- n ANGELES HERATJ't COS MONiMAY MORcHNO, DECEMBER 24. '" 1 | ?? 808 BAI.W-OITT PB«>FWWT*f. ?'*>.. II » (i flf ? TIE. ISAN' IAI. I-'.IG i. Jr.N ? HOIIBKV. »1-K. T LOAN v Doing rent th ekenTO SELL X XV A:w hi.-;. jrider it HOW'S T mAS 'I'o < By JOHN 11. COX E, 'lIMCOMPORATKD.) "*'<*>( 11 I siuaion fla *, 441 and i43'lemi ie s:n ci. mi THE HERALD «'\ staple »onils 10 .icnlers: Sit parte rtCf s»;..n'.s on ail 3u7 f. ICIo.VDVV'AY opposite eleeaplly r.iouey utiy lv amount with ADAMS bT. TRACT, fihl(ined i oilv street! on old est ihllshcd corner. '? ceees.-arv; lies: aide line S)7J a month f*3il.??Grocery kinds of collateral securities, diaIn lest modern improvement*, large built Grocery; lino looalion; ,oe this WANT eapensea or Lirge commission m ule. »>:M> -ttf ami welry, sealskins, monds. merTIIK BEST OF ALL. speaking J turn". Bee p-ion' fooius, bargain. SgoiO irl;I n.ilm ace this elei l.< 11-un.l !? r sealed iHirlieulnrs send slslnp. ?MKTOK Also on pianos, Iron owner, J. I. HE N DEIiSoN, 1411 Souih i-priiig cb*aeles,efc uo?Produce store In fine lorutiui »OAP MANUr'Al'lCltlNl. COMI'ANY, Clncili |I if ,10 (n tio feci. #26,00i> In street ImLots and :ite.-l removal. salts, »2 o? wllboiii street. r.'-i:>-ti ustl, o. slore iloine Bond bii-inesa prnvonieitls uloiin. t our "O-fonl stresls, one I If 500?Fruit Parti 1 piivmeu!* reeelveil. Money Drugstore In no-t Inuetl a. .-sob 3*lB-5 room cottage, iib2i 100 ioot street, all graded and gravelled, ceANTED ALL XEEIHNIi HELP, FREE | »>ft <«i llrisg stole uelng big business. ?lUiek.ofl'iee-iii-,ne.s coiitldeiitlaL PriMtehli To Those U emnlnvineul un avc. ment walk*, und curbs; streets sprinkled; any or Infuriiiailiin. sddrcss vate fo. ladies. snap. .Lion?Draper)' if ami a barroom| irees planted Michigan avo waier mains laid und shade IV X 1)1 ROOT, Msnn>ier. i«ir> room ntta c. 2028 I E. MTITNi'iEE'S BU11BAL". established IxSO. I 81M1O- Harbor shop; bi-i location. Aqami street sj feet wide, and ? Looking for S7fitv loom.. 8, 4jmil 4a lits. k* fin?s room house, Haiiuiun Ik, south of oillre, :i'i)'- s. spring st.: resilience, 431 s. 1 ¥850?Barbershop; Ins et. Beautiful I Is worth #15 ?>. r.?_ wide, lined vvltn I 1I Ninth st Twenty-eighth s reet loifoot \u2666 I Hope n(., corner Fifth Los Angeles, cal. Tele**.><> Grocery: utll Invoice about 4WOO. paint trees, i antral avenue, tour miles long Work. LOAN COMPANY LOINS MONEY | ! BARLOW & SHERWOOD, 123 S Brooilway. ft-ltitt lil.one HI:. (cot 8331.0 -Grocery with building; good loci \ gVKION f and double-tracked elecseeurliy, watches, wide, 331 HO with a y oti all k 1:11 sol col aiertil j ttle read, runs thrnimh tlie center of tubs jev.otry, seailklni and furnitoro j / (JTY ANr)~CO("NTY 'OFFICIAL" FREE tlou. 1 iiTninoiids, SH2oO?Grocery: host location in oily. MONTHLY, ? ft -$12.M1 -oil RFN BOOM s and only Iff, 1 iHi.cr bureau. 240 Now High «.. telephone l from oond bnuses, in lodging and besirdliis tract minutes' ride aud On pi no. ;I1 collage, wlni attic; f.trnltur >, *I3">: worth ELShll A ST EARNS, i-'l t». Third St. SoringI streets. 2 1 1133, (orcooks, waiters, household help mo 817,000 70 fest S. Spring st The Maple avenue electrio ivlthoul removal j private ofßee lor ladles fITS: 1 fprsai* lo renter; aVK., Z book ander "Sitnations iVaiiled, ? I\u25a0 ehanles MAGNOLIA road is lots since and lubo-ors. W. A. Will lE, manwithin two sold * buijnes 112; . room eoiitldentlul CLARK A. blocks. 1.10 BB 11-ln t( 1 third house mirth e( W. Washington. Ist, Rich sondv luetUl HO mud. F.xauilne GREAT Ol'l'Olt TNI'IV? I M il,I. 1)1- I SHAW, uianuger, .0 nils 111 and 113 Slllnsoti ! 00 feet VV Sixth si # O.OOd .'tine tract, Male and Female." « ! nger. tills See tlie'large number of beautiful II Im -pose of hall or my entire interest in my iI block. »BS?LARGE 10 ROOM HOUSE, RENT l/olt \\'ANTE(I-A FEW PERSONS IN EACH jfruit drying homes built In the list four months. A per$4,800 pftik, HJUIBHSII corn r 30 feet K. First I No 17 Barnard plant, wftlia ospneityol lOOiou, tt plaeo u< do writing. Send stamp fur 13 i iiTiSKsr inveitmekt co." Broadway. sonal cxumlnuliou will satlsiv snv buyer as to Washington st. n (rultlu BAKI.OW A Huday*. A splendid opio-- 1 / ere Grand avo. ah page book ul particulars .1 WOODBURY.'B7 Iiof I 8. 224 Its merits. Lots ore 9380, §300, Ba.llly $4-0 $25,000 tuinty lore uiuu looking for a money-making i 40 feet 8. Broadway 23if 10-7 ly 1 business: SJIKIIWOOD. 1338. Broadway. VV. lor y-second St., N. \*. city. and bond brokers, loans mortgages, seAPEOI ti. "Bor|oBtB. end up, on easy terms, till January Ist, when thegreen frui" Is brought to the jj Stock and Investments, collections msde, trjil BIN'I -VHODM cottage 'on es <'.OUO prICC, will be advanced 'lake the CentrelX CO., 300-302 WEST dryer aha the grower luk ng away tho Unci !! purities (set K. First st. JETTY. IIi'MMKL'!>.&Tho 11 navenue cars, corner oi Second ond Spring "jpEVVIs ,v ALDKItSON. MRS RL'SSKt.I, 100 best entplo meut product, paying cusli for curing Ihe samei Hit j luxes paid end p 11 erly managed lor Holla eve. Apply to(iahles. Second st. Tel. 3 n-'jnif |j streets, 312 S. MAIN ST. -1 residents ot ethers. to Adami at our branch Agents all, Gray i seventh und Hill 88 street. |ilam, oosil g irHuiMliill .old, cleared up til tat I 70 loel Ban Pedro it W<W>W> 0 ccc on the cornor nfllto In ever/ way in Southern California. Ah there! looking for Christmas presol Central avenue and If j year B/3ttBH> on the investment, net; re son lor I »??; sDKXTKH i WAHSAOHTH. BROKERS | I Mil! BEST- HALF lIOI'PK.B ROOVII", #"M', 7-13 In l ami Adams will For step property. street, at ewis £ Alderaon's show the $22,600 E, ents'.' Just selling, ni.l age untl In g trouble; 1 conducted t I !105 W Hecoiid st buy and sell mortgages | I' Millavd eve., thlrj house suuih ot I'lco 40 feet First si, Brick Block you'llfind Mich lilos tblngf, and iney am so view s of the tract, maps and all information, Vl-ANTEH-lIDYS FOR THE" HOLIDAY* | I lie business this year with MINIo more hands, iI stoegs, to aii'i c y good ssettrttiejii if you slrcel. bonds 28 or on us. »» pan y, Angeles MeeMrger ciieip, too l me rattan rockers, f ntn ¥1.75 District com 0.0 write call Free earrla es at times. $0 i os 1; lying iv bed must the lime; there :ire otii r all 89 feet S. Hill 10 leiid or borrow tuvtltIn real estate 12-tllf 8jB; pnllshed <mk eoblor n ekers ior S"V, and I 127'iWest Second street. 