ŠTARTNINA ob predprijavi - 10 € ŠTARTNINA - 15 € PREJŠNJI ZMAGOVALCI na 21 km - BREZPLAČNO Štart ob 11:00 uri 21 km A B C D E F G H Vabi na 16.ORMOŠKI MALI MARATON Ormož, 23. april 2017 ob 10:00 v Mestni grabi NAGRADE: Absolutno prvih pet (moški, ženske) na 21 km prejme nagrade. Prvi trije na 21 km, 10 km in 5 km prejmejo pokale. Najboljši trije v posameznih kategorijah, vključno z otroškimi teki, prejmejo medalje. Podelitev nagrad bo ob 13:00 na prireditvenem prostoru. Vsi udeleženci prejmejo majico prireditelja, malico in napitek. Med udeležeci tekmovanja bodo izžrebane tudi praktične nagrade. 2002 - 1998 1997 - 1988 1987 - 1978 1977 - 1968 1967 - 1958 1957 - 1948 1947 - 1938 1937 in starejši A B C D E F G H 2002 - 1998 1997 - 1988 1987 - 1978 1977 - 1968 1967 - 1958 1957 - 1948 1947 - 1938 1937 in starejše Prijave na prireditvi od 8:00 do 10:30 Predprijave samo preko spleta do 20.4.2017 do 12 ure TRR: SI56 0215 1025 8643 NAMEN: 16OMM-Priimek Za Štajersko-koroški pokal šteje 21km Proga je v celoti asfaltirana. Speljana je po mestu Ormož in po cesti proti Sv.Tomažu. 5 km in 10 km A B C 1982 in mlajši 1981 - 1967 1966 in starejši A B C 1982 in mlajše 1981 - 1967 1966 in starejše Otroški teki na atletski progi v Mestni grabi: Štart ob 10:00 uri 1200m 600m 300m PB 2002 - 2003 PA 2004 - 2006 MP 2007 in mlajši(e) SPLOŠNA DOLOČILA: Vsak aktivni udeleženec tekmuje na lastno odgovornost, upoštevaje veljavne cestno-prometne predpise. Tekmuje se po pravilih IAAF in pravilih AZS. Vsem nastopajočim priporočamo, da predhodno opravijo zdravniški pregled pri svojem zdravniku. Ob progi in na cilju bo dežurna zdravniška služba. 460 dodatne informacije: 041/815 694 (Ivan Golob) 031/303 273 (Aleš Jurčec) at pre-registration (payable only over IBAN ) - 10 € ADMISSION FEE - 15 € FORMER WINNERS of the half marathon - NO FEE Start at 11:00 21 km A B C D E F G H is inviting to the th 16 ORMOŽ HALF MARATHON Ormož, April 23rd 2017 at 10:00 in Mestna graba AWARDS: First five overall (men,women) on 21km get awards. First three on 21km, 10km, and 5 km get cups. Best three in individual categories, including children’s races, get medals. The award ceremony will take place at 13:00 at the event area. All participants get an organizer’s T-shirt, snacks, and a beverage. A lottery among all participants will award practical rewards. 2002 - 1998 1997 - 1988 1987 - 1978 1977 - 1968 1967 - 1958 1957 - 1948 1947 - 1938 1937 and older A B C D E F G H Registrations at the event from 8:00 to 10:30 Pre-registrations 2002 - 1998 1997 - 1988 1987 - 1978 1977 - 1968 1967 - 1958 1957 - 1948 1947 - 1938 1937 and older until April 20th 2017, 12:00 p.m. IBAN: SI56 0215 1025 8643 Reference: 16OMM-surname 21km is eligible for Štajersko-koroški cup The entirely asphalt course leads through Ormož and along the road towards Sv. Tomaž. 5 km in 10 km A B C 1982 and younger A 1981 - 1967 B 1966 and older C 1982 and younger 1981 - 1967 1966 and older Children will run on the athlete track in Mestna graba: Start at 10:00 1200m 600m 300m PB 2002 - 2003 PA 2004 - 2006 MP 2007 and younger GENERAL TERMS: All active participants compete at their own responsibility, while abiding by road traffic regulations. The competition takes place under IAAF and AZS rules. All participants are advised to undergo a medical examitaion at their physician prior to the competition. Medical emergency services will be present at the start/finish line and on course. 460 additional information: 00386 41/815 694 (Ivan Golob) 00386 31/303 273 (Jurčec Aleš)
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