01 af banking offices in the region. Ensminger Road. gold medallions. (Edna* Ohrstrum of Millport, Louis Martin and John McN.Y.. and Mrs. John < Jeanette* HEART F I N D LEADER BASIC TRAINING Nerney. program co-chairmen, Sieber of California, and f i v e Richard F. Cowles, 17, son of John P Propis of Williams\ ilie said Sheridan Park volunteer brothers, Walter, Elmer, Arthur, has been named general chairfiremen will supervise the burn- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Cowles Norman and LeRoy Malchow, all man of the annua! Heart Fund ing. There will be a community of 188 Warren Ave, Kenmore, of California. Friends may call campaign to he conducted in songfest during the program. Ed- has begun basic training at the at the Fretthold Funeral Home. February b> the Heart Associaward Culver has provided loud Naval Training Center, G r e a t 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Road, tion of Erie Countv. speakers to amplify the music. Lakes, 111. where services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday. The family will be in attendance from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. The Rev. Enno A. Schmoock will officiate Interment in Acacia Park Cemetcrv Mrs. Wurl was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and the Ladies Aid Societv. '2-3) T. Carlson, J a m e s V. Ryan and George J. Butler; Peace Justice William G. Coleman, Adam R. Rumley, receiver of taxes and assessments, and Charles R. Laufer, who succeeded Mr. Rumley as Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Civil Defense director. Victim Dies In Lackawanna Fall Off Bridge, LACKAWANNA (UPD—Frank Rogucki, 69, Lackawanna, died in Our Lady of Victory Hospital Wednesday of injuries suffered in a beating-robbery in his home Dec. 5. The incident was not reported to police until four days after Rogucki was attacked. Police found him in a semi-conscious condition and later he underwent surgery for head and facial injuries. Mrs. Ernestine Williams, 27, of Lackawanna, was arrested in connection with the crime. Police said they are seeking two men believed involved in the robbery and beatmg. The case against Mrs. Williams was adjourned to Jan. 19 and she was held in $10,000 cash bail. Authorities indicated more serious charges may be placed against the woman. Land in Street Obituaries Merger Plan Is Rejected Yule Tree Fire To Be Saturday CARD OF THANKS and IN MEMORIAM S*S' «•>»**»« ua&S,. C L E M O — The family of the late E z r a Clemo w ;sh to e x p r e s s their s i n c e r e t h a n k s ar.d a p p r e c i a t i o n to their many relatives friends and n e i g h b o r s , for all their kindness and sympathy shown. beautiful flor a l t r i b u t e s sent, s y m p a t h y c a r d s d u r i n g their recent bereavement, the loss of a d e a r husband and father. Mrs. E z r a Clemo and F a m U y F E R R I S — T h e family of the late Anthony F e r r i s wish to e x p r e s s t h e i r s i n c e r e t h a n k s and a p p r e c i a tion to their m a n y r e l a t i v e s , friends a n d n e i g h b o r s for all their kindn e s s and s y m p a t h y shown, beautiful floral t r i b u t e s sent, s y m p a t h y c a r d s . M a s s c a r d s and use of c a r s d u r i n g their r e c e n t b e r e a v e m e n t , the loss of a d e a r h u s b a n d and father. M r s Nita F e r n s and daughters Ceremony Set By Holy Name CHARTER: The Town of Tonawanda Industrial Development Corp. is now r e a d y to complete its organization. F r o m left a r e Councilman Thomas J . Kelly, P e t e r G. Weber and Councilman Carlton D. Cruickshank with the state c h a r t e r the corporation received Tuesday. The new non-profit organization'! leaders will meet Wednesday and J a n . 22 at the Municipal Building in Kenmore on further organization. The corporation executive committee is F r e d O. F r a n c i s , H a r r y E. Goss, Henry G. Blaufuss, Raymond E. Sinclair, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Weber and Mr. Cruick- shank. Thirty-two Kenmore and Town of Tonawanda resident! art members of the freshman clasa at the State University of New York at Buffalo. They include: Charles W. Cotton, 4 St. John's Place; Joyce J. Gianni, 104 Soroerton Ave.; Leslie S. May, 47 Argonne Drive; Janet G. Savanyu, 484 Moore Ave.; Christine J. Bowe, 175 Rosemont Ave.; Jean W. Coleman, 364 Wabash Ave.; Karen J. Hoffman, 79 S. Irving Ter.; John P. Radzwill, 1023 Englewood Ave.; Hari Dene Abrams, 187 Crosby Ave.; Nancy J. Kindron, 139 Fairfield Ave. Also, Sandra Klein, 543 Delaware Road; Penelope M. Kramer, 17 Columbia Blvd.; L a n r : R. Maier, 53 Keller Ave.; Mary Ann Passno, 269 Harrison Ave.; James C. Bober, 66 June Road; Donald W. Havas, 187 Liston Road; Karen Ann Leff, 85 Meadow Lane; Jeanette Schultz. 