GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 SCHENECTADY GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1965 ma GAZETTE PHONE FR 4-4141 N o w is the time to turn unwanted items into cash. FR4-4141 'Clean- Up, Paint- Up', 'Fix-Up' Week Set EMPLOYMENT Male, Female Help The fire prevention committee of the Schenectady County Chamber of Commerce has designated May 1 through May 8 as "clean-up, paint-up, fix-up" week in the county. * * * sweep" in business a r e a s , scheduling a trash pick-up day, arranging a community parade, distribution of literature, cleanup contests, etc. * * Woman Hurt In School Bus Collision Gazette ^Classified Ads Add Extra Cash To Your Income Join the wise, modern families who^have more - A service will be held tomorrow for Robert K. McKechnie, 44, of 1025 University place, a metallurgical engineer at General /Electric research laboratory* who died suddenly .Monday after shoveling snow at his home. A Scotia woman sustained * •* * arm, knee and head injuries in a collision with a Scotia-GIen- A SERVICE will be conducted ville school bus yesterday morn- at 9:30 a.m. at the Gleason funeral home, followed at 10 ing. a.m. by a mass of requiem a I MRS. MADELINE L. Abare, St. John the Evangelist Church. 49, of 10 Bartlett place was Burial will be at Most Holy Retaken to Ellis Hospital for treat- deemer cemetery. ment, according to Scotia police. The funeral home will be The car she was driving was open after 7 tonight. involved in a collision about Surviving Mr. McKechnie are 7:50 a.m. yesterday at Cuthbert his wife, Mrs. Lorraine McKechstreet and North Ballston ave^ nie of Branden, Fla.; two sons, nue with a school bus, driven by Robin and Jamie McKechnie; Chester Santa Barber, 44, of 51 five daughters, Pamela, Carol, North Jay street. Bonnie, Karen, Marsha and Police reported that Mrs. Denise McKechnie; three sisAbare had stopped at the stop Pittsburgh, Mrs. Jean Procter, sign on Cuthbert street and ters, Mrs. Katherine Derge of stratd to cross the intersection New York city and Miss Elizabeth McKechnie, Cleveland, into Washington avenue. She told police that she saw Ohio. the bus, which was proceeding south on North Ballston, with its right directional signal operating. Santa Barber denied that the directional was operating at the time of the collision. Scotia Patrolman William Stearns investigated. Mrs. Esther L. Sahn, 78 of Brooklyn, mother of Arthur H. Sahn of 604 State street, died at her home following a long illness. Mother Of Resident Dies at 78 and do more because they keep a steady flow of extra cash coming in. It's easy. Just do as they do. Put fast - action Gazette Classified Ads to work for you the minute you discover something you own (that still has value, otcourse), and is no longer being used or enjoyed. Other families want things like household items, sports equipment, tools, musical instruments, . cameras, air - conditioners, boats, motors, and much more .. .And, these cash buyers are watching Classified columns every day. for offers. Don't keep things you don't use and miss out on extra cash that means more fun for your family. Go through your home today and make a list of the things you find. Then, just dial 374-4141 for a Mrs. Coward Dies, Rites Tomorrow * * * -- 72 QUALITY DISCOUNT i. DEPARTMENT STORE -_r...J OPENING SOON IN SCHENECTADY, N.Y. LAFAYETTE & LIBERTY STS. POSITIONS AVAILABLE EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED FULL AND PART-TIME DEPARTMENT MANAGERS DEPT. MGR. TRAINEES SALES - STOCK - CASHIERS IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS: SPORTS APPAREL RECORDS Men's AUTO ACCESSORY Women's SALES Children's AUTO ACCESSORY Shoes INSTALLERS Millinery SNACK BAR JEWELRY Counter Help TOILETRIES Bus Boys TOYS SEASONAL CAMERA MAJOR APPLIANCES LINEN o ELECTRICAL HOUSEWARES e RUGS and APPLIANCES © PETS AND PLANTS CARPETS O PORTERS AND WAXERS HARDWARE • SECURITY PERSONNEL PERMANENT-POSITIONS WITH EXCELLENT FUTURE GOOD PAY AND MANY FRINGE BENEFITS INTERVIEWS DAILY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. APPLY IN PERSON AT IMPERIAL 400 MOTEL ROOM 107 927-933 STATE STREET SCHEHECTADY HER SON was connected with Wallace's Department Stores in New York and Massachusetts Mrs. Elizabeth M. Coward, 79, and was vice-president of Avery ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS of 833 Albany street, formerly an Footwear Co. Inc. employe of the Wallace Co., Other survivors include an12 121 Death Notices died Monday at her home. other son, Philip B. Sahn; two Death Notices F e r r o . March t daughters, Phillis B. Sahn of HERATH— March 29.