J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 the SAGHS newsletter V O L U M E 4 - N U M B E R 5 S A N A N G E L O G E N E A L O G I C A L A N D H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y, I N C . w w w. r o o t s w e b . a n c e s t r y. c o m / ~ t x s a g h s / Contents Speaker Series: Teri Flack.......1 Refreshment Volunteers .........2 Board of Directors ...................2 January Calendar ....................2 Christmas Fundraiser Sets Record!..................................3 Returning Members & Updates .................................4 March and April Meetings in Limbo....................................4 Mid-Year Dues Prorated .........4 First Runnels County Pioneer Certificate Issued .................4 “Like” Our Facebook Page!.....4 Texas First Families Lineages ................................5 Genealogy Classes Begin in January .................................5 New Logo for SAGHS ..............5 See You at Chili’s, January 13!............................5 New Books at the WTC ...........6 Genealogy Workshop Slated March 3 .................................6 Recycle Your Stalkin’ Kins ......6 Forum News ............................7 SAGHS Supports Concho Valley Libraries ....................7 May Stalkin’ Kin Will Again Feature Civil War Ancestors ..7 Genealogy Classes Start Jan 3 ....8 From the President .................9 Scenes from the Christmas Party .....................................9 z SPEAKER SERIES z Teri Flack, Professional Genealogist “FINDING YOUR ANCESTORS IN THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS” Researching your Republic of Texas ancestors takes creative thinking and ingenuity. This presentation uses case s t u d i e s employing records from the General Land Office, the State Archives, and local counties to demonstrate ways to find your ancestors in pre-1845 Texas. Even if you do not have ancestors that came to Texas until after it became a state, you may be interested in her explanation of the various Texas land grants. A free syllabus lists many sources for early Texas records. A 6th generation Texan, Teri E. Flack has been researching her family history for over 25 years. She’s the Austin Genealogical Society’s Treasurer and the chairman of the Texas State Genealogical Society’s Records Preservation and Access Committee. She formerly served on the board of the Federation of Genealogical Societies and presented two sessions at the 2009 FGS national conference in Little Rock, Arkansas. Teri completed the Advanced Methodology Course at the National Institute for Genealogy and Historical Research at Samford University and the National Institute for Genealogical Research at the National Archives in Washington, DC. She’s a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists. Historians and genealogists alike will enjoy this evening at the Fellowship Hall of Trinity Lutheran Church, 3536 YMCA Drive. The public is invited to attend; refreshments will be served. FMI: [email protected] (325) 942-5741, (325) 944-8403, or visit our website listed in the heading above. Copyright © 2011 by the San Angelo Genealogical and Historical Society, Inc. No material may be reproduced in any form without written permission. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 2 Refreshment Volunteers January 3: Coordinator: Tess Lovelace Food: Tess Lovelace Sherry Stringer Marcia Esser Flo Knight Christine Scott Elizabeth Aten Mary Ann Leman 450-4855 450-4855 944-7318 224-0290 653-2620 655-4979 655-2350 469-3366 (cell: 713-501-0992) Angela Cambelbeek Thompson 234-5192 Cleanup: Flo Knight nnn Board of Directors President: Susan E. Ball Vice-President: Mary Lee Lenertz Recording Secretary: Patsy Musick Corresponding Secretary: Pat Arnold Treasurer: Christine Scott Publicity Director: Joanna Jones-Sturgill Historian: Flo Knight Editor, Stalkin’ Kin: Lisa Mahler Webmaster: Ron Downie Directors: Ron Downie, Connie Fletcher, Peg Gordon, Carolyn McGaughey & Betty Varner SPEAKER SERIES 2011-2012 SEP 6 “Two Feisty Schoolmarms” Barbara Barton OCT 4 January Calendar SAGHS Meeting - 7:00 p.m., January 3 Beginning and Intermediate Genealogy Classes begin January 3 at 6:00 p.m. in classrooms at Trinity Lutheran Church. Please preregister by calling Susan Ball at 942-5741 or e-mailing [email protected]. See article, page 5, and registration form, page 8. The