122 Deumont-Ter.; Jeanette Veling, 43 Dorset Drive: David E. Ralph, 113 Harrison Ave.: Lana M. Schiffman, 68 S. Irving Ter. Also, Robert W. Huyck. 280 Warren Ave.; Christine J. Bowe, 175 Rosemont Ave.: Judith L. Bulgrin, 211 Stillwell Ave.; Russell Goldberg, 310 Crosby Ave.; Robert L. Gauchat, 282 Argonne Drive; Mary A. Fowler, 151 Willow Breeze Road; Charles Lotsof, 276 Nassau Ave.: Alexis B. Pile, 643 Harrison Ave.; Henry Ullman, 255 Nassau Ave.: Susan M. Duffy, 279 Woodcrest Blvd., and Robert F. Baker, 882 Englewood Ave. Robert S. Marshall, 2730 Colvin Blvd., Town, and Roy G. Swerdfeger, 346 Nassau Ave., Kenmore, were among 1,254 students to receive degrees at Michigan State University's fall term commencement exercises recently. Thirteen Town residents have been named to the freshman honors program for advanced study at the State University of New York at Buffalo. They are: Paul R. Leffler, 142 Wrexham Court; Mary D. Hayes, 66 Pinewoods Ave.; David A. McDowell. 230 Glenhurst Road; Richard Nicholson, 183 Somervillo Ave.; James B. Sharcot, 36 Fenwick Road; Arnold C. Westphal, 8 Greenfield Ave.; Barbara A. Reif, 133 Cobb St. Also, Brenda L. Smith, 158 Westfall D r i v e ; Patricia C. Jones, 3117 Brighton Road: Karen A. Gottler, 34 Brookville Drive; Virginia Woolams, 128 Ames Ave.; Kenneth C. Sherry, 1001 Parkhurst Blvd. and Ann Marie Masters, 52 Bannard Ave. »• The Holy Name Society of St. Andrew's Church will install officers Jan. 12 at a Communion breakfast in St. Andrew's School, 1545 Sheridan Drive, Town of Tonawanda. Year's Day storm that dumped eight inches of snow on the The installation will be by the area. (Storm Stories, Page 1.) Rev. Eugene Radon after the 8 a.m. Mass. Officers-elect are: Steven Gaye, president: Raymond Nabor, first vice presiFund Trustees dent: John Mays, second vice president: Leon Mackowski, secTo Be Elected retary: 'Robert Strassheim, (Key to a b b r e v i a t i o n s TonThe Peter Doctor Memorial In- treasurer, and John Hutten, maranandd T, North Tonadian Scholarship Foundation Inc. wandd NT. Town of Tonshal. auanda TT; Kenmore K; will have its annual election of Amnerst Amh; V.'hea tfiflrttrustee officers at 1 p.m. SaturIV, P e n d l e t o n - P ; Buf.alo-B). day at the Kenmore Presbyteri- France Rejects an Church. x ice Briefs Members of the statewide In- W. German Demands BONN 'UPD—France today dian organization will attend the K FN.MO R E I.ip rut — Mf-s S a n d r a V Demp- 6:30 p.m. dinner meeting of the rejected West Germany's desey, 20. of 51 P a l m e r (Ki received Church mands for the return of cona cut on her upper lip 7 15 p.m. Kenmore Presbyterian victed OAS leader Antoine Ar% T u e s d a y in a t •• <> • c a r collision at Couples' Club. E l m w o o d and T r e m a m e . Miss goud, a Bonn government D e m p s e v v. as t r e a t e d at K e n m o r e MARINE TRAINING spokesman announced. Mercy Hospital. C a r s o p e r a t e d by The French note refusing to Marine Pvt. Gerard M. Wolf N o r m a n K Whitchurch, 88 Woodward i TT i and Miss D e m p s e v Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard hand over Argoud, condemned w e r e involved in the collision M. Wolf, 89 Koenig Road, Town to a life-time prison term after TOWN O F TONAWANDA of Tonawanda, has completed being kidnaped from Munich, Marine was received at the West GerCouple hurt — P a u l M. Weisrn- basic training at the b e r g e r , 25, and his bride. J a n e t . 25. Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Is- man foreign office at noon, the both of Saginaw, Mich . received land, S. C. spokesman said. v a r i o u s cuts in a two-car collision For the Record fol» 5 2 5 p in. Monday at Brighton and N i a g a r a F a l l s . Couple received t r e a t m e n t at K e n m o r e M e r c y Hospital. C a r s o p e r a ' e d by Mr. Weisenb e r g e r and Victor P i t o m a k , Cheektowaga. involved in collision. T h r e e injured — Miss M a r l e n e Luke. 17. of 352 Knowlton (Ki received nose f r a c t u r e 9:05 p.m. T u e s d a y in two-car collision at Mili t a r y and P u l l m a n . C h a r l e s Smith. 27. of 75 Rockne (TT) received b a c k and left leg injury; T i m o t h y T r a p p e r . 