scandibelt 2010 bf6042 skötselinstruktion

1) Introduktion.............................................................................................................3
2) Beskrivning av reglage............................................................................................4
3) Användning av startpanel.......................................................................................5
Start av motor.................. .................................................................................5
Start sekvens........................ ............................................................................6
Inställning av motorhastighet.............................................................................6
Avstängning av motor............. ..........................................................................7
Grafisk.... display.................... ..........................................................................7
Visning av instrument........................................................................................7
4) Kontroll av tippgaller.................. ............................................................................9
5) Fjärrkontroll tippgaller...........................................................................................10
6) Drift av larvband....................................................................................................11
7) Fjärrkontroll handhavande...................................................................................12
8) Drift av transportör.................................................................................................13
Manuell transportördrift....................................................................................13
Automatisk transportördrift..........................................................................14-15
9) Sirén och ljussignal.............................................................................................16
10) Skydd
Avstängning och varningar..............................................................................17
11)Startpanel, felmeddelanden och symboler...........................................................18
12) Startpanel konfiguration
Öppna konfigurationsfunktion........................................................................19
Ändring av Parameter....................................................................................19
14) Underhåll och reservdelar
15) Anteckningar.........................................................................................................23
16) Front Panel Parameters & Diagrams..............................................................24-25
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Detta dokument innehåller instruktioner för drift av Elect automation 3500 start panel. 3000 seriens modul
har konstruerats för start och stop av motor. Användaren kan även få överblick över systemets
driftparametrar via LCD skärmen
3000 modulen övervakar motorn, indikerar driftstatus och visar felmeddelanden samt utför automatisk
stopp av motor med omedelbar indikering av felets art och visning på LCD skärmen.
Den kraftfulla mikroprocessorn i modulen ger möjlighet för en rad extra funktioner:
· Ikon och textbaserad LCD display
· Övervakning av motorparametrar
· Två inställbara input för användning av alarm eller en rad olika funktioner
· Magnetisk avläsning av motorhastighet i varv/minut
Med hjälp av en PC och mjukvara för 3000 serien kan utvalda sekvenser, tidsfunktioner och
alarmgränsvärden ändras. Man kan även ändra dessa funktioner direkt på skärmen via displayens
Modulen har en robust plastinkapsling för montering i frontpanel. Inkopplingar till modulen sker via
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Beskrivning av kontroller
Denna sektion beskriver kontroll-lådans alla funktioner
Nyckelvredet på kontroll-lådan stänger av strömmen när den inte används efter att korrekt
nedstängningssekvens har utförts. Nyckeln kan tas ur för att säkerställa att endast behörig
personal använder maskinen.
! OBSERVERA: Använd inte denna nyckel som isolering/startspärr vid underhåll. Använd
istället det avstängningsvred som sitter monterat bredvid hydraulblockets ventilvred.
Avstängningsvredet isolerar batteriet.
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3) Drift av motorns startpanel
Start av motorn
Tryck först på
Tryck sedan på
startknappen en gång
En blinkande hand
symbol lyses
upp för att möjliggöra mauell
Tryck två gånger
Siren & ljussignal
aktiveras i
tio sekunder
motorn startas
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I händelse av "falska" startförsök finns en fördröjning på 1 sekund. Om alla startförsök tas bort under
fördröjningstiden, återgår enheten till stand-by läge
Om ett startförsök fortfarande ligger kvar efter fördröjningstiden, aktiveras motorns förvärmningsrelä och
sirén och ljudsignal aktiveras i 10 sekunder. Sedan aktiveras bränsle- och oljekylar-reläer och motorn
Om motorn inte tänder/startar under detta försök, stängs startmotorn av under en period på 10 sekunder
och sedan görs ett nytt startförsök. Efter 3 misslyckade startförsök stoppas sekvensen och displayen visar
fail to start ikonen (se felkoder och ikoner)
När motorn startar stängs startmotorn av. Hastighetsmätning är inställd från fabrik som en magnetisk mätare
monterad vid svänghjulet. After att startmotorn stoppats aktiveras Safety On timern, som tillåter värden på
Oljetryck, Hög motortemperatur, Laddningsfel och andra invärden att stabilisera sig utan att utlösa ett fel.
Om ett felvärde fortfarande ligger kvar efter att Sefety On timern stoppar, stannas motorn och ett
felmeddelande visas (se felmeddelanden och ikoner)
När alla timerfunktioner har stoppats och systemet fungerar normalt visas Engine running (motor igång)
Inställning av motorhastighet/varvtal
På 3500 BFA seriens panel regleras och kontrolleras varvtalet via motorhastighetskontrollen. Användaren
reglerar varvtalet via en potentiometer på framsidan av motorns startpanel.