Research Forum will not meet in January. See article page 7. Restaurant Fundraiser held at Chili’s January 11, all day. Use the e-mailed certificate to earn 10% for SAGHS’s Book Fund and Speakers Fund. See article page 5. The 3rd Monday Genealogy Luncheon meets at McGowan’s at the Rio Concho High Rise on January 16, 11:30 a.m. See article page 7. The Master Genealogy Class meets 6:30 p.m., Monday, January 16 at 6001 Melrose Avenue. See article page 7. The Records Abstraction Forum meets at the West Texas Collection on Wednesday, January 18 at 2:00 p.m. See article page 7. The Board of Directors meets Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., January 31 at 6001 Melrose Avenue. For more information on calendared events, call 942-5741 or 944-8403, or email [email protected]. “The Real Lonesome Dove” Conrad McClure nnn NOV 1 Mini-Seminar Richard L. Hooverson 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. DEC 6 Christmas Party & Fundraising Event Plus: Member Speakers J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 3 Christmas Fundraiser Sets Record! Thanks to the hard work of the Christmas Fundraiser Committee and the generosity of SAGHS members and area merchants, the fourth annual Christmas Fundraiser brought in $2,016! This brings our Speakers Fund to over $4,600, providing the moneys to bring in many professional genealogy speakers next year and celebrate the 40th anniversary of SAGHS in style! Ross McSwain, Susan Ball, Connie Fletcher, and Mary Lee Lenertz each presented Christmas or genealogy-related readings. Ross read an excerpt from his memoirs, “Worn Out Memories.” Susan shared early 1880s Christmas advertisements from the San Angelo Standard. Connie Fletcher read two entertaining Christmas tales: “The Kidnapping at Victory Church” and “The Christmas Song.” Mary Lee Lenertz rounded out the evening with a thought-provoking presentation of her family’s armed service in “War and Peace at Christmas Time.” In spite of the bitter cold, almost 40 attended the festivities - many commented on how much they enjoyed the evening. The great turn-out, wonderful facilities, and excellent speakers all combined for an entertaining and delightful event. Thanks to the Christmas Fundraiser Committee for all their hard work: Mary Lee Lenertz, Peg Gordon, Carolyn McGaughey, Lisa Mahler, and Susan Ball, chair. The evening would not have been possible without our generous donors: Cheddar's Casual Café Susan Ball Darlene Lupton Cherry Creek Catfish (in Austin) Wana Dee Box Lisa Mahler El Mejor Vanora Brown Metitia F. McCreery Franco's Cafe Kay Clark Carolyn McGaughey Gil's Helen Cole Ross McSwain Henry's Diner Bill Cushler Jeannette Miller Marble Slab Creamery Marcia Esser Patsy Musick Mathis Field Cafe Connie Fletcher Christine Scott Olive Garden Peg Gordon Angela Camelbeek Steak Express Dale Harris Thompson Sunset Grill Debby Hendrix Betty Varner Texas Roadhouse Ron Herring Karen Vavricka The Hair Designers (Eva Palacios) Flo Knight Lanelle Willig Pat Arnold Mary Lee Lenertz Carolyn Wilson If you brought an item and your name is missing from the donor list, please contact Susan Ball at 942-5741 or [email protected]. The Christmas Fundraiser Committee would like to acknowledge all donors with a thank you and a tax donation letter. JAN 3 “Finding Your Ancestors in the Republic of Texas” Teri Flack FEB 7 “Old Homes of San Angelo” Suzanne Campbell MARCH 13 “The Bonnie Blue Flag” Kenneth Phipps APR 3 Mini-Seminar John & Barbara Wyley 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. MAY 1 Topic to be Announced Jason Pierce, PhD J 4 A N U A R Returning Members & Updates Ball, Susan ..........................262-3269 (cell) Earnest, Tom & JoAn ..................651-9506 P. O. Box 62032, 76902 [email protected] Current SAGHS Paid Membership: 139 SAGHS Unpaid Members from 2010-11: 16 Y 2 0 1 2 First Runnels County Pioneer Certificate Issued Last month we reported that the March meeting would be moved to Tuesday, March 13, because the Fellowship Hall of Trinity Lutheran Church is reserved as a polling place for the primary election. However, the date of the primary election has been moved to April 3 which coincides with our April meeting featuring John and Barbara Wyley in a mini-seminar. Mary Lee Lenertz and Susan Ball are currently working to straighten out the March meeting and explore