21. of 343 W. Hazeltine (K), back, chest, r i g h t s h o u l d e r and left leg injuries All t r e a t e d at Kenm o r e Mercy Hospital. Miss L u k e w a s in c a r o p e r a t e d by her father, H a r r y Luke O t h e r s injured w e r e p a s s e n g e r s in cay o p e r a t e d by Leona r d Valvo, 468 i W. D e l e v a n ( B ) . Whiplash — A r t h u r P a t a n o J r . , 20, of 463 Busti (B) w a s t r e a t e d W e d n e s d a y at K e n m o r e Mercy Hospital for neck and back p a i n s . P a t a n o w a s o c c u p a n t of c a r p a r k e d in Waverry, b e t w e e n E l m w o o d and Military. P a r k e d c a r w a s hit by c a r o p e r a t e d by R o d n e y T. B e r g J r . , 224 O r c h a r d ( T T ) . E n t r y — Theft of fur coat discove r e d T u e s d a y a t h o m e of Mr. a n d Mrs. A a r o n J. N a z a r i a n , 355 F a y e t t e . House a p p a r e n t l y e n t e r e d by d u p l i c a t e key to door by thief who r a n s a c k e d t h e h o m e . Loss still und e r investigation. A b a n d o n e d c a r — C a r of N a n c y M. Sefranik, 51 K i n g (T) found a b a n d o n e d T u e s d a y in front of 275 O a k r i d g e . L a t e r listed a s recove r e d stolen c a r . F i r s t aid — H e r b e r t H a c k e t t , 46, of 10 A m e s (TT) b e c a m e ill at h o m e 5:35 p . m . W e d n e s d a y . G i v e n first aid by P a t r o l m e n G e o r g e Struc a a n d S a l v a t o r e F i o r e l l a before his t r a n s f e r t o M i l l a r d F i l l m o r e Hospital. COCOLA - The family of the late Helen U. Cocola wish to e x p r e s s t h e i r s i n c e r e t h a n k s and a p p r e c i a tion to their m a n y r e l a t i v e s , friends and neighbors, especially St. Joseph Society 436. G r a t w i c k U n i t H o m e B u r e a u and P a l l o t t i n e Auxiliary, ' o r all their kindness and s y m p a t h y shown, beautiful floral t r i b u t e s sent, s y m p a t h y c a r d s . M a s s c a r d s and use of c a r s d u r i n g their r e c e n t b e r e a v e m e n t , the loss of a d e a r wiie, m o t h e r , d a u g h t e r and sister Cocola and Chodacki F a m i l i e s Mrs. Glenny said a minimum of 50 women is needed to augment the several hundred volunteers presently working in the Blood Program. Enrollment interviews will be conducted Jan. 10 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Jan. 15 from 3 to 8 p.m. Classes will be conducted on: Jan. 20, 27 and Feb. 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Both the interviews and the classes will be held at Red Cross Headquarters, 786 Delaware Ave. Anyone wishing additional information may call TT 6-7500 and ask for the Office of Volunteers. Beating-Robbery Railroad Cars I College Corner Plans Program Mrs. Bryant Glenny, chairman of Office of Volunteers for the Buffalo Red Cross, today announced the inauguration of a new'uniformed service to be designated Blood Program Aides. The new service has been developed to train a specialized group in blood program procedures: Registration of donors, taking temperatures, weight and pulse, issuance of donors refreshments and the assembly of plastic donor bags. They also will be given a two-hour orientation of Red Cross. Pago 17 RECRUIT TRAINING Robert D. Klenk, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford A. Klenk, 44 Mayfair Lane, Town of Tonawanda, recently began his .two weeks active Naval Reserve training duty as a seaman recruit at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, HI. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com League Offers News Service The Kenmore League of Women Voters is offering area residents a State Legislature news service. This includes a "Legislative Forecast," a series of newsletters summarizing activities of the Legislature throughout its session, and a "Legislative Review." The reviews will be available after the close of the session. The Legislative Forecast copies are 25 cents each. The full information service costs $1.60. Checks may be sent to Mrs. John R. Jewett, 69 Sherwin Drive, Town of Tonawanda. TO PICK DELEGATES The Kenmore Volunteer Fire Department will have its annual election of delegates to other fire organization from 8 to 10 tomorrow night. Balloting will be at the Kenmore Fire Hall. 16 Nash Road. YOUR MONEY EARNS INTEREST PER YEAR AT CERTIFIED FINANCE Certified's 5V6% debentures due in 1976 carry interest from January 1st if purchased before January 20, 1964. Bonds may be in Individual accounts, joint accounts, or as custodians for minor children. Since 1936, Certified has never missed an interest payment. The 5y 2 % bonds are available In denominations of $106. and up. CERTIFIED FINANCE, 1040 PAYNE, NO. TONAWANDA
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