Statut - Stranka modernega centra

1. člen
(1) Ta statut opredeljuje organizacijo in delovanje SMC mladi (s kratico: SMCM).
2. člen
(1) SMC mladi je mladinska organizacija - podmladek Stranke modernega centra (v
nadaljevanju: podmladek), ki mu je zagotovljena programska, organizacijska in poslovna
(2) SMC mladi samostojno določa svojo politiko in sodeluje pri oblikovanju politike Stranke
modernega centra.
(3) SMC mladi ima pravico do lastnega mnenja.
3. člen
(1) Podmladek deluje na lokalnem, državnem in mednarodnem nivoju.
4. člen
(1) Vsi izrazi, zapisani v moški spolni slovnični obliki, se uporabljajo nevtralno za ženske in
5. člen
(1) Glede vprašanj, ki niso urejena s statutom in drugimi akti podmladka, se smiselno
uporabljajo akti Stranke modernega centra.
6. člen
(1) Član podmladka lahko postane vsak od dopolnjenega 15. do dopolnjenega 32. leta starosti,
ki izpolni in podpiše pristopno izjavo, s katero sprejema statut in programske usmeritve
(2) Posameznik postane član z vpisom v register članov.
(3) Član podmladka je lahko član samo tega podmladka in Stranke modernega centra.
(4) Na predlog kolegija lahko kongres imenuje posameznike, ki so s svojim delom pomembno
prispevali k uresničevanju poslanstva podmladka, za častne člane.
7. člen
(1) Člani imajo pravico:
1. biti obveščeni o delu podmladka,
2. sooblikovati politiko podmladka ter sodelovati pri njenem izvajanju,
3. voliti in biti izvoljeni v organe podmladka.
(2) Pravico biti voljen ima vsak član, ki na dan volitev še ni dopolnil 30 let in je član podmladka
in Stranke modernega centra.
(3) Člani se morajo ravnati po statutu, programskih usmeritvah ter drugih aktih podmladka in
Stranke modernega centra.
8. člen
(1) Članstvo preneha z izstopom, izključitvijo in z dopolnjenim 32. letom starosti.
9. člen
(1) Mandat vseh organov podmladka traja dve leti. Če ob prenehanju mandata niso
izvoljeni novi organi, se mandat podaljša za prehodno obdobje do izvolitve novih organov.
(2) Kolegijski organi odločajo na rednih, izrednih in korespondenčnih sejah.
(3) Kolegijski organi veljavno odločajo, če je na seji navzoča več kot polovica članov organa.
Odločajo z večino opredeljenih glasov prisotnih članov.
(4) Na korespondenčnih sejah je odločitev sprejeta, če zanjo glasuje večina članov
10. člen
Organi podmladka so:
(1) kongres,
(2) predsednik,
(3) podpredsednica in podpredsednik,
(4) sekretar,
(5) senat,
(6) kolegij,
(7) nadzorni odbor.
11. člen
(1) Kongres je najvišji organ podmladka.
(2) Kongres ima naslednje pristojnosti:
1. sprejema statut podmladka,
2. na predlog senata sprejema programske usmeritve in spremlja njihovo izvajanje,
3. voli in razrešuje predsednika, podpredsednika in člane senata.
(3) Kongres se sestaja po potrebi, vendar najmanj enkrat na leto.
(4) Kongres odloča veljavno, če je prisotna večina njegovih članov.
12. člen
(1) Kongres sestavljajo vsi člani podmladka.
13. člen
(1) Kongres skliče predsednik podmladka. Kongres lahko s pisno izjavo in predlaganim
dnevnim redom zahteva tudi tretjina članov kongresa, ki morajo navesti razloge za zahtevo
sklica. V tem primeru mora predsednik kongres sklicati najkasneje v 30 dneh od prejema
(2) Če predsednik ne skliče kongresa, ga mora sklicati predsednik senata v 7 dneh.
(3) Sklic kongresa z gradivi je potrebno poslati s predlogom dnevnega reda vsaj 7
dni pred kongresom.
14. člen
(1) Senat:
1. na predlog predsednika sprejema program dela podmladka in spremlja
njegovo izvajanje,
2. sprejema mnenje o družbeno-političnih temah/vprašanjih/izzivih,
3. imenuje in razrešuje dva člana nadzornega odbora,
4. na predlog predsednika imenuje in razrešuje sekretarja,
5. sodeluje s svetom Stranke modernega centra pri pripravi predloga programskih
6. opravlja druge naloge, določene s statutom in sklepi kongresa.
15. člen
(1) Senat sestavljajo člani kolegija in deset članov, ki jih voli in razrešuje kongres.
16. člen
(1) Člani senata izmed sebe izvolijo predsednika.