-19&5, Chris- FERRO—Angelo of 2138 Neil street, dearl A NATIVE of Glens Falls, New York city and Sydnie J tine Herath. formerly of SOl',4 1965, beloved husband of Benedetl Emmett Street, sister of Mrs. Mrs. Coward had resided in Terr, Yonkers; three grandchil Minnie F a r i n a F e r r o ; father of Harol H. Wasson ; a u n t of Richand F e r r o ; brother < Schenectady since 1935. She was dren, three sisters and three ard, Stuart, Andrew and Alice Mrs. Joseph Mary Manglno and Mr Wa-sson and Mrs. E d w a r d Lewanformerly employed in the shoe brothers. Nellie Scavia, all of Schenectady dowski. F u n e r a l eervices to which atso survived by eight grandchl department of Wallace's. relatives and friends a r e invited dren. F u n e r a l T h u r s d a y a t 8:: Services were held at Parkside will be held T h u r s d a y morning at She was a communicant of St. a-m. from t h e DICarlo F u n e r 1) o'clock from the Frederick H. Memorial C h a p e l , Brooklyn. Glock Home, thence to St. Anthony Columba's Church. Funeral Chapel. The eha'pei Church where a solemn requie Burial was at Riverside cemewill be open Wednesday evening Surviving are two sons, Clif- tery, Rochelle Park, NJ. ~m a s s will- be celebrated a t 9 a.T from 7 to 9 o'clock. Interment Interment, St- Anthony's Cem ford of Martinsburg, W. Va. Zion Lutheran Cemetery. tery. The funeral home will I and Robert Coward, Schenecopen for t h e convenience of rel 3IARTIX—March 2S. 1965, a t Amstivea and friends Wednesday 7 tady; a sister, Mrs. Helen Ryan, ANNOUNCEMENTS terdam. New York, J a m e s Martin 9 p.m. Members of St. Anthony of 6 H a r v a r d Av., A m s t e r d a m ; Albany; a brother, Francis Dee, Holy N a m e Society will meet : beloved husband of Angelina Mazfuneral home Wednesday evenb Lebanon; six grandchildren and Death Notices zucco; devoted father of J a m e s 121 at 7:30. F u n e r a l private. Martin J r . and Mrs. John (Lilseveral nieces and nephews. A U D I (Andy) — At rest March 30. lian) FIcres; ; son of Mrs. Assunta L T S — March 29. 1965. George I A service will be held at 8:30 1965 John of 1257 Wing Avenue, M a r t i n ; brother of Anthony, F Ehusband of Gertrude Shavor F«l husband of Lena Andy ; father of Louis and F r a n k M a r t i n : also a.m. tomorrow at the Kivlin-. P a t Andy of Florida. Carmen of survived • by five grandchildren of 801 N. Brandywine Avenu of Richard G. FelU of tfc Campbell funeral home, follow- Schenectady; step-father of Isa- and several nieces and nephews. cfather i t y ; brother of William Felts dora Ambrose and Mrs. Mario Funeral Thursday morning a t 8 Schenectady and Mrs. Willla ed at 9 a.m. by a mass of re- (Helen) Mastrianni of Schenecfrom the DeLegge Funeral Jcsmatn of Ballston Lake, N( quiem at St. Columba's Church. tady. Also survived by a sister, a.m. York; son of M r a Josephine Fe Home, thence to our Lady of a r i a n n a P c r r e t t a of Italy, seven of this: city. Also survived by thr Mt. Carmel Church where a Burial will be at St. Mary's M g r a n d c h i l d r e n ; two great-Krandg n n d c i i ! d r e n and several nlec Solemn Requiem High Mass will cemetery, South Glens Falls. children and several nieces and and nephews. Funeral servii be celebrated at 9 a.m. Relatives 10:30 o'clock T h u r s d a y morning nephews. Funeral services Friday and friends are invited to attend. The funeral home will be open " morning a t 9 o'clock from the DeCalling hours Tuesday and Wed- - B a x t e r ' s F u n e r a l Parlors- Rel after 7 tonight/-! tives and friends a r e invited. T Marco-Stone Funeral Home. 1005 nesday evenings from 7 t'> 9 parlors will be open Wednesd Hoiderberg Avenue. Rotterdam, o'clock Interment, St. Cyril and evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. with the Rev. Charles Knight Jr., Method Cemetery. officiating. The funeral home will be open T h u r s d a y evening from McKFCHN'IK — Monday, March 29, AVOLFK — Suddenly March 29. 