New Ford Primary School Weekly Newsletter Friday 6th December 2013 Thank you to the PTFA for their organisation of yet another super Christmas Fayre, to those friends and staff who helped out on the day, and to all parents who attended and supported the event. The money that the event raised will be spent on resources and equipment for learning across the school. If you would like to join the PTFA and help make future events a success, please contact the school office for more information. New members are always welcome. Our Year 3 and 4 children have been taking part in some exciting ‘real life’ learning this week as part of their topic ‘Healthy, Wealthy and Wise’. Each class visited China Gardens -Toby Carvery, where they spent the morning learning about food groups, blind tasting vegetables, designing their own healthy plate of food and becoming ‘chefs’-complete with proper chefs’ hats. They were then provided with a free carvery meal. Those who chose 5 different vegetables on their plate and ate them, were rewarded with ice cream sundaes. We have never seen so many vegetables eaten, and thoroughly enjoyed by all! Toby Carvery is running these courses across the country and the whole event was completely free of charge. It was a super learning opportunity for our pupils. We were lucky enough to have a visit from Alison Donald of the Dogs’ Trust this week, who delivered an assembly for all the school. Bertie, her terrier, accompanied her! She spoke to the children about the responsibilities of having a puppy for Christmas and about the work of the Dogs’ Trust. Bucknall Dogs home are running very low on dog beds, blankets, food etc. We will be having a collection in school if you wish to donate any items. We Tel: 01782 234605 are also holding a cake sale to help raise money for this cause. A reminder to all parents- please can you ensure that children only wear STUD earrings. We have had a number of children in school with looped or hanging earrings. We will ask children to remove these kind of earrings if they come to school wearing them, as potentially children’s ear lobes can be accidentally damaged or ripped. We are sure that parents will support us in this. Our school policy has always been that the only jewellery children are allowed are plain stud earrings and a watch. ‘Bling your Bike’ Day was a great success. We had many bikes and scooters in total, decorated in tinsel, bright colours, reflectors and even baubles! Well done to all those who took part. The Winners were: Foundation Stage/ Key Stage 1- Eve Tinsley and Harrison Hand. KS2- Tiegan Martin and Taylor King. Thank you to Miss L Broad and Steve Dyster From Bikeability for organising and running this. We have been asked as a school if we would like to nominate any Community Champions- this is a scheme run in Stoke on Trent by ‘1000 lives Community Champions Network’. Nominees should be under 18, and should have done something outstanding for the community. We are opening this up to parents, so if you know any young person who could be nominated for this, or any groups of young people, please drop into the school office and collect a nomination form. The deadline for the submission of the nomination forms is January 15th 2013. To find out more about the 1000 Lives Community Champions Network, go to: Next Thursday, 12th December from 1.45pm-3.00pm, year 5 and 6 pupils will be hosting their annual Grandparents Christmas party. Invitations will be going home today, and we hope to see as many Grandparents as possible next week. It is always a thoroughly enjoyable event for our visitors and for the children. There will be no after school clubs week beginning Monday 16th December, due to various Christmas activities in school. Apologies for any inconvenience. Year 1 have been reading ‘Not Now Bernard’ and this week, as part of their learning, they have made sock puppets. They had a budget to spend on the parts of the puppets and they could design them however they wanted to, within their budget. The puppets spent the day at school on Wednesday and the children will be writing about their puppets’ experiences. This gives them the chance to write using the familiar setting of school. Class EM will be making Healthy snacks next Monday and selling them at break time, along with the usual tuck shop items. The items will include healthy yoghurt with fruit and homemade cereal bars and will cost no more than 35p. Proceeds will go towards an end of term party. Year 5 and 6 presented their fantastic showcase on Thursday morning. They all did a wonderful job, sharing their learning about Ancient Egypt. Highlights included a gruesome Mummification song, a very unusual version of the Generation Game and a trip with Josh Pilkington as an ‘Idiot Abroad’. The singing, acting, dancing and learning of lines involved, after such a