24 |ha itu-Hscs that canol bti added thai are also vvlsh liltiDEß DOW, call 0:1 us; collectionsor made and proccriy wrjrrfjiAßflK |'OR ihe HB}"j & Rioudway. Telephone 1201*. $7(8) hose new oak dining chairs just "knocks too, n- i only those nieiiii ng business iiiunuged lor non-reiiaeritt, porch, flue view, Inquire at <14 N. Hill. 50leet Alpire riillialilc. IMI'E; i Jsif surprised, H'ANTKp-RIVBTBD be I P j fellows|lU>." You'll otller you see swer. Address A. I>. W1L..1 A.M.-, owner, Kama 24 1 BALB? MCI!. SKW HOUSES ON THE »V roO'id senmer*. Apply J. D. HOOKER <v !| Paula , when tuent for only fl. l-.-iMM. 9 ',500 1 XIX Cel. pistil anewHvo room liou«e los Angeles, 23 Installment bent"-a""feat"'of'f["ve~"boomB, j5O feet vv. E cvontli, cornet' FSE In, #1300; #100 esih; easy monthly TTFi l." COMPLEXION A BEAt close REST, at SALE-fl 6-CIO A STORK: convenient. 428 $',000 yili| X evei ii;»',_, per Lustre; BCOTT 4 h' : ib J eV-. footß. Hill iron*) mm of fftCOQ It makes AGENCY?MRSoailwuy; 1 i«.i; bargain. perralllnna and Egyptla i payments. 09m niniy good nor' | telINou 8. B c'\u25a0 1 UP %HIBSMCCARTHY. I itotis proprriv. Men AX- I the skin white and eradicates pimples, and $1,200 I in j Iusincss. »> fJSO-Reiifinran:; gonj business, \u25a0 I SHI. li-lti YIN t\ PHOSHOX, 60 feet VV. Twonly-elgh.th st Nice, new houses on the installment Ut\»H 8. Bprtbg ! gives n rosy oemploxlon perfect ami natural; plan; snap. ¥l< Oil?llalf Inter**! barber alicp: good I 111 LLU-I- 1 j all ! wrinkles and i 1 ?" ] dcvelopsil; and tuns. I have the best bargains In the bust uses sr«»n KKsr-K««»'. --Grocery, sales 4}i3iiO lo »t4 <> business. lftOo . $575 OSly s, 60 loot low corner by facial blemishes removed a' nuroflleeor MTOA I lOSn WINTKO-MAI.St. stale In hou es end lots. If you want to buy, ! a ;:ratii and r per month. hi Interest tv BY TO Loan I.N/I'.MS T i M'lr on I feed business: none but tlrst-class hUSiIIBpS ton Ik ,tl ? I'I.KA'ANT using our own special remedies; mall otrilcre. \M OS come to mo and get a biirguin. any good $400 collater 1; business strlclly y room RENT DkS, CARPENTER .'." Hcpryi ma ptrton* tlcxirtug tthploywrtit will he ! Good ho rd. Private fauitlv. Best 50 feet W. Slxlccnlli st attention. si«cial 232' \j wauled. N. It. W/I.KKU ACO UH's VV. BOr confidenltall l.isut negotia!e,| 011 city und j parlofeltv: Angeles. Ladies ! wellly-Hlst St.. 4 lb ors 1011 W. A DAMS, ? S. Main st.. Los i ntlonrft |ij iwtrt three flees, vihut this nrnrfiiii/, on<! It, Nice house and lot iv tbe southwest part ol 1 |4 I eoiiuirj properly, w. c. deming gii vv. i w $16,001) I'l-flu 00 feet s. Broadway iii attendance, sol Grand uvc. cars. the city for only #850 cash ] j tine tint*ffc of rharye, Flnl Si., riuiin 15. SI ly Is SAI.K-THR RF. JUDGING llut'Sli T AGE. FOR ; $15,000 1 00 fact % beventh jffitti E U E CIN RCiI.D COlroom; 'pilE Rl'sll-NEW HOUSE," MCELY HUBANTED-GAUHENER, SINGLE GF.RMAN in the city of 30 nicely furnished rooms: The casleitslx room cottage In Los Angel s, ONEY To LOAN ON DlAMo'jtftS. jkwsize ol i \\T heal and all modern con In \u25a0V one hundred dollars -1 nished, furnace cap drive And milk would like a ; easy terms dry sratopes, iiiunos, scalaklus, livestock | lenience., a beaullfui location, for only if.lOOii. hull (tet N. Broadway id H. Bunk tMi 1 avo. $O,UOO in loom. I xl ft., height of ceilings, lv (t.; two steady-place city country! good or references. 80 c; Hi. It A KICK, S.iii'.S spring. 21 Chrrlsgiia, bic eies and all k.nds oi personal lior.se to I Apply Gardener, Avon house, 33, X First. 2t oir. ell tin o, iueludcd; ixirehes slidami lE, Olio of the nicest bouses In Eos Anana lodging ST., collateral seeuri v. LEE into NASIINIEI.E 2.A11 WINSTON r|.||K $tl,oo'> i p>u lore I, two coais; will lu'c pat ID lid SALF. -Ml)V A I finely fum'sh-d ? ft. block| from postollice; uomforiablc roeio>; 25 feet E, First st ill 402 S. Spring st. 1 It' AMEH -SI'I CATION, BY AUOOD FARM i gelea; iv a good ocatio plan speclllcalloiis; and pli necessary laltli monis foroniy f- 3tio: s>ir»tifi ,-usi,, ueleuro on $1,503 | 50 foot Santee it »» bend or gsrdttu'r; city (r country. 4A. I time. glv n on ail elas es of buildings. Ad'|V> l,o\X? HUl.'iul ON REAL ESTATE rales very cheep, B rooms, sJtßl* eatiraetcs #100 cash, #10 monthly, BAKER, y 3U 1aB. Sprint St. 21 Hies, p., lo .\ He, this olllcc, and we will call on 1 X l>S. 3 '3 iMieomiuun si. I security, gnd Hie rates of tutecaii, eitv or I -oil RENT TWO~ FURNISHED" SUNNY #'200 eaali, #16 mouthy. (I rooms. #13.M). (I acres, #100 payment, Eagle Itoek valley. 4iB oi.)--sim:c :.\ki:k--. mid;', tools, MA. ! (?onniry. i!omS end see us. IRASER A JHN- ll' front housekeeping rooms cheap JO"11-25t-f a l UailOM vv » a ii;n pituai E, 24 3 acres, sum pa; meut, N. VV. oi city; wid lake chines ererytlilog complete, with \u25a0 -1 win-, ittJw. Broeelway. ARE WON! j(J inker ttvouue. (bjiLt GLOVES. ACID BATHS, trade for llrst pavmont. paying radu: good ehk>neo or n sim | jrg'O LOAM I good FOP. Fyderlol; rsmoving dosd skin, opening tho CNI.IMITED AMOFNT your W, KEXT-EIIXSaNT" FRONT ROOM-. make.-, |/olt Washington WHITE, It, will br ace BEN W. First 8-room house at own pertOM osHtittg rwplnttmevt 881 #12 crsb, $12 monthly, 5 room-, Thirty-fifth THttTvtnQ I stitr.ii loana;nocemmissioni;uchtcsiiensc. pores, carrvitig off iiolsou of Rise sesthrough iallowed iSBl furnished, (lose In; all convenience..;. 822 price: inusi bo sokl 18 tl \u25a0tree*. AH to f'esirri (Arse Heescltaryt, /er lew /iisrrlieMs, comnteklon. UHI I V Loan i TitLST CO.. S. Spring i] s.1 Broadway. the pole- mid clearing Crock, I »? #?;/> (alt cash, #15 montlilv. t rooms W. Pleo. t"H'liittt f.ec of Mich, isiii- | mtrtrr tre tmeni- given iii Bat I ? oHEi.L AND rutin STOKE I'tiK SALE? II St. 2-1 l-u5 # 00 cash, #20 monthly, ti rooms W. SevenN. MAIN ST.: FINE -pIIE DENVER, toriiin. given nt istieiu's homu if desired, i'\y ANTEI>-BY""«'OTni for i,onlleman or lady; Business sTßlitbla Q teenth. OXKY LOAN ON* IN MORTGAGE MR.- M ! ctiFFiN, i'rofo-.'lonal Masseuse, 1 frinlahrd rooms, fl.fto per week and up. y > keepel en large ranch for last two joars price, jjtj.s more or Jess: will invoice if de- 1»I suiiisofTHikio ai to -f loii.onii; Make offer on house and largo lot on l curl $ 2.50 monthly for rent 5 room cottage; the 110 charge for ! 27 \u25a0 situation; 411 S. Dill st. town or country. Address MISS slred, l ull ut mi s. Bpriug >t ISII street, near First, furniture for sale, BlfiA; worth #175. examination of property or title. 428 S. .Main j center 01 city. I j N, on, Col Cel. 25 Apply to 11. E. HI'DDALU 312 >¥. First. 