Tolkien’s Legendarium Genealogy of Arda Choose layer: Welcome to Legendarium. The comprehensive genealogical overview of the characters of J.R.R. Tolkien. All books Do you sometimes have trouble remembering who is who when reading The Lord of the Rings? And do you need to constantly check the genealogical tables in The Silmarillion to follow the story? Or maybe you just wonder how all the characters in Tolkien’s books relate to each other? The Hobbit THE LORD OF THE RINGS The Silmarillion Other books Get the big picture here. Introduction Ainur Sky/Ilmen Dwarves/Khazâd/Naugrim/Gonnhirrim/Nogothrim Sun & Moon Valar The Seven Fathers Longbeards Valier Aratar Durin II Stars/Eleni Single stars Firebeards Durin III Durin IV Constellations Fëanturi Menelmacar Valacirca Flói Durin V Frár Durin VI Lóni Náin I Náli Thráin I Nár Thorin I Broadbeams Ironfists Stiffbeards Glóin Borgil Óin Remmirath Maiar Náin II Blacklocks Dáin I Trees Thrór Borin Frór Farin Grór Thráin II Náin Stonefoots Fundin Gróin Sauron/Gorthaur/Annatar (Aulë > Melkor) Wizards/Istari/Ithryn Curunír/Saruman/Curumo/Námo (Aulë) Orofarnë Olórin/Gandalf/Mithrandir/Incánus (Manwë, Varda) Lassemista Radagast/Aiwendil (Yavanna) Carnimírië Dís Frerin Fíli Kíli Thorin II Ravens Óin Orcs/Goblins/Glamhoth/Yrch Orcs of Mordor Uruk-hai of Isengard Spirits/Valarindi Wingildi Falmaríni Gwaihir Scatha Súruli Landroval Meneldor Thrushes Hawks Crows/Crebain Kingfishers Foxes Wolves/Wargs Mewlips Otters Badger-folk Lintips Whales Turtle-fish Orcs of the Misty Mountains Fire-drakes/Urulóki Grishnákh Snaga Shagrat Ufthak Lugdush Gorbag Muzgash Mauhúr Radbug Lagduf Snaga Glóin Gimli Elf-friend Eagles Durin’s Bane Petty-dwarves Dwalin Thorin III Stonehelm Orcs of Morgoth Nandini Balin Durin VII & Last Blue Wizards/Ithryn Luin Balrogs/Valaraukar Dáin II Uglúk Sarqindi Mánir Nermir Tavari Oarni Orissi Ents/Onodrim/Enyd Úlairi/Nazgûl [9] Gems Trolls/Torog Treebeard/Fangorn The Witch-king Ologhai Stone-trolls Leaflock/Finglas Goldberry Iarwain Ben-adar/Forn/Orald/Tom Bombadil Cats Trolls’ purses Oliphaunts/Mûmakil/ Annabon Skinbark/Fladrif Dogs Weapons Wandlimb/Fimbrethil Grip Fang Mountaintrolls Hill-trolls Quickbeam/Bregalad Wolf Spiders Stonegiants Huorns Beechbone Barrow-wights Giants Snow-trolls Cave-trolls Shelob Carandrian Elves/Alfs/Quendi/Eldalië/Eledhrim Calaquendi/Tareldar Eldar Narsil (Elendil > Maeglin) Noldor/Nómin/Golodhrim/Golug Andúril (Aragorn) Herugrim (Théoden) Gúthwinë (Éomer) Gondolindrim Horses/Ponies Gwaith-i-Mírdain Bumpkin (Merry) White-socks (Merry) Gildor Inglorion Asfaloth (Glorfindel) Rohald (Gandalf) Roheryn (Aragorn) Elves of Tol Eressëa Teleri Vanyar Sharp-ears (Merry) Stybba (Merry) Swish-tail (Merry) Windfola (Éowyn) Wise-nose (Merry) Strider (Frodo) Úmanyar Falmari Bill (Bill Ferny > Sam) Fatty Lumpkin (Tom Bombadil) Moriquendi Nandor/Laiquendi Sindar/Eglath Mearas Felaróf/Mansbane (Eorl) Tawarwaith/ Silvan Elves Shadowfax (Théoden > Gandalf) Raftelves Hasufel (Gárulf > Aragorn) Arod (Legolas) Galadhrim Galadhon Lightfoot Snowmane (Théoden) Haldir Celeborn Firefoot (Éomer) Elrond Galadriel Rúmil Orophin Lindir Erestor Galdor Glorfindel [2] Celebrían Falathrim Galion Thranduil Legolas Ships Avari Rings of Power The Ruling Ring [1] The Man Rings [9] The One Ring/Precious (Sauron > Isildur > Gollum > Bilbo > Frodo) The Nine Rings (Sauron > Úlairi) The Dwarf Rings [7] The Elven Rings [3] Seven Rings (Durin III > Azog > Thrór > Thráin II) Narya (Celebrimbor > Gil-galad > Círdan > Mithrandir) Three Rings (Sauron) Nenya (Celebrimbor > Galadriel) Four Rings (Smaug) Vilya (Celebrimbor > Gil-galad > Elrond) Men/Hildor/Atani/Apanónar/Edain Atanatári House of Bëor House of Hador Haladin/Halethrim Peredhil Men of Tol Eressëa Men of Bree Dorwinion Barliman Butterbur Rushlight Hravani Harry Goatleaf Forodwaith Mat Heathertoes Thistlewool Dunlendings Swarthy Men/Easterlings Haradrim/Swertings/ Southrons Rowlie Appledore Tom Pickthorne Gaurwaith Lossoth Bill Ferny Variags from Khand Sun-dwellers Ythlings Woodmen Dead Men of Dunharrow Tree-men Hill-men Wainriders Drúedain/Woses Pygmies Balchoth Ghân-buri-Ghân King of the Dead Dúnedain Númenóreans/Númenorë Gondorians Stewards Húrin of Emyn Arnen Pelendur 3. Meneldil Vorondil 4. Cemendur Uinendili 1. Mardil Voronwë 5. Eärendil Barahir Dervorin 6. Anardil Hirgon Forlong 7. Ostoher Targon Iorlas 2. Eradan 3. Herion 4. Belegorn 8. Rómendacil I Mablung Findegil Golasgil 9. Turambar Damrod Anborn Ioreth 10. Atanatar I Hirluin Ingold Benrodir Angbor Nosdiligand 11. Siriondil 12. Tarannon Falastur Berúthiel 5. Húrin I 6. Túrin I 7. Hador Tarciryan 8. Barahir 9. Dior Rían Elendili Lords of Andúnië 13. Eärnil I Húrin the Tall 14. Ciryandil Inram the Tall 10. Denethor I 11. Boromir 15. Hyarmendacil I 12. Cirion 16. Atanatar II Alcarin Duinhir 17. Narmacil I Duilin 13. Hallas 14. Húrin II Derufin 15. Belecthor I 18. Calmacil 16. Orodreth 19. Rómendacil II Calimehtar Morwen Baranor 17. Ecthelion I 20. Valacar Vidumavi Beregond 18. Egalmoth 21. Eldacar Black Númenóreans Borlas Bergil Berelach 19. Beren 20. Beregond 22. Castamir 21. Belecthor II 23. Aldamir Ornendil 22. Thorondir Mouth of Sauron 24. Hyarmendacil II/Vinyarion 23. Túrin II Gothmog 25. Minardil 24. Turgon 25. Ecthelion II 26. Telemnar Arnorians Minastan 26. Denethor II Finduilas 27. Tarondor 27. Faramir Kings of Arnor Kings of Arthedain 26. Aranarth 12. Beleg 27. Arahael 3. Valandil 13. Mallor 28. Aranuir 4. Eldacar 14. Celepharn 29. Aravir 5. Arantar 15. Celebrindor 30. Aragorn I 6. Tarcil 16. Malvegil 31. Araglas 7. Tarondor 17. Argeleb I 32. Arahad I 8. Valandur 18. Arveleg I 33. Aragost 9. Elendur 19. Araphor 34. Aravorn 10. Eärendur 20. Argeleb II 35. Arahad II 21. Arvegil 36. Arassuil Boromir 28. Telumehtar Umbardacil Chieftains/Rangers/Watchers 11. Amlaith