possibilities for the April Meeting. Along with many other factors, Mary Lee, Susan, and the Board of Directors would like to include the preferences of the membership in finding an optimum solution. Would you rather meet on April 10 at Trinity Lutheran Church or on April 3 at some other site such as the Community Room at the new downtown library? Please contact [email protected] or Mary Lee at 944-8403 with your preference. Watch for more news - we’ll let you know as soon as we have the meeting dates and places set. The first person to receive a Runnels County Pioneer Certificate is Mary Lee Lenertz, who submitted an application for her ancestor, Andrew Berry Van Dyke. Mary Lee’s Runnels County Pioneer Certificate will be presented at the January meeting. For Tom Green County, Tina Delong’s application for ancestor, Sylvania Paralee Williams, has also been approved and will be presented at the January meeting. This is Tina’s third pioneer application to be approved. Certificates are now available for all counties in the Concho Valley. Applicants do not have to be members of SAGHS or residents of Texas. The eligibility date for settlement by your ancestor varies by county. For Crockett, Kimble, Menard, Runnels, or Tom Green County, your ancestor must have become a resident by 31 Dec 1910. For Coke, Concho, Glasscock, Irion, Schleicher, Sterling, or Sutton County, residency must be established by 31 Dec 1920. For Reagan County, your ancestor must have become a resident by 31 Dec 1930. Upon approval of your Pioneer Certificate Application, you will receive a handsome certificate, suitable for framing. The cost is $20 per application and fees are non-refundable. FMI: [email protected] Shirley Dobson has resigned as Pioneer Certificate Chair and the Board of Directors is searching for a replacement. Interested? Please contact Susan Ball at 942-5741 or [email protected]. nnn nnn Mid-Year Dues Prorated “Like” our Facebook Page! Starting with the January meeting, membership dues are reduced to $10.00 for the remainder of the 2011-2012 year. These mid-year memberships include the May issue of the Stalkin’ Kin and membership in SAGHS January through May. For those joining mid-year, the November Stalkin’ Kin can be purchased for an additional $5.00. SAGHS has five “likes” for our Facebook page! The latest Facebook update provided information on the January 3rd meeting. Check out our updates and “like” us to spread the word about SAGHS and what we have to offer. Just search for “San Angelo Genealogical and Historical Society.” nnn March and April Meetings in Limbo J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 5 Texas First Families Lineages Do you have deep Texas roots, an ancestor who was in Texas during the days of the Republic? If so, your family’s lineage should be included in the next volume of the Texas First Families Lineages, published by the Texas State Genealogical Society. The deadline for submitting an application to be included in Vol. 3 is June 30, 2012. The certificate program will remain open and applications can be approved after this date but the lineages will not be included in Vol. 3 if not received by June 30, 2012. Applicants must prove direct or collateral descent from an ancestor who settled in Texas before February 19, 1846, the day of the ceremony on which the Republic of Texas turned the government over to the State of Texas. The applicant must prove descent from the ancestor by an official record for each generation and each date and event that is listed on the application such as births, deaths and marriages. Proof that the ancestor was in Texas by this date should also be provided by an official document. A nonrefundable fee of $30 must accompany each application. New Logo for SAGHS Thanks to member Angela Camelbeck Thompson and her husband, Daniel, SAGHS now sports a logo! The design features a tree with a lacy mesquite leaf design plus silhouettes representative of the Concho Valley: a sheep for ranching and San Angelo as the “Wool Capital of the World,” an oil derrick for the role that oil played in Concho Valley history, and a cotton boll for the promise of farm land that brought our ancestors west. nnn nnn See You at Chili’s, January 11! Genealogy Classes Begin in January Surpassing original estimates, the November Chili’s fundraiser brought in $50! Fast on the heels of this