25 RENT?ro-T«'t) FURNISH KB BOOMS \u25a0StTOTK : -THE 1 os ANGEI ES CITY W ATER HRoVV \u25baryv-BAKKKY: LARQI OVKN', BORIIC, st. MAIN STREE'I SAVINGS BANK, U-lß|f j f'01! »pt)t/il tragon, etc,; evorythlng complete fur housokcepliig, 110 S. Hellman St., Fas! tompany will trictlyenlorce the follow- /Toon DRESSMAKER FROM SAN FRANro on INrßiklliig ing rules; The li.nus for m glltl MONTHLY \u25a0 ,II cm ii would like some more work at bom ; i and in c oil eoudltion: pays big. BKrl I ,>t staHi'nonts; loan l us Angeles long time antteasy naimtutr. 8-room cottage near Temple, est $1S,000; tweeu O and >- o clock a.m. am! R i»nd s o'clni .. ! rites' s made, S4. oil rxovrerit., near sixth. | Willik, '.".'l W. lirsi si. I.' IS ti Apply NATIONAL Bit Dl.<o AND LOAN BLOCK," CO UN KR OF "sPRINtI AN!' j w ill tell lor #10,0.10; go and sec it p.m. For v rlolellou of Hie ul ovo rcgnlaiio SAI.E-4 OF THE ItF.ST-BITILT B-BOOM yoi'i: 11! 1-81-D5 jjiTii- j ASSOCIATION. 151 S. Broadway. 18triple, large sunn; iront roouu. Terms j L'-i'-'i'l! wi-ii to nit-posK op the Water wRI be shut off anil a Sue ol tpi von i 25 eolMiial cnttnges in the city, corner Ada.us ncss wltbbttl delay lor eaah, always ro to reasonable. boeharg-id before Hie waier will be turned ? «?»* A N'! ED 885,000 WORTH OF"cHATTFC. U* aI, » Hoover; i-ii * and lineal location ihe cily; contains again. s-i i II HI j 1* eioj'anii small mortatages, BNEPEkEB, rpiiE PARKKR, 4H W. FOURTH 8TBSBT; i l. ii. UAUNAitn, H7!< s. Broadway, 3 bed 44-arre ranch highly lmrrowaj. eiTTu ol 'ho Bell, parlors, dining room, kitchon, nicely funilshe 1 rooms, single or en suite. j building, 1. an bank cor. 1 gas Dl-.posri (JHOCKhV MIR A room Americnn I and sewer connections; handsome i Hi. aAFE IioXESOE i'HasTATIS i i-AUli?A OOIXG bOOU I Ger.l If. est blAoea in Southern Cai.farnia; worth rooms: 11 .'4 Itll trade: isUingon account ol roiirinir from First and M-.itn sts. bath 10019*1 will be decorated to suit buyer, Loan and i rust c mpany are enclosed Iva #41,. #10,0 I 'i ot It for Oi reason .lupnse -1 iiie-prooi and burglar-. nu.( vault, with time 1 j business, inquire at -;i| K. Mfth st, v and will bo sold on easy terms. Taylor. 1 i3 | lor sal'l owner not v lauelior. I A I ONLY TO LOAN AT liPER CKKTi REXToil RENT?FI RinsHEIJ KOOBB. REASONBroadway. |iMfk<aird brlllisillly llghlcd aim electricity; 1-1-05. !1 \ M': ckkah ON .11 er s Co-operut ivo Investment Co., Y. 11, 'I HE SMITHSONIAN, 312 S. Hill st. | r able. Emm A i.i:~i:i..-'l..\i for examinallnti OIL, iirlvnlii Hleove iillachsd -01'... OIL t account of Kiokni H. h t HB9 K. I (rat st ticnr i TRUE, gene ul agent, gtMl VV. Third st. lm 20 »j ralirsti'.cs, witii ivrl'lngmaicrlais; « youtife' 2"i i t ONEY TO .snnta Ye depot. s-i if lady in ntteiidaouc. j"A If you have oil lots th t you want to leas?, LOAN AT REASONABLE BAND PACIFIC, 488 SOUTH SPRING ST.; 7-room cottage, Bonnie Brae st.. on inslalllecutlty. MING Jc .11 nc.'s 011 Ht-St-iuass VERY lino largo rooms; ,jll^|wr 'po sell' Yorß'ni'SiNES" Qfick, BEE mcn s. OF LIFE) is come and tell us übout them. VVu can lease «TORTH GOING TO IKBI?A BARGAIN; >ioCHEMIs"I RY ..'MKMISTRY Broaditay. BAYARD, 11> 1.8 id you. lor Ptflco, tbem 1 ERKBT Jt CO.. n«w 118 W. Third it aystem heautlfiil new (i-ro m house; Kohler quickly new scientific ol reslor> n l ti roK cknt MI-OKI.LANfc'iC-s. Seventh; il also the cheapest lots :l4 street, near lllgheal b Itjratifiply ng such vital elSmeHts «s 1 rsio LOAN MONEY IN BUMS iO SUIT AT BOYD .t RICGINS, loa!; oflen euros miraculously; WM. F. BOSBVSHEI.E, mile from tho postollice; curbed, #14 a front foot. lh« blood has SAI.OOX: WELL. BKN ! 1 reasonable rates l£ PAYS A N I'VlliD ALFALFA block, euniei ? p. graveled, taoMth, j now oti'v set i 2 0 Wilson tl Kohler street 10Is Will iK,-<il W. First st. lit ! 1 118 s. Brosdway, 213 West First si: also large fur r ranch, water, hn'ldlug ; Hill, irrigated fruit land p"»° also acres best '* Hour ,0-U. 2-4 walked! Highland HEAL nlshod house. First and years enah, credit, TO LO N ON ESTATE. tl per $iO acre; Sllol'. APFLY BKS 8 $B'A5O au vll LOTS. WASHING 12-l.Mi 224 S. Villa EXCHANOEcent. W. J. FiSIIEB, 2*7 W. Secoud street. Wlll.K, 2gl W. l ir-t. w'FE THOSE BF.AUTIFUf" CITIXEK'S INVESTMENT CO, Ig-BQH S?IZ«> be St., you' Twentieth ort 31 H ion. eve. Maple Broadway, j IJJ NE3 14 tl |7l0It""R N T ~"OP. 7' NINTH AND TENshop purchase; lOld Olllv to par ies building good BUY A HI OV AMY XI.Mi Afl'LY WANTED LONG ""BEACH LOT-WILL i.» V see, suitable for grnecry or butcher | ? to B. \VH ITIC, Still W. Plrst s Uiti TO i.OAN ON REAL ESTATE:' NEW HOUSE,'"'-"BB homos. 1-OiNDEN'i El: Al '.V V I>S« OR 111. 80 i I*r give a c"!d watch. Apply to H. £. Slt> I auy amount vv. r. burke, 2i3' 2 N, Address Melt ARR A 1024 s>. Eighth St. 24 ??|c>jl\' Kohler street: (i rooms, both, pati i*' vv. teoend st. 80aStVsifdhf Itejno, improved; everything ent PALI.. 312 VV. iirst s:. 23 QOIi X roil ca.sh t:o to n. wiiri r: I spring. 15 I complete for retiming; will exchange for prowater closet, largo pantry, china closet, 1.-OR RENT-A STOKE WITH'SHOWCASE FEMAI El'il.l.S AS A SPECIFIC VV I iist ft. i:itf good 1 n trade perty Angeles; give J2i in Los will .solid onk mantel. French plate mirror; Jo viT T, rVO IX>AN?MONEY ON PERSONAL SECI'. I V on R. First St.: cheap. 1. SLUM ID 115 vv s i i.|>?f <» itiswr. monthly mcdlcii c for lmm-djat« relief of a home: cement walk: street graded; First 1 rooms li and 7. -\u25a0"> I| for uic."*?' ?- -i property. I ritv. JOHN U PAKKOVICH, 890 West II W. >!= Ul s:Nr:M< I'f.U-o S «?.*. ! curbed; for painful » d irregular menses?l om WhatssMsefssei sliiulo trees; easy terms; a bargain. ANTED -!l(l'-s.:s TO BENT, IIOCBEBTO First. 28 tf Hr.O. 11. FREEMAN ever cause. For ass byPrice, 12-7 tl VV, J, FISHER, 287 VV. Second st. pur. kxi.ii cofki'.e, i"hi:s;i uoastkp on ia pr Imx. sell on Installments, WS can sell your CO., 10J Hi Spring si. OXEY TO LOAN-LOW EST RATES. BABCOTadvantage, or ii you aeon propert* to our gigantic eolfee roaeter,ilavs ami Mocha. [SOK SALE-SEW 6 AND 8-ROOM baths, i ior vacant bHekwood, city, i33 jouth Bro d miles from tlie ;<sc lo.v i 40 acres 10 "»,l Al lIINEKY, HIES AN'II TOOLS MADE the trade wogood large from, list to select lugar, University line; have a il>: *±\ lbs brtr.wi *1* Electric plbageo'l 1' tnges on ! !o: ,»( nnu repaired 11-25 it Japan toil $ ; it) lbs corn inesl, l.