19 7 to 9 o'clock to relatives, friends at Concord. California, Jo 1965, Robert K. McKechnie of and members of American l e s i o n Wolfe, formcrlv of Schenect:'.i 1025 University P l a c e ; husband of Post 1005 and C.E Quarter Century husband of Elizabeth; father Jxirraine McKechnie of Branden, Club. Interment. Schenectady MeJohn and Janice Wolfe; broO F l o r i d a ; father of Pamela, Carol, morial P a r k . of Mrs. F r a n k DeTiere. Brld, Bonnie, Karen. Robin. Marsha, pert. New York. Mrs. Wilbur B Jamie and Ponise McKechnie; BAKKR—At- rest March 23. 1965. wick. Schenectady, Mrs, Geoi brother of Mrs. Katherine Derge John E. Baker of 1515 Carrie S t . ; Shaffer. Colonie and Mrs. Edwa of Pittsburgh, Pennplyvanla, Mrs. husband of Eleanor PeMeo BaMordsfeld of Colonie. Also s Jean Proctor of New York City k e r ; father of John E. Bnker J r . ; vived by several nieces and t\n and Miss Elisabet McKechnie of The Niskayuna high school son of Mrs. Rita Baker nnd the Cleveland,- Ohio. F r i e n d s and ews. Interment. Thursday, SJ John E. B a k e r ; brother of berno. California. curriculum will be discussed to- late membere of St. John the EvanE d w a r d J. B a k e r and Miss Cheryl gelist Holy Name Society are Inmorrow night at Van Antwerp Baker all of Schenectady ; also vited to attend the funeral Thurs- : V lorlst$ by several uncles, aunts, Junior high school for parents survived day morning at 9:30 o'clock at cousins, nieces nnd nephews. Fu. the Oleapon Funeral Home and neral will be held Wednesday of eighth grade students. CALL Dl 6-4487 at 10 o'clock at St. John the morning at 8 o'clock from the Evangelist Church where a solFeeley Funoral Home. 1130 Third LEONARD AMLAW, assistant Av.. Mont Plea«ant. thence to St. emn high Mars of requiem will celebrated. The chapel will be high school principal, said the Anthony's Church where a re- be open -Wednesday evening after 7 DOWNTOWN — 96 JAY i quiem high Mass will be celemeeting will bo oa the program brated at 9 o'clock. The funeral o'clock. Interment. Most Hoty Reof studies, "particularly the home will be open Tuesday eve- deemer Cemetery. The Holy Name FLOWERS BY RANDOLPH Society of St. John the Evanning after 7 p.m. to relatives and selections to be— made this friends FR4-I6S gN'st Church will meet at the 726 Michigan Interment. Mo«t Holy funeral home at 7:30 o'clock spring" by the eighth graders. Redeemer Cemetery. Later in the spring honor RVIMKR — Sunday. March :<i. \HK. Wednesday evening. DOM GALLO, FLORIST course students will be selected Katherine Evans, wife of the inte MffTK — March :9. 19fS, I,ewls 2241 Broadway EX 3-072 MrCue of the Inpersol Memorial F. Beimer of 1517 Clifton and registration for high school William Home. Funeral service 2 o'clock P.-irk Road. Schenectady; mother will be completed by May 28. Thursday afternoon at R a t t e r ' s FRANK R, GALLO & SO of Mr? Walter C. Bullis of S. heFurv»ral Parlors. Relatives and n .'Cindy and Mrs Edvlna KerkTomorrow's meeting will be - hoff friends are l r \ l ! e d . There will be 856 Crana St. of Kcnn«ha. \\"iscon«in. Mrs. Dl 6-172 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Clara Mayhew of Cary. Indiana. no calling hours. E m m a Hoelt* of J a n e i v d l e . Thase participating will be: Mi«s Wisconsin ; sister of J a y Evans. PARKKR — March 27. 19?5. at ROSENDALE-RUSCITTO Robert Cummings, head of the Kenosha. Wisconsin. Also survived Stuart. Florida. Henry Albert, 124 Jay at Franklin—4-773 husband of Madeleine Neijrin by in rcrandrhlldren, 17 Kreathigh school guidance depart- Rrandchildren and seven creat- Parker of 2S« Vley road. Scotia: ment; Miss Blanche Goodrich, «r» a t s r a n d c h i l d r e n . Funeral serv- father of Mrs. Houer Covert and Mrs. Peter Oldow. both of Scotia; ANNEMARIE'S FLOWER! junior high guidance counselor; ices Friday from the Rruch Fu- also survived by three grandchilHome. 