short time spent rehearsing, were a credit to the children. Thank you to all parents and family members who came to support them. As part of their study of Ancient Egypt, Year 6 visited Liverpool Museum today. They were able to see Egyptian artefacts first hand and deepen their learning and understanding of the topic, while taking part in fun activities. Your donations for the Gingerbread Centre continue to come into school. Many thanks for this, at a time of year when there are many pressures on people’s budgets. It sets a great example of one of our values: Empathy. We are always encouraging our pupils to think of others. If you have ordered, but not yet received your child’s school photograph, please contact the school office as soon as possible. Mrs Eardley would like to pass on her thanks to all of you who have sent in ‘Let’s Grow’ Vouchers, we have a total of 5512. This will enable the purchase of new gardening equipment etc. Jessica Ellis Jones in class EM has received a certificate and trophy from Girls’ Brigade. Well done Jessica. A plea from the PTFA -If you have any unwanted foreign coins could you please send them into school. There is a box in the school Reception. They are also collecting kitchen roll holders which can be given in at the school office. All help is greatly appreciated. New Ford Nippers Toddler group will start on Friday, 10th January at 1.45pm-3.00pm in the school hall. If you know of any parents with pre-school children please invite them to come along. Tuesday, 10th December- Christmas Dinner Wednesday, 11th December—Year 5 Liverpool Museum Visit Thursday 12th December – Y 5/6 Grandparents’ Christmas Party invitations will be sent out soon. 1.45pm-3.00pm Monday 16th December - Nursery/ Y 2 Christmas Production -9.30am - Reception/Y 1 Christmas Production - 1.30pm Tuesday 17th December—KS1 Visit to the to the Regent Theatre Wednesday 18th December – Reception/Y 1 Christmas Production -9.30am - Nursery/ Y2 Christmas Production -1.30pm Tickets on sale now at the school office Thursday 19th December- Foundation Stage Christmas Party all day. Please wear party clothes. Thursday 19th December - Party Food Day (please note that there will be no other menu available on this day) Friday 20th December- KS1 Christmas party. Please wear party clothes-KS1 only. Friday, 20th December- KS2 Visit to the New Vic Theatre Friday 20th December – School Closes (Foundation stage –3.05pm, KS1 and KS2—3.15pm.) Monday 6th January- School re-opens Awards of the Week 100% Attendance: Our prize draw for week ending Friday, 29th November for 100% attendance was won by Taylor James Ford congratulations! The class with the best attendance week ending, Friday, 29th November was class TM with 100% well done! There were 42 children arriving late to school this week which is 10 more than last week. Congratulations to Ms Mayer who has now passed the National SENCo Award. Ms Mayer has dedicated many hours of hard work and study towards this, for the benefit of the children and the school. BRONZE AWARDS (for achieving 50 team points) Thomas Mould, Luke Robinson, Alexandra Bendo, Megan Brereton, Sendes Kucher, Ethan Peach, Ben Forrester, Ruby-Rae Cartlidge, Ethan Askey, Thyme Machin, Sophitia Hodgson, Ashley Middleton, Tyler Austin, Aksdeep Singh, George O’Neill-Leese, Taylor James Ford. Miss Sinnett’s class : Dylan Bolderson for amazing enthusiasm when dancing Mrs Cunningham’s class : Jacob Carter for his super ideas in literacy Miss Broad’s class (Y4) : Anisha Bloxham for a fantastic attitude towards maths Miss Barlow’s class (class EM): Blake Frost for showing ‘self-belief’ and determination in swimming lessons Mr McKay’s class : Ashden Meredith for progress in literacy Miss Halfpenny’s class : Radin Alivizadeh for a fantastic attitude towards maths Miss Broad’s class (Y2) : Kian Cooper for super progress in reading and always reading at home Miss Jones’s class : Kevin Bradburn for his fantastic attitude to his learning this week Miss Butler’s class (class SB): Sullivan Meredith for always taking an active part in lessons by putting his hand up Mrs Mollers’s class : Theo Biddulph-Reynolds for his super writing and progress with phonics Daisies : Joshua Baker for fantastic writing about Hansel and Gretel Nursery : Kyloe Phillips for making excellent progress in all areas and Poppy Sadler for coming to school with a smile on her face WEB SITE OF THE WEEK! Santa’s very own website! Enjoy Christmas with Santa Claus at the North Pole, an award-winning Christmas web site. Send a letter to Santa Claus or a Christmas card to a friend. Play games, watch a dancing Santa, meet the elves in the toy shop, do puzzles and colouring…… the list goes on! Mrs. Milner - Acting Head teacher Mrs. Adams - Acting Deputy Head teacher [email protected]
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