*e; i! |ba I way. .1. VoS sERKEY, 2111 S. Los MING .v. It A A API i. I2H s Itioadway. '.'H wafer closets, mantels and all modern conveAngele si. Tel S3l. il-lltf niences; la.ge lots; cement sidewalks: prices tapioca, goo: 10 lbs mi-Ins, 200; vi apricots, TO 1.0 VN IN MS TO BUTT. WA M t'ssll?Ml IDWLLit > Hill's. 2 c; ft lbs ligs, '.."ie; RIM prunes, 25c: ti lbs $1450 to 8*1700; anii.il cash payments aul SMITH it O'BRIEN, 147 S. Broadway. DINNER TOORDER, TO I? .30; HAVE PROPERTY TO EF.LL OR TOP VJDANISH beans, buckwheat, Stooj 2'h-; tlsVllud monthly installments. s lea ran 11-27 If THOMAS a EWINi., | [ 1 exchange, onlyyou on a reasonable basis how- [ Fine residence, (3 regular dinner. 600, HJi Wilmington It. Boyle Height?, for other owner, IKH'SE HAT hain,So; brObk trout, NICE lsiei S can oyitora, lie; 110 S. Broadway. lmtf lo consult W. li. IVCKKE property. over It will pay ,<.o cash will bey: ii you have BUything tt 1 LC.AN-rj'-.OO;! IN | soup. ;5t bacon, i oil bars -lb suck fiour i Tie 'Pit SFMs'to" SUIt'oF I $1 OWANFKI.DT tTHK 1.. ". TENT AND AWN" Co,, : I3', a North Spring slrcet. We have r-ORSVLE-IF YOU ARE LOOKING"FOR X ¥.-,.,11 and up. E. C. COOK. 353 8. Main. 25 j & that line oaii and w it give you the ca-h. jin orangi luarotalade v bull; HWc; 1 pork, southwest, lo 2."».. M.tin. 11-J5 requests i o. iin.removed S. OvaCi the south properly building inn i 1 for lii Wauled-Any good paying business that Sc. ECONOMIC HTultaSj ..«* A Springs reel j V bargain in the way oi a home, or a to S NET. I of Second and cast of Main slrcet, WITH COED rsio LOAN- IPICOTO to tout lliat will poy 10 per cent on the money Ihave ii ensi, odstosser ior a orsi, DEALER IN RAGS. BOTTLES', t&tjti will buy; that KAlI'lI I;|-.(|s.-.GOI.-i BAlt I 1 830 '.''. i'irsi it. 8-5 tf I CASH to back them up. paving i iivisled, over und above taxos and insurance, good business is oil sa'ks. etc.. 700 121 cans, city Kohlerst and (1 onr line; city Don ,73c: granulaiod sugar, a We have also offers of trade for Ioth buy hitch a piece l« BAKER, 380)4 >? Spring. it only requires $340 J toDRURY, | 20 ; lb. roi!«,i ] \ lONEV To LOVN IN "sujli"" TO iUIT. country property uni D you have anything siivjir. sj iin ; | HOUSE* MOVER. OFFICE lßlraUti hrown this week. A.J. 807 West SI.OPER." taken by .2 I First this iloti'i st, hatever, rcr.son, line, VV. lucked in » AVI ED-GENTLEMAN OR I.ADA" WITH 1 wheat or outs, i/ye; lajntinea, 3DOxea2oe! IAti 1 3 11 \ u 2 5 a 0 34 piuce. comer \\' Fourth. ._]_.' Very tnuny jj in an office j tomatoes, -i can IBoj 7 ban uerniaii fjtiihly rpo LOAN?MONEY O.N"PERSONAL NOTES. ! forget to call and call quickly. some I »* $7nucan obtain liali Interest I by exAngeles and I sonp, vsc; eu-iern oil. 7ilc; arasOlilie, V:>e: 4 X j vastly I business citabllshe t IS-3 in Los oould be beneßieJ I7VGR SALE?FOR THIS WEEK 1 OFFER people 1 3-"I i.nsf 'Mi rociro. L E S_j_f_ changing for city propertt Mid SU others by j hull'interest in leal estate and building conI lantaand Hne7 room house; pantry and clospackages iiarcb, 2'c; iaira. u-lheeii, 7ftej exchanging tor country property, and that is over #2800. Address 1. ii. KEi.- lbs, 4uc. tM>i ets; all In first-class order; lot 50x160, fenced, worth sixth. street, spring tracts X corner v rioN NO Si MDUC QUI OTOLEN?SS REAVABD AND 23 what we ore Ii re lor lii this connection, our price has been $2000; w illtake some ess if LOuti, attorney, U»H Fianklia st, i" tions aslrcd, ior tho return of one gold ring MARKET, (lIS s. LBS In the matter ul exchanges,lts have parties taken this week; Ibis Is a bargain. A. J. DRUlos" .v'nge'.es engraved "A. A. to A. i.," ins gold heart enTHE boiling beel. 23e: 2 lbs louiwl bteak, 1 c; 1 money to .ut In as w ell a* other ; ""ANTED MDIES TO LEARN 24 RY, 207 VV. Fourth St. who have at 141 Main st,. tneorporeled). s. iocaied grev-d "Morris Arons. Feb. 14 18 3," and dress cutting lystem nt Hie i| rlbsteak lie; sirloin,'.enilerioitior po;-te house ] is lite largest by McDowell whenever it is warranted values prbperly, j and b/St c juipped institution in I1 011 tlie other side. It will oosl you nothing to undry other articles of Jewelry. 333 south I MoDOAVELLDKEtPMARIKGACADEMY, I steak, TO BALE?WE ARE AUTHORIZED Stewing mutton, ito] 1 g" o| miit- i thorough ! California. It a provides 84 Spring st. ami Sin ion, he: "rib or shoulfler chaps, 2 lbs 130. ; Southern education iti the most n actieal wu.. ; call and sMy be ths means of beue,n ing you its actu 1 cost a Modern, brSneh of New Yorkt/o.dcr, sell for one-hall 1 s Broadway,sjbopls. COKE, JOHN 11. business to well-built, cm S-room house: convenient bnslPatterns else in proportion, CliAllls'S The khorihanrl fienartnten. leitos all eotnfjetl- JI gn.-ttily. i Everything A LADIES' PURIfC. I Francisco .07 S. Broadway. 12-23 tf_ [I ne-s, schools and ear line; small amount of | 08T ON "SPRING 11-1 lim for owners ol houses j ! .MAUKET, ii!H s. s-pri'lg. Is a great success. Its department of ! We also art 11a \a With a small amouui of money m.d a g. n- ! 1 tors, and-ship cash required. CARTER o; BEEcher, 328 s. exertion, facilities to secure good ! V-'OII BALB-BT OVVNERand have by diamond, c -inliictcd E. Issues, a COL iienms Is K. a llemen'ejdn, s**t with a peer! and a returning Vi? ANTED?2O PARTIES To'.KH.N Brcuiiway. Aii.vws ami wan, kasaTokablk j1 -5 Day session j\u25a0 tenants I.ml eliisc eolleetions. park, 1f0x172; 9- | of natlnnifl reputation. | by Pnirlci will be liberally rewardedolilV-;eeond teacher 1 Just west Of Woitlske onyos government that has plenty oi lallor-ssedeaultsaspco aUy, i to money »' ! loons oi from f ioO bam; orange lemon and de I si. Nig.it ses.fons Vlpnd.iv,i We negotiate te tliisofliee, or to 8.3 West TU iroom house, largo SaLE-FINEST "LOTS IN BONNIE etenriiliig aeita made on short potloe; reoaon. | open v 1.1 tho yo.r. water;bestoraoUand cllmafe. For partlcu! you, Yi.'irs tcitil we see 1 I 850.-.! 00. an etc; nigiiis shrubbery, COIjO. trees; Iswit, ciduous fruit Brae from #ISOO to $-'5,10: lot on Twenty 25 sSerftea vveev PACIFIC Hli .'ii ilTsir d. \u25a0 \\ educiday and Friday 1; -i ! jars asil at 808 U Broalway. ii Rooms able rales, goods furelioed W. K. BCRKE & t!U. elogunt Lome si'ie #1500. HUAIIER, preo,; I llrst near Figueroo, #Bi.'i: lot on Pico near IM7-irau-mo-th-tI j 21 ami 22, 118 1;. s. Spring. 1. 2 lim ; Send for cal '.); .-. E. street, "TO J!Y PEACE." "THREE \u25a0 Ni/Al ios't o. I 213! a N. Spring 1 all ihe time for $30 Union, $050; luts on Vernon and Alhiinv beIJIOUXD-OAME VV. KELsiCY. vlco-pres.; I. N. fNPKKEI'. see. F 18-roombou' j stairs.) west of Co lltp egrove, onespotted cow, 1 miles Mcknighti clay, 253 s. A N"!ED ?TO EXCHANGE?A NICE MOD locks west of First oud low Pico, #050. per ttioittti, s" ! tl' MKHICINK FOR FEMAi X part Jersey, no brand, about , .'' tne; lot taoes Hope and Broadway. 