Eligible Master Programmes for the Swedish Institute (SI) Visby Programme - the Academic Year 2017/2018 Updated: 2016-11-22 University Name of Master Programme Blekinge Institute of Technology Blekinge Institute of Technology Blekinge Institute of Technology Blekinge Institute of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology Dalarna University Dalarna University Dalarna University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Halmstad University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Jönköping University Karlstad University Karlstad University Karlstad University Karlstad University Karlstad University Karlstad University Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Karolinska Institutet Konstfack - University College of Arts, Crafts and Design Konstfack - University College of Arts, Crafts and Design Kristianstad University KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology Electrical Engineering With Emphasis on Telecommunication Systems Software Engineering Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability Sustainable Urban Planning Architecture and Urban Design Automotive Engineering Biomedical Engineering Biotechnology Communication Engineering Complex Adaptive Systems Computer Science - Algorithms, Languages and Logic Computer Systems and Networks Design and Construction Project Management Design for Sustainable Development Embedded Electronic System Design Entrepreneurship and Business Design Industrial Design Engineering Industrial Ecology Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering Innovative and Sustainable Chemical Engineering Interaction Design and Technologies International Project Management Management and Economics of Innovation Maritime Management Nanotechnology Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Product Development Production Engineering Quality and Operations Management Software Engineering and Technology Sound and Vibration Supply Chain Management Sustainable Energy Systems Systems, Control and Mechatronics Wireless, Photonics and Space Engineering Solar Energy Engineering Solar Energy Engineering Tourism Destination Development Applied Environmental Science Electronics Design Embedded and Intelligent Systems Exercise Biomedicine - Human Performance Industrial Management and Innovation Information Technology Nordic Welfare Renewable Energy Systems Strategic Entrepreneurship for International Growth with Specialization in International Marketing Strategic Entrepreneurship for International Growth with Specialization in Strategic Leadership Digital Business Educare The Swedish Preschool Model Engineering Management Industrial Design International Communication International Communication International Logistics and Supply Chain Management International Marketing Interventions in Childhood Interventions in Childhood IT, Management and Innovation Managing In A Global Context Production Development and Management Software Product Engineering Strategic Entrepreneurship Sustainable Building Information Management User Experience Design and IT Architecture Accounting and Control Accounting and Control Information Systems Region Building Service Management Service Management Bioentrepreneurship Biomedicince Global Health Health Economics, Policy and Management Health Informatics Public Health Sciences Toxicology Design - Spatial Design Visual Communication Computer Science with Specialization in Embedded Systems Aerospace Engineering Architectural Lighting Design Application Code BTH-90521 BTH-90524 BTH-90525 BTH-90522 CTH-05009 CTH-06009 CTH-10009 CTH-08009 CTH-13009 CTH-11009 CTH-02009 CTH-12009 CTH-14009 CTH-17009 CTH-15009 CTH-07009 CTH-16009 CTH-28009 CTH-27009 CTH-25009 CTH-23009 CTH-00009 CTH-26009 CTH-01009 CTH-18009 CTH-31009 CTH-33009 CTH-34009 CTH-36009 CTH-24009 CTH-38009 CTH-37009 CTH-39009 CTH-35009 CTH-29009 HDA-H2UL5 HDA-H2UL7 HDA-H2UF7 HH-90008 HH-93009 HH-93008 HH-90005 HH-90001 HH-93010 HH-92000 HH-90007 HH-90002 HH-90003 HJ-MU075 HJ-MU076 HJ-MU065 HJ-MU088 HJ-MU080 HJ-MU081 HJ-MU049 HJ-MU051 HJ-MU078 HJ-MU079 HJ-MU042 HJ-MU050 HJ-MU084 HJ-MU085 HJ-MU054 HJ-MU082 HJ-MU083 KAU-M1207 KAU-M1208 KAU-M1203 KAU-M1211 KAU-M1209 KAU-M1210 KI-D1000 KI-D1001 KI-D1002 KI-D1004 KI-D1003 KI-D1005 KI-D1006 KF-M1706 KF-M1704 HKR-14945 KTH-E0701 KTH-E1001 Credits (ECTS) 120 120 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 60 120 60 120 120 60 60 120 120 120 60 60 120 60 120 120 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology KTH Royal Institute of Technology Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linköping University Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Linnaeus university Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology Luleå University of Technology Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Architecture Chemical Engineering for Energy and Environment Civil and Architectural Engineering Communication Systems Economics of Innovation and Growth Embedded Systems Engineering Design, Track, Combustion Engineering Engineering Design, Track, Machine Design Engineering Design, Track, Mechatronics Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure ICT Innovation, Kista Industrial and Environmental Biotechnology Industrial Management Information and Network Engineering Integrated Product Design, Track, Industrial Design Engineering Integrated Product Design, Track, Innovation Management and Product Development Interactive Media Technology Machine Learning Media Management Medical Biotechnology Medical Engineering Molecular Techniques in Life Science Nanotechnology Naval Architecture Production Engineering and Management Real Estate and Construction Management Software Engineering of Distributed Systems Sustainable Energy Engineering Sustainable Technology Sustainable Urban Planning and Design Systems, Control and Robotics Transport and Geoinformation Technology Urbanism Studies Vehicle Engineering Applied Ethics Business Administration - Strategy and Management in International Organisations Ecology and the Environment Electronics Engineering Ethnic and Migration Studies Experimental and Medical Biosciences Industrial Engineering and Management International and European Relations Outdoor Environmental Education and Outdoor Life Science for Sustainable Development Statistics and Data Mining Applied Social Analysis Bioenergy Technology Business Process Control and Supply Chain Management: Fronts in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Business Process Control and Supply Chain Management: Fronts in Logistics & Supply Chain Management Business Process Control and Supply Chain Management: Fronts in Management Accounting & Process- based Control Business Process Control and Supply Chain Management: Fronts in Management Accounting & Process- based Control Electrical Engineering, Specialisation Signal Processing & Wave Propagation Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Information Systems Information Systems Innovation Through Business, Engineering and Design - Specialisation Business Innovation Through Business, Engineering and Design - Specialisation Design Innovation Through Business, Engineering and Design - Specialisation Engineering Leadership and Management in International Contexts Peace and Development Work Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology Social Media and Web Technologies Software Technology Software Technology Tourism and Sustainability Tourism and Sustainability Computer Science and Engineering - Speciaization in Distributed Systems Earth Atmosphere and the Solar System Information Security Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering Spacecraft Design Wood Technology Applied Cultural Analysis Architecture Bioinformatics Biomedicine Biotechnology Development Studies Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Economic Growth, Population and Development Embedded Electronics Engineering Energy-Efficient and Environmental Building Design Entrepreneurship and Innovation Environmental Management and Policy Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science European Affairs European and International Tax Law European Business Law European Studies Food Technology and Nutrition KTH-E0121 KTH-E0301 KTH-E0130 KTH-E0911 KTH-E0808 KTH-E0914 KTH-E0833 KTH-E0834 KTH-E0835 KTH-E0801 KTH-E0133 KTH-E0915 KTH-E0201 KTH-E0824 KTH-E0506 KTH-E0825 KTH-E0826 KTH-E0426 KTH-E0421 KTH-E0422 KTH-E0202 KTH-E1022 KTH-E0204 KTH-E0907 KTH-E0722 KTH-E0803 KTH-E0137 KTH-E0909 KTH-E0804 KTH-E0805 KTH-E0138 KTH-E0504 KTH-E0134 KTH-E0139 KTH-E0721 LIU-91011 LIU-91000 LIU-91108 LIU-91126 LIU-91014 LIU-91300 LIU-91124 LIU-91003 LIU-91201 LIU-91005 LIU-91009 LNU-F6210 LNU-F6214 LNU-F7201 LNU-F7204 LNU-F7200 LNU-F7203 LNU-F6212 LNU-F7205 LNU-F7206 LNU-F6208 LNU-F6209 LNU-F7207 LNU-F5201 LNU-F6213 LNU-F7209 LNU-F4200 LNU-F8200 LNU-F6207 LNU-F6200 LNU-F6201 LNU-F7212 LNU-F7213 LTU-97342 LTU-97346 LTU-97345 LTU-95016 LTU-97347 LTU-98005 LU-18660 LU-18995 LU-18010 LU-18550 LU-18900 LU-18405 LU-18905 LU-18200 LU-18920 LU-18990 LU-18215 LU-18820 LU-18805 LU-18470 LU-18245 LU-18300 LU-18605 LU-18910 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 120 120 60 60 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Lund University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Malmö University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mid Sweden University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Mälardalen