Éowyn Elboron 29. Narmacil II Arciryas 30. Calimehtar Calimmacil 31. Ondoher Artamir Barahir Men of Dol Amroth Siriondil Faramir Fíriel 32. Eärnil II 33. Eärnur 34. Elessar/Telcontar 22. Imrahil Arwen/Evenstar Finduilas Lothiríel Malbeth 22. Arveleg II 37. Arathorn I Gilbarad 23. Araval Corsairs of Umbar 38. Argonui Dírhael 24. Araphant Ivorwen 39. Arador 25. Arvedui Fíriel 40. Arathorn II Gilraen 41. Aragorn II Arwen/Evenstar 42. Eldarion Halbarad Northmen Rohirrim/Éothéod/Eorlingas/Forgoil Léod 1. Eorl the Young Legend 2. Brego Gálmód 3. Aldor the Old Baldor Eofor Gríma/Wormtongue Lake-men/Bardings 4. Fréa Name Name of group (boxed by thin, unbroken edge) Name Name of common quantity (boxed by bold, dashed edge) Guthláf Name Name og male being Gléowine Name Name of female being Grimbold Name Name of being of neutral or unknown gender Name Name of main character (black, red or blue to reflect gender) Name/Name Alternative names (black, red or blue to reflect gender) 5. Frëawíne Bard the Bowman 6. Goldwíne Bain 7. Déor Herubrand Brand 8. Gram Háma Bard II 9. Helm Hammerhand Name (Name) Name of owner in parentheses (black, red or blue to reflect gender) Gárulf Hild Beornings Éothain Beorn 10. Fréaláf Hildeson Grimbeorn Haleth Háma 13. Folca 14. Folcwine Folcred 16. Thengel 3. Name Number of ruler (name of ruler in red or blue to reflect gender) Devine creation (in the direction of the arrow) Erkenbrand 12. Walda 15. Fengel Number of items or iterations Dúnhere 11. Brytta/Léofa Woodmen [3] Fastred Other creation (in the direction of the arrow) Elfhelm Ceorl Widfara Gamling Marriage Harding Horn Kinship Déorwine Herefara Transfer from one group to another (in the direction of the arrow) Example Lúthien (female) belongs to the groups Elves, Eldar, Eglath, and the common quantity Moriquendi. Her mother is Melian, her father Thingol, and her brother is Elulindo. She is transferred to the House of Bëor and married to Beren. Morwen of Lossarnach/Steelsheen 17. Théoden Ednew 18. Éomer Éadig Elfhild Lothiríel Théodwyn Éowyn Éomund of Eastfold Théodred 19. Elfwine Hobbits/Holbytla/Periannath/Banakil/Kuduk/Kûd-dûkan Will Whitfoot Brandybuck of Buckland/Brandugamba Burrows/Burrowes Old Noakes Gorhendad Oldbuck/Ogmandab Zaragamba Daddy Twofoot Bucca of the Marish Gormadoc Deepdelver Malva Headstrong Rufus Milo Peony Baggins Druda Mosco Moro Hob Hayward Hanna Goldworthy Nob Adaldrida Bolger Madoc Proudneck Sadoc Marmadoc Masterful Marroc Salvia Bob Mirabella Took Widow Rumble Menegilda Goold Rorimac Goldfather Dodinas Gorbadoc Broadbelt Amaranth Saradas Esmeralda Took Saradoc Scattergold Orgulas Primula Seredic Dinodas Meriadoc/Merry/Holdwine/Kalimac Tobold Marmadas Tanta Minto Brockhouse Sapphira Asphodel Hilda Bracegirdle Amethyst Merimac Estella Bolger Myrtle Hornblower Gorbulas Merimas Breeds Asphodel Brandybuck Berilac Doderic Ilberic Mentha Melilot Celandine Bolger of