success, another restaurant fundraiser is scheduled for Wednesday, January 11. Attendees at the November Chili’s fundraiser had a grand time; they all proclaimed that it’s nice to see your genealogy friends when you go out to eat. Afterwards, Carolyn McGaughey exclaimed “It looked like SAGHS took over Chili’s!” Let’s take over Chili’s again on January 11. Fundraiser certificates will be available at the January meeting and by e-mail. Expect the certificate to arrive in your inbox by January 8. Give the certificate to your server when you pay for your meal, and SAGHS will receive 10%! Forward the certificate to all your friends, print them out and distribute them, get them into as many hands as possible. SAGHS is encouraged to distribute certificates anywhere except Chili’s parking lot. SAGHS is hosting five session genealogy classes for beginning and intermediate genealogists starting January 3, 6:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church. A description of the classes and their contents is provided on the registration form, page 8. The fees are $25.00 for members and $30.00 for nonmembers if registered on or before January 1. After January 1, fees are $45.00 for all. Susan Ball prints and assembles the binders that are distributed to class members. She encourages everyone interested in these classes to register early so she will have enough binders printed for all class members. Payment is not required until January 3. To r e g i s t e r, c o n t a c t S u s a n B a l l a t [email protected] or 9492-5741. J 6 A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 New Books at the WTC The following books have been purchased by the Book Fund for the genealogy library of the West Texas Collection: Caldwell Newspapers, Burleson County, Texas, 1897-1929: Birth & Death Notices, by Linda Faust Houck Confederate Soldiers Buried at Vicksburg, February 15, 1862 - July 4, 1863, by Carolyn Reeves Ericson & Frances Terry Ingmire Czechs in Uniform, by Texas Czech Genealogical Society (donated by Lisa Mahler). 3 vols. DeKalb County, Alabama: Wills and Estates, 1836-1929, transcribed & compiled by Dorothy Smith Duff. 2 vols. A Genealogical Guide to Discovering Your African-American Ancestors, by Franklin Carter Smith & Emily Anne Croom Marriages of Claiborne County, Tennessee, 1838-1850, & Campbell County, Tennessee, 1838-1853, compiled by Edythe Rucker Whitley Marriages of Campbell County, Virginia, 1782 - 1810, compiled by Lucy Harrison Miller Baber and Hazel Letts Williamson, honoring Joanna Jones-Sturgill for her work as Publicity Director. Personalities on the East Texas Frontier, by Joe E. & Carolyn R. Ericson. 2nd edition. Red River County, Texas, in the Civil War, compiled by Joe E. & Carolyn Ericson. Rest in Peace: Nacogdoches Obituaries, 1905-1909, transcribed & indexed by Carolyn Reeves Ericson. Vol. 2. Scots in the Mid-Atlantic States, 1783-1883, by David Dobson. The Surnames of Wales, by John & Sheila Rowlands. Texas Confederate Home Roster, with added data from Confederate Home Ledgers, compiled by Kathryn Hooper Davis, Linda Ericson Devereaux & Carolyn Reeves Ericson Texas State Cemetery, Austin, Texas, by Paul & Tommie Smith Thank you Karen Vavricka, Book Committee Chairperson, and the Book Committee for managing our Book fund and purchasing quality books for the WTC! These new books are available for review at the January meeting and for research at the West Texas Collection after January 3. The WTC has books, periodicals, and microfilm covering much of the United States along with some international records including Mexican vital records. Your research isn’t complete until you check the holdings at the WTC. [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ Genealogy Workshop Slated March 3 The Friends of the Porter Henderson Library and West Texas Collection announces Billie Fogarty, nationally recognized lecturer, as the speaker for their 11th annual genealogy workshop. Topics are: Salute to Veterans: Researching Our Ancestors' Military Service; Courthouse Research: Finding the Mother Lode; Unlocking the Treasures in the National Archives A professional genealogist and former history teacher with Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, Billie now devotes her time to infecting others with her love for history up close and personal – family history! She lectures