1 years old; si.ring; on el It em cottage on VV Eleventh st. fcr Roeklrregulnrltles from wbntever canie| it j ll'O'll \u25a0!'.! !'. V ill -IXKsS COLLEGE, 270 8. owner can have the same by calling aud pavIt Springst.: the o (lest largest and lliiest rtand w ill traoC for any gcori I never I'aiN lo give rollei: Hh \e.irs' experience. Hi-, live ; prion #3250. propi lordi Hunker Hill ItB I property In Northern Illinois. BAKEK, 2:n.'j I Address lilt. A. .1. OIKIINEB. IM»|, N. Mailt at., equipped commercial sehoel in southern Calilu charges. T. H. QUINT, SALE-HOUSE ON TUiin'Y-FIRSTBT."J 7-room housu at 200 N. Alameda sL, lot 4Ax fi rooms; bath: gas; lawn; tile walks an I 24 i room 18. i^caaeniaotloxi me paper, course in the commercial r?L-OR li'9ttl fornia; n thorough 1841. rented for #25; price BWOO. A LIGHT BAY MAKE, NAVEL FRO- i S. Spring n. graded street; beautiful home; price #2210; fly OSTand banking; a superior and sueaye., near San BenEXCHANGE; branches 200 Nice lot on Pennsvlvonia I jeets liitl-; broke IooSS from East First, ! OAAA RANCH6H POR balance, payments to suit. DENI'AI.MIfTRY; ONE""HANIi A* TED?PIANO*; VVIi.l. GIVE EQt'ITV ul shorthand and b pevvriting department l,ts: groceries, lodging ito st ; Mlxl.Vi to an alley; all street work \u25a0500 cash; Boyle Heights, Re urn lo JEAN LENEitT, \\ \ \ in 3 room cottage worth (SOU, price 11850; j |>EUSOXAL bouses an! 1 read tree! e\*ery hlilaen my lery revealed; | nmiiipr etieal English course: new college ZUUU woo -1 VER BFILDING CO., 237 W. First st. 11-7 tf and coal yards, etc.; property of paid;only #SOO. 817 Ferguson ul cy, receive reward 810, 28 1 Apply to 11. E. SIDDALL, j! ife reud f.oiu ers'lle tr» gr Vf without a mis- I rooms, perfectly Ugh ed ami ventilated; elee- 1j houses or lot or acreage. Temple eve., north of st ; ist 3 lots on Helinont description for sale and ex hunge. u~i an offer-a beautiful 31.' VV. First st. 26 take; 2to s c., in. 111J a tV.'lhird st. trie elevator ior tiipils- use: new Inruituro every street gr de.' "urbea and jand«ttplt 7liOSi?AX ELK'S TOIVITi CU'F your rtopirty. Apply to BEN WHITE 881 tfW. 40x140 to an alloy: ol land on Posadona aye. as a whole Alices; open all the year; pupils re~ Willi acme hinge, 'lie' finder will bo rer an iell-I"i"itnm;re" "or a Lodging 1 sewer laid and all paid for; I or in tract 12 sldewslked and lots; mortgage First St. ELECTRO THERA i'KUTIC about lo be foreclosed and catalogue time; PERSONAL I ceiveii at any il<uatretsd aud warded by leaving same ul 10j7 Maple aye., \\ these lire extra nice lots; only B>7j s.ich. must be sold: no reasonable offer refused. »* honae; w ill trade bouse end lot, or lo', or JL ii.His; clcetiic tro .1 ni on t Mtenttncally iI full Information tree. C. A. HOUGH, president; or at tills Office, 23 EXCH ANGBrei ACRES NO.~l ALFAL- I 20 acres nice level In no, souln of luglowood, HABBERT* gold watch, Apply to 11. E. SIDDAL;., 812 VV. given; ningnetic unil ntaxtagi' electricity. 85c. FOSTER, 147 S. Broadway. 23 -1 vice-president. FELKEH, 4-1 ly la..r walnut Und near El Monte ior ex- lon one of tho laterals of the outfall sewer; 25 MRS. E BOBBINS, »21 81 Main st Uino | N. C. p*y sT< )t Nil-SA M, T (JF. CHAMP lON 'HORSE. i lust st. and will a proper cash y. change cl:y cheap. for --Oft SALE-NEW 4-ROOM" COTTAGE ON I; >-|-HROOP POLYTECHNIC INSTiTUTE.'PAS11-.'3 iii: 1 \u25a0ED?NOVELTIES," ROOKS AND I'Kdifforeii c: it Is tho best bargain on the mar- 1 Horses of all kind! bought, sold and cxclipp4rj North rrosduny. TOl.li BY BKADtNO CAKDSV.10x135 front: lawn anaPflowers; hi\\-AV J. i dona, California the o -ly instliution in ! lot. 88 | changed, and all kinds of sti<et lmprove- -1 catedlotbutween BAKER, .to '.. 8. Spring. rlodlcalaon sale at test stand nt sea side. -30 cents; room 27 (llii Moor ISBU North iEUutheru two car Hues. Price $ 200; oneproviding thorough California InAddress, with snmule, H, bos 1211, Santa Mon- I Spring St. MAIIAME Zl-TN.i. M ss.ii.K «MI KLEOrKICITY. short notice in flrst-class mancash, 23 i dustrial and or; training lor both sexes in conments done on third balance monthly. CARTER (t I I ! EXCHANGE?S2SOII, HOUB3, li ROOM *4'l_fcs DODD, Jr., 1 ---4-' 4 2i3 VV. First st. 328 15 S, Broadway. ER, i nioelv painted; lots BEECH literary or classical Bqitl- I ner. \u25a0IeASSAGK INSTITCTE 3IIC. S. SPRING I ica. 11Ok 105 fenced 1.1". RITA, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, WILL i neotloti with scientific, s, tf 12-10imtw pupils. years scnool for at nt. Sloyd younger per -VI 81. Swedish movement! electric trout- j ?TO education. 8 c naut At-tj lyßlUOO balance 4 BUILD YOUR HOUSE ! January beat Pavilion until i. I'ermuINSTALLMENTS IN ? ment; clc tro thermal vapor and hot-air Manual training school and college oi technollils Angeles lots or cl or acrea.4o. H. E SID> cheap; flrst'Clsss work guaranteed, come i cent address O0»2 8 Prusdwny. par.s of the cltv, or will build to suit you kM | ogy. SALE?TO ANYONE LOOKING Ft T. Courses largely elective. Good hemes belli*. MR. and AlHs; L. B. LAKSKN. 12-19 .5 DALL,gig W, First St, BHERVVOOD, 123 8. Broadway and see COURTNEY, builder, 18s s Broadway. an investment or tt nice home, the following BAKLOW LECROQ, FiIENCH "dB)JSSMAKKR, for students For ciiialoguc and full Inlorma recommended, sp cially are i adproperties ft ROOM EXCH ANGEA COTTAGE: VpSS EDITH DAIiREI.E, RECENTLY FROM \\ ANTED- TO BUY OLD GOLD ANDSI EVER. SALK?INSTALLMENTS; co Second ami Main, n, yt to e;t In ilr.'.l address PRESIDENT H. R 5 ROOM Cm ! K.iYEs, tion CHARLES 1 ..»! ilia ast, gives fifit-elass masssge and mageiitiliy 8500; balance »5,0 i:i 2 and 4 vertise bargains only. extending >t at highest market pi ice. JUL woltkr, tsge, cose lv, $1 on. POINDEXTER A Pasadena. CjHfornie,. from Turner OWNER, 312 W. First SV.'IOO?Lot 50x20 venrs; make offer. netic trcatmenti. Heura, from loa. mto tip. manufacturing jeweler, 122 s. Main st. in-i 8m NO \u25a0W. Se'.-ond St. i WAll .'A HUTU EI)I 1-1 'Wo, M V MS. to Jackson street, with six-room cot26 IjERSON AI PiiIV~VTE Sliloot.. DAY" AND ;it est! m. 1 DOntS U uiirl :j, :jir>ijs. Sjiring. 0 " LADIES, 810~ -MEN. LITTLE tfge, large bar... law.i und fl -wors; 1 eveningsessiops; regular class work; 18?«TANTED? I HfOCK. LEE, INllEIUK «i»I.B-I.IVK >-|00; ADtTAPOR AND 1111' BATHS, MASSAGE AND ?