Document WSIS-II-PC-3/DOC/4-F 26 août 2005 Original: anglais Note du Secrétariat exécutif du SMSI ACCREDITATION DES ONG, DES ORGANISMES DE LA SOCIETE CIVILE ET DES ENTITES DU SECTEUR PRIVE AU SOMMET MONDIAL SUR LA SOCIETE DE L'INFORMATION 1 Par ses Résolutions A/RES/56/183, A/RES/57/238 et A/RES/59/220, l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies a encouragé la contribution effective et la participation active de tous les organes compétents des Nations Unies et en particulier du Groupe d'étude sur les TIC, et a encouragé les autres organisations intergouvernementales, notamment les institutions internationales et régionales ainsi que les organisations non gouvernementales, la société civile et le secteur privé à contribuer et à participer activement au processus intergouvernemental préparatoire du Sommet et au Sommet proprement dit. 2 Conformément aux Dispositions relatives à l'accréditation, les demandes d'accréditation doivent être adressées par courrier électronique ou par télécopie au Secrétariat exécutif, au moins six semaines avant le début de chaque réunion du Comité de préparation. Avec le concours du Service de liaison non gouvernemental des Nations Unies, le Secrétariat exécutif est chargé, d'une part, d'évaluer l'adéquation entre les activités des demandeurs et le thème du Sommet sur la base des informations de fond fournies et de l'engagement des demandeurs pour ce qui est des grandes questions associées à la société de l'information et, d'autre part, de formuler des recommandations au Comité de préparation pour orienter sa décision quant à l'accréditation des ONG, des organismes de la société civile et des entités du secteur privé qui sont jugés compétents et dont les activités sont liées au thème du Sommet. Le Secrétariat exécutif doit diffuser aux Etats Membres la liste des institutions recommandées aux fins d'accréditation deux semaines avant le début de chaque réunion. 3 Le Secrétariat exécutif a évalué les demandes d'accréditation dûment remplies qu'il a reçues entre le 7 janvier 2005 et le 8 août 2005 (le 6 janvier 2005 était le dernier délai pour l'envoi des demandes d'accréditation au PrepCom-2 de la phase de Tunis). On trouvera à l'Annexe 1 du présent document la liste des ONG et des organismes de la société civile et à l'Annexe 2 celle des entités du secteur privé que le Secrétariat exécutif recommande d'accréditer à la troisième réunion du Comité de préparation (PrepCom-3 de la phase de Tunis du SMSI). E:\CEC\COORDINATION\WSIS05\PC-3\DOCUMENTS\DOC\004V2F.DOC (199261) 06.11.05 06.11.05 -2(WSIS-II/PC-3/DOC/4-F) 4 Il est en outre indiqué dans les Dispositions relatives à l'accréditation que les organisations non gouvernementales bénéficiant actuellement d'un statut consultatif auprès de l'ECOSOC qui souhaitent participer aux réunions du Comité de préparation et au Sommet doivent en informer le Secrétariat exécutif et s'inscrire; qu'en règle générale, elles seront considérées comme étant accréditées et que la liste de ces organisations non gouvernementales doit être communiquée aux Etats Membres deux semaines avant la session du Comité de préparation. Par conséquent, on trouvera à l'Annexe 3 la liste de ces ONG qui bénéficient actuellement d'un statut consultatif auprès de l'ECOSOC et qui expriment le souhait, depuis le 7 janvier 2005, de participer aux réunions du Comité de préparation et au Sommet. E:\CEC\COORDINATION\WSIS05\PC-3\DOCUMENTS\DOC\004V2F.DOC (199261) 06.11.05 06.11.05 ANNEX 1 Civil Society Entities recommended by the Executive Secretariat for Accreditation to the World Summit on the Information Society List of entities that have requested accreditation at the Preparatory Meeting (PrepCom-3 of the Tunis Phase of the Summit) 1. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 2. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 3. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities ACLF/SDS-Association Lutte Contre la Faim et le SousDéveloppement au Sankru Paroisse Saint Désiré Diocèse de Tshumbe, B.P. 223 Lodja, rea Procure Ste Anne B.P. 1800 Kinsasha, République Démocratique Congo Tel : +243 0813136129 [email protected] 2002 The objective of ACLF/SDS is to contribute to the reduction of sufferings of vulnerable groups through initiatives of fight against hunger and poverty. It further works to defend human rights of those groups as well as to reach them with ICTs. African Youth Foundation Bonner Talweg 330, 53129 Bonn Germany Tel.: + 49 228 910 88 33 Fax: + 49 228 92 66 991 [email protected] 2000 The mission of African Youth Foundation is to promote awareness, build the skills and experience of the disadvantaged young people in Africa and the Diaspora to effect positive social changes. Its activities are: promotion of youth education through workshops and seminars, vocational and leadership training courses in African countries. Afroculture Organisation Post Office Box Kn 3557 Kaneshie Accra Ghana Tel.: +233 244 3818 73 Fax: +233 21 315 618 [email protected] 1998 Afroculture Organisation’s activities and mission include: joint lectures on HIV/AIDS and ICT, provision of portable drinking water to rural people, campaigning on poverty reduction, organising cultural programs for rural and urban people, preserving the existing culture, developing inter-cultural tourism, protecting the environment, research and documentary on ICT and cultural activities. 4. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 5. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 6. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Agencia Internacional de Prensa India (AIPIN) Galeana 46, Barrio Xaltocan, Xochimilco, CP 16090, México DF México Tel.: +52 555 605 1997 Fax: +52 555 641 0530 [email protected] or [email protected] 1994 AIPIN’s work consists of the compilation, analysis and diffusion of all kinds of information related to native people. This is done by the participation in and creation of networks for communication and organization related to this field of work, by capacity building for indigenous people, by the production of the newsletter “Regiones Indias”, the collaboration in regional development projects, the promotion of workshops, seminars, and conferences on indigenous issues. AHRC Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law at the University of Edinburgh Old College South Bridge Edinburgh EH8 9YL United Kingdom Tel.: +44 131 650 2014 Fax: +44 131 650 6317 [email protected] 2002 The AHRC was established to continue a research program on the synergetic relationship between law, technology, commerce and society. It is also working in the adjunct areas of genetics; medical jurisprudence; biotechnology and ethics; law and artificial intelligence, including the distribution of legal knowledge via the Web; regulation of electronic commerce; the information society; law as it affects information management and cultural production. AKADIMIA INA (Southeastern Europe Telecommunications Academy – SETA) 9th km Thessaloniki – Thermi 570 01 Thessaloniki P.O. Box 60080 Greece Tel.: +30 2310 489 386 Fax: +30 2310 489 387 [email protected] 2002 INA Academy aims to play a significant role in the ICT market in Southeast Europe. It acts as a node for dissemination of information between actors involved in the market. It also operates as a centre for provision of high quality training on regulatory issues concerning ICT markets and offers technical, legal and financial advice on the basis of an assessment of the legal, regulatory and business environment of the markets in Southeast European countries. 7. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 8. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 9. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities AKUAIPA WAIMAKAT – Asociaión para la Divulgación, Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Humanos e Indígenas de los Terrirorios y Asentamientos Wayuu de La Guajira Calle 2 con carrera 1, Entable de Las Salinas, Manaure – La Guajira Colombia Tel.: +57 5 7178 010 Fax : +57 5 7178 010 [email protected] 2002 AKUAIPA WAIMAKAT is an organization that has been created to promulgate, promote and defend human and indigenous rights and their territories. Its activities comprise the coordination of actions to promote these aims and all other projects that are meant to improve the situation of indigenous people in Colombia and other parts of the world. It relies on modern technologies and ICTs to support these aim and give indigenous people a means for cultural integration and representation. All-China Environment Federation 1 Yuhuinanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029 China Tel : + 86 10 846 28433 Fax : + 86 10 846 28427 [email protected] 2005 The objective of ACEF is to serve as a bridge between the government and the public in implementing the sustainable development strategy, achieving national objectives on environment and development, and protecting the environment rights of the public. By fully utilizing its organizational advantages, ACEF aims to promote environmental protection in China and the world at large. Alliance des Femmes des Carrières Juridiques de Tunisie (AFCJT) [email protected] Tunisia Tel: + 216 712 34 175 Fax: + 216 715 67 131 [email protected] 1981 Weekly, free jurisdiction counseling since 1981. Held eight seminars and workshops about topics pertaining to women life and rights, e.g. the family homestead – violence between spouses – common ownership between spouses – assigning responsibilities and home duties in the family. Conducting research about special topics, i.e. violence within family life. Publishing articles in reviews and newspapers. 10. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 11. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 11 A. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 12. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities AMBEDKAR CENTRE FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE (ACJP) P.O. Box 821, Tunkhannock, PA, 18657, United States of America Tel : +1 570 836 3979 Fax : +1 570 836 7053 [email protected] 1991 ACJP aims to empower the marginalized indigenous people in South Asia for their Overall Development (Educational, Social, Cultural, Religious), through Education and job creation, and IT knowledge. Amicale Des Anciens Elèves Ingénieurs En Informatique De La Faculté Des Sciences De Tunis (AMI-FST) Faculté des Sciences de Tunis (FST, Campus Universitaire El Manaur, 1060 Le Belvédère Tunis, Tunisie Tel : +216 9820 8606 Fax : + 216 7188 8570 [email protected] 1982 Amicale Des Anciens Elèves Ingénieurs En Informatique De La Faculté Des Sciences De Tunis (AMI-FST) is making links between professionals and students of FST. Its aim is to fulfill the demand of industry and to follow the technological progress in Tunisia and the World. L’Amicale des Anciens élèves du cycle supérieur de l’Ecole Nationale d’Administration de Tunis Tunisie Tel : +216 71 230 209/ 750 524 Fax : +216 71 750 215 [email protected] 1974 The objective of L’Amicale des Anciens élèves du cycle supérieur de ENA is to consolidate the relationship of solidarity among its members. It organized the international symposium on “the public service and the information society” in Tunisia. Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures Swedish Institute P.O. Box 1261 Mansheya Corniche Alexandria 21111 Egypt Tel.: +203 48 31 832, +203 48 31 953 Fax: +203 48 20 471 [email protected] 2005 Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures is the first common partnership institution set up in a country south of the Mediterranean. It is jointly financed by 35 countries in order to bring people from both shores closer. It acts as a network of the 35 civil societies and links several projects in the fields of human rights, democratic citizenship, sustainable development, learning, knowledge and information society, etc. 13. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 14. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 15. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Arab Computer Society (ACS) P.O. Box 13-5504 Chouran, Beirut Lebanon 1102-2050 Tel.: +961 3 379 647 Fax: +961 1 867 098 [email protected] 2001 The objectives and activities of ACS include the encouragement and the development of computer sciences and engineering research, the support of the development of an Arab IT industry, the promotion of standards for products that support the Arabic language, cooperation among Arab computer researchers, the organisation of conferences, workshops, knowhow transfer and publications. Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) 2 Magless El Shaab Egypt Tel.: +20 251 615 19 245 Fax: +20 251 629 61 [email protected] 1995 RAED is an Arab body that has a legal entity and that is financially and morally independent. RAED is a network of Arab non-governmental organizations including more than 200 NGOs from Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. It is concerned with services for its members, e.g. fundraising, technical support, conferences, and representation. Arab Office For Youth and Environment (AOYE) 2 Magless El Shaab Cairo Egypt Tel.: +20 25 1615 19 245 Fax: +20 25 1629 61 [email protected] 1978 AOYE was established to promote awareness of environmental issues and active stewardship for the environment in Egypt, Arab Nations and World beyond. Since its creation AOYE trained thousands of youth and adults through environmental camps, scientific symposia and special projects. AOYE is the secretariat of the Arab Network for Environment and Development in Cairo. 16. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 17. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 18. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Arab Press Freedom Watch South Bank House, Black Prince Rd London SE1 753 United Kingdom Tel.: + 00 44 782 11 20158 Fax: + 44 161 42 67 967 [email protected] 2000 APFW main goal is to promote the principle of free and responsible press in the Arab world. In order to achieve this goal, APFW designs and implements practical programs to: Monitor violations of freedom of expression in the Arab world; Organize advocacy campaigns in order to help promote freedom of expression and defend victims of violations of freedom; Publish an Annual Report about the state of freedom of expression in the Arab world; Run a public information campaign through its website to promote freedom of expression and raise public awareness. Asia Pacific Top Level Domain (APTLD) P.O. Box 11-881 Wellington 6001 New Zealand Tel.: +64 4472 1600 Fax: +64 4495 2115 [email protected] 2003 legally, 1998 informally APTLD is the regional organisation representing the Internet Domain Name System’s country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) registries from the Asia Pacific region ranging from Turkey to the Pacific Islands. It meets twice a year to share information and for discussion. It also prepares position papers on relevant issues (e.g. WGIG process) and advocates its members interests within ICANN. Association ADREP B.P. 10536, 13091 – Aix en Provence Cedex 02 France Tel.: + 33 04 42 20 93 13 Fax: + 33 04 42 59 45 76 [email protected] 1982 The objective of Association ADREP is to promote permanent education in order to develop know-how in the field of local projects. It aims to develop a new education based on solidarity, proximity, innovation and participation, using also ICTs. 19. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 20. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 21. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 22. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association Club Mohamed Ali de la Culture Ouvrière Tunisie Tel.: + 216 71 792 475 Fax: + 216 71 792 475 [email protected] 1992 The Association Club Mohamed Ali was created in 1999 by a group of unionists of Gabes, on the initiative of Habib Guiza, who was then Secretary general of the regional Labour Union (UGTT). It is a non-profit organisation, which promotes the discussions among workers, students, unionists and other social actors on economic and social issues in the euro-Mediterranean space. Asociación Cubana de Bibliotecarios (ASDUBI) Calle Prado No. 205 e/Trocadero y Colon, Ciudad de La Habana CP 10100, Cuba Tel.: + 53 7 862 8783 / 862 9037 to 39 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1986 ASDUBI is a financially independent ONG and non-profit organization of libraries professionals, students and teachers of library science. It aims to achieve the objectives of the libraries activities promoting the national awareness of the importance of the libraries in the human development. Association Femmes qui Gagnent (QGFEMME) [email protected] Mauritania Tel: + 222 64 88 340 [email protected] 2005 Objectives: enhance the capacities of women in ICTs in order to reduce the digital divide and the disparity between women and men; contribute to the sustainable development of the entrepreneurship of women. Association Française d’Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Informations (A.F.I.S.I.) 20, Rue Rambuteau, 75003 Paris France Tel : + 33 1 69 39 48 94 [email protected] 1993 Objectives: constitute communication networks of experts, especially of French speaking countries, in order to work jointly to find solutions related to information systems. 23. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 24. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 25. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 26. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association des Amis de la Maison de Jeunes Beni-Khiar Rue 9 Avril 8060 Beni-Khiar Tunisie Tel.: + 216 72 229 608 Fax: + 216 72 229 608 [email protected] 1999 The activities of Association des Amis de la Maison de Jeunes Beni-Khiar are divided in three axes: 1) work-shops/clubs of computing etc; 2) animation projects (cultural events); 3) international exchanges (bilateral and multilateral). Association “Initiatives” 10, Rue de l’Artisanat, ZI, Charguia II – 2035 Tunis Carthage Tunisie Tel.: + 216 71 942 460 Fax: + 216 71 942 198 [email protected] 1993 The objectives of Association “Initiatives” are to create an Internet club and to develop an action program especially for young people. This in addition and complementary to the national efforts and in partnership with the government. Association Internationale des Volontaires Francophones JVF International, BP, 23 353- 69405 Lyon Cedex 03 France Tel : +33 6 14 89 37 72 Fax : +33 6 14 89 37 72 [email protected] 2004 Association Internationale des Volontaires Francophones has a humanitarian and socio-cultural vocation. It aims to make an opportunity for disadvantaged young people to integrate into society. Its objective is to develop the use of French language in ICTs. Association Nationale Tunisienne de la Protection de la Faune Sauvage 15 Rue du 1er Octobre 1165 Hammam Echatt, Gouvernorat de BenArous Tunisie Tel.: + 216 714 20421 Fax: + 216 714 20421 [email protected] 1083 The aim of Association Nationale Tunisienne de la Protection de la Faune Sauvage is a protection of the wild fauna by actions to raise the awareness of the public and to promote the application of law in this field. 27. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 28. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 29. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association of Community Internet Center (APWKomitel) Golden Plaza A37 – A39, JI RS Fatmawati No 15, Jakarta, 12410 Indonesia Tel.: + 62 81 677 4203 Fax : + 62 21 7507545 [email protected] 2002 Mission of APWKomitel is to empower our member or industry providing internet access to the society. Committed with WSIS Action Plan to built internet center in villages. Most of its members focus on urban city and town, and with government participation focus on rural town and villages (project with Indonesian planning board and UNDP). Association maison de l’éducateur Tunis 38 Bechir Sfar Street Tunis 1006 Tunisia Tel.: +216 715 634 86 Fax: +216 715 634 86 [email protected] 1962 Association maison de l’éducateur Tunis offers free weekly studies for pupils of final classes. It also offers free weekly computer courses for teachers at all levels as well as excursions into Tunisia’s North and South and to other countries. It is also active in social affairs as well as cultural activities. Association pour la Fondation Internet Nouvelle Generation (FING) 70, rue Amelot, 75011 Paris France Tel : +33 1 43 38 62 62 Fax +33 1 43 38 73 78 [email protected] 1999 FING is a joint project which follows up the development of research and experimentation of ICTs. Its object is to stimulate and make known the innovation in the services, in the applications and in the uses of Internet of tomorrow. It also aims to make a network among the researchers and the experts of Internet. 30. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 31. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 32. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association pour les Nations Unies au Burundi (ANU) B.P. 3183, Bujumbura Burundi Tel.: +257 246661 Fax: +257 232362 [email protected] 2003 ANU is trying to extend its scope over the whole territory of Burundi in order to help protect marginalized groups of citizens, defend human rights and work for the sustainable development pf peace and human capacities. In order to do so, ANU participates in research missions; fights against AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases; tries to protect the environment. It also monitors national elections and cooperates with other organizations in the attempt to defend human rights, especially in regions touched by war and outbreaks of violence. In times of peace, ANU labours to develop local ICT skills, to promote education and alphabetisation etc. Association Production et Santé (APS) B.P. 1840 Bujumbura Burundi Tel.: +257 22 59 14, +257 22 49 36 Fax: +257 39 70 32 92 +6 [email protected] 2004 APS is active in the field of poverty alleviation where it assists widows, orphans etc. by supplying them with seeds, fertilizers and livestock in collaboration with FAO, EU and the government of Burundi. It’s also active in the spreading of information concerning AIDS, education etc. to underprivileged people . Association to Support E-learning and E-health care in Developing countries (ASELEH) Schaeferkampallee 56-58 20357 Hamburg Germany Tel.: +49 40 42883 2545 Fax: +49 40 42883 2552 [email protected] 2004 ASELEH aims to promote e-learning and e-health in developing societies as it believes that education and health for all can be effectively achieved and sustainable by supporting it with ICTs. It dedicates all its efforts to reveal the potential of ICTs to developing countries and to communicate how to utilize that potential in the specific environmental conditions each society faces. 33. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 34. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 35. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 36. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association Tunisienne de l’Education scientifique (ATES) 15, rue Monji Bali, La Corniche 4001, Sousse Tunisie Tel.: + 216 73 227701 Fax: + 216 73227701 [email protected] 1998 Objectives: participate in the promotion of scientific education in order to support the teachers and students; help to promote the audiovisual education in schools; facilitate the adoption of modern digital technological methods in education. Association tunisienne de la protection des enfants sans soutien (ATUPESS) Stress unity of Arab Magreb, 9, Manouba, 2010, Tunisia Tel : + 216 98 335 175 Tel : +216 71 844 139, +216 70 604 484 [email protected] 2002 ATUPESS targets the aid of disadvantage children, socially and psychologically. It also aims to promote their levels in computer science in order to develop their technological knowledge. Association Tunisienne de lutte Contre le Cancer (ATCC) Bd du 9 Avril 1938, B.P. 173, 1006 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 561 184 Fax: +216 71 573 642 [email protected] 1987 ATCC is composed and upheld by volunteers only. Its aim is to contribute to the national fight against cancer by donating equipment, organizing fundraising campaign etc. The organisation ventures on in this direction by informing and educating people and supporting prevention schemes and helping the affected ones. Together with the Centre Régionale de Lutte contre le Cancer de Montpellier, ATCC is working to provide interactive information and know-how about cancer to interested citizens all over Tunisia. This system could become a multilingual, international media center facilitating the life and work of students, doctors, researchers, and patient’s families. Association Tunisie Numérique 47, rue Assad IBN Elfourat, Denden, Tunisie Tel : +216 98 225 014 Fax : +216 72 519 867 [email protected] 2005 Association Tunisie Numerique organises demonstration in the framework of the issues relevant to ICTs and the Information society : Use of ICTs, digital divide, and Knowledge economy. It also encourages young people to invest in the informatics domain. 37. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 38. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 39. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 40. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Association Tunisienne pour la santé mentale pour une vie meilleure 24 bis, rue Sidi El Benna 1000 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 332 462, +216 71 335 376 Fax: +216 71 748 824 [email protected] 1990 Association Tunisienne pour la santé mentale pour une vie meilleure is dedicated to the social integration of people with special needs, to help persons with mental illnesses and their families, to offer special education for children affected by mental illnesses, to undertake cultural activities to benefit mentally ill persons, to establish relations with similar associations in Tunisia and in other countries. Association tunisienne pour les victimes du terrorisme (ATVT) 129, Avenue de la liberté, 1002 Tunis le Belvedere Tunisia Tel.: + 216 71843906 Fax: + 216 71 843906 2003 Aims to promote solidarity with the victims of terrorism and their families; defend their rights and support them psychologically; coordinate contacts with other organizations with the same objectives. Association “Web des villes et des champs” 24, rue Pouchet, 76000 Rouen France Tel: + 33 2 53 08 21 92 Fax: + 33 2 35 15 02 71 [email protected] 2000 The association has been created to promote Internet in towns and rural territories of Haute-Normandie by all sorts of communication ways, over all by the organization of events like “fête de l’Internet” every year in Haute-Normandie. But also to promote a clever use of Internet for children and adults in schools, libraries, public houses, through animations. It becomes a development agency and usages observatory. Bangladesh Research and Development Association (BRADA) A-5, 77 Central Road Dhanmondi (East) Dhaka 1205 Bangladesh Tel.: +8802 967 3080, +8802 966 4588, +8817 301 0673 [email protected], [email protected] 1997, registered in 2001 BRADA offers information-related technical and professional assistance to educational, research and R&D institutions so that they can develop full information system networking. It is also assisting in R&D activities of institutions seeking help in the development of computer based information system and computerised information system. It also launched the first Internet based Union Catalogue of 17 academic and special libraries of Bangladesh. 41. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 42. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 43. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Belgrade Open School / Centre for Research of Information Technologies (BOS/CEPIT) Masarikova 5/16, 11000 Belgrade Serbia Montenegro Tel.: + 381 11 30 65 830 Fax: + 381 11 36 13 112 [email protected] 1993 The Belgrade Open School is a non-governmental organisation whichcontributes to the overall development of society through additional education and training to agents of social changes, research and policy development. It is focused on: research of various aspects of Information Society development; e-learning programmes for participants from South East European countries; usage of Internet as a tool for reconciliation; development of National Strategy for Information Society; awarenessbuilding campaigns for Information Society. Behzad Health Center (BHC) Behzad, 1st Floor, Kunduz Market Shah rara Dhane Bagh P.O. Box 5005, Mukhabrat, Central Post Office Kabul Afghanistan Tel.: +93 79 331 073 [email protected] 1998 BHC participates in health related projects, the rehabilitation of Afghanistan, education programs in Afghanistan as well as in projects dealing with Afghan refugees in Pakistan. It establishes diagnostic centres in different parts of the country; it assists medical institution in practical works of the students. It is also active in health education to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis etc. Bentley College 175 Forest street Waltham, Massachusetts 02452 USA Tel.: +1 781 891 3158 Fax: +1 781 891 3410 [email protected] 1917 Bentley College, a business university, educates students and generates knowledge by uniting the intellectual dynamics of business and the liberal arts. Principal research areas are: (1) arts and science in a business university; (2) business and information technology; (3) business ethics and social responsibility and (4) global commerce and culture. 44. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 45. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 46. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School 1587 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge MA 02138 USA Tel.: +1 617 495 7547 Fax: +1 617 495 7641 [email protected] 1996 Berkman Center is a research program founded to explore cyberspace, share its study and help pioneer its development. It further pursues scholarly research and writing in the manner and spirit of a traditional academic think tank, anchored by the work of our faculty and fellows. It represents a network of faculty, students, fellows, entrepreneurs, lawyers and virtual architects. Bikash Bharati Welfare Society (BBWS) 20/1B Lalbazar Street Kolkata 700001 West Bengal India Tel.: +91 33 2243 1787 Fax: +91 33 2230 7270 [email protected] 1963 BBWS is a national NGO working with rural and slum communities in the states of West Bengal, Delhi and Jharkhand. It is active in the fields of child development, disability prevention, education promotion, environment protection etc. It is dedicated to address the needs and priorities of the deprived and marginalized sections of the society and to implement projects with the active participation of the community concerned. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation PO Box 23350, Seattle, WA 98102 USA Tel.: + 1206 709 3100 Fax: + 1206 709 3501 [email protected] 1994 The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to promote greater equity in four areas: global health, U.S. education, access to digital information via public libraries, and support for at-risk families in Washington state. The Seattle-based foundation joins local, national, and international partners to ensure advances in these areas reach those who need them most. 47. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 48. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 49. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Blue Initiative Gilbert Isorandè 76, BD Jeanne D’Arc 1305 Marseille France Tel : +33 6 07 67 63 09 [email protected] 2003 Blue Initiative established the "Pact Citizen of Sustainable Development" which is supporting development through micro financing. It aims to enable individuals or entities to contribute to the financing of social or cultural activities in a “not-for-profit” environment. In this framework, social, human or environmental projects are selected and financed. Bradesco Foundation Rua Mario Milani, S/no Vila Yara, Osasco 06028 250 Sao Paulo Brazil Tel.: +55 11 3684 3946, +55 11 3684 4248 Fax: +55 11 3681 6615 [email protected] 1956 Bradesco Foundation provides free education and vocational training for children, teenagers and adults in needy communities throughout Brazil. Today there are 40 schools in 26 federal districts with 107871 students. In 2004 it started a Social Inclusion Network (supported by MIT, MS, Cisco, Intel) to provide non-formal education, technological access and leadership skills for needy communities. Camp Amelia Technology Literacy Group, inc. 1450 Stand Hill Road, #205 Palo Alto, CA 94304 United States of America Tel : +1 650 838 9155 Fax : +1 650 838 9191 [email protected] 2003 Under the theme of the Education for All, Camp Amelia Technology Literacy Group aims to apply creative ICT-based solutions to address teacher and curriculum shortages plaguing communities across the developing world. It seeks to improve the quality and accessibility of primary education and ultimately to achieve the objective of self-sustaining poverty reduction through empowering local communities with information technology enhanced learning. 50. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 51. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 52. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities Canadian Communication Association (CCA / ACC) C/o Leslie Shade, President CCA/ACC Concordia University Department of Communication Studies 7141 Sherbrooke St W. Montreal Quebec H4B 1R6 Canada Tel.: +1 514 848 2424, + 1 514 848 2550 Fax: + 1 514 848 4257 [email protected] 1980 CCA is a bilingual, national organisation that brings together communication teachers, researchers and professionals from the university, government and private sectors. Its purpose is to promote the investigation of communication issues in Canada. The CCA seeks to promote communication research and studies in the belief that a better understanding of communication issues is vital to an informed public and building a healthy reasoning society. Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Faculty of Business Informatics, P.O. Box 652, Cape Town, South Africa, 8000 South Africa Tel.: +27 21 469 1022 Fax: +27 21 469 1002 [email protected] 1979 The faculty of Business Informatics (FBI) is a not for profit research and teaching centre based at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology involving university, civil society, business and government that provides research, policy, teaching and training in the use and appropriation of information technology. France Tel.: + 33 1 43470256 Fax: + 33 1 43470256 [email protected] 2001 Objectives of promote the easy use of Internet, in a secure, ethic and equitable way for a sustainable development on the basis of the Declarations of Human Rights and of Environment; make peoples benefit from the advances technologies. 53. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 54. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 55. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 56. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Centre Africain de Compémentarité Scolaire – Universitaire et de Promotion (CACSUP) B.P. 2852 Brazzaville Congo Tel.: +242 536 03 96 Fax: +242 81 18 28 [email protected] CACSUP was established in 1998. CACSUP is focused on education and ICTs. It is supporting African Development by applying its know-how in these fields and enabling citizens to better use ICTs and other modern technologies. It has organized conferences on the internet, cooperates with schools and has established a training center in order to form teachers and pupils. Centre d’études stratégiques pour le Moyen-Orient (CESMO) Msaref street, Ezzeddine building P.O. Box 30, Tripoli Lebanon Tel.: +961 6 42 99 90 Fax: +961 6 42 99 91 [email protected], [email protected] 2004 CESMO is active in the following areas: research in geostrategy and geopolitics, local politics, development engineering, consulting and professional training. The implement information campaigns for children, workers, work to reduce illiteracy, run environmental protection programs etc. Centre de formation aux techniques informatiques (CFTI) B.P. 30769 Yaounde Cameroon Tel.: +237 997 68 87 Email: [email protected] 1995 CFTI is an officially recognized education center for training on the job and ICT training. It works with young, jobless people and tries to help them to integrate into the business cycle. So far, more than 2000 people have been trained by CFTI. Centre for Contemporary Studies 59/20, Prabhat Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi, 110005, India Tel : +91 11 30959654, +91 11 9810186108 Fax : +91 11 55658681 2005 Centre for Contemporary Studies is a legislative think-tank and NGO, whose activities are centred on helping legislators put in place systems of good governance and perform their activities in a citizencentric manner. Therefore one of its major activities is impressing upon legislators that ICTs and systems of e-governance can ameliorate the conditions of the masses and that the legislators themselves would benefit. 57. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 58. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 59. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) 57 Erb Street, Waterloo, Notario, Canada, N2L 6C2 Canada Tel.: + 519 885 2444 Fax: + 519 885 5450 [email protected] 2001 CIGI is an international think tank established as a resource for academic researchers, public officials, civil society organizations, NGOs, students and interested public. CIGI builds ideas for global change of the multilateral system, particularly within the areas of economic and financial governance. It has created a rich, online resource center, called IGLOO, to pool together the best information and ideas in the world about international governance. Centre for Media Freedom Middle East and North Africa (CMFMENA) 82, Rue Ibn Batouta, Casablanca Morocco Tel.: +212 22 226 014 Fax: +212 22 226 014 [email protected] 1998 CMFMENA is an independent regional NGO working for the promotion of media freedom as well as defending journalists who are subject to censorship. It is dedicated to free, pluralistic and independent media. It publishes reports, trains journalists and other media workers. Further it manages an international database linking and serving local and foreign media professionals. Center for the Development of Civil Society (CDCS) 49 Nalbandian St. # 9a Yerevan 375025 Armenia Tel.: +374 10 520 688 Fax: +374 10 585 677 [email protected] 1988 CDCS’s mission is to promote ideas about democracy and civil society, women’s and minority rights, pluralism/diversity (cultural, linguistic, religious and political). Its longterm goal is to foster civil society through civic education. CDCS deals with implementation of projects, networking, advocacy, education, research and publishing. 60. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 61. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 62. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Center for Science Development and Media Studies G 4, Sector 39, Noida 201301, Uttar Pradesh India Tel.: + 95 120 2502180 to 87 Fax: + 91 120 250 0060 [email protected] 1997 CSDMS is an independent organisation that promotes leadership, strategic thinking and partnership for enhancing the usages of ICT for Human Development. It continuously engages in the research of implementation of strategic leadership programmes, publications and conferences. CSDMS has over the years organized high-level programmes focusing on ICT for Development issues in Bangkok, Beijing, Dubai, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and New Delhi. Centre de Ressources Multimédia (Université de Bangui) Avenue des Martyrs, BP 1450 Bangui Republic of Central Africa Tel : + 236 61 61 69 Fax : + 236 61 78 90 and 2002 The objective of the Centre de Ressource Multimédia of the University of Bangui is to promote the ICTs in the fields of education and research. Centro mondialità sviluppo reciproco Via della Madonna, 32 – 57123 Livorno Italy Tel.: + 39 0586 887350 Fax: + 390586 882132 [email protected] 1979 CMSR is an Italian NGO working since 1979 in the field of international solidarity and cooperation. In the mid 80s, CMSR started its operations in Dodoma Region under the umbrella of Roman Catholic Dioceses with two rural integrated development projects, known as Chikopelo and Kigwe Projects. At present, CMSR is involved in Tanzania with Ukumwi (prevention and care of Aids), Malenga (building of aqueducts and wells) Shule (school adoptions), Mema (sanitary education for a correct use of water sources) projects. 63. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 64. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 65. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Centre Populaire d’Enseignement (CPE) / Organisme de formation associatif (association loi 1901) 29 Boulevard Jean Barbiéri – 13 015 Marseille France Tel.: + 33 04 91 65 90 20 / 06 87 73 58 51 Fax : + 33 04 91 65 90 30 [email protected] ou [email protected] 1964 CPE is developing an education policy in the field of the ICTs, related to the policy of the Regional Council PACA. This policy aims to promote: the education in the field of ICT of actors in the private and associative sector; access for all to Internet and promotion of ICT projects in the regions; create an independent offer in the multimedia field in conformity with the euro-Mediterranean cultural needs and economic requests. Centre Tamoul pour les droits de l’Homme (CTDH) Tamil Center for Human Rights (TCHR) 9, rue des Peupliers, 95140, Garages les Gonesse, France Fax : + 33 1 40 38 28 74 [email protected], [email protected] 1990 TCHR promotes public awareness of the legal instruments related to the promotion and the protection of human rights. TCHR advocates ratification of, and assists in monitoring adherences to, all the legal instruments of human rights. Its information is circulated through the electronic and other communication media, regionally and internationally. Chapitre Francais de l’Internet Society – ISOC France 11-17 rue Hamelin 75016 Paris France Tel.: +33 607 66 89 33 Fax: +33 1 39 02 11 33 [email protected] 1996 ISOC France provides a federating platform enabling diverse associations, users, organisation and groups active on the Internet to share and raise awareness. It encourages a strong French presence and promotes multiculturalism and multilingualism on the Internet and It organises national and international meetings like It also acts as a partner of public and private sector actors, ISPs and content providers. 66. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 67. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 68. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Child Health Organisation (CHO) #1 Sonaya Street, off Sule Street Idi Mangoro Abeokuta Express Road Agege Lagos Nigeria Tel.: +234 8034 398 323 [email protected] 1996 CHO aims at contemplating the government’s efforts in areas of health, nutrition and development. Its activities include family/children health and nutrition education, community health programs, bridging the gap in rural/grassroot communities through micro-finance programs, organising a quarterly forum for women on gender issues and reproductive health, talks on volunteerism and rational drug-use. Child Helpline International Prinsengracht 468, 1017 KG Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel: + 31 20 528 96 25 Fax: + 31 20 638 76 55 [email protected] 2003 CHI is an international non-governmental organization comprising representation from 82 child helplines in 71 countries. CHI is also assisting countries to start up child helplines. These helplines reach out to children and young people through any means of telecommunications, including post cards, letters, radio programs, phone or via text messaging and confidential internet chat rooms. CHI aims towards a world where telecommunication allows children and young people to be heard one by one, and through their voices shape the world and realize their rights. It seeks to respond to children and young people in need of care and protection and voice their concerns to policy- and decision-makers. Cineaction Maison du rampart, 04230 Fontienne France Tel : +33 4 92 73 17 20 Fax : +33 4 92 73 16 20 [email protected] 1998 The objective of Cineaction is to transfer and adapt the latest cutting edge technologies used in the wealthiest sectors of the economy for use as nomadic campaigning tool in the poorest parts of the world. As above, campaign in Yemen against sexually transmitted diseases using the ICT in a country. 69. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 70. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 71. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities College of Information Science & Technology University of Nebraska at Omaha – Department of Information Systems & Quantitative Analysis 6001 Dodge Street PKI 172 Omaha NE 68182-0116 USA Tel.: +1 402 554 2837 Fax: +1 402 554 3400 [email protected] University 1908 College 1996 College and University of Nebraska at Omaha offers both under- and postgraduate programs in fields like bioinformatics, computer science, management information system, information assurance, multimedia technologies and IT. It also employs some 100 students in various IT capacities, working on some of the 60 plus research and technical assistance projects under way. COMEDIA – le syndicat des médias Monbijoustr. 33 / PF CH – 3001 Bern Switzerland Tel.: +41 31 390 66 11 Fax: +41 31 390 66 94 [email protected] 1998 Comedia is the biggest union for media workers in Switzerland. It represents the rights of media workers vis-á-vis employers and offers various services to their members. It is a member of the Swiss platform for the Information Society – – and was already part of the preparatory process leading to the Geneva phase of WSIS. Comitê para Democratização da Informática de Pernambuco Avendia Prodfessor Luis Freire, 700 Sala 114 Cidade Universitaria, Recife-Pernambuco, 50740-540 Brazil Tel : +55 81 3271 4849 Fax : +55 81 3453-9547 1995 CDI-the Committee for Democracy in Information Technology has been developing a pioneering initiative to promote social inclusion, by using information technology as a citizens right and development tool. It implements educational programs in Brazil and abroad through its Information Technology and Citizens Rights School, mobilizing excluded segments of society and transforming their reality. 72. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 73. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 74. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Community Informatics Research Network – International (CIRN INTL.) c/o Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) Faculty of Business Informatics, B.O. Box 652, Cape Town South Africa 8000 Tel.: + 27 21 496 1022 Fax : + 27 21 496 1002 [email protected] 2003 Community Informatics takes as its domain many of the most pressing issues of its time – many of which in form or another are concerned with how to ensure that ICTs are made useful and usable to the broadest range of individuals and communities and in such a way that they themselves may identify the applications and realize their objectives through these magical means. In this area it brings to the task the range of research, policy and ICT practical skills to what has been understood as the “Digital Divide”. Common Cause 1250 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 600 Washington DC 20036 USA Tel.: +1 202 833 1200 Fax: +1 202 659 3716 [email protected] 1970 Common Cause is a non-partisan NPO founded to strengthen democratic institutions and hold governments accountable. It has 300.000 members in the US and is the primary convener of the Media and Democracy Coalition. It works in various media reform issues related to the citizens participation in a democracy as well as in areas like education and advocacy. CONNEXION SANS FRONTIERE Complexe du Developpement Social (RDC) Route de Front Terre Dakar Senegal Tel.: +221 867 22 37, +221 634 26 46 Fax: +221 867 22 37 [email protected] 1999 CONNEXION SANS FRONTIERE’s main purpose is to bring together and to support fundamental development forces (e.g. organisations and associations dealing with youth, community training, ICT) through training in administration, management and professional activities in order to reach everyone in developing countries. It is also dedicated to introduce ICTs to connect development organisations. 75. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 76. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 77. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Congolese Youth Association for Development (CYAD) 12, rue Kato C/Linguala P.O. Box: 16194 Kin1/Gombe Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tel.: +243 984 972 10, +243 996 7069 [email protected] 2002 CYAD is a community youth organisation aimed at addressing youth issues at local and national levels. It’s dedicated to promote Congolese youth for individual and community development. It runs a series of sensitisation campaigns, conferences, workshops and training on many issues concerning young people in order to strengthen and expand programs serving the needs and helping to train the potential of young people. Conseil de Concertation des Organisations d’Appui aux Initiatives de Base CCOAIB – Umbrella Organisation for Rwandan Development NGOs Boulevard de l’Umuganda P.O. Box 1993 Kigali Rwanda Tel.: +250 583 990 Fax: +250 512 149 [email protected] 1987 CCOAIB acts as a framework for its member organisation in offering and encouraging exchange, dialogue, negotiation and solidarity. It also contributes to the promotion and organisation of the civil society and works on creating observatory mechanism for economic, political and social changes in the society. Consorzio Nettuno-Network per l’Università Ovunque-Med Net’U Project Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, n.39 – 00186 Rome Italy Tel : +39 06 69207672, +39 06 697207628 Fax : +39 06 69942065 [email protected] 1992 Nettuno is a Distance University promoted by Ministry of the University and Scientific and Technological Research. It is currently involved in the Med Net’U Project, which is funded by the European Commission. The aim of the Project is to create the Euromediterranean Distance University. Nettuno delivers its courses through an Internet-based didactic portal, on satellite television and on the Internet via satellite. 78. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 79. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 80. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities COORACE PACA CORSE Le Canépole BAT B, 11, chemin de l’industrie, 06110 Le CANNET France Tel : +33 4 93 45 23 80 Fax : +33 4 93 46 96 22 [email protected] http://[email protected] 1997 The mission of COORACE PACA CORSE is to work in favour of access to the human rights and of employment for everybody. It intends to report on the result of the project DESIR (Development of the Employment in Information Society in Region) which verifies that ICT can facilitate employment for disabled peoples. Coordination des Associations de Balbala (CAB) 7590 République de Djibouti Tel.: +253 362 342 [email protected] CAB was established in Djibouti in 2000. CAB has created a multilingual local telecenter in Balbala to promote the use of ITCs. Thanks to funding by the Conseil Régional de la Lorraine, Cab has been cooperating with the district authorities of Djibouti in a cleanup program. One of its priorities is to provide victims of natural catastrophes with first aid and basic goods. It also focuses on education and informational training in order to enforce the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and other contagious illnesses. Therefore, Cab is also helping other organizations by catering for computers etc. and providing logistical know-how for their projects, and tries to support pupils and students by different kinds of training courses. Corporación Universitaria para el Desarollo de Internet, A.C. (CUDI) Parral 32, Col. Condesa, 06140 México, D.F. México Tel.: +52 55 5211 1832 Fax: +52 55 5211 5199 [email protected] 1999 CUDI is operating the Mexican National Education and Research High Speed Network. Its purpose is to support research and education through this high speed national network. 81. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 82. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 83. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Corporation for National Research Initiatives 1895 Preston White Drive, Suite 100 Reston, Virginia 20191 U.S.A. Tel.: +1 703 620 8990 Fax: +1 703 620 0913 [email protected] 1986 CNRI provides leadership and funding for research and development on information infrastructure. It participates in the formation of projects to develop and deploy experimental infrastructure, plans and operates technical consortia, and carries out R&D. It is developing the digital object architecture for managing information on the Internet. CREATIVE PRODUCTION AND TRAINING CENTRE LIMITED (CPTC) 37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5 Jamaica Tel.: +876 967 1399 or +876 919 7677 Fax: +876 924 9432 or +876 931 1553 [email protected] or [email protected] 1984. CPTC is a publicly owned multimedia facility in Kingston, Jamaica. It is also an accredited training institution in media skills and via CTV, a cable content provider. CPTC aims to celebrate the Caribbean cultural heritage and to enhance the creative skills of Jamaicans, as a means of inspiring the nation and improving the global stock of cultural images and meaningful information to diverse international audiences. It provides educational, cultural and community development programs for broadcast and closed circuit purposes as well as training in video production, broadcasting, scriptwriting techniques and digital design courses. CSDMS - Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies G-4, Sector – 39 Noida – 201301 Uttar Pradesh India Tel.: +91 120 250 2180 , 2187 Fax: +91 120 250 0060 [email protected] 1997 CSDMS is committed to advocacy and to developing solutions for underprivileged societies through the use of innovative and effective ICTs and Geographic Information Systems. Its various activities are targeted to meet the needs of society in the development sector through research, undertaking development projects in ICT, through appropriate knowledgesharing using print and electronic media as well as building capacity through training programs. 84. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 85. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 86. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Digitisation and Remanufacturing Insitute of South Africa (DRISA) P.O. Box 18190 Quigney 5211 South Africa Tel.: +27 43 743 0405 Fax: +27 43 743 0404 [email protected] 2003 DRISA aims at retaining and improving the ICT skill set of the Eastern Cape in order to stimulate the ICT industry there. It offers its services (i.e. ICT consulting) both to private and public sector entities. It also allocates donated to computers and IT equipment for reuse in 6500 schools in the Eastern Cape region. DSF – Digital Solidarity Fund Villa La Concorde 20, Avenue de la Concorde 1203 Geneva Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 979 3250 or +41 22 979 3254 Fax: +41 22 979 3251 [email protected] 2004 Digital Solidarity Fund’s mission is to promote and finance communitybased projects that will enable excluded people and countries to enter the new era of the Information Society. Transforming the digital divide into digital opportunities to promote peace, sustainable development, democracy, transparency and good governance constitutes the basic objective of the Fund. Dynamique Multisectorielle pour les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (DMTIC) c/o Alternatives, Galeries Albert, 5è étage, Appt. 4 Boulevard du 30 juin, Kinshasa Gombe CONGO Tel : + 243810566445 [email protected] 1946 Objectives: promotion of the use of ICTs; coordinate with other associations with the same objectives for common projects; promote a public policy in favor of the use of ICTs, especially also in favor of disadvantaged persons; participate and collaborate in national and international events on ICTs. 87. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 88. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 89. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities EC MEDICI Framework – Fondazione Politecnico di Milano c/o Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 20133 Milano Italy Tel : + 39 02 2399 6040 / 6041 Fax : + 39 02 2399 6080 [email protected] 1997 MEDICI Framework (Multimedia for Education and Employment through Integrated Cultural Initiatives) is a framework of co-operation established by the European Commission. The goal of It is to promote the use of advanced technologies for access to understanding, preservation and economic promotion of cultural heritage. Main action lines are: information sharing, research projects, education & training. In the year 2000 an observatory “On culture in a world wide information society” was activated. Ecomicro Cote D’Ivoire (ECOMICRO-CI) 18 BP 430 Abidjan 18 Cote d’Ivoire Tel.: +225 21 24 78 40 Fax: +225 21 24 78 40 [email protected] 2004 ECOMICRO-CI is an NGO founded to contribute to the fight against the numerical fracture and the pollution of the environment. It supports the concept of insertion by the economy through durable projects of development. ICTs are thereby seen as a crucial tool for development. It aims at sensitising people for issues like collection and recycling of material. Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) 55 Chapel Street Newton, MA 02458 USA Tel.: +1 617 969 7100 Fax: +1 617 332 4318 [email protected] 1958 EDC builds a bridge among research, policy and practice in the field of education and development. It currently manages 335 projects in 50 countries dealing with capacity building, early child development, K-12 education, health promotion, workforce preparation, community development, learning technologies, basic and adult education, institutional reform and social justice. EDC is a non-profit organization supported through grants and contracts. 90. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 91. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 92. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities e-management, information systems and globalisation research unit (emasig) Faculty of Economic Science and Management BV 7 November University Campus Tunis Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 927 815 Fax: +216 71 927 815 [email protected] 2002 The object of e-masig is to promote scientific research related to computer applications in areas like e-business, e-management and information systems. It does so by implementing theoretical research as well as practical studies with Tunisian firms. EngenderHealth 440 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 USA Tel.: + 1 212 561 8000 [email protected] 1944 EngenderHealth works worldwide to improve the lives of individuals by making reproductive health services safe, available, and sustainable. It provides technical assistance, training, and information, with a focus on practical solutions that improve services where resources are scarce. It believes that individuals have the right to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and to receive care that meets their needs. European Language Resource Association (ELRA) 55/57, rue Brillant Savarin, 75013 Paris France Tel.: + 33 1 43 13 33 33 Fax: + 33 1 43 13 33 30 [email protected] or [email protected] and 1995 European Language Resources Association has been a conduit for the distribution of speech, written and terminology Language Resources (LRs) for the Human Language Technology (HLT), a key compound of IST. In order to do so, a number of technical and logistic, commercial, legal and information dissemination issues had to be addressed. 93. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 94. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 95. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Av. Venmezuela Cdra. 34 Lima 1 Peru Tel.: +51 1 452 0196 Fax: +51 1 452 0196 [email protected] 1552 Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is training business personal for private and public entities that are entangled in the countries socioeconomic development. It is developing new solutions for the management of enterprises and institutions. It also carries out research on national ICT policies in Peru and tries to improve knowledge management and ICT competitiveness. Faculty of Science of Communication / University of Rome “La Sapienza” Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma Italy Tel.: + 39 0649918404 Fax: + 39 068419505 2000 The Faculty of Science of Communication, University of Rome “La Sapienza” attends WSIS with regard to their academic interest on the issues of Information Society. The Faculty is a “community” composed of over 11000 students and a teaching and research staff of over 250 people; studying and investigating the whole world of communication are parts of his aims. FAIR International Nedregt 8 0551 Oslo Norway TEL:+47 23 12 21 05 FAX: +47 23 12 21 01 [email protected] 2002 FAIR is a Nordic NGO aiding developing countries by supplying resources within ICT, such as hardware, software, training, information and support. The organization focuses on streamlining logistics in the ICT redistribution process, development of software and hardware, public communication and political work. 96. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 97. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 98. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities FIAT-Fédération International des Archives de Télévision IFTA-International Federation of Television Archive FIAT IFTA c/o Ina 4 avenue de l’Europe 94366 Bry sur Marne France Tel : +33 1 49 83 28 45 Fax : + 33 1 49 83 33 50 [email protected] 1977 FIAT/IFTA is a professional association. Its principles are: the necessity to preserve our audiovisual heritage and pass it to future generations, the need for cooperation between archives in order to share the technological and economical risks to cope the new digital environment, the necessary solidarity between advanced and less advanced archives. FIAT/IFTA compose 169 organisational members in 84 countries. FONDATION GENEREUSE DEVELOPPMENT B.P. 126 Douala Cameroun Tel : +237 973 32 63, + 237 739 23 44 [email protected] 2000 FONDATION GENEREUSE DEVELOPPMENT is an organization of development in a political context. It preaches the support for the efforts of women and young people in order that they find solutions to economical and social problems that they face, in particular unemployment, MST, and HIV. Fondation Sophia Antipolis BP 217 06904 Sophia Antipolis France Tel.: +33 493 65 28 18, +33 492 96 78 00 Fax: +33 492 96 00 87 [email protected] 1984 Fondation Sophia Antipolis is in charge of organising cultural and scientific events, e.g. conferences, international seminars, thematic workshops, cultural exhibitions, in the Sophia Antipolis parc. It also offers new job and skill training, project support, teleworking and publishes a monthly newspaper “Les Nouvelles des Sophia”. 99. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 100. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 101. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Foundation El Taller 2 rue El Ghazali El Menzah V 1004 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 75 37 38 Fax: +216 71 751 570 [email protected] 1991 Foundation El Taller is a Tunisian NGO seeking to be a space for reflection, exchange and networking for a wide spectrum of civil society organisations. It organises international training courses, roundtables etc. It is also active in areas like social transformation, human rights, development, security, social movements and poverty. Nelson Mandela is its honorary president. Foundation for Future Christian Workers International (FFCWI) P.O. Box 1181 Kaneshie ACCRA Ghana Tel.: +233 021 3054 80 [email protected] 1996 FFCIW organises workcamps and other projects dealing with aforestation, HIV / AIDS community care taking, ICT and information sharing in communities. It also acts as an advocate for people whose human rights have been violated, who were subject to domestic violence, or who have been sexually abused. FFCIW also exchanges volunteers to service in the development of Ghana. Foundation for International Human Development and Environmental Studies P.O. Box AN5425 Accra-North Accra Ghana Tel.: +233 244 66 71 32, +233 21 32 50 13 Fax: +233 21 76 23 00, +233 21 25 88 11 [email protected] 2000 Foundation for International Human Development and Environmental Studies sensitises people in the fields of environment, biological and cultural diversity, social justice and vulnerable groups within a society and it promotes poverty alleviation programmes. Its vision is to help the society to solve its social, economic and environmental problems. It also seeks collaboration with other institutions in order to mobilize resources from within and from outside the country for the realisation of the goals mentioned. 102. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 103. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 104. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 105. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Foundation Metamorphosis Naum Naumovski-Broche 88-a, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia Tel : +389 2 3109 325, 3130 737 Fax : +389 2 3225 206 [email protected] 1999 (Foundation Open society institute- Macedonia Programme) 2004 (spin-off foundation) Foundation Metamorphosis is an independent, non-partisan and non-profit foundation. Its goals are development of democracy and prosperity by promoting knowledge-based economy and information society. Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) Villa Vogelsang Antonienallee 1 D-45279 Essem Germany Tel.: +49 700 373 387 673 [email protected] 2001 FSFE is a NGO dealing with all aspects of free software in Europe. Its vision is that of a stable freedom in digital world, both in a economic and socio-ethical context. FSFE creates awareness on these issues, securing free software politically and legally as well as supporting the further development of free accessible software. Fundación Casa de la Paz Antonia Lopez de Bello 80, Recoleta, Santiago Chile Tel.: + 56 2 737 4280 Fax: + 56 2 777 5065 [email protected] 1992 Casa de la Paz is a public interest non-profit organisation, legally incorporated as a private foundation. Its action has focused mainly on promoting peace and protecting the environment. Its mission is to educate, build bridges and articulate agreements between communities, business, and public authorities to promote sustainable development. Fundacion Cibervoluntarios C/Cadarso No 10, 5º Iza 28008 Madrid Spain Tel.: + 34 902 998 417 [email protected] 2005 Aims to promote access for all to ICTs in order to bridge the digital divide; activities of information and of education in order to develop the know-how in the information technology field. 106. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 107. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 108. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Fundacion Humanista de Ayuda a Discapacitados I.A.P. (FHADI) Avenida tres no.52, San Pedro de los Pinos 0388 Mexico Tel : + 52 55 52 72 49 72 Fax: + 52 55 55 15 44 14 [email protected] 1997 FHADI aims to offer help to persons who are paralysed by psychological and emotional support. FHADI consists of teams of therapists serving this purpose. Therapies consist also in use of computer workshops etc. FUNDACIÓN PRIVADA BITS INSPIRING PEOPLE (BIP BIP) Avda. de la Industria 6, Nave 17 – 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid) España Tel.: +34 902 903 008 Fax: +34 916 618 325 [email protected] 2000 The principal purpose of BIP BIP is to minimize the digital divide. Therefore, not only technical infrastructure is needed, but also capacity building and education. In this regard, the organization gathers and repairs computer equipment from private enterprises, updates their software and makes them capable for Internet use. The recycled computers are to be installed in all kinds of organizations. BIP BIP’s volunteer members will then conduct trainings in order to educate the new users in ICTs and their potential to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing. FUNDAP/ FAPESP - Fundação de Desenvolvimento Administrativo do Estado de São Paulo / Fundação de Ampara a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Núcleo de Estudo e Desenvolvimento em e-Gov) Rua Cristiano Viana, 428 4 andar sala 402-403, São Paulo, SP 05411-902 Brazil Tel.: +55 11 3066 5513 or +55 11 3812 0616 Fax: +55 11 3031 4688 [email protected],[email protected] 1974 NED.GOV studies and evaluates e-Government initiatives around the world. Its methodology allows a benchmark of e-Government programs in the public sector revealing hidden costs to government ad civil society. Its studies have been used by the State Government of São Paulo as an argument for the expansion of its e-Government initiatives. It is also involved in collaboration efforts between the public and private sector to fight digital exclusion and corruption. 109. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 110. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 111. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Gherush92 Comitato per i Diritti Umani, contro l’Antisemitismo e il Razzismo, Onlus Via Toscana 56 Bologna Italy Tel.: +39 06 333 00 78 Fax: +39 06 333 85 52 [email protected] 1998 Gherush92 is a non-profit scientific organisation that runs a holistic database of cultural diversity in order to focus on solutions to racism and discrimination. It is also working on programs to eradicate contemporary forms of anti-Semitism, racism as well as for the implementation of egovernance and capacity building. It further formulates new strategies for the cooperation with developing countries in the fields of sustainability and human rights. Global e-schools and Communities Inititative (GeSCI) 29-31 Adelaide Road Dublin 2 Ireland Tel.: +353 1 678 3996 Fax: +353 1 678 2079 [email protected] 2004 GeSCI empowered with ICT can offer better education to millions in developing countries. GeSCI founded by UN ICT TaskForce works at local, national and international level to support developing countries as they create strategies to harness ICTs for education and community growth – transforming the prospects of learners and citizens and the fortunes of developing countries. Grameen Technology Center – an initiative of the Grameen Foundation USA 909 NE Boat Street Suite 300 Seattle WA 98105 USA Tel.: +1 206 325 6690 Fax: +1 206 325 0634 [email protected] 2001 Grameen Technology Center is dedicated to eliminating poverty by leveraging the power of microfinance and ICT. It formulates sustainable technology solutions to meet the needs of poor communities around the world. It uses its many partners to increase the efficiency of microcredit delivery, to enhance income generating opportunities for the rural poor and to provide disadvantaged communities the access to information for empowerment. 112. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 113. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 114. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Grenoble Universités / Projet GreCO Domaine Universitaire, BP 52, 38402, St Martin d’Hères cedex France Tel : +33 4 76 82 83 84 Fax : + 33 4 76 82 61 70 1992 Related to the issues of “information systems” and “education” Grenoble Université is developing a project (GreCO) whose mission is to facilitate the daily exercises in education with the help of ICTs for education, to structure the services intended for university lecturers, to sensitise them to the use of ICTs within the universities of Grenoble. Grupo Interagir SCN Quadra 05 Ed. Brasilia Shopping Torre Norte Sala 1237 Brasilia CEP: 70.715-900 Brazil Tel.: +55 61 30 36 96 75 Fax: +55 61 30 36 96 75 [email protected] 2002 Grupo Interagir is n NGO formed by young people in the Federal district. It develops regional and national actions aiming at stimulating and articulating youth protagonism. Its projects and activities take place within the following areas: communication for sustainable development, creating space for stimulation and articulation of youth protagonism, politics and youth, environment etc. Grupo REDES – Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarollo y Educación Superior Mansilla 2698 Piso 2 C 1425 BPD Buenos Aires Argentina Tel.: +54 11 4963 7878, +54 11 4969 8811 Fax: +54 11 4963 7878, +54 11 4969 8811 [email protected] 2002 Grupo REDES is devoted to interdisciplinary research, teaching and provision of technical services. It carries out research and elaborates proposals on issues of social, political and economic relevance. Its main areas are: knowledge policies and management, economy, science, technology and society, higher education, S&T services. Its goal is to address and analyse issues related to science, development, technology and innovation in Latin America and Argentina. 115. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 116. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 117. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Heads On Fire P.O. Box 126107, San Diego, CA 92112 USA Tel.: +1 619 232 9573 Fax: + [email protected] 2003 Heads On Fire bridges the Digital Divide through means of community based media arts programs. Technoliteracy is increasingly becoming the arbiter that separates the skilled worker from the unskilled, the adequately paid from those whose wages will not sustain a decent standard of living. Heads On Fire seeks to play a crucial role in preventing distressed populations from being flattened beneath the wheel of this revolution, by linking artists, communities, and technology. It provides community based education in digital literacy and multimedia development. HDF - Human and Technology Development Foundation 18A, El Obour BLdg., Salem Heliopolis Cairo Egypt Tel.: +202 404 7755 or +202 260 1104 or +012 217 4622 Fax:+202 260 0416 [email protected] 2000 HDF is an international association of ICT representatives. Its focus and expertise lie in the intersection of four core domains: ICT, Human Development-Education, Media Awareness and Socio-economic justice. Activities of HDF comprise efforts to increase the awareness of ICT through various media outlets and campaigns, knowledge sharing in the field of ICT for human development, training in the field of ICT including media, political activity as well as social development. Incubateur Multimedia Belle de Mai Pôle Médias – 37 Rue Guibal, 13003 Marseille France Tel.: 33 4 95 046 730 Fax: 33 4 95 046 740 [email protected] 2000 Incubateur Multimedia Belle de Mai is a national gateway that accompanies French and international business projects. It acts as an interface between those projects and research laboratories in order to transfer new technologies. Its principal mission is to innovate the use of digital technologies, to control the transfer of knowledge and know-how, and to valorize research. It also deals with e-Education and tries to develop international technology interfaces in order to foster the use of ICTs. 118. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 119. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 120. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Index on Censorship (Writers & Scholars Educational Trust) 6-8 Amwell Street London EC1R 1UQ United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7278 2313 Fax: +44 20 7278 1878 [email protected] 1972 Index on Censorship was founded to take to the page in defence of the human right of free expression. It has published a broad range of opinions, analyses, comments and reportages from all corners of the world and it is one of the world’s leading repositories of original, challenging, controversial and intelligent writing on free expression issues. It also runs a series of projects to directly support free expression in based around actual events, including the WSIS summit. Indiana State University, Department of Communication 218 North 6th Street, Erickson 310-11, Terre Haute, Indiana 47809 USA Tel.: +1 812 237 3246 Fax: +1 812 237 3217 [email protected] 1965 Indiana State University, Department of Communication, provides education and conducts research in all aspects of communication processes including development, global, intercultural and cross cultural communication. Special emphases are on interpersonal, organizational, print and electronic media, and ICTs. Activities include the study of communication processes and effects, communication policy, industry economics, media programming etc. Indiana University School of Informatics 901 E. 10th Street Bloomington IN 47408 USA Tel.: +1 812 856 5754 Fax: +1 812 856 4764 [email protected] 1999 The Indiana University School of Informatics is a centre for research, undergraduate and graduate education in the areas of distributed systems technology, information theory and management, human-computer interaction, social impacts of IT etc. It trains its students in state-of-the-art IT and science emphasising creative human applications and interdisciplinary skills. 121. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 122. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 123. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 124. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Information Society Foundation of Uganda (ISF) P.O. Box 24011 Kampala Uganda Tel.: +256 41 288781, +256 77 466 329 [email protected] 2003 ISF was established to advocate ICT development and to promote the implementation of the national ICT policy. It is also active in the fields of ICT policy and development research, partnership building, monitoring and coordination, capacity building, resource mobilization, content development, ICT infrastructure development and access facilitation. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) – Centre of Telecom Policy Studies (CTPS) Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380015 Gujarat India Tel.: +91 79 263 248 22 Fax: +91 79 263 068 96 [email protected] CTPS: 1997 IIMA: 1961 IIMA promotes knowledge through both applied and conceptual research which is relevant for management. It also participates and formulates policies of social importance. It collaborates with other institutions in India and worldwide. CTPS conducts research on policy issues and their implementation in the Indian Telecom and IT Sector with a developmental focus. Initiative Jeunes et Société de l’Information (IJSI) Niger Tel : +227 877 966 [email protected] 2005 Initiative Jeunes et Société de l’Information aims to help young people to understand how to use ICT for the development in the least developed countries. Its purpose is to optimize the ICTs, to contribute to reduction of poverty and idleness of young people by means of ICTs. Initiative pour le Développement Social en Centrafrique (IDESCA) B.P. 2992 Rue Cattin (3ième Arrondissement) Bangui République Centrafricaine Tel.: +236 (0)44 065 Fax: +236 612 287 [email protected] 2000 IDESCA is a national organization with a supranational scope cooperating with NGOs from five central African states. Its principal mission is to fight problems in the fields of education, health, and employment. The organizations has, so far, established an ICT and software training center, initiated courses and seminars on these issues and set up various information campaigns on issues such as health, ICTs, environmental protection, and micro financing. 125. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 126. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 127. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 128. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Institute for applied argumentation research (IFAAR) Mülinenstrasse 3 CH-3006 Berne Switzerland Tel.: +41 31 351 02 20 Fax: +41 31 351 04 84 [email protected] 1994 IFAAR is a research institute for computer based content analysis. Its studies are provided to governments, NGOs and NPOs and contain information about websites, portals and their performance. It is also active in the fields of e-government, governments platforms and search engines. It aims at developing better communication of government actions via websites. Institute for Policy Innovation (IPI) 1660 St. Stemmans Freeway, Suite 475, Lewisville, Texas, 75067 USA Tel.: +1 972 874 5139 Fax: +1 972 874 5144 [email protected] 1987 IPI conducts research, education and advocacy on economic and information technology policy, including regulatory policy, intellectual property policy, Internet governance, technology transfer, and development, including publishing and other activities. Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis (ISG-Tunis) 41, rue de la Liberté, Cité Bouchoucha, 2000 Le Bardo, Tunis Tunisie Tel : +216 71 588 423 Fax : +216 71 588 487 [email protected] 1969 ISG-Tunis is a public tertiary educational institution of research and education of informatics. It is diffusing the digital culture in Tunisia. Integrated Youth Volunteer Foundation NGWA Wilson Forb1 Bamenda, North West Province P.O. Box 444 Cameroon Tel.: +237 515 29 47 Fax: +237 336 40 64 [email protected] 2004 The purpose of Integrated Youth Volunteer Foundation is to install and implement Information and Communication Technology in centres for handicapped people in Cameroon. It works together with a range of national and international partners from academia as well as public and private sector. 129. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 130. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 131. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) ICIMOD, Khumaltar, G.P. O. Box 3226, Katmandu Nepal Tel.: + 977 1 5525313 Fax: + 977 1 5524509 [email protected] 1983 ICIMOD is an international, independent mountain learning and knowledge centre committed to improving the sustainable livelihoods of mountain peoples in the extend Himalaya region. ICIMOD serves eight regional member countries of the Hindu Kush-Himalaya: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan as well as the global mountain community. International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Unska 3 HR-1000 Zagreb Croatia TEL:+385 1 6129 938 FAX:+ 385 1 6129 652 [email protected] 1959 The Mission of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) is to encourage, support, represent and unify the world-wide medical and biological engineering community in order to promote health and quality of life through the advancement of research, development, application and management of technology. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 2033 K Street NW Washington DC 20006 USA Tel.: +1 202 862 5600 Fax: +1 202 467 4439 [email protected] 1975 IFPRI aims at providing policy solutions for the eradication of hunger and malnutrition. Its goal is to achieve sustainable food security and a reduction of poverty in developing countries through research and related activities in the fields of agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, policy and natural resources management. 132. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 133. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 134. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities International Human Rights Consortium Consortium International Droits de l’homme IHRC/CIDH (USA Headquarters) 5301 Balboa Blvd., Q203 ENCINO, CA 91316 USA TEL:+1 818 906 3772 [email protected] 1988 IHRC/CIDH is an inter-generational, multidisciplinary, a-political, nonsectarian, consciously inclusive, non-profit, public benefit organization registered in the USA and Switzerland. IHRC/CIDH’s activities seek to utilize all forms of the Information Society for the betterment of all and as part of the process of equitable sustainable development and enduring peace. Intermediate Technology Development Group Limited (ITDG) C/o The Shumacher Centre for Technology & Development, Bourton Hall, Bourton-on-Dunsmore, Rugby, CV23 9QZ, United Kingdom Tel : +44 1926 634400 Fax : +44 1926 634401 [email protected] 1996 ITDG works with poor people to demonstrate practical answers to poverty. It see technology as a vital contributor to people’s livelihoods. For ITDG, the definition of “technology” includes physical infrastructure, machinery and equipment, the associated knowledge and skills, and the capacity to organise and use all these. International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP) 58 St. Aldates Oxford OX 1 ST United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1865 249 909 Fax: +44 1865 251 060 [email protected] 1992 INASP aims at enabling all people to access and contribute information, ideas and knowledge that are necessary to drive sustainable and equitable development. It does so by working together with partners worldwide to foster collaboration and networking, to strengthen local capacities to manage and use information and knowledge. 135. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 136. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 137. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities International Network for Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES) 110, Mayland Avenue, NE, Suite 203, Washington, DC 20002, United States of America Tel : +1 202 544 5403, +1 202 251 0403 Fax : +1 202 544 5433 [email protected] 2001 INWES was established to strengthen he capacity of women in engineer, science, technology, and networks worldwide. It addresses issues of women’s education and workforce development in these fields. International Voluntary Organisation for Women, Education and Development (IVOWD) Boxac 553 Art Centre Accra Ghana Tel.: +233 277 40 20 23 Fax: +233 21 71 56 26 [email protected] 2001 IVOWD works in the interest of women and youth to build their capacity and enhance their roles in economic, social and cultural aspects of life in their societies. Its activities include mobilising rural youth, skills-training in ICT, information exchange with rural communities, disseminating information on HIV/AIDS and raising awareness on issues like peace, human rights and democracy. Internet Society Belgium – ISOC Belgium Dendermondesteenweg 143 9070 Destelbergen Tel.: +32 9 239 39 16, +32 70 77 39 39 Fax: +32 9 320 54 39 [email protected] 1998 ISOC Belgium’s principal purpose is to maintain and extend the availability of Internet access and associated technologies in Belgium in order to enable Belgium citizens to become more personally involved in the future of the Internet. It also enables organisations, professions and individuals to innovate their fields and interests using the Internet. 138. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 139. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 140. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities InWEnt - Internationale Weiterbildung und Entwicklung gGmbH Ms Corinna von Hartrott Division 4.04 Business Development and Infrastructure Weyerstrasse 79-83 50676 Köln Germany Tel.: +49 221 2098 250 Fax: +49 221 2098 113 [email protected] 2002 INWEnt stands for the development of human resources and organizations within the framework of international cooperation. It cooperates equally with partners from developing, and industrialized countries as well as countries in transition. The organization assists approximately 55,000 persons yearly. It’s shareholders are the German Federal Government, represented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, as well as members of German industry and the German federal states. IPACC/ Indigenous Peoples of Africa coordinating Committee P.O Box 106 Newlands South Africa Tel: +27 21 6860193 Fax: +27 21 6860217 1997 Indigenous Peoples of Africa coordinating Committee is a voluntary umbrella organization representing indigenous peoples’ organizations in Africa with aims and objectives to facilitate, coordinate and advocate the rights and interests of the Indigenous Peoples of Africa. Iranian Young Translators & Researchers Association (IYTRA) N.8, 17th Alley Shahid Akbari St. Vali e asr Abbas abad cross road Tehran Iran Tel.: +98 21 378 6362 – 889 6683 Fax: +98 21 378 6362 – 871 0796 [email protected] , [email protected] 2001 IYTRA is active in three fields;: it raises awareness on scientific research in order to make it accessible for researchers in Iran. It promotes the quality and the quantity level of translation and research in Iran by using ICTs in order to raise the scientific level and to empower its people. It also promotes social and technical development through cooperation, especially for the youth. 141. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 142. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 143. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities IRMA-India C/o Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association 49, Dharma Vihar Bhubaneswar 751030, Orissa India Tel.: +91 674 23 51 785 Fax: +91 674 23 51 233 [email protected] 1981-82 IRMA-India was founded by young IT professionals with the goal to promote ICTs among rural and tribal communities. It provides rural communities with access to information as well as mobile access in rural areas in order to help them to use ICTs for their sustainable socialeconomic development. Islamic Charity Centre for Women Orientation Post Office Box 16778, Accra - North Ghana Tel.: + 233 021 254466 / 1244 019718 [email protected] 1989 Islamic Charity Centre for Women Orientation aims to empower women with ICT education; to promote and upheld the rights of women; to advocate for the participation of women in decision making; to train women and youth in acquiring sustainable trade; to empower Islamic women in acquiring circular education. Istituto Auxologico Italiano Via Pelizza da Volpedo 41 20149 Milano Italy Tel.: +39 02 619 11 28 92 Fax: +39 02 619 11 28 92 [email protected] 1963 Istituto Auxologico Italiano develops advanced technologies to be applied in health care. Its main fields of activity are biomedical research and the development of innovative tools, services and applications in health care. The basic assumption that drives our research is that individuals, society and technology are interacting dimensions in constant evolution. Thus, projects developed by ATN-P Lab focus on human factors involved in the use of technology and resulting applications are centred on users’ needs. 144. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 145. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 146. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities ITDG / Intermediate Technology Development Group The Schumacher Centre for the Technology & Development Bourton Hall, Bourton-on-Dunsmore Rugby, CV23 9 QZ Tel: +44 1926 634400 Fax: +44 1926 634401 [email protected] 1996 ITDG aims to help eradicate poverty in developing countries by developing and using technology, and by demonstrating results, sharing knowledge and influencing others. The objective of ITDG’s activities is to create a new space for excellent, opportune and agile exchange of information that contributes to improving the capacity of decision making on agricultural procedures, small industrialists and local government. Javid Youth Society 17 Ramin Alley Gorjestani str., Mina str., Bahonar Ave. Shemiran Tehran 19367 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Tel.: +98 21 281 24 98 Fax: +98 21 281 24 98 [email protected] 2000 Javid Youth Society has initiated a network of youth NGOs on peace in Iran. It uses ICTs as a means of creating certain virtual networking, for example for allocating necessary items and money after the Bam earthquake. It is also researching the social pathology of young people in Iran and it is also organizing events and meetings in order to put young people together to inspire them to act on issues important to them. JCEHS - La Jeune Chambre Economique de Hammam Sousse Boite postale 7 Hammam Sousse 4011 Tunisie Tel.: +216 7336 3729, +216 9824 4080, +216 2225 3220 Fax: +216 7336 3729 , +216 7323 5446 [email protected] , [email protected] 1983 JCEHS is a member of the Junior Chamber International. It has been created to train young professionals and to facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas in the town of Hammam Sousse in Tunisia. Since its creation the organization has organized a variety of workshops about business and internet related issues in order to train and strengthen the local business community. It also caters to the town’s internet presentation and has won prizes for internet pages about AIDS and land mines. 147. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 148. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 149. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 150. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities J. Paul Getty Trust 1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 400, Los Angeles, CA 90049-1679 USA Tel.: + 1 310 440 7300 [email protected] 1953 J. Paul Getty Trust seeks to make a difference trough the presentation enjoyment, study, and conservation of the visual arts in order to increase the public knowledge and sensitivity, expand it awareness and creativity, sharpens its understanding and caring – all with the conviction that cultural enlightenment and community involvement in the arts can lead to a more civil society. Kabissa – Space for Change in Africa 1519 Connecticut Avenue, NW, suite 200, Washington, DC 220036 USA Tel.: + 1 202 265 6116 Fax: + 1 702 441 8964 [email protected] 2001 Kabissa, meaning complete in Kiswahili, was founded on the belief that ICTs can be a revolutionary force in civil society. As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to empowering African civil society organizations to use ICTs effectively for the benefit of their communities. KIT ( Royal Tropical Institute) P.O. Box 95001, 1090 HA, Amsterdam Netherlands Tel : +31 20 5688290 Fax : +31 20 6654423 [email protected] 1910 Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) is an independent center of knowledge and expertise in the areas of international and intercultural cooperation. Its aims are to contribute to sustainable development, poverty alleviation, cultural preservation and exchange. La Fondation Tunisienne pour la Vérification et la Gouvernance (FTVG) Avenue Hédi Nouria, Immeuble ‘Le Moulin’, 6ème étage, Ennasr II, Tunis, 3027, Tunisie Tel : +216 71 70 825 075 Fax : +216 71 70 825 120 [email protected] 1993 The mission of FTVG is to contribute to the evolution of techniques of control and governance for public administration and private sector in order to incorporate the control of optimization of resources. It also aims to facilitate the control of function to the method of good governance and the improvement of the management of finances, materials and human resources. 151. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 152. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 153. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 154. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Jeunes Volontaires francophones (JVF-GABON) Laurent SANDZA MISSIMBALOBA, BP 3147 Libreville Gabon Tel.: + 241 06 68 16 18 Fax: + 241 44 46 99 [email protected] 2004-05 The main objective of JVF-GABON is: Coordination of francophone projects and programs of the voluntary youth of Gabon; promote the French language in the ICTs and as communication tool in international exchanges; promote the emergence of young talents; promote the globalisation in diversity and the transfer of technology North-South. Library and Information Association of Kuwait (LIAK) P.O. Box 24885 Safat 13109 Kuwait Tel.: +965 484 66 25 Fax: +965 484 66 03 [email protected] 2005 LIAK brings together librarians and information science specialists in Kuwait to facilitate knowledge exchange as well as sharing of experience. It’s dedicated to raising awareness in the field of library management and information science. It offers public events, lectures, studies, surveys, research, training etc. It further cooperates with other NGOs as well as with private and public sector entities. Ligue internationale des Journalistes pour l’Afrique (LIJAF) c/o Majed Nehme, 15, rue Lakanal, 75015 Paris France Tel.: + 33 668 78 55 59 [email protected] 2003 Ligue internationale des Journalistes pour l’Afrique aims to promote and to develop correct and equilibrated information on Africa; promote the use and know-how of the ICTs in the African media and assure a presence of quality of the African press in the Information Society. MEDITERRANEE TECHNOLOGIES (MT) Les Docks Atrium A2, 10 place de la Joliette, BP 62004 F 13567 Marseille France Tel : + 33 4 88 66 01 00 Fax : + 33 4 88 66 01 01 [email protected] 1999 Mediterranée Technologies is a structure created by the Regional Council of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur(PACA) in partnership with French State and supported by European Union. Its purpose is to promote and facilitate innovation and technology transfers in Region PACA as well as partner Countries. MT coordinates several actions and EC Programs supporting SMEs participation in TTT-transnational technology transfer. 155. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 156. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 157. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities MEDINSOFT – Mediterranean Network of the Creators of Software C/o Marseille Innovation Hotel Technologique B.P. 100 13382 Marseille Cedex 13 France Tel.: +33 442 70 49 94 Fax: +33 442 70 49 99 [email protected] 2004 MEDINSOFT is a Mediterranean network of software creators. It federates competences and the resources of software publishers in Provence the Alps, Riviera and Corsica and through this reinforces the development and the performance of the software creators. Regional economic actors are provided with data-processing solutions necessary for the improvement of their competitiveness. MEDMULTIMED C/o Cityvox BP 54 13303 Marseille Cedex 3 France Tel.: +33 495 04 33 80 Fax: +33 495 04 33 81 [email protected] 2003 Medmultimed is the association of multimedia content providers in the French area of Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. It is dedicated to help and support multimedia content companies to grow and communicate to companies what multimedia can do for them. Mission21, Switzerland Missionsstr.21, CH 4055 Basel Switzerland Tel : +41 61 260 2257 Fax : +41 61 260 2268 [email protected] 2001 as international body, established originally in 1815 Mission21, is an evangelical organization that practices Christian fellowship throughout the world.. It nurtures long-term relationships with around 80 partners churches and organizations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. It also supports projects related to gender and ICT issues. 158. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 159. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 160. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Monash University, Centre for Community Networking Research C/o School of Information Management and Systems Faculty of Information Technology Monash University P.O. Box 197 Caulfield East Victoria 3145 Australia Tel.: +3 9903 2414 Fax: +3 9903 2005 [email protected] 2001 Centre for Community Networking Research aims to understand how communities and community organisations use ICT and how the use of information and technology is shaped through different understandings and cultures. Its activities include qualitative and quantitative research, evaluation and consultancy with entities involved, e.g. government, NGOs. Mongolia Development Gateway Suite # 109-B National Information Technology Park Building Baga Toiruu 49 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia Tel.: +976 11 319 367, +976 9909 1156 Fax: +976 11 319 367 [email protected] 2002 Mongolia Development Gateway was established to harness the use of ICTs in sustainable development and poverty reduction activities in Mongolia. Therefore it involves and serves the needs of representatives from major sectors such as government, private, civil society, academia and the international community. It also provides comprehensive information on development issues in the country. M S Swaminathan Research Foundation Third Cross Street Taramani Institutional Area Chennai 600 113 India Tel.: +91 44 2254 1229, +91 44 2254 1698 Fax: +91 44 2254 1319 [email protected] 1988 M S Swaminathan Research Foundation’s goal is to impart a pro-nature, pro-poor and pro-women orientation to a job-led economic growth strategy in rural areas through harnessing science and technology for environmentally sustainable and socially equitable development. Their research interests include coastal systems, biotechnology and biodiversity, ecotechnology, gender and ICT-enabled development. 161. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 162. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 163. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 164. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Municipalité de Tunis Hôtel de ville Place 7 Novembre - Avenue 2 Mars 1934 -1080 - la Kasbah Tunis -Tunisie Tel. : +216 71 57 11 98 Fax : +216 71 56 21 83 1858 Municipalité de Tunis administers all activities that relate to the life of the inhabitants of Tunis and to the well-being of visitors. Tunis is interested in the potential of ICTs. Nagaoka University of Technology / Language Observatory 1603-1 Kamitomioka, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2188 Japan Tel : +81 258 47 9355 Fax : +81 258 47 9350 [email protected] 2003 The recognition of the imbalance in usage of natural languages in cyberspace led to Language Observatory Project, planned to provide a means for assessing the usage level of each language in cyberspace. Its objective is to establish and maintain a network of language observatories and expert groups to monitor the diverse language activities taking place on the Internet, aiming at bridging the language digital divide. Nakaseke Community Multimedia Centre and Library P.O. Box 1051 Nakaseke Uganda Tel.: +256 41 65 00 28 [email protected] 1999 Nakaseke Community Multimedia Centre and Library was a pilot project of UNESCO, ITU, IDRC and other donors in 1999. It provides services including internet access, library services and computer training to schools and continuing education programs as well as photocopying services, radio broadcast, computer prints, local knowledge documentation etc. It also introduces ICTs to rural communities and grassroots organisations. Network of Ugandan Researchers and Research Users (NURRU) Plot 4A Kimera Road, Ntinda Nakawa Division Kampala Uganda Tel.: +256 41 288 781 Fax: +256 41 223 020 [email protected] 1994 NURRU aims at promoting effective, participatory and action-oriented research on poverty reduction and socio-economic development issues. Its activities include capacity building, research, advocacy, networking and collaboration with civil society, the government as well as the private sector on socio-economic issues. 165. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 166. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 167. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT) Taraba State 34 Donga Street, Salingo Taraba State Nigeria Tel : +234 079 2235 49 Fax : +234 079 2235 49 [email protected] 1931 NUT encourages and conducts research into problems faced in the field of education. They also disseminate information regarding the researches conducted to aid policy formulation. NUT aims to advance and promote the course of education and the teaching profession. Hence building leadership and stimulating interest, and fostering national and international unity and understanding. Non-profit partnership “The Library Assembly of Eurasia” 119019, Moscow Vozdvizhenka str. 3/5 Russia Tel.: +7 095 202 94 82 Fax: +7 095 202 49 64 [email protected] 1993 (2003 re-registered) The Partnership was founded to consolidate the efforts of its members which are primarily national libraries in order to develop and maintain a common library and information space, to preserve national assets and access to collections including digital collections via OPAC and other means. Norsk Bibliotekforenings – Norwegian Library Association (NLA) Malerhaugveien 20 N – 0661 Oslo Norway Tel.: +47 23 24 34 30 Fax: +47 22 67 23 68 [email protected] 1913 NLA’s main task is to encourage and promote the development of all kinds of Norwegian library activities including documentary and information activities. NLA congress adopts an Action programme which is then implemented by both the central and the local elements of the organisation. These run special programs and arrange both political and professional conferences and meetings. 168. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 169. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 170. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO P.O. Box 8119 Dep. N-0032 Oslo Norway Tel.: +47 22 24 70 55 Fax: +47 22 24 27 32 [email protected] 1946 Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO shall promote the objectives of UNESCO on a national level and represent the interests of Norway within UNESCO. It shall further advise the government in related matters and act as a link between UNESCO and Norwegian organisations within UNESCO’s field of work. Obafemi Awolowo University – Information Technology & Communication Unit Ile-Ife Osun State Nigeria Tel.: +234 362 822 909 Fax: +234 362 324 01 [email protected] 1961 The object of Obafemi Awolowo University, Information Technology & Communication Unit is to provide facilities for learning as well as training to students. Through its special ICT unit, it seeks to pursue, adopt and implement policies that will enable the optimal use of ICTs in development. It promotes universal, affordable and meaningful access to ICTs, primarily for the educational sector. Observatoire des Usages de l’Internet (OUI) 894 avenue de Rouargues, 34980, Saint Clément de Rivière, France Tel : +33 6 73 78 70 30 Fax : + 33 4 67 84 10 66 [email protected], [email protected] 1998 The purpose of Observatoire des Usages de l’Internet is to observe, analysis and promote uses of the Internet and NTIC with social benefits to society, in order to contribute to building a more equitable information society. It concentrates on effective uses of the internet rather than on projected uses. 171. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 172. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 173. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Oeko-Institut. Institut fuer angewandte Oekologie Merzhauser StraBe 173, 791000 Freibourg Germany Tel : +49 761 45295 0 Fax : +49 761 45295 88 [email protected] 1977 Oeko-Institut is a leading, non profit environmental research institute in the field of applied Ecology. Oeko-Institut’s elaborates scientific studies and advise politicians, institutions, environmental associations and companies. Their work is guided by the principles of sustainable development. Office of Communication, Inc. of the United Church of Christ (OC, Inc.) 919 18th St NW, Ste 900, Washington, DC 2006 USA Tel.: + 202 263 2581 Fax: + 202 263 2585 [email protected] or [email protected] and 1959 OC, Inc is one of the longest standing media reform organizations in the USA. Since the 1960s, it has been on outspoken and effective advocate for the rights of women and people of colour in media and telecommunications policy. Today, OC, Inc. works at the policy and legal levels on a range of broadcast and telecommunications issues, including spectrum allocation, the digital divide, low power radio, children’s educational television, equal employment opportunity and the strengthening of public interest obligations for broadcasters. OC, Inc.’s Media Empowerment Project works on community organizing around these and other media issues. O.N.G. (EP) Environment Propre BP 80482 Lome Togo Tel.: +228 927 2515 Fax: +228 222 4667 1997 The ONG’s objective is to protect the environment and take care that it stays intact; to help and assist the poor; to fight against AIDS and drugs; and to inform, educate and assist people about the necessity of hygiene and proper health care. 174. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 175. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 176. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Organisation for Nonformal Education Foundation 6, Palm Avenue Mushin, Kayinsola House 2nd floor Flat 2 Lagos State Nigeria Tel.: +234 1 895 1348 [email protected] 2003 Organisation for Nonformal Education Foundation organises programs to increase and sustain the education of girls. It further works in the fields of good governance, accountability and transparency, HIV/AIDS, community and rural development in order to mobilize for the MDGs. It also deals with capacity building for Parent-Teachers organisations and other Community-based Organizations, (CBOs). Organisation Internationale de Lutte contre la Drepanocytose OILD division Sud Développement 21, rue Godefroy 92800 Puteaux France Tel : +33 1 49 01 13 54 Fax : +33 1 47 74 69 31 [email protected] 2000 OILD division Sud Développment was founded to create the connection of an exchange and a development between North and South. It focuses on creating an environment for people affected by drepanocytose to have access to care and information. They carry out their work in international co-operation involving various scientific and associated actors. Oxford Internet Institute 1 St. Giles Oxford OX1 3JS England Tel.: +44 18 652 872 10 Fax: +44 18 652 872 11 [email protected] 2001 Oxford Internet Institute (OII) is one of the world’s first truly multidisciplinary Internet institutes based in a major university. Devoted to the study of the societal implications of the Internet, it seeks to shape research, policy and practice in the UK, Europe and around the world. Research topics include: governance, e-governance, e-identity, e-science, and elearning. 177. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 178. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 179. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Pacific Islands Association of Non Government Organisations (PIANGO) GPO Box 17780 Suva Fiji Tel.: +679 33 02 963, +679 33 17 048 Fax: +679 33 17 046 [email protected] 1991, registered in Fiji 2003 PIANGO was founded to assist NGOs in the Pacific Region to initiate actions, give voice to their concerns and work together with other actors in the development sector for just and sustainable development. It is active in the fields of information sharing, capacity building, stakeholder relationship and good governance. Palestine Chapter of the Internet Society (ISOC-PS) 4th Floor, Burh Al-Shiek Al-Quds street Al Bireh P.O. Box 2460 Ramallah, Occupied Palestinian Territory Tel.: +970 2 240 8478 Fax: +970 2 240 8479 [email protected] 2002 ISOC-PS’s mission is to assure the open development, evolution and use of the Internet for the benefit of all Palestinians. It serves the interests of the Palestinian segment of the global Internet community and it maintains and extends the development and availability of the Internet and its associated technologies and applications. It also introduced the Palestine Internet Exchange (PIX) which is a project aiming at increasing efficiency and speed of Internet use in Palestine. Partnership for High Education in Africa C/o New York University Steinhardt School of Education 239, Greene Street, New York, New York 10003 USA Tel : +1 212 998 5514 Fax : +1 212 995 4047 [email protected] 2000 Partnership for High Education in Africa support selected African universities and other centers of intellectual inquiry in six countries in their efforts to stimulate enlightened, equitable knowledge-based national development. The countries are Ghana, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda. Kenya was added in 2005. 180. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 181. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 182. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Passerelle-Mediterannée 42 Rue Picot, 83000 Toulon France Tel : + 33 6748698 Fax : + 33494093911 [email protected] 2004 This association aims to develop the exchanges in the field of ICTs between universities in France and Tunisia, taking into account: the administrative aspect of these exchanges (organization of conferences etc); the life of the students (organization of excursions, sports events, scientific work-shops, etc) PeaceLink P.O. Box 2009-74199 Taranto Italy Tel : +39 099 7303686 Fax : +39 178 2279059 [email protected] 1991 PeaceLink is a group of volunteers who have published information on the Internet on a free and self-managed basis, in cooperation with organisations teachers, educationalists and social workers who support peace, nonviolence, human rights, liberation of oppressed people, the environment and freedom of expression. Ponts de la Creativité The Big Mosk 198 BEJA Tunisie Tel.: + 216 9893 6250 Fax: +216 9893 6250 [email protected] 2001 Ponts de la Creativité is implied in various projects comprising social and cultural activities such as taking care of handicapped children and the illiterate and poor people in hospitals and marginalized areas. It is organizing activities to protect and clean the environment and supports poor people during religious occasions such as the Ramadan. It also perceives itself as some kind of link between artist from all kinds of professions and nations, and tries to use the Internet as a means to link all these fields of work to build a network between people. 183. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 184. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 185. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Professional Leaders Forum 2nd Avenue, 23 Road, 5 Close, House 27 Festac Town, Lagos Nigeria Tel.: +234 1 7222 649 [email protected] 2002 Professional Leaders Forum is a private NPO which offers assistance and solutions in the fields of career, education, business and leadership development for young people as it believes the development of intellectual capacity is crucial to the youth’s future. It also organises seminars on the use of ICT in the process of business development and financial matters. Promoters of Environmental Management in Sustainable Agriculture in Highland Regions (PEMSAHR) P.O. Box 4048 Bamenda Up-Station North West Province Cameroon Tel.: +237 761 716 8, +237 336 264 5 Fax: +237 336 22 30 [email protected] 1996 PEMSAHR undertakes a variety of activities depending on the particular need and location towards sustainable development. The major activities include environmental conservation, natural resource management, livesupport education and organizational development of community based organization as well as implementing ICTs. Quello Center for Telecommunication Management and Law Michigan State University 406 Communication Arts and Sciences Building East Lansing Michigan 48824-1212 USA Tel.: +1 517 432 8001 Fax: +1 517 432 8065 [email protected] 1998 Quello Center conducts high-quality, independent and non-partisan research on current and future issues related to communication and information policy and governance that can assist in the formation of better policies. In addition it organises conferences and workshops to facilitate knowledge exchange between the research community, private industry and policy-makers at a local, national and international level. 186. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 187. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 188. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities RCMFM - Réseau des Centres Méditerranéens de Formation Multimédia Université Paul Cézanne Case 422 13397 Marseille Cedex 20 France Tel.: +33 491 238 748 Fax: +33 491 288 748 [email protected] 1990 The RCMFM is a network of universities and institutes that stretches from the Northern and Southern coasts of the Mediterranean to Latin America. It aims at sharing knowledge and improving intercultural exchange by harmonizing the exchange of students and teachers. A certain synchronization of curricula in the partner institutions is fostered too. Réseau Amazigh Pour la Citoyanneté 63 rue kadi aayad diour jamaa Rabat Morocco Tel.: +212 610 7989 5 Fax: +212 377 263 13 [email protected] 2002 The Réseau Amazigh Pour la Citoyenneté organises conferences and gatherings and it has also published a range of publications. As it regards its contextual area of operation, it deals with the civil society, human rights, especially those of women, discrimination issues, the exploitation of resources and related issues. It is also a member of certain organisations, including the Forum Social Marocain and the Collectif des Associations de Lutte Contre la Corruption. Reseau Europeen Des Villes Numeriques (European Network of Digital Cities) France Tel : +33 1 43 58 45 73 [email protected] 1997 European Network of DigitalCities gathers together local actors, territorial institutions, economic organizations and cultural entities, elected officials and actors of all horizons, researchers and experts, cities and areas of Europe engaged in significant actions in the field of digitalization of territories, in close connection with the European. The Network strives today to support synergy between the actors concerned and a real taking into account of this field by research. 189. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 190. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 191. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Réseau des Juristes Africains en Suisse (REJAS) [email protected] Switzerland Tel : + 41 786452968 Fax : + 41 319611219 [email protected] 2004 The objective of REJAS are: to support the adaptation of the African legislation to the Information Society, taking into account the existing problems; promote the participation of Africa in the formulation of policies on Governance and/or Internet Regulation and against cyber criminality. Reseau THEOPHRASTE Reseau de Centres Francophones de Formation au Journalisme Réseau THEOPHRATSE, c/o Ecole Supérieure de Journalisme de Lille, 50 Rue Gauthier de Chatillon 59046 – Lille Cedec Tel.: +33 3 2030 4403 Fax: +33 3 2030 4494 [email protected] 1994 Réseau THEOPHRATSE is an association for cooperation and exchange between francophone journalism training centers. It is organizing courses on how to train journalists, preparing summer schools for students and journalists from all over the world, conducting research, and publishing books and documents on journalism training. With regard to ICTs, the organization will be holding a seminar about distance learning as a new means of training journalists and students in November 2005 in Tunis. Reuters Foundation / Reuters Digital Vision Program Cordura Hall, 210 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305 - 4115 USA Tel.: + 1 650 724 4069 Fax: + 1 650 734 4076 [email protected] 2001 The core of the Reuters Digital Vision Program is a nine-month fellowship course that brings together 15 experienced technologists and social entrepreneurs from around the globe. Accepted fellows spend a sabbatical year in the heart of Silicon Valley, where they collaborate with faculty, students, commercial technologists. The program fosters interdisciplinary projects and prototyping efforts that address real needs in underserved communities, leveraging technology-based solutions in the interest of humanitarian, educational, and sustainable development goals. 192. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 193. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 194 Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland 2416 Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD, 20742 USA Tel.: + 1 301 405 52 66 Fax: + 1 410 510 1830 [email protected] 1856 The Robert H. Smith School of Business offers management, education and research for the digital economy. One of 13 colleges and schools at the University of Maryland, College Park, Smith School offers undergraduate, fulltime and part-time MBA, Executive MBA, PhD, and executive education programs, as well as outreach services to the corporate community. The school offers its degree, custom and certification programs in learning locations in three continents including North America, Europe and Asia. Russian GIPI Foundation (GIPI) / Citizen’s Initiative for Internet Policy (CIIP) Nikitskii boulevard 8a Moscow 12019 Russia Tel : +7 95 956 22 48 Fax : +7 95 234 99 98 [email protected] , 2002 The purpose of CIPI is initiation of realized civil participation in ICT policy, providing adequate expert support of the state preparation of technologic decisions, promoting openness of process of formation of state policy of ICT development. Its representatives attended some of the UN ICT Task Force meetings. SAMOA UMBRELLA for NGOs (SUNGO) P.O. Box 1858, Apia Samoa, Independent State of South Pacific Tel.: + 685 22 804 CEO or 0685 24 322 Reception Fax: + 685 20 654 [email protected] 1998 SUNGO has a total of more than 60 members both from NGOs and Community Based Organisations (CBOs). The main objective is to strengthen the network of member organizations, its partners and stakeholders through sharing of information and building their capacities to meet the growing needs and opportunities for the benefit of the local communities. It strives to further develop access to IT in rural areas, and support learning where ever possible. 195. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 196. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 197. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Service Oecuménique pour la Paix (SeP) BP 12 214 Yaoundé Cameroun Tel : +237 231 20 05/06 Fax : + 237 231 22 55 [email protected] 1998 Service Oecuménique pour la Paix (SeP) has as mission to promote nonviolent society, peace and reconciliation based on justice through the Christian and religious values. SeP count to date more than five thousand members in Cameroonian territory. Servicio Activo en beneficio de la educacion y su reforma con siglas saber Av losproceres de la independencia N 2631 Urb los Angeles San Juan de Lurigancho-Pardero 21 Lima Peru Tel.: + 3881 1328 Fax: + 3881 1328 [email protected] 2002 Servicio Activo en beneficio de la educacion y su reforma con siglas saber aims at promoting education and culture and investigation for better education in Peru, encouraging entrepreneurial development especially for young people through workshops, guiding and motivating students to take an active role in search of their vocation, communicating information through resources, events and other means, implementing social projects etc. It does so by organising conferences, workshops etc. Social Partnership and Engagement for Education and Development – SPEED Network 22 P.O. Box 1011 Abidjan 22 Côte d’Ivoire Tel.: +225 22 44 23 55 / 08 41 01 20 Fax: +225 22 44 23 55 [email protected] 2004 SPEED Network promotes education, peace, human rights and sustainable development on Côte d’Ivoire and in Africa. It consists of several NGOs and is active in community development, gender equality and promotion of UN global projects, especially the implementation of the MDGs. The network is also a partner of universities. 198. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 199. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 200. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Social Transformation Association for Native Communites Education (STANCE) Office No. 91 Francis Abad Sheikhupura Road Gujranwala 52250 Pakistan or P.O. Box 29 Gujranwala 52250 Pakistan Tel.: +92 55 4283 651 Fax: +92 55 4283 407 [email protected] 2000 The vision of STANCE is to enable people to make best use of their talents. It trains and involves women and children in development work and it encourages them to ensure their equal participation in economic and social activities. It also raises awareness for human rights, social awareness, health and education issues, water etc. It further assists other organisations, publishes data, gives financial assistance and collects vital data on development issues. Société Francaise des Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (SFSIC) Université Haute Betragne Rennes 2 Information et Communication Place du Recteur Le Moal CS 24307 35043 Rennes Cedex France Tel.: +33 614 81 22 97, +33 299 38 26 72 Fax: +33 299 14 15 88 [email protected] 1974 The SFSIC comprises about 500 researchers from major institutions. It is a center for research and exchange on various topics related to information, communication and technologies. It is also a member of several international associations such as e.g. IAMCR, INTERCOM etc. It also holds several symposiums in the subjects mentioned. Society for Democratic Initiatives, Sierra Leone (SLIDS) 13 MacDonald Street, Freetown, Sierra Leone Tel : + 232 76 647 456 [email protected] [email protected] 2003 SLIDS is established to advocate for a democratic and rights free Sierra Leone. By introducing the use of information and communication technology to the process. SLIDS aims to promote the use of ICTs to enhance democracy, human rights and development, to protect against human rights violations, documents abuses; to complement the Anticorruption Commission; to help in the process of law reforms in the country; to advocate against the death penalty; to protect the rights of vulnerable groups like women, youth and children in the country. 201. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 202. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 203. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Software Legal, AC Juncal 3490, 1o piso, Buenos Aires, Capital Federal, C1425AYV Argentina Tel: + 5411 5777 1806 Fax: + 5411 5777 1818 [email protected] 1992 SLA is a civil society institution without profit aims that protect software industry and promote the security of the users, it educates around the defense of the right of intellectual property of software developers, and works with companies, government and society in general, to search and strengthen the security of the computer systems and their users in Argentina. Sri Lankan Diaspora Professional Association (SLDPA) 54a Rajamalwatta Road Battaramulla Sri Lanka Tel.: +94 777 238 140 Fax: +94 81 567 14 39 [email protected] 2005 SLDPA aims at uniting and coordinating the Sri Lankan Diaspora community all over the world and bring back their professional expertise in developing post-Tsunami and post-war Sri Lanka. It uses the Internet as its main coordinating medium in addition to various forums and events held nationally and internationally. SLDPA promotes values of multiculturalism, democracy, non-violence and human rights in a united Sri Lanka. Stockholm Challenge [email protected] Sweden Tel : +46 70 678 72 82 Fax : +46 8 591 137 38 [email protected] 2004 Stockholm Challenge invites ICT projects from all over the world to compete for the prestigious Challenge trophies. It opened in1995 and has collected over 3,000 projects in its data base since then, always looking for the initiatives that accelerate the use of IT for the social and economic benefits of citizens and communities. 204. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 205. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 206. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Sudan Internet Society (SIS) P.O. Box 13713 1111 Khartoum Sudan Tel.: +249 912 14 81 39 Fax: +249 183 76 67 29 [email protected] 2001 Due to the rapid growth of Internet services in Sudan, SIS is requested to act as a supportive body to the Sudanese community and to provide leadership in addressing key issues about the roles and uses of the Internet. It aims at identifying potential effective and efficient applications throughout the Sudanese society as well as providing information on all related issues to enable individuals, businesses, professionals etc. to achieve their goals efficiently. Shuttleworth Foundation P.O. Box 4163 Durbanville Cape Town 7551 South Africa Tel.: +27 21 970 1000 Fax: +27 21 970 1201 [email protected] 2000 Shuttleworth Foundation was established with the aim that education is the key to unlocking the creative and intellectual potential of South African youth, allowing them to live the dream that “anything is possible”. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education in South Africa. It invests in projects offering unique and innovative solutions to educational challenges in an African society, focusing on the areas of Science, Technology, Entrepreneurship and Maths (STEM) in education and open source software. SUPINFOCOM Arles 2, route de Crau, 13200, Arles, France Tel : +33 4 90 52 11 00 Fax : +33 4 90 52 11 01 [email protected] 2000 SUPINFOCOM Arles is a tertiary educational institution, offering a 5- year Computer Graphics Course after bachelor’s degree in order to prepare for the diploma in “Digital Film Direction”. 207. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 208. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 209. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities TCC - The Tunisian Community Center P.O. Box 34643 Washington, DC 20043 USA Tel.: +1 518 383 9453 or +1 877 TUNISIN Fax: +1 518 383 9453 [email protected] 1999 The TCC is dedicated to community building and to the promotion of the Tunisian heritage. It aims at associating Tunisians in the United States for the purpose of promoting social interaction and professional networking, fostering good citizenship and social responsibility, and contributing in all kinds of aspects to the development of the Tunisian society. TCC has built up a virtual community center and an online newsletter for Tunisians in America. TECHNOPOLE LILLE METROPOLE BP 405, 59669, Villeneuve d’Ascq France Tel : +33 3 20 19 18 55 Fax : +33 3 20 47 08 18 [email protected] 2001 TECHNOPOLE LILLE METROPOLE is an Information Technologies Development Agency powered by Lille Metropolitan Authority with assistance from Nord-Pas de Calais Regional Council. Its objective is to accelerate the involvement of ICTs in everybody’s life. Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Koulutuskeskus Dipoli (TKK Dipoli) Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli (HUT Dipoli) P.O. Box 8000 FI-02015 TKK Finland Tel.: +3580 451 4706, +3580 451 4664 Fax: +3580 451 4060 [email protected], [email protected] 1981 The Lifelong Learning Institute Dipoli is the continuing education centre of Helsinki University of Technology. It offers a great number of international and domestic information society and information technology related development programs. It provides continuing education and capacity building for academic staff and organisations It also hosts UCEF – University Continuing Education in Finland with the participation of all 21 universities. 210. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 211. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 212. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Télécoms Sans Frontières TSF 19, rue JB Carreau 64000 PAU France Tel.: +33 559 844 360 Fax: +33 559 844 358 [email protected] 1998 Télécoms Sans Frontieres is an NGO specialised in emergency telecommunications. Its mobile teams can reach anywhere in the world within 24 hours and set up an operational telecommunications centre. This also offers the victims of a disaster a possibility to break out of their isolation. It is further dedicating its know-how to long-term solidarity projects in order to bridge the technological gap. TERRE ACTIVE Bois de l’Anue 1, place Victor Schoelcher, 13090 Aix-en-Provence France Tel : +33 4 42 20 96 25 Fax : +33 4 42 20 96 40 [email protected] 2001 The association Terre Active has decided to rely on an original concept for its shows, based on a unique collaboration between performance art, visual arts, digital creations and ecological matters. It’s also a human adventure lead by a team, 30 years old on average, coming from diverse backgrounds in musical production, fine arts, audiovisual productions, theatre, graphic design, communication. TeSo – Telecommunicaciones Solidarias Calle Conserva, 37-bajo 46022-Valencia Spain Tel.: +34 96 3308 261,+34 63 0965 045 [email protected] 2001 TeSo tries to recycle old and used computers in order to donate them to other NGOs and Public Educational Centres worldwide. It aims at providing hardware, free and open source software and free access to communication to countries and regions with scarce economic resources. TeSo maintains a recycling workshop and organizes free computer and internet courses. 213. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 214. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 215. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities The Arab Federation of Libraries and Information (AFLI) P.O. Box 120 Campus universitaire, la Manouba 2010 Tunisia Tel : +216 71 601 502 Fax : +216 71 600 870 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 1986 The Arab Federation of Libraries and Information (AFLI) aims to support relationship among the Library and the Information Associations and the Institutions in the Arab World. Also it is interested in preserving, identifying and providing access to Arab Heritage distributed worldwide. Its members are individuals coming from 20 Arab countries. The Centre of Young Managers CJD Immeuble Yasmine Rue du Lac Malaren 1053 Les Berges du Lac Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 862 172, +216 71 862 355 Fax: +216 71 862 703 [email protected] 1998 The CJD’s mission is to collect reliable statistical data on external markets and to assure its transmission to Tunisian operators, to inform foreign operators about the potential of Tunisian companies and the opportunities of exchange, to develop cooperation with similar organisations belonging to partner countries through the exchange of commercial data. The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association 17, Fleet Street, London EC4Y 1 AA United Kingdom Tel : +44 207 583 5550 Fax : +44 207 583 5549 [email protected] 1945 The Commonwealth Broadcasting Association is a membership based international association of broadcasting organisation in the Commomwealth and beyond. Spreading across five countries, it aims to improve the quality of public service broadcasting, encourage the developed and developing world to share knowledge, skills and technology. 216. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 217. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 218. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities The CompuMentor Project – TechSoup 435 Brannan Street, Suite 100 San Francisco California 94107-1780 USA Tel.: +1 415 633 9322 Fax: +1 415 633 9400 [email protected] 1987 TechSoup is a project of CompuMentor bringing technology assistance to NGOs reaching and serving groups in 130 countries through a portal where content, tools and community are provided. It also helps NGOs to get hold of donated or discounted technology products. The Gov3 Foundation 7 st Aubyns Gardens, Orpington, Kent, BR6 0SW United Kingdom Tel : +44 7951 754060 Fax : +44 870 7065233 [email protected] 2005 The Gov3 Foundation is a NPO with aims to help governments accelerate the economic and social benefits of IT-enabled change. It provides an ongoing forum for development of the IT-enabled change agenda, bringing together international and national public sector leaders with interest in egovernment and digital inclusion. It also engages the private sector, to bring knowledge and skills transfer that help speed up the development of solutions and policies for IT-enabled change. The institute of the North 935 W. Third Ave., Achorage, Ankara 99501, United States of America Tel : +1 907 343-2455 Fax : +1 907 343-2466 [email protected] 2004 The institute of the North is a non-profit research institute. It initiated and serves as the Secretariat for the Circumpolar Infrastructure task Force, a joint effort by Arctic governments to encourage transport and telecom links between Arctic nations. 219. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 220. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 221. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities The International Media Support (IMS) Wilders Plads 8A 1403 Copenhagen K Denmark Tel.: +45 3269 8989 or +45 3269 8961 Fax: +45 3269 8994 [email protected] or [email protected] 2001 IMS is focusing on conflict or conflict threatened areas with weak democratic structures where the editorial freedom of the press is restricted. Through rapid collaborative interventions IMS aims at supporting media practitioners and institutions hindered or threatened by violent conflict or assisting media practitioners and institutions that have a positive impact on violent conflict. The Neighborhood Technology Resource Center 3517 W. Arthington Street, Chicago, Illinois 60624 USA Tel.: + 312 745 2630 Fax : + 773 772 5676 [email protected] 2000 The NTRC has a mission of creating public spaces where new technology can be experienced and serve as a catalyst for individual and community capacity development. It accomplishes this mission by creating programs in collaboration with residents that are practical, relevant and contribute to their digital proficiency. Its long-term vision is that local citizens, community organizations, churches and businesses will have access to and the necessary knowledge of digital technologies. The Royal Society 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5 AG UK Tel.: + 44 20 74512500 Fax: + 44 20 79252626 [email protected] 1660 The Mission of The Royal Society is to pursuit of excellence in science by encouraging and supporting the best individual scientists to practice and communicate, and by providing the independent scientific advice. It has three major roles: as a learned society embracing the entire scientific landscape; as the UK’s Academy of Science providing independent scientific advice; and as a funding agency providing support for scientists, engineers and technologist to pursue their work. 222. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 223. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 224. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation 2121 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California 94025 USA Tel.: + 650 234 4500 Fax: + 650 234 1928 [email protected] 1966 The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation works to equalize access to knowledge through the use of Open Educational Resources that are freely available for all people of the world. The web-based resources are available for use and re-use for the purposes of teaching, learning and research. Foundation partners include UNESCO, the World Bank, and local organizations in Africa and China. Current activities include supporting the dissemination of content from the developing world and promoting awareness and use worldwide. Third World Majority 369 15th Street Oakland, CA 94612 USA Tel: +510 465 6941 Fax :+1 510 763 7068 [email protected] 2000 TWM is a new media organizing, training and production resource center run by a collective of women of color and allies dedicated to organizing for social justice. TWM centers on training women of color as teachers and leaders of cultural, tech, and media organizing to reframe who owns and uses technology, and to reframe technology literacy programs as vital cultural and technical arts spaces where communities redefine their cultures and values. Toile Métisse 1, cour de Rohan, 75006 Paris France Tel: + 33 1 43 26 45 85 Fax: + 33 1 43 26 45 85 [email protected] 1998 The NGO develops a portal with an online-review, a directory of the French-speaking artists on the Web, and an anthology of current poetry. Moreover, for helping artists to use the ICTs, Toile Métisse organized in 1999-2000, with the help of the Agence de la Francophonie, a series of training courses which took place in Bamako (Mali), Dakar (Senegal) and Paris. In 2003, the association enabled the realization of the very first African computer sculptures – exhibited during INTERSCULPT 2003 ( 225. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 226. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 227. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Training Research Education for Empowerment (TREE) Senwalia, Rangamati, Bishmile, Savar-Dhaka-1344 Bangladesh Tel: +88- 02 770 8236 Fax: +88 02 7708069 [email protected] 1999 TREE is an NGO involved in training, research, advocacy and lobbying in the area of health, education, environment and social sector ICT development at grass roots level in Bangladesh. Tropical Research and Development Centre (TRDC) 57/C, 18th Main BSK-I stage Bangalore 560 050 India Tel.: +91 80 55 306 556 Fax: +91 80 266 036 18 [email protected] TRDC is an NGO focusing on problems faced by rural communities in order to improve their living standards. Its activities include the building of social capital through primary education for school dropouts, creating sustainable livelihoods by developing savings and credit schemes for women, fostering environmental regeneration in rural areas focusing on bio-diversity conservation, organic farming etc. Tunisian Association of Development Law (ATDD) ERTT, Direction des affaires juridiques, 71m Avenue de la liberty, 1002 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: + 00 21671781687 Fax : + 00 21671781297 [email protected] or [email protected] 2004 Tunisian Association of Development Law works to facilitate the user of rule of law to promote the good governance in public and private sector. Its activities consist in: finding potential candidates to the learning traineeship held by the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO); organizing conferences and training sessions; assisting the IDLO to organize activities in Tunisia. 228. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 229. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 230. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Tunisian Association of Development of Numerical Technology and Human Resources University of Manouba, Campus Universitaire – 2010 la Manouba Tunisia Tel.: + 216 71 601 350 Fax: + 216 71 602 211 [email protected] 2005 Objectives: contribution in diffusion of numerical culture and support the mastering of new technologies and its use to create a generation of high competent human resources to adhere in the Economy of Information; promote the industry of pedagogic content as an efficient solution to develop human resources; contribution in promoting cooperation between national and international associations, institutions and research centers dealing with new numerical technologies. Tunisian Association of Digital Geographic Information (TADGI) 25 Avenue Habib Bourguibe, 1000 Tunis Tunisie Tel.: +216 21 912 295 Fax: +216 71 344 551 [email protected] 2005 The main objectives of TADGI are the promotion of digital geographic information in various domains (especially regional development), the support of State efforts to implement new urban plans in order to preserve and improve urban and rural areas. Thus, the organization is implementing a digital geographic atlas for various regions in Tunisia. It also supports researchers in the field of geometrics and tries to improve international cultural and scientific exchange by ways of co-operations with other organizations. Tunisian Association On Climate Change and Sustainable Development. (2C2D) 106 Avenue Jugurtha, Mutuelleville, 1002 Tunis, Tunisie Tel : +216 71 844 143 [email protected] August 2002 2C2D is a Tunisian NGO that is dedicated to contributing scientific and technical reflections to the link between climate change and sustainable development. 2C2D aims to promote comprehension of climate change matters and its impact in the sustainable development framework. 231. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 232. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 233. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 234. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Tunisian Red Crescent Tunisia Tel : +216 713 20630, +216 713 25572 Fax : +216 713 20151 [email protected] 1956 Tunisian Red Crescent is a Red Crescent national society, member of International Federation of red cross and red crescent society. Its aims to improve life conditions of the most vulnerable and mobilising the power of humanity. It works for the implementation of a national program to connect all region branch with internet. Tunisian Diabetics Association 5L, Immeuble SNIT, Boulevard 9 Avril, 1006 Tunis Tunisie Tel.: + 00 26 1 569096 Fax: + 00 216 1 570 [email protected] 1971 Tunisian Diabetics Association works for scientific activities on the field of diabetes (research, documentation etc); social activities (support of diabetes families); education activities; coordination with the health organizations on national and international level. UNETE, A.C. (Businesspeople Union For Technology and Education) Leibnitz 11- 401, Co. Azures, Mexico-City 11590 Mexico Tel : + 52 55 5250 8999 ext. 1134 Fax: + 52 55 5250 8999 ext. 1135 [email protected] 1999 UNETE is a non-profit organization created to raise Mexican educational level and to achieve equal opportunities by incorporating the benefits of a productive use of technology in elementary and middle public schools, giving priority to those in the poorest areas of the country, especially in the rural and indigenous communities. Union of Bulgarian Librarian and Information Services Officers (ULISO) 4, Slaveikov, suite 609, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria Tel.: +359 2 987 0734 Fax: +359 2 987 0734 [email protected] 1990 ULISO’s main activities are focused on: active participation the development of the national library and information policy; promoting cooperation between libraries for the implementation of new technologies; establishing a system of continuous education for training of librarians and information specialists; etc. Current projects include the creation of a gateway for global understanding and community information services (ABLE Project), the improvement of access to electronic information for disabled people in Bulgarian libraries. 235. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 236. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 237. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 238. Address Union des Associations d’Elus Locaux (UAEL) BP 3866 Dakar Maison des élus locaux (MEL), 31 rue Carnot, Place de l’Indépendance, Dakar, Senegal Tel : +221 842 5059, +221 842 0877 Fax : +221 842 50 62 [email protected] , [email protected] 2003 Union des Associations d’Elus Locaux (UAEL) is a local community. It has the a Commission of ICT which helps the Executive Board on questions related to the administration of local communities and ICTs. Its projects include: ICT and services for citizens, ICT and good governance. Union de Periodistas de Cuba (UPEC) Calle 23 nro 451 esquina a I.Vedado, Ciudad de la Habana 10400 Cuba Tel.: + 537 8324550 Fax: + 537 333079 [email protected] 1963 Independent organization of professionals of the Cuban press. UJAO / Union des journalists de l’Afrique de l’Ouest WAJA / West Africa Journalists Association Mali Tel : +223 222 19 15 Fax : +223 223 54 78 [email protected] 1986 The UJAO incorporates all trade unions, associations and unions bring together professionals working in the field of information and communication. It works on safeguarding professional ethics, the consolidation of the freedom of expression and ensuring effective protection to journalists against external pressures. It encourages the exchange between professionals and organizations of the civil society. Union des Eglises Protestantes Bapitistes di Benin 021 BP 54 Cotonou Benin Tel.: +229 30 95 89 Fax: +229 30 91 72 [email protected] Constitution 1990 Brief summary of purpose and activities Union des Eglises Protestantes Bapitistes di Benin preaches and teaches the gospel in Benin, it develops charity, mutual pardon and peace. It also aims at strengthening Christian faith by developing a regular training program. It further encourages and helps churches to establish a good missionary program and it establishes a collective action program to raise the churches well being and the fraternal actions between the churches. Soon, the Gospel e-learning will be carried out on its web site (under building). 239. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 240. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 241. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 242. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Union Tunisienne d’Aide Aux Insuffisants Mentaux (UTAM) 5, Rue Khemaïs Ternane – Montfleury, Bl 234 – 1089 Tunis Tunisia Tel : + 216 71253191 Fax : + 21671257839 [email protected] 1967 Objectives: Education specialized for mentally handicapped children; rehabilitation and entry into employment for young mentally handicapped persons; contribution to the primary and secondary prevention and service industry for the mental handicap of the child. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / service PRACTICE Bâtiment Quai, 43 Bd du 11 novembre 1918, 69622, Villeurbanne CEDEX France Tel : +33 4 78 78 56 87 Fax : +33 4 72 43 16 45 [email protected] 2002 The PRACTICE aims to offer more opportunity in order to develop ICTs use. It participates actively in the regional, academical, and metropolitan networks. It also involved in joint projects with Tunisia, China, Switzerland and Belgium. United Jewish Community of Ukraine Str. Mechnikova 14/1 Kiev 01023 Ukraine Tel.: +380 44 246 45 11 Fax: +380 44 235 10 67 [email protected] 1999 United Jewish Community of Ukraine aims at counteracting and fighting the spread of hate, xenophobia and racism in mass-media as well as on the Internet. It is further dedicated to strengthen the civil society principles in the Ukraine and in post-Soviet countries. Universal Childrensstate (UCS), Children’s United Parliament of the World (CUPW) P.O. Box 39 00561 Helsinki Finland Tel.: +358 46 8100 230, +358 50 378 0847 Fax: +358 9 757 5300 [email protected], [email protected] 1999 Universal Childrensstate has developed an international network of national children’s parliaments. Its main aim is to provide a channel for children to participate in world affairs. The CUPW declared its own virtual internet state, The Universal Childrensstate. It is developing its internetbased open source networks. 243. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 244. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 245. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Università Federico II di Napoli – Dipartimento di Filologia Classica “F. Arnaldi” Via Porta di Massa, 1 – 80100 Napoli, Italy Tel : +39 81 2535646 Fax : +39 81 5236700 [email protected] 1224 During the past years Università Federico II di Napoli, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica “F. Arnaldi” has been engaged among other disciplines, in critical reflections on the impact of ICTs on research. Their main programme involves formulation of teaching proposals that take into account the diversity of the Mediterranean cultures, through multimedia materials with particular focus on women. Universidad de Costa Rica / Programa de la Sociedad de la información y el Conocimiento (PROSIC) Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro Montes de Oca Costa Rica Tel.: +506 224 5121 Fax: +506 224 8098 [email protected] 1943 PROSIC tries to establish a multidisciplinary working group that will support the research on and the development of policies and projects that will enhance the application and the use of ICTs in Costa Rica. It, therefore, creates the necessary structures for professional training, research and development in this field of work. One of its activities is to draft a annual report about the information society in Costa Rica. It makes use of its television channel; its radio station; and its weekly journal to further promulgate ICTs in the national community. Universidad de las Ciencias Informaticas (UCI) Carretera a San Antonio de los Baños Km. 2½, Municipio La Lisa, Ciudad de la Habana – 19370 Cuba Tel.: +537 835 8185 Fax : +537 835 8196 [email protected] / 2002 UCI’s major objective is to train about 2000 information engineers per year in order to support the development of the information society in Cuba and other countries. It is home to ten faculties, each one of them specialized in a certain field of work such as health care or education, which all rely more and more on the use of ICTs. It tries to cater for these needs by setting up various projects in order to develop new software and applications. 246. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 247. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 248. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Universidad del Zulia Av. 16 (Ziruma), Antiguo Edificio del Rectorado de LUZ Planta Alta, Apartado de Correo 526, Maracaibo, Estado Zulia Venezuela Tel.: +58 261 759 8439 Fax: +58 261 759 2169 [email protected] The university was founded in 1891. Universidad del Zuliais a key player in the regional and national development and ventures to improve education and research in order to support human development in various fields of knowledge so as to strengthen social competencies, know-how, analytical capabilities, and productivity. It is trying to provide students with the necessary skills to tackle social, economical, political, scientific and cultural problems. It is, furthermore, looking for partnerships with institutions from all over the world to improve academic exchange and cooperation, and to develop joint projects in the field of higher education. Université du Burundi B.P. 1550 BUJUMBURA Tel : +257 22 20 59, +257 22 36 94 Fax : +257 22 32 88 [email protected], [email protected] 1964 Triple mission of Univeristé du Burundi is to make academic frameworks in all domains where a country needs to promote research application to national development. They also aim to participate actively in the social, economical and cultural development of the country. Université de la Méditérranée-Centre Avienne du Savoir-France Technopôle de Château, Gambert, UNIMECA, 60, rue Jolio-Curie, 13453, Marseille Cedex 13, France Tel : +33 4 91 11 38 16 Fax : +33 4 91 11 38 16 [email protected] 1987 The Avienna Knowledge Center of France is the French center of the Avicenna Virtual Campus of EUMEDIS project. The leader of the project is UNESCO. Its purpose is the development of an open distance education system around the Mediterranean sea. 249. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 250. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 251. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Université de la Méditerrané, Ecole de Journalisme et de Communication de Marseille 21 rue Virgile Marron 13392 Marseille France Tel.: +33 049 124 3200 Fax: +33 049 124 3207 [email protected] 1982 Ecole de Journalisme et de Communication de Marseille trains students, professionals, executives and highly skilled people in a broad spectrum of disciplines including journalism, ICT etc. It also maintains a research group called Medi@SIC which is EU-funded and aims at tackling new and cross-disciplinary research programs as well as at investigating the evolving of the knowledge society Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de sociologie (LAS) Place du Recteur Henri le Moal, CS 24 307 – 35043 Rennes CEDEX France Tel.: +33 2 2346 1475 Fax: +33 2 2346 1475 [email protected] 1984 Université Rennes 2 is dedicated to all kinds of education, to research and technological development and their practical application for real life scenarios, the spread of technical and scientific knowledge, and international cooperation. A special research program of the Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Sociologie is dedicated to the study of the innovation, representation and use of ICTs. Université Paris 8 Institut Maghreb Europe 2, rue de la Liberté 93526, Saint-Denis Cedex France Tel : +33 1 49 40 68 67 Fax : +33 1 49 40 68 69 [email protected] http://ipt.univ-paris8fr/imeu/ 1998 The mission of Institut Maghreb Europe is to study Mediterranean Culture and identities within the framework of the Information Society and specifically, why it is important to protect the plurality of national culture. 252. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 253. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 254. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 255. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Université Paul Cézanne Aix Marseille III Faculté des Sciences et Techniques - Avenue Escadrille Normandie Niémen – 13397 Marseille cedex 20 Tel : +33 4 91 28 83 17 Fax : + 33 4 91 28 87 49 [email protected] 1973 Université Paul Cézanne Aix Marseille III is a public tertiary educational institution with scientific, cultural and professional character. Its mission is to teach, research and diffuse scientific and cultural education and specifically, Science of Information and Communication. Université de Toulon et du Var BP 20132, 831957 La Garde cedex France Tel : +33 494 14 20 00 Fax : +33 494 14 21 57 [email protected] 1979 Université de Toulon et du Var aims to establish an educational environment and a research of quality. Its activities and objectives reside therefore in a double perspective; not only in a diplomatic and educational one for adding social value, but also in the high quality of research in specialized fields. University of California, Berkeley College of Engineering, Dean’s Office 320 McLaughlin Hall #1700 Berkeley, CA 94720 United States of America Tel: +1 510 642 4106 Fax: +1 510 642 7654 [email protected] 1868 The principles of community for the University of California, Berkeley, are rooted in its mission of teaching, research and public service. It launched the program called “Technology and Infrastructure for Emerging Region (TIER)” which aims to address the challenge of bringing the Information technology revolution to the masses of the developing regions of the world. In the recent past, TIER has been active in India. University of Panamá Ciudad Univesitaria “Octavio Méndez Pereira”, Estafeta Univesitaria, Universidad de Panamá Tel : +507 213 8636, +507 264 3055 Fax : +507 213 8636 [email protected] October 7 1935 The University of Panama is a governmental institution of top autonomous education, inspired by the highest civic and moral ethical values. The University’s main purpose is to form professionals and technical personnel responsible for the future of the country. 256. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 257. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 258. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication FIN-33014 University of Tampere Finland Tel.: +358 3 3551 6243 Fax: +358 3 3551 6248 [email protected] 1925 University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication is Scandinavia’s oldest unit for academic education and research in the field of journalism and mass communication, both in print and in electronic media. It offers undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA) and postgraduate (PhD) degrees. Its research activities cover production, content and reception of media. University of Toronto, Faculty of Law 84 Queen’s Park Toronto, Ontario Canada M5S 2C5 Tel.: +416 946 7831 Fax: +416 978 8894 [email protected] 1887 The Faculty of Law at University of Toronto includes the International Human Rights Program (IHRP) as well as the Centre for Innovation Law and Policy (CILP). The faculty is also active in the fields of intellectual property, e-commerce, globalisation, international human rights and other projects central to WSIS. Uppssala Universitet/Uppsala University : Collegium for Development Studies Box 256, SE-751 05 Uppsala Sweden Tel : +46 18 471 00 00 Fax : +46 18 471 20 00 [email protected] , 1477 The Collegium is a cross-disciplinary unit within the Uppsala University and it links development research and Swedish development cooperation. It focuses both on the difficulties and the possibilities ICTs can present to the poor parts of the world. It recognises the need of further knowledge on these issues, both within Sweden and internationally, complimented with the need of exchange of ideas amongst the different actors. 259. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 260. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 261. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Verein Frauenforschung und weiblicher Lebenszusammenhang Association Women’s Studies and Female Living Diefenbachgasse 38/1 A-1150 Vienna Austria Tel.: +43 1 812 9886 Fax: +43 1 812 9886 [email protected] 1982 Association Women’s Studies and Female Living runs “Stichwort”, Austria’s first and biggest archives, library and documentation center on and for the autonomous women’s and lesbians’ movement. It provides access to books, periodicals etc. and it also organises workshops and discussions and publishes a biannual newsletter. VIAS - Virtual Institute of Advanced Studies PARQTEC ALFA Rodovia.. SC 401, KM 1 CEP: 88030-000 Florianópolis, SC Brazil Tel.: +55 48 21088150 Fax: +55 48 2336 770 [email protected] 2000 VIAS is an institution dedicated to generate and disseminate knowledge, to promote innovation and scientific and technological research, especially in the areas of Virtual Education, Knowledge Management and Information Technology. Regarding Virtual Education, VIAS makes undergraduate, graduate and lifelong learning accessible for all by developing virtual education projects, products and services. Vidya Prasarak Mandal Dr. Bedekar Vidya Mandir Vishnu Nagar Naupada, Thana (W) 400 602 Bombay India Tel.: +9122 25426270 Fax: +9122 25448768 [email protected] 1935 Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Thane is a pioneer educational institute catering to the basic needs of education of nearly 15,000 students at Thane in the Maharashtra state of India. It runs nine schools and colleges, established between 1957 and 2000. Its purpose is to facilitate intellectual, physical, technical, vocational and cultural education in the city of Thane. It caters for institutions conducive to education such as libraries, teacher-parent association etc. 262. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 263. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 264. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Volontaire-Globalisation (V-Glob) 184 rue Aflao-Gakli BP 7029 Lome Togo Tel.: +228 911 26 29 Fax: +228 225 33 21 [email protected] 2001 V-Glob is dedicated to create opportunities for the young as well as a sustainable livelihood for all. V-Glob runs an HIV/AIDS education campaign, it is dedicated to fight against poverty, it has organised a contest of innovation on ICTs. It takes part and organises international conferences on youth leadership and entrepreneurship and it has founded the “Vision talent” award. Winrock International (International Programs) 1621 . N. Kent Street, Suite 1200 Arlington, VA 22209-2134 USA Tel: +1 703 525 9430 +1 703 525 1744 [email protected] 1985 Winrock International is a nonprofit organisation that works with people around the world to increase economic opportunity, sustain natural resources, and protect the environment. Wikimedia Foundation 204 37th Ave.N. #330 USA Tel.: +1 727 231 0101 Fax: +1 727 823 8961 [email protected] 2001 Wikipedia is a Web-based freely licensed encyclopedia that is openly edited and freely readable. It has 187 independent language editions sponsored by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Entries on traditional encyclopedic topics exist alongside those on almanac, gazetteer and current events topics. Wikimedia is one of the most popular reference sites on the Web, receiving around 400 million page views per month. 265. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 266. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 267. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities WITAR (Associazione Istituto Tecnico Alessandro Rossi nel mondo) 52 Via Legione Gallieno, 36100 Vicenza Italy Tel.: + 257 903691 Fax: + 39 04448098955 [email protected] 2002 WITAR works to promote technical and craftsmanship skills in developing countries. It supports a technical high school in Burundi, by providing technical equipment for their mechanical, electrical and electronic workshops and for their computer. It installed a VSAT antenna which provides broadband internet access, in order to foster e-learning and to collaborate with a twin technical high school in Italy, through videoconference. WITNESS Inc. 80 Hanson Place, 5th Fl. Brooklyn New York 11217 USA Tel.: +1 718 783 2000 Fax: +1 718 783 1593 [email protected] 1992 WITNESS uses the power of video to open the eyes of the world to human rights abuse. It does so by partnering with around 200 organisations around the globe bringing unseen pictures, untold stories and seldom heard voices to the attention of decision makers, the media and the general public. Through video advocacy WITNESS hopes that human rights violations will not only be seen but also these documentations will foster advocacy and change. Women Aid Collective No. 9 Umuezebi Street Off Upper Chime Avenue, New Haven P.O. Box 2718 Enugu Enugu State Nigeria Tel.: +234 42 2566 78 Fax: +234 42 2568 31 [email protected] 1997 Women Aid Collective works towards reaching a democratic society free from violence and abuse where human rights are recognized. The activities carried out in order to reach this goal include free legal aid, mobile aid as well as informing, educating and communicating human rights to raise awareness in the public. 268. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities 269. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 270. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 271. Address Creation Brief summary of purpose and activities Women For Peace and Development in Africa Programme (WPDAP) P.O. Box 22410 Kampala Uganda [email protected] 2001 WPDAP promotes capacity building for peace, leadership and sustainable development. It organises, conducts and supports capacity building activities to promote the attainment of the MDGs. It aims at eliminating disparities in access to IT, promoting gender equality as well as poverty reduction. It supports the utilization of ICTs for gender justice, peace building, leadership and MDGs. Women for Sustainable Development 7, Rue Remada, 2000 Bardo - Tunis Tunisia Tel: + 216 71 510 714 Fax: + 216 71 510 714 [email protected] 1994 WFSD was set up in the aftermath of the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit. Its objectives are: emphasize the specificity of women roles and interventions in advocating for and implementing Sustainable Development while addressing its social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions. Main projects: capacity building through ICTs, etc. Women in IT (WIT) Zico House – 174 Spears Str., Near Future TV – Sanayeh, Beirut Libanon Tel.: + 961 44 9887 [email protected] 2005 WIT is an association founded in Lebanon in 2005 by a group of 12 women who are senior professionals in the field of Information Technology. Its goal is to share their success and experiences with others, focusing on using ICTs as one tool to improve the lives of all women. WORLD CLEAN PROJECT 2-15-1-SP393WCP Sibuya Shibuya-ku Tokyo JAPAN ZIP 150-8944 Tel: +81 3 5774 6057 Fax: +81 3 6418 5582 [email protected] 1997 WCP activities are focused on the youth and are global in scope. The organisation’s activities include international cooperation, peacekeeping operations and emergency relief and youth support, with an emphasis on positive environmental development. 272. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 273. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 274. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities WORLD CORPS One Maritine Plaza, Suite 1100, San Franciso, CA 94111 USA Tel.: + 415 3910556 Fax: + 415 3910559 [email protected] [email protected] 1998 World Corps collaborates with public, private and NGO partners in rural areas of developing countries. Together we work to bridge the digital divide and to stem the rural-to-urban “brain drain ”by selecting young leaders of promise and training them to run telecenters. These telecenters are designed to be profitable, sustainable small businesses that use computers and the Internet as tools for broad social development – tools that give people form all sectors of society access to resources, markets, information and new ideas. Zambia Association for advancement of information and communication technologies (ZAA-ICTP) Private bag, 195X, Ridgeway, Zambia Premium House, 3rd Floor, Lusaka, Zambia Tel.: + 260 1 227062 Fax: + 260 1 227062 [email protected] 1970 ZAA-ICTP has the objective to promote, advocate and support the advancement of information and communication technologies services, products, activities among the urban and rural communities in Zambia, particularly among the youth in schools and colleges and to ensure the advancement of ICT services and access is harnessed to benefit the overall development of the country. ZINC/ECM Belle de Mai 41 Rue Jobin, 13003 Marseille France Tel. : +33 4 9504 9512 Fax : +33 4 9504 9500 [email protected] 2003 ZINC/ECM Belle de Mai is a media lab in Marseille. It works on social uses of web and new media based upon artistic and cultural activities such as creation, production, broadcasting. It brings together artists, multimedia designer and the public in order to invent and experiment with new forms of web art and the use of ICTs for social purposes. It also is implied in North-South projects. ANNEX 2 Business Sector Entities recommended by the Executive Secretariat for Accreditation to the World Summit on the Information Society List of entities that have requested accreditation at the Preparatory Meeting (PrepCom-3 of the Tunis Phase of the Summit) 1. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 2. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 3. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 2 C W – Conseil Communication et Web 13, Rue Slimen Ben Slimen, 2092 El Manar II, Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 858 750 or +216 71 858 775 Fax : +216 71 858 840 Email : [email protected] or [email protected] 2 C W – Conseil Communication et Web was established in 1998 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). 2CW specializes in information technologies and e-services, consulting and support of technology companies. It is a consulting company providing business and public institutions with specialized advisory services to facilitate business expansion, define and implement development strategies, technology transfer, with a view towards innovation and valorization. Its objectives are to provide enterprises with specific guidelines for their strategic choices in order to improve their performances. 3000 Informática S.L. Avenida Pío XII, 2 bajo. 30204-Cartagena (Murcia) Spain Tel: +34 968 522 330 Fax: +34 968 508 708 Email: [email protected] 3000 Informática S.L. is a limited liabilities company, which was established in 1981. 3000 Informática is a company oriented to satisfy the automation needs in the fields of librarianship, archives, records management, and, in general terms, cultural heritage, information society, and e-government/digital cities. It is a commercial entity involved in research and development of software for cultural and governmental organizations – libraries archives, museums, government offices and departments - by using open languages and systems in order to develop medium and large size networks at an affordable cost. ACADYS SAS 40, Rue Jean Monnet Bat. 2, 68200 Mulhouse France Tel.: +33 389 420 010 Fax: + 33 389 420 088 Email: [email protected] Acadys SAS is a limited liabilities company (SAS) established in 1999. Acadys specializes in corporate governance consulting, IT auditing and consultancy, development of IT performance measurement tools, and the development of integrated IT solutions for public organizations. It has launched a solution based on open source technology and web based applications dedicated to public organizations. The company’s aim is to give to the general public access to information on the Internet, as well as access to web based applications for the purpose of alphabetization, education and access to public services. It is working, among others, in Morocco, Tunisia, Côte d’Ivore, France, Canada, Switzerland and Australia. 4. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 5. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 6. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Access to eBusiness 10, Avenue S. Ben Slimane, Diar El Ons, Appt J5D, El Manar 2 Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 888 882 or +216 22 130 142 Fax: +216 71 885 529 Email: [email protected] Access to eBusiness was established in 1999 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). Access to eBusiness is a webmarketing agency specialized in search engine marketing, internet advertisement, and e-business consulting. It is cooperating with international companies in France, Italy and Jordan. @CTIS-Ingénierie - Direction Générale N°30 Centre d’Entreprises Le Val d’Aran, 178 Chemin dur Roumipinas, 83150 Bandol France Tel : +33 494 243 489 or +33 612 496 210 Fax : +33 494 244 856 Email : [email protected] @CTIS-Ingénierie was established in 2003 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). @CTIS-Ingénierie is a French software and consulting services company (SSII) whose field of expertise comprises ICT activities and their by-products such as local assistance through different services, consulting, project ownership assistance, third-party applicative maintenance, integration of systems, and study of development of customized solutions. It is dedicated to all business sectors in France and throughout the world. It is essentially focused on large companies. Advanced e-Technologies (AeTECH) ZI Ariana Aéroport, 29 Rue des Entrepreneurs, 2035 Tunis Carthage BP 290 – 1080 Tunis Cedex Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 940 094 Fax: + 216 71 941 194 Email: [email protected] AeTECH was established in 2001 as a public limited company (société anonyme). AeTECH is an integrator of technologies for global corporate communication solutions adapted to small, medium-size and large enterprises. The company provides solutions based on telephone and information networks, call centers and DATACOM. It also offers a wide range of products, consulting services, a customized follow-up and customized training. Its purpose is to integrate tools and technologies of different brands in order to provide small, medium-size and large enterprise with global solutions tailored to their needs. 7. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 8. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 9. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) One AMD Place, P.O. Box 3453, Sunnyvale, California 94088-3453 USA Tel.: +1 408 749 4000 or +49 351 277 1015 Fax: +49 351 277 91015 Email: [email protected] AMD is a corporation established in 1969. AMD designs and produces innovative microprocessors, Flash memory devices, and low-power processor solutions for the computer, communications, and consumer electronics industries. AMD is a global corporation with manufacturing facilities in Dresden, Germany and facilities and offices throughout Europe, Asia, and North and South America. In 2004, AMD launched a global initiative at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland titled 50x15 with the purpose of enabling affordable Internet access and computing capabilities for 50 percent of the world population by the year 2015. Current projects have been launched in Africa, India, South America and the Caribbean. AFRICA SOLUTIONS 67, Rue Alain Savary, 1002 Tunis Belvedere Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 787 155 Fax: +216 71 786 904 Email: [email protected] Africa Solutions is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 1998. Africa Solutions develops and markets @business, a bundle of client/server applications for windows. @business is a qualified, Microsoft certified solution. These applications are designed for the distribution of petroleum, the promotion of pharmaceutical products, and GSM distribution. Africa Solutions acts also as a support, maintenance and training center. AFRISPA LIMITED Freeport Zone 5, Mer Rouge, Port Louis Mauritius Tel.: +230 206 2060 Fax: +230 206 2005 Email: [email protected] ASFRISPA is a Mauritanian company limited by guarantee. It has been incorporated under the Mauritius Company Act 2001 in 2002. AFRISPA is a continental association of African Internet service provider associations. Its purpose is to promote the growth of the Internet in Africa by making it available and affordable to all Africans through the creation of a platform for innovation in IP services and products all over the continent, and to promote its use as a tool for development and integration into the global knowledge economy through the strengthening of social and technical infrastructures. The organization provides an Internet industry perspective on policy formulation and regulation and acts as an interface with governmental bodies and the public at large. Amongst others, it provides and promotes educational opportunities meant to enhance and empower technical and policy understanding of the Internet. 10. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 11. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 12. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Arab-British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) 1 Jermyn Street, London, SWIY 4UH United Kingdom Tel.: +44 207 961 6560 Fax: + 44 207 245 6688 Email: [email protected] The Chamber of Commerce was established in 1975. The chamber’s purpose is to strengthen and facilitate bilateral trade between the UK and Arab States. Chamber services include trade procedures and documentation and other business services. These include research facilities, publications, events, and trade missions. The chamber also runs Arabic language courses and a visa service. Asia Pacific Top Level Domains Association Inc. (APTLD) P.O. Box 11-881, Wellington 6001 New Zealand Tel.: +64 4 472 1600 Fax: +64 4 495 2115 Email: [email protected] APTLD was legally established in 2003 as an incorporate society in Malaysia. APTLD is the regional organization representing the Internet Domain Name System’s country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) registries from the greater Asia Pacific region including Turkey in the west and spanning to the Pacific Islands in the East. Its purpose is to allow for regular interchange between members and to develop better ccTLD operations across the Asia Pacific. It provides outreach to developing countries, technical training to managers and access to policy development among members to provide best practice development among all. The organization prepares position papers on relevant issues (e.g., a submission to the WGIG process), and advocates for its members interests within ICANN. Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) Nittochi Bldg., 1-4-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0013 Japan Tel.: +81 3 5510 8590 Fax: +81 3 3592 1103 Email: [email protected] Chartered by the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications and registered in accordance with the Civil Law of Japan since 1995. ARIB was established in response to several trends such as the growing internationalization of telecommunications, the convergence of telecommunications and broadcasting, and the need for promotion of radio-related industries. ARIB’s goal is to integrate knowledge and experience in various fields of radio use for the benefit of society. The association’s objectives are to conduct investigation, research & development and consultation of utilization on radio waves from the view of developing radio industries. 13. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 14. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 15. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 16. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Axalto S.A. 50, Avenue Jean Jaures, 92542 Montrouge Cedex France Tel.: +33 1 4600 6667 Fax: +33 1 4600 6367 Email: [email protected] Axalto is a public limited company (société anonyme) established in 1986. The company was initially incorporated in 1953 under the name Schlumberger. Axalto provides microprocessor cards and has offices in 31 countries and factories and research centers throughout the world. The company offers end-to-end expertise of the smart value-chain by developing a range of smart cards for mobile communications, finance and banking, secure access, the public sector and transport. AXIN 21 Rue Icare, 67960 Entzheim France Tel.: +33 390 297 730 Fax: +33 390 297 739 Email: [email protected] Axin is a limited liabilities company (sociéte par actions simplifiée) established in 1994. Axin is developing and integrating an enterprise resource planning (ERP) software called OCTAL, which has been developed in an ORACLE environment. Axin is active in France, Tunisia and Morocco and looking for integration partners in other countries. Azzarius S.A. Centre de Recherche et de Développement 6, Avenue des Usines, Technopôle Bâtiment 12, 90000 Belfort France Tel.: +33 3 8458 0813 Fax: +33 3 8422 2894 Email: [email protected] Azzarius is a public limited company (société anonyme) established in 2004. Azzarius develops and edits security related ICT applications like software for digital signatures, document management and archive systems. The company is one out of ten officially recognized dealers of digital signatures in France. Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie (BIAT) 70-72 Av Habib Bourguiba 1000 Tunis Tunisa Tel : +216 71 340 733 Fax : +216 71 342 820 Email : [email protected] BIAT was established in 1976. It is a public limited company (plc). BIAT undertakes any banking activities or other transactions related to banking activities. It is participating in the financing of companies operating in the field of new information technologies. 17. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 18. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 19. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities BeNomad 7, Rue Paul Déroulède, 06000 Nice France Tel.: +33 6 2017 8238 Fax: +33 4 9373 4756 Email: [email protected] BeNomad is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 2002. BeNomad company develops and markets map-processing software tools (Software Development Kit) for the management of companies’ mobile resources. It provides calculations, guidance and map visualization functions for web services as well as mobile devices. It addresses clients that want to embed map-based functions into their existing applications. It has developed a technology for the storage and the processing of vector based data over low bandwidth network and on low memory devices. It is currently working with the <<Office Tunisien de la Cartographie>> and plans to extend its activity. Binor &Associes Immeuble Ennejah 2nd Etage – A11, Avenue President Kennedy B.P. 4205 Nouakchott Mauritania Tel.: +222 529 0029 Fax: + 222 529 8540 Email: [email protected] Binor&Associes was established in 1996 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). Binor&Associes is a private advising and engineering company working for companies, organizations and institutions. It has employees in France, Tunisia, Côte d’Ivore, Canada and cooperates with international aid organizations like the World Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, and with private enterprises providing them with general counsel, human resources development, customized software solutions and so forth. Brainstorm ltd Rue Mohamed Jammoussi Immeuble Tamaris, App. N° 14, SFAX 3000 Tunisia Tel.: +216 74 201 415 Fax: +216 74 201 416 Email: [email protected] Brainstorm ltd is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 2005. Brainstorm ltd offers design, development and maintenance of websites; deploys eCommerce, e-Payment and e-Banking solutions; offers web marketing and customized software applications. 20. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 21. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 22. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Cameroon Financial and Investment Corporation (CINV-Cor S.A.) BP 4978 Yaoundé Nlongkak Cameroon Tel: +237 221 01 36 Fax: +237 221 01 36 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Cameroon Financial and Investment Corporation was established in 1997 as a public limited company (société anonyme). The corporation’s principle activity is to consult archive centers and develop ICT solutions for them. The company’s experts intervene in the archives to help with audit, on-line forms, electronic signatures, the organization of existing funds, and the training of the staff. CENTRE DE PROMOTION DES EXPORTATIONS (CEPEX) Centre Urbain Nord, 1080 Tunis Cedex Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 234 200 Fax: +216 71 237 325 Email: [email protected] CEPEX is a public association under the trusteeship of the Tunisian ministry of commerce, which aims at the promotion of Tunisian exportations. It was established in 1973. CEPEX is focused on supporting Tunisian companies and foreign enterprises investing in Tunisia by providing them with specific information, a formal framework, and counsel; with technical assistance in order to develop new markets abroad; with marketing activities; with market research and training schemes in order to foster knowhow about international business. During the WSIS in Tunis CEPEX will support exhibitions of Tunisian enterprises. Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Marseille Provence (CCIMP) Direction de l’Innovation et du Développement MDI – Technopole de Château Gombert 28, Rue de Joliot Curie, 13452 Marseille Cedex France Tel.: +33 491 100 111 or +33 491 054 690 Fax: +33 491 100 100 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] The CCI of Marseille-Provence was founded in 1599. It is an Etablissement Public (EPIC) according to French law. The CCI of Marseille-Provence is a source of help, advice and guidance for companies. It offers tradesmen, industrials, and service providers a range of services: business information, technical assistance, support in penetrating international markets, business location studies and so on. It sets up and manages facilities like business parks, logistics platforms and airports to develop the local economy. The CCI is also responsible for projects targeting SMEs like the TEEE-Inn and EUCIST projects aiming at reducing the risks for innovative high-tech companies and finding new methods to support ICT startups. 23. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 24. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 25. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis (CCIT) 1 Rue des Entrepreneurs, 1000 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 350 300 Fax: +216 71 354 744 Email: [email protected] The CCIT was established in 1885 as public institution. The CCIT’s principal activity is the delivery of certificates of origin, certificates of trade, the sale of documents for foreign trade activities, the diffusion of “ATA” carnets and “TIR” carnets. Its mission is to promote economic activity in the district of Great Tunis. The chamber wants to conclude agreements of commercial cooperation with the chambers of commerce and industry from all over the world. It also aims at enhancing knowledge exchange by using ICTs. Chambre Tuniso-française de Commerce et d’Industrie (CTFCI) 39, Avenue du Japon, B.P. 25, 1073 Montplaisir-Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 844 310 Fax: + 216 71 845 962 Email: [email protected] The CTFCI is a non-profit organization (ASBL) established in 1974. The CTFCI acts a counselor for business entities in search of information or support in Tunisia and France. The associations principal activities comprise the organization of conferences, seminars etc; the reception of French business missions in Tunisia and vice versa; the edition of various publications; the creation of working groups and so forth. It’s also trying to establish new partnerships between French and Tunisian companies in the ICT sector. CityStream Pépinière d’Entreprises, Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie, La marsa 2070 Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 749 494 Fax: +216 71 749 494 Email: [email protected] CityStream was founded as a limited liabilities company in 2002. The adoption of ICT products by small and medium enterprises (SME) is necessary for economic development within the MEA region. However, imported systems are difficult to implement, extremely expensive and, hence, out of reach for most of the Middle East Arab region. CityStream produces high quality, low-priced e-solutions for SMEs as a result of its internal contracting structure and its Tunisian cost base. 26. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 27. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 28. