מבנית לתכן מערכות גמישות לחקלאות ים פתוח

16.02.17 '‫ שתתקיי ביו ה‬,‫ת להרצאה סמינריונית של הפקולטה להנדסת מכונות‬/‫הנ מוזמ‬
.14:30 , 1 ‫ אודיטוריו‬,0 ‫ קומה‬,‫קאה‬%‫ בניי ד‬,(‫ תשע"ז‬,‫)כ' בשבט‬
')‫מיכאל מילי‬
‫פרופ"ח נתאי דרימר‬
:‫על הנושא‬
‫אנליזה הידרודינמיתמבנית לתכ מערכות גמישות לחקלאות י פתוח‬
Hydrodynamic-Structural Analysis for the Design of Flexible Systems
for Open Sea Aquaculture
The seminar will be given in Hebrew
:‫להל תקציר ההרצאה‬
The aquaculture sector is one of the most rapidly developing and promising sectors of the food
industry. Various studies showed that offshore aquaculture provides better return on investment
having lower mortality rate and better quality of the fish.
However, due to high waves typical for open sea, the popular design for fish farms for sheltered
water cannot survive open sea conditions. In order to move offshore, new designs with the ability to
reduce the wave loads are needed. One of the most promising concepts, from structural and
hydrodynamic aspects, is a flexible, submerged, Single Point Mooring (SPM) system. Due to
hydrostatic pressure, which compresses the volume of the components, the submerging is unstable
and has to be addressed as a part of the structure design. A possible solution for the stabilization is
by installing chains at the bottom of the structure, which are placed on the seabed while submerging
the system. Such a solution is dependent on the ocean floor depth, restraining the move further
offshore and restricting potential areas.
In the current work, we used the commercial finite elements software AQUASIM, specialized in
flexible structures at sea for hydrodynamic and structural analysis for the design the new generation
of flexible SPM submersible system for offshore aquaculture. One of the new aspects that we
examine is a new solution for the stabilization – flexible pipes that remains at surface. Such a solution
does not depend on the depth of the seabed. The analysis focuses on the structural integrity, structural
stability and volume keeping of the cages, which is essential in order to decrease fish mortality rate.
Furthermore, we compared the FE analysis to a simplified formulation of loads and discussed the
optimization of the cages and submerging of the structure.
‫פרופ"מ שמואל אוסובסקי‬
‫מרכז הסמינרי‬