* children and liabie- at men, boys, ACRES, both Htre ts graded and sewered mouth: Spanish or any s oeiul sludv, $2 V electric irer.tment; ladies only. mis...-. bendenl slate writer, is located permanent' ', ior 3month; st. (orshoes, 2 I Jackson street, with -1 loins city northwest; make au offer; 258111SIRS. A. M. FAuMER. room 830, #1750?Lot 50x110,011 TOLABE ily at '-4.' 1 south iiruadway: sittings dal y: i per FTAPFEIi, B*l First «!., rooms 8, 4, A, fl. Opp. 111. VNEYs', 832"5. Soring BALL, 312 W. tint St, fine ,evon-rooin eott-ge; street is i 1 O head of gentle horses single ,on block. stun 7 or double, you BY I.oin'. tells all business inciters, develop-m di- j and house rents gradod sewered, Nadeaiu li'-3u tf \\- VSUED--HOEOE'm BUILD snd Muno good lamil,l horses: you EXtt||AN3E-RIVERSIDE up; AND ftoin So' | persons: UOATKB, sontractor, found; stolen articles 110R CITY building D 884 unttatia /i CHAR LESSONS BY NOTE--EXECUTION per i toetend i mouth. »> down; for#l7 you by coming want j Angeles properly, LEON?MATH.-", cuu set Ju.t what MASSAGE; ?;i,f.A|iAM DE Broadway, Los Angeles. Cal. I^-13 i reunites the separated, restpres Joaisffsci mis; |;VI a specialty: guara-teo scholars able to i r county lands for Los Spring West Thirtieth street, #2250?1 oi 4'ixi4"», oncottage; lfjelect ro-iiiiignetic ireatmen.. 4 lliE.S.Spriiig St. 12- 3lf l guarantee everything i sell. V. V. cocii. ( removes evil spirits' snellr. suiiiil liublls; In society In three months; r,-> cents a i LANGWORTH .1: CO.. 888 S. sireo graded I RAN, with trtx-roiiui and It' ANTED TO FRAME VOlTi I'ICTCR i.S i brings happlueas; a medium by thegift oiGotl; play Citizens' corner Second Stockyards, WAITS, 211 W First n. 24 | ami sewered. \u25a0Ills. MARA" STONE. MASSAGE. TREAT- I*» i heuply and hamlsoineD", at HURN- ) sitting-, w XCHANGE?GILT-EDGE CAHCENGA 11-25 lm ladies, I'iirliiis |*J and IS, lessoo. MR-. C. B on Del Monte street, | .-an Fed ro sts. 75x140, 1 for $!000-Lot anyucres, N. spring st., room 22. st. HE or 30 Spring Itl mcut, DALE'S. 343 S. 1 20 SCHOOL land. 80 liroudwuy. day I FOR BOYS AND YOIJNG foothill niirhts, 212> 9 S. with good live-room cottage: this Is a DOF SALE?ONE CARLOAD 20 HEA men Bryson block second st:d Spiitig. I thing clear. R D. LIST, 125', W. Second st. LADY, HEALER, i \\- A VTED-PAINTERS TO SEE THE EXi pecial bargain. bred end broken; * youngborseii sound, well horse rgives particulars, a, it. brown, rhcclrcul I i'-nin:t s. 3'i.v k SprMAGNETIC PASby TAYLOR, ntr. 18 -2 IN NORTH ERNEST 0. sold mi j every condition; I'.'-^ EXCHANGE LOTS a In tine * eclsior pui ins a: (i'jl S. ~\T, OEOItIiK, E. A. MED!II 1 liTvEiTATi- prim lust. cheap lot in Los Aniielcs. N. U. lo bo us rupresenied. JOHN Mc-1 adonn forcv., Real E talc ami investment Broker, viee in till BffSlrSof iit'e; tells wlial busi1guaranteed spring st. st. Angelos no a*, giioflit. walker W Second 214 N. S. Los st 125?, HEKSON, cor, A SiN. A TRAINING A 81 1 Tiilrd and | prufession adapted ness, PI! V "MM trnde or we arc best NOBLES" SCHOOL liN. ior klnrtergartenors. j oorporatedi tv follow successfully in life; unites the SOD' Address SALE?OREXI!IFVNGB,"wELL-BROKi>l!OF. .1 11. SMITH'S PATENT HoitsE Do N AS SALE? "ItA DJBaratod, bringsapoiil aapeedy marriage, makes .MRS. N. D, MAYHEtV.1170 VV, Twcuty-third st. on iarm, business and surrey horses at the great hoes arc doing horses; 1 work on we pensary; In order to lutroduee our comlucky charms, heals the slek, devel-1* 7-8 tf ! love and COTTAGE ?A PRETTY guarantee to cure all lumen ss ie horses' feet EXCHANGE #1300?NdWtolonial eotiage, 5 rooms, clo.se Westminster sioliles, I 111 and 112 E. Fourth st. mon sense 'methods wo will will give the Urst ops inediiimshin, teuches lelllngl 1 homo ior ranch. Ouergnteed as repiesontod. IRES' COLLEGIATE See Taylor, 102 Broad- in: easy psyilt'ifis; rMPgSIH. 1-13 or ask no pay: we liavo treated ularge uurabsr ? week's trfrßtmenl tree lo ult now eases: nil dts> gifted by Upd; no pay unlessfortune is fsatlslaotlon '2* way. II i horse-that were thought Incurable, aud in cascsqniogiy 4 'li VV. Tenth st. peSfAaneiitty cuted by our No. :i:i">',.s. Spring it 1!2.V'J~5-rooni house, Third St., noar Wail; IOR SALE AND F XCHANGE"FIXE SINGLE 11-13 tf ever., ease were sueasessul: this p lent is ior methods; einlncMfrhysieians ii charge, call given Roomy, Miss PARSONS and MISS DENXEN. snap, and double drivers, buggies and hsruess, sale us shop, cuunly and state rights: any or vrilte, ulj3 x. jiclu at., opposite Pico Its. PARKER. LIFE-REAPiR» CLAlR$ :<loo?B-room house, San Pcdio St., near SIIOUTDAND INSI'IT'ITE, 213 B. F. BACON, rear SHS South Bruadivay. viiy-nt; eonsultatiruis horseshoer can opcrittj tlnueKlioos as well as I Hons on besiness, mm 8m E X CHANG E?PRO PER TIES OFA N V KIND. Sixth. fl j Bradbury building; the loading si urihand era] location*, 1 can. when tbey buy ihe right; bring your law suits; removes disease .uvc, <2HUO-7-rooro house, San Julian sL, near J, See HEN WHITE. 2<l W. First st. '0-32 tf FOIt S * I.k-MlSCiei.L*. ' Ki>tM. 1-1-05 ' \u25a0"""vri*NOElt, EX-AIIMY DOC marriage, etc, Take University electric ear t,i school. lamo iiorses and have them examined free; re- [ Sixth st from Berlin, Germany, cures all Korrester avenue and Hoover Street, go west ACIIER, house, East Twenty-eighth St.: member it costs you nothing where no benefit itcTaw iorclironlodiseases, E. MOLLE?FRENCH Te #27.10?8-room -ior sale? reed Bauli4Y, 918J4; 14st IIBSTISTS. and both medical ami on Forrester uveriuo three blocks tv Vine received. PROF. J. U. BMITH, specialist ol Femaie 3Ci I. Seventh st.. cor. VV'all. 11 if all modern improvements. 40x102; rents for ; Eighth st., north ond of hunteo st. 24 surgical; catarrh, rheumatism; medicine. Si street, second bouse on Vine street, west ol house, ~ horses feet, 74si s. Main st., or I. o. box 700. r 3-room 10l ' #775 A."IH ST. a hot le; cancers, tumors, piles removed with100,0 0 OLD POSTAGE Vermont avenue. J-;ni tt ATi OIIHItX SALE $12 permouth; clo>c in. fettAWi at' 1 doing FOOT, (ho NO latest for dental work appliances HORSE?HoRHF.B SHOD ACout come and see cancer. cheap. B, CO., 38, 854 S X. WALKER & Stamps, \TO To box this office. PJCKCY,MEIiiUM Has KEMOVEIJ il cording to nature and agreeable to art. Mainknlle: prices; gold crown and bridge work: st. Office hours 11 -12,2-3, (i-S. 10-31 m 1.8) j VV. Second sL 24 lOIIN VV. MITCHEI L?PRACTICES IN ALL lowest regulated; wear golddined sime.s matte for nil diseases of the feet, goodto lOH E. Filth, nour Main. (Uvea readT7VOR SALE OLD PAPEUB IN QUANTITIES P, el German | irregular lee'.h 1). Entrancs,roora California courts. WISE, D., 8, OTICE -K. M. OFFICEBBS also reads assislaut.