(2) Predsednik senata sklicuje in vodi seje senata.
(3) Na sejo senata lahko predsednik senata povabi tudi druge udeležence,
ki lahko prispevajo h kakovosti razprave.
17. člen
(1) Senat se sestaja po potrebi, vendar najmanj enkrat na tri mesece.
(2) Sejo senata lahko z navedbo razlogov za zahtevo sklica in predlaganim dnevnim
redom zahteva tudi najmanj tretjina članov. V tem primeru mora predsednik senata sejo
sklicati v 10 dneh od prejema zahteve. Če seje ne skliče predsednik senata, jo mora sklicati
sekretar v 7 dneh.
18. člen
(1) Kolegij:
1. skrbi za izvajanje sklepov kongresa in senata,
2. predlaga senatu v sprejem pravilnike in druge akte, s katerimi podrobneje ureja
organizacijo, delovanje in postopke znotraj podmladka, razen če statut določa drugače,
3. opravlja druge naloge.
19. člen
(1) Kolegij sestavljajo:
1. predsednik,
2. podpredsednica in podpredsednik,
3. sekretar,
4. predsednik senata.
20. člen
(1) Kolegij se sestaja po potrebi, vendar najmanj enkrat mesečno.
(2) Seje kolegija sklicuje in vodi predsednik podmladka.
(3) V primeru neodločenega števila glasov je odločilen glas predsednika.
(4) Sejo kolegija lahko z navedbo razlogov za zahtevo sklica in predlaganim dnevnim redom
zahteva tudi najmanj tretjina članov kolegija. V tem primeru mora predsednik sejo kolegija
sklicati v 10 dneh od prejema zahteve. Če seje ne skliče predsednik, jo mora sklicati
podpredsednik v 7 dneh.
21. člen
(1) Predsednik:
1. vodi podmladek in uresničuje sklepe in stališča ostalih organov,
2. predlaga senatu v imenovanje sekretarja,
3. opravlja druge naloge, določene s statutom in drugimi akti podmladka.
22. člen
(1) Podpredsednika podmladka sodelujeta s predsednikom pri njegovem delu in ga
nadomeščata v primeru njegove odsotnosti.
23. člen
(1) Sekretar:
1. opravlja zadolžitve po navodilih predsednika in kolegija,
2. zastopa podmladek v pravnem prometu.
24. člen
Nadzorni odbor:
(1) ocenjuje skladnost aktov, ravnanj in odločitev organov s statutom podmladka,
(2) opravlja druge naloge, določene s statutom in drugimi akti podmladka.
25. člen
(1) Nadzorni odbor ima 3 člane, ki jih imenuje senat.
(2) Člani nadzornega odbora izmed sebe izvolijo predsednika.
(3) Članstvo v nadzornem odboru ni združljivo s članstvom v drugem organu podmladka na
državni ravni, razen s članstvom v kongresu stranke.
26. člen
(1) Nadzorni odbor se sestaja po potrebi.
(2) Seje nadzornega odbora stranke sklicuje in vodi predsednik nadzornega odbora.
27. člen
(1) Senat sprejme pravilnik, ki ureja postopek volitev v organe podmladka.
28. člen
(1) Volitve in imenovanja se praviloma opravijo s tajnim glasovanjem.
(2) Za izvedbo tajnih volitev organ, ki ima nalogo izvesti volitve, imenuje volilno
komisijo, ki jo sestavljajo predsednik volilne komisije in dva člana, izmed katerih nihče ne
sme kandidirati na volitvah.
29. člen
(1) Kadar je na kandidatni listi toliko kandidatov, kolikor se jih voli, se voli tako, da se na
glasovnici obkroži ZA ali PROTI.
(2) Kadar je na kandidatni listi več kandidatov, kot se jih voli, se glasuje tako, da se na
glasovnici obkroži številko pred imenom in priimkom kandidata. Glasuje se lahko za največ
toliko kandidatov, kot se jih voli.
30. člen
(1) Izvoljen je kandidat, ki prejme najvišje število opredeljenih glasov, razen če je v statutu ali
drugem aktu določeno drugače.
(2) Če je več kandidatov dobilo enako število glasov, se izvedejo ponovne volitve, pri čemer
se izbira med kandidati z enakim številom glasov.
(3) Volitve se izvedejo tolikokrat, kolikor je potrebno, da se izvoli potrebno število kandidatov.
31. člen
(1) Funkcija članu preneha s pretekom mandata, z odstopom s funkcije, z izstopom iz članstva,
z izključitvijo, zaradi neupravičene neudeležbe na sejah v skladu s tem statutom ali z
dopolnjenim 32. letom starosti.
32. člen
(1) Za razrešitev predsednika podmladka, podpredsednikov podmladka in članov senata se
smiselno uporabljajo določbe o izvolitvi.
