Page Two TheSOUTH LYO~’JHERALD T hursday, January 26, 1967 I —- TKESOUIH LYON HERALD Thursday,January 26, 1967 - Page Three United Service Planned Friday At — ~hi’u... South SHOE SALE LAST THREE Mrs. Ralph Bidwell DAYS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY—JANUARY 26, 21, 28 CONNIE $ SPORT SHOES AND DRESS FLATS Values From 8.89 to 10.99 N 0W. . . ... S j~~! Connie & Jacqueline f DRESS ;~ HEELS :2% yams from 9.99 to 12.99 N0 . . . ... CHILDREN’S POLL PARROTS Values From 7.99-9.99 N0 W . ~I . . ... Naturalizers Huskpuppies Freemuns & Rands1614,99 Values .99~023 to from 16.% NOW. $12.88! NOW $9.88. .Values Values 10.99 To from,99NOW $5.88 I I ..• • . :. . I Stride Rites Values 11.99 to NOW . . $6.88 & . $8.88 WE STILL HAVE.A WIDE VARIETY OF STYLES AND COLORS IN MOST ALL SIZES ~flrt’a*1w1?I1 Located In The Heart of Northville Shopping Center 158 E.MaIn Free. Parking IN Rear GE 8-3824 At the Oddlellows hail In South Lyon well over one hundred guests called to honor the Carl Rlchters of Wixom on their golden wedding anniversary January 15. Special guests Were Mrs. Lulu Rundel of Livonla, who was Mrs. Richters bridesmaid and Clifford Rogman who ~yasbest man. A beautiful silver and gold decorated cake, a golden candelabra With yetlow tapers and a magnificent money tree, decorated the refreshment table. The money tree was a gift from their neighbors. A second money tree and a host of beautiful gift cards, and good wishes were received by the happy couple. Mrs. Richter wore a lovely corsage of yellow roses and Mr. Rlchter’sboutonniere was a yellow rose. hosting the affair were the Herbert Bondysof South Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broegman of Hamburg and assisting were the Lee Bennetts also of Hamburg. Guests Were present from Milford, . Detroit, Silverwood, Benton Harbor, Ann Arbor, Livonia, Flint, Wixom, Farmington and South Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCrory arrived home recently from a holithy visit over Christmas and New Years at the home of her two brothers and their families and With her two sisters who reside in the old homestead in Duluth, Minnesota~AbOut two and a half weeks were spent With relatives and while there they Witnessed a realold-fashioned blizzard and whirling snow and howling winds, keeping all at home for a few days. Temperatures ~dropped as low as twenty-four bèl6w ~ one of the stormy days. Miss Gail Bennett, daughter of the William Benrietts of Lillian street, has returned to her studies at Westerh unlvetsity at Kalamazoo, having spent the holidays with her family. William Bennett of Lillian street is recuperating slowly at his home fatloWing an emergency appendectomy in late December. His wlfe,Jean, hasalso been on the sick list and is now recovering from a siege of pneumonia and is abl!tobe up and about. Randy, Rodney and Roger F!ith of Ann Arbor spent Sunday with their grandmother, Mrs. Wilson Lane. Af~ guests of Mrs. Lane were her thUjhtëVant family,— the William Moores of Northville, and . a son and family, theDarrell Lanes of .South Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kessler were supper guests on Saturday eventhg~.of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nukkuia at Royal Oak. Mr. and Mrs. David Polan of Lake Pointe Village were Sunday afternoon and evening visitors at the home of her parents the Ralph Bidwells, Mrs. Ella Kruger of Detroit spent Wednesday with her cousin and family the Don Millers of East Ten Mile road. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scheunemann visited their son and familythe Norman Scheunemanns at Highland on Tuesday. Mr. andMrs. Hubert Dnrrance and daughter Susan were visitors on Friday evening, January 13 at the home of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Don Vogel BRADER’S I Ii Northvifle Lyon Area News and family at Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Clark and Vogel moved to their new home in ~Sons spent Sunday afternoon at thehome Washington, illinois, last week. of Mr. and Mrs. James Inmans of Walled Lake. The Clarks and Inmans Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bourns called on enjoyed some winter outdoor fun, With her cousins the M. C. Wirries in a snowmobile and toboggan. Redford, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McFarlandenLewis Williams and friend of Southtertalned at dinner recentlyfter brother field were supper guests at the home and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tblry of his cousin and family the Edgar and five children of Mt. Clemens. Adams on Friday evening. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Adams and Adams, son of the Edgar Adams, spent the weekend with his parents and fan’ily. Richard is a student at Eastern Michigan university. Mrs. Gordon Showerman andthughter Anita visited at the Don Showerman home in Livonia on Wednesday, January Ii, also enjoyed visiting With Mrs. Celia Showerman, a guest at the Don Showerman home for a few weeks. Miss Peterson of Lathrup village With Mrs. Beuthine .°fFernthle were recent visitors of Mrs. Alma Stead Mrs. Lucille Mulanik and Mrs. Alma Stead spent Tuesday on a business trip to Howell and on Wednesday Mrs. Stead with Mrs. Emma Anderson visited in Howell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vallie, Sr. were fortunate to have with them for the holiday season, their sons, Pvt. John Vallie of Fort Lee, Virginia and I’vt. Frank ValUe Jr., and wife from the Redstone Missile Base in Alabama also Mrs. Vallie’s two sisters Mrs. Siess and Mrs. Thoits of Romeo. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Hogan and the FtanIC Vallies. Sr. enjoyed New Year’s dinner and evening at Robson inn, near WIlitmore Lake. Mrs. Kenneth Burger attended the all thy meeting of the Michigan Industrial Nurses association—at the Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit on Saturday, January 21. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Talcolt of Placerville California arrived inMichIgan on December 15 and have been staying with his sisters, Mrs. Arthur . Alice Marie Cavanaugh Digby in South Lyon and Mrs. JOhn Garrison in Pontiac. Mrs. Garrison The engagement of Alice Marie had the misforthne to suffer a severe Cavanaugh to Woodrow Wade is anfall in her home shortly before Christby her mother, Mrs, Martha mas and was taken to St. Joseph hos- nounced Cavanaugh, 109 Mill street. The bride— pital In Pontiac where surgery was elects’ father. is Kenneth Cavanaugh of performed. Mrs. Digby, brother and Dexter. Her fiance’s parents are Mr. wife stayed with Mrs. Garrison for and Mrs. Lester Wade,of Cloverspint, about foàr weeks, The past weekend Kentucky, Mrs. Digby and guests spent with her Miss Cavanaugh attendedSouth Lyon sons the Arthur and. Charles Digbys high school and is employed at Whitean4jb~frjamillesin Bay City. hall Convalescent Home at Novi. Her Mr. and Mrs. Carvel Clark acççm. future_husband is employed by Greenpanied their daughter Lorri to her ridge Nursery,,Northville dormitory ~on the campus of Eastern No wedding date has been set. Michigan University on Sunday. They ~ all attended the band concert that alternoon performed by tile concert band, the marching band and the symphonic band in Pease Auditorium on the campus. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Wiseman of Chicago, Illinois were house guests of the Wesley Wisemans, the past week. ‘Who bakes the best pie?” The Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble have New Hudson P-TA will be putting that sold their home on Johns road andhave question to members of the South Lyon purchased a home inLivonia. TheGam-, Board of Education at the next P-TA bles moved into their new home at meettngThursday, February2, at 8 p.m. 11441 Arcola street, Livonia, last Mon— Everyone is welcome to enter the day, January 23. Mr. Gamblehadfarm- contest but the committee has limited the ed for several years at his former entries to fruit pies only. home and neighbors Will be sorr~1to ~ Prior to the ~pie tasting and testing