Minimum inställt varvtal är 1000 rpm (varv/min)
Maximum inställt varvtal är 2500 rpm (varv/min)
När bandtransportörer startas körs motorn på ett förinställt värde av 1400 rpm för att sedan återgå till det av
operatören förinställda värdet efter en kort tids fördröjning. Notera! Under sekvensstart av
bandtransportörerna är motorvarvtalet fast och potentiometern urkopplad!
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Stänga av motorm
För att stänga av motorn,
tryck på knappen en gång och motorn stängs av omedelbart
I nödlägen kan de två nödstoppsknapparna på framsidan av inkapslingen och på 3000 seriens startpanel
användas för att stänga av motorn. Ytterliggare en nödstopp är placerad vid larvaggregatet och kan
användas efter inkoppling i kopplingslådan på bandtransportörens högra sida.
!OBSERVERA! Vidanvändning aktiveras ett allmännt alarm och sirén och ljussignal (se Sirén och
ljussignal). Nödstopp(ar) måste återställas och sedan även kontrollådan för att ta bort alarmet och
stänga av sirénen.
När motorn ligger under driftskontroll av modulen (start och stopp) visas en ikon iform av en
äggklocka på displayen för att indikera att timerfunktionen är aktiverad. Exempelvis vevtid,
vevstopp etc.
Grafisk Display
En 32x132 pixel LCD (35mm / 1.4”) är monterad för instrumentering och alarmlista. Displyen är indelad i
områden för instrumentering, enhet, alarmikoner och för Front Panel Editering (FPE) läge.
När enheten inte körs i FPE läge visar FPE området den aktuella konfigurationen. Bokstaven "M" står för
huvud(Main) konfiguration aktiv och bokstaven "A" står för Alternativ konfiguration
Visning av instrumenteringen
Man skrollar genom de olika sidorna av information med hjälp av pilknappen nedan.
När man valt en sida ligger den kvar i displayen tills dess att en annan sida väljs eller efter en lång tids
inaktivitet. Då återgår modulen till varvtalsvisning (RPM Status). Vid manuell skrollning kommer displayen
automatiskt gå tillbaka till Satus sidan om ingen knapp trycks under konfigurationstiden under LCD Sidans
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OM ett alarm aktiveras under tiden man är inne på status sidan, visas sidan med alarm för att
uppmärksamma operatören på alarmet.
Page Order
Motor varvtal
Motor drifttid
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4) Tipping Grid Controls
By Using the selector switch on the front of the engine starting panel you can select auto mode or manual
Manual Mode
When the selector switch is in the manual position the tipping grid can be raised and lowered via up down
push buttons on the engine starting panel
Grid Raise
Grid Lower
The Tipping grid remote control Up/Down buttons will also operate in this way when the selector switch is in
manual position
Automatic Mode
When the tipping grid selector switch is placed in automatic mode, the tipping grid up/down cyle will be
automatic, This reduces the operator time involved in clearing the tipping grid of debris.
In order to start the automatic sequence the grid raise up push button must be pushed on either the engine
starting panel or via the up push button on the tipping grid remote control.
The Grid Raise and lower sequence is controlled by a timer, the time Up/Down time setting of each
automatic cycle can be set and adjusted using the potentiometer on the front of the engine starting panel.
NOTE: The downward stroke of the tipping grid is controlled by a hydraulic pressure sensor located at the
grid valve block in the canopy, this de-energises power at rising oil pressure towards the end of the stroke.
Setting The Grid Raise/Lower Time
Start the Engine (as described earlier in this manual) and set the desired engine speed
To adjust the grid Raise/Lower time turn the potentiometer fully clockwise then press the up button once,
The tipping grid will start to rise. As the tipping grid reaches its fully raised limit start to turn the
potentiometer anticlockwise until the grid lower led light on the front of the panel illuminates and the grid
starts to lower. The grid raise and lower time is now adjusted for the set engine speed.
The Time may need to be adjusted again if a lower or higher engine speed is desired.
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5) Manövrering av tippgaller
Fjärrkontrollen har en Av/På knapp på backsidan till vänster om bältesfästet. Denna måste vara påslagen
för att fjärrkontrollen skall fungera.