(2) Pobudo za razrešitev je mogoče podati, če član organa ali organ kot celota ne
izvršuje nalog, ki jih določajo statut, akti podmladka ali sklepi organov podmladka.
33. člen
(1) Podmladek je ustanovljen, ko so na ustanovnem kongresu izvoljeni predsednik in vsaj dve
tretjini članov senata, ki jih voli kongres.
34. člen
(1) Statut začne veljati z dnem, ko ga sprejme kongres.
(2) Na ustanovitvenem kongresu imajo pravico voliti in glasovati le člani podmladka in
Stranke modernega centra.
35. člen
(1) Članom organov, ki so bili izvoljeni na ustanovnem kongresu, ne glede na prvi odstavek
8. člena mandat preneha eno leto po izvolitvi.
Statute of the SMC Youth
Article 1
This Statute defines the organisation and functioning of the SMC Youth (hereinafter as:
Article 2
1) SMCY is a youth organisation – youth wing of the Modern Centre Party, that has its own
program-making, organisational and business autonomy.
2) SMCY independently decides on its own policies and cooperates in the policy making of the
Modern Centre Party.
3) SMCY has a right to its own opinion.
Article 3
SMCY performs its activities on local, national and international level.
Article 4
All terms within this Statute written in masculine form are used neutrally for women and men.
Article 5
All questions that may arise from the functioning of the SMCY and are not governed by this
Statute are governed by the relevant Acts of the Modern Centre Party.
Article 6
1) A member of the SMCY can become anyone, aged between 15 and 32, who fills in and signs
the application form and accepts the statute and program of the SMCY.
2) An individual becomes a member of the SMCY at the moment when he is formally entered
in the register of the SMCY.
3) A member of the SMCY can only be a member of the SMCY and the Modern Centre Party.
4) Council of the President of the SMCY can nominate individuals who have siginificantly
contributed to the work of the SMCY for honorary members. The final decision is adopted by
the Congress of the SMCY.
Article 7
1) The members of the SMCY shall have the right to:
- be informed about the work of the SMCY,
- cooperate in the policy making of the SMCY and take part in the implementation of its
- vote and to be elected to bodies of the SMCY.
2) The right to be elected shall have every member of the SMCY, who on the day of the
elections is not yet 30 years old and is a member of the SMCY and the Modern Centre Party.
3) The members of the SMCY have to oblige the provisions of the Statute of the SMCY,
program orientation and other acts of the SMCY and the Modern Centre Party.
Article 8
The membership in the SMCY is terminated by resignation, by exclusion from the SMCY and
by reaching 32 years of age.
Article 9
1) The mandate of all bodies of the SMCY lasts two years. If there is no newly elected body at
the end of the mandate of the incumbent body, the mandate is prolonged for the interim period
until the election of a new body.
2) Collegial bodies of the SMCY adopt their decisions on regular, extraordinary and
correspondent sessions.
3) Decisions of collegial bodies are valid if majority of the members of the body cast their vote.
The decisions are adopted with the majority of votes cast by the present members of the body.
4) The decisions at the correspondence sessions are adopted with the majority of votes of all
members of the body.
Article 10
Bodies of the MCY shall be:
1) the Congress,
2) the President of the MCY,
3) the Vicepresidents (one female and one male),
4) the Secretary,
5) the Senate,
6) the Council of the President,
7) the Supervisory Board.
Article 11
1) The Congress is the highest decision making body of the SMCY.
2) The Congress shall have the following competences:
- it shall adopt the Statute of the SMCY,
- it shall adopt, on the proposal of the Senate, the program of the SMCY and monitor its
- it shall elect and dismiss the President of the SMCY, the Vicepresidents and the members of
the Senate.
3) The Congress meets at least once per year.
4) Decisions of the Congress are valid if majority of the members of the Congress is present.
Article 12
1) The Congress is made up of all the members of the SMCY.
Article 13
1) A Congress meeting can be called by the President of the SMCY. A Congress meeting can
also be called by at least one third of the members of the Congress. The call for a Congress
meeting has to be accompanied with written arguments for it. In that case the President of the
SMCY must call a Congress meeting within 30 days.
2) If the President of the SMCY does not call a Congress meeting, the President of the Senate
has to call it within 7 days.
3) The agenda of the Congress and other relevant documents shall be sent out to all members
at least 7 days before the Congress takes place.
Article 14
1) The Senate shall have the following competences and duties:
- on the proposal of the President of the SMCY it adopts the plan of work of the SMCY and
monitors its implementation,
- it adopts opinions on socio-political issues,
- it appoints and dismisses two members of the Supervisory Board,
- on the proposal of the President it appoints and dismisses the Secretary,
- it cooperates with the Council of the Modern Centre Party in the preparation of the program
- to perform other duties determined by the Statute or the Congress.