lose them from the neighborhood. the school board will be introduced at Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson .the business meeting of the orgnnlza. of Detroit have purchased the Gamble tion. property and Will take occupancy about The PTA members and friends will February 1. Mr. Richardson Will pur- have the opportunity to judge the pies sue his hobby of training and boar~lng horses at the farm. —ments-folltwingthe also as pie Will be program. served as refr!sh- at. January 26-27-28 Drastic Reductionsit Every Department Men’s— . NJow ~ . at SLACKS-SWEATERS-SKIRTS and JACKETS ,—. I South of the Border . . A trip to Mexico in 1968 is the am— bitous plan of Girl Scout Cadet troop 360 and their leader Mrs. MaryDowell. With a starting amount of $9.37 in their treasury and thedetermination of youth, the 12 girls and senior scout Peggy Williams, who is a “leader in training” are setting out to earn money for the trip through baby sitting, houseS work and fund raising projects. Engaged Ed Board To. - First on the list of projects will be the Girl Scout cookie ~les, in which all area troops will take part. The girls Will be takingcookle orders from January 2’? through February 6, With cookies to be —dellvered—-Mara2O through 26. The Mexican trip is beingplannedin connection With work on international friendship badges and Will probably be made by train or bus. Hopes are to be gone three weeks and to spend part of the time at “Our Cabana”, a sort of youth hostel maintained by the GirIScout organization. it is located near Cuernavaca, Mexicowhlchisabout 35 miles from Mexico City. Most of the girls of Troop S60 and Mrs. Dowell have been together in scouting for the past five years and have gone on several camping trips. The scouts are: Pam Underhill, Judy Williams, Lynn Hansen, Janice Mintqn,_ Linda tinderhill, Lou AnnHabel, Ruth Gowan~,Jennifer Horton, Robin Barker, Karen Sauls, Donna Jameson, and Nancy Woody. According to Mrs. Doweli, the trip soundssointerestingthatthe 12 mothers Involved are also hoping to go. Presbyterians Youth Sunday will be observed at the First United Presbyterian church on January 29 With members of the Senior High Fellowship conducting the services. Martin La1~vold will deliver the mes~ge,with Beverly Wiseman, Linda Danielson, Nancy and Sally HeraId, Paul Gready, Bill Boyle, Bill and Kathy assisting With various parts ofZentner the service DonforDanielson Will furnish, nall0.theMrs. musiô the service. :~ are: Mr. ELDERS and Mrs.INSTALLED Jeremy Hales and At the January 22 servIce at 11 Sunday. a.m. five elders were instniled in the Mrs. Myrtie Pettengill and Mrs. Session of the church. Dort~DanieIson, Belle Davis attended the golden wedJames CurtisandMrs. Mar~aretWeamding open house of Mr. and Mrs. Carl er were newly ordained ate~dersat Richter at the Oddfellow hall in South the service. Ray Gaff and Gerald HartLyon Sunday afternoon, man were re-installed. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cole and daughMrs. Weamer is the second lady in ‘I ter of Brighton and Mr. and Mrs. Ger- the history of the local church to beChapman and family of Fenton had come a member of the session. Mrs. ___________________________________ aid supper With their parents the Stan Charlotte Thorne, presently serving, Potts Sunday night. was the first woman to be so honored. Fred Oldenburg of Adrian, a brothGuest speaker at both ofthe january INSURACHAT ~-er-of—Norm—Bowers-is-in-the—Veterans 22s~tvit~~wa s Pastotffat~Cöllie~;~ hospital at Ann Arbor. who is working with the Synod of MichSeventeen ladies of the Women’s igan on the 50 thilllöii dOllif fund.” with Society of Christian Service met at The fund is being raised by the churchJack R a nwIck the church last Thursday and made es to provide necessary moneys in the cancer pads for the Lutheran Home missionary field at home and abroad at South Lyon. and for enlargement of the seminaries, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Bowers left AFTER A SMASH-UP by plane December 