Manuellt körläge-Manual mode
När väljarvredet på panelen är i manuell position används upp och ned knapparna för att reglera tippgallret
Automatisk körning -Auto Mode
Med väljarvredet i position Auto, kan automatisk reglering av tippgaller aktiveras genom att knappen trycks
ned en gång. Detta aktiverar automatisk sekvens beskrivet ovan. Ned knappen är deaktiverad i detta läge
Auto-körläge kan deaktiveras när som helst om manuellt körläge önskas. Detta görs genom att trycka ned
knappen M/O (Manual override). När denna knapps trycks ned lyser den röda led lampan på motors
startpanel för att indikera att manuellt körläge är activerat.
Tillbakagång till Auto-körläget kan göras genom
This can be deactivated at any time by Pushing the M/O button a second time
The remote manual override light will go out and auto mode will be reinstated if the selector switch on the
front panel is in Auto. 070-9114695, 072-3684733 042-197900 tryck 1 för att acceptera sedan
Fjärrkontroller använder 2 st AAA batterier
Fjärrkontroll för tippgaller
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6) Operation of Track Control
!Note: Machine will only track when the engine is running
!Note: Hydraulics for raising, lowering, folding & jack legs will be disabled when tracks are enabled
Manual Lead Operation
Insert plug of track lead into socket housing located on underside of 3300series starting panel and on the
Right side of conveyor, Sockets and plugs should be clipped together to maintain a waterproof seal.
!Note: Emergency Stop on Track box will shutdown the engine and sound an alarm but only if it is plugged
Switch on track controls Via the Off/On toggle switch on the track box. The siren and beacons will activate
when switched on and will continue to operate until switched off.
0 1
A 5-10 second delay will activate when switched on, before the machine will track
Move the machines tracks via the up – down toggle switches. Independent operation of each track can be
achieved with the forward and reverse positions
Left Track
Right Track
When Tracking is not required, Track Box and lead should be stored and the sockets cover mounted on the
machine closed to prevent ingress of dust and water
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7) Remote Control Operation
Insert 16 pin plug of track/belt remote receiver into socket housing located on underside of 3500series
starting panel.
Switch on remote control transmitter
Ensure that the on/off switch at the back of the transmiter is in the 1 position. Reset or twist out the red
pushbutton located at the bottom of the transmitter. The leds located beside Buttons 7 & 8 will flash
simultaneously. Press buttons 7 & 8 simultaneously for 1 second. The led located above buttons 1 & 2 will
now flash green. The transmitter is now ready to transmit.
Ensure that the jacklegs are slightly raised off the ground and that the area is clear before attempting track
Note: Hydraulic levers controlling the conveyor height, Head section & Jack Legs will not operate if tracking
has been enable by the remote control or track lead!
Press button 2
on the transmitter to enable the tracks. The siren and beacons will activate.
A 5-10 second delay will activate when switched on, before the machine will track
Engine ‘fast’ Stop
Left track Forward
Tracking ON/OFF
Right track Forward
Left track Reverse
Right track Reverse
Transmitter STARTUP
Belts start in auto
Transmitter STARTUP
Belts stop
Transmitter off / reset
The Transmitter will ‘sleep’ if not used for three minutes, this will also disengage tracking. Store Remote
control in a cool dry environment.
Remote Control Charging
A vehicle charging socket is located at the right hand side of the panel, the supplied vehicle charger can
either be plugged into the back of the transmitter or into the holder mounted to the right hand side of the
starting panel. LED Indicators indicate battery status, Flashing red – charging, Solid Green –Fully charged.
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8) Belt Operation
!Note: Belts will only run when the engine is running
!Note: Hydraulics for raising, lowering, folding & jack legs will be disabled when the main discharge
conveyor is running
Before attempting to start the belts ensure that the belts are clear and that the stockpile area is free from
obstruction and all personnel
The System has been designed to automatically start the belts at a preset engine speed of 1400 rpm, this is
achieved via the use of an electronic throttle actuator system. Starting the belts at this lower speed reduces
excessive wear and premature failure of the machines components.
Starting of the belts can be conducted manually at the control panel or automatically via the Track/Belt
remote control,
Manual Belt Operation
Selector switch for manual
and automatic belt operation
1. In the bordered BELT CONTROLS section set selector switch at the manual position.
2. Set desired engine run speed using the potentiometer marked ‘engine speed’
3. Press the green start button on the belt to be started.
4. The engine speed will lower to 1400 rpm, the belt will then start after a 10 second delay
5. Press the green start button on the next belt to be started
6. The engine speed will then lower (or remain low) for a further 10 seconds before the
second belt is started.
7. The engine speed will then return (ramp up/ramp down) to the variable speed requested
at step 2.