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Compagnie d’Assurance et de Réassurances Tuniso-Européenne (CARTE Group) 12, Av Habib Thameur, Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 355 022 Fax: +216 71 340 875 Email: [email protected] The Assurance is a public limited company (société anonyme), which was established in 1976. Besides providing insurance cover, the CARTE Group offers services for sectors such as property and real estate, finance, investment funds, consultancy or tourism. Partnership agreements with Tunisian and foreign companies are a key element of its business strategy. The C.I.I.M. company, an affiliate of CARTE, is trying to build up an industry park customized to the needs of the ICT sector including business incubators and software as well as hardware activities. Comunicando Italia S.p.A. Italia 172, 95129 - Catania Italy Tel.: +216 71 789 758 or +216 98 402 421 Fax: +39 95 304 366 Email: [email protected] Comunicando is a public limited company (S.p.A.) established in 2001. Comunicando works for the consumer, corporate and public administration markets. It helps its customers in the business process implementation and management and acts as a consulting agency for private and public organizations by implementing, for example, applications on mobile terminals for the municipal police. Its products range from GSM terminal detection systems to documentation management systems and telecommunication services based on heterogeneous networks such as TETRA, WLAN, Bluetooth, GPRS and UMTS for police, airports or ambulances. Cortix Tunisie Immeuble l’Arche du Lac, Appt. C2, Rue du Lac Victoria 1053 Les Berges du Lac Tunisia +216 22 210 578 +216 71 965 093 [email protected] Cortix Tunisie is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 2004. Cortix Tunisie is a branch of Cortix France specialized in the development of Internet solutions for small and medium enterprises. It tries to help craftsmen and small companies to enter the world of information and to use ICT applications in order to share knowledge and connect all branches of society. 29. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 30. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 31. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Counseling Total Quality Management (CTQM) 10, Rue 8003, Appt N°2, 1073 Montplaisir, 1073 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 785 464 Fax: + 216 71 785 739 Email: [email protected] CTQM was established in 2002 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). CTQM is a consulting office for management advice and training. It provides customers with counsel in the domains of organization, training, security and environment. The company relies on a network of partners with qualifications in different fields of work. Decision Support Company (Business&Decision) 7, Impasse Abou el Atehia Mutuelleville Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 848 025 Fax: + 216 71 280 810 Email: [email protected] The Decision Support Company was established in 2000 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). The company works as a consultant in various fields of work and helps its customers with management issues like budgeting, planning of cash flows, risk management or corporate performance management. It also provides business intelligence like data integration or data mining; and customer intelligence like marketing information systems or sales forces automation. E-business applications like Intra- and Internet sites, online marketing or content management constitute another important field of activity for the company. Discovery Informatique Rue du Lac Mâlaren, Immeuble le Lys, BP 91 – Les Berges du Lac 1053 Tunis Tunisia Tel. : +216 71 965 226 Fax : +216 71 965 207 Email : [email protected] Discovery Informatique was established in 1993 as a public limited company (société anonyme). The company is specialized in IT management solutions. It has a special know-how in offshore software programming for European IT companies. It also proposes employee leasing services and system control. It is active in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, France, Belgium, Spain, and Germany. 32. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 33. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 34. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Dragonfly Blue Productions Inc. Box 51521, 911 Park Royal South, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7T 2X9 Canada Tel.: +1 604 921 6653 Fax: + 1 604 921 6663 Email: [email protected] Dragonfly Blue Productions Inc. is a private sector company duly incorporated under the laws of British Columbia, Canada since 1980. Dragonfly Blue Productions Inc. is a diversified multimedia company. Dialogue Between Nations is its digital archive project with a digital broadcast network (DBN) designed to raise awareness through knowledge sharing and co-creation of knowledge on issues and processes affecting Indigenous Peoples and their communities. The company is also involved in the production of multimedia, e-learning content and web fora based upon the needs of Indigenous Peoples in specific geographic areas as well in facilitating multisector dialogues and the presentation of debates or relevant studies on economic, social and cultural rights of Indigenous Peoples and Nations. Dubai Chamber of Commerce (DCCI) Deira, Baniyas Street, P.O. Box 1457, Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel.: +9714 228 0000 Fax: +9714 221 1646 Email: [email protected] The DCCI was established in 1965 as a semi-governmental organization. The DCCI is focusing on the improvement of the business climate in Dubai. The chamber offers its members services such as data management and business research, meditation, arbitration, a library, trade missions, trade fairs, conventions and exhibitions, foreign relations, entrepreneurial training, commercial services and other business policies. It is also helping to develop the infrastructure in Dubai and to facilitate networks and interactions between the chambers members. East African Home Pages (Deutschland) KG (EAHP) P.O. Box 300326, 50773 Köln Germany Tel.: +49 221 913 9535 Fax: + 49 221 271 1016 Email: [email protected] EAHP was established in 2002 as a private company according to German law (Kommanditgesellschaft). EAHP’s objective is to create and maintain an Internet platform called for Tanzanian entrepreneurs and artists. The company has been engaged in international projects with personnel from Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Germany. Via its website it is also promoting trade between East Africa and Europe. Planned activities include importing computers into Tanzania, developing the Tanzanian Internet infrastructure (emphasis on Wireless Access) etc. 35. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 36. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 37. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 38. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities ELEGANCE GALLERIE Z.I-Ksar Said - 13 Rue du Tissage Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 545 044 Fax: +216 71 545 016 Email: [email protected] Elegance Gallerie was established in 1991 as a limited liabilities company. The company aims at the import and export, the purchase and distribution in detail and wholesale of all articles, products, materials and other goods of consumption on a local and international level. It is, therefore, trying to develop new types of partnership with companies in fields of work such as hardware, software or services. E-MARSOUM 6, Rue Moheddine, El Manar 2, Imp N° 4, Tunis 2092 Tunisia Tel. : +216 71 872 888 Fax : +216 71 873 190 Email : [email protected] E-Marsoum was established in 2001 as a limited liabilities company (SUARL). E-Marsoum is a web agency specialized in the development of dynamic, B2B, B2C and static web sites. The company hosts Internet and Intranet solutions and makes reservations for domain names. Furthermore, it is producing offline solutions such as commercial presentations on CDRom and CDCARD. E-Marsoum also developed CDRoms and implemented a mailing list to inform interested citizen about WSIS. Empresa de Tecnologías de la Información y Servicios Telemáticos Avanzados (CITMATEL) Calle 47 s/n entre 18A y 20, Miramar, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana, CP 11300 Cuba Tel.: +53 7 204 2600 Fax: +53 7 204 8202 Email: [email protected] CITMATEL was founded in 1999 as a private commercial company. CITMATEL offers Internet services and applications, integrated solutions, strategic and technological counsel. Project development technical assistance, development of software and multimedia applications, Internet connection, design and installation of Intranet, e-Commerce platforms and distance learning projects as well as domain name registration for the Cuban “.cu” domain. Ertim consultancy for education and local governance Akeleistraat 160, 2565 PC The Hague The Netherlands Tel.: +31 70 325 4295 or +31 6 51 235 051 Email: [email protected] Ertim consultancy is a business entity established, according to Dutch law, in 2002. The focus of Ertim consultancy is on education and local governance. A special emphasis is laid on the use of television, radio and ICT tools for educational purposes concentrating mainly on countries in Western and Eastern Europe as well as in Africa. Within local governance, Ertim consultancy is familiar with different concepts of decentralization and is used to work on social policy at the local level. It participated, among others, in projects about decentralization of education in Ukraine and virtual/distance learning in/for Somalia. 39. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 40. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 41. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities eSkills Certification Consortium (eSCC) c/o CompTIA, 6, Rond Point Schuman, B - 1040 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 2 761 6674 or +32 2 761 6652 Fax: +32 2 777 0504 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] ESCC is an Ad hoc multi-stakeholder coalition founded in 2004 and composed of CompTIA, Cisco Systems, the ECDL Foundation, EXIN and Microsoft. The consortium brings together representatives of the commercial, the informal and the formal ICT training sector with the aim of securing endorsement for and use of ICT industry and other non-formal certifications within government education and training frameworks. ESCC’s work has led to various initiatives such as the Cisco Networking Academy, an e-learning program providing students with Internet technology skills or ICDL, a program aimed at increasing computer literacy among teenagers. EuroMedTextile Cité de l’Initiative, 1 Rue des Ecoles, Fr-59100 Roubaix France Tel.: +33 1 42 070 443 or +33 6 74 422 957 Email: [email protected] EuroMedTextile has been created under French law as an Association Loi 1901, that is, as a non-profit organization representing business entities. The association gathers 546 companies and 772 students, researchers and young academics. It aims at providing services to members working in the textile and clothing sector enabling them to cope better with the evolution of the industry. This is done by way of an e-business platform, special administration software etc. In order to combine the efforts of the textile industry, the association is trying to set up a virtual network trying to bridge the technology gap between huge companies and small and medium enterprises. EUROSMART Rue du Luxembourg, 19-21, 1000 Brussels Belgium Tel.: +32 2 506 8838 Fax: +32 2 506 8825 Email: [email protected] Eurosmart is an international non-profit association established in 1995. Eurosmart is representing the smart card industry for multi-sector applications in Brussels. It aims at expanding the world’s smart card market, to develop standards and to improve quality and security applications. It acts as a catalyst and a forum for the smart card stakeholders. 42. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 43. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 44. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities First Magazine Limited 56 Haymarket London SW1Y 4RN United Kingdom Tel.: +44 207 389 9650 Fax: + 44 207 389 9644 Email: [email protected] First Magazine is a limited liabilities company, which was established in 1986. First Magazine aims to enhance communication between leaders in industry, finance and government worldwide by publishing and by organizing events and awards. In this regard, First Magazine focuses on business strategy and government policy making. By bringing decision makers together, it seeks to create business opportunities and to enhance global dialogue. As one of the WSIS publishing partners, it is endorsed in the work on “Bridging the Digital Divide” the official WSIS book. It also promotes the ITU “Connect the World” program. Flaneurs s.r.l. Via Toscana, 1- 00187 Rome Italy Tel.: +39 6 574 0397 Email: [email protected] Flaneurs was established in 2005 as a limited liabilities company (srl). Flaneurs operates in communication and cross media business. It promotes free access to information and conscious use of communication tools, steadily focusing attention to the production and the organization of content. It also works as a consulting agency on publishing management, information architecture, accessibility, graphic design and flash development. The company’s members and associates are personally involved in several projects on training and e-learning. Forum francophone des affaires – Comité national Canadien (FFACNC) 300, Rue du Saint-Sacrement, Bureau 14, Montréal (Québec), H2Y 1X4 Canada Tel.: +514 849 4572 Fax: +514 844 8784 Email: [email protected] The association was established after the Quebec Summit in 1987 and is registered as a non-profit organization (OSBL) according to Canadian law. The association is meant to support the economic exchange between francophone countries. Thus, the Canadian branch of the Forum Francophone des affaires is helping Canadian companies establish partnerships and explore francophone markets on the international level. Its functions comprise research on new clients, suppliers and partners; the organization of commercial missions, conferences, seminars, and other events; and the publishing of both conventional and electronic content. 45. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 46. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 47. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Gechs A.G. or Software and Service Association of Chile A.G. Merced 838-A, Oficina 145; Santiago Chile Tel.: +56 2 671 1740 Fax: +56 2 671 1740 Email: [email protected] Gechs was founded in 1990. In 2001 it was legally established as an association of software and service companies accredited to the government of Chile. Gechs promotes and supports small and medium sized software and service companies based in Chile. It provides its members with networking and educational opportunities, workforce development programs, and other company benefits. It promotes the use of ICTs for enterprises, organizations, governments, professionals and workers and is implied in the development of the Information Society in Chile as a partner of governmental agencies, universities and civil society organizations. Gensym Corporation 52 Second Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803 USA Tel.: +1 781 265 7265 Fax: + 1 781 265 7101 Email: [email protected] Gensym is a public limited company (Delaware Corporation) established in 1986. Gensym is a supplier of ICT using artificial intelligence to help companies and governments solve mission-critical problems. Solutions include the use of ICT for petrochemical refining, manufacturing plants, transportation systems, environmental management, energy production, global supply chains and telecommunications networks. GET Wireless – Get Africa 67 Avenue Alain Savary, Résidence Cité Jardins 1 – 1003 Tunis Tunisia Tel: +216 71 282 828 Fax: +216 71 286 043 Email: [email protected] Get Wireless is a limited liabilities company (SARL) founded in 2001. Get Africa is an affiliate of GET Wireless. The company is structured in two fields of work: The engineering division, involved in engineering activities for wireless operators, is dealing with operators or regulators in North Africa and West Africa. The value added service division works with services based in SMS/MMS/wap. They have developed services that help their costumers get the necessary information in due time and for a low price. 48. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 49. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 50. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Global Information Infrastructure Commission 1725 Eye Street, N.W. Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006 USA Tel: +1 202 349 1135 Fax: +1 202 318 0720 Email: [email protected] The Global Information Infrastructure Commission is a non-profit corporation, which was established in 1995. The GIIC is a confederation of chief executives of ICT related business firms, dedicated to fostering the development of a sustainable information society that enhances the economic and social well being of people everywhere. The GIIC advocates the adoption of responsive public policies; convenes forums; collaborates with other sectors of society; conducts formal studies; publishes; and in other ways shares and disseminates the conclusions of its research. It fosters private sector leadership in the quest for greater diffusion of ICT capabilities. GMConsulting 40 Rue du Dr. Brunet, 1082 Mutuelle ville Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 844 850 Fax: +216 71 844 808 Email: [email protected] GMConsulting was established in 2000 as a public limited company (plc). GMConsulting is specialized in management consulting. It offers a large range of services to Tunisian and Algerian companies from different business sectors. Services provided are: developing scorecards, establishing cost management systems, business process reengineering. Since 2004 the company is also catering for other companies’ IT administration and accountancy. GRAPHTECH 6 Rue de Ali Kallel, La marsa 2078 Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 729 404 Fax: +216 71 729 405 Email: [email protected] GRAPHTECH was established in 1993 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). GRAPHTECH promotes the Geographic Information System (GIS) and its applications in Tunisia. The company concentrates its efforts on training users. It works in the areas of environment, agriculture, city planning, utilities etc. It also installs remote sensing and Photogrammetric software. It deals with ARC/INFO of ESRI, and ERDAS of Leica. 51. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 52. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 53. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Guichet Unique des Opérations du Commerce Extérieure (GIE) P.O. Box 12679 Douala Cameroon Tel.: +237 343 6078 Fax: +237 343 6078 Email: [email protected] The GIE is an advocacy group for business entities established in 2000 according to articles 869 and 885 of the Acte Uniforme de l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation du Droit des Affaires en Afrique (OHADA). The GIE was set up in order to create a one-stop shop for external trade with the aim of bringing together public and private actors involved in fulfilling export and import formalities at the Douala Port, and combining the various information networks so as to speed up data transmission and related procedures. The overall aim of the project is to facilitate the international trade handled in Cameroon by reducing time and efforts necessary for import/export procedures. Handicall Center Immeuble 2. Miniparc, Rue du Professeur Carignelle, 33049 Bordeaux Cedex France Tel : +33 5 57 199 450 Fax : +33 5 57 199 459 Email : [email protected] Handicall Center is a limited liabilities company (SARL), which was established in 2004. Handicall is a call center. It helps businesses entities to manage their relations with clients in order to strengthen costumer loyalty. Handicall has also set up a sheltered workshop for handicapped employees so that they learn how to better communicate with clients through ICTs. Havelsan Inc. Eskisehir Yolu 7.KM, 06520 Ankara Turkey Tel.: +90 312 287 3565 Fax: +90 312 287 3568 Email: [email protected] Havelsan was established in 1982 by the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation as an Incorporation. As an IT & system integration company, Havelsan functions in the fields of command control information systems, management information systems, e-government applications, training and simulation systems, and system integration. It is based on the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces and constitutes the national standards during the transformation into an e-government and an information society. Havelsan, for example, conducted the pilot implementation of the National Justice Network Information System (UYAP) in Turkey. 54. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 55. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 56. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities HITEC Luxembourg S.A. 5, Rue de l’Eglise, L-1458 Luxembourg Luxembourg Tel.: +352 498 4781 Fax: +352 401 303 Email: [email protected] HITEC was established in 1986 as a public limited company (société anonyme). HITEC offers satellite ground segment technology; equipment for the testing and measuring of physical properties, engineering of satellite antenna and the respective ground segment; consulting; and project management. Information Integration Inc. 1762 Technology Drive, Suite 108, San Jose, CA 95110 USA Tel.: +1 408 573 1618 Fax: +1 408 573 7955 Email: [email protected] Information Integration is a public limited company (Maryland Corporation) established in 1987. The company has been acting as a consultant to North American and Asian IT companies, academics and policy makers, providing services and assistances on facilitating business alliances, research and development collaborations, information and talents exchanges in general IT topics, but more specific on software development, digital content, multi-media, networking, and e-business. Integration Objects Lacs Mazurie, Imm COGEM N°2, Les Berges du Lac, 1053 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 861 803 Fax: + 216 71 861 906 Email: [email protected] Integration Objects was established in 2002 as a private limited company (SUARL). Integration Objects specializes in delivering connectivity solutions between real-time systems, applications and devices, improving their interoperability and enabling a scalable and maintainable communication infrastructure. The company’s primary focus is the manufacturing industry. Its technical background ranges from advanced control, MIS, data historians, production management, SCADA, to expert reasoning systems and data communications. 57. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 58. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 59. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities IZF Association (Association to promote foreign direct Investment into Zone Franc) Cellule IZF à la Commission de l’UEMOA BP 543, Ouagadougou Burkina Faso Tel.: +226 50 318 873 or +226 50 300 628 Fax: +226 50 318 872 Email: contactizf@izf-net IZF Association was established in 2003 under Burkina Faso law 10/92/ADP., the association’s website, was created in 1998 in order to improve information available on the Web for the eight countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the six countries of the Communauté Economique et Monétaire en Afrique. The web page also contains business-oriented pages labeled “Espace Entreprise”, which were designed to address investors’ needs. All in all, about 37000 companies from 128 countries are registered in “Espace Entreprise”. Kusamotu&Kusamotu (Lawyers) 29, Lapido Kasumu Street, Off Allen Avenue, Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria Tel.: +234 1 342 3917 Fax: +234 1 263 2772 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Kusamotu&Kusamotu was established in 2001 as a business entity according to Nigerian law. The law firm’s area of emphasis is information technology law. It is also involved in projects concentrating on using the Internet to overcome legal hurdles in developing countries of Africa. It also acts as the project head for creative commons in Nigeria and is about to create a network of law firms all over the African continent by way of the Internet. One of its projects is focused on education about spamming. L’Affiche Tunisienne 168 Av. Habib Bourguiba, Khereddine Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 806 600 Fax: + 216 71 809 151 Email: [email protected] L’Affiche Tunisienne was established in 2000 as limited liabilities company (SARL). L’Affiche Tunisienne is specialized in digital printing and publishing. The company is collaborating with artists in Tunisia in order to improve the image of printing and to give artists modern tools to work with. 60. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 61. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 62. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities La Jeune Chambre Economique de Hammam Sousse Boite postal N° 7 Hammam Sousse, 4011 Tunisie Tunisia Tel.: +216 73 363 729 Fax: + 216 73 235 446 Email: [email protected] The chamber was established in 1983 as a non-profit organization according to a edict from the President of the Republic decreed in the Journal official tunisien on 12 February 1983. The chamber is a member of the international association of young chambers of commerce. Its aim is to gather young business professionals in order to facilitate knowledge exchange and to create new ideas and projects that will serve the local, national and international community. Its members have created websites for around 60 local enterprises, they are involved in the development of software for Arabic Internet content, they have co-organized the first Internet festival in Tunisia, and participated in the creation of online information sources about AIDS and anti-personal-mines. The chamber also provides computer training courses for deaf and blind citizen and organizes seminars and conferences on various other topics. LINK SOFTWARE Pôle Technologique des Communications, BP N° 3 – 2088 – CEDEX Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 856 167 Fax: +216 71 856 175 Email: [email protected] LINK SOFTWARE was established in 2002 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). Link Software is a software engineering consultancy and development company dedicated to the various sectors of information technology. The company designs standard and customized software packages covering operation requirements pertaining to planning, procurement, inventories, and sales. Mac Consulting 11, Rue Salem Bouhajeb – El Menzah 8, 2037 Ariana – Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 704 817 Fax: + 216 71 705 058 Email: [email protected] Mac Consulting was established in 1999 as a private limited company (SUARL). Mac Consulting is working as a budgeting and management agency. It is advising enterprises on all kinds of topics comprising financial, judicial, social, technical, and administrative issues. The company is constantly trying to improve existing budgeting structures by using ICTs. 63. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 64. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 65. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 66. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Mandriva 43, Rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris France Tel.: +33 1 40 410 041 Fax: +33 1 40 419 200 Email: [email protected] Mandriva is a listed public limited company that was established in 1998. Mandriva creates and publishes the “Mandria Linux” distribution as well as associated services for corporate, governmental organizations and end users. Mandriva Linux is distributed in 140 countries in 68 languages with installations numbering around 10 million worldwide. Mandria (formerly Mandrakesoft) is trying to help users benefit from the community’s innovations by offering an operating system with solutions for client computers and for servers. Manpower Tunisia 9, Avenue Khereddine Pacha, 1001 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 287 676 or +216 98 344 944 Fax: + 216 71 783 301 Email: [email protected] Manpower Tunis was established in 2000 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). Manpower is active in the employment service industry offering customers services throughout the employment and business cycle. The company specializes in employee assessment; training career transition; organizational consulting; and professional financial services. Maverick Communications BP 140 4089 Port El Kantaoui Tunisia Tel.: +216 73 210 749 Fax: +216 73 210 749 Email: [email protected] Maverick Communications was established in 1995 as a limited liabilities company. The company is focused on business communication for enterprises, marketing and adds, publishing of books and brochures, graphics, development of web sites and CDRoms, and professional training in its fields of work. Media Telecom <<Le plein sud>> 2375 Bd John Kennedy, 83140 Six-Fours-Les-Plages France Tel.: +33 4 94 107 777 Fax: +33 4 94 107 770 Email: [email protected] Media Telecom is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 1998. The company is based on the creation and implementation of IVR and SMS services. These services allow access to any kind of information for the public as well as for professionals. Meteorology, racing results, a balance of a current account, a participation in a television game show are among the IVR and SMS services used by everyone on a daily basis. 67. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 68. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 69. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 70. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities MFC-Mikrokomerc d.o.o. Zaplanjska 86, 11000 Belgrade Serbia & Montenegro Tel.: +381 11 397 2440 Fax: +381 11 397 2440 Email: [email protected] MFC was established in 1994 as a limited liabilities company. MFC-Mikrokomerc is working in the area of IT multimedia archiving as well as the development of information systems in Serbia and Montenegro. The company’s document management software is implemented in various state institutions in Serbia and Montenegro, in Cameroon etc. MSI Consultants 44 Av Habib Bourguiba, 2080 Ariana Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 230 615 Fax: +216 71 230 507 Email: [email protected] MSI Consultants was established in 1995 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). MSI Consultants is an ICT consulting agency providing the integration of ERP / GPAO, training in management and information technologies, and software development tailored to individual needs. Multimedia Diffusion 26 Rue du Commandant Mouchotte, 75014 Paris France Tel.: +33 1 45 387 362 Fax: +33 6 08 629 285 Email: [email protected] Multimedia Diffusion was established in 1995 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). The company provides know-how in both multimedia applications and pedagogic skills to schools, universities, and cultural as well as other educational institutions. Its services comprise maintenance, management and strategy development for ICT networks and resources. The company’s specialty is the design and implementation of multimedia laboratories, language centers and distance learning programs. It has accomplished projects in Morocco and France. National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce (NUSACC) 1023 15th Street, N.W., 4th floor, Washington, D.C. 20005 USA Tel.: +1 202 289 5920 Fax: +1 202 289 5938 Email: [email protected] The chamber is a non-profit organization established in 1967. NUSACC works closely with business leaders and policy-makers in the United States and throughout the Arab world. It has offices in New York, Houston, Los Angeles, and its headquarters in Washington DC. NUSACC is one of the few entities in the USA with official recognition conferred by the League of Arab States and the General Union of Arab Chambers of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture. It is the U.S. point of contact for national chambers of commerce in 22 Arab nations. 71. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 72. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 73. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities NCS & Telecom Rue du Lac Léman, Immeuble Herthouma 4ème Etage Les Berges du Lac 1053 Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 861 611 Fax: +216 71 861 610 Email: [email protected] NCS & Telecom is a public limited company (société anonyme), which was established in 1996. The company specializes in auditing, consulting, implementation of ICTs, network solutions, and information security. Its four department offer services ranging from eCommerce to mobile terminals and employee training programs. Among others, it currently works with the Tunisian Boarder Control in order to implement an authentication device. One of its current projects is the development of an Arab version of the management software ERP Compière in order to adapt it to the needs of public agencies in Tunisia and the Arab world. NightLabs GmbH Rehlingstr. 6d, 79100 Freiburg Germany Tel.: +49 761 2111 790 Fax: +49 761 2111 798 Email: [email protected] NightLabs was established in 1997 as an association of civil law. It has been transformed in a limited liabilities company (GmbH) in 2000. NightLab provides ticketing software in South-West-Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and the French boarder region. With its affiliates, the company runs a multinational ticketing network in order to foster cultural exchange. Additionally, the company takes responsibility by supporting Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) communities and by an active role in computer-related development aid, e.g., in Ethiopia working with local partners and international non-profit-organizations. The company is also part of a regional business platform against the legalization of software patents in the European Union and other countries. Nomad Netcom 14 Rue Louis Astouin, 13002 Marseille France Tel.: +33 4 91 994 250 Fax: + 33 4 91 994 251 Email: [email protected] Nomad Netcom is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 1996. Nomad Netcom was originally established as a “Oracle Expert” company and was later turned into a service engineering computer company. 74. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 75. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 76. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities NSS Tunis – Nord Sud Services 17, Rue Larbi Kabadi, 1005 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 843 482 Fax: +216 71 791 239 Email: [email protected] NSS was established in 1998 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). NSS is specialized in creating professional web pages and other multimedia products; it provides web marketing and also acts as an Internet consultant. Furthermore, the company works as a training center for new technologies and info graphics. It has also created websites for humanitarian or academic associations in Tunisia and is implied in activities to reduce the digital divide in the country. Omega Ingenerie Pôle technologique El Gazala, Route de Raoud Km 3,5 BP 33, 20038 Ariana Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 858 203 Fax: +216 71 858 933 Email: [email protected] Omega Ingenerie was established 2004 as a limited liabilities company. The company is an open source software integrator, that is, it proposes and implements solutions based on Open Source Software. The services provided include information and management systems, applications for telecom and security services, system administration using Linux and RDBMS based on Postgre and Mysql. This translates into applications such as web stores for e-business, intrusion detection systems or network management systems. Oracle 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores CA 94065 USA Tel.: +27 11 266 4195 Fax: + 27 11 266 4403 Email: [email protected] Oracle Corporation was established in 1977. Oracle is an enterprise software company and is helping governments and businesses to become information driven. The company is a relational database provider and provides application software, application servers, tools, support, and education services. Oracle African Operations is focused on bringing information management to African businesses and governments. It has contributed to technological development in Africa by providing software solutions, training and skills development and as a founding sponsor of Nepad supporting, for example, an e-school project in Ghana, Mali, Kenya and Gabon. 77. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 78. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 79. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 80. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities ORADIST Rue lac Malawi, Les berges du lac, 1053 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 860 344 Fax: +216 71 860 059 Email: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] ORADIST was established in 1998 as a public limited company (société anonyme). Oradist is the Oracle representative in Tunisia, but is also catering for customers in the African region. Oradist assures all the ICT services needed from pre-sales to support, training and implementation of Oracle technologies. It is a business company, which is specialized on IT with Oracle technologies. ORIS 4 Rue El . Khartoum, Gammarth sup, 2070 La Marsa Tunisia Tel.: +216 22 275 285 or +216 71 982 208 Fax: +216 71 982 354 Email: [email protected] ORIS was established in 1996 as a public company. ORIS is specialized in ITC solutions. It provides IT services to small and medium organizations throughout the world. Its services comprise the development of software and web applications, their integration and reengineering as well as translations and maintenance services. It has developed software applications for insurances and handicapped users. Otto Frei AG Marktgasse 3, 3011 Bern Switzerland Tel.: +41 31 311 3566 Fax: +41 31 311 3567 Email: [email protected] The Otto Frei AG was established in 1992 as a public limited company. Otto Frei AG is the organizer of the ICT4ALL exhibition, the major parallel event at the WSIS. OXIA 11 Rue de Claude Bernard, 1002 Tunis belvedere Tunisia Tel: +216 71 282 700 Fax: +216 71 282 705 Email: [email protected] OXIA is a limited liabilities company. It was established in 2000. OXIA is a software engineering company based in Tunisia. It provides ICT business systems, implements packaged and customized ICT solutions, and acts as an IT consultant for business entities. By participating in the WSIS, the company seeks partnerships with other players in the ICT sector. 81. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 82. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 83. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 84. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities PERFECOM (Communications, multimedia and productions) BP: 12523 Lomé Togo Tel: +22 8 250 8769 or +22 8 947 1204 Fax: +22 8 250 8769 Email: [email protected] Perfecom was established in 1996. It is a private commercial company. Perfecom is a company that addresses issues such as multimedia communications, audiovisual productions, new media, and corporate culture. It forms trainers and creates institutions, which will train people in the field of ICTs. Perfecom is also a GSM provider. Its aim is to reduce the digital divide and to apply ICTs for development. PEXIM DOOEL Atinska 12, 1000 Skopje Republic of Macedonia Tel.: +389 2 307 3100 Fax: + 389 2 307 3399 Email: [email protected] Pexim Dooel is a private limited company established in 1991. Pexim Dooel specializes in software design; development and implementation of banking solutions like core banking, electronic banking or business intelligence; and IT system integration. The company is participating in the WSA contest in the e-business category with their product FXWeb. Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry (QCCI) P.O. Box 402, Doha Qatar Tel.: +974 455 9111 Fax: +974 466 1693 or +974 466 1728 Email: [email protected] The Qatar Chamber of Commerce was established in 1963 as a non-profit organization. The QCCI is sponsoring the interests of the private sector and tries to act as a medium between the private sector and the government. Furthermore, it collects, classifies and publishes information and statistics, which may be of interest for the commercial and agricultural sector. The QCCI is also formulating proposals for ministries and related agencies concerning laws and regulations pertaining to its field of work etc. R2i D1, Palais du Golfe, Rue du Lac Malaren, 1053 Les Berges du Lac Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 869 477 Fax: +216 71 861 184 Email: [email protected] R2i is a limited liabilities company (SARL), which was established in 1990. R2i is an IT company specialized in information system engineering, software integration, e-business, data warehousing and business intelligence. It implements solutions for government departments, for banks, telecom operators etc. R2i also provides capacity building for governments and the private sector. 85. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 86. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 87. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Recycle-IT! Ltd Sundon Park Road, Luton, LU3 3BL United Kingdom Tel.: +44 870 774 3762 Fax: +44 870 774 3764 Email: [email protected] Recycle-IT is a social enterprise that was established in 1995. It is a company limited by guarantee. Recycle-IT! Limited is a not-for-profit social enterprise in the area of providing computers for communities in the UK. It employs people who were previously unemployed, and refurbishes an average of 300/400 computer items per week, thus reducing waste and, therefore, landfill volumes. It is also exporting refurbished computer equipment for educational use to Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Uganda, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and Pakistan. Scientific Technologies Corporation (STC) 4400 East Broadway, Suite 705, Tucson, Arizona 85711 USA Tel: +1 520 202 3333 Fax: +1 520 202 3340 Email: [email protected] Scientific Technologies Corporation is established under Arizonan law. It was created in 1988. STC works with ICTs in the public health sector. Experienced on the local, state, federal and international level, STC has been integrating technology and engineering expertise for nearly two decades. STC strives to make a positive impact on the public health through the integration of information technology. It has, among others, implemented statewide immunization registries, communicable disease reporting systems, an epidemiological response system for New York City, and a land management system in Senegal. SEGA (Société d’Etude et de Gestion Audio) 01 Avenue El Menzah, 1004 Tunis Tunisia Tel: +216 71 230 928 Fax: +216 71 751 298 Email: [email protected] SEGA was established in 1992 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). SEGA’s objectives are to study, conduct, promote, and manage all kinds of projects that focus on production and broadcast of radio programs focused on culture and art. 88. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 89. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 90. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 91. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities SES GLOBAL Château de Betzdorf, L- 67815 Betzdorf Luxembourg Tel.: +352 710 725 483 or +322 733 5593 Fax: +322 733 5593 Email: [email protected] SES GLOBAL is a public limited company (société anonyme) established in 1985. SES GLOBAL is focusing on global satellite communications. Its satellites provide worldwide broadband communication: audio-visual broadcasting, feeds for cable networks, Internet trunking and IP multicast, corporate networks, network facilities and telecommunications services. SES operates through affiliates and a network of partners such as Nordic Satellite or Star One. These operating companies provide access to entertainment and information, to Internet and streamed multimedia services, to data and telecommunication services. SIDN (Stichting Internet Domeinregistratie Nederland) P.O. Box 5022, 6802 EA Arnhem The Netherlands Tel.: +31 26 352 5500 Fax: +31 26 352 5505 Email: [email protected] SIDN was established in 1996 as an independent foundation according to Dutch law. SIDN is the organization that issues and registers (Internet) domain names under “.nl”, the Netherlands’ country-code Top Level Domain. Its purpose is to operate and maintain one or more domain name systems and to execute all activities necessary for the achievement of this aim. As an Internet registry agency, SIDN is in contact with the global internet community and is directly influenced by the outcome of the WSIS and the work of the WGIG. Smartfutur Solutions 47, Avenue Mouaouia Ibn Abou Sofiane El Menzah VI, 2091 Ariana Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 750 625 Fax: +216 71 767 217 Email: [email protected] Smartfutur is a limited liabilities company (SARL) established in 2001. Smartfutur is a Tunisian company specialized in ICT training. Their portfolio includes certification, jump start programs, web development, development tools, data bases, operating systems, security and econometric and data analysis. Somex, S.A. 6 Av. 3-47, Zona 9, Edificio Plaza Dorada Guatemala Tel.: +502 2331 5000 Fax: +502 2360 3003 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Somex was established in 1992 as a public limited company (sociedad anonima). Cybergate is the commercial name of Somex. The company aims to support the research conducted by Dr. Finkel, its founder, and his students about the Information Society in Guatemala, and the effect of the new techno-culture in Guatemala. The company should also serve the local population that needs internet communication by way of establishing CyberCafés, called Cybergates in Guatemala. 92. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 93. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 94. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 95. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities South Mediterranean University Carthage Centre, Rue du Lac de Constance, 1053 Les berges du lac Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 961 333 Fax: + 216 71 965 955 Email: [email protected] SMU is a public limited company (société anonyme) established in 2002. SMU is a private higher education institution with a regional focus on the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The Mediterranean School of Business (MSB) is the first specialized school of the SMU. MSB started its activities with an Executive MBA. Presently 80 students are enrolled in this program. In spring 2006 MSB will start a Masters Degree in “Management of Information Systems and Technology” jointly with the Robert H. Smith School of Business of the University of Maryland. The schools major research objective is how to integrate ICTs in all areas of business. Stonesoft Corporation Itälahdenkatu 22A, FIN-00210 Helsinki Finland Tel.: +358 9 476 711 Fax: +358 9 476 71234 Email: [email protected] Stonesoft Corporation was established in 1990. Stonesoft Corporation provides integrated network security and business continuity. Stonesoft is a global company focused on enterprise level customers requiring network security and always-on business connectivity. Strohecker Associates Suite 103, 105 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6 Ireland Tel.: +353 87 419 4359 Fax: + 353 1 496 8688 Email: [email protected] Strohecker is a private limited company established in 2005. Strohecker Associates’ purpose is to generate and develop tools, programs, and environments for learning. The company emphasizes project-based learning scenarios supporting personal creativity via constructive uses of digital technologies. Currently Strohecker works with affiliates of the Knowledge Lab at the University of London in contributing to a segment of the BBC Digital Curriculum. Their new digital tools shall enable people to create their own models of movements and motion. Stuurkracht Van Broeckenhovenlaan 4 N, 5213 HX ’s-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands Tel.: +31 73 645 0670 Fax: + 31 73 645 0469 Email: [email protected] Stuurkracht was established in 1996 as a Partnership Firm according to Dutch law. The company is specialized in consulting services and the management of projects in the Netherlands and the Maghreb (especially in Tunisia). Their projects comprise the implementation of ICTs in public services, the development of general and professional competencies in vocational and educational training, for example, in real estate or the use of ICTs, and in training on the job. 96. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 97. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 98. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Sustainable Development International Trans World House, 100 City Road, London EC1Y 2BP United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7871 0123 Fax: +44 20 7871 0101 Email: [email protected] Sustainable Development International is a limited liabilities company registered in the UK and established in 1998. The company is a publisher of international reference resources to senior level decision makers in the public and private sector on sustainable development and corporate responsibility. Its purpose is to raise awareness about sustainable corporate practice, to provide an advocacy platform for the private sector to global sustainable development decision-making processes, and to build partnerships between many sustainable development stakeholders. The winter edition of the company’s quarterly journal will have a special section on the Information Society dedicated to the WSIS phase in Tunis. SWANsat Holdings, LLC 215 East Orangethorpe Avenue, Suite 300, Fulerton, CA 92832-3017 USA Tel: +1 714 738 9951 Fax: +1 714 738 9952 Email: [email protected] SWANsat is a Wyoming limited liabilities corporation established in 2004. SWANsat holds a license granted in 2004 by the Republic of Nauru and by the government of Tuvalu to operate the Super-Wide Area Network Satellite (SWANsat) System, including first commercial use claim for operation in the W-band (92-95 GHz and 102-105 GHz) for delivery of two-way broadband telecommunications services. A constellation of high-powered satellites operating at geosynchronous orbit is planned, with launch of the first SWANsat spacecraft slated for early 2010. Follow-on deliveries are also planned on an annual basis until 6 operational spacecraft and 1 on-orbit spare are delivered to GEO. Symantec Corporation World Headquarters 20330 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 USA Tel.: +32 2531 1161 Fax: +32 2531 1141 Email: [email protected] Symantec was established in 1982 as a Delaware Corporation according to US law. Symantec helps individuals and enterprises assure the security, availability, and integrity of their information and their digital assets. It provides a wide range of solutions including enterprise and consumer security, data and storage management, application and infrastructure management, security and storage management, and so on. Examples of social programs of Symantec include a major donation for the entire education system of South Africa and a software donation for schools in Ireland and Israel. It also maintains a formal software donation program to help small charitable organizations obtain technology products that they would otherwise be unable to afford. 99. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 100. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 101. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities T6 s.c. Via Genova 30, 00184 Rome Italy Tel.: +39 (0) 6 4782 3286 Fax: + 39 (0) 6 4788 2798 Email: [email protected] T6 is a non-profit organization (ASBL) established in 1999. T6 is a research agency in the field of information technology for small and medium enterprises. It is managing the Digital Business Ecosystem (DBNE) project, a 3-year €14 million European Commission funded collaborative project involving 120 researchers from 10 European member states, 20 organizations and several hundred small businesses. It is set to deliver a new kind of Internet-based environment, where business services and SMEs and EU software providers will use and distribute their products and services and bridge their digital divide. TECHNOSOFT, International Software Technology Research Center 44, Academician Glushkov Ave, Kiev 03680 Ukraine Tel.: +38 (0) 44 526 0078 Fax: +38 (0) 44 526 6394 Email: [email protected] Technosoft is a research institute under the auspices of the State Committee of Informatization and Communication of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It was established in 1987. TECHNOSOFT is an IT consulting company and carries out research on the tendencies of ICT development in Ukraine and the rest of the world. On the government level it is responsible for the participation of Ukraine in CeBIT and other international ICT exhibitions and conferences. Its purpose is to spread ICTs in the Ukraine and to enhance co-operation and collaboration of entities from the European Union and the Ukraine in EU funded Information Society Technology projects. The Anima Centre Limited 1 Wine Street Terrace, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire BA15 1NP United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1225 866 612 Fax: +44 1225 866 612 Email: [email protected] The Anima Centre is a limited liabilities company established in 2004. The Anima Centre is a new business that provides a meeting point for the exploration of issues relating to sustainable development, organizational culture and creative vitality. At the WSIS, it will be launching a reflection on the 20th anniversary of the ITU’s Maitland Commission Report on telecommunications in developing countries by publishing a collection of essays – highlighting the enterprise being shown today by communities and business throughout the developing world to harness the advantages of communication and information. 102. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 103. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 104. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities The Direct Marketing Association, Inc. (DMA) 1120 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 USA Tel.: +1 212 768 7277 Fax: +1 212 790 1499 Email: [email protected] Not-for-profit corporation formed under the laws of New York State; established in 1917. The DMA is a trade association for organizations interested in direct, interactive, and database marketing. Its members represent every business segment and industry, including catalogers, Internet retailers, retail stores, nonprofit organizations, universities, ad agencies, financial services, publishers, industrial manufacturers, as well as the service industries that support marketers. It represents their interests before government agencies. The Innovation Hunters 23 Fisher Street, Manly Q 4179 Australia Tel.: +61 7 3396 2352 Email: [email protected] The Innovation Hunters is a business entity established in 2005. The Innovation Hunters develops and distributes products involving technology, interactive design, creativity, and specialist knowledge areas. Its product is designed to provide cross-border learning and experiential activities, which should enhance knowledge creation abilities, promote active citizenship and address social problems in the relevant communities. Tudor Rose Holdings Ltd Tudor House, 6 Friar Lane, Leicester, LE1 5RA United Kingdom Tel.: +44 116 229 900 Fax: +44 116 229 901 Email: [email protected] Tudor Rose is a private limited company founded in 1997. Tudor Rose is a specialist publisher and marketing services company based in the UK. It is publishing, among others, in the humanitarian development field and in support of numerous UN agencies and initiatives. Additionally, the group offers a broad range of skills and services in the delivery of electronic media. Together with the ITU, Tudor Rose produces a publication called DIGITAL REACH. Copies of the book will be presented free of charge to delegations at the Tunis Summit and to stakeholders within developing nations. 105. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 106. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 107. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 108. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities TUNAV Cité Technologique des Communications, 2088 Parc technologique – BP 55 La Gazelle – Ariana Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 858 920 Fax: +216 71 858 940 Email: [email protected] Tunav was established in 2004 as a public limited company (société anonyme). Tunav is specialized in the development and manufacturing of GPS based products and systems for navigation and fleet management. Tunav offers GPS engines, tracking devices, and navigation and fleet management software. Tunav’s fleet management system is based on their LaTrace family of tracking devices and fleet management software. Tuninvest Finance Group Immeuble Iris – Les Berges du Lac, 1053, Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 862 311 Fax: +216 71 862 805 Email: [email protected] Tuninvest is a limited liabilities company (société anonyme) established in 1995. Tuninvest is a private equity fund manager investing in various sectors, and especially in the ICT sector, in the Northern, Western and Central African Regions. Its purpose is also to finance small and medium enterprises, in the ICT and other sectors, throughout Africa. Tunisie Informatique (Tif) 6, Rue Jebal el Fath, 1001 Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 254 937 Fax: +216 71 502 595 Email: [email protected] Tif is registered as a natural person according to Tunisian law. The company was established in 1973. Tif is a consulting and training company that is also drawing up strategic studies and developing new applications in cobol or java. The company has, so far, developed applications for various fields of work such as the management of human resources, budgeting, car park management or distance learning. The company’s training program comprises of courses in Windows, Unix Linux, Java, Javascript, dhtml, Intranet, and so forth. Village Entreprises Building de la bourse, 2 Rue du Beausset, 13001 Marseille France Tel.: +33 4 88 661 704 Fax: + 33 4 88 661 769 Email: [email protected] Village Entreprises was established in 2004 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). The company develops and sells an information platform customized to the needs of business entities and corporations allowing them to manage their communication networks and their computer parks. The company deploys a package software solution for its clients. 109. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 110. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities 111. Address Constitution Brief summary of purpose and activities Vis à Vis Consulting Avenue Hedi Nouira Residence Vinchia3-5 Ennasr II, 2037 Ariana Tunisia Tel.: +216 2233 0099 Fax: +216 7182 8882 Email: [email protected] Vis à Vis Consulting is registered as a natural person according to Tunisian law since 2003. Vis à Vis Consulting is a business consulting company addressing particularly small and medium sized enterprises, industrials and independents. It also offers training sessions in ITCs for young persons, who don’t work yet. The company also conducted exchange programs allowing Tunisian businesswomen to share knowledge about how to use new technologies for business with American businesswomen. Vivendi Universal 42, Avenue de Friedland, 75380 Paris Cedex 08 France Tel.: +33 1 7171 1000 Fax: + 33 1 7171 1001 Email: [email protected] Vivendi Universal was established in 1987 as a public limited company (société anonyme à directoire et conseil de surveillance). Vivendi Universal is specialized in media and telecommunications with activities in television, film, music, interactive games and fixed and mobile telecommunications. Among others, Vivendi Universal affiliates are music companies; develop, publish and distribute interactive entertainment; provide mobile and fixed-line telecommunication services; produce television shows; and operate TV channels. Xtensus Tunisie Parc Elgazala des Technologies de la Communication de Tunis BP 11, 2088, Ariana – Tunis Tunisia Tel.: +216 71 856 100 Fax: + 216 71 856 625 Email: [email protected] Xtensus was established in 2001 as a limited liabilities company (SARL). Xtensus Tunisia is specialized in web and portal development and in multimedia technologies. It provides electronic document management, content management systems, dynamic business charts applications, and Email notification and alert systems. Its services comprise Internet portals, e-Commerce, on-line catalogues, B2B and B2C, web site development, Intranet, Extranet, CD-Rom, CD-Cards, 3D animation, web design, personalized logos and on-line advertising. It is also managing several web portals in Tunisia and Africa, providing a job portal and a virtual market place between Northern and Southern countries. Annex 3 Organisations in Consultative Status with ECOSOC, that have expressed, after PrepCom 2 of the Tunis phase, their interest to participate in WSIS and its preparatory process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Academic Council on the United Nations System ACUNS Arab Commission for Human Rights Arab Urban Development Institute Asian Human Rights Council Asian Women's Human Rights Council Association Tunisienne des Villages d’Enfants SOS Association Nacional de Economistas y Contadores de Cuba (ANEC) China Association for Science and Technology Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations Environmental Protection and Conservation Organization Fédération de Tunis de Solidarité Sociale Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises Mondiales (FCEM) Front Line, The International Foundation for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders Habitat for Humanity International Human Rights Watch International Centre for Scientific Culture World Laboratory International Council of Museums (ICOM) International Federation of Surveyors, FIG International Psychoanalytical Association International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies International Steering Committee for Global Mapping Inter-religious and International Federation for World Peace Medical Care Development International Metis National Council Multipurpose Community Resource Center Myochikai (Arigatou Foundation) National Bar Association National Rehabilitation and Development Center (NRDC) Nurses Across the Borders Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities The American Jewish Committee Union Nacional De Jurists de Cuba (UNJC) Watson Institute for International Studies Women’s Learning Partnership for Rights, Development, and Peace (WLP) World Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) Worldwide Organization for Women ______________
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