Budgeford/Bolgra Harfoots Gundolpho Dina Diggle Gundahar Alfrida of the Yale Gundahad Rudolph Gundabald Stoors Adaldrida Theobald Belba Baggins Sméagol/Gollum/Trahald Rudigar Herugar Fallohides Ruby Rudibert Jessamine Boffin Odovacar Pansy Baggins Nina Lightfoot Amethyst Hornblower Adalbert Wilibald Wilimar Filibert Blanco Prisca Baggins Gerda Boffin Rosamunda Took Estella Fastolph Adalgar Déagol/Nahald Marcho Salvia Brandybuck Cora Goodbody Heribald Nora Poppy Chubb-Baggins Fredegar/Fatty The Watch Boffin of the Yale/Bophan Shirriffs Bracegirdle Buffo Robin Smallburrow Briffo Bounders Ivy Goodenough Basso Lavender Grubb Bosco Primrose Boffin Berylla Bruno Hugo Jessamine Messengers Uffo Jago Gruffo Vigo Griffo Folco Proudfoot Sapphira Brockhouse Lobelia/Hamanullas Otto the Fat Hugo Donnamira Took Blanco Druda Borrows Rollo Hilda Primrose Gerda Goodbody Cora Daisy Baggins Togo Tosto Lily Baggins Baggins/Labingi Bodo Linda Baggins Balbo Berylla Boffin Odo Laura Grubb Olo Sancho Mungo Belladonna Took Pansy Bungo Ponto Belba Mimosa Bunce Polo Rosa Longo Tanta Hornblower Largo Camellia Sackville Linda Lily Bingo Chica Chubb Falco Chubb-Baggins Grubb Bilbo of Bag End/Bilba Lavender Posco Gilly Brownlock Prisca Fosco Ruby Bolger Poppy Chubb-Baggins Laura Porto Ponto Peony Lobelia Bracegirdle Angelica Otho Sackville-Baggins Lotho Dudo Dora Drogo Daisy Primula Brandybuck Frodo/Maura Took of Great Smials/Tūc Isengrim II Isumbras I Isumbras III Ferumbras II Bandobras Bullroarer Fortinbras I Gerontius Rosa Baggins Hildigrim Hildifons Donnamira Mirabella Adamanta Chubb Belladonna Isembold Adalgrim Hildibrand Isembard Isumbras IV Sigismond Flambard Fortinbras II Adelard Esmeralda Paladin II Eglantine Banks Rosamunda Peregrin I/Pippin/Razanur Faramir I Pearl Pimpernel Isengrim III Hildigard Lalia Clayhanger Ferumbras III Ferdinand Ferdibrand Diamond of Long Cleeve Isengar Reginard Everard Pervinca Goldilocks Gardner Gamgee/Galbasi Banks Hamfast of Gamwich Willie Wiseman Gamwich Eglantine Hob Gammidge the Roper Rowan Greenhand Hobson Chubb Adamanta Andwise Roper of Tighfield Halfred of Overhill Anson Halfast May Daisy Hamfast/The Gaffer/Ranugad May Marigold Hamson Bell Goodchild Halfred Chica Samwise/Sam/Banzîra Rose Cotton Sandyman Fastred Elanor Rose Frodo Gardner Merry Pippin Goldilocks Hamfast Daisy Primrose Bilbo Ruby Robin Tolman Sandyman Ted Sandyman Holfast Gardner Elfstan Fairbairn Sandheaver Fíriel Fairbairn Harding of the Hill Greenhand Mugwort Cotton/Hlothran Holman the greenhanded of Hobbitton Halfred Erling Hending Rowan Rose Mr. Mugwort Cottar Rose Greenhand Cotman/Hlothram Puddifoot Carl Holman Cotton Holman Maggot Longhole Tunnelly Underhill Wilcome Tom Sr./Tolman/Tomacca Lothran Marigold Gamgee Tom Jr./Tolman Farmer Maggot Lily Brown Nick/Bowman Jolly/Wilcome Rose Mrs. Maggot Nibs/Carl 2016 Serens Berenc
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