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Manually Stopping the belts
The belts can be stopped at any time individually by using the red pushbuttons in the bordered belt controls
section on the engine starting panel. It is recommended that both belts are cleared of material before they
are stopped. They can also be stopped simultaneously using the remote control as detailed in the next
Automatic Belt operation
Starting the belts
For ease of operator use, the system has been designed, by using a plc, to control automatic startup and
stopping sequence of the belts. This can be controlled by remote control.
1. In the bordered BELT CONTROLS section set selector switch at the AUTO SEQUENCE
2. Set desired engine run speed using the potentiometer marked ‘engine speed’
Switch on remote control transmitter
Ensure that the on/off switch at the back of the transmiter is in the 1 position. Reset or twist out the red
pushbutton located at the bottom of the transmitter. The leds located beside Buttons 7 & 8 will flash
simultaneously. Press buttons 7 & 8 simultaneously for 1 second. The led located above buttons 1 & 2
will now flash green. The transmitter is now ready to transmit.
3. Once the remote control transmitter has been started press button 7 once
The Prestart siren will cycle on and off to warn that a belt startup is imminent
The engine speed will then lower to 1400 rpm
The main discharge conveyor will then start
After a 10 second time delay the feeder belt will then start
The engine will continue to run at a low speed for 20 seconds
The engine will then return to the speed set at step 2.
Please note, variable engine speed is disabled during automatic belt startup!
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Stopping the belts in auto
The belts can also be stopped remotely by use of the remote control or control panel stop buttons.
If the remote transmitter is in sleep mode, startup the transmitter as described in the previous
After the remote has been started and the green led between buttons 1&2 is flashing press button
8 fully
(Note: If pressed when the engine is at low fixed speed both belts will stop instantly without delay)
The feeder conveyor will immediately stop and the main discharge conveyor will stop 25 seconds
later to allow any material on the belt to clear
If required, pressing button 8 again will bypass the run on time delay on the main discharge
conveyor and will stop the belt.
If the remote transmitter is switched on this button will stop both belts simultaneously in manual
belt operation
The Belts can also be stopped individually at the engine starting panel by using the stop buttons,
the selector switch does not need to be switched to manual in order to stop the belts.
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9) Siren & Beacon Operation
Siren and Beacons will operate for 10 seconds after start button is pressed twice
, after the engine
has started these will deactivate, unless Track lead is switched on or there is an alarm present.
The siren and beacon will be activated if the track lead is switched on.
If an alarm shutdown or warning becomes active when the machine is in operation or an emergency stop
has been pressed the siren and beacon will activate to get an operators attention
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10) Protections
Shutdowns And Warnings
When an alarm is present, the Common alarm LED if configured will illuminate. The LCD display will show
an icon to indicate the failure.
Warnings are non-critical alarm conditions and do not affect the operation of the engine, they serve to draw
the operators attention to an undesirable condition.
Warning alarms are self-resetting when the fault condition is removed. The icon will appear steady in the
Shutdowns are critical alarm conditions that stop the engine and draw the operator’s attention to an
undesirable condition.
Shutdown alarms are latching. The fault must be removed and the button pressed
module. The icon will appear flashing in the display
to reset the
The siren and beacon will activate on shutdowns to draw an operator’s attention.
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11) Starting Panel Fault Codes & Icons
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12) Front Panel Configuration
Note! Changes to module parameters may cause damage to equipment, competent and qualified persons
only should access parameter configuration.
This configuration mode allows the operator limited customising of the way the module operates.
Use the module’s navigation buttons to traverse the menu and make value changes to the parameters:
Next Page
value/ next
buttons simultaneously. The display shows the configuration icon
The first parameter is also displayed.
Current Value
Changing a Parameter
Enter the editor as described above.
to select the required ‘page’ as detailed below).
(+) to select the next parameter or
(-) to select the previous parameter within the current
When viewing the parameter to be changed, press the button
Press (
Press the
+) or (
. The value begins to flash.
-) to adjust the value to the required setting.
to save the current value, the value ceases flashing.
Press and hold the
button to exit the editor, the configuration icon is removed from the display.
Check data sheet to see parameter value data tables.
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13) Fault Finding
Main Panel Inoperative
Check Main Panel fuse f8 beside battery isolation switch
Check F4 inside 3500 series starting panel
Oil Cooler Inoperative
Check oil cooler midi fuse F9 beside battery isolation switch
Check F1 inside 3500 series starting panel
Unit locks out on emergency stop
Ensure that a negative signal is connected to the Emergency Stop input
(wire no. 11 & terminal no. 12 on controller). Check emergency stop
switch block is functioning correctly. Check Wiring is not open circuit.