* -nil, lnga,s)l{ Qlairvoyantly,6oe. cheapest lady OP, best; win'.. SHOEING ell 804 S. Loh Allgelss end I lo n Ibis oillce. cards Amerioun Hank bldg., cor. i-trsl and Main stH. plates; are spring st.; odice hours irom s to 10 v. m., Circles Tuesday and Friday, -:uO p.m. Adstreet. 12 17-tin and 1 lo 5 p. in diseases of women a ipaolß'1882?Establisliod -1882. mission. 10 cenls. l adies only. W ltilm Hl' yci.si. PAYNE, .V CHONt.N -XW. COR, FR INKLI.X A REAL OTRABBURG GENERAL CORNER SPRING AND college, iv; graduate ol Jensrson medleal I. W. WELLSblock; akc elevator. Gold kj eslate dealers. ?\u25a0I KCIAI.tST". / and New High sis., Loa Angeles. Rooms Special bargains in I'I.EASANCE, KEY ACNES 11. First ? Philadelphia, St..Wilson EATINO BICYCLE WHEN IN DOUB" 11-lAu country and city property at all times. the celebrated deed-trance mc.l urn, gives 12, 13, 14, Abstract and Title insurance block. I ciown and bridge work a specialty; teeth exride a Keating; slvle correct, quality col RS. VVAVER JACKSON. MAX'tCTRLXii Oursxehsnge list Is lurge and varied, and Its. DR. J, H. SMITH* SPECIALTY, \1 m4tf j private sittings dally; satisfaction guarante d. OECK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, traced without pain. Boonil. roc:, H.VVVLEY, correct KING oi CO. price ,»l ior ladies and gentlemen; specialist in FOLEY, 15 anything confineshould be examined by all who hevo Al wilery. Ladies cured for during Psrmaaently lucaied at uua s. Baoaoway, I Band 0, Moore blk, 110 Court at 6 2105 210 and 312 N. Main St. eaiiipleklo department: electrolytic removal to trade. ai 727 Itel evue uvc. calls promp ly at BKOS.' DENTAL PARLORS. ; ment superfluous block; PAYNE, of hair. 200-7-8 Sllmaon usiness SIRABBCRG A tend d 10. Telephone ili!> 8-5 tl Er lqpofofi'ii-:R I H. Springst. J painless cxtrac.fng and fillV." HANN'ON A I'TORNEY-AT LAV,', I T I,BRIGHT & KITCHEN", AGENTS FOR tel 1.3U. 3.13-U3 1.54 South Broadway. printing in proportion. PaciHs Printing f 9 .Farniors ,t Merchants link bid,room 4, s, K| ing; tilntcs, ffS, itilo; all work guaranleed; I enI U Thistle, bicycle- llrst-class repairing, "VGLIA TltJ'. AIMKNTFoir.ALLD ISE ABe¥; I Plant. 2t7 Now Hige st. Tel. 14 0. 771t | 12-1 i 10 yoors. os 498 S. Spring st. amelilig sblllhed and nickel plating. most supessslul method: no drugs: has CURED; riORNEY-AT-LAW,ROOM PERMANENTLY ExSTI E. .v BACON HOPKINS-MITCHELL, IitSI.NESS \j, D. D. S., HAS HEamination (tee; also chiropoiiv, inuuicurcured hundreds; consultation (ree I. T. II." MASSER" M. lE. 13 1, 3H)i-, X. .Vain st. K. COWAN MGR. THOB. H. B.VAHNKY. log, shampooing, etc. v.vc'Y STEER, 121.. a arid tost medium, has resumed business ; 2-23 moved to 245 s. Springs!.; special at-lOR SALE?A HANDSOME 8-ROOM COT- | W II TI.K. id.i s. Broadway. 11 coastagL for Rambler bicycles, ielo[nt 700 E. Fifth st.; call and see lie:. 4-. 8-US I\y VV. OMR -ADVICE FREE ON ALL tention given 10 loos.-nihß teoth and lv illsBroadway. tugs, neatly furnished: bath room, portu12-13 pboue 135 -1 427 ?. Spring st. prices. 2-13 legal m tiers. -.-1! Weat i'HOTOOKS I'll ft it LOB -. rt. o.iiies oi the gums; moderate luln tub; IliM'te closel; lino range; Lot and i R.G.COLLINS, OPTH ALMICOPl'lclAN* ALE, IBS KATE LAMI'MAN, STARLIGHT, THE ?I ** « \I M cold water; porcelain sink lv kitchen; huge AND VEHICLES FOB 1)76.1 J.VI medium, ijliwEST SIHNX, with the L, A. optical Institute! cvescxeelebnited little trance has re11. ROOMS TO I OFlIE, si., LAWYER, FIRST 205 UDWIG d! DENTAL /<H. W A LOS AN\>i' SELMER. windows, screened: lot 50x1,10; trees and rude ur rent. E. BBtined free. 125 8, feprlng St. S-30 tl I agelci, Cal. Views made lo order giiaran- j turned: sittings daily. 422 w. Sei eiuii st. 21 I It \u25a0 80S, Wilson blk., cur First and Hiring. I / flee, room 1, 114 8. Spring st,; offlco hours, rrisge flowers; stable, stalls, two and c good f) to 1 i and 1:3t) to a. ': 1" jroom: sigbtl.- location: on cor line: cunJ. 11. RYAN, EYE, EA R,"~NOSE A Nil iced. Largest assortment B. California views. & PIERCE. LAWYERS, OFFICES ; l.i.Ki.sli AMIIIM'HUItHAIUN. uroiKs, HON US ANI> MOItrOAOKS. / 35 lo 38 Bryson block, Los Angeles S-lu-ti Price 8261)0: #.V.iO cash, th ion 1, etc removed to 802, Bilinson blk PA RLORB? GERMAN- vo'-lent to business. TINTYPES. NICEST* FINISH, 23c; LBANY "DENTAL BEECHER, SALK-'-C'ARIER & BEECHER. MINING building. A set of t etii balance tiasy terms. CARTER A American Bank cabinets, .vt doz; at the tent, Fp'r Main st. TORE IBH (OR HA MM V.M)'IIATiI.S IN gold, HOUSE, ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, 115 VV. I brokers, represent leading properties: made ly 328 8. Broadway. So. t'nl., 2:10 S. Mum si., have changed i Best s.a whltu teeth, iflu pr set. 25_ P xTP.N re, copy KIOHTg, UtC. fii. Fist collections attended to promptly coppur, lead eic examinations silver, ? st MAXES I*lUST-CLASS IVOR X I bands and been thoroughly renovate Also WESNER most cuinpetent FOR INVENTION'S IN AEI.COUNW ILDER, und reports iiirnisbed by the only; #2 up, 120 N. Spring st ii 14 BALE?BARGAINS. have ltussluu ivu'por). Milidtur, msdloated, PATENTS H. MARITN, LAWYER AND NOTARY, and responsible California experts: corresponI tries obtained, bougnt and sold. Trade Comer Seventh and Main its. salt, tub and other Laths. Massag'igiven /. 13!) N. Spriiig It. Los Angeles, Cal. 10 promptly furTelephone 1034. Thirtieth, solicited; 4-11 if near information $050. marks, copyrights, etc, by s. ,1. day ,4 co., pLAZA GALLERY?PHOTOS, *1: ANY SIZE steam, on Hoover. dence Lot jour indies and gents at "itallis" or in ln-iue 12- 2tf v d. Office. 338 S. Broadway. psturtt attorneys, rooms 232-233 Lot on 1 weiity-tirst, hear Figneroa $850. Bradbury i l_and (hejjest Finish., 313 x. Maiii st. 11^2t Electricity scientific-all* given by graduate of w F. ATTORNEY "^i IfMJji KENNEDY,"dI"nTIKT, N. SPRING II Lot Sox 160 on Adams street, $10.10. building, Los Angeles. BstablishedlB4o. 1-28(1 | I; 11oni s tit: aml R7 Bry.-im block. eleetrieal college. Physician in charge; conbt., rooms 2, 8 and 7. Painless extraction. JAMBI-M^BINO. money easy sTVUNtI V UK. linlld houses on FuriCih v id departments lor ladies sultation free. Separate ITAZARD TOW NSEND !l DOWNEY" I _U-20tf monthly payincits. Sou and gents Open day and night. UKOOKS&CO. PLHSIIIKItS. i 1 block. Tel. 347. Los Angeles. 11-21 ti n-:s F. A. HUTCHINSON, D, a. a 1*1). 