Article 15
The Senate is made up of members of the Council of the President and ten members, elected
and dismissed by the Congress.
Article 16
1) The members of the Senate elect among themselves the President of the Senate.
2) The President of the Senate calls the meetings of the Senate and presides them.
3) The President of the Senate may invite other participants to the session of the Senate, if that
contributes to the quality of the debate at the session.
Article 17
1) The Senate meets at least once per three months.
2) A Senate meeting can also be called by at least one third of the members of the Senate. The
call for a Senate meeting has to be accompanied with written arguments for it. In that case the
President of the Senate must call a Senate meeting within 10 days.
3) If the President of the Senate does not call a Senate meeting, the Secretary has to call it
within 7 days.
Article 18
The Council of the President of the SMCY (hereinafter as: The Council) shall have the
following competences and duties:
implementation of the decisions of the Cogress and the Senate,
it proposes to the Senate rule-books and other acts, that concretise the organisation,
functioning and procedures within the SMCY, unless the Statute provides otherwise,
performs other activities.
Article 19
The Council is made up of:
the President of the SMCY,
the Vicepresidents,
the Secretary,
the President of the Senate.
Article 20
1) The Council meets at least once per month
2) The President of the SMCY calls the meetings of the Council and presides them.
3) In the case of equal number of votes for any given motion, the President of the SMCY has
the decisive vote
4) A Council meeting can also be called by at least one third of the members of the Council.
The call for a Council meeting has to be accompanied with written arguments for it. In that
case the President of the Council must call a Council meeting within 10 days. If the President
of the Council does not call a Council meeting, the Vicepresident has to call it within 7 days.
Article 21
1) The President shall have the following competences and duties:
- he leads the SMCY and implements the decisions of other bodies,
- he nominates the Secreraty to the Senate,
- he performs other activities governed by the Statute and other acts of the SMCY.
Article 22
1) The Vicepresidents cooperate with the President of the SMCY and substitute him in the case
of his absence.
Article 23
The Secretary shall have the following competences and duties:
He implements the duties given to him by the President and the Council,
He represents the SMCY in legal transactions.
Article 24
The Supervisory Board shall have the following competences and duties:
it evaluates compliance of acts, practices and decisions of SMCY's bodies with the
it performs other activities governed by the Statute and other acts of the SMCY.
Article 25
1) Supervisory Board has three members appointed by the Senate.
2) The members of the Supervisory Board elect a president among themselves.
3) The members of the Supervisory Board can not be members of any other body of the SMCY
except the Congress.
Article 26
1) The Supervisory Board meets whenever necessary.
2) The President of the Supervisory Board calls the meetings of the Supervisory Board and
presides them.
Article 27
The Senate adopts the rules of procedure for elections in the bodies of the SMCY.
Article 28
1) Elections and appointments are normally carried out by secret ballot.
2) The body that has the duty to carry out elections appoints Electoral Commission made up of
three members, none of whom can be a candidate for the election.
Article 29
1) Whenever the number of candidates on the list of candidates is equal to the number of vacant
positions, for which the elections are taking place, one can vote in favour of or against a certain
2) Whenever the number of candidates on the list of candidates is higher than the number of
vacant positions, for which the elections are taking place, one can vote in favour of a certain
candidate by circling the number before the name and surname of the candidate. The number
of votes one can cast has to be equal to the number of vacant positions.
Article 30
1) A candidate with the highest number of votes is elected, unless the Statute or any other acts
provide otherwise.
2) If two or more candidates get equal number of votes, the elections are repeated, but only
with the candidates that got the highest equal number of votes in the first round.
3) Elections are repeated until the necessary number of candidates is elected.
Article 31
A function is terminated by:
the end of mandate,
resignation from the function,
resignation from the membership in the SMCY,
exclusion from the SMCY,
unjustifiable absence from the sessions,
by reaching 32 years of age.
Article 32
1) The provisions of this Statute for elections are applicable for dismissal of the Predisent of
the SMCY, Vicepresidents and the members of the Senate.
2) The motion for dismissal may be put forward only if the member of a body or a body as a
whole is not implementing duties imposed by the Statute or other acts of the MCY, or by the
decisions of the bodies of the SMCY.
Article 33
The SMCY is founded, when the President of the SMCY and at least two thirds of the total
number of the members of the Senate are elected at the Congress.
Article 34
1) The Statute enters into force on the day, when it is adopted by the Congress.
2) At the founding Congress only members of the SMCY and the Modern Centre Party have
the right to vote.
Article 35
The mandate of all members of the SMCY bodies, who were elected at the founding Congress,
lasts one year.