University Royal College of Music in Stockholm Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholm University Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Stockholms universitet Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Geomatics Global Studies Human Ecology Human Geography Industrial Design Information Systems Innovation and Spatial Dynamics International Development and Management International Human Rights Law International Strategic Management Logistics and Supply Chain Management Management Managing People, Knowledge & Change Media and Communication Studies Molecular Biology, Medical Biology Molecular Biology, Microbiology Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology Physics, Nanoscience Protein Science Public Health Service Management, Retail Service Management, Supply Chain Management Service Management, Tourism Social Studies of Gender Strategic Communication Sustainable Urban Design Water Resources Engineering Welfare Policies and Management Wireless Communications Biomedical Surface Science Criminology Interaction Design Interaction Design International Migration and Ethnic Relations International Migration and Ethnic Relations Leadership for Sustainability Political Science: Global Politics Political Science: Global Politics and Societal Change Urban Studies Business Administration, Marketing and Management Business Administration, Marketing and Management Computer Engineering Ecotechnology and Sustainable Development Embedded Sensor Systems Tourism Studies Tourism Studies Health and Welfare: Caring Science and Nursing Health and Welfare: Social Work Health and Welfare: Work Life Studies Intelligent Embedded Systems Software Engineerging Software Engineering Sustainable Energy Systems Music Production Business and Management Applied Social Research Curating, Including Art, Management and Law Demography Environmental Social Science European Economic Law European Intellectual Property Law Global Political Economy Globalization, Environment and Social Change Human Geography Information Security Information Systems Management International and Comparative Education International Commercial Arbitration Law Management Studies Media and Communication Studies Operations Management and Control Political Science Sociology Urban and Regional Planning Environmental Management and Physical Planning Environmental Science Geomatics With Remote Sensing and GIS Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Water Resources Molecular Biophysics Molecular Life Sciences Neurochemistry With Molecular Neurobiology Nutrition Social-Ecological Resilience for Sustainable Development Agricultural Economics and Management Agroecology Environmental Communication and Management Environmental Economics and Management Euroforester Landscape Architecture Management of Fish and Wildlife Populations Rural Development and Natural Resource Management Soil and Water Management LU-18110 LU-18410 LU-18415 LU-18430 LU-18980 LU-18250 LU-18210 LU-18420 LU-18305 LU-18225 LU-18915 LU-18230 LU-18235 LU-18425 LU-18040 LU-18050 LU-18045 LU-18080 LU-18145 LU-18560 LU-18455 LU-18460 LU-18465 LU-18440 LU-18450 LU-18930 LU-18950 LU-18475 LU-18940 MAH-75582 MAH-75581 MAH-72001 MAH-72002 MAH-71952 MAH-71953 MAH-74122 MAH-71950 MAH-71951 MAH-74121 MIU-L2M61 MIU-L4M71 MIU-F2M11 MIU-B4M91 MIU-D2M11 MIU-S4M21 MIU-S4M71 MDH-42952 MDH-42951 MDH-42950 MDH-44951 MDH-44950 MDH-44952 MDH-43955 KMH-85000 HHS-34011 SU-38949 SU-14565 SU-38948 SU-42358 SU-29440 SU-29442 SU-30681 SU-32971 SU-32969 SU-43956 SU-43952 SU-34762 SU-29444 SU-31216 SU-18705 SU-31214 SU-42330 SU-38947 SU-32970 SU-58226 SU-70332 SU-58224 SU-58223 SU-53710 SU-56387 SU-67326 SU-65344 SU-56388 SLU-81012 SLU-81002 SLU-81020 SLU-81016 SLU-81008 SLU-81046 SLU-81010 SLU-81021 SLU-81022 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 60 120 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 60 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 Södertörn University Södertörn University Södertörn University Södertörn University Södertörn University Södertörn University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University Umeå University University of Borås University of Borås University of Borås University of Borås University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of Gothenburg University of 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Infectious Disease Control Interactive Media Design International Journalism Media Communication and Cultural Analysis Political Science Architecture and Urban Design Business Development and Internationalisation Crisis Management and Peacebuilding Human Geography with Specialisation in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Human-Computer