24 for San Diego, California, where they visitedMr. BowEven minoraccidents sometimes ers’ sisters. They also visited his generate confusion. Where can one brother and family at Tucson, Arizona, call the police, an ambulance, a tow and returned by way of Texas, where truck? And afterwards, the paper— they visited his nephew and family, work: state Motor Vehicle Report, arriving home January 14. On Sunday Accident Report to insurance com~ the Bowers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank pany, medical statements, estimates Dolsen went to Harrison where they Mrs. Dorcas Bunn of damage visited the Thurman Bowers family, GE 7-7097 Your Independent Insurance arid their grandson, Roger Bowers who ‘‘To be thrown upon ones own reAgent is familiar with these forms will leave for the service January 24, sources is to be cast Into the very lap and reports and can be of real Mrs. Clyde Vradenburg and Mrs. of fortune.’’ Benjamin Franklin. assistance. But to serve you after Belle Davis were at Livnnia, Wod. Carvel Phillips of AnnArbor visited an accident, we musi provide the ne sday friends at the lake Tuesday afternoon. coverages beforehand, taking into Mrs. Robert Ressler and two chitLester Howe, Mrs. John Gladys and account the value of your car, the dren of Highland had supper with the Nancy Moehr are among those who need for realistic liability limits, Sam Resslpr family Saturday night. have colds which are miserable enough and state Insurance requirements. Mrs. Elsie Canfield and Mrs. Belle to keep them from work and school,but Call Renwick Insurance Agency toDavis attended the Homemakers Ex- not bad enough to put them to bed. day (437-2403) for auto insurance tension club Wednesday. Mrs. Robert Mnehr called on Mrs. ynhi ~ll he glad von had — after an Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Walker enterat Whftmnre Lake Friday afA. Crist a cc i rip it. tamed at dinner last Sunday, in honor t er noon. Mr. and Mrs. Crist and son of their granddaughter, Renae who was Michael moved recently from Sillt RENWICK INSURANCE AGENCY three years old. Those present besides when Mr. Crist accepted a Wa uk the honored guest wprc her parents the 222 S. Lofayott~ South Lyon position at the Boys Training School. I DuWaync Walkers and son and Mr. 437.24133 Grist is a well.k~iwn Social Reand Mrs. Rohert Walker of Nod. search worker, . At Rock Bottom Prices! BOYS’ JACKETS 1~ a Pair Save DolIrS oil These Fine Jackets HUNDREDS OF ITEMS MUST GO! Use Save Now On... WHITE LINENS MAIDE~FORM8. PLAYTEX ~i. ii .t.. Bra & Girdle Sale your wader’s Charge Account Braderb DEPARTMENT.STORE 141 E. MAIN Open Fri & Sot F -9.3420 ti! 9 P.M NORTHVILLE Free Por~1ngat Reo’ satin gown, styled With a full skirt, long lace sleeves and a boat neckline. U.S CHOICE TEUOERAV ~ ft c:?IAkS . H Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hadley with their three and a half-year-old son Robirt hve~tetentlymoved Into a home MOT here at 7935 Dixboro road. Hadley moved his family from .l-ivonia where heisemployed in the Ford transmission plant. They yearned for country living. Breeding Airdale dogs is their special interest and they lool~ forward to having horses. ~-LT Calendar THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 I ; home, & p.m. Rebekahs 485, Oddfellow Hall, B p.m. SATURDAY,.JANUARY 28 Cu1Y Scout Pack 38 Pinewood Derby runoffs, Quick Hall, 10 n.m. St. Joseph’s dinner dance, Brotherhood Hall, Wixom, ‘7 p.m. Public invited. Tickets available from Men’s club members. MONDAY, JANUARY 30 Kiwanis, Methodist church, 6:30 p.m. Methodist and Presbyterian roller skating party, meet at Church 6:30 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 31 ~ T:~ ~ . Past NobleGrands, Washington Man~ or, 8:30 p.m.Mrs. Ann Cook, hostess; Mrs. Helen Gregory, co-hostess. Mrs. Byron Graduates As Nurse bert Barker, 595 Hagadorn, hostess; 8 p.m. Phyllis Barker, eo-hostess. Mrs. ~ OES 298, Temple, 8 p.m. Cub Scout Pack 38 meeting, school, 7 p.m. Salem Farmers club, Frank Geiger 5300 Five Mile, 12:30 p.m. Dinner committee, Mrs. Ruth Bulmon and Mrs. Mona Knight. Roll Call, “My home, favorite book” THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 New Hudson PTA, 8 p.m. 2.: 7 CAMPBELL’S TASTY PACkERS LABEL-CUT WAX OR GREEN 28, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the . ORANGE Ann Arbor High school. The certificates will be p!esented ~ U I c~o~ct TZNOI,A ~ ~ CUr ARM WHOLE fleE ROUND CHUCK £5’ ~~ ~• I~ 49’ ‘a ro ,~ AVG U i CWO~CfV(N~I*4V 70-tes AVERAGE _—~ ~~,,‘,_ 4 ~Ø ~ . -INt~ ~~5~ . — CMOIt( Tt~O~~ V ~ RIP ROAST . 