35 East Roosevelt 1330 Stata St. FR4-I7] H. Edgar Pray, junior high neral dren Funeral (service 2 o'clock Road. Kenosha, Wisconsin, l/ocal Wednesday afternoon at the Whit* a r r a n g e m e n t s by Mahe« RernlnR principal and Amlaw. Funeral itome. 261 North Ballston "FLOWERS BY NORINE' Funeral Home. Scotia avenue. Scotia. Relatives and COWARD ~ At W T M a r c h ~ 2 9 . 1MS, friends are invited. The funeral 1342 Altamont Av. EL 5-£ home will be open Tuesday eveMrs EJIiaheth M. Coward of M l ning after 7 o'clock Interment. Albany Streot. wife of the late MonumcnH Park Cemetery, Scotia. Clarence Coward; mother of Clif ford Coward. Martinsburg, West Robert Coward. Sohe RF.LTF.A-March }«. 19S5. Harry, BOTTONE MEMORIALS LONDON—Dealers are buying Virginia, neotady ; sister o< Mrs. Helen husband of Anna E Franc* of - B U T DiniCCT AKD tUVW or stealing thousands of dogs Ryan. A l b a n y , Francis IV*, 725 Fifteenth s t r e e t ; brother of Br»nlnr» — Runday by Appointr New York. Also (survived Mra. Jerome Stalker of l » » e ) l . D I t f r S M Dtjr* Mr i t H T ' and cats for vivisection a n d I/fhanon. by six grandchildren and several Maaaachueetta and Mra Charle* other scientific research pur- nlec-ea and nephew*. Relative* and Farrinicton of R o t t e r d a m : uncle Rock-of-Age« Dealer with 9* are invited to attend the of Fred D. F r a n c e of Germany poses. This was revealed by a friends .SCHDY GRANITE funeral service which wiU be held and H a r r y O. Fanrington of RotT h u r s d a y morning at 8:30 o'clock Daily Mail investigation. terdam. fSineral service Wednes- lft Catherine 8 t Eve*. A l n D l l -• Al i l l ' . _ * 1 - U r r — T T - ' the Kivlin-Carhprx-11 F u n e r a l day afterroon a t 2 o'clock from . - • - ' — * ^ The inquiry into the source of ai Home, and thence to St. Columthe Bond Funeral Home. Rela For quick rtsulU, rmocln the animals used showed that bVs Churrh where a requiem hhrh tivea and friends ara Invited. results as* A GaiatU Clftsstl will be celebrated at S The funeral home will be open half the 24,000 dogs and cats Mas* 9 o'clock. The funeral home will Tuesday evening after 7 o'clock. used in research experiments be open Wednesday evening after Interment, Memory's Gardens. 7 p m . Intermervt St. Mary's Cemin Britain last year were bought etery. South Glens Falls, New ,or stolen by dealers. York^ 8 p.m. Clarified Ad Clorfng Van Antwerp Discussion on Curriculum friendly Ad Writer. That's all there is to i t . . . And a 2-line ad is just 36c per day on the special JOHN J. GALLO 6-day rate. Decide today to add extra income by using Gazette Classified ads. It's smart! It's easy! And, it's mighty profitable. Dogs and Cats Sold For Vivisection GAZETTE CLASSIFIED ADS ADD WELCOME EXTRA CASH TO FAMILY INCOMES Telephone 3744141 8:30 a.m.--8:00 p.m. McKechnie Service Is Tomorrow 221 Male, Female Help mmm * CARY SAID the success of THE CHAMBER committee, Clean-Up Week "will rest with sponsor of clean-up campaigns the local fire departments and for many years, is joining with their programs to stimulate citother area organizations to car- izen participation. Although the ry out. a continuing program. program is of utmost imporAnnouncement of "Clean-Up" tance to all fire safety conscious Week was made by Fire Pre- people it is none-the-less a citivention Committee Co-Chairmen zen responsibility to contribute Scotia Fire Chief Robert M. to the safety and cleanliness of Harr and. General Services Ad- the community. ministration Depot Fire Chief Co-operating to assist local James M. Green. John S. Cary fire departments will be Mr. of F. G. Cary & Co., Inc., a William J. Hopmeier, county member of the committee, is in fire co-ordinator. Members of charge of the project. the Chamber of Commerce fire A letter has been mailed by prevention committee will also the committee to all fire de- offer aid. partments in the county to enlist their support and participation in the week-long program. Several suggestions for activities .were offered, including sponsoring a "m e r c h a n t s EMPLOYMENT 1 Continued on D16 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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