regularly and teaches genealogy each semester in adult continuing education courses. She is author of Guidebook to Researching My Family Tree.The workshop will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 3536 YMCA Drive, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Information about fees and lunch will be provided later. nnn Recycle Your Stalkin’ Kins The award-winning Stalkin’ Kin overflows with local records and wonderful articles. However, having read the Stalkin’ Kin, you may not wish to keep it. If not, please recycle your old Stalkin’ Kins by returning them for resale. We’ll have a box for you to drop off your old Stalkin’ Kins. J A N U A R Forum News Guests and visitors are welcome at all forums! For more information on any of the forums, call Susan Ball at 942-5741 or e-mail [email protected]. 3rd Monday Genealogy Luncheon The roads around Rio Concho Manor, site of the 3rd Monday Genealogy Luncheon, are still torn up but passable. While the roads are torn up, Rio Concho Manor has opened their back gate on Allen Street (turn off Oakes, one block south of Rio Concho Drive) for easier access. The staff cautions “be careful - folks are exiting through that gate and it’s not wide enough for two-way traffic.” The 3rd Monday Genealogy Luncheon is open to anyone interested in genealogy. We meet January 16th, 11:30 a.m. at McGowan’s at Rio Concho Manor, 401 Rio Concho Drive for a delicious buffet with a selection of main dishes, side dishes, and desserts for only $7.00. Research Forum The Research Forum will not meet in January as ASU is not fully in session until after the meeting date of January 12. Plan to join us in February on the 9th for a time of fun and collaborative research at the West Texas Collection. Records Abstraction Forum The Records Abstraction Forum will kick the Tom Green County Divorce project into high gear at our next meeting on January 18. Join us at 2:00 p.m. to learn how you can help out! The project is easy to do with flexible hours, and many volunteers are needed. Kay Clark has already gotten started, but more help is needed to meet our deadline. Questions? Contact Susan Ball at 942-5741 or [email protected] Master Genealogy Class For those who wish to expand their genealogical expertise, this class is free to anyone who has an email address and agrees to teach a genealogy class upon completion. The Master Genealogy Class meets at 6001 Melrose Avenue on the 3rd Monday of each month. Participants will have homework! FMI: 942-5741 or [email protected] Y 2 0 1 2 SAGHS Supports Concho Valley Libraries 7 The Board of Directors is donating complete sets of Stalkin’ Kins to four Concho Valley libraries. The Crockett County Library, member of SAGHS, is the first library selected to receive a set. When contacted about the donation, librarian Louise LeDoux exclaimed “This is a wonderful Christmas present for our genealogy library.” Louise has worked to expand the genealogical section of the Crockett County Library and is delighted with the additional research opportunities that the Stalkin’ Kin will provide to Crockett County patrons. Susan hopes to have the set ready for delivery by the end of January. nnn May Stalkin’ Kin will Again Feature Civil War Ancestors The Civil War focus of the Stalkin’ Kin proved so popular that editor Lisa Mahler has extended the emphasis to the May issue. Submission deadline for the May issue of the Stalkin’ Kin is March 10. Lisa has ample pages available, but they are assigned on a first-come basis. Lisa reserves the right to print your article in the November issue if necessary to balance pages and create a quality publication. Get your article in early! Records abstractions and transcriptions are limited to the 13 counties represented by SAGHS. However, family articles are not area limited. Suggestions for suitable family articles include old family bible records, articles about a person in your family tree, a pedigree chart, or a historical event in which your ancestor played a part. Articles about genealogical problems or brick walls that you solved are also encouraged. Submissions should be in digital format. However, if you don’t have access to a computer, Lisa will be glad to type it for you provided the article is submitted well before the deadline. For more information and format requirements, contact Lisa Mahler at [email