9~tin 83’ fl ~ L01N BEEFOF, ~, La ‘~ ~WNOLU PORN lOIN• AVG LOIN CHOPS “.iniCf I ~, ~ 50—185WHOlE LAMB I . AVERAGE — — LB MIX OR FRENCH 2—LB BRAND SAG CAN aU 8$ SLICEO FRENCOI FRIES ~ ‘-°Z PICG. AVONDAU PEACHES ROMAN BLEACH MORTON DINNERS w HIT E BRE AD. S LESSER QUANTITIES 2 LOAvES 41t KROGER ERMIO . LOAVEI ‘~ I-UT PINEAPPLE JUICE.!th~25 20 VARIETIES KROGER~D FLAvoRFUL SNIDER’S NEW! HEAVY DUTY ZESTY. CATSUP. t:&.i5’ HOMESTEAD GOLDEN ~MARGARINE. ~ SWAJ4SOFT ASSORTED COLORS FACIAL ~i;;~s TISSUE KROGER BLUE BRtGH 99 ... PINK LIQUID CINDY KROGER ALL WHITE GRADE For Your Protection I FROZEN L81 7~2 COFFEE a, I- ~ VAC PAC ètone, Director of Vocational Education öo~~kk4s JUICE in Ann Arbor. Sister Mary Ann FranR&L,-DirectOr- of-NursingatSt~ Joseph Mercy hospital, Will give the SANITIZES AND DISJNFECTS graduation address. This Is the 36th class to be graduated from the Center. A new class of FROZEN—S vARIETIES 60 students will enter on January 30 and another class Will begin on September 11 Persons interested in obtainingfurSUN GOLD GRAND ther Information concerning the course may call Miss Mae Edna Doyle, R.N., Director of the program, at663-1332. DETERGENT..a3t PHILADELPHIA 8RAND ‘A’ CREAM CHEESE LARGE EGGS Modern drugs can work miracles, but improperly usec theycould cause serious consequences. The law provides that we sometimes have to say ‘Sorry, but that requires a prescription’’. In this way we are saying that your family doctor can prescribe the best medica tion for your condition. The next time you have a prescription to be filled! rely on our Rexall Pharmacist for prompt, friendly service. WE RESERVE rHE RiGHT TO LIMIT OuAHTiTIfl. PRICES ANO ITEMS EFFECTiVE A r KOGER IN DETROITA EASTERN MICHIGAN THRU SUNOAY JANUARY 2~ ifll, NONE SOLO TO OEALERS COPYRiGHT IA? THE KRO6ER CO SALAD SIZE VIWIE R~PE! US NO.1 f#ICUIGA1~ POTATOEI SPENCER — B. ISLAND OOLD BRAND 4 ~ ~(37 ~ia49’ ~ PORK & BEANS PIONEER SUGAR 5~49 CRUSHED PINEAPILE,...5~t’1 BEANS OR PEA~ C 4 . GE 8-4141 S~OPL~D *~AMS LOYt GRANULATED PURE Mrs. Almeda Byron, 315 Whlpple street, is one of 51 students of the Ann Arbor Practical Nurse Education Center who will graduate Thursday, January DRUG STORESouth ~ , , 70 TO 10 La AVG. ~N LB SHANK PORTION CUT BEEF SHORT RIBS LAMB ROAST GORDQHS ROLL PORK SAUSAGE PORK F~L5W4 --.±CHOPS~ C flY FItS.-- isa 4TH AND 5TH 1110$ . 7-INCH LEAN MEA TV FRESH SHOULDER CUT CENTER CUT RIB WHOLE INCLUDING WHITE, RYE. SANDWICH. RAISIN AND WHEAT Silver Lake News E11 U.S. CHOICE TENDERAV tErFVZIB ~OA5T .1 .. . PRICES 4(\~‘fl I . . .1 WINNER, AAA TRAFFIC SAFETY ROSIER CONTEST ~!~:~ff::::::.: I ~ BEEF RIB STEAK. ~. poRni~’1, AiM — Scroggins chose a street length white FRESH PICNICSTYLE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Mrs. Claude Swift GE 8-8332 The Methodist Youth Fellowship enjoyed a tobogganpartySundayafternoon, January 15. Mr~and Mrs.’ Frank Arthur entertamed her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kourt of Brighton at dinner Her short veil fell from a tiara of pearls. Her flowers were a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Ella Mae Bailey of Cincinnati, sister of the bride, was the matron of honor wearing a street length dress fashioned with pink lace bodicO and full skirt. She wore a matching net headpiece Best man was the bride’s brother; Woodrow Noe also of Cincinnati. Mrs. Scroggins is a graduate of a Cincinnati high school. Her husband graduated from South Lyon High school. ized December 14 at the Wesleyan Christian church, Arlington Heights, Ohio. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nue of Cincinnati. The groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Scroggins, 21220 Pontiac trail, is sintioned at Fort Benning, Georgia, with the U. S. Army. For her wedding the new Mrs. Mrs. John Lakvold is ticket chairman for the spaghetti dinner being planned by the Senior Parents’ Trip club for February 24. Persolis wishing to purchase tickets in advance should contact her at 431-5521 or tickets are available from blub members. __._~naIar—ChIld—Studv--chih._Mr&..BQn~tn thp graduates by RudolphStl4er- ~..*.. The marriage of Phyllis J. Noe and Sgt. John Frank Scroggins was solemn- ~dow COMPARE KRO*IER PLUS~ao-tOPVALUE STAMPS! Past Matrons, Mrs. Harry Long’s Judge P-TA Pies Fete Youth, ~ Second Lady with the world, and for the world. ... _ for Peace in a troubled world are invited to come and join in prayer Sgt. Scroggins Takes Bride Tickets, .Anyone?• c—~S•~ for hungry people everywhere, for sick and suffering people, for bringing tlw message of s~lvation to others, for progress in iearningto live with all races, a . ___________________ I: . $199 CORNER ‘ LADIES’ Ladies’—Childreris SHOES 99c& —Samuel Johnson people, meeting for this community are: South Lyon Methodist, New Hudson Methodist, St. Joseph’s Catholic, First Haptist of Sooth Lyon, and the United Presbyterian church of South lyon. All women with a concern for the spiritual well.being of all vice this year, which will be used mall of these meetings, was written by Queen Salote Toupou, ruler of the Tongo Islands for forty-seven years. The theme is: • ‘Of His Kingdom there shall be no end.’ The local churches planning the An important link will be forged in the golden chain of prayer around the world on Friday, February 10, at 2 p.m. The WorldDay or Prayer Service will be observed at the First United. Presbyterian church in South Lyon with members of allChristlanchurches invited to attend. Beginning in the Tonga Islands, situated off the coast of Africa, near the International date line, groupsof women will be meeting at all times during the twenty-four hoursofthe day in i25 countries. This is an expression to a cammitmetit to prayer and its power which will be felt around the world. The ser- -. - . Men’s Flannel Shirts I look upon every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new acquaintance. Girl Scouts Eye ~Visit New HuthbiEiNews p ——----——---——- .~ LAST THREE DAYS daughter Marlan were supper guests an Thursday evening at the home of his cousin and wife, the Lewis Williams in Livonia. Mrs. Arthur Grainger of Johns road received word of the critical illness of her father last week at the hospital in Tereney. Mrs. Grainger and her brother drove toTereney in the upper peninsula last weekend to spend a few days with their father. . Churches to Lead World Day of Prayer NEWCOMER’S SR sizE S @MATO~S 369 2 ~~ STAMPS VALUF’ ~ urn caupUH U I I PKG OF THREE SIC PENS I I El I ,, F1’k~M~ ; LB BSKT. ~ M. 1~ fl 0.’ I t..’ M,J 1.,,, N,,. x,_,_, FRESh GREEN ~1IS WITH THIS CoUPON Old _____________ I GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS : S. OIT0PSTAMPS VALUE! U U L SI U ~ WI? H TNO C ourOld Old ANY 69. CREME tilE LAYER CAKE I~. ~,y..,.,o.Ar I.)~ )‘‘ 21. V.1.4 -I ~ ,~., S~’. I,. 0.i S t ~fl -. fl? ,~D1 U U ~ :~‘ioP STAMPS VALWE WITH THIS COUPON CINDY LIQUID DETERGENT ~.i!s o~,5-, ).. 2’, fl? ,‘ K..g.. O.~ I En, ‘‘c~ THIS COUPON Old 2PKGS FRYER pAwr:W 7 POASJ’IHG CHICKENS ‘.i.d ,~,, S.~., )‘. fl fl? ,IK’~q~,O•ftF~“1~ d~ S I U U A 1°A~f~ WITH THIS COUPON O~d ?-PKG OF 2 CENTER CUT HAM SLICES V_l.A ,.~... .‘‘ V .. I U I U I..— 1.. 2’. in’ 0.1 A E.,’ M!d, TOP STAMPS’ VALU~ ! ~ I I U QUART BOTTLE ;~cTop STAMPS VALUE’ ,.. - I 2 PKGS Cur-UP r~YEqI i~6i .,‘M.’ U U I I U ANY T’O PKG5 KROGER SPICES U U U 2 Lyon S 5 w~F H rHIS COUPON ON ANY T*V ~OZ Wi P!(G5 COUNTRY CLUB LUNCHEON MEATS ~~I!d ,L,, ~ J.. ‘9 fl’ _. — U U U
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