Intermittent Magnetic pickup Fault
Check pick up is correct distance from gear teeth
Check that pick up sensor is clean
! Care must be taken when reinstalling pickup to achieve correct air gap!
!when reinstalling pick up centre gear tooth to hole, screw in pick up fully to it
touches flywheel. then screw out ¾ of a full turn, tighten locknut ensuring that
pick up does not move to achieve correct air gap from flywheel
Check oil pressure switch is not faulty
Check oil pressure switch wiring
Low oil Pressure fault after eng.
has fired
High engine temp shutdown
Check water temp switch wiring
Check coolant radiator is getting sufficient air flow
Check switch is not faulty
Warning fault operates
Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on LCD display. Check
configuration of input
Shutdown Fault operates
Check relevant switch and wiring of fault indicated on LCD display. Check
configuration of input
Fail to Start is activated after
number of attempts to start
Check wiring of fuel solenoid. Check fuel. Check battery supply. Check battery
supply is present on the Fuel output of the module. Check Fuel relay in 3000
series enclosure, Check Fuse F3, Check Magnetic pick up signal is present
and reading rpm as the engine turns Refer to engine manual.
Pre-heat inoperative
Check F2 Midi fuse beside starter, Check preheat relay in 3000 series
starting panel, Check wiring and correct voltages at relay
Siren & Beacons not
Check F6 Fuse, Check siren & beacon relay, Check terminal diodes
Track control inoperative
Check F5 Fuse, Check track enabled relay is switching on when track box
is switched on, check wiring
Starter motor inoperative
Check Fuse F3, Check crank relay provides voltage to crank wire at starter or
crank slave relay at starter, Check wiring to starter solenoid. Check battery
supply. Check battery supply is Present on the Starter output of controller.
Ensure that the Emergency Stop input is at Positive. Ensure oil pressure switch
is indicating the low oil pressure” state to the 3000 series controller.
Fail to stop alarm when engine is
at rest
Check wiring to oil pressure switch, Ensure oil pressure switch is
Water In Fuel Alarm
Drain water / fuel separator filter of water, Clean Sensor
Troubleshooting continued
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Tipping not operational
Engine must be running
Check Fuse F12 Inside Engine starting panel
Put selector switch on engine starting panel door in Manual and operate
manually via front door push buttons
Check relays inside control panel are secure
Tipping grid remote control not
Check Remote control is switched on via off/on switch located beside the
belt clip
Replace batteries if transmitter led does not light
Check that receiver is plugged in via 10 pin plug on the 3400series starting
panel base
Check internal tipping grid relays (Manual override, Up relay, Auto Up Latch
Check Fuse F5
Check plug on bottom of 3500 panel is plugged in for track lead
Track Lead not operational
Remote control not operational
Check fuse F5
Check plug on bottom of 3500 is plugged in for remote receiver.
Ensure that internal remote transmitter batteries are charged
Charger not operational
Check fuse F7
Check vehicle charger on known supply
Ensure contacts are clean on back of transmitter,
Check cabling on charger and panel
Belts not operational
Ensure engine is running
Check fuse f10
Switch to manual and start
Check belt control plc is set to run on display inside panel
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14) Maintenance and Spares
All Electrical connections must to be checked regularly as vibration may loosen contacts. Enclosure must
be kept clean using a suitable cleaning agent.
All Spares are available for 3000Series Engine Starting Panel and associated machine electrics. Contact
McGrath Engineering/ Ezystak
On Engine Loom midi fuses
F2- Preheat 40A Midi Fuse located under engine starter
F8- Main Panel- 40A Midi Fuse located beside battery isolator
F9- Oil Cooler- 40A Midi fuse located beside battery isolator
3000 Series Engine Starting Enclosure Blade Fuses
F3- 30 Amp fuse Crank
F3A- 20 Amp Fuel
F4- 10 Amp fuse 3110 controller and relays
F5- 10 Amp fuse Track controls and track enable relay
F6- 10 Amp fuse Siren & Beacon
F7- 10 Amp work Light/ Charger supply
F9- 10 Amp Speed Controller.
F10- 5 Amp Fuse Main Ignition relay control circuit (Dual Power only)
F11- Belt Controls
F12- 10 amp Tipping Grid controls (tipping grid only)
Directive 2002/96/EC
If you use electrical and electronic equipment you must store, collect, treat, recycle and dispose of
WEEE separately from your other waste.
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