8., 175 NORTH ALLtH, S. Main st. chuiigc, 3*il N. Alain, is tlie place to buy 1 I iltting dresses callup.at .121 SANITA 31 Boston store. 11-22 tl 818 West First St. spring BROS., St., V over LAWYEI,s NIGHT PATENT AND orsell your furniture, carpets, "or first class MRS STOLTENMT'iVe: X :r .111: I*. 1: ina«e from #4 Dresses special y. given, '? East Estimates sulieitors, 3QS m imsiiii block. F..1 1543. I! upholstering; goods stored and sold on comBALE-LARGE RESIDENCE LOTS C-VV ON 11E I: ULTER. STEVENS 3.4' s. SPRING ST. i.-iOR it c mission; first-class stock and popular prices, m a \ok, Fourth It, two doors eaU ot Los Angeles st. Open Sundays end evenings; eloetrlc light. V Toivne and Stanford nvouues In I'enlson Repairs made lor any \J 103 W. Fit'tli street, c. t.. UUELU ..CI Li a V». tract, noar Ninth street sebool; #HVOaud «p, HKisti.cu inn uooiift, 1 tf IT-RANK a. weinsham:, PLUMBER stove in tlie I. s. I'uttetns made to order. 13 JC gas fitter. 840 E. second st. Tel. 13Q. AND B."CUNNINGHAM, DENTIST; CALIFOSV on paymeuti u> suit; wper11 ioun purchaser "g"' 'h'.-VMMELL, "fOCULIST, 1 second HANDSTORE WANTS GOODS pAIL KOYNK-M.VNFi Ai TUBER "pLPEB WALTER building. Bank at this cent; luoney nla to build with S is In 1? j-.TC'I isn.s ,c LANE, til 7 :-. Spring st. / iAS'i, INK STOVE CI.KANKI), REPAIRED" at siowtll block, has reI and cane.--, Uermaa sport pipes, German forme ly locatedbuilding; Ai IST ( KM. ng dista- cc, and best opportunity you walk oilleos, 3i5-318: t VT Te I iiio-t. lII.ACKMAX,4»3 H. Spring st. HAMMOND cigar aad oigare ie holdera in meersahauni TCCKI'.R, DENTIST; W. P. can Hud. N. B. WALKER it Co l\:i><t West movod I>toStfmson and wcizel wood. Meerschuum goods ro11-1.1 3m i bloeil, Spring st. l»08 I BBS. IlttlN AND SI.ATI' MANTELS; FINE 11-2 If to 4. BILL hours. Second »L _24_ I, s tVN ? It \u25a0' \u25a0 INC. -I.aired. 230 Soul ii Bio 'dw a\. n ? .Ml l»order; cabinet wera herd wood lumber. s campbelTTpres't L A BILL POBT»;>'la.s.. j *S|)tt M. BOHKMAN, ;>|4 S. spring st. Telephone, CHlHOrllblsiK. Hl' HOI.* I ItEH. KKKTING it V ingCa: the only houest bill poster. 119 I in 1108. HAS ORNAMENTAL AND ers; lawn layingaml cutting a specially; E. second. Tel. 1473. Sign palming. )N CH 1 luiroDisi; El ; BEAUTIFUL 11-RCOM s, large SALE-stlso A gardens ear-d ior by ihe moiilli on ressonabl 1 vuriaty; 319 W. I' ilecid ions fruit Ire i asT ctu it er Tif"iYpG.KO N WOt'O »V. HK. 1 pedicuring for ladles and gentlemen; aOH Os house, completely furnished 1411110,81111116, PRESIDENT STATE BILL terms. Aiidress, 'Jti ; s Main st.. I.os angcles. j rl ho stered goods, mattresses etc.; earpot / EO. I.rs'McLEAN, Fourth street. Celt or write. StlmsOii block, corner Third aud Spring; Sunlawn, Flower street near Pico: bargain. TAYonly bill poster in VTl'ostt association ihe lining and laying a specialty. 331 s spring s t. BY lIEERDI G IUIEN "vVOOInVORK hours, to 4. 10-17 Bin day Broadway. LOR, 10 102 27 i|.MUAKBI> Los Angeles. 234 S. Main -I. aiOl JKVVKLKH. »I. < 1 i.l. .1. vi .t; 111 > a, Y. a_- peclalty. 1018 8. Main st OOM*>(7J,VlNti 1 KOIMMr.It. nT 1 KENNEDY, AND AND JEWELRY \ /"A VVAONIKRK, PIANO*. MACHINE chiroporiist; moles and hair removed by ?< rmi » UK VT ut tempting prices at W. J. Geiz's Jewelry work.,. tTllYTTmilil"MEl'-iIAXICAI. V Mafrot electrical apparatus, 14s w 'l's|lE aßroadway. blk. electric needle. Crocker 212 8, LJ OOLDEN 388 le^bakgaiNs^iri*ANd!a SI?)RAGE Broivdway. sa OPPORTUNITY?«? i(AREHOUSE; STOR ?fTAOR BALK-A Store. st.; toi'is ||iie inaeliine works. 7-4 J~I eeor and draugm.-ina n, 114 X. springst. L. A. 18 " right piano slightly used ipl 3. Hand' 1- i:h V ro- in lmrd-linisiied house, lot 50x150 with \u25a0 '-'\u25a0 1 ii-' in 1 age oi all kinds ol goiHis. 2M N. Mam St. also I.'rSIIII S CRtli.ei V lt«l Irl 111. CIS. ! sonic Ivors .v Pond piano, SUap nargaiu, not "c,"'btapfer, "chiropodist and stables, fernery, lawns flowers, etc.; port At, KSTAIK. Kit iss HBBo| worth ISAOO. Largest si/c nicely enc.diosit stands, only 8300b; massage. 211 W. First St., opp. Nadeau. much used,grand co.v < iia c rOMB. M?C I r. MARKE l TEAB» closo to St., caib; not far from Thirtceuih case, pedals, inno, hi, 3 wulnut saihi ANli coffees, spices and olives. LUDWIO m cabinet i z"a7sh"a"u, SURGEON ? treetcors, THE DEAN, GILBERT & SANDMEATS tin'- tone, H-27U, cash or lnsallmnuts. KOHLEM i> insurance agents: money loaned at six 11 VOltSls MARKET FOR I HOICE WAGNER, tolophcnc 550. 12-22(8 Broadwsy. 35 y> I<l, St., CO., 237 VV .First S. Main 4 132 8. street, per asphalt paving. CHABE, 11-20 A 233 s. Springst. cent. 200 West Third 18-7 tl el. 124 rooms and 5. 10 FORD 1880 9. Main st Tel. west tST.i J ous und I I I . t\% I COLUMNS FREE ! |; I 11 Ii * J WO _ : 1 I ~N~KVERY"~"sKi.'TIt>N J \u25a0 « t w: p »v nr«l»-M ? ? !i .' j \ co, : I/MI'I.OYMENT iI ' , ? ; '? ,' ; ?,? j I -. : - LADYTTSociiC ~ ]\ioNi.Y ? ' Irvor I "^yANTED- ' MESMIN'S U- : _ , -: . .. ':i | IJEIISONAI. : Si ? . i ' in\u25a0Vixes'Tc'ihxTiTk .; DIE DR. , .' ' I - TOS . anLfa " ENGI ' J pEi.L"& 1 _ _ - FOR HOUBEB~ON , car"ns~~*T~i . i W' . HENNINGi I" V -AT~LAW. K j I * HEN C'^tflMUA - MRS. SITTTiTIUHtrGIt^NTT Dr~b. . BICYCLES I I7oR DR DR. . I \ DR. . - I7VQR . IRANK fwso'cill. - KI.Kt'I'KICAL lIORI _ 01^.^?*^^*^ ; i-iiTnTiKE^^ V"Td , IjSRNEST I''aTrTn^'oo.T'Tas." *CO? IyOB JJVOft _ CIAttTEB . 17V0R ADAMS rti CI VVrhl DR. Hoi.i ' Ist 1 , , D"^T"c CiHENEV * : AH.. Make" I-iOR 1ST K~ : ; | MLLE. ONLY J vv. , 1508 I 1-OR ? t-lOR lONGIEY NEW / ].-or . I IJRIVATE MRS. Km6.Cob I j >> X" ,i IT6R _ tr>OR"EXCHANCE-3 -! SCHOOL^ ':pillT''!!*DS ',i ,, ? \ - : ; lAOCR ?I ' 1-iOR I OLaTrVOYANT AHB \i.NEs ' !;! I~V>R BrUNisH B- _5 ! ! , . -i'lU-IV-nKAI-TIFI'L i ? i hJID- ; iJEKSONAL? ' DASDRfFF .Ii _?..?_ : . . . N ? ; - : : \u25a0 _ '\u25a0 i: ' ;, MM ' . SlO.'.Odoi : ; II EE?AtTViI" . , E': ITF ? . ' " Ij 1 Tmsi: CHASE'S MI. MME. * ' | * jIi ? IsOltriJNEB . ISOR j ' 1- yl I ' T , \I.EEI : T "\\""ANTED* j I 'r * MONEY ; ; Mrs. -itCTTIIX OR J ; i : VWOXDERFI'L - !i I ; - : yIONBY I ' :U I ST., . PERsoSaC LODGING I MONEY ! .-t~BKLL HOME! i jEsOa 77 170r'HENT^a^At:Re'fRFIT fSToK?BARBIiR - ~7 ! ? : I Oil AF , , .77777. i j fT linY-HIED ! ? _ ' .' >.' , ' ! _ 5t.....77" - -- I . L-J! ;i T/oit ? ?,7. | 1?o~n - IVI , . , ! , ; ."77 _ I M ; \ j I : 5i....77. I' '.~ ;, I-Ol: 1 . _? ? ? . . : - , I3OR ' ? 1.-sobI -TfifSf : '' ; . ii.v'i.vTito'lTr'-?? ; *} : J I _ ? ? OMi'.\N"v\ ! ? IJET Y.1 tAillt "'' '" I ' 1 IJACl'i'ic . < , Dl! TItED liTneß - MANICITeE ~ M~OTT~ ? . ' , _____________ ~ - SI'KCIALTIEsr i \u25a0
© Copyright 2025