INFORMATION ABOUT TOURIST CARD You can purchase a tourist card personally and directly at the Consulate, by a third person or by mail. The card authorizes a stay in Cuba for 30 days, extendable by application processed in Cuba before the inmigration authorities. * Attached is the application form which must be filled with print or handwritten, in block letters and deliver or send to the Consulate along with legible photocopies of the passport and flight ticket. The process should be started one month before the departure date, especially when performed by mail. * The fee for each card is 162.00 SEK * If the process is using third party should add 225.00 SEK on account of non-personal process. * If the procedure is by post tariff is: 162.00 SEK + 225.00 SEK + 76.00 SEK (RR postage charges and envelops) The payment of the procedure made directly and personally at the Consulate is in cash and by post through bank transfer. Days and hours for attention to the public at the Consulate: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 09:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For tourist card purchase it is not necessary to request time by telephone Consulate of Cuba Sturevägen 9 182 73 Stocksund Payment By Bankgirot 5047-2158 Kubas Konsulate (for Sweden) Add your name to the bank girot payment. HANDELSBANKEN By Bank Transfer (for Iceland) IBAN Nr. SE226000 0000000 190865881, Swiftadress HANDSESS Embajada de Cuba en Suecia TOURIST CARD APPLICATION ANSÖKAN OM TURISTVISUM Apellidos -Last Name-Efternamn (samtliga) Fecha de nacimiento Birth date födelsedatum Año Year År MesMonth Månad Nombres-Name-Förnamn (Samtliga) País de nacimiento Country of birth Födelseland Sexo Sex Kön Estado civil-Marital status -civilstånd Fecha de emission-Issue Date Utfärdandedatum Fecha expiración expiration date Sista giltighetsdag Año Year År Año Year År Día –Day Dag Nro. Pasaporte Passport No. Passnummer MesMonth Månad Día Day Dag MesMonth Månad Día –Day Dag Ciudadanía-Citizenship Medborgarskap Dirección hotel en Cuba-Address or hotel in Cuba –Hoteladress på Kuba Duración de la estancia-Length of stay –Vistelselängd Fecha de salida-Date of departure –Utresedatum (från Sverige) Año Year År MesMonth Månad Día –Day Dag Ultimo Puerto de embarque antes de arribar a Cuba-Latest boarding airport before landing in Cuba. Sista flygplats innan ankomst till Kuba Dirección actual- Full permanent Address - Nuvarande bostadsadress i Sverige Teléfono-Telephone Telefon Telefax-Fax E-post Información adicional- Any additional information Övrig information Firma-Signature; Underskrift Fecha Date-Datum:
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