protected] . Send submissions to Lisa at the same e-mail address. J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 8 G e n e a l o g y C l a s s e s S t a r t i n Ja n u a r y SAGHS is offering two genealogy classes starting January 3, 6:00 p.m. The Beginning Genealogy Class, taught by Lisa Mahler, includes: Getting Started - Covering the Basics Organization and Sources Correspondence and Interviews Creating a Research Plan plus Census and Internet Research Researching on Location: Courthouses, Cemeteries, and Libraries The Intermediate Genealogy Class II will be taught by Susan Ball and includes: Family Search.Org: Finding and Renting Microfilm Records FamilySearch.Org: Searching Online Records Using Google Earth to Map Your Family’s Location Searching on Ancestry: Overview and Family Trees Searching on Ancestry: Records Collections Both classes include a binder, handouts for each class, and a tour of the Tom Green County Clerk’s Office and the West Texas Collection. Classes will be held in classrooms at Trinity Lutheran Church, 6:00 p.m., first Tuesday of January through May, unless otherwise informed. Morning classes for the Intermediate Genealogy Class II will be held at 6001 Melrose Ave, 10 a.m. on the Thursday after the SAGHS meeting (Jan. 5, Feb. 9, Mar. 15, Apr. 5, May 3). Class fees are $25.00 for members, $30.00 for non-members if registered on or before January 1, $45 if registered after January 1. Payment may be made on January 3. Class registration forms will be available at the December Meeting and again in the January newsletter. Please register as soon as possible so we can adequately prepare and have enough binders and handouts available to class attendees. Note: It is the student’s responsibility to attend the class and obtain class material. A makeup class for the Intermediate Genealogy Class II is available at 10:00 a.m. on the Thursday morning after the SAGHS meeting. [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ Class Fee if registered on or before January 1: SAGHS Use $30.00 ($25.00 for SAGHS Members) ❏ Cash $45.00 after January 1 ❏ Check ❏ Beginning Class No.: _________ ❏ Intermediate Class II (Evening) ❏ Intermediate Class II (Morning) Name: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Street Address: ____________________________ City: ________________ Zip: ____________ e-mail address: ___________________________________________________________ Make check out to SAGHS. FMI: phone (325) 942- 5741, e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 2 9 From the President January 1st is a magical day, in some respects even better than Christmas. On the first day of the year, dreams fly and the imagination runs wild with what might be accomplished in the coming twelve months. As president, I am the chief dreamer for the society. In 2012, I’d like to see SAGHS gain 160 members, continue to bring quality speakers to San Angelo, and publish three books. One of my biggest wishes is for a Cemetery Committee that would update the inventory of rural cemeteries in San Angelo to publish a book on “Rural Cemeteries of Tom Green County.” None of this can be achieved without the help of society members. Can you imagine yourself involved in SAGHS? We elect new board members in April and there will be several openings. There’s a continuing need for help on the Book Committee. We need a chair for the Pioneer Certificate committee and a manager for the San Angelo Standard-Times obituary project. We need genealogy class instructors and forum managers. In addition, we always need lots of help with our abstraction projects. We could probably print a half dozen books a year if we had enough help with the abstraction. If you would like to help, contact me at 942-5741 or [email protected] . You can volunteer as many hours a week as you want. We have tasks both large and small; I can find one that will fit you! Susan E. Ball [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ [\ Scenes from the SAGHS Christmas Party Left: Susan Ball presents Ron Downie with a certificate of appreciation for five years of service as Editor of the Stalkin’ Kin. Right: Christmas Party speakers Susan Ball, Mary Lee Lenertz, Ross McSwain, and Connie Fletcher. Left: SAGHS members and visitors enjoy refreshments and fellowship at the Christmas party.
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