Interaction and Social Media IT Management Management Political Science Public Health Public Health (One-Year) Public Health with a Specialization in Health Economics Robotics and Control Scandinavian Studies With a Focus on Northern Studies* Spatial Planning and Development Tourism Informatics Resource Recovery Textile Management Textile Value Chain Management Applied Data Science Business & Design Business Creation and Entrepreneurship in Biomedicine Child Culture Design Communication Complex Adaptive Systems Digital Leadership Ecotoxicology Educational Research Environmental Sciences European Studies Game Design & Technology Gendering Practices Global Health Global Studies Information Technology and Learning Innovation and Industrial Management International Administration and Global Governance Investigative Journalism Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship Logistics and Transport Management Management Marine Science Political Science Public Health Science with Health Economics Social Work and Human Rights Software Engineering and Management Strategic Human Resource Management and Labour Relations Business Administration (MBA): Business Management Electronics/Automation Electronics/Telecommunications Energy Systems Energy Systems Geomatics Geospatial Information Science Management of Logistics and Innovation Bioinformatics Biomarkers in Molecular Medicine Cognitive Neuroscience: Mind, Brain and Wellbeing Data Science Data Science Digital Narration - Game and Cultural Heritage Industrial Systems Engineering Molecular Biotechnology Molecular Biotechnology Research Master in Informatics Serious Games Tumor Biology IT and Management Robotics Robotics and Automation Accounting and Financial Management: Management Control Applied Biotechnology Bioinformatics Biology Cell and Molecular Biology Biology Environmental Toxicology Biology Immunology and Microbiology Biology Limnology - Ecology and Environment of Inland Waters Biomedicine Business and Management: Organisation Chemistry Bio and Nano Materials Chemistry Chemistry for Renewable Energy Computer Science Concurrency and Parallel Programming Embedded Systems Entrepreneurship Forensic Science Global Health SH-44829 SH-44828 SH-44827 SH-43917 SH-42862 SH-43903 UMU-M5030 UMU-M2000 UMU-M2030 UMU-M2072 UMU-M2060 UMU-M2042 UMU-M2012 UMU-M2076 UMU-M3000 UMU-M3050 UMU-M3056 UMU-M5026 UMU-M8006 UMU-M2020 UMU-M2016 HB-7226C HB-7245A HB-7259A HB-7255A GU-68697 GU-15093 GU-60697 GU-15092 GU-68799 GU-61199 GU-68798 GU-61897 GU-69599 GU-61899 GU-67798 GU-68797 GU-62699 GU-60699 GU-66799 GU-69899 GU-68195 GU-67797 GU-67299 GU-68194 GU-68193 GU-68191 GU-61999 GU-67799 GU-60698 GU-67999 GU-68699 GU-67599 HIG-12090 HIG-17079 HIG-17070 HIG-17072 HIG-17077 HIG-17075 HIG-17081 HIG-17074 HS-41202 HS-41205 HS-41207 HS-41203 HS-41204 HS-41201 HS-41212 HS-41208 HS-41209 HS-41206 HS-41210 HS-41211 HV-97535 HV-91132 HV-93705 UU-M2115 UU-M1120 UU-M1132 UU-M1130 UU-M1137 UU-M1141 UU-M1124 UU-M3252 UU-M2114 UU-M1379 UU-M1371 UU-M1324 UU-M1323 UU-M2125 UU-M3801 UU-M3556 120 60 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 60 120 60 120 60 60 120 60 120 60 60 60 120 60 120 60 120 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Uppsala University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University Örebro University *English B/ English 6 and Swedish B/Swedish 3 required Holocaust and Genocide Studies Human-Computer Interaction Humanitarian Action and Conflicts Humanities: Cultural Heritage and Sustainability Industrial Management and Innovation Infection Biology Information Systems Intellectual Property Law International Tax Law and EU Tax Law Investment Treaty Arbitration Medical Nuclide Techniques Medical Research Molecular Medicine Peace and Conflict Studies Pharmaceutical Modelling Political Science Renewable Electricity Production Social Sciences Digital Media and Society Sociology of Education Sustainable Development Sustainable Management The Humanities Cultural Anthropology Wind Power Project Management Cardiovascular Medicine Chemistry in Environmental Forensics Innate Immunity in Health and Diseaser Journalism Connected Nutritional Molecular Medcicine and Bioinformatics Public Planning for Sustainable Development Robotics and Inteligent Systems Social Analysis UU-M5115 UU-M2221 UU-M5510 UU-M5026 UU-M1453 UU-M3350 UU-M2214 UU-M2813 UU-M2811 UU-M2812 UU-M3900 UU-M3901 UU-M3830 UU-M2482 UU-M3173 UU-M2481 UU-M1454 UU-M2052 UU-M4311 UU-M1610 UU-M2126 UU-M5022 UU-M1280 ORU-89706 ORU-59714 ORU-89705 ORU-19734 ORU-89707 ORU-19732 ORU-59713 ORU-19733 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 120 120 60 120 60 120 60
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